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  #201 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 207
Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

Giusi wrote:

> "Gregory Morrow" > ha scritto nel
> messaggio ...
> >
> > cybercat blasts us with:
> >
> >> Wasting resources is unwise and unkind

> >
> >
> > "Liberalism is like a turd painted gold - it may glitter and look good
> > from
> > a distance, but close up you'll see that it stinks..."
> >
> > --
> > Best
> > Greg

> How come that people in other rich countries know that resources are

> and to waste is unethical, but over and over one hears from the US, "I can
> afford to throw it out?" Not from everyone, of course, but I hardly ever
> hear it from other peoples.

I was just joshing the cybercat with that made - up quote, but...

It has something to do with the US being a place of infinite possibilities -
and an infinite *supply* of things to throw out because we are a big and
rich place. It's the attitude of ,"We don't have to live all cramped up
like those Europeans, etc.". Energy, food, and so many other things here
have been or are in cheap and seemingly limitless supply as compared to
other places.

Reminds me of when I first visited Europe as a kid. I was "intrigued" by
things like timed lights in apartment building hallways, having to light the
gas to heat the water in a five - gallon tank in order to get hot water for
a bath or whatever, tiny fridges of the size that I had in my small college
dormitory room, no ice, poor heat and air conditioning, etc...I wasn't used
to the concept of having to scrimp on energy.


  #202 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

Lou Decruss wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 03:19:08 GMT, Sarah Gray >
> wrote:
>> top round is a very versatle cut with
>>> little waste, it's the cut most likely to be on sale at $5/lb as a
>>> BOGO.

>> $5 a pound is too expensive for nearly anything when you are working
>> on a limited budget...


We call that BOGOF = buy one, get one free

  #203 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

cybercat wrote:
> "Christine Dabney" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 10:34:36 -0000, "Ophelia" > wrote:
>>>>>> Why don't you take the time you're spending with this silly
>>>>>> self-challenge you're undertaking and work a few more hours per
>>>>>> month and buy what you really like? According to what you've
>>>>>> posted over the years you sure do like your "treats"
>>>>> Not everyone *can* just work more hours to make more money, Lou.
>>>> She's a specialized nurse. Around here at least they have so much
>>>> work they turn down overtime. One of my friends is a surgical
>>>> nurse and makes over 40 bucks an hour. One Saturday per month
>>>> could double a $40 a month food budget.
>>> So far as I can see, Christine makes it a sort of challenge. She
>>> doesn't say she can't afford more
>>> Anyway, I like my time at home too much to look for overtime

>> Exactly, Ophelia.
>> This challenge is a game to me...and yes, I am saving money for
>> specific things. I can afford more, but if I want to save money I
>> will cut back. And no, it is not really a silly challenge, at least
>> to me. Maybe to others of you, but not to me. And I am not sure
>> which treats you are speaking is very rare that I spend
>> money on special treats, other than to get the ingredients to make
>> them myself. ANd as it is, I work 12 hour shifts..and some of those
>> shifts are
>> brutal. Sometimes, it is all I can do to work the ones I have
>> scheduled. I come home exhausted many days... There is a reason
>> many nurses burn out early and often...

> It is just so strange when people try to make EVERY issue
> into some sort of battlefield for one-upmanship, you know?
> I'll say it again: throwing money around just to impress people with
> how much you must have in order to waste so much is not just
> stupid, it's really bad form.
> There's honor in stretching a dollar.
> Wasting resources is unwise and unkind.


  #204 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

Gregory Morrow wrote:
> Giusi wrote:
>> "Gregory Morrow" > ha
>> scritto nel messaggio ...
>>> cybercat blasts us with:
>>>> Wasting resources is unwise and unkind
>>> "Liberalism is like a turd painted gold - it may glitter and look
>>> good from
>>> a distance, but close up you'll see that it stinks..."
>>> --
>>> Best
>>> Greg

>> How come that people in other rich countries know that resources are
>> finite and to waste is unethical, but over and over one hears from
>> the US, "I can afford to throw it out?" Not from everyone, of
>> course, but I hardly ever hear it from other peoples.

