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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.russian.z1,alt.politics.bush,dk.politik
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
Default WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition

WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition
By Herman Schoenfeld

In this article we show that "top-down" controlled demolition
accurately accounts for the collapse times of the World Trade Center
towers. A top-down controlled demolition can be simply characterized
as a "pancake collapse" of a building missing its support columns.
This demolition profile requires that the support columns holding a
floor be destroyed just before that floor is collided with by the
upper falling masses. The net effect is a pancake-style collapse at
near free fall speed.

This model predicts a WTC 1 collapse time of 11.38 seconds, and a WTC
2 collapse time of 9.48 seconds. Those times accurately match the
seismographic data of those events.1 Refer to equations (1.9) and
(1.10) for details.

It should be noted that this model differs massively from the "natural
pancake collapse" in that the geometrical composition of the structure
is not considered (as it is physically destroyed). A natural pancake
collapse features a diminishing velocity rapidly approaching rest due
the resistance offered by the columns and surrounding "steel mesh".


A top-down controlled demolition of a building is considered as

1. An initial block of j floors commences to free fall.

2. The floor below the collapsing block has its support structures
disabled just prior the collision with the block.

3. The collapsing block merges with the momentarily levitating floor,
increases in mass, decreases in velocity (but preserves momentum), and
continues to free fall.

4. If not at ground floor, goto step 2.

Let j be the number of floors in the initial set of collapsing floors.
Let N be the number of remaining floors to collapse.
Let h be the average floor height.
Let g be the gravitational field strength at ground-level.
Let T be the total collapse time.

Using the elementary motion equation

distance = (initial velocity) * time + 1/2 * acceleration * time^2

We solve for the time taken by the k'th floor to free fall the height
of one floor

[1.1] t_k=(-u_k+(u_k^2+2gh))/g

where u_k is the initial velocity of the k'th collapsing floor.

The total collapse time is the sum of the N individual free fall times

[1.2] T = sum(k=0)^N (-u_k+(u_k^2+2gh))/g

Now the mass of the k'th floor at the point of collapse is the mass of
itself (m) plus the mass of all the floors collapsed before it (k-1)m
plus the mass on the initial collapsing block jm.

[1.3] m_k=m+(k-1)m+jm =(j+k)m

If we let u_k denote the initial velocity of the k'th collapsing
floor, the final velocity reached by that floor prior to collision
with its below floor is

[1.4] v_k=SQRT(u_k^2+2gh)

which follows from the elementary equation of motion

(final velocity)^2 = (initial velocity)^2 + 2 * (acceleration) *

Conservation of momentum demands that the initial momentum of the k'th
floor equal the final momemtum of the (k-1)'th floor.

[1.5] m_k u_k = m_(k-1) v_(k-1)

Substituting (1.3) and (1.4) into (1.5)
[1.6] (j + k)m u_k= (j + k - 1)m SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+ 2gh)

Solving for the initial velocity u_k

[1.7] u_k=(j + k - 1)/(j + k) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+2gh)

Which is a recurrence equation with base value

[1.8] u_0=0

The WTC towers were 417 meters tall and had 110 floors. Tower 1 began
collapsing on the 93rd floor. Making substitutions N=93, j=17 , g=9.8
into (1.2) and (1.7) gives

[1.9] WTC 1 Collapse Time = sum(k=0)^93 (-u_k+(u_k^2+74.28))/9.8 =
11.38 sec
u_k=(16+ k)/(17+ k ) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+74.28) ;/ u_0=0

Tower 2 began collapsing on the 77th floor. Making substitutions N=77,
j=33 , g=9.8 into (1.2) and (1.7) gives

[1.10] WTC 2 Collapse Time =sum(k=0)^77 (-u_k+(u_k^2+74.28))/9.8 =
9.48 sec
u_k=(32+k)/(33+k) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+74.28) ;/ u_0=0


"Seismic Waves Generated By Aircraft Impacts and Building Collapses at
World Trade Center ",


This function returns the gravitational field strength in SI units.

> g :: Double
> g = 9.8

This function calculates the total time for a top-down demolition.
_H - the total height of building
_N - the number of floors in building
_J - the floor number which initiated the top-down cascade (the 0'th
floor being the ground floor)

> cascadeTime :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
> cascadeTime _H _N _J = sum [ (- (u k) + sqrt( (u k)^2 + 2*g*h))/g | k<-[0..n]]
> where
> j = _N - _J
> n = _N - j
> h = _H/_N
> u 0 = 0
> u k = (j + k - 1)/(j + k) * sqrt( (u (k-1))^2 + 2*g*h )

Simulates a top-down demolition of WTC 1 in SI units.

> wtc1 :: Double
> wtc1 = cascadeTime 417 110 93

Simulates a top-down demolition of WTC 2 in SI units.

> wtc2 :: Double
> wtc2 = cascadeTime 417 110 77

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.russian.z1,alt.politics.bush,dk.politik
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition

please jump off the tallest building in your city!

