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The Bubbo 26-10-2006 12:32 AM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
I've been trying to make more of my own pasta lately which has been fun and
quite a learning experience.
Anyway, I'm discovering that I'm having a very hard time kneading the dough
with my gimpy hand. The surgery I had in May ended up being more extensive
than we expected and recovery is just not going as well as we had hoped. So,
I'm wondering if anyone has any experience making the dough in the KitchenAid
stand mixer? Does it work? is it worth it?

I'm also thinking of getting the pasta roller attachment as well since the
hand cranking can really do a number on my hand as well.


I thought I was driving by Gettysburg once but it ends up I was just driving
by your mom's house.

Skyhooks 26-10-2006 01:01 AM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
The Bubbo wrote:
> I've been trying to make more of my own pasta lately which has been fun and
> quite a learning experience.
> Anyway, I'm discovering that I'm having a very hard time kneading the dough
> with my gimpy hand. The surgery I had in May ended up being more extensive
> than we expected and recovery is just not going as well as we had hoped. So,
> I'm wondering if anyone has any experience making the dough in the KitchenAid
> stand mixer? Does it work? is it worth it?
> I'm also thinking of getting the pasta roller attachment as well since the
> hand cranking can really do a number on my hand as well.
> Thanks
> --
> .:Heather:.

I don't make pasta, but is a KitchenAid worth it -- DEFINITELY! I make
cheese straws (think cheese crackers) as holiday gifts that require a
lot of kneeding. Like you, it wreaks havoc on my hands. I rationalized
I needed (er, kneaded <g>) a KitchenAid mixer for this very purpose, and
it works wonderfully to make the dough (REC: 1 pound sharp cheddar
cheese, 1/2-lb butter, 2 cups of flour, and cayenne to taste)! I also
wonder if I could use the pasta-maker attachment to make the cheese
straws, but I haven't gone that route, yet.

So yes, go for the KA stand mixer.

Sky, an enabler <g>

The Bubbo 26-10-2006 01:03 AM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
skyhooks wrote:
> The Bubbo wrote:
>> I've been trying to make more of my own pasta lately which has been fun and
>> quite a learning experience.
>> Anyway, I'm discovering that I'm having a very hard time kneading the dough
>> with my gimpy hand. The surgery I had in May ended up being more extensive
>> than we expected and recovery is just not going as well as we had hoped.

>> I'm wondering if anyone has any experience making the dough in the

>> stand mixer? Does it work? is it worth it?
>> I'm also thinking of getting the pasta roller attachment as well since the
>> hand cranking can really do a number on my hand as well.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> .:Heather:.

> I don't make pasta, but is a KitchenAid worth it -- DEFINITELY! I make
> cheese straws (think cheese crackers) as holiday gifts that require a
> lot of kneeding. Like you, it wreaks havoc on my hands. I rationalized
> I needed (er, kneaded <g>) a KitchenAid mixer for this very purpose, and
> it works wonderfully to make the dough (REC: 1 pound sharp cheddar
> cheese, 1/2-lb butter, 2 cups of flour, and cayenne to taste)! I also
> wonder if I could use the pasta-maker attachment to make the cheese
> straws, but I haven't gone that route, yet.
> So yes, go for the KA stand mixer.
> Sky, an enabler <g>

getting it isn't the problem, I already have a KA
I rationalized it by saying "I want this"
(I rationalized getting the KA pro series food processor because it matched
the stand mixer. you should have seen the battle between the ex and I over
that. she won that round so I bought a new one and let my new puppy eat her

I'm just wondering if it does well with pasta dough and if the pasta roller
attachment is worth it.

I thought I was driving by Gettysburg once but it ends up I was just driving
by your mom's house.

Skyhooks 26-10-2006 01:15 AM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
The Bubbo wrote:
> getting it isn't the problem, I already have a KA
> I rationalized it by saying "I want this"
> (I rationalized getting the KA pro series food processor because it matched
> the stand mixer. you should have seen the battle between the ex and I over
> that. she won that round so I bought a new one and let my new puppy eat her
> underpants).
> I'm just wondering if it does well with pasta dough and if the pasta roller
> attachment is worth it.
> --
> .:Heather:.