> I was just joshing the cybercat with that made - up quote, but...
> It has something to do with the US being a place of infinite
> possibilities - and an infinite *supply* of things to throw out
> because we are a big and rich place. It's the attitude of ,"We don't
> have to live all cramped up like those Europeans, etc.". Energy,
> food, and so many other things here have been or are in cheap and
> seemingly limitless supply as compared to other places.
> Reminds me of when I first visited Europe as a kid. I was
> "intrigued" by things like timed lights in apartment building
> hallways, having to light the gas to heat the water in a five -
> gallon tank in order to get hot water for a bath or whatever, tiny
> fridges of the size that I had in my small college dormitory room, no
> ice, poor heat and air conditioning, etc...I wasn't used to the
> concept of having to scrimp on energy.

I didn't realise you were so old Greg

I have Combi boiler which gives me instant hot water and as much as I want,
central heating and a huge chest freezer too.

  #205 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 10:19:37 -0800, koko wrote:
>> That's for sure. The ice cream you made at the cookin' was
>> outstanding.

> I think it cost me less than $2 to make that ice cream. I still have
> people telling me that was the best ice cream they ever ate.

Recipe please Christine

  #206 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

"Gregory Morrow" > ha scritto nel
messaggio ...
> Giusi wrote:
>> "Gregory Morrow" > ha scritto nel
>> messaggio ...
>> >
>> > cybercat blasts us with:
>> >
>> >> Wasting resources is unwise and unkind
>> >
>> > "Liberalism is like a turd painted gold - it may glitter and look good
>> > from
>> > a distance, but close up you'll see that it stinks..."
>> > Greg

>> How come that people in other rich countries know that resources are

> finite
>> and to waste is unethical, but over and over one hears from the US, "I
>> can
>> afford to throw it out?" Not from everyone, of course, but I hardly ever
>> hear it from other peoples.

> I was just joshing the cybercat with that made - up quote, but...
> Reminds me of when I first visited Europe as a kid. I was "intrigued" by
> things like timed lights in apartment building hallways, having to light
> the
> gas to heat the water in a five - gallon tank in order to get hot water
> for
> a bath or whatever, tiny fridges of the size that I had in my small
> college
> dormitory room, no ice, poor heat and air conditioning, etc...I wasn't
> used
> to the concept of having to scrimp on energy.
> --
> Best
> Greg

Most of that is in the past, but some are still with us. Most people have
larger fridges, for example, because there's no one home to shop everyday.
New on demand heating systems are tankless. Not much ice because they think
it is unhealthy.

But it still in one earth, one set of resources. Maybe our ollegal
immigrants are hungrier, sicker and more seen?


  #207 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

"Ms P" > wrote in message
> "Dee.Dee" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Ms P" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Right now I'm in far western Kansas. My mom lives over in Colorado.
>>> Ms P

>> I recall visiting in Lewis, Kansas, in the 50's having to drive the 7
>> miles to Kinsley -- which seemed an eternity in a big Chrysler which was
>> taken out of the garage for the long drive for groceries. I was about 20
>> years old and this was HELL!
>> Dee Dee

> When I was 20 I lived on a farm in eastern Colorado. It was 20 miles to
> the nearest store of any kind. We drove another 30 miles on to the bigger
> town to get groceries. And that was a small town of less than 10K.
> I still miss that farm. You could see for miles around. It was quiet and
> we had a huge garden, three milk cows and a whole bunch of chickens. We
> also had a four body freezer in the basement always full of beef and
> chicken.
> 7 miles is not hell.
> Ms P

Hell no; not any more.
Dee Dee

  #208 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> Oh pshaw, on Sun 16 Dec 2007 10:24:44p, Dee.Dee meant to say...
>> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message >> I recall
>> visiting in Lewis, Kansas, in the 50's having to drive the 7
>>>> miles to Kinsley -- which seemed an eternity in a big Chrysler which

> was
>>>> taken out of the garage for the long drive for groceries. I was about
>>>> 20 years old and this was HELL!
>>>> Dee Dee
>>> "7" miles? An eternity? LOL!

