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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,215
Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

Okay, we all admit that to squeeze the wheat germ out of a loaf of bread and
leave it is quite juvenile and only hurts the next person who doesn't wants
a loaf of bread. Waste like that to a store is called 'shrink' and is
factored in to their profit margin, so it's no real skin off their noses. xyz really REALLY does something to **** you off. What do
you do. I know the rational, adult answer would be to contact the store's
owners, corporation, or what have you. But everyone at one time or another
just has to 'do' something. What do you do.

Example from what was done in grocery store where I once worked (and this
was done by the employees)

Store was given a new manager (managers are rotated on a yearly basis, so
not a big deal). Manager was, however, one of the biggest pieholes ever put
in a management position, not caring who he offended or stepped on to make
himself look good. Man was a bigot, too, but he managed to hide that from
upper level ownership .....until.......

It was the Jewish holiday, Passover, and along with all the Easter prep,
corporate sent a memo out that there should be a display of kosher foods,
since the area the store was located in had a small but growing Jewish
population. Mgr. definitely did not like Jewish people, he hated others as
well, but this holiday gave him a forum to vent his hostitility. He put up
a display, covered with aluminum foil, as is wont to do to prevent kosher
food from touching shelving that may have held non-kosher food, and promptly
stocked it with 'left over' items from the back room. He was loathe to toss
anything out, so outdated foods were kept in the back to be 'recycled' in
some other fashion. Part of the display was a broken fridge with outdated
meat in it as well. Realize, he had been pressured to put up this display,
so when it was up, he ordered one of his stock boys to" 'take a damned
picture' so I can send it to corporate to get them off my ass" then get this
shit out of here. Off he stalks on a rampage as to why 'those' people can't
eat normal food.

While minion was off getting the camera to take the picture, some unknown
soul, I have an idea who, but am not sure, went over to the meat display and
picked up a pair of pigs feet on the styrofoam board and propped them up
right in the middle of the display and made it look like they were the
centerpiece. Minion comes back, not knowing bupkis about Jewish dietary
laws, snaps the pics, takes them to the 1 hour developer and sends them to
corporate. While the pics are developing, the pigs feet disappear and the
manager oversees the dismantling of the display. It was up maybe a few
hours on a weekday. Needless to say, when the pictures reach the corporate
offices, said manager finds out that he works for 'one of those people' by
finding a corporate representative on his doorstep the next morning. Not
only was there no 'Kosher for Passover' display to be found, but not enough
fresh 'kosher' items could be found in the store to stock one if they put it
up immediately. To keep from offending the Jewish community, as no one
really knows if anyone saw the display or not, a crew from the main
warehouse came in and set up a huge display and offered give aways and made
a big deal of how the company celebrated Passover. He came back walking a
little funny after the 'few days he had off'. He still treats his employees
like crap, but at least he keeps his bigotted opinions to himself. I
personally would have fired his ass if I were in the position to do so, but
I think he has been made to realize that he better enjoy his little spot on
the ladder as the rest of his rungs to higher aspirations were sawed in half
by his own ignorance.


  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?


Great story. Nicely told! Thanks.

The only thing I might do on occasion without thinking twice is if I change
my mind to not purchase a product, I'll stick it on any shelf that's
convenient. Of course the right thing to do would be to return it at check

Other than that on a few occasions when someone leaves their cart blocking
the whole aisle, I'll drop a product into their cart when they're not
looking. They can wonder about it and make a decision at check out.

I've never met an unfriendly market employee. They're always very helpful to
me. And as for the little old ladies and powerchair shoppers, I'm the "Go To
Guy" for top shelf items. The system works quite well.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

One time on Usenet, "Virginia Tadrzynski" > said:

> Okay, we all admit that to squeeze the wheat germ out of a loaf of bread and
> leave it is quite juvenile and only hurts the next person who doesn't wants
> a loaf of bread. Waste like that to a store is called 'shrink' and is
> factored in to their profit margin, so it's no real skin off their noses.
> xyz really REALLY does something to **** you off. What do
> you do. I know the rational, adult answer would be to contact the store's
> owners, corporation, or what have you. But everyone at one time or another
> just has to 'do' something. What do you do.

Quite shopping there and make sure management knows why. Probably
by letter, so they don't try to talk me into staying a customer.
I can't imagine doing anything else. Andy's bread sqeezing is too
passive-agressive for me.

