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Posted to rec.food.cooking, talk.environment, soc.retirement
see: http://home.att.net/~meditation/bio-fuel-hoax.html
The biofuel hoax is causing a world food crisis! by Christopher Calder On December 19th, 2007, George W. Bush signed into law an historic energy bill that mandates massive increases in the production of ethanol, which is to be used as "biofuel" to run automobiles and trucks. Ethanol is currently made from corn and other foodstuffs, and all of the various forms of biofuel, including "biodiesel," are made from food or from inedible crops which displace normal agricultural activity. Even at current limited levels of biofuel production, this "renewable energy source" has already caused huge increases in the price of food around the world, which can be experienced firsthand at any supermarket in America. Unfortunately, consumers/voters are undereducated as to exactly why food prices have risen so dramatically. The United Nations has officially stated that its charity programs can no longer afford to feed the starving peoples of the world because of the high cost of food due to biofuel production. Local food banks in the United States are running low on supplies, and many families who use to contribute to food banks are now in need of help themselves. When farmers plant more corn in order to cash in on artificially high corn prices created by political biofuel mandates, they plant less wheat and fewer vegetables and other crops, and thus food prices rise across the board. We use corn to feed chickens and cattle, so the price of poultry, beef, and dairy products have risen substantially and will continue to rise with no end in sight. The advocacy and use of biofuels is one of the greatest political hoaxes in American history. The ideology of biofuel production sounds wholesome superficially, a kind of green, health food store way of producing energy. The problem is that the entire biofuel scheme is based on lies and political selfishness, without any legitimate science based ecological justification. 1) Biofuel production starves the poor and reduces our standard of living by dramatically increasing the cost of food, which we all need just to survive. Of course the homeless, the elderly, the disabled, and those living on Social Security and other fixed incomes are the hardest hit. 2) Biofuel production increases our Federal budget deficit because it demands large subsidies to exist. Without massive Federal subsidies and political mandates, there would be no significant free market demand for biofuels at all. Biofuel schemes are energy socialism gone wrong. 3) Biofuel production harms the environment by needlessly eroding topsoil and encouraging the destruction of forests, which are desperately needed as a sponge to soak up excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide (C02) is the major greenhouse gas that causes global warming. Do we really want to cut down forests all over the world, from Indonesia to Pennsylvania, just to have more land to grow corn, soybeans, palm oil, sugarcane, and other crops to burn as fuel in our SUVs? Biofuel schemes speed up global warming because the entire biofuel production process, from beginning to end, releases huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere while destroying native forests which naturally clean and rejuvenate the air we breathe. Biofuel production will aggravate water shortages world wide because water is diverted to grow biofuel crops and thus taken away from our ever shrinking supplies of safe drinking water. Biofuel use also demands a dramatic increase in the production of fertilizers made from natural gas, coal and mined minerals in a messy industrial process which unleashes even more greenhouse gases. Biofuels are a losing proposition on every level, except for the big profits giant agricultural corporations will make producing them. 4) Biofuels schemes are a scientific hoax and an economic fraud because they take more energy to produce than they yield in the form of the biofuel itself. We have to use large amounts of coal and oil just to produce biofuels. The economic numbers for biofuel production do not add up any way you look at them, and at the recent United Nations conference on strategic environmental issues held in Bali, Indonesia, several studies were presented detailing the dangers of making automobile fuels from crops. Respected scientists warned that biofuel production is destructive to the environment and will not give us the clean "renewable energy" its advocates claim. Just a few days after the Bali conference ended, America's political leaders enacted a new law mandating massive increases in biofuel production, the science and the facts be damned. 5) The biofuel hoax in the United States is fueled to a large degree by domestic American politics and corporate greed. Both the Republican and Democratic political parties want to get the "farm vote" in politically strategic farming states like Iowa, Ohio, and Nebraska. Our politicians have put political gain ahead of the world's starving poor, the elderly on fixed incomes, and the welfare of the American middle class. Rich politicians can afford to pay the dramatically higher food bills that biofuel production creates, and they have decided to throw science to the wind and charge blindly into what will inevitably be branded as one of the most destructive political fiascoes of the 21st century. 