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Posted to rec.knives,soc.culture.thai,rec.scuba,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 22
Default Dickheads (A Takin Gthe**** post!) = Takin Gthe****

............. Bulshit from a poor Englishman in a wheelchair snipped

The ONLY DICKHEAD in this and other Usenet groups is YOU, poor sod in

Living permanently with the fear that someone might now your real
one day and pay you a visit.

How many times do you look over your shoulder in fear when the black
with his baseball bat from the wellfare pushes you and your wheelchair
the fresh air?

Every single poster in the Usenet is fed up with your rantings (except
master Deckard).

GOD created you with such tiny brains that you fail to realize that.

Your only life consist of a computer screen and wating for the guy
from the
Wellfare to push you and your wheelchair into the fresh air every week
pound your ass with a baseball bat.

You must have been some real bad creature in a previous life to end up
what you are now.

Even your mama and your dad denied your existence and declared at your
that you are not a son of them.

Your next life wil be even worse ......... (if possible)

Now, show everybody that you have the balls/stupidity to post another
posts like you made a couple of weeks ago.
Or have you had enough???
Are you affraid to loose your Newsprovider again?
You are free to use any of your foregered ID"s as you are used to

Don't be such a coward and show us that you can post again 10+ posts
in one
day, wheelchairman.


Takin Gthe****:
"If you want to make fun of me, that's fine."

Sure as hell we like to fun of you


Note: if you or others knows the coward Takin Gthe**** real identity
or his
real name, publish it here and saves us the money of a lawyer to do

>From (an ISP provider of Takin Gthe****):

"If you feel that the incident you are reporting warrants involvement
of an
appropriate law enforcement body then you must report the incident
We will then cooperate fully with them as is appropriate under United
Kingdom law."

"Takin & Kanoknuan" > wrote
message .. .
> "Steve Kombat Kramer" > wrote in message
>> Even bigger dickheads are the ones who act out while letting you know who
>> they are.

> **Like the dickhead who acted out the one about kicking Charles Bronson's
> ass. Right Steve??? )
> --
> "I don't fight if I don't have to. But I don't back if a fight is
> needed." - Steve 'Dickhead' Kramer
> (Trivino Abelardo - have you got the balls/stupidity to post another one
> of your funny little 'Sue Chaisone' or 'Takin Gthe****' posts? Or have you
> had enough??? WHOOOOOOOSE YOUR DADDY!!!!!!!! LOL!!!)
>> THAT takes a LOT of smarts... NOT. Fortunately, most people just ignore
>> them all the more.

>> Steve 'Kombat' Kramer
>> "PhotoEnvisions" Photography
>> Chiang Mai, Thailand


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