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Default Life (1) ; Working



It is something that everyone has, yet very view people comprehend it,
or at least try to.

If I put a book on your hand and ask you, "What is a book?
I bet you can answer it easily.

If now I put a slice of bread on your hand and ask you, "What is
Definitely, you'll answer it correctly.

Likewise, sugar, rubber band, money, and many other things, I believe
you know exactly what they are.

But what about Life?

If represented as a little thing and put onto your hand, then I ask
What is Life?

Can you answer it?
Not easy, right?

While every human being has life, or used to have it, it is absolutely
not easy to define what exactly Life is.

I tell you what, take some time, say 10 minutes, before you continue
reading, to try to answer the question with your own thought and idea.
Not other's idea that you got from a book somewhere, but with your
Now, use your thought, perception, mind, experience, idea, meaning,
and feeling. Answer this question:
What is LIFE ???

To be continued.


Indonesia ; Bank: BCA ( Bank Central Asia ) ; Code: CENAIDJA

Account number: 526 025 9204 ; Name: Bintang Torang Sirait ; Branch:
KCP K.S. Tubun



Every human being, like all living creatures, has basic routine needs.

Foods, clothing, medicines, etc.

Without meeting those needs people will die soon.

Most people do not want to die soon, then they have to meet those
basic routine needs.


Have something to exchange: money.

How to get money?

See the title above.


Do you have problem with your boyfriend or girlfriend?
You have problem with your husband or wife, family, job, social-life,

Something in your mind really disturbing you?
If you have any kind of problem in life and need some advice, please
send me an email to:

solveproblem11at gmail dot com

And let me know your problem in detailed. I'll give you some advice to
solve that problem directly to your email address.

Nobody will get your identity, not even me.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Solve Personal Problem

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