6) Making cellulosic ethanol from lignocellulose, a structural material that comprises much of the mass of plants, is better than making ethanol from corn, but it still has most of the drawbacks listed for ethanol made from food crops. Growing lignocellulose yielding grasses on land we currently use to graze cattle will increase the price of beef and milk. We will still have to use fertilizers made from natural gas and coal to make inedible crops grow, and the entire process will erode topsoil and increase the price of food. If we grow switchgrass for biofuel on "marginal" prairie land, we will soon turn that marginal land into a desert and a dust bowl, which it may turn into anyway due to global warming, which biofuel use will not stop. Computer models for the progression of global warming show the America Midwest and Southwest getting hotter and dryer, with much of our farm and grazing land turning into desert. We know that biofuel use will do nothing to stop this progression, so why are we pinning so much hope on an energy and environmental battle plan that any fool can see will blow up in our face over time? We won't be able to produce enough biofuels to run our cars, or enough food to fill our bellies! The biofuel scheme is another example of a basic lack of intelligence of our politicians, many of whom also voted for the disastrous Iraq war despite the warnings of more thoughtful advisers. If you cannot plan ahead and anticipate future trends, then you will lead this nation into one disaster after another, which is exactly what is occurring in Washington DC at this very moment. Our Congress has become a chorus of stupidity, and our politicians are leading us to national suicide, not to the nirvana of energy independence. Even the very process of making cellulosic ethanol from switchgrass and other plants has not been proven to be economically viable, and the Bush energy bill assumes new scientific breakthroughs that have not yet occurred. Many of the plants being proposed as lignocellulose yielding crops are weeds which will have a destructive impact on wildlife and biodiversity around the world. In practical terms, there is not enough usable land area to grow a sufficient quantity of biofuel plants to meet the world's energy demands. The prospect of growing algae to make biodiesel has more positive potential than making ethanol from switchgrass, but open algae sewage ponds are difficult to manage due to contamination from invasive algae and bacteria, and the inherent problem of finding an algae that will survive wide swings in temperature and pH. If a system can be developed that produces biodiesel from algae that requires only a small amount of land and that produces much more energy than it takes to manufacture, then algae based biodiesel might be a positive venture. To date there has been no proof that such a system is viable or truly carbon neutral. If you have to run algae farms off the waste of coal fired power plants, as has been proposed, then you have a band- aid solution that will not stop global warming in its tracks, which is what we need to do if we want our children and grandchildren to survive on this planet. Dramatic increases in food prices created by biofuel production will cause political instability around the globe, because food products are sold in a world wide marketplace just like oil. There have already been mass public protests in Mexico over the high price of corn, which makes tortillas and other basic Mexican foods. Imagine the political instability in Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, India, and Pakistan that skyrocketing food prices and mass starvation will cause. Will a starving Pakistan, armed with nuclear weapons, make the world a safer place? If American politicians lead us down a path to global use of biofuels, we will be leading the world into a historic disaster that can easily kill more people due to starvation than have been killed in the Iraq war by bullets and bombs. If we truly wish to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and not just waste time on destructive political scams, then we will have to create an infrastructure based on nuclear energy, improved battery technology, and hydrogen fuel, not on ethanol and biofuels. Hydrogen releases water vapor when burned and is the cleanest burning fuel known to man. Hydrogen can be used in both internal combustion engines and in fuel cells. Hydrogen fuel can be made through the electrolysis of water via electricity generated from zero emissions nuclear power plants, which currently produce about 19.4% of our nation's electricity. We need to build large numbers of nuclear power plants now using mass production techniques if we want to end global warming rather than just continue talking about the subject endlessly with no positive effect. Nuclear power plants do not contribute to global warming because they release no greenhouse gases at all. You do not need much land to build a nuclear power plant, and you do not need to make fertilizer to make nuclear energy grow. Nuclear power plants are not vulnerable to attack by insects, viruses, bacteria, or fungi as are biofuel crops. We need to get off the organic carbon cycle for energy production and use inorganic nuclear power to produce the highly concentrated energy supply that solar and wind power can never hope to provide. Even by the most optimistic estimates, solar and wind power can only hope to satisfy perhaps 20% of our future energy needs. Solar and wind power tap into natural energy sources that are far too diffuse to be collected on a large enough scale to power an advanced, industrialized nation. Solar and wind power currently produce only about 2.4% of our nation's electricity, so even an increase to 20% would be a major undertaking. One of the added benefits of nuclear power is that we already own huge amounts of nuclear fuel in the form of nuclear weapons materials, which can be converted into fuel rods for civilian power production. The United States Government has hundreds of years worth of nuclear fuel in storage thanks to the cold war nuclear arms race of the 1950s and 1960s. We can turn our swords into plowshares while paying only the modest costs of converting high level weapons grade nuclear materials into low level nuclear fuel rods suitable for civilian power production. Unlike oil, we do not have to import nuclear fuel from foreign countries or fight endless foreign wars to protect our supplies. Nuclear fuel rods can