Cooking Equipment ( Discussion of food-related equipment. Includes items used in food preparation and storage, including major and minor appliances, gadgets and utensils, infrastructure, and food- and recipe-related software.

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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rick & Cyndi
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

Thanks to those that helped!

I found the freezer I wanted at a local store at a good price (21
cf @ $ 388). Manual with the zinc shelves... Hmmm, wonder if I
could fabricate those 2nd barrier doors that I haven't seen in
ages (like the ones they still have in Europe)?

But guess what? Saturday night, after returning home from a mini
pleasure trip to Chicago, we decided to go out to dinner. After
dinner we found ourselves with just enough time to run to Sears
to pick up another bucket of Laundry soap... longer story
shortened, we saw my same freezer on "Sale" for $ 399.99 ...! I
mentioned the salesman that on Sunday, I was going to Sherman's
to buy the exact same freezer for $ 388... Well, what do you
know, if I bought the freezer at Sears THAT night with my Sears
charge they would deduct another 10 % off of the sales price
which would be even better than 'matching' the Sherman's price...
Woo-Hoo! The freezer I wanted ended up only costing $ 359!!
AND... 6 months no payments and no interest! Yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!

Saturday was a great day!

<Remove a "b" to reply>

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Vox Humana
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message
> Thanks to those that helped!
> I found the freezer I wanted at a local store at a good price (21
> cf @ $ 388). Manual with the zinc shelves... Hmmm, wonder if I
> could fabricate those 2nd barrier doors that I haven't seen in
> ages (like the ones they still have in Europe)?
> But guess what? Saturday night, after returning home from a mini
> pleasure trip to Chicago, we decided to go out to dinner. After
> dinner we found ourselves with just enough time to run to Sears
> to pick up another bucket of Laundry soap... longer story
> shortened, we saw my same freezer on "Sale" for $ 399.99 ...! I
> mentioned the salesman that on Sunday, I was going to Sherman's
> to buy the exact same freezer for $ 388... Well, what do you
> know, if I bought the freezer at Sears THAT night with my Sears
> charge they would deduct another 10 % off of the sales price
> which would be even better than 'matching' the Sherman's price...
> Woo-Hoo! The freezer I wanted ended up only costing $ 359!!
> AND... 6 months no payments and no interest! Yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!
> Saturday was a great day!

I would have asked them to match the price, then I would have taken the
additional 10% for charging it!

Our Great Indoors store (which is owned by Sears) is closing. I saw a
ceiling fan that I liked that was 50% off. I had to wait in line for 30
minutes to get to the lighting service desk. They told me that they were
all out of the one that I wanted. I told them I would take the display.
The clerk told me that she was told she couldn't sell any more of the
displays. (There were "sold" tags on dozens of fixtures and they had a sign
posted that said that if you bought a display they would call you in 7 - 10
days when it was ready for pick-up). I found a manager and complained. He
said they changed their policy. I pointed out that the sign was still up
and I expected them to honor the terms that they posted in writing. After
he concluded that I wasn't going to budge he sold it to me and removed the

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rick & Cyndi
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Vox Humana" < & Cyndi"
: I would have asked them to match the price, then I would have
taken the
: additional 10% for charging it!

I actually talked with 2 of the salespeople (to be Politically
Correct...) and they both presented to me they could "match" the
other store or give the 10 % off the Sear's sales price... I
figured I'd take the 10 % off. It was still ~ $ 30 less than I
would have paid in another 15 hours! And yeah, I probably could
have fought them and tried to get the "match" price plus the 10 %
discount... but I wasn't in a fighting mood and was still so
happy that I did better than I was going to do...

(just not in a fighting mood anymore...)