Why not buy the attachment and give it a try? I just phoned BB&B (Bed,
Bath & Beyond) to specifically ask this question, and I was told it
could be returned regardless if it's been used (and no time limit,
either). I just might have to give the pasta attachment a try with this

Sky, who's rationalizing <g>

P.S. Don't forget to take a 20%-off coupon. BB&B and Linens-n-Things
honor each other's coupons and from other companies.

Leonard Blaisdell 26-10-2006 01:18 AM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
In article >,
The Bubbo > wrote:

> I'm wondering if anyone has any experience making the dough in the KitchenAid
> stand mixer? Does it work? is it worth it?
> I'm also thinking of getting the pasta roller attachment as well since the
> hand cranking can really do a number on my hand as well.

I don't think you can go wrong with a Kitchenaid mixer regardless.
Unfortunately the only dough I've made in it is pizza dough which worked
well. Don't go overboard on those attachments. It's easy to do. I have
the meat grinder sausage making attachment. I'm very proud of it. I used
it once twelve or fifteen years ago.



Andy[_2_] 26-10-2006 02:01 AM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
The Bubbo said...

> I've been trying to make more of my own pasta lately which has been
> fun and quite a learning experience.
> Anyway, I'm discovering that I'm having a very hard time kneading the
> dough with my gimpy hand. The surgery I had in May ended up being more
> extensive than we expected and recovery is just not going as well as
> we had hoped. So, I'm wondering if anyone has any experience making
> the dough in the KitchenAid stand mixer? Does it work? is it worth it?
> I'm also thinking of getting the pasta roller attachment as well since
> the hand cranking can really do a number on my hand as well.
> Thanks


Yes, you want the pasta accessories!

I wouldn't make homemade without them. They take on all the grungework!

Just use small golf ball sized pieces of dough to run through the pasta
attachment before using the cutters. Using larger amounts can extend MANY
feet long and be unwieldly.

I have the main roller attachment and the spaghetti, linguinni and
fettuccine cutters.

It's such fun!!! I run a string across kitchen cabinets and use plastic
coat hangers in stages, to let the sheets of pasta hang as I roll the
entire batch and again after I cut the pasta with the needed cutter. Then
I take a pair of kitchen scissors and one coat hanger at a time, over
boiling water I trim the pasta in half and it falls into the pot.

It really is fun!!! Having someone else around also adds to the laughs
and wonder!

You WON'T be sorry!


Gunner[_4_] 26-10-2006 02:07 AM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?

"The Bubbo" > wrote in message
> I've been trying to make more of my own pasta lately which has been fun
> and
> quite a learning experience.
> Anyway, I'm discovering that I'm having a very hard time kneading the
> dough
> with my gimpy hand. The surgery I had in May ended up being more extensive
> than we expected and recovery is just not going as well as we had hoped.
> So,
> I'm wondering if anyone has any experience making the dough in the
> KitchenAid
> stand mixer? Does it work? is it worth it?
> I'm also thinking of getting the pasta roller attachment as well since the
> hand cranking can really do a number on my hand as well.
> Thanks
> --
> .:Heather:.
> I thought I was driving by Gettysburg once but it ends up I was just
> driving
> by your mom's house.

Oh yes, I have pasta day and have it strung all over the house. The KA
makes short work of it. be sure to make some really wide and irregular
noodles, forgot what it is called but it really is good with a cream
sauce.also good making a lasagna with the fresh noodles.

Andy[_2_] 26-10-2006 02:29 AM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?

BTW, neatness is NOT an option!!! Be careless. It doesn't hurt!!! :)))


Melba's Jammin' 26-10-2006 03:40 AM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
In article >,
The Bubbo > wrote:

> I've been trying to make more of my own pasta lately which has been fun and
> quite a learning experience.
> Anyway, I'm discovering that I'm having a very hard time kneading the dough
> with my gimpy hand. The surgery I had in May ended up being more extensive
> than we expected and recovery is just not going as well as we had hoped. So,
> I'm wondering if anyone has any experience making the dough in the KitchenAid
> stand mixer? Does it work? is it worth it?
> I'm also thinking of getting the pasta roller attachment as well since the
> hand cranking can really do a number on my hand as well.
> Thanks

You're better off to make the dough in a food processor. IMNSHO.
Want a lesson or class? I'm available on Saturday. Your house.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
"Maligning an individual says more about you than the one you malign."; blahblahblog 10/13/2006, Cedric Adams' Hotdish, 10/20/2006

The Bubbo 26-10-2006 03:25 PM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> The Bubbo > wrote:
>> I've been trying to make more of my own pasta lately which has been fun and
>> quite a learning experience.
>> Anyway, I'm discovering that I'm having a very hard time kneading the dough
>> with my gimpy hand. The surgery I had in May ended up being more extensive
>> than we expected and recovery is just not going as well as we had hoped.

