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PMadPGH 01-09-2005 04:26 PM

Since I've gotten mixed messages from Red Hook (they are, they aren't), does
anyone know if they are making Hoptoberfest this year?


Joel 01-09-2005 05:51 PM

PMadPGH > wrote:
>Since I've gotten mixed messages from Red Hook (they are, they aren't), does
>anyone know if they are making Hoptoberfest this year?

If the people who actually brew the beer don't know,
why would you trust the opinions of random USENET readers?
Joel Plutchak "It must be legal, the police are here taking
plutchak at [...] stuff, too." - A New Orleans looter, 30-Aug-2005

Randal 02-09-2005 04:47 PM

>>If the people who actually brew the beer don't know,
>>why would you trust the opinions of random USENET readers?

Hey! Hey! .... Hey!

I am not random!

Joel 02-09-2005 05:26 PM

Randal > wrote:
>>>If the people who actually brew the beer don't know,
>>>why would you trust the opinions of random USENET readers?

>Hey! Hey! .... Hey!
>I am not random!

RANDom... RANDal... coincidence?

On the original question, I say they're brewing
it. And if it turns out to not actually appear on
the market it's due to a slight shift in the business
plans of the Underpants Gnomes.

ObBeer: Last night I had a beer only described as
"Rogue Ale." It was light in color, average in
body and alcohol, and somewhat somewhat Wit-ily.
What was it?
Joel Plutchak "It must be legal, the police are here taking
plutchak at [...] stuff, too." - A New Orleans looter, 30-Aug-2005

Randal 06-09-2005 04:53 PM

>>ObBeer: Last night I had a beer only described as
>>"Rogue Ale." It was light in color, average in
>>body and alcohol, and somewhat somewhat Wit-ily.
>>What was it?

I think the Soba Ale fits that description pretty well...


Joel 06-09-2005 05:55 PM

Randal > wrote:
>>>ObBeer: Last night I had a beer only described as
>>>"Rogue Ale." It was light in color, average in
>>>body and alcohol, and somewhat somewhat Wit-ily.
>>>What was it?

>I think the Soba Ale fits that description pretty well...

I don't recall the Soba as being spiced (that first
"somewhat" up there was supposed to be "spiced). Now
I'm thinking it might have been their new Festivale,
which they call a Saison.
The first glass tasted good. By the time I got
around to a second glass after trying al sorts of
other, more straightforward beers the spicing seemed
Joel Plutchak "It must be legal, the police are here taking
plutchak at [...] stuff, too." - A New Orleans looter, 30-Aug-2005

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