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  #81 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Dan Abel" wrote

>> Oh side diatribe, I miss cheap Kobe beef. Cheap as in relative to
>> stateside.

> Kobe beef in the US is a ripoff. These animals are raised in the US.
> They are shipped to Japan, finished off and butchered. Some of the meat
> is then shipped back to the US.

Wouldnt suprrise me at all!

  #82 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Ms P" wrote
"Cshenk" wrote in message

>> My 'secret' as such is to not use many pre-processed things like
>> hamburger helper etc. Instead, I learned to cook from basic things. I
>> dont get pre-peeled carrots and silly stuff like that. Instead I get
>> jicama and limes and all sorts of stuff. Generally 75% of my cart is
>> loaded with fresh veggies of the season and basic staples like flour,
>> beans, rice, meats. The other 25% varies with toilet paper and such
>> other things we all need plus a few convinece foods like frozen burritos
>> or canned soups.

> He's been exactly the same obnoxious know-it-all since I started reading
> this group 8 years ago. I ignore him.

Normally I do too but he was telling untruths to someone overseas who
wouldnt know better.

> When I started cooking processed foods were expensive compared to scratch
> cooking. Since we were poor most of the time I scratch cooked. I still
> scratch cook most of the time because it's both better and tons cheaper.

I know times were tight the first 2 years after getting our house. Its ok
now but repairs after renters have me have to be careful as money recoups
back up. Had to lay out 10,000$ in repair moneys for various damages (even
with DIY had that much bills). So, keeping an eye on expenses for a bit.
Not just food, just careful to be reasonable in shopping.

  #83 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Sheldon" > wrote in message

The ****ing mind reader knows where I get all my food... why don't you
make another attack, LOSER... show the entire world what a ****ing
moron you are. I'm only 2 1/2 hours from NYC, I have friends and
relatives who visit often and they fill my shopping list with the best
foods NYC has to offer... Just last weekend I was brought among other
items three dozen bagels from Port Washington's Bagel Boss, too many,
had to freeze most, unfortunately, but even when frozen they are much
better than any I can get around the capital district. Soon as ski
season gets rolling I'll have guests from NYC most every weekend, I'll
have more fancy viands then I'll know what to do with... It's snowing
pretty heavy right now, I bet Windham will be open this weekend.

And pea brained JSB still hasn't figured out that anyone with access
to the internet can find out the prices at most any supermarket on the
planet, and at many other types of food emporiums. I even buy a lot
of food on line. I still read NY Newsday on line every day, and all
the NYC food ads are right there. JSB, you lose one more IQ point
(drop below 50) and they will incarcerate you in a high security
sanitarium for the mentally deficient... really, padded cell. straight
jacket, anal plug... you think they will tolerate all your shit like
you dump here... it ain't even funny how dumb you are, see me joking.

I moved from NY (Staten Island) to WA state (near Seattle) and for the most
part, our food prices are about the same. I could get some really cheap
produce (only certain things) at Family Fruit from time to time. But I
could never count on that. Going there was often out of my way and I never
knew when they would have the good prices or if the product would be fresh.
One thing I noticed about NY was the produce was quite often not even
remotely fresh. I found the freshest stuff at the Army commissary in
Brooklyn, if I went there on Friday before they began to sell out. Oddly,
we moved there from CA. Produce that was expensive in CA, was what was
cheap in NY and it would be labeled "grown in CA".

We do seem to have a much larger variety of foods available to us here in WA
than we did on Staten Island. Could just be because so much of the
population there was Italian. You could get a LOT of Italian food, but
other stuff was not so common. I can recall going to the store for a
certain type of non-Italian cheese, only to discover that they were sold
out. Here, I can go to Central Market where they have a cheese counter with
several brands of what I am looking for.

I also have a choice of a lot of different stores within about a 2 mile
radius. There, I had the choice of Waldbaums, a few mom and pop type places
(overpriced and little in the way of selection) and the paltry few aisles at
the little convenience store on Fort Wadworth where we lived. If I wanted
anything else, I had to drive quite a piece to get there. You have to
factor in the price of gas and also tolls as in the case of going to

  #84 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Sheldon" > wrote in message
On Dec 7, 4:20?pm, Cindy Hamilton
>?I probably eat for $7 per day quite frequently. ?But I
> probably weigh more than you and all your cats put together.

Perhaps you need to learn how to cook with more imagination and choose
more healthful foods... but still it's very difficult to eat properly
on $7 a day as a steady diet. Sure you can fill your tank, $7 buys a
lot of starchy fatty foods but very little fresh produce and lean meats

Her foods seemed pretty healthy to me, except maybe for the Cheerios. But
she could have eaten far worse!

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"Goomba38" > wrote in message

> Can we not stoop to the name calling level, please? Disagree to your
> hearts content but debate with him over what he says, not just that he
> said it.
> Commissaries are a great benefit of military service and we swear by 'em.
> What my family does is hit the commissary at least twice a month, then get
> the random or sale stuff locally. We get a lot of our meat at Sam's Club
> as they really have some great meat. I'm all atwitter to hear that we're
> getting a Costco next year and I'm told I'll love their produce and meat
> more.

Some commissaries are better than others. Here, it doesn't pay for me to go
there more than maybe once or twice a year. It's not all that close to
where I live and I have to factor in gas.

We also have food allergies so it severely limits what we can buy there.
For instance, they do not have one kind of rice noodle. Most of the grocery
stores around me have at least one brand I can buy. They do not stock any
kind of gluten free mixes. Or they didn't last time I went there.

