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Diabetic (alt.food.diabetic) This group is for the discussion of controlled-portion eating plans for the dietary management of diabetes. |
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![]() "Julie Bove" > wrote in message ... > > I'm going to try to quit anything with aspertame in it. I did a > > report on it and some of the problems and symptoms were pretty scary. > > They would be scary, if they were true. But they are not. > > > > My problem is that most no sugar added and diet products have > > aspartame added. Any links or suggestions would be appreciated. > > Here are a couple. Simply type in "Aspartame". > > http://snopes.com/ > > http://urbanlegends.com/ > > You'll see that the scary stuff is all a fairy tale. Please visit www.dorway.com for excellent information on ASPARTAME and all the evidence you need to know about to make an informed decision about what you or your children are taking into your bodies. Aspartame is very sweet. However roaches won't eat it, cats and dogs won't eat it, ants won't eat it and flies won't eat it - but the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) serves it to you with their approval and the approval of the Monsanto Chemical Company. Warnings Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) surveyed 80 people who suffered brain seizures after eating or drinking products with aspartame. The report stated "These 80 cases meet the FDA's own definition of an imminent hazard to the public health, which requires the FDA to expeditiously remove a product from the market." On July 28, 1983 the National Soft Drink Association drafted a 30-page protest questioning the safety of aspartame in soft drinks. The American Diabetic Association, which receives megafunds from The NutraSweet Company, ignored a 1987 abstract submitted by Dr. H.J. Roberts (world expert on diabetes) summarizing 58 diabetic aspartame reactions. He says: "I now advise all patients with diabetes and hypoglycemia to avoid aspartame products." The FDA and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) have received nearly 7,000 complaints, including five deaths, attributed to the use of aspartame in food products since the FDA first permitted limited use in 1981. A number of researchers and doctors around the country object not only to the product itself, but to the questionable preliminary research that led the FDA to approve it's use. Why hasn't aspartame been banned? The answer could be that there are thousands of companies using aspartame in diet sodas, powdered drinks, gelatin, tea, cocoa, juices, frozen desserts, even vitamins and medications. This translates to billions of dollars worldwide. Far more profits than needed to provide agency officials with gratuities and/or very favorable future employment, politicians with campaign funds, non-profit foundations with endowments, scientists with research grants, and the media with lots of advertising dollars. History Aspartame was the accidental discovery of chemist Jim Schlatter, who was working for the pharmaceutical company G.D. Searle on an anti-ulcer drug. It was December 1965; Schlatter licked his finger and tasted the substance that had spilled on his flask. It's sweetness stunned him, and he realized that tiny amounts of the chemicals he'd been mixing were powerfully sweet. Searle began testing the chemical mixture, aspartame, and it eventually gained FDA approval. Toxic Properties Aspartame is a drug that breaks down into a witch's brew of toxins. It is a molecule composed of three components: aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol. Free methanol begins to form in liquid aspartame-containing products at temperatures above 86F. The human body runs around 98.6F. Once ingested the free methanol is released into the small intestine and encounters the enzyme chymotrypsin produced by the liver which breaks it down into formaldehyde. Formaldehyde, also known as formalin, embalming fluid, or formol, is a colorless gas with a pungent odor. Symptoms of formaldehyde exposure include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or diarrhea. When the reaction is allergic, symptoms may include minor respiratory irritation and watery eyes. It is a known carcinogen. The body has difficulty eliminating formaldehyde so it combines some of it with water and stores it in the fat. What is not stored in the fat is further converted to formic acid (AKA ant sting poison-also used as an activator to strip epoxy and urethane coatings). Phenylalanine and aspartic acid, 90% of aspartame, are amino acids normally used in synthesis of protoplasm when supplied by the foods we eat. But when unaccompanied by other amino acids they are neurotoxic. They can go past the blood brain barrier and deteriorate the neurons of the brain. The phenylalanine which is genetically engineered breaks down into diketopiperazine, a known brain tumor agent and it is the reason for the FDA mandated warning label that states "Phenylketonurics: Contains phenylalanine". In other words: aspartame converts to dangerous byproducts that have no natural countermeasures. A dieter's empty stomach accelerates these conversions and amplifies the damage. How bad is it? There are 90 documented symptoms including: Headaches, Muscle spasms, Irritability, Heart palpatations, Loss of taste, Joint pain, Dizziness, Weight gain, Tachycardia (heart racing), Breathing difficulty, Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), Blurred vision, Seizures, Rashes, Insomnia, Anxiety attacks, Vertigo, Hearing loss, Nausea, Depression, Blindness, Slurred Speech, Memory Loss, Fatigue, Numbness. In l993, Swiss scientist S. E. Shephard exposed aspartame to nitrite in a test tube, causing it to undergo nitration as it might do when it encounters nitrite in the stomach. Shephard then demonstrated that the nitrated aspartame molecule was able to cause mutations in cultured bacteria. This test is commonly used to assess the cancer causing potential of chemicals. Unethical Conduct The FDA is charged by Congress to protect the public health by prohibiting the manufacture and distribution of unapproved drugs. The Department of Justice has the responsibility for prosecution of