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  #41 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

Oh pshaw, on Wed 06 Sep 2006 01:26:38a, Jen meant to say...

> "Wayne Boatwright" <> wrote in message
> 28.19...
>> Oh pshaw, on Tue 05 Sep 2006 04:10:08p, Jen meant to say...
>>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>>> ... Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>> I can't speak about Kirsty, but I'm living proof that exercise is not
>>>> essential for weight loss. I've lost 68½ pounds on Weight Watchers
>>>> without doing one moment of exercise.
>>> And I have lost 20 pounds in the last year through exercise without
>>> dieting.
>>> I've been exercising my butt of for the last 4 years, and haven't lost
>>> any weight. I can't see a difference in my body, my clothes fit the
>>> same, and the weight is much the same. But I do *feel* fitter, that's
>>> the main thing.
>>> Jen

>> Weight loss is entirely dependent on calories expended exceeding
>> calories consumed. Whether it's through diet or exercise or a
>> combination of the two, one still needs a deficit of calories to lose
>> weight.
>> Exercise alone can certainly firm and tone the muscles and inches can
>> be lost without weight loss. Many people feel better when they
>> exercise.

> Yeah. It stimulates the *happy hormones*. I actually started more for
> depression, as well as fitness.

You'll laugh at me, Jen, but the very thought of having to exercise
depresses me. :-)

> I have great respect for you Wayne, being able to diet, while being such
> a great cook. I love my food too much for my own good. Although I have
> cut back.

Thanks, Jen. Actually, one thing dieting does for cooking is it spurs
greater creativitty to create good tasting food.

Wayne Boatwright

I've already told you more than I know.

  #42 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

Oh pshaw, on Wed 06 Sep 2006 02:41:04a, Michael Archon Sequoia Nielsen
meant to say...

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> Yep, I've played with some of those programs, even some you can
>> download. However, simply plugging in numbers does not accurately
>> determine BMI. It's a "calculated" guess.
>> My doctor takes caliper measurements at various points, as well as
>> weight/height figures, in calculating a far more accurate BMI.
>> Ultimately, a water tank test is the most accurate. I have had one of
>> those, and will have another in October or November. That's about as
>> accurate as you can get.

> I do not think it is BMI you are calculating. BMI is a specific
> definition (and those programs on the web are doing it right).
> You are calculating your body fat percentage, which is a different
> measure entirely (but unlike BMI, it is actually usable).

Perhaps you're right, Michael. I'll have to ask my doctor the next time I

Wayne Boatwright

I've already told you more than I know.

  #43 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

Jen wrote:

> And I have lost 20 pounds in the last year through exercise without dieting.
> I've been exercising my butt of for the last 4 years, and haven't lost any
> weight. I can't see a difference in my body, my clothes fit the same, and
> the weight is much the same. But I do *feel* fitter, that's the main thing.

Funny how that works eh. I started off with one exercise regime and found it
easy to add distance, weight and reps as I got myself back into shape. Shirts
became looser around the neck and chest but tighter in the arms. Pants got a
little looser around the waist but tighter around the thighs. I started gaining
weight as I turned fat into muscle. I laid off some of the weigh machines and
started bicycling, and then the weight started coming off again.

  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

> OMG Andy.... she's definately thinner than she was. If you don't
> think so, you probably need new glasses. LOL! Who says she doesn't
> exercise? I 'd you bet $1 that she excercising like crazy! They are
> paying her big money to get thinner, so exercise has to be part of
> the plan.
> Do you remember what a total (skinny) fox she was in Star Trek the
> movie???? If not, you won't know why people are so negative about her
> weight now.

Well I for one was never a fan. thought she had a big ass as far back as

I feel somewhat sorry for her, but on the other hand, she did it to her
self. All the people that claim the "can't loose weight" magically can drop
the pounds once they get their stomach stitched. Goes to prove, it's all a
matter of will power.

Larry T

  #45 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

Andy wrote:

> I just haven't seen the difference from the early commercials she did
> compared to the current ones.
> Andy

That's because of camera angles and wardrobe in the first commercials
she did - nobody wanted to show how fat she really was. And speaking
from experience, I know it's possible to "hide" 50 or more pounds if
one has the right body type. It doesn't all go to the belly, you know.


