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Default Geithner is after the Social Security Trust Fund, DoE needs a fullaccount of the last 8 years

In my opinion,

1) The Energy Dpt. Budget is 27 billion dollars, but the next few
years, with the Stimulus Plan money, it will be higher AND A LOT MORE
IMPORTANT , and as many in DC are asking : when are we going to get a
full account of the last 8 to 10 years Budget at the Department and
its expenses : many are saying that hundreds of millions in special
programs, nuclear weapons , storage, public relations, special
expenses, etc., as well as nuclear weapons blueprints ,hardware and
software are gone , distracted, duplicated , you name it, so why not
make a full account before the new Secretary really starts to be in
full charge? the plan , as many are saying, is to delay the full
accounting until they can blame the new Administration, so why not
make a " full account " before ? but of course, since the top money
positions at the DoE are still controlled by Bush-Cheney-Bodman
appointee's, they will object and refuse, accuse and delay, right
Isakowitz ? ( darling Isakowitz is the CFO of the Energy
Dpt.) .....and since none of them old Bush-Cheney-Bodman appointees
have nothing to hide, why not check how much money they had when they
went in and how much when they went out, eh, Isakowitz ? , how about
it ? but what's the point ? who in the DoJ is going to check this
abuse ? no one.

it's important to remember the Briefing by a top officer at the
Pentagon a few weeks ago, where he said that the USA needs to re-do
all its nukes because the blueprints have been copied ( stolen ? )
everywhere , this was the last time we heard from him...honesty does
not go very well in D.C....

2) About a Truth Commission on the 2008 Financial Meltdown :

In 1998, Greenspan,Gramm, Rubin, Leavitt , Leach and later Summers
lobbied the Congress to de-regulate the Financial Markets so that
A.I.G. and his chairman and CEO Maurice Greenberg could start
selling Credit-Default-Swaps and other derivatives without having to
register them as Insurance sales and without having to keep reserves
on them, and Congress voted down the Glass - Steagall Act in 1999 and
by 2004 , A.I.G. was selling and playing with 4 trillion dollars of
CDS all over the world and through Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns,
Merrill Lynch and many others, they all were making huge bonuses out
of it, and all the while Mary Shapiro was Commissioner of the SEC with
others and from 2005 on, Tim Geithner was Board member and chairman
of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Ben Bernanke was chairman
of the Federal Reserve, and the 3 of them later said that they did not
know anything about anything...maybe they thought that these firms
were just selling used doorknobs and making billions of dollars in

And now another one of the biggest pushers of de-regulation , Gary
Gensler, is about to be confirmed by the USA Senate as head of the
CFTC, even after 2 unknown Senators rejected his selection , he will
be confirmed next week, how is that possible ? this will come back to
bite P.Obama and VP Biden, literally !

And as Frank Partnoy , the Law Professor at the University of San
Diego says to the Congress this week and on the N.Y.T. May,15,09 Op-Ed
" Danger in Wall Street's Shadows " : Treasury's Geithner proposal
will let the"Derivatives" sellers have 2 choices and so fake the
reforms : one Standardized Instrument Regulated and traded in
Regulated Exchanges and then another set of derivatives as " Privately
Negotiated Contracts and Customized Deals " or SWAPS and that "...
would not be publicly traded or regulated..." , so take that for
double talk, phony baloney and "trick or treat", a masterpiece of
Tooth Fairy Legislation, amazing the criminal minds at work
here ! .....my question to P.Obama and VP.Biden is : when are they
going to get all these crooks and thiefs , Geithner,Summers,
Axelrod,Emanuel,Furman , etal, out of the Administration and the White
House , when ?

3) And this comes on top of Geithner trying for the 11th time to
convince the Congress to skip Health Care Reform and take-up the
Social Security Trust Fund which is not running out of money until
2037 : He wants to get his hands on the Fund and pass it to his
friends in the Hedge-Fund Lobby and from there to the Middle East :
The guy is a thief and a liar, and when is P.Obama and VP .Biden going
to see it ? With these criminals, I fear more bad news for P.
Obama....after all, they went after R.Pelosi , a gentile, because she
is number 3 for the Presidency, get it ?

And none of the above will ever show up on this insulting new "9/11-
like Truth Commission" , like in that one, they will omit the key
parts and find a dumb "gentile" to blame....just look at how the
media is trying to stick-it to Speaker Pelosi and they avoid talking
about who gave the orders to torture and who pushed for the stupid and
criminal war, as well as WHO were the private contractors AND THE
not ask Michael Mukasey about his trips to all the " Rendition
Countries" while trying to make also Oil and Gas deals ? why not ask
him ? or his son the lawyer of the right-hand man of Bernard Madoff ?
why not ask these 2 to start ?

No one will ask the right questions, instead they will insult us one
more time....it's time to vote out all these incompetent and corrupt
traitors out of D.C....the worst enemy of America is already inside

Director Panetta and R. Pelosi : how can you fall for this neocon
trick ? these extreme neocons are making you fight against each other
for the crimes and corruption of another Administration ?

Instead of talking about Energy Independence and new solar, wind ,
wave and geothermal new jobs, instead of talking about new battery and
fuel-cell factories , instead of talking about vital new synthetic
fuels for the Military and Commercial Aviation Industry, they talk
about when R. Pelosi knew about Bush and Cheney's torture methods,
what a criminal shame !
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