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Steve Calvin
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

Rick & Cyndi wrote:
> I actually talked with 2 of the salespeople (to be Politically
> Correct...) and they both presented to me they could "match" the
> other store or give the 10 % off the Sear's sales price... I
> figured I'd take the 10 % off. It was still ~ $ 30 less than I
> would have paid in another 15 hours! And yeah, I probably could
> have fought them and tried to get the "match" price plus the 10 %
> discount... but I wasn't in a fighting mood and was still so
> happy that I did better than I was going to do...
> Cyndi
> (just not in a fighting mood anymore...)

ok... "fall on sword" time. We recently bought a 17' "commercial"
freezer from Sears. They delivered it, put it in the basement, leveled
it, plugged it in and it fired right up so they left. Each time that
evening I went downstairs it was just runnin', no problem.

Next morning, Nancy called me at work and said that just for the heck
of it she checked it and it was still warm inside! I asked if it was
running and sure enough it was. So I checked it when I came home, yup,
warm and still running.

I was about ready to call Sears, and then it struck me.

The basement has a finished side and an unfinished side. When we
bought the house, Nancy took one of the rooms in the finished side for
her craft room. There was a light switch at the top of the stairs
which turned on a stairway light. Well, she'd go into the unfinished
portion for whatever and forget to shut the lights off so I rewired
things so that the light switch at the top of the stairs also shut off
the power in the unfinished side... well... DUH. ;-)

Go up stairs, turn stair light off - *poof*, freezer stopped running
until the light was turned back on.

Boy did I feel kinda stupid. :-)


  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Kate Dicey
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

Rick & Cyndi wrote:
> Thanks to those that helped!
> I found the freezer I wanted at a local store at a good price (21
> cf @ $ 388). Manual with the zinc shelves... Hmmm, wonder if I
> could fabricate those 2nd barrier doors that I haven't seen in
> ages (like the ones they still have in Europe)?
> But guess what? Saturday night, after returning home from a mini
> pleasure trip to Chicago, we decided to go out to dinner. After
> dinner we found ourselves with just enough time to run to Sears
> to pick up another bucket of Laundry soap... longer story
> shortened, we saw my same freezer on "Sale" for $ 399.99 ...! I
> mentioned the salesman that on Sunday, I was going to Sherman's
> to buy the exact same freezer for $ 388... Well, what do you
> know, if I bought the freezer at Sears THAT night with my Sears
> charge they would deduct another 10 % off of the sales price
> which would be even better than 'matching' the Sherman's price...
> Woo-Hoo! The freezer I wanted ended up only costing $ 359!!
> AND... 6 months no payments and no interest! Yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!
> Saturday was a great day!
> Cyndi
> <Remove a "b" to reply>

I love it when people get a REAL bargain! Well spotted!
Lady Catherine, Wardrobe Mistress of the Chocolate Buttons
Click on Kate's Pages and explore!

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Kate Dicey
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

Steve Calvin wrote:

> ok... "fall on sword" time. We recently bought a 17' "commercial"
> freezer from Sears. They delivered it, put it in the basement, leveled
> it, plugged it in and it fired right up so they left. Each time that
> evening I went downstairs it was just runnin', no problem.
> Next morning, Nancy called me at work and said that just for the heck
> of it she checked it and it was still warm inside! I asked if it was
> running and sure enough it was. So I checked it when I came home, yup,
> warm and still running.
> I was about ready to call Sears, and then it struck me.
> The basement has a finished side and an unfinished side. When we
> bought the house, Nancy took one of the rooms in the finished side for
> her craft room. There was a light switch at the top of the stairs
> which turned on a stairway light. Well, she'd go into the unfinished
> portion for whatever and forget to shut the lights off so I rewired
> things so that the light switch at the top of the stairs also shut off
> the power in the unfinished side... well... DUH. ;-)
> Go up stairs, turn stair light off - *poof*, freezer stopped running
> until the light was turned back on.
> Boy did I feel kinda stupid. :-)
> --
> Steve

Ewer! Reminds me of the time we went on holiday, leaving stuff in the
freezer... Then DH turned the electricity off for the duration of the
holiday! To this day I do not know why, except that this was what he
remembered his parents doing back in the 50's, as a fire prevention

You may be sure I made HIM clean out the freezer when we got back. He's
never turned the electricity off again while we were away! luckily it
was only a 3 CF freezer!