> Example from what was done in grocery store where I once worked (and this
> was done by the employees)

<snip> Great story, glad the guy got caught. Of course, if one
actually works at the store in question, it's a lot easier to "do

Jani in WA
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> Okay, we all admit that to squeeze the wheat germ out of a loaf of
> bread and leave it is quite juvenile and only hurts the next person
> who doesn't wants a loaf of bread. Waste like that to a store is
> called 'shrink' and is factored in to their profit margin, so it's no
> real skin off their noses.
> xyz really REALLY does something to **** you off.
> What do you do. I know the rational, adult answer would be to
> contact the store's owners, corporation, or what have you. But
> everyone at one time or another just has to 'do' something. What do
> you do.

What do I do (other than report it to management, etc)? Exactly *nothing*.
I've never been that childish, not even when I was a child. Sorry if the
boss was a jerk but that's not the way to deal with it. Sorry if TJ's
stopped stocking something... as if Andy was their only customer. You don't
behave like a baby when that happens.


  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

Virginia Tadrzynski > wrote in message
[revenge is best served cold incident]

Another customer (in line behind me) obviously took Lucky's newest
"Three's a crowd" slogan very seriously. He had a basketful of
groceries. He kept mumbling to himself about the new slogan but
sheeple-being-sheeple, none of us said anything beyond sighing or
silently agreeing.

Three lines to the twelve checkout stands snaked away down the
aisles and back into the depths of the store with WAY-MORE than
three per line.

He finally convinced himself that something needed to be said, and
so turned to asked for the customer behind him to save his place
in line. He strode out into the main aisle and with a great
flourish bellowed three times for "You in the office. 'Three's a
crowd!' Take a look."

The manager popped his slicked-back (Old Spice goosegrease) head
out the door and with a surprised look and expression ducked back
in. Seconds later, a nasally call crackled over the PA for "all
cashiers to the front."

Nothing happened.

The man, no longer showing any patience, bellowed for the manager
again. The whack-a-mole popped back out, said another oath, and
the PA crackled again...

Again, expected, nothing happened.

Said Town Cryer then walked over to the door where the
whack-a-mole was hiding and bellowed into the hallway, "Get your
sorry butt out here and work a line!"

It was magical. Three pressed-shirts-with-ties management types
came streaming out of the doorway and took over registers.

Said customer came back to his cart with a wild round of applause
from every customer standing in line. I simply let him cut in
front of me.

The Ranger

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

One time on Usenet, unge (Little Malice) said:

> Quite

I meant "quit" not "quite". Yeesh, I need to go put my contacts in.
Stupid glasses. That's my excuse and I'm stickin' to it...

Jani in WA
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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aem aem is offline
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

On Oct 2, 11:09 am, "Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote:
> Okay, we all admit that to squeeze the wheat germ out of a loaf of bread and
> leave it is quite juvenile and only hurts the next person who doesn't wants
> a loaf of bread. Waste like that to a store is called 'shrink' and is
> factored in to their profit margin, so it's no real skin off their noses.
> xyz really REALLY does something to **** you off. What do
> you do. I know the rational, adult answer would be to contact the store's
> owners, corporation, or what have you. But everyone at one time or another
> just has to 'do' something. What do you do.

Safeway/Pavilions/Vons used to carry USDA Choice grade beef. Now they
don't. I no longer buy beef at any of their stores. Since they use
those "get a card or we'll overcharge you" i.d. cards, their computers
could notice that fact If enough people followed suit, they might
reconsider and carry good beef again. I'm not holding my breath.

Those same stores constantly stop carrying particular brands that
conflict with their own store brand offerings. Some are just as good,
some not. When they discontinue something I like, I ask the manager
to add it back. So far no success with that.

Sorry I can't offer anything more colorful, but I think most adults
tend to act maturely when they're out amongst the great unwashed world
of business and shopping. -aem

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 2 Oct 2007 14:09:52 -0400, Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
>> xyz really REALLY does something to **** you off. What
>> do
>> you do. I know the rational, adult answer would be to contact the
>> store's
>> owners, corporation, or what have you. But everyone at one time or
>> another
>> just has to 'do' something. What do you do.

> Just like you said. I complain, or I just don't ship there any
> more. There really are no other answers (for me at least).
> What did you expect - **** all over the floor in the bathroom?
> [snip rest unread]
> -sw

It's been done. Or people have pooped in the aisles (saw that happen at a

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

One time on Usenet, "Virginia Tadrzynski" > said:
> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On Tue, 2 Oct 2007 14:09:52 -0400, Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> >
> >> xyz really REALLY does something to **** you off. What
> >> do
> >> you do. I know the rational, adult answer would be to contact the
> >> store's
> >> owners, corporation, or what have you. But everyone at one time or
> >> another
> >> just has to 'do' something. What do you do.

> >
> > Just like you said. I complain, or I just don't ship there any
> > more. There really are no other answers (for me at least).
> >
> > What did you expect - **** all over the floor in the bathroom?
> >
> > [snip rest unread]
> >
> > -sw

> It's been done. Or people have pooped in the aisles (saw that happen at a
> Walmart).

