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Posted to alt.california,,,soc.history,alt.politics
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Default Jewish Admission: Mass Immigration Used to Divide & Conquer

On Aug 17, 10:53 pm, Erik > wrote:
> Divide and Conquer: A review of Dr. Stephen Steinlight's Article "The
> Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography - Reconsidering a
> Misguided Immigration Policy."
> The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography
> Reconsidering a Misguided Immigration Policy
> By Dr. Stephen Steinlight
> [The Steinlight article may be read he]
> When I first read about this article, in Dr. David Duke's book,
> "Jewish Supremacy," I couldn't believe the degree of typical Jewish
> "chutzpah" so blatantly exposed, once again. Of course, every other
> page, in his book, offered similar, startling revelations about Jewish
> Supremacy. But I just had to get this article and read it myself.
> Here's the quote that struck me so forcefully:
> "For perhaps, another generation, an optimistic forecast, the Jewish
> community is thus in a position where it will be able to divide and
> conquer and enter into selective coalitions that support our agendas."
> -Dr. Stephen Steinlight
> Check it out: We've only got so much time left to fully take advantage
> of the disunity we've created in this country! What an ADMISSION.
> The article was in the Jewish Hebrew newspaper Maarev. I wanted to
> read it myself but their website is in Hebrew, too. Luckily, I found
> an English translation of it (See link above). The author, believe
> it or not, was the Director of National Affairs for Domestic Policy of
> the American Jewish Committee. According to Dr. Duke, probably the
> most powerful Jewish organization in America.
> Now, in reading the actual article, you can see the author is consumed
> with new doubts over the realities of Illegal Immigration, because it
> presents real dangers to the Jews themselves. The writer is having
> second thoughts on the entire Jewish role in Illegal Immigration, like
> maybe this thing might come back to bite them in the ass. Big time.
> In the first part of his article he laments that the Jew has not
> received enough quid pro quo for all the Jew's hard leadership efforts
> in race relations. And, of course, he labels any white concerns over
> the matter, as the usual "Xenophobic" and "Racist Nativist Forces." He
> even warns any Blacks who dare voice dissent:
> "The white `Christian' supremacists who have historically opposed
> either all immigration or all non-European immigration (Europeans
> being described as Nordic or Anglo Saxon), a position reasserted by
> Peter Brimelow, must not be permitted to play a prominent role in the
> debate over the way America responds to unprecedented demographic
> change. Nor should the anti-immigrant demagoguery of some black
> leadership be permitted to go unchallenged."
> And then he goes on to say that this might open the door to conflict
> and backlash "of unimaginable proportions." I'll say. I like the way
> he says "must not be permitted," like we have to ask him for his
> permission on our dissension. He talks about morally educating us and
> hands out one specific role for the Christian Church to busy itself
> with (sense of community). In short, the guy thinks the Jews are the
> Kings of the Roost for one and all.
> Also, there is an unmistakable Jewish Racist flavor (surprising, huh?)
> and fearful statements about Muslims overwhelming Jewish demographics
> and even politics. He carefully dances around this Jewish hypocrisy.
> Since the Zionist Iraq war began, there are somewhere around 1.5
> million Iraqi refugees and Bush has made some mention about relaxing
> procedures for them to get here (we'll see about that, right).
> Steinlight would obviously not like to see any more Muslims; but he
> goes on and on about how we cannot repeat the "Xenophobia" his people
> suffered at the hands of genocidal Americans, when trying to get here,
> during WWII. And all this without a single mention of the million
> American casualties suffered during that war.
> And then he starts going on about how this will affect the Jews down
> the road. Questions like: "Is the emerging new multicultural American
> nation good for the Jews? Will Jewish life continue to flourish as
> nowhere else? Will Jewish sensitivities continue to enjoy
> extraordinary high levels of deference?" He actually says that.
> And I thought this quote to be especially ridiculous, when talking
> about immigrant behavior:
> "...That little or nothing is being actively undertaken to foster
> loyalty to the United States or a thoughtful adhesion to American
> values?"
> Wow, what a joke! Like the Jew shows any of this, to begin with, even
> after being born here. American values, like when has that concerned
> them? The SOB's! I actually had to read that one again to make sure he
> said it.
> The article reeks of Jewish arrogance and chauvinism. It's astounding
> that the leadership of Jewish organizations have people on board that
> think in this way. Maybe, I shouldn't be so surprised, after all. But
> reading it is almost a masochistic experience- knowing that these
> people do have the kind of power in this country that allows them such
> unbridled "chutzpah."
> The Social Contract Press completely demolished this Jew, not only in
> a review of his article but also during a public, panel discussion.
> It's well worth a read:
> "The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography," however, is
> neither a learned nor an eloquent discourse on the need for
> immigration reform. Instead, the essay, which advocates fine-tuning
> rather than reforming current immigration policy, is a diatribe
> characterized by intellectual dishonesty, logical inconsistency, and
> moral posturing. But it is Steinlight's religious animosity toward
> non-Jews that defines this paper.
> ...the immigration laws adopted by the United States in the 1920s,
> which Dr. Steinlight labels as "evil" and "xenophobic," were adopted
> according to democratic procedure, conformed to the U.S. Constitution,
> and reflected the legitimate wishes of the majority population to
> preserve the historic ethnic composition of the United States.
> While he condemns these laws when applied by white, Christian
> Americans to preserve the historic identity of the United States as a
> white, European, Christian nation, Steinlight implicitly approves of
> such laws when applied by Jews to preserve Israel as both a Jewish
> state and a Jewish nation.
> ...Read the rest here
> Since Dr. Steinlight's arrogant little article was written in 2001,
> it's obvious that the Jew has gone on his merry way without heeding
> any of Dr. Steinlight's backlash or, the current phrase, "blow-back"
> concerns, perhaps listening only to his advice about making hay while
> the sun shines. We are being divided and conquered, whether or not
> some particular Jew has changed his mind. And maybe he'll be proved
> right, about the backlash, as well.

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 3,207
Default Jewish Admission: Mass Immigration Used to Divide & Conquer

greg3347 wrote on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 04:27:36 -0700:

g> On Aug 17, 10:53 pm, Erik >
??>> Divide and Conquer: A review of Dr. Stephen Stein Article

Why on earth post this? It is simply the previous "Protocols of
Zion" type stuff with quote marks.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:

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