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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 91
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

Hi everybody:

Well, this is my trial by fire. Never tried doing ribs before and now it's
time. The good news is my best friend is a grilling guru and I have some
very good guidance.

Was at Cash and Carry this morning and they had cryovac spare ribs on sale
for $1.47/lb. (!) Been meaning to do ribs for quite some time and figured
that, for that price, now's the time. My general plan is more or less the
same as an Alton Brown show I taped:

Make yourself a good rub from scratch. Rub your pork liberally. Wrap your
racks in HD aluminum foil let things sit overnight. Create a flavorful
braising liquid and pour into your foil-wrapped pig. Do 'em in the oven at
about 250, checking after about three hours to see where you're at.

Here's where I plan to depart from AB's urban formula:

When the ribs are about 90% done, I'm going to move them to my grill and
finish 'em off there on low heat with smoke. BTW, I'm using gas and am
thinking of heating things wide open until there's a good smoke going from
my chips, and *then* putting the ribs on and dropping the heat to low...
low. I'm thinking that I'll get a decent carmelization on the pork with and
a bit of smoke with the initial heat blast while the temperature is dropping
to a reasonable level.

While that's happening, I plan on reducing the braising liquid to a glaze on
the stove or the side burner and brushing it back onto the ribs in the last
ten minutes or so of cooking.

Anyway, that's my plan. I've never done ribs before but I figure it can't be
much different than any other cooking. If you use the best ingredients, pay
attention and care about what you're doing... and don't overcook it, things
generally turn out better than you imagined.

I'll let you know how it goes. BTW, I live two blocks from one of the great
spice houses in the U.S., so I've got that base covered. The rub should be
awesome. We'll see.

Curt Nelson

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 18
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

On Aug 1, 12:54 am, "Curt Nelson" <X> wrote:
> Hi everybody:
> Well, this is my trial by fire. Never tried doing ribs before and now it's
> time. The good news is my best friend is a grilling guru and I have some
> very good guidance.
> Was at Cash and Carry this morning and they had cryovac spare ribs on sale
> for $1.47/lb. (!) Been meaning to do ribs for quite some time and figured
> that, for that price, now's the time. My general plan is more or less the
> same as an Alton Brown show I taped:
> Make yourself a good rub from scratch. Rub your pork liberally. Wrap your
> racks in HD aluminum foil let things sit overnight. Create a flavorful
> braising liquid and pour into your foil-wrapped pig. Do 'em in the oven at
> about 250, checking after about three hours to see where you're at.
> Here's where I plan to depart from AB's urban formula:
> When the ribs are about 90% done, I'm going to move them to my grill and
> finish 'em off there on low heat with smoke. BTW, I'm using gas and am
> thinking of heating things wide open until there's a good smoke going from
> my chips, and *then* putting the ribs on and dropping the heat to low...
> low. I'm thinking that I'll get a decent carmelization on the pork with and
> a bit of smoke with the initial heat blast while the temperature is dropping
> to a reasonable level.
> While that's happening, I plan on reducing the braising liquid to a glaze on
> the stove or the side burner and brushing it back onto the ribs in the last
> ten minutes or so of cooking.
> Anyway, that's my plan. I've never done ribs before but I figure it can't be
> much different than any other cooking. If you use the best ingredients, pay
> attention and care about what you're doing... and don't overcook it, things
> generally turn out better than you imagined.
> I'll let you know how it goes. BTW, I live two blocks from one of the great
> spice houses in the U.S., so I've got that base covered. The rub should be
> awesome. We'll see.
> Hasta,
> Curt Nelson

Suggestion: smoke, THEN oven.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 18
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

On Aug 1, 1:57 am, Steve Wertz > wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 22:14:40 -0700, Jeremy Bentham wrote:
> > Suggestion: smoke, THEN oven.

> I'm still yrying to figure out what cut of meat he *really* has
> before I give any advice.
> Could be loin ribs, shoulder/butt, or spare ribs.
> -sw

OP: "Was at Cash and Carry this morning and they had cryovac spare
ribs on sale..."

