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Lew Bryson 24-12-2005 01:36 AM

BJ's and Pizza
"Bill Benzel" > wrote in message news:43ac8437$0$8458
> Ah dew recall when Ah thunk Yuengling Porter was one of the best
> 'Merikkin beers I ever had. That wuz right about the time Ah discovered
> a place called Khyber Pass down on Two Street -- the bartender at
> lunchtime was a dude name o' Chris and he dun turned me on to that there
> Eye Pee Ay from Yards -- he 'splayned it wuz dry-hopped in the keg and
> told me Ah had to come back every day cuz it wuz a'changin' right there
> in the keg and would smell and taste even better tomorrow.

Dayum! They iz dry hoppin' Yuengling Porter?

Oh. Ah see Ah wuz mistooken. That there Yards...that is sum good beer 2.

Ah dun fergot yew wuz from heer, Bill. Y'all come back, hear?

Lew Bryson

"GOOD or SHITE?" -- Michael Jackson, "Thriller", 1982

Scott Kaczorowski 24-12-2005 02:37 AM

BJ's and Pizza
"Lew Bryson" > wrote in

> "Scott Kaczorowski" > wrote in message
>> The market may not demand It in a certain place, so It is
>> either different or rare.

> Now THAT is the first thing you've said that makes sense.
> That's effing brilliant.

Woo hoo! We can have sex now, right? (With each other, I

>> I am *SO* going to take your ****ing miserable hide to
>> Lares and El Tepeyac if you ever haul your miserable
>> ****ing hide out this way. (And maybe La Golondrina and
>> maybe even El Mercado in Boyle Heights. The
>> will want to rub my feet in gratitude and I
>> will let you.)

> Cool by me. I LOVE regional specialities. I just hate it
> when people try to reproduce mine and **** it up.

I get that. I do.

But in the spirit of wiggling out of everything, I believe I
said that in my original post.

Still: What are Michigans?

>>> Beef on weck?

>> Roast beef sandwich without produce? What? Is the roll
>> The Thing?

> No. It's ALL the thing. It's Beef Zen.

Yeah, we don't get that out here.

>>> Any of you
>>> *******s think you can make THEM where you live?

>> Of course I can. Can't you? Or are the rolls treated
>> like narcotics outside of 60 miles?

> No, they just turn to shite. It's all linked to Heisenberg.

Senor Uncertainty? He doesn't give a **** about baked goods.

>> It's steak on a roll. That's ALL it is. Peppers, Whiz,
>> mushrooms...whatever. Sounds really tough to make to me.
>> Dang near ****ing impossible in fact. My mind reels at
>> the complexity of such a thing...

> Finally. Honesty. Thank God for sweet reason.
> That's like saying Glenfarclas 105 is just malt and water
> in a bottle.'s really not even kind of the same thing. Yeast,
type/modification/etc. of malt, pot geometry, aging...

I know little to nothing about no whiskey (or bourbon or
whatever), but a cheesesteak is ribeye (or similar) on a roll
with condiments.

I see a fundamental difference.

Scott Kaczorowski
Long Beach, CA


Scott Kaczorowski 24-12-2005 02:55 AM

BJ's and Pizza
(Bill Benzel) wrote in

> In Scott Kaczorowski
> > wrote:
>:> Only when you stop snivelling/whinging/whining about In
>:> 'N Out Burger.
>: It's just not a great burger. It just isn't. And I STILL
>: don't understand how the burger can be the subject of
>: legend, but the flacid and undercooked fries are on the
>: verge of being pointless.
> Next time you get dragged to an In 'N Out against your will

The Kid loves the place.

> ask them to make your burger "animal style." It's an
> improvement.

The standard burger doesn't suck, but it just isn't great.
And it's definitely not worth the wait. It simply doesn't
deserve its reputation, IMO. I suppose maybe like Pat's
and/or Geno's.

(I took all of the kids in the entire neighborhood to InO
recently. The oldest (~15) asked if he could order a 10x10.
I said yes. He didn't eat it all himself, but there were no
scraps left 30 minutes later.)

> The fries are definitely not worth touching. The buns are
> not great either.

It's just not a great burger. It just isn't. Restaurant-
pack patties and produce, crappy buns (as you say), all
drowned in Secret Sauce.

The one thing I will give them credit for is that the burgers
are smallish and not cater-to-the-fat-**** huge.

I will also give them another thing: They apparently pay
their workers relatively well and also give benefits right
off the bat. And I've never been treated even slighly poorly
at an InO.

> But if I'm being dragged to a fast food parlor I's still
> prefer to be dragged to an In 'N Out than a Jack, McD, BK
> or Wendy's.

I'll take a Tommy's over any of 'em.

> I may have to go to a Jack this year, order three combos
> and throw them in the trash. I want the balls.

So you're going to advertize for a company you don't like?