The main things I buy there are cereals (can get a few mainstream that are
gluten free), fruit snacks for the kid, juice, meat and some produce. They
have a very small organic section.

I've been to some commissaries that didn't seem to have good produce no
matter what day of the week I went and others that didn't have good meat.

Then there's also the time factor. A couple of times at two different
commissaries (but both in the same state), I had to stand in line for over 2
hours as the line snaked around the store. I once had some frozen food in
my cart that was anything but frozen by the time I got it home.

I also have to bring a cooler with blue ice in it to pack things the
perishables in so they don't spoil before I can get them here. That limits
the amount I can buy. And pretty much prevents me from buying frozen stuff

When I lived on Otis, (Cape Cod), the store was very convenient, but small
and had less selection than most. They also limited the amount you could
buy of any one item to three. That meant very frequent trips to the store.
At least I didn't have to drive far. But they pretty much stocked the place
only once a week, so that was a pain. I always felt like I was shopping in
some third world country when I went in there.

  #86 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"James Silverton" > wrote in message
> Christine wrote on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:14:48 -0700:
> ??>> Depends on the apple! Quite a lot can weigh a pound each.
> ??>> Some varieties seem to have increased in size over the
> ??>> years which is a pity since I think a bite of apple tastes
> ??>> best if it includes some skin. Fujis are among the best
> ??>> tasting apples, IMHO, but the stores seem to be selling
> ??>> monsters at the moment :-(
> CD> These were just an average sized apple. I got several per
> CD> pound.
> CD> Oh, and I some lovely pears for about $0.88/pound this week
> CD> as well. I am thinking of making those into pear sauce, to
> CD> accompany the latkes I am making sometime this weekend.
> Pears always seem a chancy thing to me. Unless you get them from expensive
> places like Harry and David you can't buy them ready to eat and they seem
> to go thro' the best point when I am looking the other way. The only safe
> thing is to buy Seckel pears which are delicious even when quite firm but
> they don't seem to be cheap :-(

I've gotten Harry and David pears a few times and they were always rotten.
I have two pear trees. I am lucky. Except that husband did a hack job on
the Bartlett. Nothing to can this last season.

  #87 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Ms P" > wrote in message
> "Cshenk" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Just because you do not know how to eat well for less than 100$ a week
>> for one person, doesnt make that an average. Most of us are more savvy.

> I would say that most of us can feed two people for less than 100$ a week.
> He thinks it's some kind of brag to spend that much on groceries.
> Sometimes we eat real cheap just because we like it.

I *can* feed us cheaply if I have to. I usually don't though.

  #88 (permalink)   Report Post  
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cybercat wrote:
> "Sheldon" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "James Silverton" wrote:
>>> Christine wrote:
>>>>> I probably eat for $7 per day quite frequently
>>>> I eat for less than that, quite often. I have been
>>>> averaging the past few weeks, under $30/week. And I am not
>>>> eating poorly at all. I have been allotting myself
>>>> $40/week and I am having money left over each week. AND
>>>> that has been allowing for an occasional treat from Trader
>>>> Joes.
>>>> I am always astounded at the prices that Sheldon quotes for
>>>> groceries in his area. A dollar for an apple?
>>> Depends on the apple! Quite a lot can weigh a pound each. Some
>>> varieties seem to have increased in size over the years which is
>>> a pity since I think a bite of apple tastes best if it includes
>>> some skin. Fujis are among the best tasting apples, IMHO, but
>>> the stores seem to be selling monsters at the moment :-(

>> These were actually $2.19 a pound; galas, fujis, red delicious,
>> macintosh, and a few others.. each apple weighs about half a pound.
>> The granny smiths were on sale at $1.79/lb, those were quite large
>> too... I bought an assortment, a couple of each. I could have bought
>> macs or red delicious in 3 pound cello bags/$2.99... very small
>> apples and really didn't look very nice... maybe these are the ones
>> the people who don't believe are buying. I really don't give a
>> rat's B- hind... they are just proving that they don't eat very well
>> and are crying sour grapes.
>> I don't know what's unbelieveable about a dollar for one apple...
>> these are very nice picture perfect apples. There's a big difference
>> in flavor and texture, the more expensive apples are very good...
>> I've eaten those puny apples when there is nothing else, they are
>> not very good... they're tasteless, dry, and mealy and a good
>> portion is core so they are really no bargain. In fact I did buy
>> two bags of those puny macs two weeks ago, I've been tossing them
>> out with the carrots I buy for the deer. Now these are wonderful
>> carrots, product of Canada, very large, very crisp, very sweet,
>> lovely carrots... I don't know why they're so inexpensive, a 5lb bag
>> is $2.99, they were on sale for $2.49 last week so I bought four
>> bags. The 1lb bags of skinny Dole carrots are 99 cents, which
>> would you buy. I toss out four carrots each evening, the same four
>> deer show up every day at dusk, a doe with her twins (one I can now
>> tell is a boy), and another doe who is alwasy part of the group.
>> I enjoy watching those beauties munch, to me it's worth it... can't
>> do such from the grave. Hey, everyone is entitled to their own
>> priorities, I like to eat well and I like to enjoy the wildlife...
>> others spend their dollars on other entertainment, perhaps ball game
>> tickets, and gambling. I don't gamble and I've never bought a ticket
>> to a sporting event my entire life... I don't really know everything,
>> I don't know dick about ball games nor do I care... I've never
>> watched more than five minutes of a ball game on TV even though it's
>> free, a bunch of low IQ adults who didn't grow up, can barely form an
>> intelligible sentence, running around chasing a ball like ten year
>> olds doesn't interest me.

