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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,325
Default On a health(ier) kick.

No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots of
salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.

The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
Valentines Day, but.......

I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next week
and I want to give it every chance of being successful.

I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up till
now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to donate plasma
every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to give platelets made
all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know that you are essentially
saving someones life with your donations.... as each donation was for a
specific person.

If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy, but I'm
sure the recipient will be even more so.

Peter Lucas

At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.

Turkish Officer
400 Plateau
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 4,387
Default On a health(ier) kick.

On Feb 12, 4:10*pm, PeterLucas > wrote:
> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots of
> salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
> Valentines Day, but.......
> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next week
> and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up till
> now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to donate plasma
> every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to give platelets made
> all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know that you are essentially
> saving someones life with your donations.... as each donation was for a
> specific person.
> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy, but I'm
> sure the recipient will be even more so.
> --
> Peter Lucas
> Brisbane
> Australia
> At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
> savage must weep.
> Turkish Officer
> 400 Plateau
> 24May1915

Good for you- hope a match will be found!
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,325
Default On a health(ier) kick.

merryb > wrote in

> On Feb 12, 4:10*pm, PeterLucas > wrote:
>> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots
>> of salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
>> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
>> Valentines Day, but.......
>> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next
>> week and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
>> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up
>> till

>> now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to donate
>> plasma every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to give
>> platelets made all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know that
>> you are essentially saving someones life with your donations.... as
>> each donation was for a specific person.
>> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy,
>> but I'

> m
>> sure the recipient will be even more so.

> Good for you- hope a match will be found!

It's a bit different over here....... they only ever call you up when
there is a patient ready and waiting to recieve.

I noticed in the US, you can put your marrow into a bank and they try to
find a match.
I was under the assumption that the donation was only viable for 5

Peter Lucas

At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.

Turkish Officer
400 Plateau
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 107
Default On a health(ier) kick.

"PeterLucas" > wrote in message
> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots of
> salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
> Valentines Day, but.......
> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next week
> and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up till
> now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to donate plasma
> every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to give platelets made
> all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know that you are essentially
> saving someones life with your donations.... as each donation was for a
> specific person.
> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy, but
> I'm
> sure the recipient will be even more so.
> --
> Peter Lucas
> Brisbane
> Australia
> At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
> savage must weep.
> Turkish Officer
> 400 Plateau
> 24May1915

Good for you Peter! I've been on our registry here for 20 odd years or so
but have never been called. On the other hand though, at one point I was
giving platelets every 2 weeks. I have given over 180 times or so they tell
me. I haven't been able to give for the last few years (my hematocrit has
been hovering at 36 and I think you need to be at 39). I need to take iron
pills so that I can go back. They still call me every month or so now.

It feels awsome being directed for platelet donation. I can only imagine
how wonderful it must be to be able to truly give the gift of life. Keep us
up on how it goes, ok?

Good on ya!

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 5,380
Default On a health(ier) kick.

Sqwertz wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 00:10:47 +0000 (UTC), PeterLucas wrote:
>> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots of
>> salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
>> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
>> Valentines Day, but.......
>> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next week
>> and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
>> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up till
>> now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to donate plasma
>> every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to give platelets made
>> all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know that you are essentially
>> saving someones life with your donations.... as each donation was for a
>> specific person.
>> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy, but I'm
>> sure the recipient will be even more so.

> You must have taken the McQuown Course in Modesty(tm). Did you
> already do the Homeless People chapter?

Now, now, Steve, no need to be sarky...I think what he's doing is a Good
Thing. And WTF are you doing awake at this hour anyway?

OBFood: So what's for breakfast? Please tell me it doesn't involve grits
Chatty Cathy

Food is an important part of a balanced diet. - Fran Lebowitz

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 5,380
Default On a health(ier) kick.

