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Thomas Jedenfelt 08-11-2003 09:20 AM

How to serve Sam Adams Boston Ale?
Tyresö, 08-nov-2003

Hello all,

How do I best serve the Sam Adams Boston Ale (stock ale),
from the The Boston Beer Company?

I am not an experienced beer drinker/taster.

Thanks and regards
Thomas Jedenfelt
Tyresö (Stockholm, Sweden)

I sent this question to on 31-Oct-2003,
but they have not yet replied.

Oh, Guess 08-11-2003 09:55 PM

How to serve Sam Adams Boston Ale?
On 8 Nov 2003 00:20:16 -0800, (Thomas
Jedenfelt) wrote:

>How do I best serve the Sam Adams Boston Ale (stock ale),
>from the The Boston Beer Company?

How do you serve most beers? Typical American style is to serve this
beer fresh from the cooler (refrigerator), but not ice-cold, at 7 to
10 degrees (Celsius). I'd pour it into a room-temperature glass.

>I am not an experienced beer drinker/taster.

There's only one way to change that. As a start, perhaps visits to
some of Stockholm's better beer places would be in order: Gamla
Stans Byggeri, Akkurat, and the like. You have a fair choice of
beers at the Systembolaget's better "Bier Butik" shops too, yes?
I'm guessing that's where you got the SABA in the first place.

You might also want to look up your branch of Svenska Ölfrämjandet.
See for more.
Nobody You Know

Thomas Jedenfelt 09-11-2003 10:25 AM

How to serve Sam Adams Boston Ale?
Hej (Oh, Guess),

Thanks for your tip on how to serve the Boston Ale.

I got an E-mail from a guy who suggested this Web site:
The site has a short movie showing how to pour beer!

Thanks also for suggesting Stockholm's better beer places,
and for the link to Svenska Ölfrämjandet (~The Swedish
Fellowship of Beer).

Of course I bought SABA (Sam Adams Boston Ale) in
Systembolaget's shops. I'm no criminal! [smile]

Thomas Jedenfelt
Tyresö (Stockholm, Sweden)

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