be reprocessed over and over again because only a tiny portion of the nuclear material is actually used up during each fuel cycle. When you reprocess fuel rods there is very little high level nuclear waste that needs to be stored. The nuclear "waste" is simply reused as nuclear fuel, and that is part of the reason why France's nuclear power program has been so successful. France relies heavily on nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel reprocessing, and thus France has the cleanest air and lowest electricity rates in Europe. The fears many Americans have about civilian nuclear power plants are largely unfounded. Our latest nuclear reactor designs are carefully engineered with many layers of redundant safety and security features built-in. One single disaster that occurred in 1986 at an obsolete Ukrainian reactor is no reason to be eternally afraid of all civilian nuclear power plants across the board. The old Chernobyl reactor used a dangerous design that has never been used in the West, and which did not even have a containment vessel. The infamous Chernobyl accident was caused by Soviet engineers conducting wildly irresponsible experiments that were totally unrelated to normal civilian power production, and which would never be allowed in the USA. The Chernobyl nuclear accident killed a total of 56 people, a great tragedy, but not a nation killing disaster. Far fewer people died at Chernobyl than on Japan Airlines Flight 123 in 1985, when a lone 747 jetliner crashed and killed all 520 passengers. Americans suffer over 40,000 deaths due to automobile accidents every year, but there is no great human cry to ban automobiles. Nuclear power plants in America have an excellent record for safety and for clean, pollution free operation. By contrast, the over 600 coal burning power plants in the United States which produce approximately 49% of our nation's electricity emit sulfur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) which combine with moisture in the atmosphere to create destructive acid rain. Coal burning power plants also release microscopic particulate matter which clog the lungs and which are attributed to causing approximately 24,000 unnatural premature deaths in America every year, which is 428 times the Chernobyl death toll. Coal fired power plants in the USA release approximately 200,000 pounds of toxic mercury each year, and nearly 10% of global carbon dioxide emissions, which represents an enormous river of skyward bound greenhouse gas. On top of all of that, coal burning power plants release radioactive materials into the atmosphere due to the natural thorium and uranium content of coal. A single 1,000 megawatt coal- burning power plant can release as much as 12.8 tons of radioactive thorium every year, and 5.2 tons of uranium each year. The uranium figure includes 74 pounds of uranium-235, which is the highly fissionable form of uranium that was used to construct the "Little Boy" atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. Why is there so little fear in the United States of coal burning power plants, but so much hysterical fear of much safer and healthier nuclear power? The answer is that nuclear power has been unfairly demonized by a Hollywood entertainment industry trying to make a quick buck (The China Syndrome, The Simpsons, etc.), and by scientifically undereducated politicians and environmental activists. The fact is there has never been a single human death attributable to the daily activity of nuclear power plants in the USA, and American nuclear power plants produce electricity at an average cost of less than two cents per kilowatt-hour (2004 figure), which is comparable with coal and hydroelectric power. Newer, more efficient power plant designs and the mass production of major structural and control components can bring the cost down even further. Nuclear power is the only technology that can produce an extremely high volume of energy using only a tiny amount of land and at reasonable cost, all without emitting any greenhouse gases. That is why the father of Gaia theory, British atmospheric scientist James Lovelock, stated that nuclear power is the only way to have a large human population on planet earth without causing global warming and destroying the environment. Please read James Lovelock's public statement on nuclear energy, Nuclear power is the only green solution. We must remember that biofuels are made from food or from inedible crops which displace current levels of food production. With a world wide human population of over 6.6 billion people and growing, we cannot afford to feed our families and at the same time use precious farm and grazing land to produce food products and/or lignocellulose yielding crops to burn in our automobile engines. Food belongs in the stomachs of hungry men, women, and children, not in the gas tanks of our Fords, Hondas, and Mercedes Benz automobiles. If you do not want food prices to double, triple, or even quadruple in the next ten years, then write your Congressman, Senator, Governor, and President and tell them that you do not want to waste food production resources on biofuels. Furthermore, state the obvious fact that food prices are already too high and that you want all biofuel mandates repealed and all biofuel manufacturing subsidies ended. If this is done you will soon see food prices declining instead of rising, your local food banks will become full again, and the United Nations and other charitable organizations will be able to meet their moral obligations to help feed the world's starving masses. Biofuel production for use in automobiles represents a needless man made disaster, not a blessing, and biofuels are effectively agricultural products no matter how you make them. We should not waste or displace food production capacity if we wish to feed a hungry world. Christopher Calder http://home.att.net/~meditation/bio-fuel-hoax.html .. |
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