Gregory Morrow wrote:
> Sqwertz wrote:
>> On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 00:10:47 +0000 (UTC), PeterLucas wrote:
>>> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots of
>>> salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
>>> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
>>> Valentines Day, but.......
>>> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next

> week
>>> and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
>>> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up

> till
>>> now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to donate plasma
>>> every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to give platelets made
>>> all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know that you are essentially
>>> saving someones life with your donations.... as each donation was for a
>>> specific person.
>>> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy, but

> I'm
>>> sure the recipient will be even more so.

>> You must have taken the McQuown Course in Modesty(tm). Did you
>> already do the Homeless People chapter?

> Gads, further proof that Peterbreath Lucas is a windy self - aggrandizing
> there *anything* the dude does that is not Simply Wonderful...???
> He oughta hook up with my pal Maryanne "Loafhead" Kehoe, they could form a
> Mutual Self - Admiration Society, lol...

And what are you also doing up at this hour Greg? Is it National Stay
Awake day in the US or something?
Get thee into the kitchen and cook breakfast :-P

Chatty Cathy

Food is an important part of a balanced diet. - Fran Lebowitz
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Default On a health(ier) kick.

Sqwertz wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 00:10:47 +0000 (UTC), PeterLucas wrote:
> > No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots of
> > salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
> >
> > The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
> > Valentines Day, but.......
> >
> > I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next

> > and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
> >
> > I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up

> > now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to donate plasma
> > every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to give platelets made
> > all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know that you are essentially
> > saving someones life with your donations.... as each donation was for a
> > specific person.
> >
> > If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy, but

> > sure the recipient will be even more so.

> You must have taken the McQuown Course in Modesty(tm). Did you
> already do the Homeless People chapter?

Gads, further proof that Peterbreath Lucas is a windy self - aggrandizing there *anything* the dude does that is not Simply Wonderful...???
He oughta hook up with my pal Maryanne "Loafhead" Kehoe, they could form a
Mutual Self - Admiration Society, lol...


  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 5,380
Default On a health(ier) kick.

Gregory Morrow wrote:

> Actually, it is a FREEZING and snowy very early morning here in Chicago and
> for brekkie I am enjoying a nice HOT bowl of some very nice home - made pork
> 'n sausage gumbo that I had stashed away in the freezer. The basic gumbo
> mix was made by one of the bartenders (who also happens to be a splendid
> cook) at my corner bar for their Mardi Gras party several weeks ago. As
> *that* night was very cold and snowy few people showed up and so a lot of
> this stuff was left. I've a coupla more containers, I'll put shrimp in
> them, probably this weekend...this stuff is perfect, he cooks the roux down
> for a really long time and it's wonderfully spiced.

Yep gumbo is great. I have learned to make a nice dark roux for one
recipe I have - without burning it <Cathy puffs up with pride> - but it
takes a good 30-40 minutes of stirring LOL!

BTW, I am munching a bacon sandwich for 'brunch' at this very moment
> BTW, how are your chickens doing? Are they cosy and safe or have any more
> predators got to them...???

Fine thanks. No more problems. In fact, they lay so many eggs now I have
to give them away
Pity I can't email some to you, because they are just so 'yummy'
compared to the store-bought eggs, IMNSHO.
Chatty Cathy

Food is an important part of a balanced diet. - Fran Lebowitz
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 2
Default On a health(ier) kick.

ChattyCathy wrote:

> Gregory Morrow wrote:
> > Sqwertz wrote:
> >
> >> On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 00:10:47 +0000 (UTC), PeterLucas wrote:
> >>
> >>> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots

> >>> salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
> >>>
> >>> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
> >>> Valentines Day, but.......
> >>>
> >>> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next

> > week
> >>> and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
> >>>
> >>> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up

> > till
> >>> now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to donate

> >>> every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to give platelets

> >>> all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know that you are

> >>> saving someones life with your donations.... as each donation was for

> >>> specific person.
> >>>
> >>> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy,

> > I'm
> >>> sure the recipient will be even more so.
> >> You must have taken the McQuown Course in Modesty(tm). Did you
> >> already do the Homeless People chapter?