  #46 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

LT wrote:
> >>Andy

> >
> > OMG Andy.... she's definately thinner than she was. If you don't
> > think so, you probably need new glasses. LOL! Who says she doesn't
> > exercise? I 'd you bet $1 that she excercising like crazy! They are
> > paying her big money to get thinner, so exercise has to be part of
> > the plan.
> >
> > Do you remember what a total (skinny) fox she was in Star Trek the
> > movie???? If not, you won't know why people are so negative about her
> > weight now.

> Well I for one was never a fan. thought she had a big ass as far back as
> cheers.
> I feel somewhat sorry for her, but on the other hand, she did it to her
> self. All the people that claim the "can't loose weight" magically can drop
> the pounds once they get their stomach stitched. Goes to prove, it's all a
> matter of will power.
> Larry T

Bariatric surgery is will power PLUS getting sick if you eat too much.

Kirstie didn't have surgery, or she would be losing the weight faster.
Star Jones did, though.


  #47 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
> "cybercat" > wrote in message
> ...
> >
> > "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote in message
> > ...
> >> "Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> >> > She's still a pear. She hasn't lost 75 lbs. NO FRIGGIN' WAY!
> >> >
> >> > She looks fatter now than she did on the Oprah winfrey show last year.
> >> >
> >> > I think she's a fraud. No exercise? It can't be done!!!
> >> >
> >> > Sorry, I'm just sick of her BS Jenny Craig commercials.
> >> >
> >> > Andy
> >>
> >> Who cares how fat she is? As long as she doesn't block the supermarket

> > aisle
> >> with her big ass, it doesn't affect me.
> >>
> >>

> >
> > lol
> >
> > Joe redeems himself.

> Not completely redeemed. I have many years' of research which indicates that
> fat people deal with the space around them so differently than slim people,
> that it affects the way they drive. It's related to the shopping cart issue.
> Now that my son's driving, he's noticed it, too. They're so accustomed to
> occupying a larger space that they think their cars need more space, too. So
> they'll do odd things, like make wider turns, or occupy the center of a
> double-wide gas station driveway where cars are supposed to go in on the
> right and out on the left.

Please spare us. I've seen thin people do the exact same things you
have described with just as much frequency. What you are describing is
the overall sense of entitlement that most people in the U.S. have
today. Inconsiderate behavior has nothing to do with the sized of ones

  #48 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

LT wrote:

> I feel somewhat sorry for her, but on the other hand, she did it to her
> self. All the people that claim the "can't loose weight" magically can drop
> the pounds once they get their stomach stitched. Goes to prove, it's all a
> matter of will power.

Unfortunately, it just not fair that some people get to eat as much as they
want and get little or no exercise and never gain weight while other people
gain a few pounds just looking at a brownie. My oldest brother used to eat more
than twice as much as I did and stayed slim. Another brother ate as least
twice as much, drinks a lot of beer, never got any exercise at all and he
didn't start to put weight on until he was in his 50s. However, he had a heart
attack at 50.

I used to work with a guy who was tall and skinny. He ate a huge breakfast, a
huge lunch and huge dinners, plus between meal snacks. He never put on any
weight. He was fairly active, and did things around the house, but nothing
that would counteract the huge amount of food that he gobbled down every day.
He probably ate twice as much as a lot of people with weight problems. It is
not just a matter of will power, but once you start packing on the extra wight,
you need more will power than those people could ever manage.

  #49 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

> wrote in message
> JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
>> "cybercat" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> >
>> > "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote in message
>> > ...
>> >> "Andy" <q> wrote in message
>> >> ...
>> >> > She's still a pear. She hasn't lost 75 lbs. NO FRIGGIN' WAY!
>> >> >
>> >> > She looks fatter now than she did on the Oprah winfrey show last
>> >> > year.
>> >> >
>> >> > I think she's a fraud. No exercise? It can't be done!!!
>> >> >
>> >> > Sorry, I'm just sick of her BS Jenny Craig commercials.
>> >> >
>> >> > Andy
>> >>
>> >> Who cares how fat she is? As long as she doesn't block the supermarket
>> > aisle
>> >> with her big ass, it doesn't affect me.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> > lol
>> >
>> > Joe redeems himself.