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 174
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

"Curt Nelson" <X> wrote in message
. ..
> Hi everybody:
> Well, this is my trial by fire. Never tried doing ribs before and now it's
> time. The good news is my best friend is a grilling guru and I have some
> very good guidance.
> Was at Cash and Carry this morning and they had cryovac spare ribs on sale
> for $1.47/lb. (!) Been meaning to do ribs for quite some time and figured
> that, for that price, now's the time. My general plan is more or less the
> same as an Alton Brown show I taped:
> Make yourself a good rub from scratch. Rub your pork liberally. Wrap your
> racks in HD aluminum foil let things sit overnight. Create a flavorful
> braising liquid and pour into your foil-wrapped pig. Do 'em in the oven at
> about 250, checking after about three hours to see where you're at.
> Here's where I plan to depart from AB's urban formula:
> When the ribs are about 90% done, I'm going to move them to my grill and
> finish 'em off there on low heat with smoke. BTW, I'm using gas and am
> thinking of heating things wide open until there's a good smoke going from
> my chips, and *then* putting the ribs on and dropping the heat to low...
> low. I'm thinking that I'll get a decent carmelization on the pork with
> and a bit of smoke with the initial heat blast while the temperature is
> dropping to a reasonable level.
> While that's happening, I plan on reducing the braising liquid to a glaze
> on the stove or the side burner and brushing it back onto the ribs in the
> last ten minutes or so of cooking.
> Anyway, that's my plan. I've never done ribs before but I figure it can't
> be much different than any other cooking. If you use the best ingredients,
> pay attention and care about what you're doing... and don't overcook it,
> things generally turn out better than you imagined.
> I'll let you know how it goes. BTW, I live two blocks from one of the
> great spice houses in the U.S., so I've got that base covered. The rub
> should be awesome. We'll see.
> Hasta,
> Curt Nelson

I do the whole thing on the grill. The grill I use is usually on sale for
$79; so it doesn't require expensive equipment. I learned the technique
from a TV show. It is the "indirect" method, which will result in the
lowest possible temperature on the grill. Burn one side on the lowest
setting and put the food on the other side of the grill. I found by trial
and error that wrapping the ribs in foil results in more tender meat and
faster cooking time. The ribs are done when the meat is tender - about two
or three hours for this first step. The second (final) step is to glaze the
sauce onto the meat.

I have tried various rubs and seasonings and have come to use none in the
initial grilling. Not even salt or pepper until the final half hour or so
of grilling. For this final step, I remove the foil and baste with my
favorite sauce, which is about one part Woody's Cooking Sauce concentrate
and four parts Chris and Pitts barbecue sauce. I often round the sauce off
with some cayenne pepper and maple syrup and other seasonings. I don't use
too much sauce or spice, just a very thin glaze. The pork flavor is
fantastic and cooking in foil makes it falling-off-the-bone tender.


  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 4,965
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

Mitch Scherer wrote:

> I have tried various rubs and seasonings and have come to use none in
> the initial grilling. Not even salt or pepper until the final half
> hour or so of grilling. For this final step, I remove the foil and
> baste with my favorite sauce, which is about one part Woody's Cooking
> Sauce concentrate and four parts Chris and Pitts barbecue sauce. I
> often round the sauce off with some cayenne pepper and maple syrup
> and other seasonings. I don't use too much sauce or spice, just a
> very thin glaze. The pork flavor is fantastic and cooking in foil
> makes it falling-off-the-bone tender.
> Mitch

When you wrap ribs in foil, you're essentially steaming them; not grilling
or smoking them. We only use foil on our ribs after the cooking is finished
to help hold the temperature while the ribs rest. To each his/her own.


  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 6,726
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

kilikini wrote:
> Mitch Scherer wrote:
>> I have tried various rubs and seasonings and have come to use none in
>> the initial grilling. Not even salt or pepper until the final half
>> hour or so of grilling. For this final step, I remove the foil and
>> baste with my favorite sauce, which is about one part Woody's Cooking
>> Sauce concentrate and four parts Chris and Pitts barbecue sauce. I
>> often round the sauce off with some cayenne pepper and maple syrup
>> and other seasonings. I don't use too much sauce or spice, just a
>> very thin glaze. The pork flavor is fantastic and cooking in foil
>> makes it falling-off-the-bone tender.
>> Mitch

> When you wrap ribs in foil, you're essentially steaming them; not
> grilling or smoking them. We only use foil on our ribs after the
> cooking is finished to help hold the temperature while the ribs rest.
> To each his/her own.
> kili

You're right, kili. I do ribs low and slow. I don't smoke them, I grill
them, although sometimes I throw some soaked hickory chips on the coals. I
can't cook 12 lbs. of ribs (I'm surprised no one has pointed out
country-style ribs, while tasty, aren't spare ribs) at a time on my Weber
kettle. But I can still do the indirect method and grill them slowly,
covered, off the direct coals for an extended period of time. I generally
brush spare ribs with a small amount of oil and then rub them with a little
salt, pepper and dried marjoram prior to grilling.


