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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 11,454
Default OT--Molly Ivins

Word is she just succumbed to cancer. Below is the last column of hers that
I read, dated January 2007. I will really miss her wisdom and humor.

Posted on Sun, Jan. 07, 2007

Bubba, we -- yes, we --have to stop the war now
By Molly Ivins
Creators Syndicate
The president of the United States does not have the sense that God gave a
duck -- so it's up to us. You and me, Bubba.

I don't know why George W. Bush is just standing there like a frozen rabbit,
but it's time we found out. The fact is that WE have to do something about
it. This country is being torn apart by an evil and unnecessary war, and it
has to be stopped. NOW.

This war is being prosecuted in our names, with our money, with our blood,
against our will. Polls consistently show that less than 30 percent of the
people want to maintain current troop levels. It is obscene and wrong for
the president to go against the people in this fashion. And it's doubly
wrong for him to increase U.S. troop levels in this hellhole by up to
20,000, as he reportedly will soon announce.

What happened to the nation that never tortured? The nation that wasn't
supposed to start wars of choice? The nation that respected human rights and
life? A nation that from the beginning was against tyranny?

Where have we gone? How did we let these people take us there? How did we
let them fool us?

It's monstrous to put people in prison and keep them there. Since 1215,
civil authorities have been obligated to tell people the charges against
them if they're arrested. This administration has done away with rights
enshrined in the Magna Carta, and we've let them do it.

This will be a regular feature of mine, like an old-fashioned newspaper
campaign. Every column, I'll write about this war until we find some way to
end it. Every column, we will review some factor we should have gotten

So let's take a step back and note that before the war, one of its
architects, Paul Wolfowitz, testified to Congress that Iraq had no history
of ethnic strife.

Sectarian and ethnic strife is a part of the region. And the region is full
of examples of Western colonial powers trying to occupy countries, take
their resources and take over the administration of their people -- and
failing. The sectarian bloodbath we see daily completely refutes Wolfowitz.

And let's keep in mind that when the Army arrived in Baghdad, we, the
television viewers, watched footage of a bunch of enraged and joyous Iraqis
pulling down the statue of Saddam Hussein, their repulsive dictator, in
Firdos Square. Only one thing was wrong: The event was staged, instigated by
a Marine colonel and a psychological operations unit that made it appear

When we later saw the whole square where the statue was located, only 30 to
40 people were there (U.S. soldiers, press and some Iraqis -- and one of
several U.S. tanks present pulled the statue down with a cable). We, the
television viewers, saw the square being presented as though the people of
Iraq had gone into a frenzy, mobbed the square and spontaneously pulled down
the statue.

We need to cut through all this smoke and mirrors and come up with an exit
strategy, forthwith.

The Democrats have yet to offer a cohesive plan to get us out of this mess.
Of course, it's not their fault -- but the fact is that we need leaders who
are grown-ups and who are willing to try to fix it. Bush has ignored the
actual grown-ups from the Iraq Study Group and the generals and all other
experts who are nearly unanimous in the opinion that more troops will not

It's up to you and me, Bubba.

We need to make sure that the new Congress curbs executive power, which has
been so misused, and asserts its own power to make this situation change.



Posted via a free Usenet account from

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default OT--Molly Ivins

"Dave Bugg" > wrote in message
> cybercat wrote:
>> Word is she just succumbed to cancer.

> I never cared for her point of view or her style of writing, but I would
> read her anyway :-)
> Rest In Peace, Molly. Your many fans and readers will miss you.

What a gracious comment, considering. Way to go. Watch out, if you get too
classy the Usenet Gods will know, and bar you from participating.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default OT--Molly Ivins

cybercat wrote:

> Word is she just succumbed to cancer.

I never cared for her point of view or her style of writing, but I would
read her anyway :-)

Rest In Peace, Molly. Your many fans and readers will miss you.


  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default OT--Molly Ivins

cybercat wrote:
> "Dave Bugg" > wrote in message
> ...
>> cybercat wrote:
>>> Word is she just succumbed to cancer.

>> I never cared for her point of view or her style of writing, but I
>> would read her anyway :-)
>> Rest In Peace, Molly. Your many fans and readers will miss you.

> What a gracious comment, considering. Way to go. Watch out, if you
> get too classy the Usenet Gods will know, and bar you from
> participating.

LOL!!! <Keeping one eye open fron thunderbolts from Olympus>


  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 38
Default OT--Molly Ivins

Hi. I luuuv that you read cybercat.