Uh...So you're gonna keep and wear your Budweiser t-shirt?

That's...not right.

Scott Kaczorowski
Long Beach, CA

Lew Bryson 24-12-2005 04:07 AM

BJ's and Pizza
"Scott Kaczorowski" > wrote in message
> Still: What are Michigans?

I'm gonna break with tradition and just answer this one thing. Michigans
are, essentially, chili dogs (or more accurately, Texas hots) but with
subtle differences that are important in Plattsburgh, NY. The rolls, made by
a local bakery, are heavier, split-top rolls; the sauce, by local tradition,
is drier and chunkier than "Greek sauce" is in other places. Now...if you
get the diff between chili dogs and Texas hots, if you know what Greek sauce
is, you might get why Michigans are different unto themselves. I've learned
a lot about hot dogs and Greek sauce in the past five years, and it's really
a fascinating subject for the folk-food...guy.

Lew Bryson

"As for talking shit in this NG, Lew, you're the undisputed king, and
that's no SHITE." -- Bob Skilnik, 1/31/02

Lew Bryson 24-12-2005 04:08 AM

BJ's and Pizza
"Scott Kaczorowski" > wrote in message
> (I took all of the kids in the entire neighborhood to InO
> recently. The oldest (~15) asked if he could order a 10x10.
> I said yes. He didn't eat it all himself, but there were no
> scraps left 30 minutes later.)
>> The fries are definitely not worth touching. The buns are
>> not great either.

> It's just not a great burger. It just isn't. Restaurant-
> pack patties and produce, crappy buns (as you say), all
> drowned in Secret Sauce.
> The one thing I will give them credit for is that the burgers
> are smallish and not cater-to-the-fat-**** huge. this InO thing like White Castle?

Lew Bryson

"GOOD or SHITE?" -- Michael Jackson, "Thriller", 1982

Bill Benzel 24-12-2005 05:15 AM

BJ's and Pizza
In Scott Kaczorowski > wrote:
:> I may have to go to a Jack this year, order three combos
:> and throw them in the trash. I want the balls.
: So you're going to advertize for a company you don't like?

No, they're used as decorations on a small, kitschy Christmas tree that
we have (in addition to the classic 9 footer).

reply to bbenzel adelphia net

Douglas W. Hoyt 24-12-2005 06:00 AM

Rogue Chipotle Ale
>>>>> Yep, the Atlantic ocean rose 3" 'cause of the global warming.

It's just a good thing that they stopped using gaslamp streetlighting in
Philly in the late 1800's.

[email protected] 24-12-2005 01:11 PM

BJ's and Pizza
Lew Bryson wrote:
> "Bill Benzel" > wrote in message news:43ac5c28$0$8452

>>Lew, is there no Jack In The Box advertising in the East???

> If there weren't no movies and TV-vision, or e.coli infections, we wouldn't
> never have heard of Jack in the Box.

"We" in the East USED to have Jack-in-the-Boxes- there was one in Menlo
Park, NJ, across from the mall. First taco I ever saw or ate (circa
1969-70). It was very small, later turned into a Mini-Mac [I think they
called it that, or something similar], a MacDonald's with limited menu
that didn't feature a "eat-in" section- drive-thru or walk-up-and-go only.

The other Jack I remember was on in Elizabeth, NJ -only remember it
because it was used as a landmark and the parking lot as a meeting place
on a first date with local girl- don't recall ever going inside. It was
a rough place- the local tough guys liked to talk mean to the "Clown"
and throw things at him. Now that I think about it, they may have been
the first fast food restaurant I remember with drive-up windows...

As far as eating local specialties outside of the correct geographical
area, I STILL shudder at a "real East Coast style Submarine Sandwich"
(that's what it said on the sign in the window) I had once *somewhere*
in LA. I was living there in 1976 (the Bi-Centennial year- WORST
fireworks display I ever saw- in MacArthur Park. Instead of cries of
"OOOHHHH" or "WWWOOOWWWW", there were groans of disappointment-
"ahhhh".). Anyway, this "sub"- don't remember much about it- there was
probably some sort of meat and cheese- but WHAT does stay in my memory
was the hot dog style roll it was on and the RELISH that was used as
garnish. I can only figure that they once saw a bad Polaroid of a real
sub, saw the lettuce-onion-oil & vinegar and thought, "Oh, that must be

I guess nowadays for an East Coaster that wouldn't be too surprising.
People apparently buy and eat subs at these Subway & Blimpie & Quizno's
places and I go to a lot of Italian places and even they ask "What do
you want on it?"

"WHAT?! It's a sub! It COMES with lettuce-onion-oil & vinegar! If I
ask for a plain pizza, do you ask if I want sauce and cheese on it?"

But I learned to answer the question correctly, because I've been
winding up mayo on subs.