  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 278
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

> Anyway, that's my plan. I've never done ribs before but I figure it can't be
> much different than any other cooking. If you use the best ingredients, pay
> attention and care about what you're doing... and don't overcook it, things
> generally turn out better than you imagined.
> I'll let you know how it goes. BTW, I live two blocks from one of the great
> spice houses in the U.S., so I've got that base covered. The rub should be
> awesome. We'll see.
> Hasta,
> Curt Nelson

You have a plan to start with. Refine it over the next few cooking
sessions to suit your taste and lifestyle.If you and your family and
friends enjoy it then be happy and tweak it as you experiment. Have
fun, drink a brewski and relax.... it really is not rocket
science. P

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 4,244
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

kilikini wrote:
> Mitch Scherer wrote:
>> I have tried various rubs and seasonings and have come to use none in
>> the initial grilling. Not even salt or pepper until the final half
>> hour or so of grilling. For this final step, I remove the foil and
>> baste with my favorite sauce, which is about one part Woody's Cooking
>> Sauce concentrate and four parts Chris and Pitts barbecue sauce. I
>> often round the sauce off with some cayenne pepper and maple syrup
>> and other seasonings. I don't use too much sauce or spice, just a
>> very thin glaze. The pork flavor is fantastic and cooking in foil
>> makes it falling-off-the-bone tender.
>> Mitch

> When you wrap ribs in foil, you're essentially steaming them; not grilling
> or smoking them. We only use foil on our ribs after the cooking is finished
> to help hold the temperature while the ribs rest. To each his/her own.
> kili

For sure, you loose all of the good stuff that a grill does to enhance
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 12,124
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs. - Recipe included

In article >,
"Curt Nelson" <X> wrote:

> Hi everybody:
> Well, this is my trial by fire. Never tried doing ribs before and now it's
> time. The good news is my best friend is a grilling guru and I have some
> very good guidance.
> Was at Cash and Carry this morning and they had cryovac spare ribs on sale
> for $1.47/lb.
> Hasta,
> Curt Nelson

Did you get spare ribs or country style ribs? Not the same thing
a'tall, Curt. The country ribs are mostly meat, the spare ribs are
mostly bone.

For a long time now, I haven't been able to find country ribs with a
bone in them at the supermarket. I'm thinking it's going to be a trip
to Ready Meats for them. The boneless just aren't the same.

{ Exported from MasterCook Mac }

Sweet and Sour Ribs

Recipe By: Posted to r.f.c. again by Barb Schaller 8-1-2007
Serving Size: 6

4 # country style ribs or spareribs (4 to 6)
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1 cup water
1/2 cup frozen orange juice concentrate thawed
1/2 cup cider vinegar
2 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 can crushed pineapple (15 1/4 oz.)
1 small onion sliced

Sprinkle ribs with salt and pepper; wrap in heavy duty foil, folding
over several times to seal. Place packets on cookie sheets or shallow
baking pan. Bake at 350° for 1 hour.

Meanwhile, in medium saucepan, combine brown sugar, cornstarch and
ginger. Gradually add water, stirring until smooth. Add orange juice
concentrate, vinegar, soy sauce, and pineapple with juice. Mix well.
Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thickened and clear.

Remove ribs from foil and drain. Place cooked ribs in shallow baking
dish; add sliced onion. Pour sauce over ribs. Return to oven and bake,
uncovered, at 350° for 1-1/2 hours or until tender. If desired, serve
over rice. Makes about 6 large servings.

Notes: Source: Minneapolis Tribune Sunday Food Section, 5/26/85.
Have made these -- quite good. I don¹t think they take all of the
second time period to finish baking, though.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - story and
pics of Ronald McDonald House dinner posted 6-24-2007
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 4,949
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs. - Recipe included

On Wed, 01 Aug 2007 09:16:43 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:

>For a long time now, I haven't been able to find country ribs with a
>bone in them at the supermarket. I'm thinking it's going to be a trip
>to Ready Meats for them. The boneless just aren't the same.

I just got a whole bunch of them last week. They were 99cents/pound,
and I got a fair amount of them. Bone in. The special is good through
today, and I might pick up some more. The last ones I got went into
the freezer until I decide what to do with them.

Got more ideas? I saved that recipe...