>>> Wayne Boatwright

>> No hyperbole there! I thought I was going to die on that ride ;-))
>> Dee Dee

> Poor Dee Dee! :-(
> --
> Wayne Boatwright

True, it probably was not the ride, the was the company I was keeping.
Dee Dee

  #209 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

"Michael "Dog3"" > wrote in message
> "Default User" > dropped this news:5sl8u3F1a2920U1
> in
>> That's not been my experience. Homemade ice cream is great, but the
>> ingredients are expensive. Heavy cream runs about 4$ a quart (more if
>> bought in smaller containers), vanilla is very expensive. You're paying
>> retail for all the ingredients.
>> Brian

> Same here Brian. About the only time I make my own ice cream is if I want
> a
> flavor I either can't find or is too hard to find. Blueberry for example
> is one ice cream I make myself.
> Michael

It's very difficult to buy cream that is not ultra pasteurized. That was my
main concern in looking for other sources. The second concern was indeed
price. The third concern was the amount and type of sugar in store-bought
ice cream.

Dee Dee, Babbling about

  #210 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Michael "Dog3"" > wrote in message
> "Gregory Morrow" > dropped this
> : in
>> Little Malice wrote:
>> .
>>> I like Spam. It hasn't changed since I was a kid and Mom would fry
>>> some up for breakfast. It's certainly no worse than the ever-popular
>>> Scrapple...

>> A few times a year I'll buy Spam that's on sale at Walgreen's
>> ($1.99), it makes a pretty good sandwich...AFAIK Spam also comes in
>> lower - fat and lower - salt versions too.

> I haven't had spam in years. I don't like it. However, I find it okay if
> it
> is fried. Last time I had it was in Louisiana. A friend made fried eggs,
> pancakes and fried spam. I wasn't bad and I put some syrup on it.
> Michael

You should've tried, "Spam, Spam & Eggs" instead.

Dee Dee

  #211 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

"cybercat" wrote

>> half, my six cats eat half.

> You should not be feeding your cat people food

Agreed, Very bad for their health in the long run. I took the 100$ a month
to be 'science diet' and such foods used by people who need special care or
thse who feel it is best. At that, yes 6 cats can eat 100$ a month, or
close to it.

  #212 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

"Lou Decruss" wrote
> wrote:
>>> We got bone in chops yesterday for $..98 a pound.

>>I'd have stocked up with that price!

> We got 10 pounds. A few weeks they had pork sirloin roasts for $.99 a
> pound. We got 3 roasts. A freezer is a good thing.

Oh yes. Now you saved about 10$ and wil eat that in about a month, at an
electrical cost of 3-4$ for a round savings of 6-7$ on that one item alone
due to extra freezer space.

  #213 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

"Dee.Dee" > wrote in message
> True, it probably was not the ride, the was the company I was keeping.
> Dee Dee

Ahhhh, the company makes all the difference in the world.

Ms P

  #214 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 15:12:43 -0500, "cybercat" >

>"Christine Dabney" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 10:34:36 -0000, "Ophelia" > wrote:
>>>>>> Why don't you take the time you're spending with this silly
>>>>>> self-challenge you're undertaking and work a few more hours per
>>>>>> month and buy what you really like? According to what you've
>>>>>> posted over the years you sure do like your "treats"
>>>>> Not everyone *can* just work more hours to make more money, Lou.
>>>> She's a specialized nurse. Around here at least they have so much
>>>> work they turn down overtime. One of my friends is a surgical nurse
>>>> and makes over 40 bucks an hour. One Saturday per month could double
>>>> a $40 a month food budget.
>>>So far as I can see, Christine makes it a sort of challenge. She doesn't
>>>say she can't afford more
>>>Anyway, I like my time at home too much to look for overtime

>> Exactly, Ophelia.
>> This challenge is a game to me...and yes, I am saving money for
>> specific things. I can afford more, but if I want to save money I will
>> cut back. And no, it is not really a silly challenge, at least to me.
>> Maybe to others of you, but not to me. And I am not sure which treats
>> you are speaking is very rare that I spend money on special
>> treats, other than to get the ingredients to make them myself.
>> ANd as it is, I work 12 hour shifts..and some of those shifts are
>> brutal. Sometimes, it is all I can do to work the ones I have
>> scheduled. I come home exhausted many days... There is a reason
>> many nurses burn out early and often...

