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Default Converting a Stovetop Recipe to a Crockpot Recipe

Converting a Stovetop Recipe to a Crockpot Recipe

Crockpots vary but the low setting is typically around 100 degrees and
its high setting is around 300 degrees.

Knowing this, it is fairly easy to convert most recipes for use in your
slow cooker. Some adjusments to cooking times will be a judgement call
on your part, but some simple guidelines should help. Just follow a few
simple rules and you're on your way.

You should decrease the liquid since it does not boil away in a

Add cheeses and other milk product towards the end of your cooking
since they tend to break down if they are cooked for too long.

Brown any ground beef before adding to the crockpot. It will taste
better and have better texture this way.

Add rice and noodles at the end of your cooking as well. They will turn
mushy if they are cooked too long. You can cook these separately and
then combine them when it's time to serve.

Add your spices at the end.

If a stovetop recipe calls for 15-30 minutes, the crockpot should cook
it for 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hrs at a high temperature and 4 - 8 hours at its
low temperature setting.

If a stovetop recipe calls for 35-45 minutes, the crockpot should cook
it for 3-4 hrs at a high temperature setting and 6 - 10 hours at its
low temperature setting.

If a stovetop recipe calls for 50 min to 3 hours, the crockpot should
cook it for 4 - 6 hrs at a high temperature setting and 8 - 16 hours at
its low temperature setting.

Following these guidelines will allow you to be able to convert a
stovetop recipe to its delicious slow cooking counterpart!
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