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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

I've got a couple boneless chicken thighs and a bottle of La Preferida
Salsa Verde; medium heat is what the bottle says. What can I do that
will use all the chicken and some of the salsa?

Left to my own devices, I would probably just simmer the thighs in some
salsa and serve it with rice and beans. Do I want to involve any tomato

-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
4/23/2008 The rains fall on the just and the unjust alike; sometimes
our umbrellas are not wide enough to keep us dry.
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

Melba's Jammin' > wrote in news:barbschaller-

> I've got a couple boneless chicken thighs and a bottle of La Preferida
> Salsa Verde; medium heat is what the bottle says. What can I do that
> will use all the chicken and some of the salsa?
> Left to my own devices, I would probably just simmer the thighs in

> salsa and serve it with rice and beans. Do I want to involve any

> stuff?
> Thanks.

Rice and beans??? BLECH!!!

Saute the chicken in some (*LOTSA*) garlic and onions, and EVOO. Chuck
in the LPSV, some olives, and some capsicum (Bell Peppers for you

Get some fresh pasta, or even just get some *good* dried whole egg

Cook the pasta....... the chooken and stuff won't take but a couple

Drain the pasta, chuck in the pan with the chook and stuff (maybe
parsley....... to try abd cover all that garlic??!! :-)

Fresh made pasta, or fresh pasta, is the ducks guts.

Wth fresh pasta, you don't need no stinkin' rice and beans.

Peter Lucas

"Thirty seven years ago, a Quarter Master, nearly knocked me over as he
thrust an L1A1 SLR into my hands and bellowed, "Keep that Rifle in Tip
Top Order so you can Kill your Countries Enemies with it before they
Kill You. These days, I do not have to visit exotic overseas countries
as my Countries Enemies are seen wallowing around our seats of
government, they guzzle and cavort at the Public trough so deeply they
make Caligula and Nero look like Church choir boys."

Mr Ron Owen, 2000, in a letter to then Premier Olsen.
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

In article > ,
PeterLucas > wrote:

> Fresh made pasta, or fresh pasta, is the ducks guts.
> Wth fresh pasta, you don't need no stinkin' rice and beans.

Ducks guts is not what I need to use. I need to use the salsa verde.
I like rice and beans.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
4/23/2008 The rains fall on the just and the unjust alike; sometimes
our umbrellas are not wide enough to keep us dry.
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Default Salsa Verde

"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> I've got a couple boneless chicken thighs and a bottle of La Preferida
> Salsa Verde; medium heat is what the bottle says. What can I do that
> will use all the chicken and some of the salsa?
> Left to my own devices, I would probably just simmer the thighs in some
> salsa and serve it with rice and beans. Do I want to involve any tomato
> stuff?
> Thanks.
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> 4/23/2008 The rains fall on the just and the unjust alike; sometimes
> our umbrellas are not wide enough to keep us dry.

This was given to me at a boy scout function. Tried the recipe and the kids
ate it and didn't die, so here goes:

You will need, the chicken, the salsa, olives (either black or green,
sliced) a sliced jalepeno (or pepper of your choice) a chopped scallion or
two and some shredded cheddar.

Place chicken in a cassarole (hot pot dish for you Meenie Sotans) and cover
with salsa, sprinkle olives, peppers and onions over salsa. Pop in 350 oven
until juices run clear in chicken (may want to baste chicken occassionally
with salsa while cooking if you are anal about such things, I just let it
cook). When chicken is 'this close' to being done, top whole shebang with
shredded cheddar and allow cheese to melt.

Serve with rice, beans and rice, spanish rice, your choice. If you have
those in your house that will go 'eeewww, it's tooo spicy', just serve them
the chicken and salsa and leave the other things in the pan.

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

Melba's Jammin' > wrote in message
> I've got a couple boneless chicken thighs and a
> bottle of La Preferida Salsa Verde; medium
> heat is what the bottle says. What can I do that
> will use all the chicken and some of the salsa?
> Left to my own devices, I would probably just
> simmer the thighs in some salsa and serve it with
> rice and beans. Do I want to involve any tomato
> stuff?

Nah; the tomatios already cover the "sweet acid" taste and
adding the tomatoes will just diffuse and confuse.

If you add a litte cayenne pepper and sauté some onions,
that'll also enhance the taste.

The Ranger

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> I've got a couple boneless chicken thighs and a bottle of La Preferida
> Salsa Verde; medium heat is what the bottle says. What can I do that
> will use all the chicken and some of the salsa?
> Left to my own devices, I would probably just simmer the thighs in some
> salsa and serve it with rice and beans. Do I want to involve any tomato
> stuff?
> Thanks.

