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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Westvleteren

my fellow beer lovers swear this is the best trappist ever made. since i
[and my partner] love trappist it's inevitable we must make that trip down
south [210km] and get a few of these from the monastery one of these days.
they no longer sell it to the shops, you see. my current trappist
favourites are Rochefort 8 and Gouden Carolus. yours?

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Douglas W. Hoyt
Posts: n/a

<<<<> they no longer sell it to the shops, you see. my current trappist
favourites are Rochefort 8 and Gouden Carolus. yours?

I spent a night in Utrecht this August, since there was a reasonable hotel
right across from the railway station. In town (and it's a very nice town)
there was not only a pub that sold Westvleteren (at 5 Euro the bottle), but
a beer shoppe that carried the Westvleteren Blonde, 10, and 12 in the upper
2 Euro range. Down the street by the canal there was another pub that was
having a beer festival, with a couple dozen Belgians on hand, including
Westvleteren in the bottle. I know it is SUPPOSED to be the best beer I
ever had, but it still does genuinely seem to BE the best beer I ever had,
particularly the 12 (the blonde is o.k.--but for a bright, strong, hoppy
beer I like Piraat better). The 10 was not only malty and caramelly rich,
but the hops were big to boot--why aren't all beers as big as this?

I bought a couple extra bottles, and they are now in my fridge here in
Madison. Tomorrow is my father's birthday, so I'll open one of them with

Next summer when I go to Europe, I might have to spend another night in

P.S. I also really like Rochefort 10, Orval, the Tripel style, and
anything that is bright, big-flavored, strong in proof, yeasty, and/or hoppy
(at least 3 out of the 5 adjectives necessary).

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In article >, FujiGirl
> wrote:

> my fellow beer lovers swear this is the best trappist ever made. since i
> [and my partner] love trappist it's inevitable we must make that trip down
> south [210km] and get a few of these from the monastery one of these days.
> they no longer sell it to the shops, you see. my current trappist
> favourites are Rochefort 8 and Gouden Carolus. yours?

I am in the US and have not seen any Westvleteren...(there is a store
in Florida that has it sometimes and I will be checking that store out

My favorite Trappist beer, and favorite of any beer I have tried, is
Orval. (To properly enjoy Orval one must let it warm up a bit after
being taken from the fridge, this brings out the banana flavors)

There is also a great ber from Germany that is similar to some of the
Trappist ales even though its not, is the stornger version of Aventinus
called Aventinus Eisbock, a great concentrated Double Wheat Bock....if
one likes a good trappist ale they will love Aventinus eisbock, if they
can find it. i just had a bottle the other day for the first time, and
it's heaven on earth.
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Steve Jackson
Posts: n/a

"FujiGirl" > wrote in message

> my fellow beer lovers swear this is the best trappist ever made. since i
> [and my partner] love trappist it's inevitable we must make that trip down
> south [210km] and get a few of these from the monastery one of these days.
> they no longer sell it to the shops, you see. my current trappist
> favourites are Rochefort 8 and Gouden Carolus. yours?

I love the Rochefort 8. IMO, Westvleteren is even better. Astoundingly
complex, gorgeously balanced, a truly astounding beer. Not to take any
credit away from the Rochefort 8, but the Westy is just a notch above, at
least for me.


  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Steve Jackson
Posts: n/a

"Douglas W. Hoyt" > wrote in message

> The 10 was not only malty and caramelly rich,
> but the hops were big to boot--why aren't all beers as big as this?

Because it would be boring as hell if all beers were that big. And everyone
would be falling down drunk. I like variety, and I also like being able to
enjoy a few beers without losing my ability to be coordinated. I'd drink a
lot less beer if they were all that big. Partly out of practicalily, more so
out of sheer boredom.


  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Steve Jackson
Posts: n/a

"zeno" > wrote in message

> ....if
> one likes a good trappist ale they will love Aventinus eisbock,

Eh, I wouldn't go that far. I love a good Trappist ale. Aventinus of any
variety just doesn't do it for me. I know I'm in a huge minority on that
point, but the character of weizen yeast doesn't work for me along with big
malty flavors. I don't like even plain dunkelweizen because of that.

And I don't necessarily see a lot of similarity between Trappist beers and
weizensbocks. Both can be very complex, but the yeast characters are so
extremely different.