> And yet, you're still a dickhead.


  #89 (permalink)   Report Post  
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cyberpussy belched:

> "Michael "Dog3""

> wrote in message
> 6.121...
> > "cybercat" > dropped :
> > in

> >> "Michael "Dog3"" > wrote

> >>> *sigh* Never thought I'd do this. Rubymaiden, Sheldon turned me on to
> >>> grinding my own beef.

> >> So that's what he calls it.

> > What shit you talking?

> Sorry, I must have been channeling Greg Morrow for a minute.
> *who* is "obsessed" with *who* now...???


" I find Greg Morrow lowbrow, witless, and obnoxious. For him to
claim that we are some
kind of comedy team turns my stomach."
- "cybercat" to me on

  #90 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Sarah Gray" > wrote in message
> "FarmI" <ask@itshall be given> wrote in
>> "Dee.Dee" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> /#more-146
>>> No wonder I'm broke and always hungry just tryin' to stay alive!

>> You would be hungry if you eat the junk food mentioned in the article
>> as it's empty calories - people who eat a lot of junk food are
>> effectively starving themselves. But as for broke??? Are US food
>> prices really so high for nutritious food?
>> The report says that the average American spends $7/day on food and
>> that surely can't be right as it's a miniscule amount of money. I did
>> a currency converson and that is about $7.97 in my currency and, if
>> the two of us were eating meat for an evening meal, I'd spend at least
>> $10 in my currency just on the meat component of the meal.

> All the meat you eat is $16.00 a pound?

It's usually in the order of about $29/kilo.

> Maybe you should shop somewhere cheaper...

We have chosen this butcher because his meat is good. I have bought cheap
meat I but then don't like eating crappy meat. I'd rather pay for something

  #91 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Janet Baraclough" > wrote in message
> from "FarmI" <ask@itshall be given> contains these words:
>> The report says that the average American spends $7/day on food and that
>> surely can't be right as it's a miniscule amount of money. I did a
>> currency
>> converson and that is about $7.97 in my currency and, if the two of us
>> were
>> eating meat for an evening meal, I'd spend at least $10 in my currency
>> just
>> on the meat component of the meal.

> Going by the prices quoted by Americans here, the cost of their
> supermarket basic supplies are jaw-droppingly cheap compared with the
> UK, especially their meat prices.

So it would seem, but then I think US wages are also a lot lower/hour.
Boo's mum mentioned on another ng working for $6/hour. That is lower than
junior rates here.

> Take a look here for examples of UK prices in ASDA. ASDA is owned by
> Walmart, and roughly 30% cheaper than my local supermarket.

It wouldn't let me in. It didn't like my postcode - will drag out a UK mag
later and find a valid one to enter to see if It will co-operate.

  #92 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Sheldon" > wrote in message