(Note- yeah, I'm in central New Jersey, but we've always called 'em
"subs" around here. I know there's supposed to be a "hoagie" section of
NJ, but I think it's much further south, closer to Philly that most
sources site.)

Bill Benzel 24-12-2005 04:24 PM

BJ's and Pizza
In wrote:
: "We" in the East USED to have Jack-in-the-Boxes- there was one in Menlo
: Park, NJ, across from the mall. First taco I ever saw or ate (circa
: 1969-70). It was very small, later turned into a Mini-Mac [I think they
: called it that, or something similar], a MacDonald's with limited menu
: that didn't feature a "eat-in" section- drive-thru or walk-up-and-go only.

Same here -- the first taco I ever had came froma JiB in Narberth, PA.
The site, when I left the area 10 years ago, had become a Royal Bank.

: (Note- yeah, I'm in central New Jersey, but we've always called 'em
: "subs" around here. I know there's supposed to be a "hoagie" section of
: NJ, but I think it's much further south, closer to Philly that most
: sources site.)

There are some days I'd give my kingdom for a tuna sub from the Tastee
Sub Shop in Edison. That's one of the places I truly miss.

reply to bbenzel adelphia net

Scott Kaczorowski 24-12-2005 08:11 PM

BJ's and Pizza
(Bill Benzel) wrote in

> There are some days I'd give my kingdom for a tuna sub from
> the Tastee Sub Shop in Edison. That's one of the places I
> truly miss.

Heh! All of this reminds me of the "Adam's Ribs" MASH

I have a good friend (now teaching at PSU) who did his undergrad
work at Occidental in Eagle Rock (LAish) where there was (is?)
nothing more than a kiosk called Burrito King. Some of the best
burritos I've ever had.

Next stop for him was the Felcher [sic] School of Diplomacy (~
1986). Even as a SoCal candy-ass, the weather didn't bother him
as much as the complete and total lack of anything even
resembling Mexican food, let alone good Mexican. He said he
couldn't find tortillas and/or frijoles refritas and/or
chipotles and/or cilantro and/or cumin and/or...

So, about twice a year he broke down and called Burrito King.
They would freeze and pack 6 burritos in dry ice and Fed-Ex it
to him. The cost was about $50 - which was huge for him at the
time. I asked him if he spread the joy and he said "**** no!"
And he is not prone to profanity. And then he said: "It would
just be a waste. They wouldn't get it."

So, yeah, you may miss your subs (the Fed-Ex thing won't work
for tuna or "steaks"), but vee hav ahr vays...

Next up: Perogies.

Scott Kaczorowski
Long Beach, CA

Bill Becker 24-12-2005 09:17 PM

BJ's and Pizza

"Scott Kaczorowski" > wrote in message
> So, about twice a year he broke down and called Burrito King.
> They would freeze and pack 6 burritos in dry ice and Fed-Ex it
> to him. The cost was about $50 - which was huge for him at the
> time. I asked him if he spread the joy and he said "**** no!"
> And he is not prone to profanity. And then he said: "It would
> just be a waste. They wouldn't get it."
> So, yeah, you may miss your subs (the Fed-Ex thing won't work
> for tuna or "steaks"), but vee hav ahr vays...

Hehe...that's the way I am with meat pies. The last batch I bought on line
was from a shop in Seattle, The Great Australian Meat Pie Co. Absolutely
authentic and the absolutely scrumptious! I plan on putting in another order

[email protected] 25-12-2005 01:16 PM

BJ's and Pizza
Bill Benzel wrote:
> There are some days I'd give my kingdom for a tuna sub from the Tastee
> Sub Shop in Edison. That's one of the places I truly miss.

Yeah, I used to work in Edison and we used to sneak out and get Tastee's
subs- they were still good last I had one- and they've "expanded" with
shops in Franklin and Sayreville (the latter also does pizza).

In nearby South River, there was a well known sub place called (IIRC)
Riddle & Martin (which sounds like a 60's era comedy duo) who's
specialty was a Tuna Salad/Egg Salad sub-------

----yeah, that was my reaction, too. BUT, while most people are
repulsed, those that do try it, swear by 'em.

R&M often closes early (when they run out of bread for the day) AND they
seem to cut up their onions too far in advance, so that, exposed to the
air, they get very bitter.

In Massachusetts, the woman I lived with would splurge and get crabmeat
subs occassionally from a Greek pizza shop. I expected them to be cold
crabmeat salad subs (or is that "hero" or "grinder" territory?) but they
turned out to be hot subs and they were great (AND expensive- $8 in 1975
dollars), but hot subs are a different subject, IMO.

Dave Witzel 27-12-2005 06:13 AM

BJ's and Pizza
"Lew Bryson" > wrote on 22 Dec 2005:
> "Dave Witzel" > wrote:
>> Chink's made the best,
>> most politically incorrect Philly Cheese I've had the pleasure
>> of eating while staring at the hired help.