>> Not completely redeemed. I have many years' of research which indicates
>> that
>> fat people deal with the space around them so differently than slim
>> people,
>> that it affects the way they drive. It's related to the shopping cart
>> issue.
>> Now that my son's driving, he's noticed it, too. They're so accustomed to
>> occupying a larger space that they think their cars need more space, too.
>> So
>> they'll do odd things, like make wider turns, or occupy the center of a
>> double-wide gas station driveway where cars are supposed to go in on the
>> right and out on the left.

> Please spare us. I've seen thin people do the exact same things you
> have described with just as much frequency. What you are describing is
> the overall sense of entitlement that most people in the U.S. have
> today. Inconsiderate behavior has nothing to do with the sized of ones
> ass.

Maybe, but very short people drive differently, as do elderly people. Young
females are the worst tailgaters. No reason to believe other characteristics
don't influence your driving.

  #50 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

Dave Smith, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 06 Sep
2006, typed out:

> It is
> not just a matter of will power, but once you start packing on the
> extra wight, you need more will power than those people could ever
> manage.

Will power has a lot to do with diet but it's not the same as say quitting
smoking. After all you can't quit eating.

Smoke free Since Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2004, 10AM, cold turkey.

  #51 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

JoeSpareBedroom wrote:

> Not completely redeemed. I have many years' of research which indicates that
> fat people deal with the space around them so differently than slim people,
> that it affects the way they drive. It's related to the shopping cart issue.
> Now that my son's driving, he's noticed it, too. They're so accustomed to
> occupying a larger space that they think their cars need more space, too. So
> they'll do odd things, like make wider turns, or occupy the center of a
> double-wide gas station driveway where cars are supposed to go in on the
> right and out on the left.


  #52 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"sosessyithurts" > wrote in message
> JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
> > Not completely redeemed. I have many years' of research which indicates

> > fat people deal with the space around them so differently than slim

> > that it affects the way they drive. It's related to the shopping cart

> > Now that my son's driving, he's noticed it, too. They're so accustomed

> > occupying a larger space that they think their cars need more space,

too. So
> > they'll do odd things, like make wider turns, or occupy the center of a
> > double-wide gas station driveway where cars are supposed to go in on the
> > right and out on the left.

> lmao

It's the Fat People theory of driving.

  #53 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote
> > Please spare us. I've seen thin people do the exact same things you
> > have described with just as much frequency. What you are describing is
> > the overall sense of entitlement that most people in the U.S. have
> > today. Inconsiderate behavior has nothing to do with the sized of ones
> > ass.
> >

> Maybe, but very short people drive differently, as do elderly people.

> females are the worst tailgaters. No reason to believe other

> don't influence your driving.

Joe! Stop stereotyping so much before your head explodes!

  #54 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"cybercat" > wrote in message
> "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote
>> > Please spare us. I've seen thin people do the exact same things you
>> > have described with just as much frequency. What you are describing is
>> > the overall sense of entitlement that most people in the U.S. have
>> > today. Inconsiderate behavior has nothing to do with the sized of ones
>> > ass.
>> >

>> Maybe, but very short people drive differently, as do elderly people.

> Young
>> females are the worst tailgaters. No reason to believe other

> characteristics
>> don't influence your driving.

> Joe! Stop stereotyping so much before your head explodes!

Cops walk around with 20 pounds of bulky equipment sticking out from their
belts. So do people who wear tool belts all day. Do you think they move
through doorways differently, assuming they've learned anything the first
few times they took a chunk out of their own door molding, or a piece of

  #55 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"cybercat" > wrote in message
> "sosessyithurts" > wrote in message
>> JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
>> > Not completely redeemed. I have many years' of research which indicates

> that
>> > fat people deal with the space around them so differently than slim

> people,
>> > that it affects the way they drive. It's related to the shopping cart

> issue.
>> > Now that my son's driving, he's noticed it, too. They're so accustomed

> to
>> > occupying a larger space that they think their cars need more space,

> too. So
>> > they'll do odd things, like make wider turns, or occupy the center of a
>> > double-wide gas station driveway where cars are supposed to go in on
>> > the
>> > right and out on the left.