  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 305
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

"Curt Nelson" <X> wrote in message
. ..
> Hi everybody:
> Well, this is my trial by fire. Never tried doing ribs before and now it's
> time. The good news is my best friend is a grilling guru and I have some
> very good guidance.
> Was at Cash and Carry this morning and they had cryovac spare ribs on sale
> for $1.47/lb. (!) Been meaning to do ribs for quite some time and figured
> that, for that price, now's the time. My general plan is more or less the
> same as an Alton Brown show I taped:
> Make yourself a good rub from scratch. Rub your pork liberally. Wrap your
> racks in HD aluminum foil let things sit overnight. Create a flavorful
> braising liquid and pour into your foil-wrapped pig. Do 'em in the oven at
> about 250, checking after about three hours to see where you're at.
> Here's where I plan to depart from AB's urban formula:
> When the ribs are about 90% done, I'm going to move them to my grill and
> finish 'em off there on low heat with smoke. BTW, I'm using gas and am
> thinking of heating things wide open until there's a good smoke going from
> my chips, and *then* putting the ribs on and dropping the heat to low...
> low. I'm thinking that I'll get a decent carmelization on the pork with
> and a bit of smoke with the initial heat blast while the temperature is
> dropping to a reasonable level.
> While that's happening, I plan on reducing the braising liquid to a glaze
> on the stove or the side burner and brushing it back onto the ribs in the
> last ten minutes or so of cooking.
> Anyway, that's my plan. I've never done ribs before but I figure it can't
> be much different than any other cooking. If you use the best ingredients,
> pay attention and care about what you're doing... and don't overcook it,
> things generally turn out better than you imagined.
> I'll let you know how it goes. BTW, I live two blocks from one of the
> great spice houses in the U.S., so I've got that base covered. The rub
> should be awesome. We'll see.
> Hasta,
> Curt Nelson

I highly suggest you smoke them before cooking in the oven about 1 hour
minimum. I do mine in my smoker at about 210 to 220 degrees. They turn out
fall off the bone tender. If doing it in the oven then look into a oven type
smoker, with one brand being Cameron but I'm sure there are others.

I have made them in the oven also but don't even consider smoking after
cooking a while.

Joe Cilinceon

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 4,256
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

On Aug 1, 12:57 am, Steve Wertz > wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 22:14:40 -0700, Jeremy Bentham wrote:
> > Suggestion: smoke, THEN oven.

> I'm still yrying to figure out what cut of meat he *really* has
> before I give any advice.
> Could be loin ribs, shoulder/butt, or spare ribs.
> -sw

Around here (midwest), there is no question what "country style pork
spareribs are" - just what they say. Pork spareribs and country-style
means with more meat on them than ordinary spare ribs. What's
confusing about that? Am I missing something (more than usual, that


  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 12,124
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs. - Recipe included

In article >,
Christine Dabney > wrote:

> On Wed, 01 Aug 2007 09:16:43 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> > wrote:
> >For a long time now, I haven't been able to find country ribs with a
> >bone in them at the supermarket. I'm thinking it's going to be a trip
> >to Ready Meats for them. The boneless just aren't the same.

> I just got a whole bunch of them last week. They were 99cents/pound,
> and I got a fair amount of them. Bone in. The special is good through
> today, and I might pick up some more. The last ones I got went into
> the freezer until I decide what to do with them.
> Got more ideas? I saved that recipe...
> Christine

I'm envious! If I get them at the butcher shop, they're going to cost
me a heckuva lot more than a buck a pound. I should check the pigmeat
guy's schedule to see when he'll be back at the local Saturday farmers

Mom used to sometimes use country ribs when she made kraut and ribs. No
recipe. :-) Brown the meat, remove; brown some chopped onions, put
the meat back in the pan and top with kraut. Bake or simmer (I bake).
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - story and
pics of Ronald McDonald House dinner posted 6-24-2007
  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 4,965
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

Steve Wertz wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Aug 2007 08:49:45 -0700, Nancy2 wrote:
>> On Aug 1, 12:57 am, Steve Wertz > wrote:
>>> On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 22:14:40 -0700, Jeremy Bentham wrote:
>>>> Suggestion: smoke, THEN oven.
>>> I'm still yrying to figure out what cut of meat he *really* has
>>> before I give any advice.
>>> Could be loin ribs, shoulder/butt, or spare ribs.
>>> -sw

>> Around here (midwest), there is no question what "country style pork
>> spareribs are" - just what they say. Pork spareribs and
>> country-style means with more meat on them than ordinary spare ribs.
>> What's confusing about that? Am I missing something (more than
>> usual, that is)?