>It is just so strange when people try to make EVERY issue
>into some sort of battlefield for one-upmanship, you know?
>I'll say it again: throwing money around just to impress people with
>how much you must have in order to waste so much is not just
>stupid, it's really bad form.
>There's honor in stretching a dollar.
>Wasting resources is unwise and unkind.

i don't know why people seem to be assuming christine will be eating
ramen noodles three times a day. from the sense i have of her cooking
abilities, she won't be feeling deprived. more power to her, i say.

your pal,

  #215 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Dec 16, 8:00�pm, "Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote:
> <sf> wrote in message
> > Whoa, you tracked it! �Did you factor in the cost of your machine into
> > the cost of your ice cream? �I'd amortize of course, but it's still a
> > major factor for the first 200+ batches.

> >

> Sure, but home made is about quality and flavor. �You just can't beat a good
> fresh fruit ice cream that is very rich.

Like how typical parlor ice cream was fifty years ago... now even the
best of the best premium doesn't compare so you pretty much need to
make your own.

  #216 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 03:04:55 -0600, "Gregory Morrow"
> wrote:

>cybercat blasts us with:
>> Wasting resources is unwise and unkind

>"Liberalism is like a turd painted gold - it may glitter and look good from
>a distance, but close up you'll see that it stinks..."

very clever, greg - is that from rush or bill?

your pal,
  #217 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

Christine Dabney wrote:

> On 17 Dec 2007 07:49:58 GMT, "Default User" >
> wrote:
> > Is that the regular price? Cream isn't something you can buy in bulk
> > and keep in the pantry.

> Yes, that is the regular price. It is from a local dairy...

Dairies I would except to be cheaper than the supermarket. Yesterday's
shopping (Schnucks) showed heavy cream: 1qt == $4.19, 1pt == $1.99
(sale), 1/2pt == $1 (sale).


If televison's a babysitter, the Internet is a drunk librarian who
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  #218 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 04:21:14 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:

>Yes, that was about the same that I bought my first Cuisinart (made by
>Robot Coupé). It was expensive, made of solid metal, and heavier than
>hell. Unfortunately, as models changed, the bowls were no longer available
>and I couldn't replace mine when it finally cracked.

They certainly stood up to wear and tear. I finally chucked mine when
the housing came off the spindle... everything else was fine, but
Robot Coup wasn't making Cuisanart here in the US anymore so I had to
get a new one. I really miss the "dough dome" I had for that bowl.

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  #219 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 01:00:26 GMT, "Edwin Pawlowski" >

><sf> wrote in message

>> Whoa, you tracked it! Did you factor in the cost of your machine into
>> the cost of your ice cream? I'd amortize of course, but it's still a
>> major factor for the first 200+ batches.

>Sure, but home made is about quality and flavor. You just can't beat a good
>fresh fruit ice cream that is very rich.

I like homemade as well as the next person, but I can't justify a
$300-600 machine to make it. I'm not an ice cream eater, but hubby is
- so we have two half gallons of Dryer's sitting in the freezer now.

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  #220 (permalink)   Report Post  
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<sf> wrote in message ...
> On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 01:00:26 GMT, "Edwin Pawlowski" >
> wrote:
>><sf> wrote in message
>>> Whoa, you tracked it! Did you factor in the cost of your machine into
>>> the cost of your ice cream? I'd amortize of course, but it's still a
>>> major factor for the first 200+ batches.

>>Sure, but home made is about quality and flavor. You just can't beat a
>>fresh fruit ice cream that is very rich.

> I like homemade as well as the next person, but I can't justify a
> $300-600 machine to make it. I'm not an ice cream eater, but hubby is
> - so we have two half gallons of Dryer's sitting in the freezer now.
> --

Ina Garten says that the Cusinart $49.95 is the best-est. I certainly
Dee Dee

  #221 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >, sf wrote:

> I like homemade as well as the next person, but I can't justify a
> $300-600 machine to make it.

Then don't buy one. I don't have one, yet I've been told my ice cream
is very good (it's my rfc signature dish).


Electricians do it in three phases
  #222 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 07:50:27 -0800 (PST), Sheldon >
>Like how typical parlor ice cream was fifty years ago... now even the
>best of the best premium doesn't compare so you pretty much need to
>make your own.

That's a lot of baloney, Sheldon. I can still buy parlor made ice
creams and they are not appreciably different from the commercial
premium stuff (except for some offbeat flavors). When the weather is
hot and I want ice cream quick, dropping by Rite Aide to get a scoop
of their Thrifty brand coconut pineapple hits the spot for me.

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  #223 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 04:22:56 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:

>Plus, it was all the mess with the ice and
>salt, and it was awkward to use in the house.

