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E. Carl Speros 18-12-2004 07:42 PM

Guinness, MGB Light & calories??? Help

dgs 18-12-2004 09:51 PM

E. Carl Speros wrote:

> I love MGD Light & am shocked to find out that the heavy intense
> Guinness is only 5 calories more per 12 oz. bottle than my favorite
> brew.

I suppose Guinness might be considered "heavy" and "intense" to people
used to drinking bland light beer.

> What's the use of drinking a light beer if the calories are
> similar to a heavy full bodied beer?

You have way too many words in that question. It should have ended
at "light beer."

> Light indeed. Are there any decent
> tasting low cal beers on the market?

There are lots of decent tasting beers on the market. The key to
keeping it low-cal is to consume them in *moderation,* not to drink
flabby light-beer junk. You already answered your own question; dry
Irish stouts like Guinness are, in terms of calorie count, fairly
"low-cal." So, there's your decent-tasting low-cal beer. Drink up!

> I have long known about the low
> carb Atkins crap being purported for truth while people eat tons of fat
> & hard to process protein ruining their health in the process.

Except that that's not what the Atkins (or Eades or South Beach) stuff
is about. It's about dropping the intake of simple carbs down, thus
dropping blood sugar down too. The current take of all such diets is
to keep fat to a minimum, and consume high-quality protein and high-
fiber foods, particularly in the form of green vegetables.

> Both of
> my Drs. have warned me about this farce (look at what happened to
> Atkins.)

Yep. That diet of his caused his head to crack open when he slipped and
fell on an icy sidewalk.

Step away from the bong, dude.

> If I lived on eggs, hamburger etc. my cholesterol would soon do
> me in.

Peculiarly enough, that's not what low-carb diets have you do. But,
what the hell; relax in the safety of your own delusions. Also,
while dietary cholesterol is a contributor, the biggest factor in
cholesterol is genetics. I know skinny people on lean diets who have
crazy cholesterol counts. I know people with extra pounds who eat
pretty much whatever they want to - within reason - whose cholesterol
counts are considered healthy.

> Where can I get a decent tasting low calory beer.

You're looking for the wrong thing. Drink decent-tasting beers in
moderation. Quit worrying about the calorie count. Instead, look
for well-made beers that are relatively dry in character. Good
Pilsners, Irish stouts, that sort of thing. The dryness is usually
an indicator of thorough fermentation, which means fewer residual
sugars, which means not so many calories (and carbs, oddly enough).
In Germany, there is an entire segment of "diet Pilsners." These
are Pilsners that are well-attenuated, with reduced residual sugar
content. They're good (if you like Pilsners), if not quite so

> [...] E mail
> me if you know something drinkable yet low cal.

When you post on Usenet, you get a reply on Usenet. That's the way
it works. Doesn't work for you?

Oh, and while you're at it - lose the HTML-heavy .sig. Usenet is a
text-based medium, except in the binary newsgroups.

E. Carl Speros 18-12-2004 11:43 PM

E. Carl Speros 18-12-2004 11:43 PM

dgs 19-12-2004 12:13 AM

E. Carl Speros wrote:

> yadayadayada Smoke & mirrors I wasn't trying to start an argument &
> personal taste is just that. Dff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, don't
> ya know?

Whatever. Lose the HTML signature.


dgs 19-12-2004 12:13 AM

E. Carl Speros wrote:

> yadayadayada Smoke & mirrors I wasn't trying to start an argument &
> personal taste is just that. Dff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, don't
> ya know?

Whatever. Lose the HTML signature.


JC 27-12-2004 05:45 AM has a relatively up to date beer calorie section.

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