Molly sounds like quite a gal.

"cybercat" > wrote in message
> Word is she just succumbed to cancer. Below is the last column of hers

> I read, dated January 2007. I will really miss her wisdom and humor.
> Posted on Sun, Jan. 07, 2007
> Bubba, we -- yes, we --have to stop the war now
> By Molly Ivins
> Creators Syndicate
> The president of the United States does not have the sense that God gave a
> duck -- so it's up to us. You and me, Bubba.
> I don't know why George W. Bush is just standing there like a frozen

> but it's time we found out. The fact is that WE have to do something about
> it. This country is being torn apart by an evil and unnecessary war, and

> has to be stopped. NOW.
> This war is being prosecuted in our names, with our money, with our blood,
> against our will. Polls consistently show that less than 30 percent of the
> people want to maintain current troop levels. It is obscene and wrong for
> the president to go against the people in this fashion. And it's doubly
> wrong for him to increase U.S. troop levels in this hellhole by up to
> 20,000, as he reportedly will soon announce.
> What happened to the nation that never tortured? The nation that wasn't
> supposed to start wars of choice? The nation that respected human rights

> life? A nation that from the beginning was against tyranny?
> Where have we gone? How did we let these people take us there? How did we
> let them fool us?
> It's monstrous to put people in prison and keep them there. Since 1215,
> civil authorities have been obligated to tell people the charges against
> them if they're arrested. This administration has done away with rights
> enshrined in the Magna Carta, and we've let them do it.
> This will be a regular feature of mine, like an old-fashioned newspaper
> campaign. Every column, I'll write about this war until we find some way

> end it. Every column, we will review some factor we should have gotten
> right.
> So let's take a step back and note that before the war, one of its
> architects, Paul Wolfowitz, testified to Congress that Iraq had no history
> of ethnic strife.
> Sectarian and ethnic strife is a part of the region. And the region is

> of examples of Western colonial powers trying to occupy countries, take
> their resources and take over the administration of their people -- and
> failing. The sectarian bloodbath we see daily completely refutes

> And let's keep in mind that when the Army arrived in Baghdad, we, the
> television viewers, watched footage of a bunch of enraged and joyous

> pulling down the statue of Saddam Hussein, their repulsive dictator, in
> Firdos Square. Only one thing was wrong: The event was staged, instigated

> a Marine colonel and a psychological operations unit that made it appear
> spontaneous.
> When we later saw the whole square where the statue was located, only 30

> 40 people were there (U.S. soldiers, press and some Iraqis -- and one of
> several U.S. tanks present pulled the statue down with a cable). We, the
> television viewers, saw the square being presented as though the people of
> Iraq had gone into a frenzy, mobbed the square and spontaneously pulled

> the statue.
> We need to cut through all this smoke and mirrors and come up with an exit
> strategy, forthwith.
> The Democrats have yet to offer a cohesive plan to get us out of this

> Of course, it's not their fault -- but the fact is that we need leaders

> are grown-ups and who are willing to try to fix it. Bush has ignored the
> actual grown-ups from the Iraq Study Group and the generals and all other
> experts who are nearly unanimous in the opinion that more troops will not
> help.
> It's up to you and me, Bubba.
> We need to make sure that the new Congress curbs executive power, which

> been so misused, and asserts its own power to make this situation change.
> Now.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account from

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 1,879
Default OT--Molly Ivins

cybercat wrote:
> Word is she just succumbed to cancer. Below is the last column of hers that
> I read, dated January 2007. I will really miss her wisdom and humor.

Oh, no! I really loved her.
RIP, dear iconoclast.

gloria p
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default OT--Molly Ivins

On Thu, 1 Feb 2007 09:10:39 -0500, Peter A >

>> By Molly Ivins
>> Creators Syndicate
>> The president of the United States does not have the sense that God gave a
>> duck -- so it's up to us. You and me, Bubba.

>Yes, she was a great one and will be missed.
>It makes you stop and think - the liberals have intelligent,
>knowledgeable, witty commentators like Ivins, and the conservatives have
>knuckle-dragging nitwits like Rush.

Let me guess. You agreed with Molly and disagree wit Rush?
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 38
Default OT--Molly Ivins

"Peter A" > wrote in message

> I have a couple of conservative-leaning friends, intelligent educated
> people who really care about the facts. They hate Rush more than I do
> because, as they put it, he makes conservatives look like morons.
> --
> Peter Aitken

O and O

now, one of this is a hole in the ground, the other is your butthole

which is which?