Mess isn't a factor for me. Having to make a trek to the store to buy
ice is a big negative, but the worst part is the noise. It's so loud
I put it outside, but I can still hear it anyway.

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  #224 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 22:24:14 -0500, "Dee.Dee" >

>"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message >
>> Thanks for posting this one, too, Barbara. They both look good!
>> --
>> Wayne Boatwright

>sf, you are Barbara? I've not heard this before.
>May I address you as Barbara?

I go by sf in public (even the chat room - because sf is faster to
type), Dee. By all means call me Barbara in email though.

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  #225 (permalink)   Report Post  
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<sf> wrote in message ...
> On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 22:24:14 -0500, "Dee.Dee" >
> wrote:
>>"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message >
>>> Thanks for posting this one, too, Barbara. They both look good!
>>> --
>>> Wayne Boatwright

>>sf, you are Barbara? I've not heard this before.
>>May I address you as Barbara?

> I go by sf in public (even the chat room - because sf is faster to
> type), Dee. By all means call me Barbara in email though.

Thank you, sf,
Have I seen your photo on the mug shots?
Not that it makes any real difference, right?
Dee Dee

  #226 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Ophelia wrote:

> Gregory Morrow wrote:
> > Giusi wrote:
> >
> >> "Gregory Morrow" > ha
> >> scritto nel messaggio ...
> >>>
> >>> cybercat blasts us with:
> >>>
> >>>> Wasting resources is unwise and unkind
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> "Liberalism is like a turd painted gold - it may glitter and look
> >>> good from
> >>> a distance, but close up you'll see that it stinks..."
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Best
> >>> Greg
> >>
> >> How come that people in other rich countries know that resources are
> >> finite and to waste is unethical, but over and over one hears from
> >> the US, "I can afford to throw it out?" Not from everyone, of
> >> course, but I hardly ever hear it from other peoples.

> >
> >
> > I was just joshing the cybercat with that made - up quote, but...
> >
> > It has something to do with the US being a place of infinite
> > possibilities - and an infinite *supply* of things to throw out
> > because we are a big and rich place. It's the attitude of ,"We don't
> > have to live all cramped up like those Europeans, etc.". Energy,
> > food, and so many other things here have been or are in cheap and
> > seemingly limitless supply as compared to other places.
> >
> > Reminds me of when I first visited Europe as a kid. I was
> > "intrigued" by things like timed lights in apartment building
> > hallways, having to light the gas to heat the water in a five -
> > gallon tank in order to get hot water for a bath or whatever, tiny
> > fridges of the size that I had in my small college dormitory room, no
> > ice, poor heat and air conditioning, etc...I wasn't used to the
> > concept of having to scrimp on energy.

> I didn't realise you were so old Greg


> I have Combi boiler which gives me instant hot water and as much as I

> central heating and a huge chest freezer too.

I visited the UK and Europe first in the late 70's, I know things have since


Back then the UK was "the sick man of Europe", it was a pretty run - down
place. Thanks to the policies of Margaret Thatcher, the UK is now pretty
rich and prosperous....


  #227 (permalink)   Report Post  
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blake murphy wrote:

> On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 03:04:55 -0600, "Gregory Morrow"
> > wrote:
> >
> >cybercat blasts us with:
> >
> >> Wasting resources is unwise and unkind

> >
> >
> >"Liberalism is like a turd painted gold - it may glitter and look good

> >a distance, but close up you'll see that it stinks..."

> very clever, greg - is that from rush or bill?

It's a fake quote, actually "inspired" by a character in the 1961 Billy
Wilder set - in - Berlin Cold War comedy _One, Two, Three!_...the ardently
communist East Berlin student (played by Horst Bucholz) who wants to marry
the daughter (Pamela Tiffin) of an American Coca - Cola executive describes
capitalism as " a dead herring in the moonlight, it might glitter but
it still stinks like a dead herring". Funny flick, you should check it


