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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.california,sci.econ,misc.consumers,,soc.retirement
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Posts: 16
Default Accelerating Middle Class Poverty ( Frosty Wooldridge )

On Feb 14, 8:20 am, (-) wrote:
> The Next Added 100 Million - Part 20
> Accelerating Middle Class Poverty
> By Frosty Wooldridge
> 1-27-7
> According to Newsweek, 38 million Americans live below the poverty
> line.
> The federal government defines that line as an annual income of
> $20,000 or less for a family of four. For the first time in our
> history, more of America's poor live in the suburbs than cities.
> In Bedford Heights, Cleveland, Ohio five years ago, a Hunger Network
> food pantry served 50 families per month. Today, 700 families depend
> on the pantry for food. Why? Manufacturing jobs shrink with
> outsourcing, offshoring, insourcing and millions of ILLegal migrants
> taking jobs from American citizens.
> History -- A Great Teacher
> Remember feudalism in ancient Europe? Remember how kings sat in their
> castles while serfs tilled the fields, brought food in payment for
> taxes, died in wars and lived in miserable poverty? Remember the
> Broadway production of Camelot with Guinevere listening while the king
> sang, "What are the common people thinking tonight?"
> Remember how 20th century Robber Barons like Rockefeller, Swift,
> Amour, Carnegie, Gates, Gould, Morgan, Vanderbilt, Kennedy and others
> manipulated workers while amassing obscene fortunes?
> We enjoyed a vibrant Middle-Class by the mid sixties.
> In order to thwart corporate strangle-hold on American workers, unions
> formed to give the common laborer collective power. The AFL-CIO, with
> such men as Walter Reuther, George Meany and others forced
> corporations to pay a living wage with decent family benefits.
> However, unseen trouble lurked on the horizon.
> In 1965, Teddy Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson slipped an
> immigration bill through Congress that jumped immigration from 175,000
> immigrants annually to 1.1 million each year -- a sudden, six-fold
> increase.
> Onslaught of undocumented foreign-nationals
> So-called legal immigrants busted unions and lowered wages. By 1986
> millions of "ILLegal" poverty stricken peasants from Third World
> countries crossed over our borders.
> They took jobs at half or one-third the wages paid by corporations.
> For example, meat packers in the 1980s earned $18.00 an hour with
> benefits. Construction workers earned $22.00 an hour. American cab
> drivers earned a decent living. Catastrophic changes descended on
> working America.
> The slave-labor workers decimated our lower- middle-class
> All of a sudden, companies found a mother lode of workers in ILLegal
> migrants. They grabbed jobs from American workers at $6.00 an hour,
> lived 20 to a trailer or apartment and found they could tap into free
> medical care and schooling for themselves and their children. They
> drove cars without licenses or insurance. They worked off the books
> without paying income taxes.
> Voila! The new Robber Barons of the 21st century found their new slave
> class. These new slaves weren't African Negroes shackled in chains
> while being torn from their country. No! These new workers arrived
> mostly from Mexico where the average worker earned(s) $3.85 per day.
> Why? Mexico's Robber Barons perfected their strangle-hold on slave
> class dominance.
> What is the result?
> Today, corporations crush America's Middle-Class into our newest
> poverty class. Our working poor stand in welfare lines. You can't find
> an American cab driver any more. You've got Muslims who won't take you
> if you carry something they don't like while African immigrants can't
> understand English. Swift, Hormel, Tyson, Wal-Mart and hundreds of
> other large employers engage in illegal hiring practices. They're not
> alone! McDonald's, Burger King, Chipotle's, Pizza Hut and many other
> fast food chains employ ILLegal aliens. Construction firms, house
> painting, drywall contractors and roofers hire ILLegal aliens at a
> fraction of a livable wage.
> Bill Gates leads the new 21st century Robber Barons. (Read the book:
> Robber Barons by Mathew Josephson) Gates' immense $50 billion fortune
> allows him to dictate to Congress on how many H1-B and H2-B visas can
> be offered. Thus far, more than 1,000,000 American high tech workers
> lost their jobs to insourced foreign workers. Over 3,000,000 U.S.
> manufacturing jobs vanished into India, Mexico and China.
> Who Makes the Goods America Uses ?