> >
> >
> > Gads, further proof that Peterbreath Lucas is a windy self -

> > there *anything* the dude does that is not Simply

> > He oughta hook up with my pal Maryanne "Loafhead" Kehoe, they could form

> > Mutual Self - Admiration Society, lol...
> >
> >

> And what are you also doing up at this hour Greg? Is it National Stay
> Awake day in the US or something?
> Get thee into the kitchen and cook breakfast :-P

Steve's posts always put me into a romantic mood, lol...and this time we
actually *agree* about something. Maybe he'll send me a cyber - kiss or
something, who knows...


Actually, it is a FREEZING and snowy very early morning here in Chicago and
for brekkie I am enjoying a nice HOT bowl of some very nice home - made pork
'n sausage gumbo that I had stashed away in the freezer. The basic gumbo
mix was made by one of the bartenders (who also happens to be a splendid
cook) at my corner bar for their Mardi Gras party several weeks ago. As
*that* night was very cold and snowy few people showed up and so a lot of
this stuff was left. I've a coupla more containers, I'll put shrimp in
them, probably this weekend...this stuff is perfect, he cooks the roux down
for a really long time and it's wonderfully spiced.

BTW, how are your chickens doing? Are they cosy and safe or have any more
predators got to them...???


  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 4,244
Default On a health(ier) kick.

PeterLucas wrote:
> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots of
> salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
> Valentines Day, but.......
> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next week
> and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up till
> now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to donate plasma
> every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to give platelets made
> all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know that you are essentially
> saving someones life with your donations.... as each donation was for a
> specific person.
> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy, but I'm
> sure the recipient will be even more so.

I always think that things like this are diminished when the flag needs
to be run up the pole to make the announcement.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,325
Default On a health(ier) kick.

"chefhelen" > wrote in

> "PeterLucas" > wrote in message
> 0.25...
>> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots
>> of salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
>> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
>> Valentines Day, but.......
>> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next
>> week and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
>> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up
>> till now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to
>> donate plasma every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to
>> give platelets made all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know
>> that you are essentially saving someones life with your donations....
>> as each donation was for a specific person.
>> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy,
>> but I'm
>> sure the recipient will be even more so.

> Good for you Peter! I've been on our registry here for 20 odd years
> or so but have never been called.

I know!! It was a bit of a shock to actually get the phone call. Luckily
I updated my details about 3 years ago, so they had my mobile numbers.

> On the other hand though, at one
> point I was giving platelets every 2 weeks. I have given over 180
> times or so they tell me.

Of platelets?? Or plasma. I know that we can give plasma every 2 weeks.
But even if it's plasma donations, that's an awsome amount!!

Platelets are like the bone marrow donations, a wait for the phone call
job :-)

> I haven't been able to give for the last
> few years (my hematocrit has been hovering at 36 and I think you need
> to be at 39). I need to take iron pills so that I can go back. They
> still call me every month or so now.

Just keep taking your Iron tablets :-)

> It feels awsome being directed for platelet donation.

It sure did. I still remember them. I was doing a computer course at
college and my pager used to go off, I'd look at it say say "Havta go,
the Blood Bank needs me" :-)

They initially thought I was goofing off and after the second time, I
had to front the 'Principal'. A quick phone call to the Blood Bank and
all of a sudden it was a matter of "If his pager goes off and he has to
go, just tidy his workstation for him, he'll be back sometime." :-)

I used to sneak a look at the files that were attached to all the
paperwork during the donations. My platelets went to a Grandmother after
heart surgery, a young girl (about 8yo) after Chemo, a young guy after a
really bad motorbike accident, and young female burns victim.

> I can only
> imagine how wonderful it must be to be able to truly give the gift of
> life.
> Keep us up on how it goes, ok?

No worries.

> Good on ya!

Thanks...... keep up your good work too :-)

Peter Lucas

At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.

Turkish Officer
400 Plateau
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,325
Default On a health(ier) kick.

