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DigitalVinyl 29-12-2003 04:39 PM

chocolate mousse recipes
Making a Profiterole cake - The idea is using a bowl, you build a cake
of mousse-filled profiteroles, with dark-mousse gluing the
profiteroles together and fillling-out the bwol shape. Shavings and
powder sugar on top.

I'm "rebuilding" a recipe. I have a recipe for this, but the recipe
has errors. It used white-chocolate mousse inside, dark chocolate
mousse in-between. The flavor of the dark wasn't bad but the
consistency melted too quickly when not refridgerated.

So I'm thinking a regular chocolate mouse, something nice and light
and not too sweet for the insides. Dark chocolate for inbetweens.
Maybe a little coffee flavor to one or the other. But the dark has to
be something that firms up well and will hold the profiteroles
together and keep the bowl shape.

DiGiTAL_ViNYL (no email)

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