  #228 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Gregory Morrow wrote:
> Ophelia wrote:
>> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>>> Giusi wrote:
>>>> "Gregory Morrow" > ha
>>>> scritto nel messaggio ...
>>>>> cybercat blasts us with:
>>>>>> Wasting resources is unwise and unkind
>>>>> "Liberalism is like a turd painted gold - it may glitter and look
>>>>> good from
>>>>> a distance, but close up you'll see that it stinks..."
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best
>>>>> Greg
>>>> How come that people in other rich countries know that resources
>>>> are finite and to waste is unethical, but over and over one hears
>>>> from the US, "I can afford to throw it out?" Not from everyone, of
>>>> course, but I hardly ever hear it from other peoples.
>>> I was just joshing the cybercat with that made - up quote, but...
>>> It has something to do with the US being a place of infinite
>>> possibilities - and an infinite *supply* of things to throw out
>>> because we are a big and rich place. It's the attitude of ,"We
>>> don't have to live all cramped up like those Europeans, etc.".
>>> Energy, food, and so many other things here have been or are in
>>> cheap and seemingly limitless supply as compared to other places.
>>> Reminds me of when I first visited Europe as a kid. I was
>>> "intrigued" by things like timed lights in apartment building
>>> hallways, having to light the gas to heat the water in a five -
>>> gallon tank in order to get hot water for a bath or whatever, tiny
>>> fridges of the size that I had in my small college dormitory room,
>>> no ice, poor heat and air conditioning, etc...I wasn't used to the
>>> concept of having to scrimp on energy.

>> I didn't realise you were so old Greg

> ;-o
>> I have Combi boiler which gives me instant hot water and as much as
>> I want, central heating and a huge chest freezer too.

> I visited the UK and Europe first in the late 70's, I know things
> have since improved...
> :-)
> Back then the UK was "the sick man of Europe", it was a pretty run -
> down place. Thanks to the policies of Margaret Thatcher, the UK is
> now pretty rich and prosperous....

  #229 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

Oh pshaw, on Mon 17 Dec 2007 10:34:27a, meant to say...

> On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 04:21:14 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
>>Yes, that was about the same that I bought my first Cuisinart (made by
>>Robot Coupé). It was expensive, made of solid metal, and heavier than
>>hell. Unfortunately, as models changed, the bowls were no longer
>>available and I couldn't replace mine when it finally cracked.

> They certainly stood up to wear and tear. I finally chucked mine when
> the housing came off the spindle... everything else was fine, but
> Robot Coup wasn't making Cuisanart here in the US anymore so I had to
> get a new one. I really miss the "dough dome" I had for that bowl.

Ys, that was the problem, the switch in manufacturers. I did replace it
with a Cuisinart Pro 14, which I've been very happy with, but I really
loved that first one. I also had the dough dome for the first bowl.

Wayne Boatwright

Date: Sunday, December(XII) 16th(XVI),2007(MMVII)

Today is: Third Sunday of Advent
Countdown 'til Christmas
1wks 6hrs 6mins 51secs
Cats must knock the brush Mom uses on
me into the garbage can just because.
  #230 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

Oh pshaw, on Mon 17 Dec 2007 11:39:00a, meant to say...

> On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 04:22:56 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
>>Plus, it was all the mess with the ice and salt, and it was awkward to
>>use in the house.

> Mess isn't a factor for me. Having to make a trek to the store to buy
> ice is a big negative, but the worst part is the noise. It's so loud
> I put it outside, but I can still hear it anyway.

It wasn't that big a deal back in Ohio, and I would run the machine on the
patio. Here in AZ with 110º+ temperatures, the ice just didn't last long
enough. Coarsely crushed ice (which is what White Mountain recommended, is
also difficult to find out here. Everything seems to be cubes these days.

I can remember, as a child, that we went to the local ice house and bought
a 25# block of ice. Depending on who was getting it, it was brought home
whole and an ice pick was used to shatter off large hunks, then the hunks
were put in burlap bags and hit with hammers to crush it to the right size.

Sometimes the ice house would put it through their crusher, which was just
the right texture.

Wayne Boatwright

Date: Sunday, December(XII) 16th(XVI),2007(MMVII)

Today is: Third Sunday of Advent
Countdown 'til Christmas
1wks 6hrs 6mins 51secs
Cats must knock the brush Mom uses on
me into the garbage can just because.