criminal and civil cases arising under the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Title 21, United States Code Section 331. Cases are referred to the Department generally through the FDA' s Chief counsel after the FDA has conducted an investigation. The FDA approved aspartame under very suspect circumstances. By their own admission it is the most complained about substance in their history, with over 10,000 "official" complaints. The FDA, CDC and many others have proof that aspartame does in fact cause tumors, and they have more than ample proof that the toxic substances methanol, formaldehyde, and formic acid, along with the action of aspartic acid cause a wide range of problems in those who ingest aspartame-laced products. Dr. Jacqueline Verrett, a former FDA toxicologist, and member of a FDA task force that investigated the authenticity of research done by Searle to establish the safety of aspartame, says she believes the original aspartame studies were "built on a foundation of sand." She testified in front of an U.S. Senate hearing in 1987 that flawed tests conducted by Searle, used as the basis for FDA approval, were a "disaster" and should have been "thrown out." She said she believed the studies left many unanswered questions about possible birth defects and the safety of aspartame. Verrett said the team was instructed not to be concerned with, or comment upon, the overall validity of the study. She said a subsequent review discarded or ignored the problems and deficiencies outlined by her team's original report. She said, "serious departures from acceptable toxicological protocols that her investigative team noted. were also discounted." On Jan 10, 1977; FDA Chief Counsel Richard Merrill recommended to U.S. Attorney Sam Skinner, "We request that your office convene a Grand Jury investigation into apparent violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 331(e), and the False Reports to the Government Act, 18 U.S.C. 1001, by G.D. Searle and Company and three of its responsible officers for their willful and knowing failure to make reports to the Food a nd Drug Administration required by the Act, 21 U.S.C. 355(i), and for concealing material facts and making false statements in reports of animal studies conducted to establish the safety of the drug Aldactone and the food additive Aspartame." Why was Searle not indicted? Searle's law firm met with Attorney Skinner on January 26. A week later they offered him a job. On April 17 the Justice Department advised Skinner to proceed immediately because of a looming statute of limitations deadline. On July 1 Skinner switched sides to work for Sidney and Austin, Searle's law firm. His successor Atty. William Conlon after convening a grand jury let the Statute of Limitations run out on the aspartame charges. Fifteen months later he too went to work for Sidney and Austin. All in all ten ranking FDA or federal officials involved with the investigation and regulation of aspartame had left government service for employment by the sweetener industry. No FDA Commissioner would approve aspartame and so it was kept off the market for 16 years. In April 1981, Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr. was appointed FDA Commissioner. On July 18, 1981 aspartame was approved for use in dry foods. Arthur Hayes overruled a Public Board of Inquiry and ignored the law, Section 409(c)(3) of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 348), which says that a food additive should not be approved if tests are inconclusive. The FDA did apply an "acceptable daily intake" or ADI to aspartame. This was raised so that in 1983 Dr. Hayes could approve aspartame for use in beverages... against the consensus of the National Soft Drink Association that aspartame was too unstable for such use. Shortly after the FDA approval for aspartame in carbonated beverages, Arthur Hayes left the FDA under charges of improprieties, took a position as the Dean of New York Medical Collage and was hired as a consultant ($1,000 per day) with G.D. Searle's public relations firm, Burson-Marsteller. Burson-Marsteller (B-M) is the world's largest PR firm, with 63 offices in 32 countries. On the human rights front, B-M has represented some of the worst violators of our age. These include: The Nigerian government during the Biafran war, to discredit reports of genocide; The fascist junta that ruled Argentina during the 70's and early 80's, to attract foreign investment; The totalitarian regime of South Korea, to whitewash the human rights situation there during the 1988 Olympics; and the Indonesian government, which got into power through a CIA-sponsored bloodbath. So it's a possibility that B-M did a great job keeping aspartame on the world market despite "red-handed" evidence of it's toxic capabilities. What may have been another "aspartame" biased act by the FDA was its effort to prevent the use of stevia. Stevia, a natural sweetener, is not a synthetic chemical, nor has it been implicated in health problems, as has aspartame. Stevia is 200 times sweeter than sugar, and in Japan it claims 41% of the sweetener market. In the entire history of stevia use as a sweetener in Japan, even in Diet CokeT, there has never been any complaints or concerns about its safety. Celestial SeasoningsT, one of the largest herbal tea companies in the world, used stevia as a flavoring and sweetener in many teas. In 1986, without warning, FDA agents entered their warehouse, seized their entire stock of stevia, and told them they could not use it in their teas. In 1991, the FDA banned stevia, claiming that in spite of its use worldwide as a sweetener additive with no reported side effects, it was an "unsafe food additive." (Today stevia is finally approved and on the open U.S. market.) Dr. H.J. Roberts has declared aspartame disease to be a world epidemic. Currently Monsanto reaps $1 billion/year from the aspartame toxic bonanza. They have asked for a more potent version called NeotameE to be approved by the FDA. Those wishing detailed scientific documentation may choose to order a an excellent book by Dr. Blaylock or something from Dr. H. J. Roberts. On the internet go to http://www.dorway.com |
You must work for the comoany that makes Splinda!
