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Posted to alt.politics.greens,chi.general,talk.environment,alt.politics,
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Posts: 32
Default This Administration and Congress have turned their back on Working Middle Class and Poor Legal Citizens in favor of Cheap Labor for Big Business

On Aug 11, 5:00 pm, "R.S." > wrote:
> This Administration and Congress, who support allowing illegal
> invading aliens and their offspring to remain in this country, have
> turned their back on working middle class and poor legal citizens in
> favor of cheap labor for big business, they even go so far to allow
> these same illegal alien lawbreakers, to collect social service
> benefits, via anchor baby rights, and to allow use our social service
> programs at the working middle class and poor's expense through
> federal, state, and local taxes.
> While Illegal Invading Aliens, often collect cash (under the table)
> wages, to the benefit of the illegal employer by eliminating costs
> through bypassing and avoiding social security taxes, medicare taxes,
> federal income taxes, and state taxes, also avoiding employer pension,
> health care and life insurance costs.
> There is no way that legal working class citizens can compete with
> this far cheaper illegal invading alien labor force nor can the legal
> employers following the rules and hiring only legal citizens compete
> against these illegal invading alien hiring companies, who have a much
> lower cost of doing business than legal citizen hired companies.
> These corrupt Illegal Alien hiring Companies are even futher reducing
> their illegal alien employee wage costs, by having these wages
> directly subsidized through these social service benefits derivided
> from the misused, ill gotten federal, state, and local taxes forced
> upon the working middle class and poor legal citizens, who legally pay
> all these taxes and follow the law, forcing us to pay subsidies to the
> very competition of illegal labor which has stagnated our wages and
> taken our jobs.
> This Administration and all of Congress, that support any form of
> allowing illegal aliens to remain in this country, don't deserve to
> remain in their job. They have betrayed the working middle class and
> poor legal citizens by destroying our opportunity for fair wages while
> they allow big business to continue to reep record profits at the
> expense of the working middle class and poor legal citizens.
> We must no longer tolerate this betrayal, but demand immediate action
> by Congress. Demand substancial fines and jail time for ALL Illegal
> Employers (not just only the ones doing business with the Federal
> Government), strict penalties and permenant expulsion of illegal
> aliens by properly documenting all illegal aliens being deported via
> bio-metric data, pictures, fingerprints and identifing marks/tattoos
> and a federal complete data base which is easily accessable to all law
> enforcement officials (local, state, and federal) .
> Demand immediate reporting of criminally detained suspected illegal
> aliens by local, state, and federal law enforcement officials to ICE
> (Immigration and Customs Enforcemnet). We can no longer tolerate a
> single criminal act by any illegal alien due to our blatant lack of
> Immigration Law Enforcement.
> Not one legal citizen should ever have to suffer as a victim of any
> crime of any illegal alien, due to the direct lack of enforcement by
> all our governments (local, state, and federal, at all levels), in
> allowing this we allow for the degeneration of our society for big
> business' sake.
> We should be able to anonymously report suspected illegal aliens to
> ICE, but the one time I tried, they where more concerned about my
> information, than the information of the whereabouts and activities of
> the suspected illegal aliens I was trying to report (the only reason I
> can figure for this would be to retaliate against me for being a
> concerned citizen and deter me from reporting for the very fear of
> retaliation).
> The President and Congress can no longer justify their support for
> these atrocities. We demand enforcement and a true commitment to all
> legal citizens to support our interests instead of illegal invading
> alien lawbreaking criminals.
> Contact Congress, Demand Enforcement and remove all benefits to
> Illegal Aliens, their offspring, and their Employers, nation wide! We
> the Legal Citizens don't owe them our means of living!
> Please Contact your U.S. Senators and U.S. House Representative
> Today.
> Email Congressional Staff members to make your voice heard
> For more information:

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