>> lmao

> It's the Fat People theory of driving.

I knew it had a formal name. I just forgot.

  #57 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 06
Sep 2006, typed out:

>> It's the Fat People theory of driving.

> I knew it had a formal name. I just forgot.

Well dammit, it's contagious! I tried Michael's Peugeot parking game and I
kept crashing into cars. Even ran over the dog once (serves Spot right for
sitting in the street!).

Otherwise I'm the best driver I know. Never got a speeding ticket, yet!
That doesn't mean I haven't seen 130mph on the Pennsylvania turnpike, in my
'94 Toyota Supra Turbo! =8O

  #58 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 06
Sep 2006, typed out:

> "cybercat" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote
>>> > Please spare us. I've seen thin people do the exact same things
>>> > you have described with just as much frequency. What you are
>>> > describing is the overall sense of entitlement that most people in
>>> > the U.S. have today. Inconsiderate behavior has nothing to do with
>>> > the sized of ones ass.
>>> >
>>> Maybe, but very short people drive differently, as do elderly
>>> people.

>> Young
>>> females are the worst tailgaters. No reason to believe other

>> characteristics
>>> don't influence your driving.

>> Joe! Stop stereotyping so much before your head explodes!

> Cops walk around with 20 pounds of bulky equipment sticking out from
> their belts. So do people who wear tool belts all day. Do you think
> they move through doorways differently, assuming they've learned
> anything the first few times they took a chunk out of their own door
> molding, or a piece of furniture?


Need a bigger shovel???

  #59 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 06
> Sep 2006, typed out:
>> "cybercat" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote
>>>> > Please spare us. I've seen thin people do the exact same things
>>>> > you have described with just as much frequency. What you are
>>>> > describing is the overall sense of entitlement that most people in
>>>> > the U.S. have today. Inconsiderate behavior has nothing to do with
>>>> > the sized of ones ass.
>>>> >
>>>> Maybe, but very short people drive differently, as do elderly
>>>> people.
>>> Young
>>>> females are the worst tailgaters. No reason to believe other
>>> characteristics
>>>> don't influence your driving.
>>> Joe! Stop stereotyping so much before your head explodes!

>> Cops walk around with 20 pounds of bulky equipment sticking out from
>> their belts. So do people who wear tool belts all day. Do you think
>> they move through doorways differently, assuming they've learned
>> anything the first few times they took a chunk out of their own door
>> molding, or a piece of furniture?

> JoeSpareBedroom,
> Need a bigger shovel???
> Andy

Need an education? Go talk to an occupational therapist about these things.
Or, try looking out the window and thinking once in a while.

  #60 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote

> > Need a bigger shovel???
> > Andy


> Or, try looking out the window and thinking once in a while.

He does, he just does it a little more effectively than you do, Joebob.

  #61 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"cybercat" > wrote in message
> "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote
>> > Need a bigger shovel???
>> > Andy


>> Or, try looking out the window and thinking once in a while.

> He does, he just does it a little more effectively than you do, Joebob.

Apparently not, if he thinks peoples' physical shapes don't affect the way
they interact with the world around them.

  #62 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> She's still a pear. She hasn't lost 75 lbs. NO FRIGGIN' WAY!
> She looks fatter now than she did on the Oprah winfrey show last year.
> I think she's a fraud. No exercise? It can't be done!!!
> Sorry, I'm just sick of her BS Jenny Craig commercials.
> Andy

I disagree. I can see she's lost that much. I don't agree with the
commercials because it's just another fad diet programme. But I've lost
82 lbs with weight watchers and I'm still pear shaped. Some fat won't
come off even with exercise because there are no muscles in the area.