> You can eat "decent" at $14 for two but certainly not much more than
> bare essentials... there'd be little fresh produce, not much in way of
> beverages except plain tap water, no snacks to speak, certainly no
> alcoholic beverages, and you'd need to go real easy on the cheese,
> even Velveeta ain't cheap, not much desserts (store brand jello?),
> real skimpy on herbs and spices... I can go on. Sure, you can eat
> inexpensive meat cuts but even then there wouldn't be much money left
> over for accompaniments... and stews and soups every day get old fast,
> especilaly if made low cost POW style (very juicy). Even a pound of
> balogna costs like $5.... and then you need bread, mustard and maybe
> some cheese and lettuce... where's the pickle, slaw, and beer. Yes,
> you can subsist on $7 but portions will be small and uninteresting,
> pretty much hospital/prison food.
> The last I looked decent preground mystery meat from the stupidmarket
> cost $4/lb, by the time the fat is cooked off all you'll have is two
> servings.. and you still need to add about $4 more to make it a decent
> meal... and that's only one meal, what about the rest of the day.
> $14 a day feeds my six cats.
> $14 a day is my average food bill for just me... Holiday meals are
> probably the least expensive, turkey and ham is cheap. To be
> perfectly honest I can easily fix a chef's salad for just me and it
> will cost about $14... a measly can of decent sardines costs $3, and I
> will usually use two (they're small).... but if I use one I add a can
> of premium red salmon, costs $5... by the time I add all the produce,
> a bunch of olives, a can of sliced beets, a couple sliced eggs, maybe
> a fistful of walnuts, and some dressing I'm sure I got $14 on the
> plate. I eat a lot of tinned fish, it's very healthful but definitely
> not cheap... and I can't open just enough for me unless I want to try
> to eat around six cat noses in my plate.
> I spend a bit more than $100 a week on just food to feed just me,
> purrrty close to another $100 a week to feed my six cats.
> And I don't consider my usual diet very oppulent, it's mustly just
> ordinary foods, but I don't skimp on the accompaniments just so I can
> eat lobster and prime rib, in fact I probably haven't eaten lobster in
> more than 10 years, shrimp neither, it's not something I crave, in
> fact I think it's highly over rated, I'd much rather my sardines. But
> me and my guys like our steak, so two small porterhouse ($14 worth) is
> a dinner for us, and then there are veggies (cat's eat veggies too),
> and my guys drink water but I drink a few 2nis. And I don't always
> drink Crystal Palace... my booze bill is about $100 a week, and I
> really don't drink a lot, maybe two drinks a day... mostly a tall
> glass filled with ice, grapefruit juice, and a double shot of vodka...
> the grapefruit juice costs as much if not more than the vodka but
> juice is pasrt of the drink so itsprice counts, ice ain't free
> either. But I'll also splurge on good scotch, Champagne, and my
> favorite Ruffino dago red.
> I've no idea how yoose eat for $7/day.... must be a lot of pasta with
> two grape meata balles.
> Oranges cost a buck a piece, I just ate two as an appetizer for
> breakfast, supposed to eat "5 A Day", I eat more fresh produce than
> what's considered a serving (btw, 5 a day is the minimum), apples cost
> a buck a piece too, you're not gonna be eating much fresh produce on
> $7/day, even a small crummy head of iceberg costs $2. Not sure what
> else yet but I'm thinking my 1 quart bowl of raisin bran... need lots
> of room for milk, yoose know why... my cats polish off a can of evap
> first thing every morning. Dried cereal is expensive, milk ain't
> cheap anymore, even one banana costs 30 cents. A lot of people feed
> their pets crap foods, the cheapest brands they can find and no
> variety... a high quality diet costs a whole lot less than vet bills.
> Same with people too, eat cheap now pay big medical bills later.
> Yesterday I picked up a plain cheese pie from the local pizzaria, just
> happened to cost $13.95... $14 by my math. They make pizzas much
> smaller than the 18" they used to years ago, and now they're very
> stingy with the topping, this was 14", I finished it for lunch and
> wasn't even full... years ago 3 slices and I was busting. A 14" pie
> is actually about half the size of an 18" pie. When I was a kid the
> corner pizzeria made 20" pies, so loaded with real mozz you could
> barely handle a slice, and the entire pie cost 75 cents... then one
> slice cost 10 cents and was enough for lunch. But today's food prices
> are much different... back than an oversized hot corned beef on rye at
> the kosher deli cost 35 cents... a full meal on real linen soup to
> dessert with all the trimmings with impeccable service cost 35cents at
> the Chinese.
> I'm sorry, but unless you're in prison you can't eat a proper diet in
> the US on $7/day, no way, no how, anyone claims they can doesn't have
> the foggiest concept of a decent proper healthful diet, or they choose
> not to remember what all they consume. And food costs in the US are
> probably the lowest on the planet, but still, $7 barely buys a couple
> ham n' cheese sammiches... a friggin' can of Spam, 4 slices of rye, a
> few Kraft singles, mustard, pickle, slaw and a quart of milk costs
> about ten bucks, and that's a do it yerself at home lunch for two, and
> it sure ain't decent, more lurid. Anyone tells me on average they eat
> decent on $7 an entire day I say is a pinnochio nosed fibber, or
> weighs in at less than my six cats... but then your idea of decent
> ain't mine.

Thnaks for the post giving prices Sheldon. It's a better indicator of what
eating costs in the US than just the "cost of $7 for the average American"

  #93 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"The Cook" > wrote in message
> On Fri, 7 Dec 2007 18:29:58 +1100, "FarmI" <ask@itshall be given>
> wrote:
>>"Dee.Dee" > wrote in message
>>> No wonder I'm broke and always hungry just tryin' to stay alive!

>>You would be hungry if you eat the junk food mentioned in the article as
>>it's empty calories - people who eat a lot of junk food are effectively
>>starving themselves. But as for broke??? Are US food prices really so
>>for nutritious food?
>>The report says that the average American spends $7/day on food and that
>>surely can't be right as it's a miniscule amount of money. I did a
>>converson and that is about $7.97 in my currency and, if the two of us
>>eating meat for an evening meal, I'd spend at least $10 in my currency
>>on the meat component of the meal.
>>It was such a thought provoking post that I have now spent some time
>>wandering cyberspace. Thank you.

> The exchange rate is not the best way to determine the relative price
> of an item. How long it takes the average person to earn enough money
> to buy the same item in each country.

That's a very valid point.

  #94 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Janet Baraclough wrote:

> The message
> >
> from Sheldon > contains these words:
> > Janet Baraclough > wrote:
> > > > from "FarmI" <ask@itshall be given> contains these words:

> > > > The report says that the average American spends $7/day on food and that
> > > > surely can't be right as it's a miniscule amount of money. �I did a
> > > > currency
> > > > converson and that is about $7.97 in my currency and, if the two
> > > > of us were
> > > > eating meat for an evening meal, I'd spend at least $10 in my
> > > > currency just
> > > > on the meat component of the meal.

> > > � Going by the prices quoted by Americans here, the cost of their
> > > supermarket basic supplies �are jaw-droppingly cheap compared with the
> > > UK, especially their meat prices.

> > > � �Take a look here for examples of UK prices in ASDA. ASDA is
> > > owned by
> > > Walmart, and roughly 30% cheaper than my local supermarket.

> > >

> > Seems an account is necessary to enter that site...

> Â*I haven't got an account and had no difficulty looking round. On that
> page. there's a toolbar for each food category; click the blue fish for
> meat + poultry. Gives you all the prices, both per pack, and by weight
> (in kilograms). One Kg Â*weighs roughly 2 and a quarter pounds. Â*Prices
> are in UK pounds, double it for (roughly) equivalent US dollars.

The hassle for us ex - UKer's is the "enter your postcode"
part...could Google to find a random UK postcode, but frankly it's a
bit of a pain to fiddle with.

In the past I've tried to check various UK supermarket sites, even
with entering a postcode with some you have to enter your loyalty card
account number or the site sees that you are not in the UK and so will
not display the info, so no go.

I do like seeing what's available and at what cost, though...

