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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 340
Default My Weekend (From a post I made on the Stump's Smoker Forum)

I'm tired. Friday evening, I loaded my Stump's 222 CM onto a trailer, drove
85 miles early Saturday to set up in the rain. They were registering boats
for the Melbourne Yacht Club's Fall regatta.

All week, I'd heard "pork loin for 100" or so. Remember the "or so".

We'd figured on about 50 pounds, or a case of 5, ten pound loins. When I got
there, they had already sold 125 dinner tickets, with more registering and
buying tickets.

My brother and I started prepping, cutting each in half (to fit better on
the grates) and rubbing with Billy Bones' original rub, mixed 50/50 with
Turbinado sugar. I've cooked for most of this group the past 3 years, and I
know they like sweet.

We put them in 3 gallon Zip-Loks, and refrigerated them 'til time to cook.
It was decided that they needed more meat...150 tickets sold. Another trip
to Sam's for another 50# case. When they got there, we quickly rubbed these
too, and refrigerated.

Light the fire, let the Stoker get the temperature up. It's still early, so
stop @ 250.

It's 1 PM, dinner is 6. Two of the (volunteer) kitchen staff asked me why I
was playing with my computer, and not cooking. Remember, this is Florida, it
rained earlier, it's humid outside. The Stoker interfaces with my computer.
Wirelessly. It's hot and humid outside. The computer is inside. I'm smoking
pork loins, not cooking BBQ. And the meat needs to marinate in the rub. And
the Bar Lady is handing me cold beer so I won't forget her at dinner time.
The computer is inside!

About 2:45, I set the Stoker on 400 and at just before 3 PM, I load 60
pounds of pork on the top 3 racks. Put a temperature probe in 6 pieces, 2 on
each rack, closest to the fire box. Alarms set for 130. Get another beer.
This is hard work. As the meat was being loaded, I added a couple of fist
sized chunks of hickory, a couple of handfuls of cherry pellets to the ash
pan. Nice smelling smoke. Re-set the Stoker to 350, where I wanted to cook.
About 4:30, the first alarm went off. Thermopen that roast, and place it in
the Cambro. Another alarm. Three more are ready, and in the Cambro. Another
beer. How do they know I want beer? What if I only want water? Or a cola?

More placed in the Cambro. Move the remaining 20 pounds to the top rack, and
fill the bottom two (that are now empty) with the remaining 40 pounds. It's
right after 5:30. The original 60 pounds are in the Cambro. Most of the
boats have finished racing for the day and are returning to the club. About
time to start carving. I was told I'm slicing too thick, 3/8", two slices
per plate was my idea. Gotta stretch the meat! Thinner slices! I resign!
Gotta go finish cooking the rest of the meat anyway. Where's my BEER? I know
most of these people, any way. Let's socialize!

Everyone said it was the best pork that they had ever had. I even had to
agree to cook again next year, and maybe at their Spring Regatta. I did
notice that (when I passed through the kitchen, (several times!)) that the
slices had returned to 3/8" or even sometimes 1/2"

Eat. While I was cooking, drinking, and socializing, they'd been fixing the
rest of the meal. Nice fresh tossed salad...(Vegetables aren't food,
vegetables are what food eats!), cubed, herbed and spiced and roasted
'taters, pie ala mode.

Clean up. More beer. More socializing. Everything's put away but the
Stump's. It's late. Did I mention that I'm tired?

Spend the night with my brother and his family. Breakfast this morning with
my Dad, who I haven't seen in several months. Go load the Stump's, drive
back to Orlando, unload, clean and return the trailer.

100 pounds of pork loin, smoked. Good friends, good beer, a good smoker, a
couple of nice toys (Stoker and lap top computer) and a good BBQ rub. Billy
Bones Original Recipe BBQ Rub. 180 dinner tickets sold. 20 pounds of smoked
pork loin left. They have a board meeting Wednesday night. Wonder what
they'll eat?

Life is good!

Thanks, brother, sister-in-law, Melbourne Yacht Club, Stump's Smokers,
Stoker, Billy Bones, Dad and Anheuser-Busch for a fulfilling weekend!

"Or So!


Proud Member of PETA...People Eating Tasty Animals

Stump's GF 222 CM
Stump's Tailgater (Walt's got it now!)
A fleet of (4) Kamados
Mini BGE
WSM(Out on loan, heading to Douglas)
Smokey Joe
(any or all may or may not be Stoker controlled)

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 325
Default My Weekend (From a post I made on the Stump's Smoker Forum)

In article >,
" BOB" > wrote:


> Life is good!
> Thanks, brother, sister-in-law, Melbourne Yacht Club, Stump's Smokers,
> Stoker, Billy Bones, Dad and Anheuser-Busch for a fulfilling weekend!
> "Or So!

Fun read, thanks for sharing! :-)

Hope you got to take some of that pork home???
Peace, Om

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