My Word

  #63 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"Wayne Boatwright" <> wrote in message
> Oh pshaw, on Tue 05 Sep 2006 12:39:27p, Andy meant to say...
>> She's still a pear. She hasn't lost 75 lbs. NO FRIGGIN' WAY!
>> She looks fatter now than she did on the Oprah winfrey show last year.
>> I think she's a fraud. No exercise? It can't be done!!!
>> Sorry, I'm just sick of her BS Jenny Craig commercials.
>> Andy

> I can't speak about Kirsty, but I'm living proof that exercise is not
> essential for weight loss. I've lost 68½ pounds on Weight Watchers
> without
> doing one moment of exercise.
> Wayne

Me too Wayne. But not because I didn't want to. I'm doing water exercise
but it really doesn't help much. I can't do any other kind.

My Word

  #64 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 06
Sep 2006, typed out:

>> Need a bigger shovel???
>> Andy

> Need an education? Go talk to an occupational therapist about these
> things. Or, try looking out the window and thinking once in a while.

You paint your opinion with a broad brushstroke making such claims. You
could cite some studies.

  #65 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

JoeSpareBedroom wrote:

> Who cares how fat she is? As long as she doesn't block the supermarket aisle
> with her big ass, it doesn't affect me.

i like'em fat and proud

  #66 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 06
> Sep 2006, typed out:
>>> Need a bigger shovel???
>>> Andy

>> Need an education? Go talk to an occupational therapist about these
>> things. Or, try looking out the window and thinking once in a while.

> You paint your opinion with a broad brushstroke making such claims. You
> could cite some studies.
> Andy

That's possible. If I pointed out studies, what do you think they would be
based on? In other words, what would the researchers do during these

  #67 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"sosessyithurts" > wrote in message
> JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
>> Who cares how fat she is? As long as she doesn't block the supermarket
>> aisle
>> with her big ass, it doesn't affect me.

> i like'em fat and proud

When they get so fat that their shadow could kill a small pet, that's my

  #68 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 06
Sep 2006, typed out:

> "Andy" <q> wrote in message
> ...
>> JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on
>> 06 Sep 2006, typed out:
>>>> Need a bigger shovel???
>>>> Andy
>>> Need an education? Go talk to an occupational therapist about these
>>> things. Or, try looking out the window and thinking once in a while.

>> You paint your opinion with a broad brushstroke making such claims.
>> You could cite some studies.
>> Andy

> That's possible. If I pointed out studies, what do you think they
> would be based on? In other words, what would the researchers do
> during these studies?

Feeling on the spot are ya? Well, r.f.c would like your educational help,
not more of your hot air.

Think before you type!

  #69 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 06
> Sep 2006, typed out:
>> "Andy" <q> wrote in message
>> ...
>>> JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on
>>> 06 Sep 2006, typed out:
>>>>> Need a bigger shovel???
>>>>> Andy
>>>> Need an education? Go talk to an occupational therapist about these
>>>> things. Or, try looking out the window and thinking once in a while.
>>> You paint your opinion with a broad brushstroke making such claims.
>>> You could cite some studies.
>>> Andy

>> That's possible. If I pointed out studies, what do you think they
>> would be based on? In other words, what would the researchers do
>> during these studies?

> Feeling on the spot are ya? Well, r.f.c would like your educational help,
> not more of your hot air.
> Think before you type!
> Andy

No seriously...colleges have courses called "Research Methods", offered to
students in many different majors. If you were taking such a course, and you
wanted to expound on my theory, how would you conduct the research? I'm not
looking for an intricate answer. It's really just one word, one which you
probably use regularly.

  #70 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 06
Sep 2006, typed out:

> "Andy" <q> wrote in message
> ...
>> JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on
>> 06 Sep 2006, typed out:
>>> "Andy" <q> wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally,
>>>> on 06 Sep 2006, typed out:
>>>>>> Need a bigger shovel???
>>>>>> Andy
>>>>> Need an education? Go talk to an occupational therapist about
>>>>> these things. Or, try looking out the window and thinking once in
>>>>> a while.
>>>> You paint your opinion with a broad brushstroke making such claims.
>>>> You could cite some studies.
>>>> Andy
>>> That's possible. If I pointed out studies, what do you think they
>>> would be based on? In other words, what would the researchers do
>>> during these studies?