> Did I tell you we went back there after a Grey Lodge session
> back in September? And got a chocolate milkshake? And even Cathy
> admitted that the scenery was exceptional. Ah.....

I was going to let your whole post slide, seeing as how it was pre-
Xmas and now it's not, but things needed to be revived.

This doesn't end with "... and now we have a permanent
houseguest," does it? Because then you would have to die.

Who were the Montrealeans on your little Germanotrippy thingy? I
think I recognized one of them.

>>> What about spiedies? Beef on weck? Michigans? Any of you
>>> *******s think you can make THEM where you live?

>> Where my mom lives, yes. Where your mom lives, yes. How ****ing
>> hard is it to make a spiedie? Jeebus.

> My mom can't make spiedies worth a damn. Your mom can't even get
> fried eggs right.

**** you for knowin'.

>> Some things need to die off, though, like beef on weck.

> You only say this because you've never been to Schwabl's, you
> total ass. Go. Then tell me how beef on weck must die. You'll
> cry as you apologize. (Seriously, go between Thanksgiving and
> St. Pat's so you can get a hot Tom & Jerry, it's to die for.)
> Schwabl's made me a believer. They've been making weck since the
> 1840s. Before I went to Schwabl's, weck was just a beef sandwich
> with a weird roll. Now it's a constant low-level hardon in the
> back of my brain that keeps telling me to go to freaking Buffalo
> and get juicy rare red meat on a salt-crunchy roll slopped up
> with beefy blood. Imagine my shame. It's ruined my life, but I
> love it. I want one. Want it now.

Must... wash... eyes... burning... remains... ow...

It's a beef sandwich on a weird roll. Next time I'm near Schwabl's
and I don't kill myself for being so damn stupid as to be on the
other side of the state in the wintertime, I'll most definitely be
getting a beef on weck.

You coming here and getting an unbelievably good hamburger? Or
twelve? While there's nothing "comfort food" about NYC, we have the
basics covered pretty damn well.


Bill Davidsen 27-12-2005 07:18 PM

Rogue Chipotle Ale
Bill Becker wrote:
> I found this at one of the retailers here so I bought a bottle.
> I'll let you know what I think. :^")

I have that one and one other Rogue in my tasting queue, something else
I wouldn't expect in beer like Persimmons, or some such. Tried and liked
the Sea Otter Amber.

-bill davidsen )
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
last possible moment - but no longer" -me

Lew Bryson 28-12-2005 10:20 PM

BJ's and Pizza
"Dave Witzel" > wrote in message
> "Lew Bryson" > wrote on 22 Dec 2005:
>> Did I tell you we went back there after a Grey Lodge session
>> back in September? And got a chocolate milkshake? And even Cathy
>> admitted that the scenery was exceptional. Ah.....

> This doesn't end with "... and now we have a permanent
> houseguest," does it? Because then you would have to die.

No, dammit.

> Who were the Montrealeans on your little Germanotrippy thingy? I
> think I recognized one of them.

The two wimmins who run the Mondiale, Jeannine Marois and Marie-Josée

>> My mom can't make spiedies worth a damn. Your mom can't even get
>> fried eggs right.

> **** you for knowin'.

At last, an appropriate response.

> It's a beef sandwich on a weird roll. Next time I'm near Schwabl's
> and I don't kill myself for being so damn stupid as to be on the
> other side of the state in the wintertime, I'll most definitely be
> getting a beef on weck.

"...and I'll thank you for curing my ignorance."

> You coming here and getting an unbelievably good hamburger? Or
> twelve? While there's nothing "comfort food" about NYC, we have the
> basics covered pretty damn well.

You do, you do, but I like the hot dogs better than your hamburgers. Phil
took me for the hamburger, and it was great, but there's places to get
amazing burgers down here, too. Pizza...I like John's. I also like Pepi's in
New Haven. Sue me. Speaking of New Haven...ever get the steamed cheeseburgs
in Meriden, CT? Gooey lumps of love. The Juicy Lucy in St. Paul? Dangerously
good -- literally, they're the fugu of the burgerworld. New York's good,
it's great, but it ain't the be-all, end-all. Barbecue, for
just barely get it now.
Can't get good goat in Newtown, though, you got me there.
Lew Bryson

God Bless America.
"They that can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither Liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin, 1759.

Steve Jackson 29-12-2005 03:32 AM

BJ's and Pizza
"Scott Kaczorowski" > wrote in message

> It's just not a great burger. It just isn't. Restaurant-
> pack patties

Actually not. They don't freeze their meat. Don't recall if the patties are
made at the restaurant or further up the chain, but they're a long ways away
from your standard Sysco prepackaged crap.

> and produce, crappy buns (as you say), all
> drowned in Secret Sauce.

Psst, it's Thousand Island.

> I will also give them another thing: They apparently pay
> their workers relatively well and also give benefits right
> off the bat.