  #231 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

Ophelia wrote:

> Gregory Morrow wrote:
> > Ophelia wrote:
> >
> >> Gregory Morrow wrote:
> >>> Giusi wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> "Gregory Morrow" > ha
> >>>> scritto nel messaggio ...
> >>>>>
> >>>>> cybercat blasts us with:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Wasting resources is unwise and unkind
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> "Liberalism is like a turd painted gold - it may glitter and look
> >>>>> good from
> >>>>> a distance, but close up you'll see that it stinks..."
> >>>>>
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> Best
> >>>>> Greg
> >>>>
> >>>> How come that people in other rich countries know that resources
> >>>> are finite and to waste is unethical, but over and over one hears
> >>>> from the US, "I can afford to throw it out?" Not from everyone, of
> >>>> course, but I hardly ever hear it from other peoples.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I was just joshing the cybercat with that made - up quote, but...
> >>>
> >>> It has something to do with the US being a place of infinite
> >>> possibilities - and an infinite *supply* of things to throw out
> >>> because we are a big and rich place. It's the attitude of ,"We
> >>> don't have to live all cramped up like those Europeans, etc.".
> >>> Energy, food, and so many other things here have been or are in
> >>> cheap and seemingly limitless supply as compared to other places.
> >>>
> >>> Reminds me of when I first visited Europe as a kid. I was
> >>> "intrigued" by things like timed lights in apartment building
> >>> hallways, having to light the gas to heat the water in a five -
> >>> gallon tank in order to get hot water for a bath or whatever, tiny
> >>> fridges of the size that I had in my small college dormitory room,
> >>> no ice, poor heat and air conditioning, etc...I wasn't used to the
> >>> concept of having to scrimp on energy.
> >>
> >> I didn't realise you were so old Greg

> >
> >
> > ;-o
> >
> >
> >> I have Combi boiler which gives me instant hot water and as much as
> >> I want, central heating and a huge chest freezer too.

> >
> >
> > I visited the UK and Europe first in the late 70's, I know things
> > have since improved...
> >
> > :-)
> >
> > Back then the UK was "the sick man of Europe", it was a pretty run -
> > down place. Thanks to the policies of Margaret Thatcher, the UK is
> > now pretty rich and prosperous....


Now it's us Yanks that are the "poor cousins"...


  #232 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

Oh pshaw, on Mon 17 Dec 2007 10:50:44a, Dee.Dee meant to say...

> <sf> wrote in message ...
>> On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 01:00:26 GMT, "Edwin Pawlowski" >
>> wrote:
>>><sf> wrote in message
>>>> Whoa, you tracked it! Did you factor in the cost of your machine into
>>>> the cost of your ice cream? I'd amortize of course, but it's still a
>>>> major factor for the first 200+ batches.
>>>Sure, but home made is about quality and flavor. You just can't beat a
>>>good fresh fruit ice cream that is very rich.

>> I like homemade as well as the next person, but I can't justify a
>> $300-600 machine to make it. I'm not an ice cream eater, but hubby is
>> - so we have two half gallons of Dryer's sitting in the freezer now.
>> --

> Ina Garten says that the Cusinart $49.95 is the best-est. I certainly
> agree.
> Dee Dee

So why did you just buy a compressor machine?

Wayne Boatwright

Date: Sunday, December(XII) 16th(XVI),2007(MMVII)

Today is: Third Sunday of Advent
Countdown 'til Christmas
1wks 6hrs 6mins 51secs
Cats must knock the brush Mom uses on
me into the garbage can just because.
  #233 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

On 17 Dec 2007 16:49:54 GMT, "Default User" >

>Dairies I would except to be cheaper than the supermarket. Yesterday's
>shopping (Schnucks) showed heavy cream: 1qt == $4.19, 1pt == $1.99
>(sale), 1/2pt == $1 (sale).

Except, I bought this in the local market I where I shop. This dairy
sells it's products in some of the local stores.

  #234 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 15:49:45 GMT, blake murphy >

>i don't know why people seem to be assuming christine will be eating
>ramen noodles three times a day. from the sense i have of her cooking
>abilities, she won't be feeling deprived. more power to her, i say.
>your pal,

Hehehehehe.... No, I won't be eating ramen noodles at all. Noodles
yes, but not ramen.

I didn't do much cooking yesterday, as I was rather tired. My
schedule this week has been a bit up and down. One day on, one day
off, one day on, one day off... I work again tonight, unless so many
babies have gone home that they can cancel me.

