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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,soc.retirement,alt.fifty-plus.friends
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default Robert Griffin (son of Ronald George Griffin) New South Wales Australia


Robert Griffin (who also uses the name Bob Griffin) states he is a
businessman and a resident of New South Wales, Australia.

Robert Griffin has also claimed to travel the world on business.
Robert Griffin spends a great deal of time on airplanes, flying to
various locations in the USA and Europe.

On Usenet newsgroups, Robert Griffin has boasted about his money and
how good he is at his job.

When Robert Griffin flies to the USA, he will then sometimes travel by
rental car to his numerous destinations within the USA.

Robert Griffin's constant companion is his laptop computer, with a
wireless connection, a computer he often uses to wage his abusive
cyber terror wars.

Robert Griffin is the son of Ronald George Griffin (now deceased as of
October 13th, 2004, at 76 years of age).

Robert Griffin's father, Ronald George Griffin, had his memorial
service held at "CREIGHTONS PALMDALE" memorial home in New South
Wales, Australia.

Robert Griffin's father, Ronald George Griffin, lived in Umina Beach,
NSW, Australia.

Robert Griffin's father, Ronald George Griffin, was also a resident of
Epping, NSW, Australia.

SPECIAL NOTE: This information regarding Robert Griffin's father
(Ronald George Griffin) is published so that no other Robert Griffin
will be confused with this violent and abusive person who harasses and
stalks people on the World Wide Web and on Usenet newsgroups.

Robert Griffin is a cyber stalker and a liar. On newsgroups, Robert
Griffin harassed people relentlessly. Robert Griffin has also
threatened people with various acts of violence and of death on
numerous occasions.

Robert Griffin is also an admitted alcohol abuser and a drug user
(both prescription and recreational) which could explain his often
insane behavior when posting on the Internet and on Usenet

Robert Griffin routinely cyber stalks, real-life stalks, harasses and
threatens people via the Internet and on Usenet newsgroups.

During the last 10 years, Robert Griffin has posted thousands of pages
of hatred and abuse directed at anyone who dares to disagree with his
viewpoints, or dares to take a stand against his cyber bullying

Robert Griffin has stated that he is the victim of abuse by other
Usenet newsgroup and Internet users. However, nothing can be further
from the truth. Robert Griffin is a liar, a cyber stalker and a person
who routinely threatens people with violence and/or death.

Please read Robert Griffin's threats of violence and death which this
madman (Robert Griffin) has published on Usenet:

----------[begin robert griffin violence and death threat

1) Douglas Wiser must leave ASH NOW. Or die.

2) I'd like to finish you off, you troll-worshipping ****ing liar....
with an electric snake attached to a wire brush both shoved up your
arse till they give you a ****ing tonsillectomy. Such action might
stem the never ending tide of utter shit which emenates from you

3) As for "violence upon ASH posters' - few things would give me a
bigger laugh than to see Douglas Wiser's bullet filled corpse on this
sick ****ing creature's fave site, Jesus ****ing
christ...what a hoot that would be!! Preferably shot to pieces with 44
bullets with dum dum crosses.

4) Would I like to see Douggie dead? ****ING OATH!!!!! As offal or
wormfood that ****er would be of far more useful in death than the
slimy creature ever was in life.

5) You are scum, and will be treated with the contempt that scum like
you deserves.

6) I wish you would kill yourselfg[sic] you worthless ****ing dog.

7) I want the ******* either dead or in jail.... but I'll settle for
the ****wit leaving ASH behind, never to return.

8) Someone could always kick the shit out of you.... there's no
shortage of volunteers for that. Once it is done, your empty envelope
would float away in the breeze....

9) I'd condone almost anything that would shut this stupid, trolling,
whining bitch up.

10) NOWHERE is gonna be safe for YOU, scumbag!

11) Not "technically" dead. Really dead (not a death threat, just a
cheery wish to brighten my day).

12) Oh well. We all can wish for good things, can't we? Like an end to
world poverty, starvation, suffering, depression, warfare... and, oh
yes... the end of worthless lives like those of sadists like Douglas
Wiser and Louis C*ntell!