> wrote in message
> WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition
> By Herman Schoenfeld
> In this article we show that "top-down" controlled demolition
> accurately accounts for the collapse times of the World Trade Center
> towers. A top-down controlled demolition can be simply characterized
> as a "pancake collapse" of a building missing its support columns.
> This demolition profile requires that the support columns holding a
> floor be destroyed just before that floor is collided with by the
> upper falling masses. The net effect is a pancake-style collapse at
> near free fall speed.
> This model predicts a WTC 1 collapse time of 11.38 seconds, and a WTC
> 2 collapse time of 9.48 seconds. Those times accurately match the
> seismographic data of those events.1 Refer to equations (1.9) and
> (1.10) for details.
> It should be noted that this model differs massively from the "natural
> pancake collapse" in that the geometrical composition of the structure
> is not considered (as it is physically destroyed). A natural pancake
> collapse features a diminishing velocity rapidly approaching rest due
> the resistance offered by the columns and surrounding "steel mesh".
> A top-down controlled demolition of a building is considered as
> follows
> 1. An initial block of j floors commences to free fall.
> 2. The floor below the collapsing block has its support structures
> disabled just prior the collision with the block.
> 3. The collapsing block merges with the momentarily levitating floor,
> increases in mass, decreases in velocity (but preserves momentum), and
> continues to free fall.
> 4. If not at ground floor, goto step 2.
> Let j be the number of floors in the initial set of collapsing floors.
> Let N be the number of remaining floors to collapse.
> Let h be the average floor height.
> Let g be the gravitational field strength at ground-level.
> Let T be the total collapse time.
> Using the elementary motion equation
> distance = (initial velocity) * time + 1/2 * acceleration * time^2
> We solve for the time taken by the k'th floor to free fall the height
> of one floor
> [1.1] t_k=(-u_k+(u_k^2+2gh))/g
> where u_k is the initial velocity of the k'th collapsing floor.
> The total collapse time is the sum of the N individual free fall times
> [1.2] T = sum(k=0)^N (-u_k+(u_k^2+2gh))/g
> Now the mass of the k'th floor at the point of collapse is the mass of
> itself (m) plus the mass of all the floors collapsed before it (k-1)m
> plus the mass on the initial collapsing block jm.
> [1.3] m_k=m+(k-1)m+jm =(j+k)m
> If we let u_k denote the initial velocity of the k'th collapsing
> floor, the final velocity reached by that floor prior to collision
> with its below floor is
> [1.4] v_k=SQRT(u_k^2+2gh)
> which follows from the elementary equation of motion
> (final velocity)^2 = (initial velocity)^2 + 2 * (acceleration) *
> (distance)
> Conservation of momentum demands that the initial momentum of the k'th
> floor equal the final momemtum of the (k-1)'th floor.
> [1.5] m_k u_k = m_(k-1) v_(k-1)
> Substituting (1.3) and (1.4) into (1.5)
> [1.6] (j + k)m u_k= (j + k - 1)m SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+ 2gh)
> Solving for the initial velocity u_k
> [1.7] u_k=(j + k - 1)/(j + k) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+2gh)
> Which is a recurrence equation with base value
> [1.8] u_0=0
> The WTC towers were 417 meters tall and had 110 floors. Tower 1 began
> collapsing on the 93rd floor. Making substitutions N=93, j=17 , g=9.8
> into (1.2) and (1.7) gives
> [1.9] WTC 1 Collapse Time = sum(k=0)^93 (-u_k+(u_k^2+74.28))/9.8 =
> 11.38 sec
> where
> u_k=(16+ k)/(17+ k ) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+74.28) ;/ u_0=0
> Tower 2 began collapsing on the 77th floor. Making substitutions N=77,
> j=33 , g=9.8 into (1.2) and (1.7) gives
> [1.10] WTC 2 Collapse Time =sum(k=0)^77 (-u_k+(u_k^2+74.28))/9.8 =
> 9.48 sec
> Where
> u_k=(32+k)/(33+k) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+74.28) ;/ u_0=0
> "Seismic Waves Generated By Aircraft Impacts and Building Collapses at
> World Trade Center ",
> This function returns the gravitational field strength in SI units.
>> g :: Double
>> g = 9.8

> This function calculates the total time for a top-down demolition.
> Parameters:
> _H - the total height of building
> _N - the number of floors in building
> _J - the floor number which initiated the top-down cascade (the 0'th
> floor being the ground floor)
>> cascadeTime :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
>> cascadeTime _H _N _J = sum [ (- (u k) + sqrt( (u k)^2 + 2*g*h))/g |
>> k<-[0..n]]
>> where
>> j = _N - _J
>> n = _N - j
>> h = _H/_N
>> u 0 = 0
>> u k = (j + k - 1)/(j + k) * sqrt( (u (k-1))^2 +
>> 2*g*h )

> Simulates a top-down demolition of WTC 1 in SI units.
>> wtc1 :: Double
>> wtc1 = cascadeTime 417 110 93

> Simulates a top-down demolition of WTC 2 in SI units.
>> wtc2 :: Double
>> wtc2 = cascadeTime 417 110 77


  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.russian.z1,alt.politics.bush,dk.politik
No Name
Posts: n/a
Default WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition

Hey, when you have Bill Maher and Bill Clinton, neither Bush lovers by any
stretch ot the imagination, coming straight out and saying 9/11 was a
legitimate terrorist attack, I tend to take the situation at face value and
figure these conspiracy theorists for the nutjobs that they are.
> wrote in message
> WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition
> By Herman Schoenfeld
> In this article we show that "top-down" controlled demolition
> accurately accounts for the collapse times of the World Trade Center
> towers. A top-down controlled demolition can be simply characterized
> as a "pancake collapse" of a building missing its support columns.
> This demolition profile requires that the support columns holding a
> floor be destroyed just before that floor is collided with by the
> upper falling masses. The net effect is a pancake-style collapse at
> near free fall speed.
> This model predicts a WTC 1 collapse time of 11.38 seconds, and a WTC
> 2 collapse time of 9.48 seconds. Those times accurately match the
> seismographic data of those events.1 Refer to equations (1.9) and
> (1.10) for details.
> It should be noted that this model differs massively from the "natural
> pancake collapse" in that the geometrical composition of the structure
> is not considered (as it is physically destroyed). A natural pancake
> collapse features a diminishing velocity rapidly approaching rest due
> the resistance offered by the columns and surrounding "steel mesh".
> A top-down controlled demolition of a building is considered as
> follows
> 1. An initial block of j floors commences to free fall.
> 2. The floor below the collapsing block has its support structures
> disabled just prior the collision with the block.
> 3. The collapsing block merges with the momentarily levitating floor,
> increases in mass, decreases in velocity (but preserves momentum), and
> continues to free fall.
> 4. If not at ground floor, goto step 2.
> Let j be the number of floors in the initial set of collapsing floors.
> Let N be the number of remaining floors to collapse.
> Let h be the average floor height.
> Let g be the gravitational field strength at ground-level.
> Let T be the total collapse time.
> Using the elementary motion equation
> distance = (initial velocity) * time + 1/2 * acceleration * time^2
> We solve for the time taken by the k'th floor to free fall the height
> of one floor
> [1.1] t_k=(-u_k+(u_k^2+2gh))/g
> where u_k is the initial velocity of the k'th collapsing floor.
> The total collapse time is the sum of the N individual free fall times
> [1.2] T = sum(k=0)^N (-u_k+(u_k^2+2gh))/g
> Now the mass of the k'th floor at the point of collapse is the mass of
> itself (m) plus the mass of all the floors collapsed before it (k-1)m
> plus the mass on the initial collapsing block jm.
> [1.3] m_k=m+(k-1)m+jm =(j+k)m
> If we let u_k denote the initial velocity of the k'th collapsing
> floor, the final velocity reached by that floor prior to collision
> with its below floor is
> [1.4] v_k=SQRT(u_k^2+2gh)
> which follows from the elementary equation of motion
> (final velocity)^2 = (initial velocity)^2 + 2 * (acceleration) *
> (distance)
> Conservation of momentum demands that the initial momentum of the k'th
> floor equal the final momemtum of the (k-1)'th floor.
> [1.5] m_k u_k = m_(k-1) v_(k-1)
> Substituting (1.3) and (1.4) into (1.5)
> [1.6] (j + k)m u_k= (j + k - 1)m SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+ 2gh)
> Solving for the initial velocity u_k
> [1.7] u_k=(j + k - 1)/(j + k) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+2gh)
> Which is a recurrence equation with base value
> [1.8] u_0=0
> The WTC towers were 417 meters tall and had 110 floors. Tower 1 began
> collapsing on the 93rd floor. Making substitutions N=93, j=17 , g=9.8
> into (1.2) and (1.7) gives
> [1.9] WTC 1 Collapse Time = sum(k=0)^93 (-u_k+(u_k^2+74.28))/9.8 =
> 11.38 sec
> where
> u_k=(16+ k)/(17+ k ) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+74.28) ;/ u_0=0
> Tower 2 began collapsing on the 77th floor. Making substitutions N=77,
> j=33 , g=9.8 into (1.2) and (1.7) gives
> [1.10] WTC 2 Collapse Time =sum(k=0)^77 (-u_k+(u_k^2+74.28))/9.8 =
> 9.48 sec
> Where
> u_k=(32+k)/(33+k) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+74.28) ;/ u_0=0
> "Seismic Waves Generated By Aircraft Impacts and Building Collapses at
> World Trade Center ",
> This function returns the gravitational field strength in SI units.
>> g :: Double
>> g = 9.8

> This function calculates the total time for a top-down demolition.
> Parameters:
> _H - the total height of building
> _N - the number of floors in building
> _J - the floor number which initiated the top-down cascade (the 0'th
> floor being the ground floor)
>> cascadeTime :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
>> cascadeTime _H _N _J = sum [ (- (u k) + sqrt( (u k)^2 + 2*g*h))/g |
>> k<-[0..n]]
>> where
>> j = _N - _J
>> n = _N - j
>> h = _H/_N
>> u 0 = 0
>> u k = (j + k - 1)/(j + k) * sqrt( (u (k-1))^2 +
>> 2*g*h )

> Simulates a top-down demolition of WTC 1 in SI units.
>> wtc1 :: Double
>> wtc1 = cascadeTime 417 110 93

> Simulates a top-down demolition of WTC 2 in SI units.
>> wtc2 :: Double
>> wtc2 = cascadeTime 417 110 77


