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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 707
Default Apricot Pilaf

I saw an apricot/pistachio pilaf on a tv cooking show ages ago, and it
sounded like something we'd enjoy... so I decided to make it today. I
couldn't find the recipe for love or money, so I looked at all the
different pilaf's I could find and made a composite...

I used one cup long-grain rice, one can chicken stock, 1/2 cup diced
fruit, a cinnamon stick, turmeric and paprika, and an onion. I sauteed
the onion and cinnamon and then added the rice and cooked it for a
bit, then I put in the stock and fruit and turned the pan down to low
and left it sitting there for half an hour, then I turned the heat off
and left it for another 20 minutes.

When I opened the pan up to check, virtually all the liquid was gone,
but the rice was still crunchy! What did I do wrong?! Anybody got a
real recipe?
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Apricot Pilaf

Karen AKA Kajikit wrote:
> I saw an apricot/pistachio pilaf on a tv cooking show ages ago, and it
> sounded like something we'd enjoy... so I decided to make it today. I
> couldn't find the recipe for love or money, so I looked at all the
> different pilaf's I could find and made a composite...
> I used one cup long-grain rice, one can chicken stock, 1/2 cup diced
> fruit, a cinnamon stick, turmeric and paprika, and an onion. I sauteed
> the onion and cinnamon and then added the rice and cooked it for a
> bit, then I put in the stock and fruit and turned the pan down to low
> and left it sitting there for half an hour, then I turned the heat off
> and left it for another 20 minutes.
> When I opened the pan up to check, virtually all the liquid was gone,
> but the rice was still crunchy! What did I do wrong?! Anybody got a
> real recipe?

What is so different between Karen's Apricot/Pistachio Pilaf with
paprika, turmeric and sauteed onion and Satchel's Blueberry Crabcakes?
This will be the food of the future!
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Apricot Pilaf

Karen AKA Kajikit > wrote in

> I saw an apricot/pistachio pilaf on a tv cooking show ages ago, and it
> sounded like something we'd enjoy... so I decided to make it today. I
> couldn't find the recipe for love or money, so I looked at all the
> different pilaf's I could find and made a composite...
> I used one cup long-grain rice, one can chicken stock, 1/2 cup diced
> fruit, a cinnamon stick, turmeric and paprika, and an onion. I sauteed
> the onion and cinnamon and then added the rice and cooked it for a
> bit, then I put in the stock and fruit and turned the pan down to low
> and left it sitting there for half an hour, then I turned the heat off
> and left it for another 20 minutes.
> When I opened the pan up to check, virtually all the liquid was gone,
> but the rice was still crunchy! What did I do wrong?! Anybody got a
> real recipe?

well first off as far as I can see a can of soup is around 10.5 oz and a
cup of rice (8oz.) needs around 16 oz of liquid give or take (Check the
rice package)... did you take into account dried fruit will suck up
moisture (I'm assuming you used dried fruit)? Did you wash the
rice?...was washing the rice required? A little salt?

So you panfried the onions in oil/butter; stired in the rice and stirred
it till golden and well oil coated; then added the liquid and reduced the
heat and simmered?

Just some questions....


The house of the burning beet-Alan

It'll be a sunny day in August, when the Moon will shine that night-
Elbonian Folklore

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Apricot Pilaf

On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 21:42:29 GMT, margaret suran
> wrote:

>Karen AKA Kajikit wrote:
>> I saw an apricot/pistachio pilaf on a tv cooking show ages ago, and it
>> sounded like something we'd enjoy... so I decided to make it today. I
>> couldn't find the recipe for love or money, so I looked at all the
>> different pilaf's I could find and made a composite...
>> I used one cup long-grain rice, one can chicken stock, 1/2 cup diced
>> fruit, a cinnamon stick, turmeric and paprika, and an onion. I sauteed
>> the onion and cinnamon and then added the rice and cooked it for a
>> bit, then I put in the stock and fruit and turned the pan down to low
>> and left it sitting there for half an hour, then I turned the heat off
>> and left it for another 20 minutes.
>> When I opened the pan up to check, virtually all the liquid was gone,
>> but the rice was still crunchy! What did I do wrong?! Anybody got a
>> real recipe?