>> Feeling on the spot are ya? Well, r.f.c would like your educational
>> help, not more of your hot air.
>> Think before you type!
>> Andy

> No seriously...colleges have courses called "Research Methods",
> offered to students in many different majors. If you were taking such
> a course, and you wanted to expound on my theory, how would you
> conduct the research? I'm not looking for an intricate answer. It's
> really just one word, one which you probably use regularly.

I thought I gave you a chance to redeem yourself and you passed it by.

Go forth and blabber!



  #71 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

Oh pshaw, on Wed 06 Sep 2006 01:13:47p, MY WORD meant to say...

> "Wayne Boatwright" <> wrote in message
> 28.19...
>> Oh pshaw, on Tue 05 Sep 2006 12:39:27p, Andy meant to say...
>>> She's still a pear. She hasn't lost 75 lbs. NO FRIGGIN' WAY!
>>> She looks fatter now than she did on the Oprah winfrey show last year.
>>> I think she's a fraud. No exercise? It can't be done!!!
>>> Sorry, I'm just sick of her BS Jenny Craig commercials.
>>> Andy

>> I can't speak about Kirsty, but I'm living proof that exercise is not
>> essential for weight loss. I've lost 68½ pounds on Weight Watchers
>> without doing one moment of exercise.
>> Wayne

> Me too Wayne. But not because I didn't want to. I'm doing water
> exercise but it really doesn't help much. I can't do any other kind.

Helen, I had always heard that water exercise was very beneficial. I have
to admit that I've never tried it, though.

  #72 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 06
> Sep 2006, typed out:
>> "Andy" <q> wrote in message
>> ...
>>> JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on
>>> 06 Sep 2006, typed out:
>>>> "Andy" <q> wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally,
>>>>> on 06 Sep 2006, typed out:
>>>>>>> Need a bigger shovel???
>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>> Need an education? Go talk to an occupational therapist about
>>>>>> these things. Or, try looking out the window and thinking once in
>>>>>> a while.
>>>>> You paint your opinion with a broad brushstroke making such claims.
>>>>> You could cite some studies.
>>>>> Andy
>>>> That's possible. If I pointed out studies, what do you think they
>>>> would be based on? In other words, what would the researchers do
>>>> during these studies?
>>> Feeling on the spot are ya? Well, r.f.c would like your educational
>>> help, not more of your hot air.
>>> Think before you type!
>>> Andy

>> No seriously...colleges have courses called "Research Methods",
>> offered to students in many different majors. If you were taking such
>> a course, and you wanted to expound on my theory, how would you
>> conduct the research? I'm not looking for an intricate answer. It's
>> really just one word, one which you probably use regularly.

> I thought I gave you a chance to redeem yourself and you passed it by.

Oh. You wanted to be spoon fed. OK. The secret word is "observation". That
is the ONLY method that would be valid to prove my theory.

Now, if I gave you links to research, you'd find results based on
observation. But, I don't need to find research for you. I've already done
the observations for almost 35 years. My efforts are no less valid than
those of a bunch of 2nd year grad students.

You have a problem with this entire idea because I used fat people as my
prime example. How about this, instead? Children who learned to walk a month
ago move through the world differently than 16 year old athletes. You OK
with that?

  #73 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

Andy wrote:

> Dave Smith, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 06 Sep
> 2006, typed out:
> > It is
> > not just a matter of will power, but once you start packing on the
> > extra wight, you need more will power than those people could ever
> > manage.

> Will power has a lot to do with diet but it's not the same as say quitting
> smoking. After all you can't quit eating.
> Andy
> Smoke free Since Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2004, 10AM, cold turkey.

Smoke free Sept 1982 to May 1999 and Jan.1 2006 2 pm - .......

  #74 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 06
Sep 2006, typed out:

What part of NRSVP didn't you understand?


  #75 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

Dave Smith, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 06 Sep
2006, typed out:

>> Andy
>> Smoke free Since Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2004, 10AM, cold turkey.

> Smoke free Sept 1982 to May 1999 and Jan.1 2006 2 pm - .......


Don't start again without OK'ing it with me first, ya BUM!!!

All the best,


  #76 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"MY WORD" > wrote :
> > Andy

> I disagree. I can see she's lost that much. I don't agree with the
> commercials because it's just another fad diet programme. But I've lost
> 82 lbs with weight watchers and I'm still pear shaped.