>> I'm wondering if anyone has any experience making the dough in the

>> stand mixer? Does it work? is it worth it?
>> I'm also thinking of getting the pasta roller attachment as well since the
>> hand cranking can really do a number on my hand as well.
>> Thanks

> You're better off to make the dough in a food processor. IMNSHO.
> Want a lesson or class? I'm available on Saturday. Your house.

let's talk.
This weekend is bad
1) i have a cold
2) it's our anniversary on saturday
3) it's my stepmom's birthday

but I would love to
1) see you
2) get a lesson

I thought I was driving by Gettysburg once but it ends up I was just driving
by your mom's house.

Zywicki 26-10-2006 04:17 PM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?

On Oct 25, 7:18 pm, Leonard Blaisdell > wrote:
> Don't go overboard on those attachments. It's easy to do. I have
> the meat grinder sausage making attachment. I'm very proud of it. I used
> it once twelve or fifteen years ago.
> leo

If you mean the grinder itself, get it out next time you want burgers.
Home ground is the best.

If you mean the sausage stuffing adapter, well...Ebay.

Greg Zywicki

The Bubbo 26-10-2006 04:27 PM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> In article >,
> The Bubbo > wrote:

> So,
>> I'm wondering if anyone has any experience making the dough in the

>> stand mixer? Does it work? is it worth it?
>> I'm also thinking of getting the pasta roller attachment as well since the
>> hand cranking can really do a number on my hand as well.

> I don't think you can go wrong with a Kitchenaid mixer regardless.
> Unfortunately the only dough I've made in it is pizza dough which worked
> well. Don't go overboard on those attachments. It's easy to do. I have
> the meat grinder sausage making attachment. I'm very proud of it. I used
> it once twelve or fifteen years ago.
> leo

I used my meat grinder attachment all the time til I misplaced the screw. I'm
sure it got thrown in an odd box for the move and I've not been able to find
it in the last 18 months. I really love the meat grinder. I even use it for
grinding seitan for potsticker filling.

I thought I was driving by Gettysburg once but it ends up I was just driving
by your mom's house.

The Bubbo 26-10-2006 04:28 PM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
Andy wrote:

> Heather,
> Yes, you want the pasta accessories!
> I wouldn't make homemade without them. They take on all the grungework!
> Just use small golf ball sized pieces of dough to run through the pasta
> attachment before using the cutters. Using larger amounts can extend MANY
> feet long and be unwieldly.
> I have the main roller attachment and the spaghetti, linguinni and
> fettuccine cutters.
> It's such fun!!! I run a string across kitchen cabinets and use plastic
> coat hangers in stages, to let the sheets of pasta hang as I roll the
> entire batch and again after I cut the pasta with the needed cutter. Then
> I take a pair of kitchen scissors and one coat hanger at a time, over
> boiling water I trim the pasta in half and it falls into the pot.
> It really is fun!!! Having someone else around also adds to the laughs
> and wonder!
> You WON'T be sorry!
> Andy

thank you, this is good to know. As much as I love my pasta roller it really
does end up being a pain so maybe I get the attachment for my KA and go from

I thought I was driving by Gettysburg once but it ends up I was just driving
by your mom's house.

merryb 26-10-2006 05:40 PM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?

The Bubbo wrote:
> I've been trying to make more of my own pasta lately which has been fun and
> quite a learning experience.
> Anyway, I'm discovering that I'm having a very hard time kneading the dough
> with my gimpy hand. The surgery I had in May ended up being more extensive
> than we expected and recovery is just not going as well as we had hoped. So,
> I'm wondering if anyone has any experience making the dough in the KitchenAid
> stand mixer? Does it work? is it worth it?
> I'm also thinking of getting the pasta roller attachment as well since the
> hand cranking can really do a number on my hand as well.
> Thanks
> --
> .:Heather:.
> I thought I was driving by Gettysburg once but it ends up I was just driving
> by your mom's house.