That they do. While burger flippers at McD's and the like get minimum, InO
typically pays substantially more, at least according to the stats cited in
"Fast Food Nation."

> And I've never been treated even slighly poorly
> at an InO.

Nope. Just slowly.

>> I may have to go to a Jack this year, order three combos
>> and throw them in the trash. I want the balls.

> So you're going to advertize for a company you don't like?

No, he's just saying he wants the balls to do it. At least that's the way I
choose to read it.


Steve Jackson 29-12-2005 03:35 AM

BJ's and Pizza
"Lew Bryson" > wrote in message

> this InO thing like White Castle?

Not even remotely. You could fit about 4 WC patties on one InO.

InO is really just the standard burger I've had at a lot of places in SoCal
(burger stands, diners, etc.). Burger, of course, lettuce, tomato, onion
(fresh or grilled) and some Thousand Island. The thing that really makes the
difference, I think with InO is the fact that they don't freeze anything
except the ice cream for the shakes. Given how superior most food is fresh
compared to frozen, that may be enough to explain it right there.


Scott Kaczorowski 29-12-2005 11:06 PM

OT: More InO stupidity
"Steve Jackson" > wrote in

> "Scott Kaczorowski" > wrote in message
> ...
>> It's just not a great burger. It just isn't. Restaurant-
>> pack patties

> Actually not. They don't freeze their meat. Don't recall if
> the patties are made at the restaurant or further up the
> chain, but they're a long ways away from your standard
> Sysco prepackaged crap.

My mistake. I couldn't possibly tell the difference through all
the Secret Sauce.

>> and produce, crappy buns (as you say), all
>> drowned in Secret Sauce.

> Psst, it's Thousand Island.

Psst, the buns are crappy, soft things a half step away from
Wonder bread.

And thanks, I've disliked Thousand Island dressing long enough
to know what it is when I see it. You *can* make this at home
just like the pros. Would you like the recipe?

> While burger flippers at McD's and the like
> get minimum, InO typically pays substantially more, at
> least according to the stats cited in "Fast Food Nation."

I asked one once if it was true that they got paid vacation. He
grinned from ear to ear and said "Yes!" And I hope to not sound
like a bigot, but they all speak English well, have manners, a
neat appearance, apologize if necessary (But only if necessary -
and then they go nuts to make it right - I swear there's an
emergency team. If you've never gone inside to order, do so.
It's impressive.), make sure you have everything you need
(napkins, ketchup), etc...Unlike every other fast food place I
can think of.

As much as I think their burgers are not the stuff of legend, I
approve mightily of their business model. Hence, I don't
complain too loudly when The Commander or Superkid[1] want InO.
I think businesses like this should be supported, so my vocal
criticism of a thing is once again inappropriate[2]. should have seen the 10x10. It was such beautiful

Scott Kaczorowski
Long Beach, CA

[1] Hey Don you ****wit. YOU email ME. My email either
qualifies as spam on your end (as it probably should) or you're
a lying sack of half-dried reptile excrement.

[2] Stone AB and DB still suck hard and often[3].

[3] Went into Morry's (local goodbeer outlet) recently and
walked into the cooler to be confronted by big (3l?) bottles of
AB. There happened to be an employee in there restocking. I
said: "Jeez. I didn't know they put this crap in such big
bottles." He: "Oh. You don't like it?" Me: "It's garbage.
It's not just overrated, it's just a bad beer." He: <leaving>.
It was hilarious - he had obviously told the entire staff. As I
came out of the cooler, he surreptitiously pointed and said
something like "Yeah, that's him." I swear, they were standing
around and waiting. Idiots. Steve is right, Morry's is

Dave Witzel 30-12-2005 03:57 AM

BJ's and Pizza
"Lew Bryson" > wrote on 28 Dec 2005:
> "Dave Witzel" > wrote in message
>> Who were the Montrealeans on your little Germanotrippy thingy?
>> I think I recognized one of them.

> The two wimmins who run the Mondiale, Jeannine Marois and
> Marie-Josée Lefebvre.

Hilarious. I met Marie in Blind Tiger (ah, Blind Tiger. Sigh.) and
then again at Brewtopia. I thought I recognized her. Nice gal. Need
to score a place to stay in Montreal in late June, I guess.

>>> My mom can't make spiedies worth a damn. Your mom can't even
>>> get fried eggs right.

>> **** you for knowin'.

> At last, an appropriate response.

It's what I do, gigyg.

>> It's a beef sandwich on a weird roll. Next time I'm near
>> Schwabl's and I don't kill myself for being so damn stupid as
>> to be on the other side of the state in the wintertime, I'll
>> most definitely be getting a beef on weck.

> "...and I'll thank you for curing my ignorance."

WTF is a "weck" anyway? The thing sounds like a backwater town in

>> You coming here and getting an unbelievably good hamburger? Or
>> twelve? While there's nothing "comfort food" about NYC, we have
>> the basics covered pretty damn well.