Pan fry the thighs in a nonstick skillet. You might need to add a
little chicken fat or butter. When they are almost done, add some
sliced onions (and I would add diced jalapeños or some cayenne pepper.)
When it's finished cooking, tear the chicken into big pieces and roll
up in warm flour tortillas with grated sharp cheddar, sour cream, and
some of the salsa. Eat the rest of the salsa with chips.

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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aem aem is offline
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Default Salsa Verde

On Apr 23, 7:42*am, Melba's Jammin' >
> I've got a couple boneless chicken thighs and a bottle of La Preferida
> Salsa Verde; medium heat is what the bottle says. *What can I do that
> will use all the chicken and some of the salsa?
> [snip]

Mix salsa verde with sour cream. Put chicken in baking dish, cover
with mixture. Add whatever you feel like (I wouldn't feel like
tomatoes). Bake till done. I do this with chcken breasts and it's
tasty. -aem
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

aem wrote:
> On Apr 23, 7:42 am, Melba's Jammin' >
> wrote:
>> I've got a couple boneless chicken thighs and a bottle of La
>> Preferida Salsa Verde; medium heat is what the bottle says. What can
>> I do that will use all the chicken and some of the salsa?
>> [snip]

> Mix salsa verde with sour cream. Put chicken in baking dish, cover
> with mixture. Add whatever you feel like (I wouldn't feel like
> tomatoes). Bake till done. I do this with chcken breasts and it's
> tasty. -aem

That sounds like a wonderful way to use both ingredients

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

On Apr 23, 7:42*am, Melba's Jammin' >
> I've got a couple boneless chicken thighs and a bottle of La Preferida
> Salsa Verde; medium heat is what the bottle says. *What can I do that
> will use all the chicken and some of the salsa?
> Left to my own devices, I would probably just simmer the thighs in some
> salsa and serve it with rice and beans. *Do I want to involve any tomato
> stuff?
> Thanks.
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> 4/23/2008 *The rains fall on the just and the unjust alike; sometimes
> our umbrellas are not wide enough to keep us dry.

A bottle of salsa? Shouldn't it be a jar of your home made?? I'm all
disillusioned now- what's this world coming to? Cats & dogs, sleeping
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> I've got a couple boneless chicken thighs and a bottle of La Preferida
> Salsa Verde; medium heat is what the bottle says. What can I do that
> will

I first read that as La Perfidia. The Treachery.

But I suppose that could be a good name for a very hot sauce, depending on
how much it eventually hurt...

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  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

I find bottled salsa verde a reasonably expedient way to
make a chicken or pork chile verde, the main problem being
too much salt.

At the opposite extreme, fresh tomatillos, onions, garlic
and green chilis of various sorts, and some vegerable broth.

The in-between approach is to use canned tomatillo salsa,
but add in fresh chilis and onions. (The canned tomatillo
product certaily has all the salt the dish needs.)


  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

aem wrote on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:06:31 -0700 (PDT):

a> On Apr 23, 7:42 am, Melba's Jammin'
a> > wrote:
??>> I've got a couple boneless chicken thighs and a bottle of
??>> La Preferida Salsa Verde; medium heat is what the bottle
??>> says. What can I do that will use all the chicken and
??>> some of the salsa? [snip]

a> Mix salsa verde with sour cream. Put chicken in baking
a> dish, cover with mixture. Add whatever you feel like (I
a> wouldn't feel like tomatoes). Bake till done. I do this
a> with chcken breasts and it's tasty. -aem

Away from the chicken, salsa verde + sour cream makes a pretty
fair salad dressing!

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:

  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

In article
aem > wrote:

> On Apr 23, 7:42*am, Melba's Jammin' >
> wrote:
> > I've got a couple boneless chicken thighs and a bottle of La Preferida
> > Salsa Verde; medium heat is what the bottle says. *What can I do that
> > will use all the chicken and some of the salsa?
> > [snip]

> Mix salsa verde with sour cream. Put chicken in baking dish, cover
> with mixture. Add whatever you feel like (I wouldn't feel like
> tomatoes). Bake till done. I do this with chcken breasts and it's
> tasty. -aem

I don't think it can get any less complicated than that. Thank you.
Have you a recommendation for ratios or just to taste?
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
4/23/2008 The rains fall on the just and the unjust alike; sometimes
our umbrellas are not wide enough to keep us dry.
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

In article >,
zxcvbob > wrote:

> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > I've got a couple boneless chicken thighs and a bottle of La Preferida
> > Salsa Verde; medium heat is what the bottle says. What can I do that
> > will use all the chicken and some of the salsa?
> >
> > Left to my own devices, I would probably just simmer the thighs in some
> > salsa and serve it with rice and beans. Do I want to involve any tomato
> > stuff?
> >
> > Thanks.