13) I consider Douglas Wiser an evil piece of subhuman slime. I wish
he was dead, thus saving the taxpayers the money of locking up his fat
decaying carcass in prison for the next 14 years... following a fair
trial, which will, of course, find him guilty...

14) Wiser can apologize to me and everyone else by dropping dead by
his own hand as painfully as possible.

15) Well **** YOU. Go watch a snuff video if this isn't as
entertaining for you. Or go play with your gun.... Free tip for you:
one bullet per chamber...

16) Yeah. Of course I wish Wiser was dead, maybe then we could all get
some peace.

17) My doing so would deprive the RCMP of the pleasure beating you
blue and of locking you up

18) Die already, you scum.

----------[end robert griffin violence and death threat

Considering these threats of violence and death directed at American
and Canadian citizens, it is clear that Robert Griffin poses a danger
to Americans living in the USA. Robert Griffin needs to be placed on
both the USA and Canadian "NO FLY LIST" and barred from travel to the
United States of America and Canada. Robert Griffin can be identified
by his short stature, fat physique, balding head, mouse brown hair,
poor complexion, double chin, high-pitched womanlike voice and
Australian accent.

You can learn more about this cyber stalking Australian madman named
Robert Griffin by reading the "Robert Griffin FAQ" (aka "The Magnus
Pym FAQ"):

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 1 - Who is Magnus Pym (Robert Griffin)?

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 2 - What Did Robert Griffin Do?

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 3 - Usenet Identities of Robert Griffin

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 4 - Death Threats by Robert Griffin

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 5 - Hacking and Internet Abuse by Robert Griffin

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 6 - Gender Harassment by Robert Griffin

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 7 - Suicide Assistance by Robert Griffin

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 8 - Robert Griffin Gives His Support to a Known

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 9 - A Posted Warning Regarding Robert Griffin

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 10 - Sexual Exploitation of
Females by Robert Griffin

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 11 - Lies and Libel Directed at Cori Wasserman
>From Robert Griffin

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 12 - What Do Robert Griffin's Friends Say About

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 13 - Usenet Abuse Complaints Filed on Robert

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 14 - Paranoid Psychosis and Conspiracy Theories

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 15 - Robert Griffin Gets His Star Placed on the
Usenet Walk of Fame

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 16 - Miscellaneous Comments About Robert Griffin

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 17 - Inside the Mind of a "Netk00k"

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 18 - "Scraping the bottom of the Barrel"

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 19 - Stalking and Predatory Harassment by Robert

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 20 - "Operation SAWTOOTH and Tumbleweed"

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 21 - Robert Griffin's CABAL network

Magnus Pym FAQ Part 22- Where is Robert Griffin Now?

PLEASE NOTE: The Magnus Pym FAQ is out of date and needs to be

Here are a few more quotes from this cyber stalking drug user and
alcohol abuser named Robert Griffin.

Here is Robert Griffin being arrogant and bragging and boasting about

"Yes; I have a job. I am very good at it; if not the best in my
profession. I make a lot of money, I have never been hungry, or
destitute - I live a life many would consider luxury."

Here is Robert Griffin stating his contempt of poor people:

"I see beggars, I see the poor. I feel comtempt for them, and myself.
Them, because they think that I have nothing better to do than work 10
hours a day so I can give them something for nothing."

Here is Robert Griffin stating his contempt for the natives of his

"The natives in my home land are little more than sycophantic
weaklings. They are contemptible."

Here is Robert Griffin communicating about his alcohol problem and
drug usage:

"I need something to take away the pain. Despite much searching, I am
unable to find it. Drugs do not work - neither recreational nor
prescription. I met someone in the most unlikely of places, who might
have changed my mind about many things, about everything. The only
relief is getting drunk out of my mind, which I shall do in a short
time. It is a temporary answer, not a long-term solution. If I am
drunk enough, I will perhaps have the strength and the will to do more
than merely prattle about ending my pain permanently, and actually do
something practical about it."