ChattyCathy > wrote in


> And what are you also doing up at this hour Greg? Is it National Stay
> Awake day in the US or something?
> Get thee into the kitchen and cook breakfast :-P

Ahhhh, Greg Moron and that drip Spurtz make a wonderful couple, don't they?

Peter Lucas

At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.

Turkish Officer
400 Plateau
  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,325
Default On a health(ier) kick.

ChattyCathy > wrote in

> Now, now, Steve, no need to be sarky...I think what he's doing is a
> Good Thing.

And guess which would be the first whiney ass to start crying out for
people when *he* needs them??


Peter Lucas

At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.

Turkish Officer
400 Plateau
  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default On a health(ier) kick.

"Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote in

> PeterLucas > dropped this
> 0.25: in
>> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next
>> week and I want to give it every chance of being successful.

> Best of luck!


At last...... something new in my life that I haven't tried before :-)

It sucks drinking lots of water though :-(

Peter Lucas

At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.

Turkish Officer
400 Plateau
  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,325
Default On a health(ier) kick.

George > wrote in
> PeterLucas wrote:
>> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots
>> of salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
>> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
>> Valentines Day, but.......
>> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next
>> week and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
>> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up
>> till now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to
>> donate plasma every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to
>> give platelets made all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know
>> that you are essentially saving someones life with your donations....
>> as each donation was for a specific person.
>> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy,
>> but I'm sure the recipient will be even more so.

> I always think that things like this are diminished when the flag
> needs to be run up the pole to make the announcement.

Well, people like you would say that........ I think it's called

Lots of people come on here and tell lots of things. If you want to go
live in a vacuum, you're more than welcome.

I'm actually quite proud and excited about the whole thing.

Peter Lucas

At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.

Turkish Officer
400 Plateau

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,883
Default On a health(ier) kick.

George wrote:
> PeterLucas wrote:
>> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots
>> of salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
>> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
>> Valentines Day, but.......
>> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next
>> week and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
>> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and
>> up till now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to
>> donate plasma every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to
>> give platelets made all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know
>> that you are essentially saving someones life with your
>> donations.... as each donation was for a specific person.
>> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy,
>> but I'm sure the recipient will be even more so.

> I always think that things like this are diminished when the flag
> needs to be run up the pole to make the announcement.

Indeed, but surely you are not surprised with this individual?

  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 4,244
Default On a health(ier) kick.

PeterLucas wrote:

> Well, people like you would say that........ I think it's called
> jealousy.
> Lots of people come on here and tell lots of things. If you want to go
> live in a vacuum, you're more than welcome.
> I'm actually quite proud and excited about the whole thing.

You should be proud.

I am not jealous in the least since I am involved in activities that
provide personal satisfaction. I am not the least bit interested in
queuing the band and running a flag up the pole when I do them. The most
charitable and generous people I know do it for personal satisfaction
and you would never even know what they are doing unless you
accidentally found out.
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 11,612
Default On a health(ier) kick.

PeterLucas wrote:
> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots of
> salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
> Valentines Day, but.......
> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next week
> and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up till
> now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to donate plasma
> every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to give platelets made
> all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know that you are essentially
> saving someones life with your donations.... as each donation was for a
> specific person.
> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy, but I'm
> sure the recipient will be even more so.

What a lovely thing to do! Red wine is good for you, so I
guess you were given a list of what to do and what not to do
Jean B.
  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default On a health(ier) kick.

Ophelia wrote:
> George wrote:
>> PeterLucas wrote:
>>> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots
>>> of salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
>>> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
>>> Valentines Day, but.......
>>> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next
>>> week and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
>>> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and
>>> up till now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to
>>> donate plasma every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to
>>> give platelets made all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know
>>> that you are essentially saving someones life with your
>>> donations.... as each donation was for a specific person.
>>> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy,
>>> but I'm sure the recipient will be even more so.

>> I always think that things like this are diminished when the flag
>> needs to be run up the pole to make the announcement.