I found some of my turkey noodle soup in the freezer, and that, with a
salad, will be my dinner at work tonight. It is very much soup weather
here, so this will be perfect. The soup has a lot of the leftover
Thanksgiving turkey in it, plus parsnips, potatoes, carrots and
celery, and the turkey broth too. Very filling.

  #235 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message

> I can remember, as a child, that we went to the local ice house and bought
> a 25# block of ice. Depending on who was getting it, it was brought home
> whole and an ice pick was used to shatter off large hunks, then the hunks
> were put in burlap bags and hit with hammers to crush it to the right
> size.
> Wayne Boatwright

Those are my Ohio memories, too. :-)))
Dee Dee

  #236 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

Gregory Morrow wrote:
> Ophelia wrote:
>> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>>> Ophelia wrote:
>>>> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>>>>> Giusi wrote:
>>>>>> "Gregory Morrow" > ha
>>>>>> scritto nel messaggio ...
>>>>>>> cybercat blasts us with:
>>>>>>>> Wasting resources is unwise and unkind
>>>>>>> "Liberalism is like a turd painted gold - it may glitter and
>>>>>>> look good from
>>>>>>> a distance, but close up you'll see that it stinks..."
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>> Greg
>>>>>> How come that people in other rich countries know that resources
>>>>>> are finite and to waste is unethical, but over and over one hears
>>>>>> from the US, "I can afford to throw it out?" Not from everyone,
>>>>>> of course, but I hardly ever hear it from other peoples.
>>>>> I was just joshing the cybercat with that made - up quote, but...
>>>>> It has something to do with the US being a place of infinite
>>>>> possibilities - and an infinite *supply* of things to throw out
>>>>> because we are a big and rich place. It's the attitude of ,"We
>>>>> don't have to live all cramped up like those Europeans, etc.".
>>>>> Energy, food, and so many other things here have been or are in
>>>>> cheap and seemingly limitless supply as compared to other places.
>>>>> Reminds me of when I first visited Europe as a kid. I was
>>>>> "intrigued" by things like timed lights in apartment building
>>>>> hallways, having to light the gas to heat the water in a five -
>>>>> gallon tank in order to get hot water for a bath or whatever, tiny
>>>>> fridges of the size that I had in my small college dormitory room,
>>>>> no ice, poor heat and air conditioning, etc...I wasn't used to the
>>>>> concept of having to scrimp on energy.
>>>> I didn't realise you were so old Greg
>>> ;-o
>>>> I have Combi boiler which gives me instant hot water and as much as
>>>> I want, central heating and a huge chest freezer too.
>>> I visited the UK and Europe first in the late 70's, I know things
>>> have since improved...
>>> :-)
>>> Back then the UK was "the sick man of Europe", it was a pretty run -
>>> down place. Thanks to the policies of Margaret Thatcher, the UK is
>>> now pretty rich and prosperous....


> Now it's us Yanks that are the "poor cousins"...

Oh dear I don't want anyone to be the poor cousins

  #237 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 12:50:44 -0500, "Dee.Dee" >

>Ina Garten says that the Cusinart $49.95 is the best-est. I certainly

I have that one.

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  #238 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 13:58:10 -0500, "Dee.Dee" >

>Thank you, sf,
>Have I seen your photo on the mug shots?

>Not that it makes any real difference, right?

LOL, I hope not.

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  #239 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

Christine Dabney wrote:

> On 17 Dec 2007 16:49:54 GMT, "Default User" >
> wrote:
> > Dairies I would except to be cheaper than the supermarket.
> > Yesterday's shopping (Schnucks) showed heavy cream: 1qt == $4.19,
> > 1pt == $1.99 (sale), 1/2pt == $1 (sale).

> Except, I bought this in the local market I where I shop. This dairy
> sells it's products in some of the local stores.

When you say, "from a local dairy", the usual interpretation would be
that that's where it was purchased.

Regardless, even at that price you're not beating cheap ice cream or
even Breyers on sale.


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  #240 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 17 Dec 2007 22:12:16 GMT, "Default User" >

>Regardless, even at that price you're not beating cheap ice cream or
>even Breyers on sale.

I think I am doing pretty well..since most ice creams only takes a cup
or so of cream. The rest is usually milk.. There are exceptions
though, in that some I see take a bit over 2 cups of cream, and the
rest milk. An ice cream made with only cream is very, very fatty and
doesn't have a good mouth feel.

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