You actually saw an adult taking a crap in the aisles?? Otherwise,
I'd tend to think it was some little kid, trying to keep the parents
from finding out they'd soiled their pants...

Jani in WA
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 13:39:40 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:

>Other than that on a few occasions when someone leaves their cart blocking
>the whole aisle, I'll drop a product into their cart when they're not
>looking. They can wonder about it and make a decision at check out.

That's not very nice either, Andy.
Not everyone pays close attention when they are checking out, and some
folks might be watching their pennies. If you do that, and they
aren't watching closely, you are adding something to their bill. I
would be rather upset if someone did that to me intentionally.

Would you want folks to do that to you?


  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

Peter A said...

> In article >, Andy <q> says...
>> The only thing I might do on occasion without thinking twice is if I
>> change my mind to not purchase a product, I'll stick it on any shelf
>> that's convenient. Of course the right thing to do would be to return
>> it at check out.
>> Other than that on a few occasions when someone leaves their cart
>> blocking the whole aisle, I'll drop a product into their cart when
>> they're not looking. They can wonder about it and make a decision at
>> check out.

> Gee, Andy, I must apologize for my comments. I didn't realize that you
> are 5 years old - your behavior is perfectly appropriate for that age.

Peter "Kick 'em when they're up, kick 'em when they're down" A
A, as in an Asshole

See ya later, Gramps!


  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

Christine Dabney said...

> On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 13:39:40 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
>>Other than that on a few occasions when someone leaves their cart

>>the whole aisle, I'll drop a product into their cart when they're not
>>looking. They can wonder about it and make a decision at check out.

> That's not very nice either, Andy.
> Not everyone pays close attention when they are checking out, and some
> folks might be watching their pennies. If you do that, and they
> aren't watching closely, you are adding something to their bill. I
> would be rather upset if someone did that to me intentionally.
> Would you want folks to do that to you?
> Christine

Harmless prank!

I don't appreciate shoppers who after age 18 can't comprehend that they
don't own the aisle their cart is blocking.

People who are watching their pennies will be the FIRST to realize they
don't want the item. Either they're watching their pennies or they're not
watching closely. Can't have it both ways!

Good grief...

  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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MJB MJB is offline
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> Andy

Thin-skinned prat.

Join the bozo bin.


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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

MJB said...

> "Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
>> <PLONK>
>> Andy

> Thin-skinned prat.
> Join the bozo bin.

You come out of lurk mode and that's your first post?


  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

On Oct 2, 2:39?pm, Andy <q> wrote:
> The only thing I might do on occasion without thinking twice is if I change
> my mind to not purchase a product, I'll stick it on any shelf that's
> convenient.

So you're the retarded worm who dumps meat in the dry cereal aisle
because you decided you prefer cocoa puffs to pork chops... don't you
know that spoilage raises costs for everyone, and you give your
abysmal behavior no thought whatsoever, you infantile psychopathic

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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

Sheldon said...

> you infantile psychopathic *******.

Pot. Kettle. Black.


  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

Andy wrote:
> Ginny,
> Great story. Nicely told! Thanks.

Lovely story. While I find the dietary restrictions of various religions
(including "vegans") to be moronic, I'd be more than happy to sell
whatever products they'd want to buy should I be the manager of a
grocery store.

> The only thing I might do on occasion without thinking twice is if I change
> my mind to not purchase a product, I'll stick it on any shelf that's
> convenient. Of course the right thing to do would be to return it at check
> out.

The only thing I do to "get even" at a store is to blacklist it. It
normally works on a three strikes and you're out system, first incident
results in a six month blacklist, second one year, third strike

> Other than that on a few occasions when someone leaves their cart blocking
> the whole aisle, I'll drop a product into their cart when they're not
> looking. They can wonder about it and make a decision at check out.

Interesting. Do you just use it as a dumping ground for something you
decided you didn't want, or do you dump there because they blocked the
aisle and then go back and pickup the item again for yourself.

> I've never met an unfriendly market employee. They're always very helpful to
> me.

While I've never run across an unfriendly market employee, I've also
rarely run across one with a clue either. These markets (except for the
high end ones) don't exactly pay well, and the quality of their
employees tends to reflect that. They tend to have four basic categories
of employees:

- Senior citizens supplementing social security - While they may have
known where every product was in the store a decade or two ago, these
days they are lucky if they remember that their depends go *under* their
pants, not on top.

- Teenagers trying to get money for Ecstasy, iPuds or other drugs -
These employees don't last long enough to figure out which end of the
store the meat case is on, much less which shelf the coconut milk is on.