> Maytag and American Flyer outsourced and offshored their plants to
> China. Wal-Mart buys 90 percent of its products from China and other
> countries where they can buy products normally produced at wages of 22
> cents-per-hour.
> Last year, Ford and General Motors announced 60,000 more jobs
> pink-slipped. Michigan workers suffered lost manufacturing jobs at
> 1,000 per week in the past 18 months. Middle-class families suffer job
> crucifixion while their children languish.
> By employing ILLegal migrants, now at more than 20 million in the
> U.S., 21st century Robber Baron employers cut their expenses in half
> while they increase their profits for their owners and top CEOs.
> Results? Howard and Jane Pettry of Middleburg Heights, Ohio said,
> "We've worked all our lives and paid taxes. Now we're living off
> credit cards. It's terrible."
> How terrible? The average American credit card holder owes $9,149.00
> on his or her card. Most run interest rates at 18.5 percent. Guess who
> benefits from all that interest?
> In the meantime, Congress watches, waits and waffles while doing
> nothing to stop legal and ILLegal migrants from crossing America's
> borders at rates of millions and millions annually.
> Who is in Charge Here?
> Who do you think controls Congress? Not the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
> and big business in general, right?
> Even more stunning, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq cost U.S.
> taxpayers $689 billion during the last five years.
> President Bush rebuilds Iraq, spending hundreds of billions of
> dollars, while he watches skyrocketing poverty levels degrade our
> Middle Class. On top of that, every senator now running for the
> presidency voted for SB 2611 that added even more work visas as well
> as doubling legal immigration to 2.0 million annually.
> Thanks to Providence, that legislation stalled. Most terrifying, the
> same scoundrels will advance a similar bill aimed right at the guts of
> the U.S. middle-class.
> Throughout this national calamity, American citizens watch as their
> neighbors lose jobs or see their wages diminished. However, if it
> doesn't affect them directly, they won't speak a word.
> If you think the 21st century Robber Barons plan to stop this massive
> wage degradation, you better hang on to your britches. Like the
> wealthy Robber Barons of Mexico, our corporations won't stop the next
> added 20 million ILLegal migrants -- nor will they stop the
> insourcing, offshoring and outsourcing of jobs.
> Can you imagine what Cheney and Bush sing tonight as they gather
> around their opulent furnishings, "What are our common citizens
> thinking tonight...ta, ta, we don't care!"
> The Death of the U.S. Middle-Class
> In the end, America's Middle Class roared into being from the 30s to
> the 90s, but fades from existence in the early part of the 21st
> century. Concurrently, the less educated their children from
> dumbed-down school systems, the less able they will be to rise up
> against their masters.
> Ironically, our own president and Congress commit this national fraud
> against our citizens. Worse, Americans don't speak out -- 50 to 60
> percent of us don't vote, and the rest can't be bothered as long as it
> doesn't affect them.
> Denial grows as a key piece of the addictions afflicting our national
> leaders while dragging this country into cultural, linguistic and
> financial quicksand.
> As the next added 100 million people manifest their numbers in
> American society, with 70 million immigrants (legal and ILLegals), we
> might view Mexico to see our future. By making $3.85 per day per
> average wage earner, our society degrades to a high class and a low
> class - with a giant gap between.
> R I P -- Here Lies America's Middle Class - Died a contrived death at
> the hands of the 21st century Robber Barons -- and its own
> disinterest. They bowed their heads like sheep in the pasture of
> their demise.
> What you can do for a better future for your country:
> A republican form of government is not a spectator sport. It means you
> must jump in, roll up you sleeves and take personal and collective
> action. Of course, you could let a dictator take over and do
> everything for you, but that path would give you Cuba, China, North
> Korea and other unsavory examples.
> To stop Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid from giving an amnesty, take action.
> CALL Nancy Pelosi: Washington, DC - (202) 225-4965
> San Francisco, CA - (415) 556-4862 ;
> Email Nancy Pelosi ;
> Email form for Nancy Pelosi;
> Senator Harry Reid: 202 224 3121 in Washington DC
> 775 686 5750 in Reno, NV;
> George Bush