"BZ" > wrote in message ... > > "Julie Bove" > wrote in message > ... > > > > I'm going to try to quit anything with aspertame in it. I did a > > > report on it and some of the problems and symptoms were pretty scary. > > > > They would be scary, if they were true. But they are not. > > > > > > My problem is that most no sugar added and diet products have > > > aspartame added. Any links or suggestions would be appreciated. > > > > Here are a couple. Simply type in "Aspartame". > > > > http://snopes.com/ > > > > http://urbanlegends.com/ > > > > You'll see that the scary stuff is all a fairy tale. > > Please visit www.dorway.com for excellent information on ASPARTAME and all > the evidence you need to know about to make an informed decision about what > you or your children are taking into your bodies. > > Aspartame is very sweet. However roaches won't eat it, cats and dogs won't > eat it, ants won't eat it and flies won't eat it - but the FDA (Food and > Drug Administration) serves it to you with their approval and the approval > of the Monsanto Chemical Company. > > Warnings > > Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) surveyed 80 > people who suffered brain seizures after eating or drinking products with > aspartame. The report stated "These 80 cases meet the FDA's own definition > of an imminent hazard to the public health, which requires the FDA to > expeditiously remove a product from the market." On July 28, 1983 the > National Soft Drink Association drafted a 30-page protest questioning the > safety of aspartame in soft drinks. > > The American Diabetic Association, which receives megafunds from The > NutraSweet Company, ignored a 1987 abstract submitted by Dr. H.J. Roberts > (world expert on diabetes) summarizing 58 diabetic aspartame reactions. He > says: "I now advise all patients with diabetes and hypoglycemia to avoid > aspartame products." > > The FDA and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) have received nearly 7,000 > complaints, including five deaths, attributed to the use of aspartame in > food products since the FDA first permitted limited use in 1981. A number of > researchers and doctors around the country object not only to the product > itself, but to the questionable preliminary research that led the FDA to > approve it's use. > > Why hasn't aspartame been banned? The answer could be that there are > thousands of companies using aspartame in diet sodas, powdered drinks, > gelatin, tea, cocoa, juices, frozen desserts, even vitamins and medications. > This translates to billions of dollars worldwide. Far more profits than > needed to provide agency officials with gratuities and/or very favorable > future employment, politicians with campaign funds, non-profit foundations > with endowments, scientists with research grants, and the media with lots of > advertising dollars. > > History > Aspartame was the accidental discovery of chemist Jim Schlatter, who was > working for the pharmaceutical company G.D. Searle on an anti-ulcer drug. It > was December 1965; Schlatter licked his finger and tasted the substance that > had spilled on his flask. It's sweetness stunned him, and he realized that > tiny amounts of the chemicals he'd been mixing were powerfully sweet. Searle > began testing the chemical mixture, aspartame, and it eventually gained FDA > approval. > > Toxic Properties > Aspartame is a drug that breaks down into a witch's brew of toxins. It is a > molecule composed of three components: aspartic acid, phenylalanine and > methanol. > > Free methanol begins to form in liquid aspartame-containing products at > temperatures above 86F. The human body runs around 98.6F. Once ingested the > free methanol is released into the small intestine and encounters the enzyme > chymotrypsin produced by the liver which breaks it down into formaldehyde. > > Formaldehyde, also known as formalin, embalming fluid, or formol, is a > colorless gas with a pungent odor. Symptoms of formaldehyde exposure include > nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or diarrhea. When the reaction is > allergic, symptoms may include minor respiratory irritation and watery eyes. > It is a known carcinogen. > > The body has difficulty eliminating formaldehyde so it combines some of it > with water and stores it in the fat. What is not stored in the fat is > further converted to formic acid (AKA ant sting poison-also used as an > activator to strip epoxy and urethane coatings). > > Phenylalanine and aspartic acid, 90% of aspartame, are amino acids normally > used in synthesis of protoplasm when supplied by the foods we eat. But when > unaccompanied by other amino acids they are neurotoxic. They can go past the > blood brain barrier and deteriorate the neurons of the brain. The > phenylalanine which is genetically engineered breaks down into > diketopiperazine, a known brain tumor agent and it is the reason for the FDA > mandated warning label that states "Phenylketonurics: Contains > phenylalanine". In other words: aspartame converts to dangerous byproducts > that have no natural countermeasures. A dieter's empty stomach accelerates > these conversions and amplifies the damage. > > How bad is it? > There are 90 documented symptoms including: Headaches, Muscle spasms, > Irritability, Heart palpatations, Loss of taste, Joint pain, Dizziness, > Weight gain, Tachycardia (heart racing), Breathing difficulty, Tinnitus > (ringing in the ears), Blurred vision, Seizures, Rashes, Insomnia, Anxiety > attacks, Vertigo, Hearing loss, Nausea, Depression, Blindness, Slurred > Speech, Memory Loss, Fatigue, Numbness. > > In l993, Swiss scientist S. E. Shephard exposed aspartame to nitrite in a > test tube, causing it to undergo nitration as it might do when it encounters > nitrite in the stomach. Shephard then demonstrated that the nitrated > aspartame molecule was able to cause mutations in cultured bacteria. This > test is commonly used to assess the cancer causing potential of chemicals. > > Unethical Conduct > The FDA is charged by Congress to protect the public health by prohibiting > the manufacture and distribution of unapproved drugs. The Department of > Justice has the responsibility for prosecution of criminal and civil cases > arising under the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Title 21, United States Code > Section 331. Cases are referred to the Department generally through the FDA' > s Chief counsel after the FDA has conducted an investigation. > > The FDA approved aspartame under very suspect circumstances. By their own > admission it is the most complained about substance in their history, with > over 10,000 "official" complaints. The FDA, CDC and many others have proof > that aspartame does in fact cause tumors, and they have more than ample > proof that the toxic substances methanol, formaldehyde, and formic acid, > along with the action of aspartic acid cause a wide range of problems in > those who ingest aspartame-laced products. > > Dr. Jacqueline Verrett, a former FDA toxicologist, and member of a FDA task > force that investigated the authenticity of research done by Searle to > establish the safety of aspartame, says she believes the original aspartame > studies were "built on a foundation of sand." She testified in front of an > U.S. Senate hearing