  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Steve Jackson
Posts: n/a

"zeno" > wrote in message

> ....if
> one likes a good trappist ale they will love Aventinus eisbock,

Eh, I wouldn't go that far. I love a good Trappist ale. Aventinus of any
variety just doesn't do it for me. I know I'm in a huge minority on that
point, but the character of weizen yeast doesn't work for me along with big
malty flavors. I don't like even plain dunkelweizen because of that.

And I don't necessarily see a lot of similarity between Trappist beers and
weizensbocks. Both can be very complex, but the yeast characters are so
extremely different.


  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Douglas W. Hoyt
Posts: n/a

>>>>--why aren't all beers as big as this?
>>> Because it would be boring as hell if all beers were that big.


Then why aren't at least 3% of all beers that big.

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Douglas W. Hoyt
Posts: n/a

>>>>> Eh, I wouldn't go that far. I love a good Trappist ale. Aventinus of
any variety just doesn't do it for me.

Aventinus and the Schneider eisbock (as well as the sumptious Kulmbacher
dunkel eisbock) aren't in the same flavor-compexity league of tripels and
the Westvleterens. I like weizenbocks and doppelbocks--and I'm even lucky
enough to have some fresh U.S. domestic variations in the fridge thanks to
Capitol brewery--but I think you are right that they don't have the same
massive waves of richness and gothic cathedral spirals of spicy yeasty
aromatic complexity that the great Belgians do.

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Douglas W. Hoyt
Posts: n/a

>>>>> Eh, I wouldn't go that far. I love a good Trappist ale. Aventinus of
any variety just doesn't do it for me.

Aventinus and the Schneider eisbock (as well as the sumptious Kulmbacher
dunkel eisbock) aren't in the same flavor-compexity league of tripels and
the Westvleterens. I like weizenbocks and doppelbocks--and I'm even lucky
enough to have some fresh U.S. domestic variations in the fridge thanks to
Capitol brewery--but I think you are right that they don't have the same
massive waves of richness and gothic cathedral spirals of spicy yeasty
aromatic complexity that the great Belgians do.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In article >,
"FujiGirl" > wrote:

> my fellow beer lovers swear this is the best trappist ever made. since i
> [and my partner] love trappist it's inevitable we must make that trip down
> south [210km] and get a few of these from the monastery one of these days.
> they no longer sell it to the shops, you see. my current trappist
> favourites are Rochefort 8 and Gouden Carolus. yours?

Lovely beers all, though Gouden Carolus is brewed by Het Anker in
Mechelen and is in no way a Trappist beer.

No one has yet mentioned beers from de Achelse Kluis, the "newest"
Trappist (their brewing was interrupted by WWI and only resumed in the
late 1990s). Although their first beers were "works in progress", they
have lately been brewing some lovely beers. Last winter, they made a
beer called "de Drie Wijzen" that quite successfully put them on a par
with some of the other Trappists. From what I have read, the monastary
hired the retired head monk/brewer from Westmalle, which is practically
down the road from Achel, who then hired/consulted with his counterpart
from the abbey in Rochefort.

Lately, here in Amsterdam, several beer places have begun offering a
more varied selections of German beers. While not the same style as the
Belgian Trappists, some of the more complex beers from Andechs and
Ettaler -- both German monastaries -- are absolutely delicious in their
own right, and though a different style are no less enjoyable.

If you like the rich, full tastes of the Belgian Trappists, you might
also enjoy the Christmas/Winter beer festival in Essen, Belgium this
December. You can read about this special tenth-anniversary festival at

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In article >,
"FujiGirl" > wrote:

> my fellow beer lovers swear this is the best trappist ever made. since i
> [and my partner] love trappist it's inevitable we must make that trip down
> south [210km] and get a few of these from the monastery one of these days.
> they no longer sell it to the shops, you see. my current trappist
> favourites are Rochefort 8 and Gouden Carolus. yours?

Lovely beers all, though Gouden Carolus is brewed by Het Anker in
Mechelen and is in no way a Trappist beer.

No one has yet mentioned beers from de Achelse Kluis, the "newest"
Trappist (their brewing was interrupted by WWI and only resumed in the
late 1990s). Although their first beers were "works in progress", they
have lately been brewing some lovely beers. Last winter, they made a
beer called "de Drie Wijzen" that quite successfully put them on a par
with some of the other Trappists. From what I have read, the monastary
hired the retired head monk/brewer from Westmalle, which is practically
down the road from Achel, who then hired/consulted with his counterpart
from the abbey in Rochefort.