> 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
> Washington, DC 20500
> Comments: 202-456-1111
> Switchboard for live listener: 202 456 1414
> Fax: 202-456-2461
> We must 'sour the milk.' Bring out your points in the call:
> 1. America cannot support another 100 million people added to our
> country in 34 years, i.e., water crisis, resource depletion,
> air pollution, gridlock, loss of quality of life, etc.
> 2. America cannot support lawbreakers being given citizenship.
> 3. America must maintain our English language.
> 4. America wants only legal immigrants who play by the rules and
> speak English.
> 5. America's working poor deserve a chance at jobs taken by illegals.
> 6. America already has too many people and I support a 10 year
> moratorium on all immigration.
> 7. Americans must maintain our schools for our children.
> 8. We can no longer tolerate 350,000 birthright citizens (anchor
> babies) annually that subtract from our own citizens.
> 9. Attrition through enforcement by stopping their ability to wire
> money home, obtain rental housing and jobs.
> 10. An amnesty failed in 1986, and it will only be worse today. We're
> being displaced out of our jobs and out of our own country.
> Call with relentless and never-give-up passion.
> To reduce illegal aliens in your community, you may follow the course
> of action by Mayor Louis Barletta of Hazelton, PA. He offers a bomb
> proof ordinance that takes business licenses away from those who hire
> illegals. He legally halts landlords from renting to illegals. Without
> work and without housing, illegals cannot stay in your community.
> Check out his website for
> Visit D.A. King at thewww.thedustininmansociety.orgto see how
> Georgia created the best laws to stop illegals at the state level.
> Please check out William Gheen He's a mover and
> shaker. He will direct you to specific actions that make you more
> powerful and effective.
> To stop this invasion locally and nationally:
> for free and you can
> Wooldridge presents a 45 minute program to colleges, high schools,
> civic clubs, church groups and political clubs across America titled:
> his website for further information on booking the
> Check outwww.populationmedia.orgfor an exciting method for creating
> overpopulation awareness in Third World countries. Their prime
> directive works with the media in order to educate and activate
> leaders and women worldwide.
> Whether we like it or not, global warming is upon us. We can take
> action to correct it. Please joinwww.stopglobalwarming.orgfor up to
> the minute information and action items.
> Awareness Campaign web site,, which is purely to
> help save and protect human health and environmental health globally.
> Diana Buckland is founder and global coordinator at
> or . Diana makes impact
> all over the world by alerting everyone about chemical sensitivities
> caused by poisons sprayed, injected and applied to our crops and
> elsewhere.
> From Part 5 of this series, "Destroying our oceans", if you would like
> to become involved please refer to
> <>www.savetheoceans.orgfor a first rate
> lesson on how to take action in order to cleanse our oceans, restock
> our fish population, move toward recycling and cleanup of our world's
> most important living resource. Watch shows on PBS that expose where
> we threw two million tires into the waters off the East Coast and all
> the damage those tires are doing to marine life. You'll find out what
> you can do to have them raised from the deep. Additionally, check outwww.greenpeace.orgfor actions at the national and international levels.
> www.alipac.usat 1 866 329 3999; .com
> ;;; My book:
> 7715.; for
> motorcyclists:
>; On April 1, 2007, the Paul Revere Riders will
> again ride to stop the illegal invasion and accompany Arizona long
> haul truckers and motorcyclists in a freedom border ride to block
> illegal aliens from crossing our borders. We invite all veterans,
> truckers and bikers to join us. Contact Rusty Childress atwww.immigrationbuzz.comandwww.americanfreedomrid ers.comfor further
> information. Please write with your ideas on what to name the ride.
> Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and
> families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on
> six continents and six times across the United States in the past 30
> years. He presents a program to colleges, conferences, high schools
> and civic clubs around the country: "THE COMING POPULATION CRISIS IN
> AMERICA: WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT". His published books include:
> SWAMP". He lives in Denver, Colorado.
> Disclaimer
> Email This Article
> MainPage
> This Site Served by TheHostPros