Greg in Chicago

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Dan Abel wrote:

> In article >,
> "Cshenk" > wrote:
> > Oh side diatribe, I miss cheap Kobe beef. Cheap as in relative to
> > stateside.

> Kobe beef in the US is a ripoff. These animals are raised in the US.
> They are shipped to Japan, finished off and butchered. Some of the meat
> is then shipped back to the US.

And the term "Kobe beef" can seemingly be as amorphous as the term
"Dove sole"...I've been at places that supposedly offer "Kobe beef"
and from the prices it simply can't be Kobe beef...

One was the faux Japanese steakhouse "Ron of Japan" here in Chicago,
from the utterly dire state of the food it surely could not be Kobe
beef for the low price they were offering on the menu...

A whiles back IIRC I read an article about a plan to raise "Kobe beef"
somewhere in CA or the Northwest, don't know what came of that...


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Christine Dabney wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Dec 2007 17:18:51 -0500, "Nancy Young" >
> wrote:
> >A lot of the food I eat makes more than one meal. A pot of sauce
> >makes a number of meals, and some of it went into last night's
> >lasagna, and that lasagna will make at least 8 good sized portions.
> >I have leftover beef stew in the refrigerator, and I'm thawing a
> >chicken for sometime over the weekend. That chicken will be
> >dinner along with some vegetables, and will be chicken salad for
> >lunch after that.

> I do the same thing. I almost have too much food cooking this way...
> I find myself having to put portions of whatever I cooked into the
> freezer, so that I am not sick of whatever I fixed. However, it pays
> off, as I have ready made meals for work..with no extra work.
> Right now,I still have two portions of the ribs and kraut in the
> freezer, ready to pull out at a moment's notice. Probably for work.
> I tried to make a smaller portion of the soup I mentioned earlier, but
> it still made a good sized pot, with a lot of turkey in it. I ended
> up freezing half of it, to pull out later on for work lunches. That
> and a piece of fruit, or a salad will make a nice work dinner for me.
> I just made pizza dough and it will rest a day or so in the fridge to
> get a good flavor, and then go to pizza one night this weekend. Topped
> with "fresh" mozzarella, parmesan, and slivers of garlic...maybe some
> basil from the Asian market.
> I have also been doing some baking lately... I made several things
> from Dorie Greenspan's book Baking: From My Home To Yours. One is a
> lovely date-walnut loaf, and the other was a Swedish Visiting Cake. I
> am eeking them out to have with my tea every day. I had ingredients
> for both of these already they cost me very, very little to
> make.
> I eat very well..almost too well.

I've put myself on a strict budget these present coupla weeks because
of Christmas but tonight I made a big quantity of baked Swiss Steak
and I have a crockpot full of chicken and sausage gumbo bubbling
away. Tomorrow I'm making cornbread and I'm trying my hand at making
some basic white bread. My only outlay for all this was about seven
bux for a coupla lbs. of round steak, two bunches of celery, and some
jalapenos...everything else I had on hand. I've learned that it is
wise and frugal to keep one's pantry/freezer well - stocked...


Thanx for the pizza dough reminder, I'm going to make some at the same
time I make the had been years until I bought a frozen
pizza recently, and after that I vowed "never again". Better and
tastier to make yer own, it's not that difficult...and I have
*everything* to make pizza, so will not have to spend any "dough"* on
the makin's...

[the "dough" reference is a joke for "cybercat" ya GET IT,
cybercat...!!!??? ;--p ]


  #97 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Fri, 7 Dec 2007 19:18:39 -0500, "Nancy Young" >

>"Default User" > wrote
>> Sometimes, with soup or baked pasta, I'll make considerably more.
>> Similarly for pot roast, pulled pork, that sort of thing. Then other
>> methods may be employed.

>Do you freeze pulled pork?

It freezes well. And when you reheat it, you get to smell the smoky
aroma all over. Same with smoked ribs. YUM!

  #99 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sat, 8 Dec 2007 00:54:19 -0800 (PST), Gregory Morrow
> wrote:

>I've put myself on a strict budget these present coupla weeks because
>of Christmas but tonight I made a big quantity of baked Swiss Steak
>and I have a crockpot full of chicken and sausage gumbo bubbling
>away. Tomorrow I'm making cornbread and I'm trying my hand at making
>some basic white bread. My only outlay for all this was about seven
>bux for a coupla lbs. of round steak, two bunches of celery, and some
>jalapenos...everything else I had on hand. I've learned that it is
>wise and frugal to keep one's pantry/freezer well - stocked...

It sure is very frugal to keep a well stocked pantry, I find. I find
that I can often make a good meal from the pantry, and with the
veggies I find on sale, I can eat very well.

I started to be on a strict budget, to save money for various things,
and to eventually be able to move back to the San Francisco bay area.
It is expensive to move!! But now, it has almost turned into a game,
to see how well I can do with the saving and sticking to the budget.
And the funny thing is, that I usually find I have about $10 or so $$
left over at the end of the week. I take out the cash for the week,
and when it is gone, it is gone. However, it usually isn't gone by
the time the next pay period rolls around.
I allot $40/week for groceries. I may spend more this weekend, cause
there are a series of storms rolling through the area this week, with
snowfall predicted. After last year, I decided to stay stocked up
with necessities. And this weekend I am baking, and don't feel like
running out of the essential items with which I want to bake.
>Thanx for the pizza dough reminder, I'm going to make some at the same
>time I make the had been years until I bought a frozen
>pizza recently, and after that I vowed "never again". Better and
>tastier to make yer own, it's not that difficult...and I have
>*everything* to make pizza, so will not have to spend any "dough"* on
>the makin's...