Lately, here in Amsterdam, several beer places have begun offering a
more varied selections of German beers. While not the same style as the
Belgian Trappists, some of the more complex beers from Andechs and
Ettaler -- both German monastaries -- are absolutely delicious in their
own right, and though a different style are no less enjoyable.

If you like the rich, full tastes of the Belgian Trappists, you might
also enjoy the Christmas/Winter beer festival in Essen, Belgium this
December. You can read about this special tenth-anniversary festival at

  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Mike Roebuck
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 15:55:17 +0200, "M.Berger" > wrote:

>Lately, here in Amsterdam, several beer places have begun offering a
>more varied selections of German beers. While not the same style as the
>Belgian Trappists, some of the more complex beers from Andechs and
>Ettaler -- both German monastaries -- are absolutely delicious in their
>own right, and though a different style are no less enjoyable.

As I understand it, the monks at Andechs have gone bankrupt and
stopped brewing.

It was a sad day indeed when that happened.




  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Mike Roebuck
Posts: n/a

On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 22:33:55 +0200, "FujiGirl"
> wrote:

>my fellow beer lovers swear this is the best trappist ever made. since i
>[and my partner] love trappist it's inevitable we must make that trip down
>south [210km] and get a few of these from the monastery one of these days.
>they no longer sell it to the shops, you see. my current trappist
>favourites are Rochefort 8 and Gouden Carolus. yours?

Westvleteren only sell direct, at the door of the monastery. You can
have a mximum of two cases, and that's it (unless things have changed

Plenty of pubs in Belgium (and distributors too, it seems) make the
trip on a regular basis, so the beer is reasonably widely available.
I've certainly never had any problem finding it in Antwerp, for




  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Mike Roebuck
Posts: n/a

On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 22:33:55 +0200, "FujiGirl"
> wrote:

>my fellow beer lovers swear this is the best trappist ever made. since i
>[and my partner] love trappist it's inevitable we must make that trip down
>south [210km] and get a few of these from the monastery one of these days.
>they no longer sell it to the shops, you see. my current trappist
>favourites are Rochefort 8 and Gouden Carolus. yours?

Westvleteren only sell direct, at the door of the monastery. You can
have a mximum of two cases, and that's it (unless things have changed

Plenty of pubs in Belgium (and distributors too, it seems) make the
trip on a regular basis, so the beer is reasonably widely available.
I've certainly never had any problem finding it in Antwerp, for





  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Lew Bryson
Posts: n/a

"Mike Roebuck" > wrote in message
> As I understand it, the monks at Andechs have gone bankrupt and
> stopped brewing.
> It was a sad day indeed when that happened.

HUH? When the hell did this happen?

Lew Bryson
Author of "New York Breweries" and "Pennsylvania Breweries," 2nd ed., both
available at <>
The Hotmail address on this post is for newsgroups only: I don't check it,
or respond to it. Spam away.

  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Lew Bryson
Posts: n/a

"Mike Roebuck" > wrote in message
> As I understand it, the monks at Andechs have gone bankrupt and
> stopped brewing.
> It was a sad day indeed when that happened.

HUH? When the hell did this happen?

Lew Bryson
Author of "New York Breweries" and "Pennsylvania Breweries," 2nd ed., both
available at <>
The Hotmail address on this post is for newsgroups only: I don't check it,
or respond to it. Spam away.

  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Lew Bryson
Posts: n/a

"Mike Roebuck" > wrote in message
> As I understand it, the monks at Andechs have gone bankrupt and
> stopped brewing.
> It was a sad day indeed when that happened.

No mention of this on their website, and it's looking pretty up to date.
Damn, man, you got me all nervous!

Lew Bryson
"If developers intentionally built communities without local gathering
places and good sidewalks leading to them from every home, and did so for
the purpose of inhibiting the political processes of the society, we would
call it treason. Is the result any less negative without the intent?" -- Ray
Oldenburg, "The Great Good Place"
Author of the UPCOMING book "New York Breweries," and "Pennsylvania
Breweries," 2nd ed., available at

  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Douglas W. Hoyt
Posts: n/a

>>>>> > It was a sad day indeed when that happened.
>> HUH? When the hell did this happen?

The website says that you can tour the brewery tomorrow (Sept. 12th)

Dauer 30 min; max. 40 Pers.; 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 14.15, 15.15, 16.15; keine
Kosten; Treffpunkt: In der Klosterbrauerei zwischen Lagerhalle und Sudhaus

Maybe one of us should go just to check it out!