Pears don't get heart disease as readily as apples do, so good for you!

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  #77 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote in message
> "cybercat" > wrote in message
> ...
> >
> > "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote
> >
> >> > Need a bigger shovel???
> >> > Andy
> >>

> >
> >> Or, try looking out the window and thinking once in a while.
> >>

> >
> >
> > He does, he just does it a little more effectively than you do, Joebob.

> >
> >

> Apparently not, if he thinks peoples' physical shapes don't affect the way
> they interact with the world around them.

That's not what he said.

And observation tells me something else. I see fat people who mince around
like they are afraid of stirring the air, and little people charging around
like bulls, quite frequently. Look at adolescent boys and how much room they
take up! (And I had four of them in my house for a few days last month, so I
did have the chance to observe this.)

The most hard and fast generalizations I can think of about how people move
about in the world tend to be based on cultural practices. For example,
middle eastern people really do have a different idea of "personal space" or
"comfort zones" than Germans and English people, or Americans of German and
English descent. Many people from the middle east seem to want to talk to me
at such close quarters that I have to fight the urge to back up. That sort
of thing.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

  #78 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"cybercat" > wrote in message
.. .
> "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "cybercat" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> >
>> > "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote
>> >
>> >> > Need a bigger shovel???
>> >> > Andy
>> >>
>> >
>> >> Or, try looking out the window and thinking once in a while.
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> > He does, he just does it a little more effectively than you do, Joebob.

>> >
>> >

>> Apparently not, if he thinks peoples' physical shapes don't affect the
>> way
>> they interact with the world around them.

> That's not what he said.
> And observation tells me something else. I see fat people who mince around
> like they are afraid of stirring the air, and little people charging
> around
> like bulls, quite frequently. Look at adolescent boys and how much room
> they
> take up! (And I had four of them in my house for a few days last month, so
> I
> did have the chance to observe this.)
> The most hard and fast generalizations I can think of about how people
> move
> about in the world tend to be based on cultural practices. For example,
> middle eastern people really do have a different idea of "personal space"
> or
> "comfort zones" than Germans and English people, or Americans of German
> and
> English descent. Many people from the middle east seem to want to talk to
> me
> at such close quarters that I have to fight the urge to back up. That sort
> of thing.

Good. At least I've got you thinking now, and expressing interesting
thought, rather than behaving like a little George Bush clone.

  #79 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 5,103
Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> JoeSpareBedroom, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 06
> Sep 2006, typed out:
> What part of NRSVP didn't you understand?
> Andy

All of it. Web abbreviations are the work of people with the mental capacity
of toilet brushes. Speak English.

  #80 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 11,454
Default Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!

"JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote in message
> "cybercat" > wrote in message
> .. .
> >
> > "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote in message
> > ...
> >> "cybercat" > wrote in message
> >> ...
> >> >
> >> > "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote
> >> >
> >> >> > Need a bigger shovel???
> >> >> > Andy
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >> Or, try looking out the window and thinking once in a while.
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > He does, he just does it a little more effectively than you do,

> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >> Apparently not, if he thinks peoples' physical shapes don't affect the
> >> way
> >> they interact with the world around them.
> >>
> >>

> > That's not what he said.
> >
> > And observation tells me something else. I see fat people who mince

> > like they are afraid of stirring the air, and little people charging
> > around
> > like bulls, quite frequently. Look at adolescent boys and how much room
> > they
> > take up! (And I had four of them in my house for a few days last month,

> > I
> > did have the chance to observe this.)
> >
> > The most hard and fast generalizations I can think of about how people
> > move
> > about in the world tend to be based on cultural practices. For example,
> > middle eastern people really do have a different idea of "personal

> > or
> > "comfort zones" than Germans and English people, or Americans of German
> > and
> > English descent. Many people from the middle east seem to want to talk

> > me
> > at such close quarters that I have to fight the urge to back up. That

> > of thing.

> Good. At least I've got you thinking now, and expressing interesting
> thought, rather than behaving like a little George Bush clone.

Okay, you condescending, presumptuous little puffed-up asshole.

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