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Posts: 7

Considering the great importance of promoting the high quality extra
virgin olive oils produced in your Country in gourmet cooking schools
and restaurants internationally, we invite you to send the following
contest information to anyone (oil producers, journalists,
associations, and gourmets) who may be interested and able to further
disseminate the information.
Prize Presentation
1 International Olive Oil Competition ARMONIA
ALMA Trophy

ALMA, The International School of Italian Cooking, directed by
Gualtiero Marchesi, with the collaboration of ISOM, International
School of Oil Masters and CRA ISOL, Istituto Sperimentale per l
Olivicoltura (Olive Research institute)
Announces the
1 International Olive Oil Competition ARMONIA, ALMA Trophy
for international producers of high quality extra virgin olive oil,
with the goal of promoting the awareness and knowledge of extra virgin
olive oil through the harmonization of flavor in food oil pairings in
gourmet cooking schools and restaurants internationally

The submission and selection of competing oils will be run in two
separate periods:
Southern Hemisphe Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, South
Africa; submission of applications and olive oil samples prior to
October 10, 2006

Northern Hemisphe
(Italy, Spain, France, Slovenia, Croatia, Ex Jugoslavia, Albania,
Grece, Turchia, Cypro, Iran, Iraq, Sirya, Giordani, Arabia Saudita,
Palestina, Israel, Libano, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco)
and all other countries producing olive oil:

Submission of applications and oil samples prior to
February 10, 2007.

A Special Recognition will the awarded the three oils with best
chemical composition, originating from each hemisphere.
The ALMA Trophy will be awarded to the First and Second top oils in the
final rankings originating from the two hemisphere in each of the
categories of fruitiness: Light, Medium, Intense and the next 10 ranked
oils in each category will be awarded an Honorable Mention.
Prize-winning oils will be assigned the Place of Honor in the Elaioteca
Internazionale ALMA and in the publication of the award in the ALMA
Olive Oil Guide.

Please download information, rules and entry forms in Italian, English,
and Spanish, available on the internet at

For any clarifications or requests for further information, Ms. Sara
Viti is at your disposition as the
Secretary of the International Olive Oil Contest ARMONIA,
c/o CRA - Istituto Sperimentale di Olivicoltura, via Nursina 2, 06049
Tel. +39 349 89 65 939 - Fax +39 0743 43634, e-mail:

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