> Pan fry the thighs in a nonstick skillet. You might need to add a
> little chicken fat or butter. When they are almost done, add some
> sliced onions (and I would add diced jalapeños or some cayenne pepper.)
> When it's finished cooking, tear the chicken into big pieces and roll
> up in warm flour tortillas with grated sharp cheddar, sour cream, and
> some of the salsa. Eat the rest of the salsa with chips.
> Bob

Thanks. HWSRN is getting finicky-er about fat -- won't do cheese at all
and would scrape the sour cream off. I like aem's suggestion for its
simplicity. I may make it for me and Rob can have a Marie Callender pot

-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
4/23/2008 The rains fall on the just and the unjust alike; sometimes
our umbrellas are not wide enough to keep us dry.
  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

In article >,
(Steve Pope) wrote:

> I find bottled salsa verde a reasonably expedient way to
> make a chicken or pork chile verde,
> Steve

What cut of pork?
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
4/23/2008 The rains fall on the just and the unjust alike; sometimes
our umbrellas are not wide enough to keep us dry.
  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

"TammyM" > wrote in

> "PeterLucas" > wrote in message
> . 25...
>> Melba's Jammin' > wrote in
>> news:barbschaller- :
>>> In article > ,
>>> PeterLucas > wrote:
>>>> Fresh made pasta, or fresh pasta, is the ducks guts.
>>>> Wth fresh pasta, you don't need no stinkin' rice and beans.
>>> Ducks guts is not what I need to use. I need to use the salsa
>>> verde. I like rice and beans.

>> [SIGH]........ you heathens need to learn the vernacular of *certain*
>> countries......... especially *us* :-)
>> The "ducks guts" means 'you beaut'.......... ie, the best thing to
>> use.

> The English have a (to me) better and equally meaningless phrase: the
> dog's ********. Kinda like our "the bee's knees".


I can understand those two, especially the dogs ********. I have a Pommy
mate (ex-2 Para, Falklands Vet.)

>> Rice and beans is *STODGY*.

> Well Peter, not everyone would agree. It makes sense if she's making
> salsa verde chicken. The combining of grains and legumes is hardly a
> new idea.

Maybe. Something akin to the Indons serving steamed rice with their KFC.

> Wasn't someone here talking about mujadara? Mmmmmmmmm, middle eastern
> soul food! But only if you have a soul, of course....

A soul would help, I 'spose.
Unfortunately, I was never issued with one :-)

>> Just **** the rice and beans off.

> Try not to split those colloquial infinitives: "just **** off the
> rice and beans". Then again ... =:-o

I'd like to see what she tells the rice and beans to **** them off :-)

> TammyM, baking ANZAC bikkies to bring to work on the 25th for our
> Australian/NZ students and scholars

Good girl :-)

Don't forget to put some rum in their milk ;-)

(Here's the recipe I'll be making today......

chewy.... YUM!!)

Peter Lucas

"Thirty seven years ago, a Quarter Master, nearly knocked me over as he
thrust an L1A1 SLR into my hands and bellowed, "Keep that Rifle in Tip
Top Order so you can Kill your Countries Enemies with it before they
Kill You. These days, I do not have to visit exotic overseas countries
as my Countries Enemies are seen wallowing around our seats of
government, they guzzle and cavort at the Public trough so deeply they
make Caligula and Nero look like Church choir boys."

Mr Ron Owen, 2000, in a letter to then Premier Olsen.
  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

hahabogus > wrote in news:Xns9A89B31454192hahabogus@

> "Felice" > wrote in news:2JqdnarJEKj-
> :
>> "PeterLucas" > wrote in message
>> . 25...
>>> Melba's Jammin' > wrote in

> news:barbschaller-
>>>> In article > ,
>>>> PeterLucas > wrote:
>>>>> Fresh made pasta, or fresh pasta, is the ducks guts.
>>>>> Wth fresh pasta, you don't need no stinkin' rice and beans.
>>>> Ducks guts is not what I need to use. I need to use the salsa

>>>> I like rice and beans.
>>> [SIGH]........ you heathens need to learn the vernacular of

>>> countries......... especially *us* :-)
>>> The "ducks guts" means 'you beaut'.......... ie, the best thing to

> use.
>> <snip>
>> Like "the cat's pajamas"?
>> Felice

> So you're saying that somebody's duck guts are in or on your cat

> Cause if the duck's gut were wearing the PJs that would really be
> strange.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my head hurts!!!