> Indeed, but surely you are not surprised with this individual?

So let me get this straight. If someone posts something that you agree
with they are wonderful and if you don't agree with what someone writes
you declare that "Indeed, but surely you are not surprised with this

How open minded of you, I guess I can only aspire to be a member of the
elite who think like you because in your world nothing else is
acceptable. How dare we have concepts like free speech or differing
opinions in a discussion group, oh the horror of it all for you having
to breathe the same air as me...

He made a comment and I made a polite comment offering my opinion. As
far as I know that is what free speech and discussion groups are all about.
  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 1,883
Default On a health(ier) kick.

George wrote:
> Ophelia wrote:
>> George wrote:
>>> PeterLucas wrote:
>>>> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and
>>>> lots of salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple
>>>> of weeks. The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of
>>>> red
>>>> for Valentines Day, but.......
>>>> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor
>>>> next week and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
>>>> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and
>>>> up till now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to
>>>> donate plasma every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to
>>>> give platelets made all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know
>>>> that you are essentially saving someones life with your
>>>> donations.... as each donation was for a specific person.
>>>> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy,
>>>> but I'm sure the recipient will be even more so.
>>> I always think that things like this are diminished when the flag
>>> needs to be run up the pole to make the announcement.

>> Indeed, but surely you are not surprised with this individual?

> So let me get this straight. If someone posts something that you agree
> with they are wonderful and if you don't agree with what someone
> writes you declare that "Indeed, but surely you are not surprised
> with this individual?"
> How open minded of you, I guess I can only aspire to be a member of
> the elite who think like you because in your world nothing else is
> acceptable. How dare we have concepts like free speech or differing
> opinions in a discussion group, oh the horror of it all for you having
> to breathe the same air as me...
> He made a comment and I made a polite comment offering my opinion. As
> far as I know that is what free speech and discussion groups are all
> about.

LOL errr where did I write that you are wonderful?? You think too much of
yourself m'lad!

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 1,360
Default On a health(ier) kick.

PeterLucas wrote:
> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots of
> salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
> Valentines Day, but.......
> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next week
> and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up till
> now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to donate plasma
> every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to give platelets made
> all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know that you are essentially
> saving someones life with your donations.... as each donation was for a
> specific person.
> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy, but I'm
> sure the recipient will be even more so.

Good luck, I've been on the Registry for about 15 years and have never
gotten even a call. It's good to hear that it does work

John Kane, Kingston ON Canada
  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default On a health(ier) kick.

Ophelia wrote:
> George wrote:
>> Ophelia wrote:
>>> George wrote:
>>>> PeterLucas wrote:
>>>>> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and
>>>>> lots of salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple
>>>>> of weeks. The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of
>>>>> red
>>>>> for Valentines Day, but.......
>>>>> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor
>>>>> next week and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
>>>>> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and
>>>>> up till now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to
>>>>> donate plasma every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to
>>>>> give platelets made all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know
>>>>> that you are essentially saving someones life with your
>>>>> donations.... as each donation was for a specific person.
>>>>> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy,
>>>>> but I'm sure the recipient will be even more so.
>>>> I always think that things like this are diminished when the flag
>>>> needs to be run up the pole to make the announcement.
>>> Indeed, but surely you are not surprised with this individual?

>> So let me get this straight. If someone posts something that you agree
>> with they are wonderful and if you don't agree with what someone
>> writes you declare that "Indeed, but surely you are not surprised
>> with this individual?"
>> How open minded of you, I guess I can only aspire to be a member of
>> the elite who think like you because in your world nothing else is
>> acceptable. How dare we have concepts like free speech or differing
>> opinions in a discussion group, oh the horror of it all for you having
>> to breathe the same air as me...
>> He made a comment and I made a polite comment offering my opinion. As
>> far as I know that is what free speech and discussion groups are all
>> about.

> LOL errr where did I write that you are wonderful?? You think too much of
> yourself m'lad!