Kneading isn't really necessary- If you are using a pasta machine
(roller), the pasta gets kneaded by passing thru the rollers the 3 or 4
times you have to run it thru to get to desired thickness

TammyM 26-10-2006 08:48 PM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
> Yes, you want the pasta accessories!
> I wouldn't make homemade without them. They take on all the grungework!
> Just use small golf ball sized pieces of dough to run through the pasta
> attachment before using the cutters. Using larger amounts can extend MANY
> feet long and be unwieldly.
> I have the main roller attachment and the spaghetti, linguinni and
> fettuccine cutters.
> It's such fun!!! I run a string across kitchen cabinets and use plastic
> coat hangers in stages, to let the sheets of pasta hang as I roll the
> entire batch and again after I cut the pasta with the needed cutter. Then
> I take a pair of kitchen scissors and one coat hanger at a time, over
> boiling water I trim the pasta in half and it falls into the pot.
> It really is fun!!! Having someone else around also adds to the laughs
> and wonder!

I'll add a "me too" to this one. I use the KA for the pasta dough, works
fine. Making fresh pasta for company has a major wow factor - at least for
my friends. You'll really enjoy using the attachments. I don't have the
extruder, although am considering getting it.


The Bubbo 26-10-2006 08:53 PM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
TammyM wrote:
>> Yes, you want the pasta accessories!
>> I wouldn't make homemade without them. They take on all the grungework!
>> Just use small golf ball sized pieces of dough to run through the pasta
>> attachment before using the cutters. Using larger amounts can extend MANY
>> feet long and be unwieldly.
>> I have the main roller attachment and the spaghetti, linguinni and
>> fettuccine cutters.
>> It's such fun!!! I run a string across kitchen cabinets and use plastic
>> coat hangers in stages, to let the sheets of pasta hang as I roll the
>> entire batch and again after I cut the pasta with the needed cutter. Then
>> I take a pair of kitchen scissors and one coat hanger at a time, over
>> boiling water I trim the pasta in half and it falls into the pot.
>> It really is fun!!! Having someone else around also adds to the laughs
>> and wonder!

> I'll add a "me too" to this one. I use the KA for the pasta dough, works
> fine. Making fresh pasta for company has a major wow factor - at least for
> my friends. You'll really enjoy using the attachments. I don't have the
> extruder, although am considering getting it.
> TammyM

I have read so many bad reviews of the extruder that I am going to definitely
skip that and stick to the rollers. I used to have a pasta machine that mixed
and extruded for me but I think I sold it at a garage sale for not using it
enough. now I kind of miss it.

I thought I was driving by Gettysburg once but it ends up I was just driving
by your mom's house.

Reg[_1_] 26-10-2006 10:30 PM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
The Bubbo wrote:

> TammyM wrote:
>>I'll add a "me too" to this one. I use the KA for the pasta dough, works
>>fine. Making fresh pasta for company has a major wow factor - at least for
>>my friends. You'll really enjoy using the attachments. I don't have the
>>extruder, although am considering getting it.

> I have read so many bad reviews of the extruder that I am going to definitely
> skip that and stick to the rollers. I used to have a pasta machine that mixed
> and extruded for me but I think I sold it at a garage sale for not using it
> enough. now I kind of miss it.

Tammy and Bubbo...

I'd say that while the KA roller/cutter is an excellent deal
the extrusion attachment is pretty useless. The rollers are
metal while the extrusion unit is just plastic. The dough backs up
and jams the motor quite badly. Takes forever to get anything
made and it has to cause excessive wear and tear on that motor.

and that's with a 525 watt unit.

I can't imagine what it would be like on one of the lower
powered units. Ugh.

Tammy, if you want I'll take a look around for mine and
send them to you. Maybe you'll have better luck than me.


TammyM[_1_] 27-10-2006 07:00 PM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
On Thu, 26 Oct 2006 20:30:09 GMT, Reg > wrote:

>The Bubbo wrote:
>> TammyM wrote:
>>>I'll add a "me too" to this one. I use the KA for the pasta dough, works
>>>fine. Making fresh pasta for company has a major wow factor - at least for
>>>my friends. You'll really enjoy using the attachments. I don't have the
>>>extruder, although am considering getting it.