Lady Catherine, Wardrobe Mistress of the Chocolate Buttons
Click on Kate's Pages and explore!
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rick & Cyndi
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Steve Calvin"
: ok... "fall on sword" time. We recently bought a 17'
: freezer from Sears. They delivered it, put it in the basement,
: it, plugged it in and it fired right up so they left. Each
time that
: evening I went downstairs it was just runnin', no problem.

: Go up stairs, turn stair light off - *poof*, freezer stopped
: until the light was turned back on.

: --
: Steve
: ========

Rut-row! LOL Poor thing. Yeah, we've done similar things too...
Luckily, none of our basement's outlets are wired into ANY
switches. That reduces our idiot factor a little bit.

<Remove a "b" to reply>

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rick & Cyndi
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Kate Dicey" <& Cyndi wrote:
: >
: > Thanks to those that helped!
: >
: > I found the freezer


longer story
: > shortened, we saw my same freezer on "Sale" for $ 399.99 ...!
: > mentioned the salesman that on Sunday, I was going to
: > to buy the exact same freezer for $ 388... Well, what do you
: > know, if I bought the freezer at Sears THAT night with my
: > charge they would deduct another 10 % off of the sales price
: > which would be even better than 'matching' the Sherman's
: > Woo-Hoo! The freezer I wanted ended up only costing $ 359!!
: > AND... 6 months no payments and no interest!
: >

: I love it when people get a REAL bargain! Well spotted!
: --

Yep. We're pretty excited.

We're going to pick it up on Thursday. Woo-Hoo!!

<Remove a "b" to reply>

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message
. net...
> "Steve Calvin"
> <snip>
> :
> : ok... "fall on sword" time. We recently bought a 17'
> "commercial"
> : freezer from Sears. They delivered it, put it in the basement,
> leveled
> : it, plugged it in and it fired right up so they left. Each
> time that
> : evening I went downstairs it was just runnin', no problem.
> :
> <snip>
> : Go up stairs, turn stair light off - *poof*, freezer stopped
> running
> : until the light was turned back on.
> <snip>
> : --
> : Steve
> :
> : ========
> Rut-row! LOL Poor thing. Yeah, we've done similar things too...
> Luckily, none of our basement's outlets are wired into ANY
> switches. That reduces our idiot factor a little bit.
> Cyndi
> <Remove a "b" to reply>

My freezer is downstairs, too, and we had an outlet added just for it, when
we had some extra wiring put in for all of the computer stuff, too, so it's
not wired into the switches, either.

Did you get the switch rewired?


  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Steve Calvin
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

DawnK wrote:
> My freezer is downstairs, too, and we had an outlet added just for it, when
> we had some extra wiring put in for all of the computer stuff, too, so it's
> not wired into the switches, either.
> Did you get the switch rewired?
> Dawn

Yup. Ran a separate circuit from the panel to the freezer. Of course
that was after I stopped smacking my forehead and saying "DUH - F'ING
DUH" ;-)

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Kate Dicey
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

Rick & Cyndi wrote:

> Yep. We're pretty excited.
> We're going to pick it up on Thursday. Woo-Hoo!!
> Cyndi
> <Remove a "b" to reply>

I had a good one a few years back... had a bunch of family here for
Christmas... Only had the one fridge in those days, a nice big Boche
fridge freezer. It packed up on Christmas Eve, and I had to buy
whatever could be delivered on Boxing Day! AKKK! I hate panic buying
white goods, but they always pack up at the least convenient moment! I
ended up with a slightly smaller Hotpoint Ice Diamond. Nice, works very
well, but is is a tad small, and added to the feeling that I really
NEEDED another fridge in the kitchen! It was also cheap, which eased
the pain somewhat!

Lady Catherine, Wardrobe Mistress of the Chocolate Buttons
Click on Kate's Pages and explore!
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Edwin Pawlowski
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message
> We're going to pick it up on Thursday. Woo-Hoo!!
> Cyndi

Pick it up???? How much to deliver it? One reason I buy from the local
dealers is delivery and setup. They are very competitive in price and they
bring the thing in, put it in place and the most I have to do is hold a door

Them things are heavy and I have but one pair of gonads in life so why waste
them hauling a big appliance?