  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
Douglas W. Hoyt
Posts: n/a

>>>>> > It was a sad day indeed when that happened.
>> HUH? When the hell did this happen?

The website says that you can tour the brewery tomorrow (Sept. 12th)

Dauer 30 min; max. 40 Pers.; 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 14.15, 15.15, 16.15; keine
Kosten; Treffpunkt: In der Klosterbrauerei zwischen Lagerhalle und Sudhaus

Maybe one of us should go just to check it out!

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Douglas W. Hoyt
Posts: n/a

>>>>> > It was a sad day indeed when that happened.
>> HUH? When the hell did this happen?

The website says that you can tour the brewery tomorrow (Sept. 12th)

Dauer 30 min; max. 40 Pers.; 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 14.15, 15.15, 16.15; keine
Kosten; Treffpunkt: In der Klosterbrauerei zwischen Lagerhalle und Sudhaus

Maybe one of us should go just to check it out!

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
Steve Jackson
Posts: n/a

"Mike Roebuck" > wrote in message

> Westvleteren only sell direct, at the door of the monastery. You can
> have a mximum of two cases, and that's it (unless things have changed
> recently).

Things changed, and not all that recently. As long ago as 2000 or 2001, I
was buying Westvleteren in Chicago. I bought some in Portland a month ago.
It is imported into the States, although it's not like it's here in
overwhelming numbers.


  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
Mike Roebuck
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 12 Sep 2004 02:26:54 GMT, "Lew Bryson"
> wrote:

>"Mike Roebuck" > wrote in message
>> As I understand it, the monks at Andechs have gone bankrupt and
>> stopped brewing.
>> It was a sad day indeed when that happened.

>HUH? When the hell did this happen?

A friend of mine who lives in Germany told me about it around 3 weeks
ago. I assume he got it from the German press.

I'll check with him again




  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
Mike Roebuck
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 22:13:02 -0700, "Steve Jackson"
> wrote:

>"Mike Roebuck" > wrote in message
.. .
>> Westvleteren only sell direct, at the door of the monastery. You can
>> have a mximum of two cases, and that's it (unless things have changed
>> recently).

>Things changed, and not all that recently. As long ago as 2000 or 2001, I
>was buying Westvleteren in Chicago. I bought some in Portland a month ago.
>It is imported into the States, although it's not like it's here in
>overwhelming numbers.

Yes, but is this being supplied by a distributor who visits the
brewery daily?

I got my information by the manager of a pub in Antwerp, about 3 years




  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In article >,
"Joris Pattyn" > wrote:

> "
> > If you like the rich, full tastes of the Belgian Trappists, you might
> > also enjoy the Christmas/Winter beer festival in Essen, Belgium this
> > December. You can read about this special tenth-anniversary festival at
> >
> >

> Will you attend the festival? We might meet on Saturday, maybe?
> Joris

Well, I don't know if you are referring to me, but I am a member of OBER
and expect to be one of the servers at the bar at the festival on


  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
Mohawk Brewing
Posts: n/a

Here is where I get to enjoy a lot of my favorites without the 8+ travel

"FujiGirl" > wrote in message
> my fellow beer lovers swear this is the best trappist ever made. since i
> [and my partner] love trappist it's inevitable we must make that trip down
> south [210km] and get a few of these from the monastery one of these days.
> they no longer sell it to the shops, you see. my current trappist
> favourites are Rochefort 8 and Gouden Carolus. yours?

  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
Mohawk Brewing
Posts: n/a

Here is where I get to enjoy a lot of my favorites without the 8+ travel

"FujiGirl" > wrote in message
> my fellow beer lovers swear this is the best trappist ever made. since i
> [and my partner] love trappist it's inevitable we must make that trip down
> south [210km] and get a few of these from the monastery one of these days.
> they no longer sell it to the shops, you see. my current trappist
> favourites are Rochefort 8 and Gouden Carolus. yours?

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
Joris Pattyn
Posts: n/a

"M.Berger" > schreef in bericht
> In article >,
> "Joris Pattyn" > wrote:
> > "
> > > If you like the rich, full tastes of the Belgian Trappists, you might
> > > also enjoy the Christmas/Winter beer festival in Essen, Belgium this
> > > December. You can read about this special tenth-anniversary festival

> > >
> > >

> > Will you attend the festival? We might meet on Saturday, maybe?
> > Joris

> Well, I don't know if you are referring to me, but I am a member of OBER
> and expect to be one of the servers at the bar at the festival on
> Saturday.