I just checked my dough, and it has risen quite a bit during the
night. I am punching it down before I head to bed, and will probably
make one pizza tonight. I stopped and got fresh basil on the way home
from work. It is very inexpensive at the local Asian market and that
and the fresh mozzarella make a great pizza.

  #100 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> And pea brained JSB still hasn't figured out that anyone with access
> to the internet can find out the prices at most any supermarket on the
> planet, and at many other types of food emporiums.

Pea-brained Dee Dee wants to know who pea brained JSB is because I haven't
figured it out ;-))

Dee Dee

  #101 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Dee.Dee" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> news:xTq6j.248$va7.145@trndny08...
>> And pea brained JSB still hasn't figured out that anyone with access
>> to the internet can find out the prices at most any supermarket on the
>> planet, and at many other types of food emporiums.

> Pea-brained Dee Dee wants to know who pea brained JSB is because I haven't
> figured it out ;-))
> Dee Dee

One of you is very confused. One reason is the technically errant nature of
Sheldon's messages. The other reason is obvious.

  #102 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> "Ms P" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Cshenk" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Just because you do not know how to eat well for less than 100$ a week
>>> for one person, doesnt make that an average. Most of us are more
>>> savvy.

>> I would say that most of us can feed two people for less than 100$ a
>> week. He thinks it's some kind of brag to spend that much on groceries.
>> Sometimes we eat real cheap just because we like it.

> I *can* feed us cheaply if I have to. I usually don't though.

I am lucky that I can and do buy what I want.

Although I definitely balk buying foods that I feel are not good-value.

And then there are foods I wouldn't mind having, but I think they are
over-priced ALL the time, so I spite myself and don't buy them at all, or at
least not for years. Fennel is one. Yes, I 'should' do it. Well, yes, I
did buy fennel this summer, but it did not live up to my expectation. Way
too stringy. Maybe I'll seriously price a bulb the next time I shop.

Usually, I keep both high-priced and low-priced items in my 'larder.'

Dee Dee

  #103 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Lou Decruss wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Dec 2007 19:18:39 -0500, "Nancy Young" >
> wrote:
> >
> >"Default User" > wrote
> >
> >> Sometimes, with soup or baked pasta, I'll make considerably more.
> >> Similarly for pot roast, pulled pork, that sort of thing.

> > Do you freeze pulled pork?

> It freezes well. And when you reheat it, you get to smell the smoky
> aroma all over. Same with smoked ribs. YUM!

Yeah. I pretty much have to freeze part of it unless it's for the
family. A butt or picnic produces a lot of meat, and you sure don't
want that nice stuff to get moldy in the refrigerator.

Leftover pulled pork makes great taco filling! Heat it with some ground
chile and cumin.


If televison's a babysitter, the Internet is a drunk librarian who
won't shut up.
-- Dorothy Gambrell (
  #104 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Nancy Young wrote:

> "Default User" > wrote
> > Sometimes, with soup or baked pasta, I'll make considerably more.
> > Similarly for pot roast, pulled pork, that sort of thing. Then other
> > methods may be employed.

> Do you freeze pulled pork?

As Lou and Christine said, it freezes well.


If televison's a babysitter, the Internet is a drunk librarian who
won't shut up.
-- Dorothy Gambrell (
  #105 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Dec 7, 6:32 pm, "cybercat" > wrote:
> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> . ..
> > "Christine Dabney" > wrote

> >> On Fri, 7 Dec 2007 17:18:51 -0500, "Nancy Young" >
> >> wrote:

> >>>A lot of the food I eat makes more than one meal. A pot of sauce
> >>>makes a number of meals, and some of it went into last night's
> >>>lasagna, and that lasagna will make at least 8 good sized portions.
> >>>I have leftover beef stew in the refrigerator, and I'm thawing a
> >>>chicken for sometime over the weekend. That chicken will be
> >>>dinner along with some vegetables, and will be chicken salad for
> >>>lunch after that.

> >> I do the same thing. I almost have too much food cooking this way...
> >> I find myself having to put portions of whatever I cooked into the
> >> freezer, so that I am not sick of whatever I fixed.

> > I had to do this just recently. On top of all the leftovers I mentioned
> > (and more), we had turkey dinner ... you know that free turkey you
> > get from the supermarket? Well, I finally had to freeze leftover turkey,
> > too.

> >> However, it pays
> >> off, as I have ready made meals for work..with no extra work.

> > Hardly anything I make just makes one meal. Even a meatloaf makes
> > leftovers.

> I also make lots of food almost every time I cook. Do you freeze in
> individual portions? I want to do this but no freezer containers that I have
> seen look right for it.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I split meals into individual portions all the time and put them in
the freezer for microwavable lunches at wok. I use reusable
containers from Glad or Berkly&Jensen (BJ's inhouse brand) -- easier
than getting out the vaccuum sealer. The only downside is hey can
shatter if dropped.

It's harder to come up with a list of things you can't freeze; to
answer the other question, I've never had a problem freezing and
reheating barbecued items.