  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> "Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message
> > We're going to pick it up on Thursday. Woo-Hoo!!
> >
> > Cyndi

> Pick it up???? How much to deliver it? One reason I buy from the local
> dealers is delivery and setup. They are very competitive in price and

> bring the thing in, put it in place and the most I have to do is hold a

> open.
> Them things are heavy and I have but one pair of gonads in life so why

> them hauling a big appliance?

That's why I love my local dealer. They do all the dirty work. All I have
to do is use it. Free delivery AND they extend the warranty out a couple of


  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Steve Calvin" > wrote in message
> DawnK wrote:
> <snip>
> >
> > My freezer is downstairs, too, and we had an outlet added just for it,

> > we had some extra wiring put in for all of the computer stuff, too, so

> > not wired into the switches, either.
> >
> > Did you get the switch rewired?
> >
> > Dawn
> >
> >

> Yup. Ran a separate circuit from the panel to the freezer. Of course
> that was after I stopped smacking my forehead and saying "DUH - F'ING
> DUH" ;-)

Oh dear! Funny how those things don't occur to you before!


  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Kate Dicey
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message
> > We're going to pick it up on Thursday. Woo-Hoo!!
> >
> > Cyndi

> Pick it up???? How much to deliver it? One reason I buy from the local
> dealers is delivery and setup. They are very competitive in price and they
> bring the thing in, put it in place and the most I have to do is hold a door
> open.
> Them things are heavy and I have but one pair of gonads in life so why waste
> them hauling a big appliance?

I get things like that delivered, coz they then take the old one away
for gas recovery and proper disposal. Doesn't cost anything from my
local store.
Lady Catherine, Wardrobe Mistress of the Chocolate Buttons
Click on Kate's Pages and explore!

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rick & Cyndi
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
: "Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message
: > We're going to pick it up on Thursday. Woo-Hoo!!
: >
: > Cyndi
: Pick it up???? How much to deliver it? One reason I buy from
the local
: dealers is delivery and setup. They are very competitive in
price and they
: bring the thing in, put it in place and the most I have to do
is hold a door
: open.
: Them things are heavy and I have but one pair of gonads in life
so why waste
: them hauling a big appliance?
: =======

About $ 50 to deliver - at "their" (time-wise) convenience.

Local dealers? What's that? Not here. I guess there might be
about 5 within a 30 mile radius but no such thing as free
delivery around here... I take that back, one of them a while
back offered free IF your order was over $ 599.00. Sears is
some-what local. About 25 miles. Rick and a neighbor moved into
the basement without a lot of effort. We had ramps and our own
dolly... If I wasn't getting impatient about getting it - I
might have sprung for the fee... No biggie. It's in the
basement and is probably cold enough to start loading it. I
haven't checked the temperature yet.

  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rick & Cyndi
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"DawnK" > wrote in message
: "Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
: m...
: >
: > "Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message
: > > We're going to pick it up on Thursday. Woo-Hoo!!
: > >
: > > Cyndi
: >
: > Pick it up???? How much to deliver it? One reason I buy from
the local
: > dealers is delivery and setup. They are very competitive in
price and
: they
: > bring the thing in, put it in place and the most I have to do
is hold a
: door
: > open.
: >
: > Them things are heavy and I have but one pair of gonads in
life so why
: waste
: > them hauling a big appliance?
: >
: >
: That's why I love my local dealer. They do all the dirty work.
All I have
: to do is use it. Free delivery AND they extend the warranty
out a couple of
: years.
: Dawn
: ====

Cool. Very nice... and it's obvious that you don't live in
Armpit, Illinois!! LOL

