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Kent 18-04-2005 02:24 AM

Char-Broil Quickset Charcoal Smoker compared to Silver Smoker?
Has anyone experience with the Char-Broil Quickset Charcoal Smoker? It looks
a smaller copy of the Char-Broil silver smoker that they inherited when they
bought NB.
Does the Char-Broil Silver Smoker have the same construction as the old
NBBD? Grate, paint, steel, etc.

[email protected] 18-04-2005 03:56 PM

Kent wrote:
> Has anyone experience with the Char-Broil Quickset Charcoal Smoker?

It looks
> like
> a smaller copy of the Char-Broil silver smoker that they inherited

when they
> bought NB.

Sorry, the Quickset Charcoal Smoker is a creation of Charbroil. NB
(when it still was made in NB, Texas) never made any such monster.

I don't have any experience with the Quickset Charcoal Smoker but, I
did check it out last year. IMHO, looks very much like two Charbroil
grills (gas) fixed together.

I've only seen it at Wal-Mart which might explain it's origins. I think
it's a less than ideal design for an offset pit. When you open either
section all the heat/smoke looks like it would escape like a grill. At
least with the Silver Smoker you have some of the heat maintained.

> Does the Char-Broil Silver Smoker have the same construction as the

> NBBD? Grate, paint, steel, etc.

The CharBroil Silver Smoker (found @: is like the NBBD but, it's
A LOT more like the NBSS.and (

All of these models share a common design but, I can't vouch for what
Charbroil has done to the NB models since closing the plant and moving
production overseas and to Georgia, USA.

( 5809e3)

Even my model (produced in the Texas factory) shares a lot of
components (grates, wheels, hardware) with the current Silver Smoker.

If I were deciding between the (Char-Broil Quickset Charcoal Smoker or
Silver Smoker), my advice would be to buy the Chabroil Silver Smoker.


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