  #106 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Fri, 7 Dec 2007 22:13:03 -0500, "cybercat" >

>"Sheldon" > wrote in message

<snip of self-congratulatory gibberish >

>And yet, you're still a dickhead.

is there a d.q. (dickhead quotient)?

your pal,

  #107 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 11:54:55 GMT, "Michael \"Dog3\""
> wrote:

>Sheldon > dropped this news:6813493c-5c03-43e7-88be-
: in
>> priorities, I like to eat well and I like to enjoy the wildlife...
>> others spend their dollars on other entertainment, perhaps ball game
>> tickets, and gambling. I don't gamble and I've never bought a ticket
>> to a sporting event my entire life... I don't really know everything,
>> I don't know dick about ball games nor do I care... I've never watched
>> more than five minutes of a ball game on TV even though it's free, a
>> bunch of low IQ adults who didn't grow up, can barely form an
>> intelligible sentence, running around chasing a ball like ten year
>> olds doesn't interest me.
>> Sheldon

>Sheldon, why do you strive to be an asshole? I only ask because I care.
>In email you have been nothing but a gentleman. Perhaps my life is
>running too fast. I don't know. You are a good person. I hate to see you
>alienate everyone. You do love your cats. You have a great property.
>Chill out and relax.

sheldon can't relax until we all submit and admit we're all idiots and
he's a genius. good luck with that, sheldon.

your pal,
  #108 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 23:08:33 GMT, "Michael \"Dog3\""
> wrote:

>"cybercat" > dropped this :
>> "Michael "Dog3"" > wrote
>>> *sigh* Never thought I'd do this. Rubymaiden, Sheldon turned me on to
>>> grinding my own beef.

>> So that's what he calls it.

>What shit you talking? You are on the verge of impuning my ground beef. I
>take pride in it. My neighbors love my burgers when I make them. This is
>one skill Sheldon taught me years ago. I will always be grateful to him for
>that. Otherwise, yeah he is a shit. He is on my shit list until he redeems

better take your lunch.

your pal,
  #109 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"kuvasz guy" > wrote
> I split meals into individual portions all the time and put them in
> the freezer for microwavable lunches at wok. I use reusable
> containers from Glad or Berkly&Jensen (BJ's inhouse brand) -- easier
> than getting out the vaccuum sealer. The only downside is hey can
> shatter if dropped.
> It's harder to come up with a list of things you can't freeze; to
> answer the other question, I've never had a problem freezing and
> reheating barbecued items.

Thanks! I guess Berkly and Jensen has a web site?

  #110 (permalink)   Report Post  
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According to quicken, this family of two stay-at-homes spends average
of 12 bucks
a day on food and that includes nonedibles like laundry deterge.
Yeah, we do eat out maybe once
or twice a week.

I make my own tomato sauce, bread, yogurt, rarely buy storebought
and the like - no junk food snacks, and spend maybe 5 bucks a month
on soda.
I skip the aisle where you see Hamb. Helper or Ricearoni. Agh.

When I see people loading their carts with frozen dinners and cheetos,
I want to say "You could be eating a lot better for the same cost, if
only you'd cook.!"
It's pretty sad when you see a three year old in the kiddie seat, and
the cart is loaded
with cookies, fruit drink, white bread and hot dogs.

My market has started the star system - they mark one, two or
three starts on 'nutritious' items. Hope this helps someshoppers who
haven't a clue
about nutrition.

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"Default User" > wrote

> Lou Decruss wrote:
>> On Fri, 7 Dec 2007 19:18:39 -0500, "Nancy Young" >
>> wrote:

>> > Do you freeze pulled pork?

>> It freezes well. And when you reheat it, you get to smell the smoky
>> aroma all over. Same with smoked ribs. YUM!

> Yeah. I pretty much have to freeze part of it unless it's for the
> family. A butt or picnic produces a lot of meat, and you sure don't
> want that nice stuff to get moldy in the refrigerator.
> Leftover pulled pork makes great taco filling! Heat it with some ground
> chile and cumin.

Thanks, everyone, for that info and the taco idea. I'll be doing
this in the future. Before I wasn't sure about making all that food.


  #112 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Nancy Young wrote:
> "Default User" > wrote
>> Sometimes, with soup or baked pasta, I'll make considerably more.
>> Similarly for pot roast, pulled pork, that sort of thing. Then other
>> methods may be employed.

> Do you freeze pulled pork?
> nancy

I have and it worked fine.
  #113 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 8 Dec 2007 18:15:44 GMT, "Default User" >

>Lou Decruss wrote:
>> On Fri, 7 Dec 2007 19:18:39 -0500, "Nancy Young" >
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >"Default User" > wrote
>> >
>> >> Sometimes, with soup or baked pasta, I'll make considerably more.
>> >> Similarly for pot roast, pulled pork, that sort of thing.

>> > Do you freeze pulled pork?

>> It freezes well. And when you reheat it, you get to smell the smoky
>> aroma all over. Same with smoked ribs. YUM!

>Yeah. I pretty much have to freeze part of it unless it's for the
>family. A butt or picnic produces a lot of meat, and you sure don't
>want that nice stuff to get moldy in the refrigerator.

I usually so more than one, and do some ribs too. It takes the same
amount of wood. I can usually get enough wood free, but when I have
to buy it, it's 145 bucks a face cord so I try to conserve and use it
>Leftover pulled pork makes great taco filling! Heat it with some ground
>chile and cumin.

I know cheese isn't supposed to be used with Q, but I'll take a big
tortilla and add beans and onion, the pork, and some cheese for a
burrito kinda thingie. Yummy stuff.

  #114 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Dec 2007 18:32:31 -0500, "cybercat" >
> wrote:
>>>> However, it pays
>>>> off, as I have ready made meals for work..with no extra work.

>> I also make lots of food almost every time I cook. Do you freeze in
>> individual portions? I want to do this but no freezer containers
>> that I have seen look right for it.