You didn't use enough liquid, Karen... hope you added some water and
put the lid back on.


A husband is someone who takes out the trash and gives the impression he just cleaned the whole house.
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Apricot Pilaf

In article >,
Karen AKA Kajikit > wrote:

> I saw an apricot/pistachio pilaf on a tv cooking show ages ago, and it
> sounded like something we'd enjoy... so I decided to make it today. I
> couldn't find the recipe for love or money, so I looked at all the
> different pilaf's I could find and made a composite...
> I used one cup long-grain rice, one can chicken stock, 1/2 cup diced
> fruit, a cinnamon stick, turmeric and paprika, and an onion. I sauteed
> the onion and cinnamon and then added the rice and cooked it for a
> bit, then I put in the stock and fruit and turned the pan down to low
> and left it sitting there for half an hour, then I turned the heat off
> and left it for another 20 minutes.
> When I opened the pan up to check, virtually all the liquid was gone,
> but the rice was still crunchy! What did I do wrong?! Anybody got a
> real recipe?

Uh -- not enough stock, I'd venture to say.
One part rice to two parts liquid is the way I learned to cook rice,
Karen. How much is "one can chicken stock"? Dried fruit? That
would absorb some of the liquid, too, depriving the rice of its due.
Is it salvageable? Just some thoughts. I'll be watching to see what
others have to say.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - story and
pics of Ronald McDonald House dinner posted 6-24-2007

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Apricot Pilaf

hahabogus > wrote in news:Xns9971B2434C13hahabogus@

> I used one cup long-grain rice, one can chicken stock, 1/2 cup diced
>> fruit, a cinnamon stick, turmeric and paprika, and an onion. I sauteed
>> the onion and cinnamon and then added the rice and cooked it for a
>> bit, then I put in the stock and fruit and turned the pan down to low


I just checked out a few pilaf recipes need 1 and 3/4 cups liquid
which is as we all know 14 oz just for the rice. If rehydrating fruit I'd
make it 16 oz.


The house of the burning beet-Alan

It'll be a sunny day in August, when the Moon will shine that night-
Elbonian Folklore

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Apricot Pilaf

On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 22:34:39 GMT, hahabogus > wrote:

>hahabogus > wrote in news:Xns9971B2434C13hahabogus@
>> I used one cup long-grain rice, one can chicken stock, 1/2 cup diced
>>> fruit, a cinnamon stick, turmeric and paprika, and an onion. I sauteed
>>> the onion and cinnamon and then added the rice and cooked it for a
>>> bit, then I put in the stock and fruit and turned the pan down to low


>I just checked out a few pilaf recipes need 1 and 3/4 cups liquid
>which is as we all know 14 oz just for the rice. If rehydrating fruit I'd
>make it 16 oz.

The recipe I kind of followed said one cup rice and one can chicken
stock... the difference was they put their fruit in at the end and I
added mine at the beginning. I had to add a ton more water and put it
in the microwave to finish cooking it because the chicken was cooked
and waiting! It tasted okay in the end...
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 707
Default Apricot Pilaf

On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 17:33:52 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:

>In article >,
> Karen AKA Kajikit > wrote:
>> I saw an apricot/pistachio pilaf on a tv cooking show ages ago, and it
>> sounded like something we'd enjoy... so I decided to make it today. I
>> couldn't find the recipe for love or money, so I looked at all the
>> different pilaf's I could find and made a composite...
>> I used one cup long-grain rice, one can chicken stock, 1/2 cup diced
>> fruit, a cinnamon stick, turmeric and paprika, and an onion. I sauteed
>> the onion and cinnamon and then added the rice and cooked it for a
>> bit, then I put in the stock and fruit and turned the pan down to low
>> and left it sitting there for half an hour, then I turned the heat off
>> and left it for another 20 minutes.
>> When I opened the pan up to check, virtually all the liquid was gone,
>> but the rice was still crunchy! What did I do wrong?! Anybody got a
>> real recipe?

>Uh -- not enough stock, I'd venture to say.
>One part rice to two parts liquid is the way I learned to cook rice,
>Karen. How much is "one can chicken stock"? Dried fruit? That
>would absorb some of the liquid, too, depriving the rice of its due.
>Is it salvageable? Just some thoughts. I'll be watching to see what
>others have to say.