Do you actually read beyond the the second sentence?
  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default On a health(ier) kick.

jay wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:35:44 -0500, George wrote:
>> PeterLucas wrote:
>>> Well, people like you would say that........ I think it's called
>>> jealousy.
>>> Lots of people come on here and tell lots of things. If you want to go
>>> live in a vacuum, you're more than welcome.

>> I am not jealous in the least since I am involved in activities that
>> provide personal satisfaction. I am not the least bit interested in
>> queuing the band and running a flag up the pole when I do them. The most
>> charitable and generous people I know do it for personal satisfaction
>> and you would never even know what they are doing unless you
>> accidentally found out.

> Sounds like you are bragging about how much personal satisfaction you get
> from your involvement in activities that give you personal satisfaction.
> How do you know charitable and generous people if they don't mention their
> charitableness and generosity?..

Why do you ask a question about what I already answered?

and how do you know that they do it for
> personal satisfaction rather than a tax deduction since they don't mention
> the fact?
> Smells like horse shit.
> BTW charitable people are in the news by name and face on a regular basis
> and I'm thankful that they are capable and willing to give. Charitable
> causes actually enjoy the benefit of news coverage .. since giving begets
> more giving. The PeterLucas post may encourage someone else like you or
> that empty headed BIG-0 to be so generous.

If you say so...

> OBFOOD: I bought some fish sauce today..3 crab brand.
> jay

  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default On a health(ier) kick.

jay > wrote in

> The PeterLucas post may encourage someone
> else like you or that empty headed BIG-0 to be so generous.

Funny you should say that...... there is a story in todays local paper
about a mother and father of 3 kids. Their son, a very active lad, was
struck down with a disease that required him to have a heart-lung
transplant. Up till then, the mother and father had been the "I'm taking
them with me" types.

After their sons life was saved by a transplant, they have now changed
their minds and are now registered organ donors and are encouraging
everyone to become one.

Peter Lucas

At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.

Turkish Officer
400 Plateau
  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default On a health(ier) kick.

"Jean B." > wrote in

> PeterLucas wrote:
>> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots
>> of salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
>> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
>> Valentines Day, but.......
>> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next
>> week and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
>> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up
>> till now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to
>> donate plasma every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to
>> give platelets made all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know
>> that you are essentially saving someones life with your donations....
>> as each donation was for a specific person.
>> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy,
>> but I'm sure the recipient will be even more so.

> What a lovely thing to do! Red wine is good for you, so I
> guess you were given a list of what to do and what not to do
> dietwise?

Not really........ I just want to do a mini-detox and give the screening
every chance of success.

I may relent and have *a* glass of wine with the eye fillet steak I'm
going to be cooking for Valentines Day dinner tonight :-)

Peter Lucas

At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.

Turkish Officer
400 Plateau

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default On a health(ier) kick.

Janet Baraclough > wrote in

> The message 5>
> from PeterLucas > contains these words:
>> I used to sneak a look at the files that were attached to all the
>> paperwork during the donations. My platelets went to a Grandmother
>> after heart surgery, a young girl (about 8yo) after Chemo, a young
>> guy after a really bad motorbike accident, and young female burns
>> victim.

> I wonder why the donor records would mention that a heart surgery
> recipient was "a grandmother".

That part was told to me by the girls taking the platelets :-)
Her records just stated she was having heart surgery.

> Did it mention whether she could cook?

Mmmmmmmmm, free food :-)

Peter Lucas

At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.

Turkish Officer
400 Plateau
  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default On a health(ier) kick.

George > wrote in

> Ophelia wrote:

>> Indeed, but surely you are not surprised with this individual?

> So let me get this straight. If someone posts something that you agree
> with they are wonderful and if you don't agree with what someone
> writes you declare that "Indeed, but surely you are not surprised with
> this individual?"

Ahhhh, don't worry about Oh-feel-ya.

She has the hots for me and tries to make out that she hasn't :-)

Peter Lucas

At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.