> I use baggies a lot. And dollar stores, especially Dollar Tree do
> well in in terms of freezer containers.
> I am thinking of getting one of those new Handi-vacs this weekend, so
> I can really get into freezing stuff in individual portions.
> Christine

You can find sectioned freezer containers to store your own "TV Dinners"
leftovers in. I have a couple of them; they're great for storing things
that aren't supposed to be mixed all together. Not sure if they're
rubbermaid or tupperware. Something like that.


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Dee.Dee wrote:
> "Christine Dabney" > wrote in message
> news
>> I am always astounded at the prices that Sheldon quotes for groceries
>> in his area. A dollar for an apple? I just bought about 2 pounds
>> of Braeburn apples for $1/pound. Cauliflower has been on sale here
>> for $0.88/each. Broccoli is about $1/pound. I can get the pink
>> Rio grapefruits for 5/$1...I didn't get any this week, but I am
>> contemplating picking up some. Those things are great! Last week I
>> got 10 smaller navel oranges for $1 at one of the local produce
>> markets.

>>> Christine

> In Winchester, VA:
> I don't have any apples in the house now to see how much a 'regular'
> or 'normal' apple would way - depending on the type.
> But apples here seem to start around $1.29 a lb. now.
> Cauliflower - $3.49 ea
> Broccoli 2 large stocks $2.99 for 2 stocks
> Grapefruits (and oranges) $1 each
> I don't dare go to Whole Foods and look at their prices, if these are
> the prices in the sticks, so-to-speak.
> Dee Dee

White and green asparagus this past weekend were $3.49/lb. It's always
expensive. Broccoli was similiarly priced and artichokes were 3 for $2. I
didn't stop to buy any. Just got some cheeses and crackers to snack on.

  #116 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Dec 8, 3:10 pm, "cybercat" > wrote:
> "kuvasz guy" > wrote
> > I split meals into individual portions all the time and put them in
> > the freezer for microwavable lunches at wok. I use reusable
> > containers from Glad or Berkly&Jensen (BJ's inhouse brand) -- easier
> > than getting out the vaccuum sealer. The only downside is hey can
> > shatter if dropped.

> > It's harder to come up with a list of things you can't freeze; to
> > answer the other question, I've never had a problem freezing and
> > reheating barbecued items.

> Thanks! I guess Berkly and Jensen has a web site?

BJ's is a warehouse club similar to Costco:

  #117 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Janet Baraclough > wrote in

> The message
> 1> from
> "Michael \"Dog3\"" > contains these
> words:
>> Sarah Gray > dropped this
>> . 17.102:
>> in

>> >
>> > They said that meat alone for a meal for two would cost
>> > them $10 in their currency...

>> Good Gawd. Do you recall the currency? A good splurge is
>> fine but sheesh. I wonder if they just don't have a place
>> to shop.

> It was farm1 in Australia. You just have no clue how
> cheap your food
> is in America :-)

and we get what we pay for
imported, uninspected & not very healthy.
  #118 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Felice" > wrote in

> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
>> I checked with the butcher at Schnuck's about a 7 lb.
>> (granted, it's bone-in
>> which adds to the weight but those bones make great
>> stock!) standing rib roast. Even that only costs
>> $11.00/lb right now. I can't imagine paying $16.00/lb!
>> Shop sales, shop wisely, use coupons.

> And stay away from Savenor's in Boston, which offers:
> Prime rib bone-in at $16.99
> Prime rib boneless at $23.99
> Prime tenderloin at $45.99

yeah, but that's *prime* beef. what you get in Shaw's isn't
anywhere close to prime. it might be choice, which is 2 steps
down. you can't compare apples & oranges like that.
Americans are so used to cheap food, they don't know *good*
  #119 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Dec 7, 5:16 pm, "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
> "Bobo Bonobo(R)" > dropped :
> in
> > Meat is cheap in the USA. We have factory farming, and the butchering
> > is done mostly by undocumented immigrants. If this country decided to
> > go all Tancredo on the illegals, that $8.75 would be a lot closer to
> > the price we'd pay.

> I don't know much about foreign meat prices. I should educate myself. Bryan
> we live in the same town. Unless I'm shopping Straub's or the butcher's I
> would NEVER pay that price for meat.

That was what I was saying. Meat is cheap here. Next time you go to
the supermarket, be thankful to the illegal aliens who work for half
of what the packing houses would have to pay to stay fully staffed
with legal workers.

> Yeah, maybe something special. Other than
> Michael

  #120 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"enigma" > wrote in message
. ..
> "Felice" > wrote in
> :
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> I checked with the butcher at Schnuck's about a 7 lb.
>>> (granted, it's bone-in
>>> which adds to the weight but those bones make great
>>> stock!) standing rib roast. Even that only costs
>>> $11.00/lb right now. I can't imagine paying $16.00/lb!
>>> Shop sales, shop wisely, use coupons.

>> And stay away from Savenor's in Boston, which offers:
>> Prime rib bone-in at $16.99
>> Prime rib boneless at $23.99
>> Prime tenderloin at $45.99

> yeah, but that's *prime* beef. what you get in Shaw's isn't
> anywhere close to prime. it might be choice, which is 2 steps
> down. you can't compare apples & oranges like that.
> Americans are so used to cheap food, they don't know *good*
> food.
> lee

And if prime is what I'm after, I go to Savenor's. But my "stay away" advice
to Jill was because she said she couldn't imagine paying $16 a pound!


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