- Balding dweebs (never any females in this category) - These folks
aren't the brightest bulbs, and think working at a grocery store is a
good career. While annoying to deal with when they want to have a long
conversation with you (nobody wants to talk to them), they usually know
where things are so you need to just get the info and politely excuse

- Mentally handicapped folks from a local group home - These folks are
very nice and usually happy to have a job, however forget about asking
them where things are in the store and let them focus on the carts and

> And as for the little old ladies and powerchair shoppers, I'm the "Go To
> Guy" for top shelf items. The system works quite well.

  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

Sheldon wrote:
> On Oct 2, 2:39?pm, Andy <q> wrote:
>> The only thing I might do on occasion without thinking twice is if I
>> change my mind to not purchase a product, I'll stick it on any shelf
>> that's convenient.

> So you're the retarded worm who dumps meat in the dry cereal aisle
> because you decided you prefer cocoa puffs to pork chops... don't you
> know that spoilage raises costs for everyone

I hate when people do this. When I see items that require refrigeration or
freezing on an aisle containing canned or other dry goods I usually walk
them back to where they belong and tell someone about it. You're absolutely
right; if a store employee doesn't notice and said item goes bad (or
defrosts) it raises the cost for everyone.


  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

Andy wrote:
> Christine Dabney said...
>> On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 13:39:40 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
>>> Other than that on a few occasions when someone leaves their cart
>>> blocking the whole aisle, I'll drop a product into their cart when
>>> they're not looking. They can wonder about it and make a decision
>>> at check out.

>> That's not very nice either, Andy.
>> Not everyone pays close attention when they are checking out, and
>> some folks might be watching their pennies. If you do that, and they
>> aren't watching closely, you are adding something to their bill. I
>> would be rather upset if someone did that to me intentionally.
>> Would you want folks to do that to you?
>> Christine

> Harmless prank!
> I don't appreciate shoppers who after age 18 can't comprehend that
> they don't own the aisle their cart is blocking.
> People who are watching their pennies will be the FIRST to realize
> they don't want the item. Either they're watching their pennies or
> they're not watching closely. Can't have it both ways!
> Good grief...
> Andy

Andy, you're being a real ass about this. I watch every penny I spend. I
generally have a list and I try to stick to it. I generally know what's in
my cart. But depending on the item, there's a chance I might not notice if
something else got dropped in there by a "prankster" like you. There's no
excuse for being so infantile. The grocery store isn't there for your


  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

jmcquown said...

> Andy wrote:
>> Christine Dabney said...
>>> On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 13:39:40 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
>>>> Other than that on a few occasions when someone leaves their cart
>>>> blocking the whole aisle, I'll drop a product into their cart when
>>>> they're not looking. They can wonder about it and make a decision
>>>> at check out.
>>> That's not very nice either, Andy.
>>> Not everyone pays close attention when they are checking out, and
>>> some folks might be watching their pennies. If you do that, and they
>>> aren't watching closely, you are adding something to their bill. I
>>> would be rather upset if someone did that to me intentionally.
>>> Would you want folks to do that to you?
>>> Christine

>> Harmless prank!
>> I don't appreciate shoppers who after age 18 can't comprehend that
>> they don't own the aisle their cart is blocking.
>> People who are watching their pennies will be the FIRST to realize
>> they don't want the item. Either they're watching their pennies or
>> they're not watching closely. Can't have it both ways!
>> Good grief...
>> Andy

> Andy, you're being a real ass about this. I watch every penny I spend.

> generally have a list and I try to stick to it. I generally know what's

> my cart. But depending on the item, there's a chance I might not notice

> something else got dropped in there by a "prankster" like you. There's

> excuse for being so infantile. The grocery store isn't there for your
> amusement.
> Jill

You're clearly in the "not watching closely" camp.


  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

One time on Usenet, Sqwertz > said:
> On Tue, 2 Oct 2007 18:08:10 -0500, jmcquown wrote:
> > I hate when people do this. When I see items that require refrigeration or
> > freezing on an aisle containing canned or other dry goods I usually walk
> > them back to where they belong and tell someone about it.

> Typical Jill. Do a $.05 favor and feel the need to brag to
> *someone* about it.

I think she meant that if she was putting back something that should
be cold, they should know in case it's beyond saving...

Jani in WA
  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

> > Andy, you're being a real ass about this. I watch every penny I
> I
> > generally have a list and I try to stick to it. I generally know what's

> in
> > my cart. But depending on the item, there's a chance I might not notice

> if
> > something else got dropped in there by a "prankster" like you. There's

> no
> > excuse for being so infantile. The grocery store isn't there for your
> > amusement.