in 1987 that flawed tests conducted by Searle, used as > the basis for FDA approval, were a "disaster" and should have been "thrown > out." She said she believed the studies left many unanswered questions about > possible birth defects and the safety of aspartame. Verrett said the team > was instructed not to be concerned with, or comment upon, the overall > validity of the study. She said a subsequent review discarded or ignored the > problems and deficiencies outlined by her team's original report. She said, > "serious departures from acceptable toxicological protocols that her > investigative team noted. were also discounted." > > On Jan 10, 1977; FDA Chief Counsel Richard Merrill recommended to U.S. > Attorney Sam Skinner, "We request that your office convene a Grand Jury > investigation into apparent violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and > Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 331(e), and the False Reports to the Government Act, > 18 U.S.C. 1001, by G.D. Searle and Company and three of its responsible > officers for their willful and knowing failure to make reports to the Food a > nd Drug Administration required by the Act, 21 U.S.C. 355(i), and for > concealing material facts and making false statements in reports of animal > studies conducted to establish the safety of the drug Aldactone and the food > additive Aspartame." > > Why was Searle not indicted? Searle's law firm met with Attorney Skinner on > January 26. A week later they offered him a job. On April 17 the Justice > Department advised Skinner to proceed immediately because of a looming > statute of limitations deadline. On July 1 Skinner switched sides to work > for Sidney and Austin, Searle's law firm. His successor Atty. William Conlon > after convening a grand jury let the Statute of Limitations run out on the > aspartame charges. Fifteen months later he too went to work for Sidney and > Austin. All in all ten ranking FDA or federal officials involved with the > investigation and regulation of aspartame had left government service for > employment by the sweetener industry. > > No FDA Commissioner would approve aspartame and so it was kept off the > market for 16 years. In April 1981, Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr. was appointed FDA > Commissioner. On July 18, 1981 aspartame was approved for use in dry foods. > Arthur Hayes overruled a Public Board of Inquiry and ignored the law, > Section 409(c)(3) of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 348), which > says that a food additive should not be approved if tests are inconclusive. > The FDA did apply an "acceptable daily intake" or ADI to aspartame. This was > raised so that in 1983 Dr. Hayes could approve aspartame for use in > beverages... against the consensus of the National Soft Drink Association > that aspartame was too unstable for such use. Shortly after the FDA approval > for aspartame in carbonated beverages, Arthur Hayes left the FDA under > charges of improprieties, took a position as the Dean of New York Medical > Collage and was hired as a consultant ($1,000 per day) with G.D. Searle's > public relations firm, Burson-Marsteller. > > Burson-Marsteller (B-M) is the world's largest PR firm, with 63 offices in > 32 countries. On the human rights front, B-M has represented some of the > worst violators of our age. These include: The Nigerian government during > the Biafran war, to discredit reports of genocide; The fascist junta that > ruled Argentina during the 70's and early 80's, to attract foreign > investment; The totalitarian regime of South Korea, to whitewash the human > rights situation there during the 1988 Olympics; and the Indonesian > government, which got into power through a CIA-sponsored bloodbath. > > So it's a possibility that B-M did a great job keeping aspartame on the > world market despite "red-handed" evidence of it's toxic capabilities. What > may have been another "aspartame" biased act by the FDA was its effort to > prevent the use of stevia. Stevia, a natural sweetener, is not a synthetic > chemical, nor has it been implicated in health problems, as has aspartame. > Stevia is 200 times sweeter than sugar, and in Japan it claims 41% of the > sweetener market. In the entire history of stevia use as a sweetener in > Japan, even in Diet CokeT, there has never been any complaints or concerns > about its safety. Celestial SeasoningsT, one of the largest herbal tea > companies in the world, used stevia as a flavoring and sweetener in many > teas. In 1986, without warning, FDA agents entered their warehouse, seized > their entire stock of stevia, and told them they could not use it in their > teas. In 1991, the FDA banned stevia, claiming that in spite of its use > worldwide as a sweetener additive with no reported side effects, it was an > "unsafe food additive." (Today stevia is finally approved and on the open > U.S. market.) > > Dr. H.J. Roberts has declared aspartame disease to be a world epidemic. > Currently Monsanto reaps $1 billion/year from the aspartame toxic bonanza. > They have asked for a more potent version called NeotameE to be approved by > the FDA. > > Those wishing detailed scientific documentation may choose to order a an > excellent book by Dr. Blaylock or something from Dr. H. J. Roberts. On the > internet go to http://www.dorway.com > > > > |
What a bunch of baloney!
Nan, Type 2, aspertame user for 20 years or so. |
Never heard of any "comoany" called "Splinda". Please clarify.
"Lee Cooper" > wrote in message news:1066087701.151348@cache1... > You must work for the comoany that makes Splinda! > "BZ" > wrote in message > ... > > > > "Julie Bove" > wrote in message > > ... > > > > > > I'm going to try to quit anything with aspertame in it. I did a > > > > report on it and some of the problems and symptoms were pretty scary. > > > > > > They would be scary, if they were true. But they are not. > > > > > > > > My problem is that most no sugar added and diet products have > > > > aspartame added. Any links or suggestions would be appreciated. > > > > > > Here are a couple. Simply type in "Aspartame". > > > > > > http://snopes.com/ > > > > > > http://urbanlegends.com/ > > > > > > You'll see that the scary stuff is all a fairy tale. > > > > Please visit www.dorway.com for excellent information on ASPARTAME and all > > the evidence you need to know about to make an informed decision about > what > > you or your children are taking into your bodies. > > > > Aspartame is very sweet. However roaches won't eat it, cats and dogs won't > > eat it, ants won't eat it and flies won't eat it - but the FDA (Food and > > Drug Administration) serves it to you with their approval and the approval > > of the Monsanto Chemical Company. > > > > Warnings > > > > Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) surveyed 80 > > people who suffered brain seizures after eating or drinking products with > > aspartame. The report stated "These 80 cases meet the FDA's own definition > > of an imminent hazard to the public health, which requires the FDA to > > expeditiously remove a product from the market." On July 28, 1983 the > > National Soft Drink Association drafted a 30-page protest questioning the > > safety of aspartame in soft drinks. > > > > The American Diabetic