  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rick & Cyndi
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Kate Dicey" > wrote in message
: Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
: >
: > "Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message
: > > We're going to pick it up on Thursday. Woo-Hoo!!
: > >
: > > Cyndi
: >
: > Pick it up???? How much to deliver it? One reason I buy from
the local
: > dealers is delivery and setup. They are very competitive in
price and they
: > bring the thing in, put it in place and the most I have to do
is hold a door
: > open.
: >
: > Them things are heavy and I have but one pair of gonads in
life so why waste
: > them hauling a big appliance?
: I get things like that delivered, coz they then take the old
one away
: for gas recovery and proper disposal. Doesn't cost anything
from my
: local store.
: --

Must be nice! No such animal here. As far as disposal - not
a problem in this case because my 13 cf works just fine... it
just isn't big enough. Now I have roughly 34 cf plus the one
above the fridge (maybe 7 cf? The fridge is a freezer on top 26

It's VERY hard to get decent service of ANY type around here!

  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Edwin Pawlowski
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Rick & Cyndi"
> Must be nice! No such animal here. As far as disposal - not
> a problem in this case because my 13 cf works just fine..

You must be out in the booonies someplace. I've heard of charges from $25
to $50 to get rid of refrigerators and AC's with Freon. You can't just
dump them in the landfill any more.

White goods of all types have no scrap value as compared to 10 or more years

  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rick & Cyndi
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Edwin Pawlowski" < & Cyndi"
: > Must be nice! No such animal here. As far as disposal -
: > a problem in this case because my 13 cf works just fine..
: You must be out in the booonies someplace. I've heard of
charges from $25
: to $50 to get rid of refrigerators and AC's with Freon. You
can't just
: dump them in the landfill any more.
: White goods of all types have no scrap value as compared to 10
or more years
: ago.
: Ed
: ----------

Surprisingly not...just within a very greedy section! We're
actually right in between 2 very large towns: Bloomington/Normal,
Ill and Peoria, Ill. Both towns have around 100 k people... but
you would think that since they weren't supersized like Chicago
or St. Louis... that they'd maintain some small town
friendliness and service. No such luck! That's why I refer to
this area as Armpit, Illinois.

I've never encountered such a large percentage of people as
consistantly rude, greedy, or aloof in any other section of the
lower 48, as I have right here, within a 20 mile radius. If DH
didn't have seniority going for him at work and several of his
relatives nearby... we'd be gone in a heartbeat.

Our specific neighborhood is friendly and kind... but drive 1
mile out of the town's limit... oh lawdy! Our little town has
less than 10 K of people within it's outer boundries but the
township probably has less than 3K within the actual "city
limits". We even have a couple of stop lights! But since our
proximity to larger cities is so close and our town so small...
we just don't have that many stores (ie, appliance stores) so we
have to rely on whatever Peoria or Bloomington have to offer...
which means even though distance-wise, we're only as far away as
'across town' for most larger cities... we're 'long distance'
where these two cities are concerned.

I double checked the delivery fee for Sears - $ 45.00 if we
waited for them to deliver at their convenience. There was no
mention of haul-away fees... but we're keeping our other freezer
anyway; so that wasn't an issue anyway. For curiosity sake, I
may call them tomorrow just to see what they would have charged.
Due to all of the pollution charges and freon fees (Illinois has
gotten VERY stringent in these areas)... chances are, Sears
probably wouldn't have even picked up an old freezer. <shrug> .
Gosh, this is depressing just writing this!

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Edwin Pawlowski
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message
> Surprisingly not...just within a very greedy section! We're
> actually right in between 2 very large towns: Bloomington/Normal,
> Ill and Peoria, Ill. Both towns have around 100 k people... but
> you would think that since they weren't supersized like Chicago
> or St. Louis... that they'd maintain some small town
> friendliness and service. No such luck! That's why I refer to
> this area as Armpit, Illinois.

I've been to Chicago and found the people there to be rather nice for a
large city. I'd secribe it as New York, but with manners.

> Our specific neighborhood is friendly and kind... but drive 1
> mile out of the town's limit... oh lawdy! Our little town has
> less than 10 K of people within it's outer boundries but the
> township probably has less than 3K within the actual "city
> limits". We even have a couple of stop lights! But since our
> proximity to larger cities is so close and our town so small...
> we just don't have that many stores (ie, appliance stores) so we
> have to rely on whatever Peoria or Bloomington have to offer...
> which means even though distance-wise, we're only as far away as
> 'across town' for most larger cities... we're 'long distance'
> where these two cities are concerned.