> > Jill

> You're clearly in the "not watching closely" camp.
> Andy- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

So if I'm shopping with my husband and it comes time to check out, one
might handle more of the "watching" and yet easily assume that
childishly placed extra item you deposited was wanted by the other
person. So you've inconvenienced people for no valid reason.
As for leaving perishable items where ever the mood hits you- When I
see items such as this I often wonder if some clerk is going to put it
back in the freezer or fridge section as if it had never been out and
then I wonder when the product isn't up to its normal standard or goes
bad faster than I expect.

Don't you think getting a life or at least a real girlfriend might be
more amusing?

  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

"Michael "Dog3"" > wrote in message
> "Virginia Tadrzynski" > dropped this
> : in
>> He
>> still treats his employees like crap, but at least he keeps his
>> bigotted opinions to himself. I personally would have fired his ass if
>> I were in the position to do so, but I think he has been made to
>> realize that he better enjoy his little spot on the ladder as the rest
>> of his rungs to higher aspirations were sawed in half by his own
>> ignorance.

> A friend of mine works at a store down the street a bit. The store is
> commonly know as "Queerbergs" amongst my circle. One would never expect
> it in this neighborhood but a lot of *** and ******* couples live in this
> area of town. The workforce at the store is liberally sprinkled with ***
> and ******* workers that take part time jobs because they need something
> to do, not because they need a job. These employees are greatly
> appreciated by the customer base because of their friendliness and
> ability to help the harried housewife throw together a stunning dinner
> party in a matter of a couple of hours, complete with floral arrangements
> and cocktail ideas. (There was a hilarious situation going on in the
> middle of the produce aisle once but that's another story).
> 2 of the department managers are bigots much like the one you described
> Virginia. Both are homophobic. The one manager takes his bigotry to an
> entirely different level and I think he basically dislike ANYONE with
> views and lifestyles different than his own. He has been in a LOT of
> trouble with corporate because corporate and the family that owns and
> represents a major share of the holdings likes ALL people. The one
> manager actually made fun of one of his workers for a speech impediment.
> That was a big broo haaa. This manager has been in trouble for
> everything, sexual harrassment etc. To shorten it:
> He and the other bigot manager were in the break room and thought they
> were alone. Both were discussing the number of "faggots" in their
> departments in a very disparaging manner. An employee was sitting around
> the corner and overheard the conversation. The employee is str8 but
> furious about the conversation. Knowing they would be unable to prove
> the conversation took place, said employee leaked it out to the *** and
> ******* workers at the store. A few phone calls later and all of the ***
> and ******* residents in the area (including me) took back any produce
> and meat purchases. When questioned about the returns everyone put
> "because the management is homophobic and I do not support stores the
> encourage bigotry". Welllll... that caused quite a stir I am told. Both
> managers were put on notice but managed to keep their jobs. The biggest
> asshole of the 2 is on his last and final notice I'm told. One more
> infraction of ANY kind and he'll be unemployed.
> Personally I think this was an extremely effective way of handling it.
> The situation was handled quietly and efficiently and the results were
> satisfactory. Now, we could have invaded the meat department and quietly
> ripped open packages of meat and squeezed every piece of fruit in the
> produce department but we didn't. I think we made a difference by
> handling it the way we did.
> Michael
> --
> Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their
> food, and tyrannize their teachers.
> - Socrates
> to email: dog3 at charter dot net

That's good. One customer complaining is usually brushed aside, but a whole
group at once. That speaks volumes. Like with our situation, the asshole
got his come uppance at his own hand. It just had a little prodding by
unseen forces.

  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

Michael wrote on Wed, 3 Oct 2007 17:32:50 +0200 (CEST):

MD> A friend of mine works at a store down the street a bit.
MD> The store is commonly know as "Queerbergs" amongst my
MD> circle. One would never expect it in this neighborhood but
MD> a lot of *** and ******* couples live in this area of town.
MD> The workforce at the store is liberally sprinkled with ***
MD> and ******* workers

I suppose a thought about the sexual preferences of a checker on
a basis of mannerisms might pass thro' my mind but it's nothing
that usually concerns me much :-)

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in astore?

Michael "Dog3" wrote:

> He and the other bigot manager were in the break room and thought they
> were alone. Both were discussing the number of "faggots" in their
> departments in a very disparaging manner. An employee was sitting around
> the corner and overheard the conversation. The employee is str8 but
> furious about the conversation. Knowing they would be unable to prove
> the conversation took place, said employee leaked it out to the *** and
> ******* workers at the store. A few phone calls later and all of the ***
> and ******* residents in the area (including me) took back any produce
> and meat purchases. When questioned about the returns everyone put
> "because the management is homophobic and I do not support stores the
> encourage bigotry". Welllll... that caused quite a stir I am told. Both
> managers were put on notice but managed to keep their jobs. The biggest
> asshole of the 2 is on his last and final notice I'm told. One more
> infraction of ANY kind and he'll be unemployed.
> Personally I think this was an extremely effective way of handling it.
> The situation was handled quietly and efficiently and the results were
> satisfactory. Now, we could have invaded the meat department and quietly
> ripped open packages of meat and squeezed every piece of fruit in the
> produce department but we didn't. I think we made a difference by
> handling it the way we did.