If you are over 50 years of age you have enjoyed a fine period for
Now you can watch it slide into a third-world disjointed politcal
Hold your money and get a gun!


  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.california,sci.econ,misc.consumers,,soc.retirement
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Posts: 3
Default Accelerating Middle Class Poverty ( Frosty Wooldridge )

On Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:39:00 -0500, "Geno2341" >

>Ah we must bring back all those crooked Republican saints before America
>goes to hell mustn't we?
>More hooverites and less compassion government.

Your brief opinion/comment strongly implies you know little of the
history from the Hoover to Roosevelt. suggest you read a more recent
assessment of the Hoover/Roosevelt years in "The Defining Moment -
FDR's Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope" by Jonathan Alter,
published by Simon and Schuster,Inc. 2006.

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.california,sci.econ,misc.consumers,,soc.retirement
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
Default Accelerating Middle Class Poverty ( Frosty Wooldridge )

Well being 74 you would be surprised what I have heard of Hoover,
There was the Hoovervilles.
A car in every garage and two chickens in every pot and the Stock Market
Yes sunny Bankers did jump from upper story windows.
Ah those were the years. A millionaire one day and a hobo the next.
And I had three brothers that worked for the WPA. Then fought in the great
Also remember going to the fire station to pick up cheese and eating mush.
The middle class great dinner.
The thing that I remember the most of the depression years was People cared
and people shared.
Things that this generation has no understanding about.
With them it's NOW. Period.

<never@million> wrote in message
> On Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:39:00 -0500, "Geno2341" >
> wrote:
>>Ah we must bring back all those crooked Republican saints before America
>>goes to hell mustn't we?
>>More hooverites and less compassion government.

> Your brief opinion/comment strongly implies you know little of the
> history from the Hoover to Roosevelt. suggest you read a more recent
> assessment of the Hoover/Roosevelt years in "The Defining Moment -
> FDR's Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope" by Jonathan Alter,
> published by Simon and Schuster,Inc. 2006.

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.california,sci.econ,misc.consumers,,soc.retirement
external usenet poster
Posts: 24
Default Accelerating Middle Class Poverty ( Frosty Wooldridge )

Geno2341 wrote:

> The thing that I remember the most of the depression years was People cared
> and people shared.

I am sure Al Capone and Dutch Schultz really cared. But did they share?

> Things that this generation has no understanding about.
> With them it's NOW. Period.

If not NOW, then when? In the not so long run we will be dead and we
will be dead forever. So what is wrong with NOW?
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.california,sci.econ,misc.consumers,,soc.retirement
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Posts: 1,360
Default Accelerating Middle Class Poverty ( Frosty Wooldridge )

On Feb 14, 5:25 pm, Bob Kolker > wrote:
> Geno2341 wrote:
> > The thing that I remember the most of the depression years was People cared
> > and people shared.

> I am sure Al Capone and Dutch Schultz really cared. But did they share?

Copone? Yes and
scroll down to the 'restaurant picture, just below the massacre

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.california,sci.econ,misc.consumers,,soc.retirement
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
Default Accelerating Middle Class Poverty ( Frosty Wooldridge )

They were Jews dumby.
And they had to do with prohibition not the Great depession.
But my pop did make tub beer.

"Bob Kolker" > wrote in message
> Geno2341 wrote:
>> The thing that I remember the most of the depression years was People
>> cared and people shared.

> I am sure Al Capone and Dutch Schultz really cared. But did they share?
>> Things that this generation has no understanding about.
>> With them it's NOW. Period.

> If not NOW, then when? In the not so long run we will be dead and we will
> be dead forever. So what is wrong with NOW?

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