And how about Robert Griffin's sexual habits?:

"I am tired of cheap little affairs that satisfy merely my loins and
leave my heart empty. I am tired of being close to someone without
feeling close to someone. I am sick of the lie of sex that used to
make me feel better. I am tired of the pathetic little ego-trip that
it is. And I am fed up with anyone that I feel something for runs away
when I tell them of this. I hate being lonely, no one understands me
and no-one will. I don't care. I don't have to worry about it for much

Robert Griffin's own words of self-loathing and his death threats,
which he has directed toward other Internet users, show Robert Griffin
to be extremely psychologically disturbed. Let's hope that Robert
Griffin can get the help that he needs to deal with his numerous
mental health issues before he causes someone serious injury or

NOTE: Robert Griffin can be quickly identified on any newsgroup he
shows up on. Robert Griffin's abusive behavior is easy to spot. Robert
Griffin uses many of the following tactics to ruin newsgroups and to
harass and terrify his victims:

- Violating established policies
- Massive cross posting to kook newsgroups
- Attacking regulars in the newsgroup
- Divide and conquer tactics
- Making self "Savior"
- Running numerous sock puppets
- Flooding by excessive posting
- Lying
- Back stabbing
- Spreading rumors
- Trolling
- Encouraging dissent
- Creating division
- Conspiring with other trolls to do evil deeds
- Planting the seeds of doubt
- Showing regulars in a bad light
- Disrupting threads with angry rants
- Causing unrest
- Threats of death
- Threats of violence
- Inciting others to cause harm
- Threats of legal action
- Net copping ISP's and email accounts to silence critics
- Forgery and fraud
- Betraying trust
- Newsgroup spamming
- Email threats and email harassment
- Hate mongering
- Cyber stalking and stalking
- Seeking out private information, such as pictures of females
- Hacking
- Criminal harassment
- Extortion and intimidation
- Scare tactics
- Racism using the N-word
- Hatred of all religion
- Phoning police
- Phoning and threatening Usenet posters
- Hiring unethical lawyers to do his bidding
- Filing bogus police reports to harass
- Using police and court files to intimidate
- Threatening to use police to cause bodily harm
- Posting lawyer letters to harass and embarrass
- Posting real names and home addresses
- Outing newsgroup posters
- Posting libel and defamation
- Gender harassment
- Sexual harassment
- Accusations of pedophilia
- Petty name-calling
- Promoting hatred
- Suicide goading
- Shaming
- Threatening suicide when he does not get his own way
- Blaming others for his own suicide attempt(s)

ALSO NOTE: Robert Griffin has been reported to the police in the USA,
Australia and Canada. And Robert Griffin has had several police files
opened on him to report his criminal harassment.

If you come into contact with Robert Griffin on Usenet newsgroups or
on the Internet, it is best to ignore him. Confronting Robert Griffin
concerning his trolling and abusive tactics will only end up with you
being cyber stalked until he can reveal your personal identity and
ruin your real life in the worst way he can find. Robert Griffin will
stoop to the lowest level in order to silence other Internet users he
dislikes. Be warned.

Here is a quick rundown on Robert Griffin's many nicknames, sock
puppets and email addresses which Robert Griffin uses to harass people
on Usenet newsgroups and via email. They have been published here as
they were found:

1) "Magnus Pym"
2) "Anonymous Bob Magnus Pym"

3) "Magnus Pym (The Real) Look At The Headers"

4) "Magnus Pym, Feared By The Scum"

5) "Magnus Pym, Nightmare Of The Trolls"

6) "Magnus Pym, on the War against Trolls"

7) "Magnus Pym, One Voice Amongst 40 Others"

8) "Magnus Pym, The Easter Bunny - Look at the headers!"

9) "Pym,"

(Magnus Pym)
(Magnus Pym, who sez -Bring Wiser to
justice!- - Look at the headers!)
12) b

13) "Maagnus Pym"

14) Magnus "Father ASH" Pym

15) Magnus 'Semantic and Inertial' Pym

16) Bob Griffin"

17) "Vindicat0r"


19) "antitroll crosspostkiller"
20) "Anonymous Coredump2"

21) "Father ASH"

22) "Secure Alert"

23) "ASBS Admin Assistant"

24) "The Disillusionist"
25) "Ban spamming bushpigs from the Salt Lake City Public Library..
how about it, Nancy Tessman

27) "Toilet"

28) L. Conrad Powers



31) "paracetamol"

32) "Bored"

33) LART

34) "Douglas Wiser"

35) The Patrick Michael Sulllivan UCM Repost Project

36) argh gee

37) Robert Griffin

38) "Seventh Deadky Sin"

39) Seventh Deadly Sin

40) Robert Griffin

41) Click here! click@here
42) "The Patrick Michael Sullivan Wham Bam Spam Show!"