> You do, you do, but I like the hot dogs better than your
> hamburgers.

I promise not to tell your wife.

> Phil took me for the hamburger, and it was great,
> but there's places to get amazing burgers down here, too.
> Pizza...I like John's. I also like Pepi's in New Haven. Sue me.
> Speaking of New Haven...ever get the steamed cheeseburgs in
> Meriden, CT? Gooey lumps of love.

Maybe the cask fest January 29th in New Haven, everyone reading
this newsgroup can visit both. But elsewhere in CT? I think I've
stopped the car in CT maybe four times in my life.

> The Juicy Lucy in St. Paul?
> Dangerously good -- literally, they're the fugu of the
> burgerworld. New York's good, it's great, but it ain't the
> be-all, end-all. Barbecue, for just barely get it
> now. Can't get good goat in Newtown, though, you got me there.

Too fast for ya in Newtown? Try the babies, they walk funny


sleurB kciN 31-12-2005 12:10 PM

BJ's and Pizza
In Dave Witzel > wrote:
> "Lew Bryson" > wrote on 28 Dec 2005:
>> "Dave Witzel" > wrote in message
>>> Who were the Montrealeans on your little Germanotrippy thingy?
>>> I think I recognized one of them.

>> The two wimmins who run the Mondiale, Jeannine Marois and
>> Marie-Josée Lefebvre.

> Hilarious. I met Marie in Blind Tiger (ah, Blind Tiger. Sigh.) and
> then again at Brewtopia. I thought I recognized her. Nice gal. Need
> to score a place to stay in Montreal in late June, I guess.

Utterly charming ladies, and I could tell that their
French wasn't really quite *French*. The other lady from
the Boston Globe(?) was also charming, FWIW.

>>> It's a beef sandwich on a weird roll. Next time I'm near

> WTF is a "weck" anyway? The thing sounds like a backwater town in
> England.

"Drei im Weck, bitte" will get you 3 little Nuernberger
wursties in a hardish, roundish roll. In N-berg, anyway.

>> The Juicy Lucy in St. Paul?
>> Dangerously good -- literally, they're the fugu of the
>> burgerworld.


Huh...ain't had one since back before I knew from GoodBurger.
If ever I'm back in MSP...

ObBeer: Youse all raved about the Wintertraum Festbier you
found _in situ_, but IIRC, it wasn't vom Fass, but from the
bottle. I've found a few wickedly malty Fraenkische Festbiers
'round here, but as Weltenburg isn't in Franken, I'm afraid
I'll have to haul it down there to check it out myself. Not
that this would necessarily suck, mind, but is the beer really
THAT good? ("Youse" here is Lew & other Real Beer Writers.)

Lew Bryson 02-01-2006 10:47 PM

BJ's and Pizza
"sleurB kciN" > wrote in message
<Witzel sez...>
>> WTF is a "weck" anyway? The thing sounds like a backwater town in
>> England.

> "Drei im Weck, bitte" will get you 3 little Nuernberger
> wursties in a hardish, roundish roll. In N-berg, anyway.

Ah ha... "weck" is, properly, 'weck, as in short for "kümmelweck," a roll
with caraway seeds (and a bunch of salt). This clears things up a bit more,

>>> The Juicy Lucy in St. Paul?
>>> Dangerously good -- literally, they're the fugu of the
>>> burgerworld.

> Huh...ain't had one since back before I knew from GoodBurger.
> If ever I'm back in MSP...

Takes ya back, don't it?

> ObBeer: Youse all raved about the Wintertraum Festbier you
> found _in situ_, but IIRC, it wasn't vom Fass, but from the
> bottle. I've found a few wickedly malty Fraenkische Festbiers
> 'round here, but as Weltenburg isn't in Franken, I'm afraid
> I'll have to haul it down there to check it out myself. Not
> that this would necessarily suck, mind, but is the beer really
> THAT good? ("Youse" here is Lew & other Real Beer Writers.)

Yes, it was in the bottle. And it was Beaumont who went really nuts about
it. It WAS good, I've always thought so, but I'd love to try some Frankish
fests. The one that all had us absolutely raving on our last day was the
Schlenkerla Lager, the beer Trum makes with unsmoked malt: it picks up its
smokiness from the remnants in the system, and it's FG. We were sneaking up
the aisle in the bus and stealing bottles out of the bags of writers who'd
gone to sleep.

Lew Bryson

"GOOD or SHITE?" -- Michael Jackson, "Thriller", 1982

sleurB kciN 03-01-2006 12:36 AM

BJ's and Pizza
In Lew Bryson > wrote:
> "sleurB kciN" > wrote in message
> <Witzel sez...>
>>> WTF is a "weck" anyway? The thing sounds like a backwater town in
>>> England.