>> I have read so many bad reviews of the extruder that I am going to definitely
>> skip that and stick to the rollers. I used to have a pasta machine that mixed
>> and extruded for me but I think I sold it at a garage sale for not using it
>> enough. now I kind of miss it.

>Tammy and Bubbo...
>I'd say that while the KA roller/cutter is an excellent deal
>the extrusion attachment is pretty useless. The rollers are
>metal while the extrusion unit is just plastic. The dough backs up
>and jams the motor quite badly. Takes forever to get anything
>made and it has to cause excessive wear and tear on that motor.

I love the roller/cutter. I'm disappointed to hear about the
extruder. I've always wanted to try it...

>and that's with a 525 watt unit.

Oh dear. I don't think mine has that kind of fire power. I bought it
in the mid-late 80's.

>I can't imagine what it would be like on one of the lower
>powered units. Ugh.
>Tammy, if you want I'll take a look around for mine and
>send them to you. Maybe you'll have better luck than me.

That would be cool! I'd love to try it. E-me :-)

tdmcniff at ucdavis dot edu



Skyhooks 27-10-2006 09:13 PM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
The Bubbo wrote:
> I used my meat grinder attachment all the time til I misplaced the screw. I'm
> sure it got thrown in an odd box for the move and I've not been able to find
> it in the last 18 months. I really love the meat grinder. I even use it for
> grinding seitan for potsticker filling.
> --
> .:Heather:.

I bet if you call KitchenAid, they'll replace the screw for free, or a
minimal fee. It's worth a try.

The slicer/shredder attachment I bought didn't fit properly, and KA
replaced it with no questions asked.


The Bubbo 27-10-2006 09:19 PM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
skyhooks wrote:
> The Bubbo wrote:
>> I used my meat grinder attachment all the time til I misplaced the screw.

>> sure it got thrown in an odd box for the move and I've not been able to

>> it in the last 18 months. I really love the meat grinder. I even use it for
>> grinding seitan for potsticker filling.
>> --
>> .:Heather:.

> I bet if you call KitchenAid, they'll replace the screw for free, or a
> minimal fee. It's worth a try.
> The slicer/shredder attachment I bought didn't fit properly, and KA
> replaced it with no questions asked.
> Sky

I lost the doohicky peg thing that went in the food processor to hold the
blades up and they replaced that for free.
I just hesitate to call them since I know it must be here somewhere and I'd
hate to get it and then find the old one.

I thought I was driving by Gettysburg once but it ends up I was just driving
by your mom's house.

Melba's Jammin' 28-10-2006 06:09 AM

Pasta dough in the KitchenAid?
In article >,
(TammyM) wrote:

> On Thu, 26 Oct 2006 20:30:09 GMT, Reg > wrote:
> >The Bubbo wrote:
> >
> >> TammyM wrote:
> >>
> >>>I'll add a "me too" to this one. I use the KA for the pasta dough, works
> >>>fine. Making fresh pasta for company has a major wow factor - at least
> >>>for
> >>>my friends. You'll really enjoy using the attachments. I don't have the
> >>>extruder, although am considering getting it.
> >>
> >>
> >> I have read so many bad reviews of the extruder that I am going to
> >> definitely
> >> skip that and stick to the rollers. I used to have a pasta machine that
> >> mixed
> >> and extruded for me but I think I sold it at a garage sale for not using
> >> it
> >> enough. now I kind of miss it.

> >
> >Tammy and Bubbo...
> >
> >I'd say that while the KA roller/cutter is an excellent deal
> >the extrusion attachment is pretty useless. The rollers are
> >metal while the extrusion unit is just plastic. The dough backs up
> >and jams the motor quite badly. Takes forever to get anything
> >made and it has to cause excessive wear and tear on that motor.

I've got those extruder plates, too. I'm convinced the only way to
success is to have "dough" that barely holds together. It's almost
granular and holds together only when pressed with the fingers. Maybe
I'll make some for the helluva it and take some pics of the process.
IME any dough that's suitable for rolling is NOT suitable for extrusion.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
"Maligning an individual says more about you than the one you malign."; blahblahblog 10/13/2006, Cedric Adams' Hotdish, 10/20/2006

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