Association, which receives megafunds from The > > NutraSweet Company, ignored a 1987 abstract submitted by Dr. H.J. Roberts > > (world expert on diabetes) summarizing 58 diabetic aspartame reactions. He > > says: "I now advise all patients with diabetes and hypoglycemia to avoid > > aspartame products." > > > > The FDA and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) have received nearly > 7,000 > > complaints, including five deaths, attributed to the use of aspartame in > > food products since the FDA first permitted limited use in 1981. A number > of > > researchers and doctors around the country object not only to the product > > itself, but to the questionable preliminary research that led the FDA to > > approve it's use. > > > > Why hasn't aspartame been banned? The answer could be that there are > > thousands of companies using aspartame in diet sodas, powdered drinks, > > gelatin, tea, cocoa, juices, frozen desserts, even vitamins and > medications. > > This translates to billions of dollars worldwide. Far more profits than > > needed to provide agency officials with gratuities and/or very favorable > > future employment, politicians with campaign funds, non-profit foundations > > with endowments, scientists with research grants, and the media with lots > of > > advertising dollars. > > > > History > > Aspartame was the accidental discovery of chemist Jim Schlatter, who was > > working for the pharmaceutical company G.D. Searle on an anti-ulcer drug. > It > > was December 1965; Schlatter licked his finger and tasted the substance > that > > had spilled on his flask. It's sweetness stunned him, and he realized that > > tiny amounts of the chemicals he'd been mixing were powerfully sweet. > Searle > > began testing the chemical mixture, aspartame, and it eventually gained > FDA > > approval. > > > > Toxic Properties > > Aspartame is a drug that breaks down into a witch's brew of toxins. It is > a > > molecule composed of three components: aspartic acid, phenylalanine and > > methanol. > > > > Free methanol begins to form in liquid aspartame-containing products at > > temperatures above 86F. The human body runs around 98.6F. Once ingested > the > > free methanol is released into the small intestine and encounters the > enzyme > > chymotrypsin produced by the liver which breaks it down into formaldehyde. > > > > Formaldehyde, also known as formalin, embalming fluid, or formol, is a > > colorless gas with a pungent odor. Symptoms of formaldehyde exposure > include > > nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or diarrhea. When the reaction is > > allergic, symptoms may include minor respiratory irritation and watery > eyes. > > It is a known carcinogen. > > > > The body has difficulty eliminating formaldehyde so it combines some of it > > with water and stores it in the fat. What is not stored in the fat is > > further converted to formic acid (AKA ant sting poison-also used as an > > activator to strip epoxy and urethane coatings). > > > > Phenylalanine and aspartic acid, 90% of aspartame, are amino acids > normally > > used in synthesis of protoplasm when supplied by the foods we eat. But > when > > unaccompanied by other amino acids they are neurotoxic. They can go past > the > > blood brain barrier and deteriorate the neurons of the brain. The > > phenylalanine which is genetically engineered breaks down into > > diketopiperazine, a known brain tumor agent and it is the reason for the > FDA > > mandated warning label that states "Phenylketonurics: Contains > > phenylalanine". In other words: aspartame converts to dangerous byproducts > > that have no natural countermeasures. A dieter's empty stomach accelerates > > these conversions and amplifies the damage. > > > > How bad is it? > > There are 90 documented symptoms including: Headaches, Muscle spasms, > > Irritability, Heart palpatations, Loss of taste, Joint pain, Dizziness, > > Weight gain, Tachycardia (heart racing), Breathing difficulty, Tinnitus > > (ringing in the ears), Blurred vision, Seizures, Rashes, Insomnia, Anxiety > > attacks, Vertigo, Hearing loss, Nausea, Depression, Blindness, Slurred > > Speech, Memory Loss, Fatigue, Numbness. > > > > In l993, Swiss scientist S. E. Shephard exposed aspartame to nitrite in a > > test tube, causing it to undergo nitration as it might do when it > encounters > > nitrite in the stomach. Shephard then demonstrated that the nitrated > > aspartame molecule was able to cause mutations in cultured bacteria. This > > test is commonly used to assess the cancer causing potential of chemicals. > > > > Unethical Conduct > > The FDA is charged by Congress to protect the public health by prohibiting > > the manufacture and distribution of unapproved drugs. The Department of > > Justice has the responsibility for prosecution of criminal and civil cases > > arising under the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Title 21, United States > Code > > Section 331. Cases are referred to the Department generally through the > FDA' > > s Chief counsel after the FDA has conducted an investigation. > > > > The FDA approved aspartame under very suspect circumstances. By their own > > admission it is the most complained about substance in their history, with > > over 10,000 "official" complaints. The FDA, CDC and many others have proof > > that aspartame does in fact cause tumors, and they have more than ample > > proof that the toxic substances methanol, formaldehyde, and formic acid, > > along with the action of aspartic acid cause a wide range of problems in > > those who ingest aspartame-laced products. > > > > Dr. Jacqueline Verrett, a former FDA toxicologist, and member of a FDA > task > > force that investigated the authenticity of research done by Searle to > > establish the safety of aspartame, says she believes the original > aspartame > > studies were "built on a foundation of sand." She testified in front of an > > U.S. Senate hearing in 1987 that flawed tests conducted by Searle, used as > > the basis for FDA approval, were a "disaster" and should have been "thrown > > out." She said she believed the studies left many unanswered questions > about > > possible birth defects and the safety of aspartame. Verrett said the team > > was instructed not to be concerned with, or comment upon, the overall > > validity of the study. She said a subsequent review discarded or ignored > the > > problems and deficiencies outlined by her team's original report. She > said, > > "serious departures from acceptable toxicological protocols that her > > investigative team noted. were also discounted." > > > > On Jan 10, 1977; FDA Chief Counsel Richard Merrill recommended to U.S. > > Attorney Sam Skinner, "We request that your office convene a Grand Jury > > investigation into apparent violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and > > Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 331(e), and the False Reports to the Government > Act, > > 18 U.S.C. 1001, by G.D. Searle and Company and three of its responsible > > officers for their willful and knowing failure to make reports to the Food > a > > nd Drug Administration required by the Act, 21 U.S.C. 355(i), and for > > concealing material facts and making false statements in reports of animal > > studies conducted to establish