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Default Baked eggplants and marrows (squash)

Baked eggplants and marrows (squash) - vinete si dovlecei la cuptor

Friday I went to the market and it was full of green marrows (squash).
I remember my grandmother was doing some dish with them but I never
cooked one myself so I decided to try. I bought 3 medium size green
marrows. And since I also bought eggplants for an eggplant salad I
though why not prepare a dish from eggplants and marrows. Finally we
where so happy that by the end of the day I did it again with
different results.

Here is the complete recipe with photos:


* green medium size marrows (at least one, max 2)
* eggplants (at least one, max 3)
* 1 green pepper
* 3-4 tomatoes
* 1/2 onion
* olive oil 3-4 tbs
* patience


* Peal the eggplants and cut them in small pieces (choose the
shape you like best)
* Peal the marrows and cut them in small pieces. Here was my first
surprise. The marrows leave a liquid which left traces on my skin as
if it would be dry out. They vanished in 2-3h.
* Mix the pieces with lots of salt and leave for about 15 minutes
then wash them before adding them to the oven
* Cut the onion, tomatoes and green pepper
* Pre-heat the oven. My oven does not have any temperature
settings so I light it 5-10 minutes on a low gas settings.
* Heat the oil and add the onion.
* Add (stack) the marrows, eggplants, pepper and tomatoes (in that
order). Initially I though the eggplants would bake more difficult, so
I put them to the bottom, but in reality they where ready much before
the marrows.
* Add water to almost cover, salt and pepper and put into the oven
* Wait for about 1:30 - 2h or until all the pieces are soft.
Remember to stir from time to time to change the layers order or add
more water if needed. To the end only 2-3 mm of liquid should remain.
* Optionally after closing the oven add cheese and leave in the
oven for 2-5 more minutes to meld
* Enjoy.

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