> Yes. Spare ribs are a particular cut of pork from the belly.
> When you add "Country Ribs" to a description, they become either
> pork shoulder (Boston butt) "ribs", or the smaller end of the
> pork loin back ribs (AKA baby-back) with a portion of the loin
> meat attached.
> Here you see all three, from left to right: True "Country-Style"
> ribs (from the loin, not the shoulder), Spare Ribs, and Baby Back
> ribs (AKA loin back ribs).
> Not pictured there are country style ribs from the Boston but
> (shoulder) - the most common cut referred to as "country style
> ribs - as loin back ribs are more expensive and contain less per
> pig).
> These are country style ribs from the Shoulder (cooked and
> uncooked):

> So yes, they are very different and each gets cooked very
> differently.
> -sw

Steve's absolutely right. They are two completely different parts of the


  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 14,587
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

On 2007-08-01, kilikini > wrote:

> Steve's absolutely right.

Yep. Sic 'em, Steve!


  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 9,551
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

On Aug 1, 11:49?am, Nancy2 > wrote:
> On Aug 1, 12:57 am, Steve Wertz > wrote:
> > On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 22:14:40 -0700, Jeremy Bentham wrote:
> > > Suggestion: smoke, THEN oven.

> > I'm still yrying to figure out what cut of meat he *really* has
> > before I give any advice.

> > Could be loin ribs, shoulder/butt, or spare ribs.

> > -sw

> Around here (midwest), there is no question what "country style pork
> spareribs are" - just what they say. Pork spareribs and country-style
> means with more meat on them than ordinary spare ribs. What's
> confusing about that? Am I missing something (more than usual, that
> is)?

That's the dumbest answer of the month (but it's early yet)... if you
don't know the name of the cut just say so, or don't answer, but to
bullshit is unforgiveable. Country style pork spare ribs are actually
from the shoulder (*chuck* section) and partly from the loin section.
And they are not necessarily meatier, not unless they're labeled
country style pork *loin* ribs, then they contain a greater proportion
of meat to fat and bone, but those typically cost more. Country style
ribs need to be chosen carefully as usually the meat wrappers hide the
fatty/boney portion... this is one cut of meat it pays to squeeze the


  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 6,726
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs. - Recipe included

Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Aug 2007 09:16:43 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> > wrote:
>> For a long time now, I haven't been able to find country ribs with a
>> bone in them at the supermarket. I'm thinking it's going to be a
>> trip to Ready Meats for them. The boneless just aren't the same.

> I just got a whole bunch of them last week. They were 99cents/pound,
> and I got a fair amount of them. Bone in. The special is good through
> today, and I might pick up some more. The last ones I got went into
> the freezer until I decide what to do with them.
> Got more ideas? I saved that recipe...
> Christine

I'm not Barb but this is a nice marinade I use occasionally for country
style ribs:

11 oz. can mandarin orange slices
1/2 c. teriyaki sauce
2 cloves garlic
1/4 c. vegetable oil
1/4 c. crystallized ginger
1 med. onion, quartered

Puree all the ingredients until smooth. Pour over the ribs and marinate in
the fridge for several hours or overnight.


  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

Well, Sheldon, I did say "around here."

We have ONE style of "country style pork spareribs," in our
supermarkets where I live in the middle of pork country.

I asked for someone to explain it to me and someone did, without being
as demeaning, unsociable and rude as you are, per usual.

Thanks anyway.


  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 2,322
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs. - Recipe included

Melba's Jammin' > wrote in news:barbschaller-

> Sweet and Sour Ribs

The sauce from this is pretty good as a cheesecake topping...


The house of the burning beet-Alan

It'll be a sunny day in August, when the Moon will shine that night-
Elbonian Folklore

  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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No Name
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Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs. - Recipe included

On Wed, 01 Aug 2007 11:20:39 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:

>In article >,
> Christine Dabney > wrote:
>> On Wed, 01 Aug 2007 09:16:43 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
>> > wrote:
>> >For a long time now, I haven't been able to find country ribs with a
>> >bone in them at the supermarket. I'm thinking it's going to be a trip
>> >to Ready Meats for them. The boneless just aren't the same.

>> I just got a whole bunch of them last week. They were 99cents/pound,
>> and I got a fair amount of them. Bone in. The special is good through
>> today, and I might pick up some more. The last ones I got went into
>> the freezer until I decide what to do with them.
>> Got more ideas? I saved that recipe...
>> Christine

I brown 'em a bit on the barbecue.
then into the crockpot with
a liberal shot of hickory-smoke barbecue sauce.
Quick, tasty !

If you've got a bigger crockpot, ( 5q )
Line it with thick onion slices, quartered potatoes,
and some carrot chunks.
Then lay in the browned ribs and sauce.

I cook on <HI> 'til it starts to bubble,
then switch to <LO> for 4 > 5 hours.

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