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Jonathan Lundell 23-10-2003 07:12 AM

Safeway, Half Moon Bay, CA.

Not bad....

Grafix8888 24-10-2003 02:48 AM

<< Safeway, Half Moon Bay, CA.

Not bad.... >>

Must go out and get some tomorrow

Can't wait for the first post on how this years SNCA is not nearly as
hoppy/malty/balanced/aggressive/etc. as 2002 SNCA.


Jonathan Lundell 24-10-2003 05:35 AM

In article >,
(Grafix8888) wrote:

> << Safeway, Half Moon Bay, CA.
> Not bad.... >>
> Must go out and get some tomorrow
> Can't wait for the first post on how this years SNCA is not nearly as
> hoppy/malty/balanced/aggressive/etc. as 2002 SNCA.
> mike

Oh, did I forget to mention that? How careless of me!

Actually, this seems like a pretty good one. Though to my taste, the
best IPA in bottles these day's is AVBC's Hop Ottin. On tap, they're
edged out by Speakeasy's Big Daddy, but Speakeasy hasn't figured out how
to get BD into bottles intact.

plutchak joel peter 24-10-2003 05:23 PM

In article >,
Grafix8888 > wrote:
><< Safeway, Half Moon Bay, CA.
>Not bad.... >>
>Must go out and get some tomorrow
>Can't wait for the first post on how this years SNCA is not nearly as
>hoppy/malty/balanced/aggressive/etc. as 2002 SNCA.

Ayup. If all those yearly reports on how it's not a shadow
of the previous years version were true, it'd be canoe beer
by now.
Joel Plutchak <plutchak@[...]> | Boneyard Union of Zymurgical Zealots

"I don't like beer. I tried it once and thought it was terrible."
- Overheard at a restaurant

Bill Benzel 24-10-2003 06:02 PM

plutchak joel peter ) wrote:
: Ayup. If all those yearly reports on how it's not a shadow
: of the previous years version were true, it'd be canoe beer
: by now.

"canoe beer" ?????

What the hell is that???


reply to sirwill1 AT same domain as above

Dan Iwerks 24-10-2003 06:23 PM

(plutchak joel peter) wrote in news:vtbmb.971$_U.13027

> In article >,
> Grafix8888 > wrote:
>><< Safeway, Half Moon Bay, CA.
>>Not bad.... >>
>>Must go out and get some tomorrow
>>Can't wait for the first post on how this years SNCA is not nearly as
>>hoppy/malty/balanced/aggressive/etc. as 2002 SNCA.

> Ayup. If all those yearly reports on how it's not a shadow
> of the previous years version were true, it'd be canoe beer
> by now.

Bigfoot isn't out yet, but can I jump the gun and start talking about how
it's nowhere near as good as last year?

Oh, and SNCA 2008 just sucks. The 2006 was much better.
************************************************** ***************
Dan Iwerks thinks that the beer you're drinking probably sucks.
The fundamental problem with Solipsism is it makes me
responsible for the fact that you're a complete idiot.
************************************************** ***************

dave kelley 24-10-2003 06:51 PM

In article >,
Jonathan Lundell > wrote:

> Safeway, Half Moon Bay, CA.
> Not bad....

At HEB/Central Market in Austin, TX, too. Will be enjoying my first this


[email protected] 24-10-2003 08:18 PM

On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 20:35:43 -0700, Jonathan Lundell
> wrote:

>Actually, this seems like a pretty good one. Though to my taste, the
>best IPA in bottles these day's is AVBC's Hop Ottin.

Can't wait to get my hands on SNCA. I'm surprised you pick Hop Ottin
as best IPA. I've had a lot of it and it *is* good but not very hoppy
compared to other IPAs. I guess your tastes are more toward an
'English/Classic' IPA vs 'American' IPA?

Steve Jackson 24-10-2003 09:35 PM

"Bill Benzel" > wrote in message

> "canoe beer" ?????
> What the hell is that???

It's sold as cheap cologne in drug stores.


Steve Jackson 24-10-2003 09:35 PM

"Dan Iwerks" <dan_iwerksatyahoodottcom> wrote in message

> Oh, and SNCA 2008 just sucks. The 2006 was much better.

Dammit, you stole my joke.


Garry Simmons 25-10-2003 12:10 AM


"Bill Benzel" > wrote in message
> plutchak joel peter ) wrote:
> :
> : Ayup. If all those yearly reports on how it's not a shadow
> : of the previous years version were true, it'd be canoe beer
> : by now.
> "canoe beer" ?????
> What the hell is that???

A reference to it being similar to having sex in a canoe.....

Wait for it......

"****ing close to water" :-) :-)


Garry Simmons 25-10-2003 12:14 AM

SNCA has landed in western PA. Bought a case last night and am drinking one
as I type. A fine brew... I'll be buying at least two more cases.

Between SNCA and my homebrew Imperial IPA (just kegged), I should be good
for the holidays. The homebrew is actually closer to a barleywine I guess
(not as much hop-smack as hoped for), but it'll hold me until Bigfoot comes
out. Of course I still have a case of 2002 and case of 2003 in my beer
cellar next to vintage John Hardy and Samiclaus for a bit of variety...


Randal Chapman 03-11-2003 11:01 PM

dave kelley > wrote in message >.. .
> In article >,
> Jonathan Lundell > wrote:
> > Safeway, Half Moon Bay, CA.
> >
> > Not bad....

> At HEB/Central Market in Austin, TX, too. Will be enjoying my first this
> afternoon.

Why why why isn't it available in Dallas yet then? The Central Market
here said it wouldn't be in for another week or so...


Lew Bryson 03-11-2003 11:29 PM

"Randal Chapman" > wrote in message
> Why why why isn't it available in Dallas yet then? The Central Market
> here said it wouldn't be in for another week or so...

I got some a week ago in Lancaster, PA, at the Blue Star. Mighty damned
tasty, boys.

Lew Bryson
Author of "New York Breweries" and "Pennsylvania Breweries," 2nd ed., both
available at <>
The Hotmail address on this post is for newsgroups only: I don't check it,
or respond to it. Spam away.

dave kelley 05-11-2003 05:48 PM

In article >,
(Randal Chapman) wrote:

> > At HEB/Central Market in Austin, TX, too. Will be enjoying my first this
> > afternoon.

> Why why why isn't it available in Dallas yet then? The Central Market
> here said it wouldn't be in for another week or so...

That is weird. I literally went slack-jawed when I spotted the first
display I'd seen in Austin at the HEB in Bee Cave, of all places, a full
two weeks ago.

I have a bottle each of the '00, '02 and now '03 set aside for a
vertical one of these days. I'd really like to find an '01 - if
anybody's willing to sell or trade something, feel free to email through
the link below.



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