I microwaved it with extra water and it turned out okay in the end...
I should have rehydrated the apricots before I added them to the pan,
because they sucked up a lot of the chicken stock and didn't leave
enough for the rice...
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 12,124
Default Apricot Pilaf

In article >,
Karen AKA Kajikit > wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 17:33:52 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> > wrote:
> >In article >,
> > Karen AKA Kajikit > wrote:
> >
> >> I saw an apricot/pistachio pilaf on a tv cooking show ages ago, and it
> >> sounded like something we'd enjoy... so I decided to make it today. I
> >> couldn't find the recipe for love or money, so I looked at all the
> >> different pilaf's I could find and made a composite...
> >>
> >> I used one cup long-grain rice, one can chicken stock, 1/2 cup diced
> >> fruit, a cinnamon stick, turmeric and paprika, and an onion. I sauteed
> >> the onion and cinnamon and then added the rice and cooked it for a
> >> bit, then I put in the stock and fruit and turned the pan down to low
> >> and left it sitting there for half an hour, then I turned the heat off
> >> and left it for another 20 minutes.
> >>
> >> When I opened the pan up to check, virtually all the liquid was gone,
> >> but the rice was still crunchy! What did I do wrong?! Anybody got a
> >> real recipe?

> >
> >Uh -- not enough stock, I'd venture to say.
> >One part rice to two parts liquid is the way I learned to cook rice,
> >Karen. How much is "one can chicken stock"? Dried fruit? That
> >would absorb some of the liquid, too, depriving the rice of its due.
> >Is it salvageable? Just some thoughts. I'll be watching to see what
> >others have to say.

> I microwaved it with extra water and it turned out okay in the end...
> I should have rehydrated the apricots before I added them to the pan,
> because they sucked up a lot of the chicken stock and didn't leave
> enough for the rice...

Chalk that one up to "a learning experience." At least it was fixable.
Will you make it again?
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - story and
pics of Ronald McDonald House dinner posted 6-24-2007
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 4,178
Default Apricot Pilaf

Karen AKA Kajikit wrote:
> I saw an apricot/pistachio pilaf on a tv cooking show ages ago, and it
> sounded like something we'd enjoy... so I decided to make it today. I
> couldn't find the recipe for love or money, so I looked at all the
> different pilaf's I could find and made a composite...
> I used one cup long-grain rice, one can chicken stock, 1/2 cup diced
> fruit, a cinnamon stick, turmeric and paprika, and an onion. I sauteed
> the onion and cinnamon and then added the rice and cooked it for a
> bit, then I put in the stock and fruit and turned the pan down to low
> and left it sitting there for half an hour, then I turned the heat off
> and left it for another 20 minutes.
> When I opened the pan up to check, virtually all the liquid was gone,
> but the rice was still crunchy! What did I do wrong?! Anybody got a
> real recipe?

Not enough liquid; no idea how much a can of chicken stock contains.

Try this (paraphrased) recipe from 'Persian Cookery'

Twice as much water as rice plus some salt. To 1 kg (2.2 lbs) rice add
one kg black cherries (stones removed), .075 kg (2.6 oz) walnuts, .075
kg seedless raisins, .100 kg (3.5 oz) apricot (dried is OK), some fried
onion slices and .300 kg (10.5 oz) meat (optional). [Season as desired.]
Bring to a boil and mix, simmer until done adding water if necessary.
Let steam for 15 minutes before serving.

The exact proportions aren't really relevant other than twice as much
liquid as rice.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 707
Default Apricot Pilaf

On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 16:36:19 -0400, Karen AKA Kajikit
> wrote:

>I saw an apricot/pistachio pilaf on a tv cooking show ages ago, and it
>sounded like something we'd enjoy... so I decided to make it today. I
>couldn't find the recipe for love or money, so I looked at all the
>different pilaf's I could find and made a composite...

The pilaf didn't turn out as nicely as I'd hoped - it could have used
more fruit and spice, and all that extra time in the microwave made it
come out a bit soggy instead of fluffy - but it tasted okay.
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