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 322
Default OT--Molly Ivins

On Thu, 1 Feb 2007 11:27:34 -0500, Peter A >

>In article >,
>> Let me guess. You agreed with Molly and disagree wit Rush?

>Given that I completed high school and have an above-room-temperature
>IQ, of course I do.

So if people don't agree with you, they are uneducated and have a low

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 3,622
Default OT--Molly Ivins

Peter A wrote:

> <snipped>
> Yes, she was a great one and will be missed.
> It makes you stop and think - the liberals have intelligent,
> knowledgeable, witty commentators like Ivins, and the conservatives
> have knuckle-dragging nitwits like Rush.

Hmmm. It only makes me stop to think how certain liberals have no common
sense or tact; they are absolutely lacking in this regard. Even in a
peaceful thread paying respects to one of their own, they are helpless to
resist the Pavlovian impulse to foam-at-the-mouth. Sad.


  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 42
Default OT--Molly Ivins

On Jan 31, 4:12 pm, "cybercat" > wrote:
> Word is she just succumbed to cancer. Below is the last column of hers that
> I read, dated January 2007. I will really miss her wisdom and humor.
> Posted on Sun, Jan. 07, 2007
> Bubba, we -- yes, we --have to stop the war now
> By Molly Ivins
> Creators Syndicate
> The president of the United States does not have the sense that God gave a
> duck -- so it's up to us. You and me, Bubba.
> I don't know why George W. Bush is just standing there like a frozen rabbit,
> but it's time we found out. The fact is that WE have to do something about
> it. This country is being torn apart by an evil and unnecessary war, and it
> has to be stopped. NOW.
> This war is being prosecuted in our names, with our money, with our blood,
> against our will. Polls consistently show that less than 30 percent of the
> people want to maintain current troop levels. It is obscene and wrong for
> the president to go against the people in this fashion. And it's doubly
> wrong for him to increase U.S. troop levels in this hellhole by up to
> 20,000, as he reportedly will soon announce.
> What happened to the nation that never tortured? The nation that wasn't
> supposed to start wars of choice? The nation that respected human rights and
> life? A nation that from the beginning was against tyranny?
> Where have we gone? How did we let these people take us there? How did we
> let them fool us?
> It's monstrous to put people in prison and keep them there. Since 1215,
> civil authorities have been obligated to tell people the charges against
> them if they're arrested. This administration has done away with rights
> enshrined in the Magna Carta, and we've let them do it.
> This will be a regular feature of mine, like an old-fashioned newspaper
> campaign. Every column, I'll write about this war until we find some way to
> end it. Every column, we will review some factor we should have gotten
> right.
> So let's take a step back and note that before the war, one of its
> architects, Paul Wolfowitz, testified to Congress that Iraq had no history
> of ethnic strife.
> Sectarian and ethnic strife is a part of the region. And the region is full
> of examples of Western colonial powers trying to occupy countries, take
> their resources and take over the administration of their people -- and
> failing. The sectarian bloodbath we see daily completely refutes Wolfowitz.
> And let's keep in mind that when the Army arrived in Baghdad, we, the
> television viewers, watched footage of a bunch of enraged and joyous Iraqis
> pulling down the statue of Saddam Hussein, their repulsive dictator, in
> Firdos Square. Only one thing was wrong: The event was staged, instigated by
> a Marine colonel and a psychological operations unit that made it appear
> spontaneous.
> When we later saw the whole square where the statue was located, only 30 to
> 40 people were there (U.S. soldiers, press and some Iraqis -- and one of
> several U.S. tanks present pulled the statue down with a cable). We, the
> television viewers, saw the square being presented as though the people of
> Iraq had gone into a frenzy, mobbed the square and spontaneously pulled down
> the statue.
> We need to cut through all this smoke and mirrors and come up with an exit
> strategy, forthwith.
> The Democrats have yet to offer a cohesive plan to get us out of this mess.
> Of course, it's not their fault -- but the fact is that we need leaders who
> are grown-ups and who are willing to try to fix it. Bush has ignored the
> actual grown-ups from the Iraq Study Group and the generals and all other
> experts who are nearly unanimous in the opinion that more troops will not
> help.
> It's up to you and me, Bubba.
> We need to make sure that the new Congress curbs executive power, which has
> been so misused, and asserts its own power to make this situation change.
> Now.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*-----
> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account from

I KNOW!!!! =o( I'm going to miss her terribly. What a mind she had,
and what a wonderful writing style. She's one of the few political
columnists I ever read who made me laugh out loud.