  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.russian.z1,alt.politics.bush,dk.politik
external usenet poster
Posts: 5
Default WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition

On Nov 7, 5:11 am, wrote:
> WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition
> By Herman Schoenfeld
> In this article we show that "top-down" controlled demolition
> accurately accounts for the collapse times of the World Trade Center
> towers. A top-down controlled demolition can be simply characterized
> as a "pancake collapse" of a building missing its support columns.
> This demolition profile requires that the support columns holding a
> floor be destroyed just before that floor is collided with by the
> upper falling masses. The net effect is a pancake-style collapse at
> near free fall speed.
> This model predicts a WTC 1 collapse time of 11.38 seconds, and a WTC
> 2 collapse time of 9.48 seconds. Those times accurately match the
> seismographic data of those events.1 Refer to equations (1.9) and
> (1.10) for details.
> It should be noted that this model differs massively from the "natural
> pancake collapse" in that the geometrical composition of the structure
> is not considered (as it is physically destroyed). A natural pancake
> collapse features a diminishing velocity rapidly approaching rest due
> the resistance offered by the columns and surrounding "steel mesh".
> A top-down controlled demolition of a building is considered as
> follows
> 1. An initial block of j floors commences to free fall.
> 2. The floor below the collapsing block has its support structures
> disabled just prior the collision with the block.
> 3. The collapsing block merges with the momentarily levitating floor,
> increases in mass, decreases in velocity (but preserves momentum), and
> continues to free fall.
> 4. If not at ground floor, goto step 2.
> Let j be the number of floors in the initial set of collapsing floors.
> Let N be the number of remaining floors to collapse.
> Let h be the average floor height.
> Let g be the gravitational field strength at ground-level.
> Let T be the total collapse time.
> Using the elementary motion equation
> distance = (initial velocity) * time + 1/2 * acceleration * time^2
> We solve for the time taken by the k'th floor to free fall the height
> of one floor
> [1.1] t_k=(-u_k+(u_k^2+2gh))/g
> where u_k is the initial velocity of the k'th collapsing floor.
> The total collapse time is the sum of the N individual free fall times
> [1.2] T = sum(k=0)^N (-u_k+(u_k^2+2gh))/g
> Now the mass of the k'th floor at the point of collapse is the mass of
> itself (m) plus the mass of all the floors collapsed before it (k-1)m
> plus the mass on the initial collapsing block jm.
> [1.3] m_k=m+(k-1)m+jm =(j+k)m
> If we let u_k denote the initial velocity of the k'th collapsing
> floor, the final velocity reached by that floor prior to collision
> with its below floor is
> [1.4] v_k=SQRT(u_k^2+2gh)
> which follows from the elementary equation of motion
> (final velocity)^2 = (initial velocity)^2 + 2 * (acceleration) *
> (distance)
> Conservation of momentum demands that the initial momentum of the k'th
> floor equal the final momemtum of the (k-1)'th floor.
> [1.5] m_k u_k = m_(k-1) v_(k-1)
> Substituting (1.3) and (1.4) into (1.5)
> [1.6] (j + k)m u_k= (j + k - 1)m SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+ 2gh)
> Solving for the initial velocity u_k
> [1.7] u_k=(j + k - 1)/(j + k) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+2gh)
> Which is a recurrence equation with base value
> [1.8] u_0=0
> The WTC towers were 417 meters tall and had 110 floors. Tower 1 began
> collapsing on the 93rd floor. Making substitutions N=93, j=17 , g=9.8
> into (1.2) and (1.7) gives
> [1.9] WTC 1 Collapse Time = sum(k=0)^93 (-u_k+(u_k^2+74.28))/9.8 =
> 11.38 sec
> where
> u_k=(16+ k)/(17+ k ) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+74.28) ;/ u_0=0
> Tower 2 began collapsing on the 77th floor. Making substitutions N=77,
> j=33 , g=9.8 into (1.2) and (1.7) gives
> [1.10] WTC 2 Collapse Time =sum(k=0)^77 (-u_k+(u_k^2+74.28))/9.8 =
> 9.48 sec
> Where
> u_k=(32+k)/(33+k) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+74.28) ;/ u_0=0
> "Seismic Waves Generated By Aircraft Impacts and Building Collapses at
> World Trade Center ",
> This function returns the gravitational field strength in SI units.
> > g :: Double
> > g = 9.8

> This function calculates the total time for a top-down demolition.
> Parameters:
> _H - the total height of building
> _N - the number of floors in building
> _J - the floor number which initiated the top-down cascade (the 0'th
> floor being the ground floor)
> > cascadeTime :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
> > cascadeTime _H _N _J = sum [ (- (u k) + sqrt( (u k)^2 + 2*g*h))/g | k<-[0..n]]
> > where
> > j = _N - _J
> > n = _N - j
> > h = _H/_N
> > u 0 = 0
> > u k = (j + k - 1)/(j + k) * sqrt( (u (k-1))^2 + 2*g*h )

> Simulates a top-down demolition of WTC 1 in SI units.
> > wtc1 :: Double
> > wtc1 = cascadeTime 417 110 93

> Simulates a top-down demolition of WTC 2 in SI units.
> > wtc2 :: Double
> > wtc2 = cascadeTime 417 110 77

Dude, what you are hinting at is an absolute act of pure evil. If
this ever come true I will know the antichrist is alive and among us
right now. This would be the gate to beat all gates. Beware of
wolves in sheep's clothing Ever see that movie Skull about some
elitist secret group.
They do whatever it takes to get ahead.