Turkish Officer
400 Plateau
  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default On a health(ier) kick.

John Kane > wrote in


> Good luck, I've been on the Registry for about 15 years and have never
> gotten even a call. It's good to hear that it does work

I was starting to think it'd never happen (except for the platelets). Over
here, once you reach 56y0 they take you off the register...... I'm
'sneaking' in with 5 years to spare :-)

Peter Lucas

At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.

Turkish Officer
400 Plateau
  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,883
Default On a health(ier) kick.

George wrote:
> Ophelia wrote:
>> George wrote:
>>> Ophelia wrote:
>>>> George wrote:
>>>>> PeterLucas wrote:
>>>>>> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and
>>>>>> lots of salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple
>>>>>> of weeks. The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a
>>>>>> glass of red
>>>>>> for Valentines Day, but.......
>>>>>> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor
>>>>>> next week and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
>>>>>> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time
>>>>>> and up till now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used
>>>>>> to donate plasma every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called
>>>>>> in to give platelets made all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz
>>>>>> to know that you are essentially saving someones life with your
>>>>>> donations.... as each donation was for a specific person.
>>>>>> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very
>>>>>> happy, but I'm sure the recipient will be even more so.
>>>>> I always think that things like this are diminished when the flag
>>>>> needs to be run up the pole to make the announcement.
>>>> Indeed, but surely you are not surprised with this individual?
>>> So let me get this straight. If someone posts something that you
>>> agree with they are wonderful and if you don't agree with what
>>> someone writes you declare that "Indeed, but surely you are not
>>> surprised with this individual?"
>>> How open minded of you, I guess I can only aspire to be a member of
>>> the elite who think like you because in your world nothing else is
>>> acceptable. How dare we have concepts like free speech or differing
>>> opinions in a discussion group, oh the horror of it all for you
>>> having to breathe the same air as me...
>>> He made a comment and I made a polite comment offering my opinion.
>>> As far as I know that is what free speech and discussion groups are
>>> all about.

>> LOL errr where did I write that you are wonderful?? You think too
>> much of yourself m'lad!

> Do you actually read beyond the the second sentence?

What a strange one you are. You attack someone who was agreeing with you.

I take it my right to free speach isn't acceptable to you?

welcome to my KF

Life is good, be happy

  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 1,325
Default On a health(ier) kick.

Janet Baraclough > wrote in

> The message >
> from PeterLucas > contains these words:
>> Janet Baraclough > wrote in
>> :

>> > The message 5>
>> > from PeterLucas > contains these words:
>> >
>> >
>> >> I used to sneak a look at the files that were attached to all the
>> >> paperwork during the donations. My platelets went to a Grandmother
>> >> after heart surgery, a young girl (about 8yo) after Chemo, a young
>> >> guy after a really bad motorbike accident, and young female burns
>> >> victim.
>> >
>> > I wonder why the donor records would mention that a heart

>> > recipient was "a grandmother".

>> That part was told to me by the girls taking the platelets :-)

> Oh, I was misled by you saying you looked in the file attached to

> donation paperwork.


Next time I'll draw pictures.

>> Her records just stated she was having heart surgery.

> It's even more strange that a professional would reveal to the

> off-the-record personal information about the recipient. That, and you
> sneaking a look in files, would appear to contravene ABMDR's
> confidentiality policy.

When you attend a place as much as I attended there, you become part of
the 'family'. And giving platelets, especially to a specific recipient,
is a big deal. The process takes quite a bit of time, and a skilled
interrogater can extract any sort of information he wants :-)

It's not as big a deal as donating bone marrow though, but after the Bm
donation, the donor is given (if requested) information on how the
patient is doing. If all goes well, and if both parties apply in
writing, they are allowed to meet.

If it ever gets to that stage, I'd love to meet the person that has a
part of me in them.

So don't get your knickers all in a twist, just loosen them up and take
a deep breath.

Peter Lucas

At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.

Turkish Officer
400 Plateau
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