It's a terrible loss for truth and justice and good newspaper writing.
Farewell Molly. We'll keep fighting on.
Freedom fighters may not always win, but they're always right.


  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 11,454
Default OT--Molly Ivins

"Shiral" > wrote
>I KNOW!!!! =o( I'm going to miss her terribly. What a mind she had,
>and what a wonderful writing style. She's one of the few political
>columnists I ever read who made me laugh out loud.

>It's a terrible loss for truth and justice and good newspaper writing.
>Farewell Molly. We'll keep fighting on.
>Freedom fighters may not always win, but they're always right.

She really was a great spirit. I lived in Houston when I first
discovered her. I associate her with the area because of this.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default OT--Molly Ivins

Peter A wrote:
> In article >, says...
>>> Yes, she was a great one and will be missed.
>>> It makes you stop and think - the liberals have intelligent,
>>> knowledgeable, witty commentators like Ivins, and the conservatives
>>> have knuckle-dragging nitwits like Rush.

>> Hmmm. It only makes me stop to think how certain liberals have no
>> common sense or tact; they are absolutely lacking in this regard.
>> Even in a peaceful thread paying respects to one of their own, they
>> are helpless to resist the Pavlovian impulse to foam-at-the-mouth.
>> Sad.

> Gee, how clever. Lacking any facts or logic to dispute my opinion you
> resort to a personal attack. My guess is that my comments skewered you
> dead-center and you don't like it.

Hardly, Peter. You started the name calling. You couldn't allow a peaceful
thread to continue without engaging in trash talk. You were the one to walk
away from logic by trying to compare a columnist with a radio personality.
You were the one to ignore that there are multitudes of examples, on the far
right as well as the far left, of radio and tv personalities who make asses
of themselves. You were the one to paint all of one group with the same
tedious bile. You were the one looking to pick a fight. The only one
exhibiting poor behavior is you. And the only skewering is what you have
manage to do to yourself. Sad, but not surprising.


  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default OT--Molly Ivins

On Thu, 1 Feb 2007 16:02:13 -0500, Peter A >

>In article >,
>> >Given that I completed high school and have an above-room-temperature
>> >IQ, of course I do.

>> So if people don't agree with you, they are uneducated and have a low
>> I.Q.?

>Of course not, I never claimed anything of the sort. Why do you ask such
>moronic questions? I guess it's because you do not understand what I

No Peter I understand perfectly what you are saying.
That You have an education, and your I.Q is above room temperature,
and if we don't agree, we must be uneducated and with a low I.Q.
This is a personal attack, with no basis in fact.
I found that most people who make these assertions, are pompous.
  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 322
Default OT--Molly Ivins

On Fri, 2 Feb 2007 11:21:51 -0500, Peter A >

>In article >,
>> >Of course not, I never claimed anything of the sort. Why do you ask such
>> >moronic questions? I guess it's because you do not understand what I
>> >said.

>> No Peter I understand perfectly what you are saying.
>> That You have an education, and your I.Q is above room temperature,
>> and if we don't agree, we must be uneducated and with a low I.Q.
>> This is a personal attack, with no basis in fact.
>> I found that most people who make these assertions, are pompous.

>You are making erroneous inferences. I never said or implied anything
>like that, nor do I believe it. You do not have the reading
>comprehension to understand what I wrote. Then, lacking any sensible
>response to my comments you set up this straw man, accusing me of some
>sort of elitism or snobbery. Typical - in fact, that's the way Rush
>operates, making things up and attacking people rather than dealing with
>the issue at hand.
>There are plenty of people who are more intelligent and educated than I
>am who disagree with me, but they sure don't pay any attention to Rush,
>O'Reilly, and the other conservative demagogues.

Ah yes again, personal attacks. Try again when you can make a coherent
statement, with facts. Until then, goodby.
  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default OT--Molly Ivins

In article >,
Peter A > wrote:

> I happened to chance upon Rush's show the other day while tuning the car

> inadequacy. His facts are usually wrong or distorted, and his "logic"
> would embarrass a retarded money.

I suspect that you hit the nail on the head. It's all about money.
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