  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.russian.z1,alt.politics.bush,dk.politik
external usenet poster
Posts: 12
Default WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition

In article . com>,
> wrote:
>WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition
>By Herman Schoenfeld
>In this article we show that "top-down" controlled demolition
>accurately accounts for the collapse times of the World Trade Center
>towers. A top-down controlled demolition can be simply characterized


To the extent that times in his model are correct and match reality,
it doesn't prove that it is the ONLY model or explanation for the way
that a tower fell. It also doesn't address WTC7 which collapsed under
completely different circumstances. We have ZERO demolition experts
that claim that explosives were used at WTC1 and 2 and several that
are on record as saying that WTC1 and 2 WERE NOT done by demolition.

I can't find that Schoenfeld has published this anywhere so that other
people with relevant expertise can fact-check the data and work
through the logic.

Anyone that hasn't seen WTC's Ground Zero in NYC and the "Truth
Movement" kooks that hang out there should look at the first three
videos. The others should be required viewing by anyone that has an
opinion about 9/11 and WTC or has never been to NYC.

Ground Zero 911 Conspiracy Wars by Ray Rivera

The Ground Zeros by Mark Roberts

WTC Ground Zero 9/11/2007 Sad.

Les Jamieson and others of disparages the FDNY

How famous Truth Movement people repond to unfortunate truths that
show them for what they are

The Naudet Film about 9/11 at WTC

Marks's collapse video

"The 9 - 11 Conspiracies - Fact or Fiction"

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.russian.z1,alt.politics.bush,dk.politik
external usenet poster
Posts: 7
Default The reality of Sept. 11 WAS WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition

On Nov 7, 8:54 am, (Al Dykes) wrote:
> In article . com>,
> > wrote:
> >WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition
> >By Herman Schoenfeld

> >In this article we show that "top-down" controlled demolition
> >accurately accounts for the collapse times of the World Trade Center
> >towers. A top-down controlled demolition can be simply characterized

Dude. The reason they collapsed from the top down is the parts hit by
the planes was the weak area. When that area failed in each main
tower, the weight from the floors above collapsed onto the floors
before. This process went from floor to floor all the way down and the
buildings basically telescoped. It wasn't a "controlled demolition."
There is no way those buildings could have been rigged for one without
any of the thousands of people working there knowing or without
removing a lot of material first. (Ask a person who does real
demolition work sometime about how much it takes to really prepare a
structure to be demolished. Someone who was in on one of the Vegas or
Atlantic City Hotel/Casino projects should do.) There was no way the
towers were rigged to be demolished, they collapsed beacuse of fire
and structural damage weakening them to the point where sections
failed and the weight of floors above "telescoped" them. A similar
effect happened in Atlantic City NJ a couple years back when a parking
garage was being built and concrete was not allowed to set right. One
section was weakened and when stress and weight of the floors above
reached too high a level it all came down. In the WTC towers, impact
damage and the weakening effect of high temperature fires were the

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 4,983
Default WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition

On Wed, 07 Nov 2007 13:52:32 GMT, "Vilco" > wrote:

>> It should be noted that this model differs massively from the "natural
>> pancake collapse" in that the geometrical composition of the structure
>> is not considered (as it is physically destroyed).

>This must be from a comic actor, it clearly translates as: "since these
>towers ended up destroyed, we can avoid considering all what could make our
>bullshit too complicated even for us".

i don't have enough time to keep up with administration atrocities
committed in plain sight, let alone to chase conspiracy theories.

your pal,
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition

Here's what gets me about what the conspiracy kooks are saying:

1. Rosie O' Donnel, for one, says steel doesn't melt. Total hogwash.
EVERYTHING has a point at where it goes from solid to non-solid. How do
these wack jobs explain how steel is made? I assume they haven't consulted
their contacts in Pittsburgh.

2. This is where the people that are talking about building 7 are leaving
out: it didn't go down until after 5'O CLOCK IN THE EVENING. That's about 8
hours after the planes hit. 8 hours to cook in all that heat and melt all
that steel in the support structure.
"Al Dykes" > wrote in message
> In article . com>,
> > wrote:
>>WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition
>>By Herman Schoenfeld
>>In this article we show that "top-down" controlled demolition
>>accurately accounts for the collapse times of the World Trade Center
>>towers. A top-down controlled demolition can be simply characterized