I would have been happier had they both been fired. "On notice" is a
wimpy cop out. You can bet an hourly worker wouldn't have received that
courtesy for a much lesser infraction.

gloria p

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in astore?

Puester wrote:

> >
> > Personally I think this was an extremely effective way of handling it.
> > The situation was handled quietly and efficiently and the results were
> > satisfactory. Now, we could have invaded the meat department and quietly
> > ripped open packages of meat and squeezed every piece of fruit in the
> > produce department but we didn't. I think we made a difference by
> > handling it the way we did.
> >

> I would have been happier had they both been fired. "On notice" is a
> wimpy cop out. You can bet an hourly worker wouldn't have received that
> courtesy for a much lesser infraction.

It is not always hiring people for an error in judgement. Problems usually
have to be documented in order to prevent lawsuits for unjust termination.
It is a step in the right direction.
  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 13:49:16 -0600, Christine Dabney
> wrote:

>On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 13:39:40 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
>>Other than that on a few occasions when someone leaves their cart blocking
>>the whole aisle, I'll drop a product into their cart when they're not
>>looking. They can wonder about it and make a decision at check out.

>That's not very nice either, Andy.
>Not everyone pays close attention when they are checking out, and some
>folks might be watching their pennies. If you do that, and they
>aren't watching closely, you are adding something to their bill. I
>would be rather upset if someone did that to me intentionally.
>Would you want folks to do that to you?

or the customer gets to checkout, declines to buy the item, and some
poor employee schlub has to put it back. no wonder they think we're
all assholes.

andy, why not just as them to move their (described or not, your
choice) cart? too direct for you? why this passive-aggressive

your pal,

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 15:13:09 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:

>Christine Dabney said...
>> On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 13:39:40 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
>>>Other than that on a few occasions when someone leaves their cart

>>>the whole aisle, I'll drop a product into their cart when they're not
>>>looking. They can wonder about it and make a decision at check out.

>> That's not very nice either, Andy.
>> Not everyone pays close attention when they are checking out, and some
>> folks might be watching their pennies. If you do that, and they
>> aren't watching closely, you are adding something to their bill. I
>> would be rather upset if someone did that to me intentionally.
>> Would you want folks to do that to you?
>> Christine

>Harmless prank!
>I don't appreciate shoppers who after age 18 can't comprehend that they
>don't own the aisle their cart is blocking.
>People who are watching their pennies will be the FIRST to realize they
>don't want the item. Either they're watching their pennies or they're not
>watching closely. Can't have it both ways!
>Good grief...

and, typically, the one who causes the (to you) offense isn't
punished, but rather someone else (the employees having to put up with
more nonsense than is strictly necessary). putz.

your pal,
  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

blake murphy said...

> On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 15:13:09 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
>>Christine Dabney said...
>>> On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 13:39:40 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
>>>>Other than that on a few occasions when someone leaves their cart

>>>>the whole aisle, I'll drop a product into their cart when they're not
>>>>looking. They can wonder about it and make a decision at check out.
>>> That's not very nice either, Andy.
>>> Not everyone pays close attention when they are checking out, and some
>>> folks might be watching their pennies. If you do that, and they
>>> aren't watching closely, you are adding something to their bill. I
>>> would be rather upset if someone did that to me intentionally.
>>> Would you want folks to do that to you?
>>> Christine

>>Harmless prank!
>>I don't appreciate shoppers who after age 18 can't comprehend that they
>>don't own the aisle their cart is blocking.
>>People who are watching their pennies will be the FIRST to realize they
>>don't want the item. Either they're watching their pennies or they're not
>>watching closely. Can't have it both ways!
>>Good grief...

> and, typically, the one who causes the (to you) offense isn't
> punished, but rather someone else (the employees having to put up with
> more nonsense than is strictly necessary). putz.
> your pal,
> blake

It's funny how when it comes to shopping everyone here finds religion!

  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

blake murphy said...

> andy, why not just as them to move their (described or not, your
> choice) cart? too direct for you? why this passive-aggressive
> nonsense?

I guess you're asking why don't I just push the cart aside and move along?

I usually do.