I know quite some people from OBER - but not you, it seems. So we will meet.
Cheers, Joris

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
Steve Jackson
Posts: n/a

"Nick Dempsey" > wrote in message

> I feel like I'm tripping over the stuff, but that's what being spoiled
> and living in Chicago is like anymore. Still, I can't justify spending
> upwards of ten bucks for 300mL when I can get a 750mL bottle of
> Bernardus 12 for about the same price.

Quality over quantity, my friend.

Yeah, the Westy's a bit dear in price in the States. I wouldn't buy it every
day, but it's definitely worth the occasional splurge. I just wish it were
out here in LA. At least I can get Rochefort.


  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
Steve Jackson
Posts: n/a

"Mike Roebuck" > wrote in message

> Yes, but is this being supplied by a distributor who visits the
> brewery daily?

Not sure of the mechanics of the distribution. Suffice to say, they're
probably getting a bit more than two cases if they're going to ship it

We have several Belgians who post here regularly. Anyone know if
Westvleteren has liberalized and expanded their distribution?


  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
Lew Bryson
Posts: n/a

"Douglas W. Hoyt" > wrote in message
> The website says that you can tour the brewery tomorrow (Sept. 12th)
> Maybe one of us should go just to check it out!

Ah like the way you think, pardner!

Lew Bryson

Their clothes are weird, their music sucks and they drink
malternatives. And now you tell me they probably don't think Sierra
Nevada is cool? This is what the passage of years does to you: It
makes everyone around you more stupid. -- Michael Stewart 6/24/02

  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
Lew Bryson
Posts: n/a

"Douglas W. Hoyt" > wrote in message
> The website says that you can tour the brewery tomorrow (Sept. 12th)
> Maybe one of us should go just to check it out!

Ah like the way you think, pardner!

Lew Bryson

Their clothes are weird, their music sucks and they drink
malternatives. And now you tell me they probably don't think Sierra
Nevada is cool? This is what the passage of years does to you: It
makes everyone around you more stupid. -- Michael Stewart 6/24/02

  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
Douglas W. Hoyt
Posts: n/a

>>>>I can get a 750mL bottle of Bernardus 12 for about the same price.
>>> Quality over quantity, my friend.

The St. Bernardus 12 is only $6.30 for a 750ml bottle here in Madison, WI.
I had the St. Bernardus 8 on draught in Amsterdam a year ago, and it was
wonderfully fruity and yeasty, but when I had the 12 on draught in Milwaukee
a few months ago it wasn't as satisfying. I had the 12 yesterday from
bottle and I can't say I enjoyed it that much either. The hops were big,
but not all that enchanting, and there was not a lot else going on. I'll
have to try the 8 again in the big bottle!

  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In article <ZA_0d.191811$Lj.49007@fed1read03>, Steve Jackson
> wrote:

> "Mike Roebuck" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Yes, but is this being supplied by a distributor who visits the
> > brewery daily?

> Not sure of the mechanics of the distribution. Suffice to say, they're
> probably getting a bit more than two cases if they're going to ship it
> overseas.
> We have several Belgians who post here regularly. Anyone know if
> Westvleteren has liberalized and expanded their distribution?
> -Steve

Their website now says the limit is 10 cases.
  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
Filip Geerts
Posts: n/a

> Their website now says the limit is 10 cases.

Where did you find that small, but so interesting and brand new info ?
The exact URL please !

Westvleteren Trappist is only sold to individual customers. Every customer
promises not to sell the beer to others.
One can drink the beer in the meeting centre 'De Vrede', in front of the
abbey. In this room visitors are informed about the brewery and the brewing


Filip Geerts / ICQ#: 26619207
City: Brugge Belgium Europe
Forum Belgian Beer Board:

  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Filip Geerts schreef:
>>Their website now says the limit is 10 cases.

> Where did you find that small, but so interesting and brand new info ?
> The exact URL please !
> BTW:
> Westvleteren Trappist is only sold to individual customers. Every customer
> promises not to sell the beer to others.
> One can drink the beer in the meeting centre 'De Vrede', in front of the
> abbey. In this room visitors are informed about the brewery and the brewing
> process.
> Cheers,

Yeah, can't find that info on the site at all! I was almost starting to
organize a bigger car for my next trip...
  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Filip Geerts schreef:
>>Their website now says the limit is 10 cases.