> See:
> <>
> To the extent that times in his model are correct and match reality,
> it doesn't prove that it is the ONLY model or explanation for the way
> that a tower fell. It also doesn't address WTC7 which collapsed under
> completely different circumstances. We have ZERO demolition experts
> that claim that explosives were used at WTC1 and 2 and several that
> are on record as saying that WTC1 and 2 WERE NOT done by demolition.
> I can't find that Schoenfeld has published this anywhere so that other
> people with relevant expertise can fact-check the data and work
> through the logic.
> --
> Anyone that hasn't seen WTC's Ground Zero in NYC and the "Truth
> Movement" kooks that hang out there should look at the first three
> videos. The others should be required viewing by anyone that has an
> opinion about 9/11 and WTC or has never been to NYC.
> Ground Zero 911 Conspiracy Wars by Ray Rivera
> The Ground Zeros by Mark Roberts
> WTC Ground Zero 9/11/2007 Sad.
> Les Jamieson and others of disparages the FDNY
> How famous Truth Movement people repond to unfortunate truths that
> show them for what they are
> The Naudet Film about 9/11 at WTC
> Marks's collapse video
> "The 9 - 11 Conspiracies - Fact or Fiction"

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,alt.politics.bush,dk.politik
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,622
Default WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition

Roedy Green wrote:

Chicken Oliver


1/4 cup butter or margarine
6 (6 ounce) boned, skinned chicken breast halves
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary
1 1/2 teaspoons minced fresh garlic
1 cup pitted ripe olives, drained
1 cup pimiento-stuffed green olives, drained
1/2 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced
1 cup frozen pearl onions, thawed and drained
1 cup chicken stock or canned low-salt broth
3 medium potatoes - peeled and cubed
1 (16 ounce) package frozen green peas, thawed and drained
1/4 cup dry white wine
salt and pepper to taste


Melt butter in a large skillet over medium high heat. Cook chicken breasts,
turning occasionally and reducing heat when necessary, 5 minutes per side,
or until no longer pink in center and juices run clear.
Add thyme, rosemary, garlic, black and green olives, mushrooms, pearl
onions, and chicken stock to the skillet. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes,
or until chicken is to desired tenderness. Stir in potatoes, peas, and wine.
Cover and continue simmering another 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, or
until potatoes are tender. Season to taste with salt and pepper, and serve.


  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.russian.z1,alt.politics.bush,dk.politik
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Posts: 41
Default WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition

On Nov 7, 4:11 am, wrote:
> WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition
> By Herman Schoenfeld
> In this article we show that "top-down" controlled demolition
> accurately accounts for the collapse times of the World Trade Center
> towers. A top-down controlled demolition can be simply characterized
> as a "pancake collapse" of a building missing its support columns.
> This demolition profile requires that the support columns holding a
> floor be destroyed just before that floor is collided with by the
> upper falling masses. The net effect is a pancake-style collapse at
> near free fall speed.
> This model predicts a WTC 1 collapse time of 11.38 seconds, and a WTC
> 2 collapse time of 9.48 seconds. Those times accurately match the
> seismographic data of those events.1 Refer to equations (1.9) and
> (1.10) for details.
> It should be noted that this model differs massively from the "natural
> pancake collapse" in that the geometrical composition of the structure
> is not considered (as it is physically destroyed). A natural pancake
> collapse features a diminishing velocity rapidly approaching rest due
> the resistance offered by the columns and surrounding "steel mesh".
> A top-down controlled demolition of a building is considered as
> follows
> 1. An initial block of j floors commences to free fall.
> 2. The floor below the collapsing block has its support structures
> disabled just prior the collision with the block.
> 3. The collapsing block merges with the momentarily levitating floor,
> increases in mass, decreases in velocity (but preserves momentum), and
> continues to free fall.
> 4. If not at ground floor, goto step 2.
> Let j be the number of floors in the initial set of collapsing floors.
> Let N be the number of remaining floors to collapse.
> Let h be the average floor height.
> Let g be the gravitational field strength at ground-level.
> Let T be the total collapse time.
> Using the elementary motion equation
> distance = (initial velocity) * time + 1/2 * acceleration * time^2
> We solve for the time taken by the k'th floor to free fall the height
> of one floor
> [1.1] t_k=(-u_k+(u_k^2+2gh))/g
> where u_k is the initial velocity of the k'th collapsing floor.
> The total collapse time is the sum of the N individual free fall times
> [1.2] T = sum(k=0)^N (-u_k+(u_k^2+2gh))/g
> Now the mass of the k'th floor at the point of collapse is the mass of
> itself (m) plus the mass of all the floors collapsed before it (k-1)m
> plus the mass on the initial collapsing block jm.
> [1.3] m_k=m+(k-1)m+jm =(j+k)m
> If we let u_k denote the initial velocity of the k'th collapsing
> floor, the final velocity reached by that floor prior to collision
> with its below floor is
> [1.4] v_k=SQRT(u_k^2+2gh)
> which follows from the elementary equation of motion
> (final velocity)^2 = (initial velocity)^2 + 2 * (acceleration) *
> (distance)
> Conservation of momentum demands that the initial momentum of the k'th
> floor equal the final momemtum of the (k-1)'th floor.
> [1.5] m_k u_k = m_(k-1) v_(k-1)
> Substituting (1.3) and (1.4) into (1.5)
> [1.6] (j + k)m u_k= (j + k - 1)m SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+ 2gh)
> Solving for the initial velocity u_k
> [1.7] u_k=(j + k - 1)/(j + k) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+2gh)
> Which is a recurrence equation with base value
> [1.8] u_0=0
> The WTC towers were 417 meters tall and had 110 floors. Tower 1 began
> collapsing on the 93rd floor. Making substitutions N=93, j=17 , g=9.8
> into (1.2) and (1.7) gives
> [1.9] WTC 1 Collapse Time = sum(k=0)^93 (-u_k+(u_k^2+74.28))/9.8 =
> 11.38 sec
> where
> u_k=(16+ k)/(17+ k ) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+74.28) ;/ u_0=0
> Tower 2 began collapsing on the 77th floor. Making substitutions N=77,
> j=33 , g=9.8 into (1.2) and (1.7) gives
> [1.10] WTC 2 Collapse Time =sum(k=0)^77 (-u_k+(u_k^2+74.28))/9.8 =
> 9.48 sec
> Where
> u_k=(32+k)/(33+k) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+74.28) ;/ u_0=0
> "Seismic Waves Generated By Aircraft Impacts and Building Collapses at
> World Trade Center ",
> This function returns the gravitational field strength in SI units.
> > g :: Double
> > g = 9.8