We get a similar reaction fromt he cities around us. I'm in Putnam CT, in
the northeast corner of the state. Population 10k, next town south about
15k. That puts us tiny comapred to Hartford CT, Worcester MA, Providence
RI, all of which are 35 miles away. We do, however, have a few appliance
dealers. They offer very competitive prices now that most belong to buying
co-ops. Service is outstanding. When our old freezer dies, the nearby dealer
did not have the one we wanted in stock and it would be 2 days. So, he
brough another freezer, helped my wife transfer the food. Two days later
brought he one we wanted and set it up, helped again witht he transfer and
took everything away. Total cost was maybe $25 more than the big
discounters for the same new freezer. .

We had a 22 year old Maytag washer. It was not working right so I bought
new belts. That was not the problem so I went back to the dealer to look at
new machines. He had what we wanted in stock, he took back the belts at the
price I paid for them, delivered and set up the new machine and took away
the old one. All of this in two hours from the time we visited the store.
And the price was still compeitive with the stores in the cities
surrounding us. Maybe we are just lucky to have a few good dealers.

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rick & Cyndi
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
: "Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message
: >
: > Surprisingly not...just within a very greedy section! We're
: > actually right in between 2 very large towns:
: > Ill and Peoria, Ill. Both towns have around 100 k people...
: > you would think that since they weren't supersized like
: > or St. Louis... that they'd maintain some small town
: > friendliness and service. No such luck! That's why I refer
: > this area as Armpit, Illinois.

: I've been to Chicago and found the people there to be rather
nice for a
: large city. I'd secribe it as New York, but with manners.

Hmmm. And I've found the two cities the opposite. Everytime
I've been in and through New York I've always had the best
time... everyone seemed pleasant, polite, friendly... Chicago
was "luck of the draw" depending upon who I asked/encountered for
what... FYI we're 2 1/2 hours away from Chicago and 3 hours away
from St. Louis (very friendly large city!).

: >
: > Our specific neighborhood is friendly and kind... but drive 1
: > mile out of the town's limit... oh lawdy! Our little town
: > less than 10 K of people within it's outer boundries but the
: > township probably has less than 3K within the actual "city
: > limits". We even have a couple of stop lights! But since
: > proximity to larger cities is so close and our town so
: > we just don't have that many stores (ie, appliance stores) so
: > have to rely on whatever Peoria or Bloomington have to
: > which means even though distance-wise, we're only as far away
: > 'across town' for most larger cities... we're 'long distance'
: > where these two cities are concerned.

: We get a similar reaction fromt he cities around us. I'm in
Putnam CT, in
: the northeast corner of the state. Population 10k, next town
south about
: 15k. That puts us tiny comapred to Hartford CT, Worcester MA,
: RI, all of which are 35 miles away. We do, however, have a few
: dealers. They offer very competitive prices now that most
belong to buying
: co-ops. Service is outstanding. When our old freezer dies, the
nearby dealer
: did not have the one we wanted in stock and it would be 2 days.
So, he
: brough another freezer, helped my wife transfer the food. Two
days later
: brought he one we wanted and set it up, helped again witht he
transfer and
: took everything away. Total cost was maybe $25 more than the
: discounters for the same new freezer. .

Nice neck of the woods! It's been a while since I've been around
there. Not since the mid 90s, I reckon.

: We had a 22 year old Maytag washer. It was not working right
so I bought
: new belts. That was not the problem so I went back to the
dealer to look at
: new machines. He had what we wanted in stock, he took back the
belts at the
: price I paid for them, delivered and set up the new machine and
took away
: the old one. All of this in two hours from the time we visited
the store.
: And the price was still compeitive with the stores in the
: surrounding us. Maybe we are just lucky to have a few good
: Ed
Wow. Good dealers and 'good' people!