>> "Drei im Weck, bitte" will get you 3 little Nuernberger
>> wursties in a hardish, roundish roll. In N-berg, anyway.

> Ah ha... "weck" is, properly, 'weck, as in short for "kümmelweck," a roll
> with caraway seeds (and a bunch of salt). This clears things up a bit more,
> Nick.

Interessant. I'd imagined that there must be some Kraut
connection between weck and Weck, but bless me, my dino-
newsreader can't parse which umlauted letter K?mmelweck sports.
I figure the "Weck" I know and love (but not too often) is a
fraenkisches word for some sort of bun. Where's Douchebag

>>>> The Juicy Lucy in St. Paul?
>>>> Dangerously good -- literally, they're the fugu of the
>>>> burgerworld.

>> Huh...ain't had one since back before I knew from GoodBurger.
>> If ever I'm back in MSP...

> Takes ya back, don't it?

Preferably not this time of year. (Thank you, I'll be here
the whole week!)

>> ObBeer: Youse all raved about the Wintertraum Festbier you
>> found _in situ_, but IIRC, it wasn't vom Fass, but from the
>> bottle. I've found a few wickedly malty Fraenkische Festbiers
>> 'round here, but as Weltenburg isn't in Franken, I'm afraid
>> I'll have to haul it down there to check it out myself. Not
>> that this would necessarily suck, mind, but is the beer really
>> THAT good? ("Youse" here is Lew & other Real Beer Writers.)

> Yes, it was in the bottle. And it was Beaumont who went really nuts about
> it. It WAS good, I've always thought so, but I'd love to try some Frankish
> fests. The one that all had us absolutely raving on our last day was the
> Schlenkerla Lager, the beer Trum makes with unsmoked malt: it picks up its
> smokiness from the remnants in the system, and it's FG. We were sneaking up
> the aisle in the bus and stealing bottles out of the bags of writers who'd
> gone to sleep.

I can't believe how many times I've NOT brought home a few
bottles of this in my backpack before. Then again, I'm a
dim bulb. Travel the world by Flasche:

Any news to report about this particular beer?

Richard Kaszeta 03-01-2006 02:59 AM

BJ's and Pizza
"Lew Bryson" > writes:
> I also like Pepi's in New Haven. Sue me.

Franke Pepe's? Love that place.

> Speaking of New Haven...ever get the steamed cheeseburgs
> in Meriden, CT?

Still on my list. Last time I ended up getting sidetracked on the
other side of the state having a bacon sandwich at Nodine's

> The Juicy Lucy in St. Paul?

Where in St Paul? All the good Jucy Lucy's I've had are over the
river in Minneapolis (such as Matt's Bar, which has at least a decent
claim on inventing it). (See
for my grainy picture of the last one I ate...)

Richard W Kaszeta

Lew Bryson 03-01-2006 02:54 PM

BJ's and Pizza
"sleurB kciN" > wrote in message
> I can't believe how many times I've NOT brought home a few
> bottles of this in my backpack before. Then again, I'm a
> dim bulb. Travel the world by Flasche:

Cruel *******!

> Any news to report about this particular beer?

You in, any chance that someone is going to bring it into the
U.S.? If I'm missing something, tell me. I'm feeling dense today.

Lew Bryson

"GOOD or SHITE?" -- Michael Jackson, "Thriller", 1982

Lew Bryson 03-01-2006 02:57 PM

BJ's and Pizza
"Richard Kaszeta" > wrote in message
> "Lew Bryson" > writes:
>> Speaking of New Haven...ever get the steamed cheeseburgs
>> in Meriden, CT?

> Still on my list. Last time I ended up getting sidetracked on the
> other side of the state having a bacon sandwich at Nodine's
> Smokehouse.

Ted's. Small, but the best. Nodine's, eh? (but, um...what's the "other side
of the state" from Meriden? The outside?)

>> The Juicy Lucy in St. Paul?

> Where in St Paul? All the good Jucy Lucy's I've had are over the
> river in Minneapolis (such as Matt's Bar, which has at least a decent
> claim on inventing it). (See
> for my grainy picture of the last one I ate...)

Yeah, well, I ****ed up. It was at Matt's Bar, not in St. Paul. Thanks for
the save. I've only been in the Twin Cities twice, and tend to get a bit
fuzzy on where I was when. My mistake.

Lew Bryson

"GOOD or SHITE?" -- Michael Jackson, "Thriller", 1982

Richard Kaszeta 03-01-2006 03:43 PM

BJ's and Pizza
"Lew Bryson" > writes:
> Ted's. Small, but the best. Nodine's, eh? (but, um...what's the "other side
> of the state" from Meriden? The outside?)

Nodines is in Goshen and Torrington. Kinda in the sticks. That, and
for some reason I thought that Meriden was a bit further south than it

> Yeah, well, I ****ed up. It was at Matt's Bar, not in St. Paul. Thanks for
> the save.