> This function calculates the total time for a top-down demolition.
> Parameters:
> _H - the total height of building
> _N - the number of floors in building
> _J - the floor number which initiated the top-down cascade (the 0'th
> floor being the ground floor)
> > cascadeTime :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
> > cascadeTime _H _N _J = sum [ (- (u k) + sqrt( (u k)^2 + 2*g*h))/g | k<-[0..n]]
> > where
> > j = _N - _J
> > n = _N - j
> > h = _H/_N
> > u 0 = 0
> > u k = (j + k - 1)/(j + k) * sqrt( (u (k-1))^2 + 2*g*h )

> Simulates a top-down demolition of WTC 1 in SI units.
> > wtc1 :: Double
> > wtc1 = cascadeTime 417 110 93

> Simulates a top-down demolition of WTC 2 in SI units.
> > wtc2 :: Double
> > wtc2 = cascadeTime 417 110 77- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Yep, I'm sure two huge planes filled with fuel had nothing to do with
it. How stupid.

  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.russian.z1,alt.politics.bush,dk.politik
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition

In article . com>,
trijcomm > wrote:

> On Nov 7, 4:11 am, wrote:
> > WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition
> > By Herman Schoenfeld
> >
> > In this article we show that "top-down" controlled demolition
> > accurately accounts for the collapse times of the World Trade Center
> > towers. A top-down controlled demolition can be simply characterized
> > as a "pancake collapse" of a building missing its support columns.
> > This demolition profile requires that the support columns holding a
> > floor be destroyed just before that floor is collided with by the
> > upper falling masses. The net effect is a pancake-style collapse at
> > near free fall speed.
> >
> > This model predicts a WTC 1 collapse time of 11.38 seconds, and a WTC
> > 2 collapse time of 9.48 seconds. Those times accurately match the
> > seismographic data of those events.1 Refer to equations (1.9) and
> > (1.10) for details.
> >
> > It should be noted that this model differs massively from the "natural
> > pancake collapse" in that the geometrical composition of the structure
> > is not considered (as it is physically destroyed). A natural pancake
> > collapse features a diminishing velocity rapidly approaching rest due
> > the resistance offered by the columns and surrounding "steel mesh".
> >
> >
> > A top-down controlled demolition of a building is considered as
> > follows
> >
> > 1. An initial block of j floors commences to free fall.
> >
> > 2. The floor below the collapsing block has its support structures
> > disabled just prior the collision with the block.
> >
> > 3. The collapsing block merges with the momentarily levitating
> > floor,
> > increases in mass, decreases in velocity (but preserves momentum), and
> > continues to free fall.
> >
> > 4. If not at ground floor, goto step 2.
> >
> > Let j be the number of floors in the initial set of collapsing floors.
> > Let N be the number of remaining floors to collapse.
> > Let h be the average floor height.
> > Let g be the gravitational field strength at ground-level.
> > Let T be the total collapse time.
> >
> > Using the elementary motion equation
> >
> > distance = (initial velocity) * time + 1/2 * acceleration * time^2
> >
> > We solve for the time taken by the k'th floor to free fall the height
> > of one floor
> >
> > [1.1] t_k=(-u_k+(u_k^2+2gh))/g
> >
> > where u_k is the initial velocity of the k'th collapsing floor.
> >
> > The total collapse time is the sum of the N individual free fall times
> >
> > [1.2] T = sum(k=0)^N (-u_k+(u_k^2+2gh))/g
> >
> > Now the mass of the k'th floor at the point of collapse is the mass of
> > itself (m) plus the mass of all the floors collapsed before it (k-1)m
> > plus the mass on the initial collapsing block jm.
> >
> > [1.3] m_k=m+(k-1)m+jm =(j+k)m
> >
> > If we let u_k denote the initial velocity of the k'th collapsing
> > floor, the final velocity reached by that floor prior to collision
> > with its below floor is
> >
> > [1.4] v_k=SQRT(u_k^2+2gh)
> >
> > which follows from the elementary equation of motion
> >
> > (final velocity)^2 = (initial velocity)^2 + 2 * (acceleration) *
> > (distance)
> >
> > Conservation of momentum demands that the initial momentum of the k'th
> > floor equal the final momemtum of the (k-1)'th floor.
> >
> > [1.5] m_k u_k = m_(k-1) v_(k-1)
> >
> > Substituting (1.3) and (1.4) into (1.5)
> > [1.6] (j + k)m u_k= (j + k - 1)m SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+ 2gh)
> >
> > Solving for the initial velocity u_k
> >
> > [1.7] u_k=(j + k - 1)/(j + k) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+2gh)
> >
> > Which is a recurrence equation with base value
> >
> > [1.8] u_0=0
> >
> > The WTC towers were 417 meters tall and had 110 floors. Tower 1 began
> > collapsing on the 93rd floor. Making substitutions N=93, j=17 , g=9.8
> > into (1.2) and (1.7) gives
> >
> > [1.9] WTC 1 Collapse Time = sum(k=0)^93 (-u_k+(u_k^2+74.28))/9.8
> > =
> > 11.38 sec
> > where
> > u_k=(16+ k)/(17+ k ) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+74.28) ;/
> > u_0=0
> >
> > Tower 2 began collapsing on the 77th floor. Making substitutions N=77,
> > j=33 , g=9.8 into (1.2) and (1.7) gives
> >
> > [1.10] WTC 2 Collapse Time =sum(k=0)^77 (-u_k+(u_k^2+74.28))/9.8 =
> > 9.48 sec
> > Where
> > u_k=(32+k)/(33+k) SQRT(u_(k-1)^2+74.28) ;/
> > u_0=0
> >
> >
> > "Seismic Waves Generated By Aircraft Impacts and Building Collapses at
> > World Trade Center
> > ",
> >
> >
> > This function returns the gravitational field strength in SI units.
> >
> > > g :: Double
> > > g = 9.8