> Where did you find that small, but so interesting and brand new info ?
> The exact URL please !
> BTW:
> Westvleteren Trappist is only sold to individual customers. Every customer
> promises not to sell the beer to others.
> One can drink the beer in the meeting centre 'De Vrede', in front of the
> abbey. In this room visitors are informed about the brewery and the brewing
> process.
> Cheers,

Yeah, can't find that info on the site at all! I was almost starting to
organize a bigger car for my next trip...
  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"M.Berger" > wrote in message >

> Lovely beers all, though Gouden Carolus is brewed by Het Anker in
> Mechelen and is in no way a Trappist beer.

i know about Gouden Carolus not being trappist. was talking about favourite
beers in general. last time i was in Belgium i gave Mechelen a miss, then
later i discovered GC tripel. Mechelen is on my itinerary now!

btw, i quite like Bierkoning in Ams [was there a few weeks ago and picked up
my first Einbecker Ur Bock].

groetjes uit Brabant

  #39 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Douglas W. Hoyt" > wrote in message

> I spent a night in Utrecht this August, since there was a reasonable hotel
> right across from the railway station. In town (and it's a very nice
> town)
> there was not only a pub that sold Westvleteren (at 5 Euro the bottle),
> but
> a beer shoppe that carried the Westvleteren Blonde, 10, and 12 in the
> upper
> 2 Euro range. Down the street by the canal there was another pub that
> was
> having a beer festival, with a couple dozen Belgians on hand, including
> Westvleteren in the bottle. I know it is SUPPOSED to be the best beer I
> ever had, but it still does genuinely seem to BE the best beer I ever
> had,
> particularly the 12 (the blonde is o.k.--but for a bright, strong, hoppy
> beer I like Piraat better). The 10 was not only malty and caramelly
> rich,
> but the hops were big to boot--why aren't all beers as big as this?
> I bought a couple extra bottles, and they are now in my fridge here in
> Madison. Tomorrow is my father's birthday, so I'll open one of them with
> him.
> Next summer when I go to Europe, I might have to spend another night in
> Utrecht.
> P.S. I also really like Rochefort 10, Orval, the Tripel style, and
> anything that is bright, big-flavored, strong in proof, yeasty, and/or
> hoppy
> (at least 3 out of the 5 adjectives necessary).

my boyfriend likes strong stuff too, occasionally we have Bush and other
13%. i like so many i can always go back and drink the old favourites again
and still love it. my first Orval was a bit strange...but i'm learning to
like it more and more.

anyone else like lambic? oh god, i know i know.......''it's a girrrrrrl's
beer", right?! current lambic fav is Timmerman's gueze. i
find many too sweet, especially kriek. i don't have a sweet tooth.

check out my beer album see if there's anything you like
i should really add more pics one of these days.

  #40 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Douglas W. Hoyt" > wrote in message

> I spent a night in Utrecht this August, since there was a reasonable hotel
> right across from the railway station. In town (and it's a very nice
> town)
> there was not only a pub that sold Westvleteren (at 5 Euro the bottle),
> but
> a beer shoppe that carried the Westvleteren Blonde, 10, and 12 in the
> upper
> 2 Euro range. Down the street by the canal there was another pub that
> was
> having a beer festival, with a couple dozen Belgians on hand, including
> Westvleteren in the bottle. I know it is SUPPOSED to be the best beer I
> ever had, but it still does genuinely seem to BE the best beer I ever
> had,
> particularly the 12 (the blonde is o.k.--but for a bright, strong, hoppy
> beer I like Piraat better). The 10 was not only malty and caramelly
> rich,
> but the hops were big to boot--why aren't all beers as big as this?
> I bought a couple extra bottles, and they are now in my fridge here in
> Madison. Tomorrow is my father's birthday, so I'll open one of them with
> him.
> Next summer when I go to Europe, I might have to spend another night in
> Utrecht.
> P.S. I also really like Rochefort 10, Orval, the Tripel style, and
> anything that is bright, big-flavored, strong in proof, yeasty, and/or
> hoppy
> (at least 3 out of the 5 adjectives necessary).

my boyfriend likes strong stuff too, occasionally we have Bush and other
13%. i like so many i can always go back and drink the old favourites again
and still love it. my first Orval was a bit strange...but i'm learning to
like it more and more.

anyone else like lambic? oh god, i know i know.......''it's a girrrrrrl's
beer", right?! current lambic fav is Timmerman's gueze. i
find many too sweet, especially kriek. i don't have a sweet tooth.

check out my beer album see if there's anything you like
i should really add more pics one of these days.

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