Bloomington is a friendlier town than Peoria because it's more
transient (my guess, anyway)... there's more money spent there,
due to the colleges and a few other nearby things. It also has a
couple of Interstates going through it which helps a lot...
Peoria, OTOH, is a wannabe Chicago but doesn't have the trade,
commerce or the necessities to do so! IIRC, back around 1800, or
so, Peoria was actually larger than Chicago and to talk with some
of the city's Powers-that-be... nah, Not going there....
nevermind. <snort> Here's a link about Peoria: Since
that site was done, they've built a super stadium (!) for their
little baseball team... they had another little ball field that
the team played at... attendence was so low that it was amazing
that the team stayed in Peoria or was disbanded; meanwhile, the
mysterious "they" decide (it actually started from a 'dream' of
one of the city's more affluent...blah, blah...) that all of a
sudden, Peoria NEEDS a new stadium, as in one like Major leaguers
play at... (why? game attendence was usually less than *50*
people! Seriously!)... In their defense, for the first couple
of games they did have maybe a couple thousand but that has since
dwindled - again - Surprise!... oh, and guess what, they planted
*Palm Trees*, from Florida... <shakes head>.... Hello,
Illinois, zone 5... snow, ice...

Sorry Ed, I said I wasn't gonna go there.

Anyway, the freezer is home and cold and I'll be moving things
into it today! Yay!!

  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
Kate Dicey
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

Rick & Cyndi wrote:

> About $ 50 to deliver - at "their" (time-wise) convenience.
> Local dealers? What's that? Not here. I guess there might be
> about 5 within a 30 mile radius but no such thing as free
> delivery around here... I take that back, one of them a while
> back offered free IF your order was over $ 599.00. Sears is
> some-what local. About 25 miles. Rick and a neighbor moved into
> the basement without a lot of effort. We had ramps and our own
> dolly... If I wasn't getting impatient about getting it - I
> might have sprung for the fee... No biggie. It's in the
> basement and is probably cold enough to start loading it. I
> haven't checked the temperature yet.

OOOH, what a swizz! My local (town centre) shop may cost slightly more
than the edge of town warehouse operation (but not always!), but as they
charge for delivery and removal of the old appliance and the town centre
shop doesn't, it works out at about the same price. To keep the local
shop in business, I'll got with them! They are usually quicker and even
delivered my new washer 3 weeks early when the old one went bang ahead
of schedule! I didn't buy the fridge-freezer from them because they
couldn't deliver on Boxing Day and the on-line store could, for the same
price, including taking the old one away.

Lady Catherine, Wardrobe Mistress of the Chocolate Buttons
Click on Kate's Pages and explore!
  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
Edwin Pawlowski
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message

> oh, and guess what, they planted
> *Palm Trees*, from Florida... <shakes head>.... Hello,
> Illinois, zone 5... snow, ice...

Wow, I can't top that one. The wonders of the town fathers and tax

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Upright Freezer found!

"Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message news:<H0ufb.672427> :
> : ----------
> >

> I double checked the delivery fee for Sears - $ 45.00 if we
> waited for them to deliver at their convenience. There was no
> mention of haul-away fees... but we're keeping our other freezer
> anyway; so that wasn't an issue anyway. For curiosity sake, I
> may call them tomorrow just to see what they would have charged.
> Due to all of the pollution charges and freon fees (Illinois has
> gotten VERY stringent in these areas)... chances are, Sears
> probably wouldn't have even picked up an old freezer. <shrug> .
> Gosh, this is depressing just writing this!

Our Sears store is only about a mile away. They also charge for
delivery, but I'm not sure how much. We have no motivation to buy
from them, when a mile in the other direction, the appliance/furniture
store will deliver for free and take the old one away.

When we bought a new microwave oven in 1999, we carried the new one
home and were allowed to bring the old one to the store for disposal.
What could be easier. Nearly everyone we know buys new appliances at
the appliance/furniture store.

In the 10 years we have lived here, we have bought a dryer, a
dishwasher, a refrigerator, a stove, 2 tv-s, a vcr and a microwave

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