You can find them in St Paul as well (I had one at Groveland Tap once,
for example). But I'm glad you went to the actual source. Too bad
they only have 3.2 beer there.

Richard W Kaszeta

Joel 03-01-2006 06:48 PM

BJ's and Pizza
Bill Benzel > wrote:
>In Lew Bryson > wrote:
>: "Bill Benzel" > wrote in message news:43ac14da$0$8468
>:> I may have to go to a Jack this year, order three combos and throw them
>:> in the trash. I want the balls.
>: Y'know, you might wanna think about what that looks like to the rest of us.

Not that there's anything wrong with it.

>Lew, is there no Jack In The Box advertising in the East???

AFAIK there are no Jack-in-the Boxes east of the Mississippi.
Or north of the Mason-Dixon line. Or something like that. I
just drove by one the other day, but it was in Weatherford, TX.
Joel Plutchak "Prescriptive lexicographers enjoy being grumpy.
They spend a lot of time denouncing words and
explaining what the rules used to be."
- Richard Bready, Encarta

Richard Kaszeta 03-01-2006 09:11 PM

BJ's and Pizza
ers (Joel) writes:
> AFAIK there are no Jack-in-the Boxes east of the Mississippi.
> Or north of the Mason-Dixon line.

There are bunch of Jack-in-the-Boxes in Tennessee and North Carolina
(east of Mississippi) and and a few in Illinois ("north" of the Mason
Dixon Line). When I lived in MI, I made a disparaging comment about
Jack-in-the-Box and my friends were surprised we still had those out
west (I had moved to MI from AZ).

From my last Jack-in-the-Box experience (which was probably 10 years
ago), combined with my bad 80s memories of their "Fajita Pita", I
haven't exactly gone searching them out.

Richard W Kaszeta

dgs 03-01-2006 10:00 PM

BJ's and Pizza
Joel wrote:

> AFAIK there are no Jack-in-the Boxes east of the Mississippi.
> Or north of the Mason-Dixon line.

Washington state is well north of the Mason-Dixon line (extending
it all the way across the country, of course) and has an abundance
of Jack-in-the-Box joints.

None of them serve beer, unfortunately.

Joel 04-01-2006 03:23 PM

BJ's and Pizza
In article >, dgs > wrote:
>Joel wrote:
>> AFAIK there are no Jack-in-the Boxes east of the Mississippi.
>> Or north of the Mason-Dixon line.

>Washington state is well north of the Mason-Dixon line (extending
>it all the way across the country, of course) and has an abundance
>of Jack-in-the-Box joints.

My bad. I failed to get across the (still slightly
incorrect) notion that I was ANDing those clauses. IOW
the whole northeast quandrant of the US has nearly no
JiBs. Illinois being the glaring exception, of course.

>None of them serve beer, unfortunately.

If they did it would suck.
Joel Plutchak "Prescriptive lexicographers enjoy being grumpy.
They spend a lot of time denouncing words and
explaining what the rules used to be."
- Richard Bready, Encarta

[email protected] 04-01-2006 11:26 PM

BJ's and Pizza
Joel wrote:
> In article >, dgs > wrote:

>>None of them serve beer, unfortunately.

> If they did it would suck.

On the other hand, it wouldn't be the first time you've been served
lousy beer by a clown...

Lew Bryson 04-01-2006 11:30 PM

BJ's and Pizza
"Richard Kaszeta" > wrote in message
> "Lew Bryson" > writes:
>> Ted's. Small, but the best. Nodine's, eh? (but, um...what's the "other
>> side
>> of the state" from Meriden? The outside?)

> Nodines is in Goshen and Torrington. Kinda in the sticks. That, and
> for some reason I thought that Meriden was a bit further south than it
> is.

Ah, Torrington ain't TOO far away from the mother-in-law's. Have to make a

>> Yeah, well, I ****ed up. It was at Matt's Bar, not in St. Paul. Thanks
>> for
>> the save.

> You can find them in St Paul as well (I had one at Groveland Tap once,
> for example). But I'm glad you went to the actual source. Too bad
> they only have 3.2 beer there.

Yeah! Took me a bit to figger why my Summit Extra Pale tasted funny.

Lew Bryson

"GOOD or SHITE?" -- Michael Jackson, "Thriller", 1982

Richard Kaszeta 05-01-2006 05:46 AM

BJ's and Pizza
"Lew Bryson" > writes:
> Ah, Torrington ain't TOO far away from the mother-in-law's. Have to make a
> trip.

I only think they sell retail at the little shop in Goshen these days,
but that's not too much further. (, but
it doesn't really mention that they serve various bacon and smoked
meat sandwiches on the premises)

> Yeah! Took me a bit to figger why my Summit Extra Pale tasted funny.

Indeed. I hated that damn 3.2 rule when I lived there.

Richard W Kaszeta

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