"Shopping is such a silent sport, unless you know how to flirt!" --A

  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:

> Okay, we all admit that to squeeze the wheat germ out of a loaf of
> bread and leave it is quite juvenile and only hurts the next person
> who doesn't wants a loaf of bread. Waste like that to a store is
> called 'shrink' and is factored in to their profit margin, so it's no
> real skin off their noses.

At the store, if I have a problem I quickly ask to see the manager. I
then will argue with the manager, including letting them know exactly
how I feel about the policy/treatment/etc.

Other than that, I will go to the web site and fill out a complaint


If televison's a babysitter, the Internet is a drunk librarian who
won't shut up.
-- Dorothy Gambrell (
  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in astore?

Andy wrote:
> blake murphy said...
>>andy, why not just as them to move their (described or not, your
>>choice) cart? too direct for you? why this passive-aggressive

> I guess you're asking why don't I just push the cart aside and move along?
> I usually do.

I always do. I've never added or removed anything from anybody else's cart.

Thursday morning shopping at the local grocery chains is a different
experience. That's when the vans from the local assisted-living
complexes make their runs. If you resent maneuvering around couples
married for 50 years debating the merits of canned low sodium chicken
soup, or reaching the bulk TP packages off the top shelf for a
nonagenarian Charmin fan, this isn't the time to shop.

  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

Little Malice wrote:
> One time on Usenet, Sqwertz > said:
>> On Tue, 2 Oct 2007 18:08:10 -0500, jmcquown wrote:
>>> I hate when people do this. When I see items that require
>>> refrigeration or freezing on an aisle containing canned or other
>>> dry goods I usually walk them back to where they belong and tell
>>> someone about it.

>> Typical Jill. Do a $.05 favor and feel the need to brag to
>> *someone* about it.

> I think she meant that if she was putting back something that should
> be cold, they should know in case it's beyond saving...

Thank you, that's *exactly* what I meant! It's not "bragging", it's
notifying a store employee in case the item shouldn't be sold at that point.
I'm not qualified to judge if they should simply return it to the stock or
pull it as a bad item. Methinks Steve needs to get over himself (and his
impressions about me, while he's at it).


  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

One time on Usenet, "jmcquown" > said:
> Little Malice wrote:
> > One time on Usenet, Sqwertz > said:
> >> On Tue, 2 Oct 2007 18:08:10 -0500, jmcquown wrote:
> >>
> >>> I hate when people do this. When I see items that require
> >>> refrigeration or freezing on an aisle containing canned or other
> >>> dry goods I usually walk them back to where they belong and tell
> >>> someone about it.
> >>
> >> Typical Jill. Do a $.05 favor and feel the need to brag to
> >> *someone* about it.

> >
> > I think she meant that if she was putting back something that should
> > be cold, they should know in case it's beyond saving...

> Thank you, that's *exactly* what I meant! It's not "bragging", it's
> notifying a store employee in case the item shouldn't be sold at that point.
> I'm not qualified to judge if they should simply return it to the stock or
> pull it as a bad item. Methinks Steve needs to get over himself (and his
> impressions about me, while he's at it).

He did retract his statement after reading my reply. Now you kids play
nice... ;-)

Jani in WA
  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

Little Malice wrote:
> One time on Usenet, "jmcquown" > said:
>> Little Malice wrote:
>>> One time on Usenet, Sqwertz > said:
>>>> On Tue, 2 Oct 2007 18:08:10 -0500, jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> I hate when people do this. When I see items that require
>>>>> refrigeration or freezing on an aisle containing canned or other
>>>>> dry goods I usually walk them back to where they belong and tell
>>>>> someone about it.
>>>> Typical Jill. Do a $.05 favor and feel the need to brag to
>>>> *someone* about it.
>>> I think she meant that if she was putting back something that should
>>> be cold, they should know in case it's beyond saving...

>> Thank you, that's *exactly* what I meant! It's not "bragging", it's
>> notifying a store employee in case the item shouldn't be sold at
>> that point. I'm not qualified to judge if they should simply return
>> it to the stock or pull it as a bad item. Methinks Steve needs to
>> get over himself (and his impressions about me, while he's at it).

> He did retract his statement after reading my reply. Now you kids play
> nice... ;-)

Didn't see that since I have (most) of his personas k/f'd. I generally only
see his posts when someone replies to them

  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

"Kathleen" > wrote in message
> Andy wrote:
>> blake murphy said...
>>>andy, why not just as them to move their (described or not, your
>>>choice) cart? too direct for you? why this passive-aggressive

>> I guess you're asking why don't I just push the cart aside and move
>> along?
>> I usually do.

> I always do. I've never added or removed anything from anybody else's
> cart.