the safety of the drug Aldactone and the > food > > additive Aspartame." > > > > Why was Searle not indicted? Searle's law firm met with Attorney Skinner > on > > January 26. A week later they offered him a job. On April 17 the Justice > > Department advised Skinner to proceed immediately because of a looming > > statute of limitations deadline. On July 1 Skinner switched sides to work > > for Sidney and Austin, Searle's law firm. His successor Atty. William > Conlon > > after convening a grand jury let the Statute of Limitations run out on the > > aspartame charges. Fifteen months later he too went to work for Sidney and > > Austin. All in all ten ranking FDA or federal officials involved with the > > investigation and regulation of aspartame had left government service for > > employment by the sweetener industry. > > > > No FDA Commissioner would approve aspartame and so it was kept off the > > market for 16 years. In April 1981, Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr. was appointed > FDA > > Commissioner. On July 18, 1981 aspartame was approved for use in dry > foods. > > Arthur Hayes overruled a Public Board of Inquiry and ignored the law, > > Section 409(c)(3) of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 348), which > > says that a food additive should not be approved if tests are > inconclusive. > > The FDA did apply an "acceptable daily intake" or ADI to aspartame. This > was > > raised so that in 1983 Dr. Hayes could approve aspartame for use in > > beverages... against the consensus of the National Soft Drink Association > > that aspartame was too unstable for such use. Shortly after the FDA > approval > > for aspartame in carbonated beverages, Arthur Hayes left the FDA under > > charges of improprieties, took a position as the Dean of New York Medical > > Collage and was hired as a consultant ($1,000 per day) with G.D. Searle's > > public relations firm, Burson-Marsteller. > > > > Burson-Marsteller (B-M) is the world's largest PR firm, with 63 offices in > > 32 countries. On the human rights front, B-M has represented some of the > > worst violators of our age. These include: The Nigerian government during > > the Biafran war, to discredit reports of genocide; The fascist junta that > > ruled Argentina during the 70's and early 80's, to attract foreign > > investment; The totalitarian regime of South Korea, to whitewash the human > > rights situation there during the 1988 Olympics; and the Indonesian > > government, which got into power through a CIA-sponsored bloodbath. > > > > So it's a possibility that B-M did a great job keeping aspartame on the > > world market despite "red-handed" evidence of it's toxic capabilities. > What > > may have been another "aspartame" biased act by the FDA was its effort to > > prevent the use of stevia. Stevia, a natural sweetener, is not a synthetic > > chemical, nor has it been implicated in health problems, as has aspartame. > > Stevia is 200 times sweeter than sugar, and in Japan it claims 41% of the > > sweetener market. In the entire history of stevia use as a sweetener in > > Japan, even in Diet CokeT, there has never been any complaints or concerns > > about its safety. Celestial SeasoningsT, one of the largest herbal tea > > companies in the world, used stevia as a flavoring and sweetener in many > > teas. In 1986, without warning, FDA agents entered their warehouse, seized > > their entire stock of stevia, and told them they could not use it in their > > teas. In 1991, the FDA banned stevia, claiming that in spite of its use > > worldwide as a sweetener additive with no reported side effects, it was an > > "unsafe food additive." (Today stevia is finally approved and on the open > > U.S. market.) > > > > Dr. H.J. Roberts has declared aspartame disease to be a world epidemic. > > Currently Monsanto reaps $1 billion/year from the aspartame toxic bonanza. > > They have asked for a more potent version called NeotameE to be approved > by > > the FDA. > > > > Those wishing detailed scientific documentation may choose to order a an > > excellent book by Dr. Blaylock or something from Dr. H. J. Roberts. On the > > internet go to http://www.dorway.com > > > > > > > > > > > |
Look folks, this isn't rocket science. If you live in the USA you are used
to being lied too, plain and simple. What possible gain is there for someone pointing out evidence that is out there readily available? If you choose to consume a chemical that makes you happy, then so be it. When others ask opinions why is it so difficult for you to let all opinions be heard without calling people names and liars and trolls, etc.? You have your stance, and others have theirs. Simple, move on with your life. "Nan Eklund" > wrote in message ... > What a bunch of baloney! > Nan, Type 2, aspertame user for 20 years or so. |
"BZ" <> wrote in message .com...
> Look folks, this isn't rocket science. If you live in the USA you are used > to being lied too, plain and simple. What possible gain is there for someone > pointing out evidence that is out there readily available? If you choose to > consume a chemical that makes you happy, then so be it. When others ask > opinions why is it so difficult for you to let all opinions be heard without > calling people names and liars and trolls, etc.? You have your stance, and > others have theirs. Simple, move on with your life. simple...... this is a diabetic group WE USE ASPARTAME AND SPLENDA got it? simply..... move on with your life |
cc'd by email
Look you scamming piece of fecal matter You keep pushing your scam on diabetic groups **** OFF BZ wrote: > Look folks, this isn't rocket science. If you live in the USA you are used > to being lied too, plain and simple. What possible gain is there for someone > pointing out evidence that is out there readily available? If you choose to > consume a chemical that makes you happy, then so be it. When others ask > opinions why is it so difficult for you to let all opinions be heard without > calling people names and liars and trolls, etc.? You have your stance, and > others have theirs. Simple, move on with your life. > > "Nan Eklund" > wrote in message > ... > >>What a bunch of baloney! >>Nan, Type 2, aspertame user for 20 years or so. > > > |
cc'd by email
BZ wrote: > Never heard of any "comoany" called "Splinda". Please clarify. > <snip> Please go **** yourself You know, the reason why cyclamates are not sold in the us is because of false info by a Canadian rat BZ is a false Canadian Rat - maybe it is her fault <g> |
![]() cot some email from the BZ scammer Usual threats BZ wrote: > Look folks, this isn't rocket science. If you live in the USA you are used > to being lied too, plain and simple. What possible gain is there for someone > pointing out evidence that is out there readily available? If you choose to > consume a chemical that makes you happy, then so be it. When others ask > opinions why is it so difficult for you to let all opinions be heard without > calling people names and liars and trolls, etc.? You have your stance, and > others have theirs. Simple, move on with your life. > > "Nan Eklund" > wrote in message > ... > >>What a bunch of baloney! >>Nan, Type 2, aspertame user for 20 years or so. > > > |
I guess my spelling sucks.........and I try to type to fast.....