[Note - this list is not complete]

Another potential nickname and email address to add to this list would
be André Spierings

Robert Griffin is technically inept when it comes to remaining
anonymous on Usenet newsgroups. And Robert Griffin uses many semi-
anonymous newsservers to wage his cyber wars. These newsservers mask
Robert Griffin's IP number. However, Robert Griffin uses an Internet
service provider in Australia named PRIMUS. You can send your abuse
complaints regarding Robert Griffin's cyber stalking and criminal
cyber harassment to

A FURTHER NOTE AND A WARNING: Robert Griffin has now teamed up with a
rabid group of newsgroup and Internet predators who post their hatred
of human life on the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology (ARS). Many of
these hate mongers on this ARS newsgroup have criminal records. And
although Robert Griffin states he despises people with criminal
records, Robert Griffin has gladly teamed up with these criminals
(such as Joe Lynn, Barbara Graham and Korey Jerome Kruse) in order to
gain support for his own demented causes, such as destroying religion
and the lives of people he dislikes.

Griffin is the close friend of a woman named Karin Spaink. Karin
Spaink is woman who creates suicide method websites which anyone
(including children) can access at the click of a mouse button. Karin
Spaink has been cited in the deaths of no less than 5 depressed and
suicidal people. Here is an excerpt from a news article where Karin
Spaink is said to be cited in these 5 suicide deaths:

"Spaink was cited in the deaths of the Birmingham student Arwel
Davies, the teenager Sarah Cherry, and Chris Aston and Maria Williams
(two lost souls united only by their desire to die, who executed
Britain's first internet suicide pact in a south London car park two
days after meeting on her site). In 2001 she counselled a British man,
known only as "Little Chris", through the days leading up to his fatal
overdose. One message reads: "Of course we'll help you in all possible
ways, of course, dear Chris. I will try to help you go, honestly." "

Robert Griffin's friend, Karin Spaink, also maintains this suicide

In Spaink's website, any person (including children) can gather
suicide methods information such as suicide by "rat poison", or
suicide by "drinking bleach". But Spaink's more deadly suicide methods
and methods potentially hazardous to other people include:

- Nitrogen gas
- Carbon Monoxide
- Chlorine gas
- Chloroform

All four of the above methods could cause severe harm or death to many
other people, as these gases can escape into other areas of a home or
an apartment building and severely injure or kill innocent people. It
is highly irresponsible for Karin Spaink to be publishing these
suicide methods. Chlorine gas was an agent which was used by the
Germans during the First World War. This gas killed many people in a
horrific fashion of the lungs filling with mucus and the person
suffocating to death.

Some of Karin Spaink's other suicide methods include:


Robert Griffin vehemently supports the reckless Internet activities of
Karin Spaink. Although many other well-known anti-suicide advocacy
groups have condemned the negligent activities of people like Karin
Spaink. Please read what Tony Cox of the suicide support group
"Papyrus" had to say regarding Karin Spaink:

"Tony Cox, of the Lancashire-based suicide support group, Papyrus,
said: "I am speechless - this is totally irresponsible. Spaink and
other people who run suicide sites are hiding behind their belief that
people should be able to make a choice. Yet they know vulnerable
people who are desperate cannot make a rational choice. They may see
the information as a suggestion.""