If the person is nearby (usually the case), I just say, "excuse me," and
they move their cart out of the way (as if by magic!) and almost always
apologize. If I see a cart stuck in the middle of an aisle, with no one
around, I just move it aside. Requires little effort.

I think that the majority of people just don't realize they've left their
cart in the middle of the aisle; most of 'em don't do it just to ruin
someone else's day.


  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

On Oct 3, 9:32 am, "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
> "Virginia Tadrzynski" > dropped : in
> > He
> > still treats his employees like crap, but at least he keeps his
> > bigotted opinions to himself. I personally would have fired his ass if
> > I were in the position to do so, but I think he has been made to
> > realize that he better enjoy his little spot on the ladder as the rest
> > of his rungs to higher aspirations were sawed in half by his own
> > ignorance.

> A friend of mine works at a store down the street a bit. The store is
> commonly know as "Queerbergs" amongst my circle. One would never expect
> it in this neighborhood but a lot of *** and ******* couples live in this
> area of town. The workforce at the store is liberally sprinkled with ***
> and ******* workers that take part time jobs because they need something
> to do, not because they need a job. These employees are greatly
> appreciated by the customer base because of their friendliness and
> ability to help the harried housewife throw together a stunning dinner
> party in a matter of a couple of hours, complete with floral arrangements
> and cocktail ideas. (There was a hilarious situation going on in the
> middle of the produce aisle once but that's another story).
> 2 of the department managers are bigots much like the one you described
> Virginia. Both are homophobic. The one manager takes his bigotry to an
> entirely different level and I think he basically dislike ANYONE with
> views and lifestyles different than his own. He has been in a LOT of
> trouble with corporate because corporate and the family that owns and
> represents a major share of the holdings likes ALL people. The one
> manager actually made fun of one of his workers for a speech impediment.
> That was a big broo haaa. This manager has been in trouble for
> everything, sexual harrassment etc. To shorten it:
> He and the other bigot manager were in the break room and thought they
> were alone. Both were discussing the number of "faggots" in their
> departments in a very disparaging manner. An employee was sitting around
> the corner and overheard the conversation. The employee is str8 but
> furious about the conversation. Knowing they would be unable to prove
> the conversation took place, said employee leaked it out to the *** and
> ******* workers at the store. A few phone calls later and all of the ***
> and ******* residents in the area (including me) took back any produce
> and meat purchases. When questioned about the returns everyone put
> "because the management is homophobic and I do not support stores the
> encourage bigotry". Welllll... that caused quite a stir I am told. Both
> managers were put on notice but managed to keep their jobs. The biggest
> asshole of the 2 is on his last and final notice I'm told. One more
> infraction of ANY kind and he'll be unemployed.
> Personally I think this was an extremely effective way of handling it.
> The situation was handled quietly and efficiently and the results were
> satisfactory. Now, we could have invaded the meat department and quietly
> ripped open packages of meat and squeezed every piece of fruit in the
> produce department but we didn't. I think we made a difference by
> handling it the way we did.

Which location (email me if you'd rather not post it)?
> Michael



  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

On Wed, 03 Oct 2007 12:48:35 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:

>blake murphy said...
>> On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 15:13:09 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
>>>Christine Dabney said...
>>>> On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 13:39:40 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
>>>>>Other than that on a few occasions when someone leaves their cart
>>>>>the whole aisle, I'll drop a product into their cart when they're not
>>>>>looking. They can wonder about it and make a decision at check out.
>>>> That's not very nice either, Andy.
>>>> Not everyone pays close attention when they are checking out, and some
>>>> folks might be watching their pennies. If you do that, and they
>>>> aren't watching closely, you are adding something to their bill. I
>>>> would be rather upset if someone did that to me intentionally.
>>>> Would you want folks to do that to you?
>>>> Christine
>>>Harmless prank!
>>>I don't appreciate shoppers who after age 18 can't comprehend that they
>>>don't own the aisle their cart is blocking.
>>>People who are watching their pennies will be the FIRST to realize they
>>>don't want the item. Either they're watching their pennies or they're not
>>>watching closely. Can't have it both ways!
>>>Good grief...

>> and, typically, the one who causes the (to you) offense isn't
>> punished, but rather someone else (the employees having to put up with
>> more nonsense than is strictly necessary). putz.
>> your pal,
>> blake

>It's funny how when it comes to shopping everyone here finds religion!

not acting like an asshole is not finding religion.

your pal,
  #39 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 14:44:05 -0500, Fairy Lint >

>On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 14:27:39 -0500, jmcquown wrote:
>> Methinks Steve needs to get over himself

>I get a woody every time you tell me to get over myself.

take a cold shower. better yet, get some higher-quality porn. i hear
the intertubes can useful in that.

your pal,

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