But I will take my time in replying to your reply....for my reply to your reply is this.......now read carefully....are you ready?............ **** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 "BZ" > wrote in message .. . > Never heard of any "comoany" called "Splinda". Please clarify. > > "Lee Cooper" > wrote in message > news:1066087701.151348@cache1... > > You must work for the comoany that makes Splinda! > > "BZ" > wrote in message > > ... > > > > > > "Julie Bove" > wrote in message > > > ... > > > > > > > > I'm going to try to quit anything with aspertame in it. I did a > > > > > report on it and some of the problems and symptoms were pretty > scary. > > > > > > > > They would be scary, if they were true. But they are not. > > > > > > > > > > My problem is that most no sugar added and diet products have > > > > > aspartame added. Any links or suggestions would be appreciated. > > > > > > > > Here are a couple. Simply type in "Aspartame". > > > > > > > > http://snopes.com/ > > > > > > > > http://urbanlegends.com/ > > > > > > > > You'll see that the scary stuff is all a fairy tale. > > > > > > Please visit www.dorway.com for excellent information on ASPARTAME and > all > > > the evidence you need to know about to make an informed decision about > > what > > > you or your children are taking into your bodies. > > > > > > Aspartame is very sweet. However roaches won't eat it, cats and dogs > won't > > > eat it, ants won't eat it and flies won't eat it - but the FDA (Food and > > > Drug Administration) serves it to you with their approval and the > approval > > > of the Monsanto Chemical Company. > > > > > > Warnings > > > > > > Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) surveyed 80 > > > people who suffered brain seizures after eating or drinking products > with > > > aspartame. The report stated "These 80 cases meet the FDA's own > definition > > > of an imminent hazard to the public health, which requires the FDA to > > > expeditiously remove a product from the market." On July 28, 1983 the > > > National Soft Drink Association drafted a 30-page protest questioning > the > > > safety of aspartame in soft drinks. > > > > > > The American Diabetic Association, which receives megafunds from The > > > NutraSweet Company, ignored a 1987 abstract submitted by Dr. H.J. > Roberts > > > (world expert on diabetes) summarizing 58 diabetic aspartame reactions. > He > > > says: "I now advise all patients with diabetes and hypoglycemia to avoid > > > aspartame products." > > > > > > The FDA and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) have received nearly > > 7,000 > > > complaints, including five deaths, attributed to the use of aspartame in > > > food products since the FDA first permitted limited use in 1981. A > number > > of > > > researchers and doctors around the country object not only to the > product > > > itself, but to the questionable preliminary research that led the FDA to > > > approve it's use. > > > > > > Why hasn't aspartame been banned? The answer could be that there are > > > thousands of companies using aspartame in diet sodas, powdered drinks, > > > gelatin, tea, cocoa, juices, frozen desserts, even vitamins and > > medications. > > > This translates to billions of dollars worldwide. Far more profits than > > > needed to provide agency officials with gratuities and/or very favorable > > > future employment, politicians with campaign funds, non-profit > foundations > > > with endowments, scientists with research grants, and the media with > lots > > of > > > advertising dollars. > > > > > > History > > > Aspartame was the accidental discovery of chemist Jim Schlatter, who was > > > working for the pharmaceutical company G.D. Searle on an anti-ulcer > drug. > > It > > > was December 1965; Schlatter licked his finger and tasted the substance > > that > > > had spilled on his flask. It's sweetness stunned him, and he realized > that > > > tiny amounts of the chemicals he'd been mixing were powerfully sweet. > > Searle > > > began testing the chemical mixture, aspartame, and it eventually gained > > FDA > > > approval. > > > > > > Toxic Properties > > > Aspartame is a drug that breaks down into a witch's brew of toxins. It > is > > a > > > molecule composed of three components: aspartic acid, phenylalanine and > > > methanol. > > > > > > Free methanol begins to form in liquid aspartame-containing products at > > > temperatures above 86F. The human body runs around 98.6F. Once ingested > > the > > > free methanol is released into the small intestine and encounters the > > enzyme > > > chymotrypsin produced by the liver which breaks it down into > formaldehyde. > > > > > > Formaldehyde, also known as formalin, embalming fluid, or formol, is a > > > colorless gas with a pungent odor. Symptoms of formaldehyde exposure > > include > > > nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or diarrhea. When the reaction is > > > allergic, symptoms may include minor respiratory irritation and watery > > eyes. > > > It is a known carcinogen. > > > > > > The body has difficulty eliminating formaldehyde so it combines some of > it > > > with water and stores it in the fat. What is not stored in the fat is > > > further converted to formic acid (AKA ant sting poison-also used as an > > > activator to strip epoxy and urethane coatings). > > > > > > Phenylalanine and aspartic acid, 90% of aspartame, are amino acids > > normally > > > used in synthesis of protoplasm when supplied by the foods we eat. But > > when > > > unaccompanied by other amino acids they are neurotoxic. They can go past > > the > > > blood brain barrier and deteriorate the neurons of the brain. The > > > phenylalanine which is genetically engineered breaks down into > > > diketopiperazine, a known brain tumor agent and it is the reason for the > > FDA > > > mandated warning label that states "Phenylketonurics: Contains > > > phenylalanine". In other words: aspartame converts to dangerous > byproducts > > > that have no natural countermeasures. A dieter's empty stomach > accelerates > > > these conversions and amplifies the damage. > > > > > > How bad is it? > > > There are 90 documented symptoms including: Headaches, Muscle spasms, > > > Irritability, Heart palpatations, Loss of taste, Joint pain, Dizziness, > > > Weight gain, Tachycardia (heart racing), Breathing difficulty, Tinnitus > > > (ringing in the ears), Blurred vision, Seizures, Rashes, Insomnia, > Anxiety > > > attacks, Vertigo, Hearing loss, Nausea, Depression, Blindness, Slurred > > > Speech, Memory Loss, Fatigue, Numbness. > > > > > > In l993, Swiss scientist S. E. Shephard exposed aspartame to nitrite in > a > > > test tube, causing it to undergo nitration as it might do when it > > encounters > > > nitrite in the stomach. Shephard then demonstrated that the nitrated > > > aspartame molecule was able to cause mutations in cultured bacteria. > This > > > test is commonly used to assess the cancer causing potential of > chemicals. > > > > > > Unethical Conduct > > > The FDA is charged by Congress to protect the public health by > prohibiting > > > the manufacture and distribution of unapproved drugs. The Department of > > > Justice has the responsibility for prosecution of criminal and civil > cases > > > arising under the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Title 21, United States > > Code > > > Section 331. Cases are referred to the Department generally through the > > FDA' > > > s Chief counsel after the FDA has conducted an investigation. > > > > > > The FDA approved aspartame under very suspect circumstances. By their > own > > > admission it is the most complained about substance in their history, > with > > > over 10,000 "official" complaints. The FDA, CDC and many others have > proof > > > that aspartame does in fact cause tumors, and they have more than ample > > > proof that the toxic substances methanol, formaldehyde, and formic acid, > > > along with the action of aspartic acid cause a wide range of problems in > > > those who ingest aspartame-laced products. > > > > > > Dr. Jacqueline Verrett, a former FDA toxicologist, and member of a FDA > > task > > > force that investigated the authenticity of research done by Searle to > > > establish the safety of aspartame, says she believes the original > > aspartame > > > studies were "built on a foundation of sand." She testified in front of > an > > > U.S. Senate hearing in 1987 that flawed tests conducted by Searle, used > as > > > the basis for FDA approval, were a "disaster" and should have been > "thrown > > > out." She said she believed the studies left many unanswered questions > > about > > > possible birth defects and the safety of aspartame. Verrett said the > team > > > was instructed not to be concerned with, or comment upon, the overall > > > validity of the study. She said a subsequent review discarded or ignored > > the > > > problems and deficiencies outlined by her team's original report. She > > said, > > > "serious departures from acceptable toxicological protocols that her > > > investigative team noted. were also discounted." > > > > > > On Jan 10, 1977; FDA Chief Counsel Richard Merrill recommended to U.S. > > > Attorney Sam Skinner, "We request that your office convene a Grand Jury > > > investigation into apparent violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and > > > Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 331(e), and the False Reports to the Government > > Act, > > > 18 U.S.C. 1001, by G.D. Searle and Company and three of its responsible > > > officers for their willful and knowing failure to make reports to the > Food > > a > > > nd Drug Administration required by the Act, 21 U.S.C. 355(i), and for > > > concealing material facts and making false statements in reports of > animal > > > studies conducted to establish the safety of the drug Aldactone and the > > food > > > additive Aspartame." > > > > > > Why was Searle not indicted? Searle's law firm met with Attorney Skinner > > on > > > January 26. A week later they offered him a job. On April 17 the Justice > > > Department advised Skinner to proceed immediately because of a looming > > > statute of limitations deadline. On July 1 Skinner switched sides to > work > > > for Sidney and Austin, Searle's law firm. His successor Atty. William > > Conlon > > > after convening a grand jury let the Statute of Limitations run out on > the > > > aspartame charges. Fifteen months later he too went to work for Sidney > and > > > Austin. All in all ten ranking FDA or federal officials involved with > the > > > investigation and regulation of aspartame had left government service > for > > > employment by the sweetener industry. > > > > > > No FDA Commissioner would approve aspartame and so it was kept off the > > > market for 16 years. In April 1981, Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr. was appointed > > FDA > > > Commissioner. On July 18, 1981 aspartame was approved for use in dry > > foods. > > > Arthur Hayes overruled a Public Board of Inquiry and ignored the law, > > > Section 409(c)(3) of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 348), > which > > > says that a food additive should not be approved if tests are > > inconclusive. > > > The FDA did apply an "acceptable daily intake" or ADI to aspartame. This > > was > > > raised so that in 1983 Dr. Hayes could approve aspartame for use in > > > beverages... against the consensus of the National Soft Drink > Association > > > that aspartame was too unstable for such use. Shortly after the FDA > > approval > > > for aspartame in carbonated beverages, Arthur Hayes left the FDA under > > > charges of improprieties, took a position as the Dean of New York > Medical > > > Collage and was hired as a consultant ($1,000 per day) with G.D. > Searle's > > > public relations firm, Burson-Marsteller. > > > > > > Burson-Marsteller (B-M) is the world's largest PR firm, with 63 offices > in > > > 32 countries. On the human rights front, B-M has represented some of the > > > worst violators of our age. These include: The Nigerian government > during > > > the Biafran war, to discredit reports of genocide; The fascist junta > that > > > ruled Argentina during the 70's and early 80's, to attract foreign > > > investment; The totalitarian regime of South Korea, to whitewash the > human > > > rights situation there during the 1988 Olympics; and the Indonesian > > > government, which got into power through a CIA-sponsored bloodbath. > > > > > > So it's a possibility that B-M did a great job keeping aspartame on the > > > world market despite "red-handed" evidence of it's toxic capabilities. > > What > > > may have been another "aspartame" biased act by the FDA was its effort > to > > > prevent the use of stevia. Stevia, a natural sweetener, is not a > synthetic > > > chemical, nor has it been implicated in health problems, as has > aspartame. > > > Stevia is 200 times sweeter than sugar, and in Japan it claims 41% of > the > > > sweetener market. In the entire history of stevia use as a sweetener in > > > Japan, even in Diet CokeT, there has never been any complaints or > concerns > > > about its safety. Celestial SeasoningsT, one of the largest herbal tea > > > companies in the world, used stevia as a flavoring and sweetener in many > > > teas. In 1986, without warning, FDA agents entered their warehouse, > seized > > > their entire stock of stevia, and told them they could not use it in > their > > > teas. In 1991, the FDA banned stevia, claiming that in spite of its use > > > worldwide as a sweetener additive with no reported side effects, it was > an > > > "unsafe food additive." (Today stevia is finally approved and on the > open > > > U.S. market.) > > > > > > Dr. H.J. Roberts has declared aspartame disease to be a world epidemic. > > > Currently Monsanto reaps $1 billion/year from the aspartame toxic > bonanza. > > > They have asked for a more potent version called NeotameE to be approved > > by > > > the FDA. > > > > > > Those wishing detailed scientific documentation may choose to order a an > > > excellent book by Dr. Blaylock or something from Dr. H. J. Roberts. On > the > > > internet go to http://www.dorway.com > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > |
Well said, your family must be so proud of you.
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