And please read the Preston Today News article regarding Robert
Griffin's friend, Karin Spaink, where she stated that she has "no
guilt" concerning the deaths of other people:

The activities of people like Robert Griffin's friend, Karin Spaink,
has enraged the British Parliament to the point where Britain's Prime
Minister, Tony Blair, has now stated, "I'll fight internet suicides":

It should also be noted that Robert Griffin's friend, Karin Spaink, is
the webmaster for the Church of Euthanasia. The HTML source code for
the Church of Euthanasia website
reveals the following information:

< meta NAME="author" CONTENT="© & design: december 2002 Karin Spaink
" >

Robert Griffin's friend, Karin Spaink, dismisses the Church of
Euthanasia website as a parody and a joke. However, the same dangerous
suicide methods that are killing many young people are available to
read on the Church of Euthanasia website. And in fact, Robert
Griffin's own Australian Federal Parliament was so concerned about the
activities of the Church of Euthanasia there was discussion about the
Church of Euthanasia during talks regarding Australia's Criminal Code
Amendment (Suicide Related Material Offences) Act 2005 (Bill 2005):

"Evidence of the importance of telephones came from the professed
intention of one overseas suicide group to set up a telephone hotline:
one newsgroup which calls itself The Church of Euthanasia suggests
suicide as a positive act for all, and have announced their intention
to set up a suicide assistance telephone hotline to pursue this

Robert Griffin appears to keep the company of some very dangerous and
deadly friends.

Q: Is this article a statement of fact?

A: Please draw your own conclusion. Or ask any of Robert Griffin's
many victims, including Douglas Wiser and his wife, the two Patrick
Michael Sullivan's located in Nanaimo, BC, Canada, Cori Wasserman,
Bill Jillians, Barbara Schwarz or many of the other victims of Robert
Griffin's abuse that are too numerous to mention.

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,soc.retirement,alt.fifty-plus.friends,alt.usenet.stalker
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default Robert Griffin's response to the defamation spam crossposted by NanaimoBC criminal, Patrick Michael Sullivan ([email protected])

To whom it may concern:

Please excuse this response, but I believe it is important to set the
record straight when people posting defamatory libel deliberately attempt
to malign me and others through misinformation.

The author of the preceding crossposted defamatory spam, Nanaimo criminal
Patrick Michael Sullivan posting as psllvn2004 @,
nevermore2005 @, and via numerous other accounts including anonymous
remailers, is a known serial internet abuser. An out-of-date summary of
Sullivan's activities appears at the link below:

The background in brief is: since early 2003, I've been the subject of an
obsessed stalking vendetta by this Patrick Michael Sullivan.

Your groups were targetted by Sullivan since there's likely a Usenet
-to-web interface for this group, where Sullivan's defamation spams will
be picked up by web fora, and thus picked up by internet search engines.

For this reason only, I have crossposted this response to your groups
and set the follow-up to alt.usenet.stalker, in order that my response
to Sullivan's harassment is also picked up by these Usenet-to-web fora
and search engines, and appear on record. I'm sure you're not interested
in Sullivan's insane vendettas.

Patrick Michael Sullivan is not happy that the RCMP in Nanaimo questioned
him about his internet harassment activities, and warned him to stop such
behavior. Sullivan is also upset that I have initiated civil legal action
against him to prevent his cyber stalking, false light invasion of
privacy, and publishing and distribution of defamatory libel.

While this all may appear at first to be an gross over-reaction, Patrick
Michael Sullivan and his cronies have shown that time and time again, they
will attempt to real-life Usenet posters by contating employers, schools,
community organzations etc with their out-of-context quotes and baseless
allegations, in attempts to gain real life revenge for the flame wars
they start, perpetuate and lose on Usenet.

Sullivan is also upset that he has lost several internet accounts for his
spamming and internet harassment activity -- not only of me, but of
numerous people over many years.

My own published response to his attacks will shortly be publicly
accessible at the URL It will provide
updated information about this serial support group stalker, whose level
of egregious cyber harassment has few contemporaries.

Your assistance is sought by not responding to his delusional garbage,
and most certainly, please don't quote anything he has to say. The less
visibility his libel has on the net, the higher the chance will be that
he will actually seek help for his illness. Attempting to debate with
Sullivan only gives him a reason for a presence on the internet.

If you're seriously annoyed with Sullivan you can complain to Google, but
Google is notorious for failing to deal with stalking and harassment via
their services.

Since Patrick Michael Sullivan is incapable of realizing that spamming
libelous defamation across multiple unrelated newsgroups is bad: I
apologize for the disruption to your groups by this lunatic, and the
necessity of me having to post this response to your groups.

Robert Griffin
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