> >
> > This function calculates the total time for a top-down demolition.
> > Parameters:
> > _H - the total height of building
> > _N - the number of floors in building
> > _J - the floor number which initiated the top-down cascade (the 0'th
> > floor being the ground floor)
> >
> > > cascadeTime :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
> > > cascadeTime _H _N _J = sum [ (- (u k) + sqrt( (u k)^2 + 2*g*h))/g |
> > > k<-[0..n]]
> > > where
> > > j = _N - _J
> > > n = _N - j
> > > h = _H/_N
> > > u 0 = 0
> > > u k = (j + k - 1)/(j + k) * sqrt( (u (k-1))^2 +
> > > 2*g*h )

> >
> > Simulates a top-down demolition of WTC 1 in SI units.
> >
> > > wtc1 :: Double
> > > wtc1 = cascadeTime 417 110 93

> >
> > Simulates a top-down demolition of WTC 2 in SI units.
> >
> >
> >
> > > wtc2 :: Double
> > > wtc2 = cascadeTime 417 110 77- Hide quoted text -

> >
> > - Show quoted text -

> Yep, I'm sure two huge planes filled with fuel had nothing to do with
> it. How stupid.

Millions of us saw airliners used as missles... not lazers or holograms.
It goes to show you how the 'unbelievableness' of the Inevitable Event
goes around and around in our collective unconscious.

The REAL CONSPIRACY is in the botched 'intelligence' and the botched
'response' to that Inevitable Event, not to mention any names. (snicker)

Coffee in Chi-Na
  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.russian.z1,alt.politics.bush,dk.politik
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Posts: 3
Default WTC Towers: The Case For Controlled Demolition

> Dude, what you are hinting at is an absolute act of pure evil. If
> this ever come true I will know the antichrist is alive and among us
> right now. This would be the gate to beat all gates. Beware of
> wolves in sheep's clothing Ever see that movie Skull about some
> elitist secret group.
> They do whatever it takes to get ahead.

9/11 is insignificant compared to

[1] Global child sex-slavery rings (see the Franklin Coverup by John
Decamp) and all the black-mailed politicians, media, academia elites
ensnared by it. Rumsfeld even admitted to the Dyncorp child-trafficing
ring when questioned about it, no one seemed to care.

[2] The genocide of Africa the W.H.O and other eugenics organizations
are committing. You know this phenomenon as "AIDS" and believe it was
caused by "blacks having sex with monkeys". Turns out it's a race-
specific bioweapon used by the Anglo-American and Zionist crime
syndicate to conquer Africa I believe it was designed by Zionists and
South Africans during Apartheid-era. South Africaan secret funding was
revealed relating to race specific-bioweapons targeting blacks around
that time. The Zionists had a very close relationship with South
Africa at that time - that was where Israel built some of and tested
their initial set of Nuclear weapons.

[3] The plan for the future. A 90% world population reduction. Having
herded the sheep into compact cities, the first phase of the "Final
Revolution" small-scale and localized releases of race specific
bioweapons. 10's of thousands perish, the crime syndicate blame their
enemies, justify police state and ensuing marshial law from which
there is no escape. New round of bioweapons are released wiping out
millions. Then the final phase is an all out bioweapon and millitary
assault wiping out billions of totally weaked and hopeless sheep. The
New Wold Order is thus established.

The wrote about this stuff almost 100 years ago. You should read about
Eric Arthur Blair, and Aldous Huxley (and his brother).

PS: don't be fooled by notions of an "antichrist" or a "saviour".
Those are more deceptions created, long ago, to enslave the befuddled

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