Peter Lucas

"Thirty seven years ago, a Quarter Master, nearly knocked me over as he
thrust an L1A1 SLR into my hands and bellowed, "Keep that Rifle in Tip
Top Order so you can Kill your Countries Enemies with it before they
Kill You. These days, I do not have to visit exotic overseas countries
as my Countries Enemies are seen wallowing around our seats of
government, they guzzle and cavort at the Public trough so deeply they
make Caligula and Nero look like Church choir boys."

Mr Ron Owen, 2000, in a letter to then Premier Olsen.

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

"PeterLucas" > wrote in message countries.........
especially *us* :-)

>>>> The "ducks guts" means 'you beaut'.......... ie, the best thing to

>> use.
>>> <snip>
>>> Like "the cat's pajamas"?
>>> Felice

>> So you're saying that somebody's duck guts are in or on your cat

> PJs???
>> Cause if the duck's gut were wearing the PJs that would really be
>> strange.

> Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my head hurts!!!

Mine, too. How about if we try "the bee's knees"? Or does that date me <too>


  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

aem > writes:

> On Apr 23, 7:42*am, Melba's Jammin' >
> wrote:
>> I've got a couple boneless chicken thighs and a bottle of La Preferida
>> Salsa Verde; medium heat is what the bottle says. *What can I do that
>> will use all the chicken and some of the salsa?
>> [snip]

> Mix salsa verde with sour cream. Put chicken in baking dish, cover
> with mixture. Add whatever you feel like (I wouldn't feel like
> tomatoes). Bake till done. I do this with chcken breasts and it's
> tasty. -aem

I'm from the deep south in the US, and we make something like this
called "Ro-tel chicken" only we use ro-tel spicy peppers and tomatoes
(like extra chunky salsa...with only 2 ingredients) and we bake it as
a cacerole over a bed of egg noodles. I imagine though with green
salsa, it may look like baby puke.

However, if you really wanted to make this southern style, you'd fry
the chicken, make some black-eyed peas, and put the green salsa on top
of the peas.
  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

"Felice" > wrote in

> "PeterLucas" > wrote in message
> countries......... especially *us* :-)
>>>>> The "ducks guts" means 'you beaut'.......... ie, the best thing to
>>> use.
>>>> <snip>
>>>> Like "the cat's pajamas"?
>>>> Felice
>>> So you're saying that somebody's duck guts are in or on your cat

>> PJs???
>>> Cause if the duck's gut were wearing the PJs that would really be
>>> strange.

>> Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my head hurts!!!

> Mine, too. How about if we try "the bee's knees"? Or does that date me
> <too> much?
> Felice

Ok so now we have bee's knees, cat's PJ and ducks guts....Do you boil
sautee or braise and how much garlic? This is starting to sound good. Of
course you strain it through the PJs; don't you? When do the snake's
suspenders fit into the picture?


The house of the burning beet-Alan

A man in line at the bank kept falling over...when he got to a teller he
asked for his balance.

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

On Apr 23, 9:42*am, Melba's Jammin' >
> I've got a couple boneless chicken thighs and a bottle of La Preferida
> Salsa Verde; medium heat is what the bottle says. *What can I do that
> will use all the chicken and some of the salsa?
> Left to my own devices, I would probably just simmer the thighs in some
> salsa and serve it with rice and beans. *Do I want to involve any tomato
> stuff?

I wouldn't cook the salsa at all, but add it only after plating.
> Thanks.
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior

  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

"Felice" > wrote in

> "PeterLucas" > wrote in message
> countries......... especially *us* :-)
>>>>> The "ducks guts" means 'you beaut'.......... ie, the best thing to
>>> use.
>>>> <snip>
>>>> Like "the cat's pajamas"?
>>>> Felice
>>> So you're saying that somebody's duck guts are in or on your cat

>> PJs???
>>> Cause if the duck's gut were wearing the PJs that would really be
>>> strange.

>> Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my head hurts!!!

> Mine, too. How about if we try "the bee's knees"? Or does that date me
> <too> much?

Probably :-P

Peter Lucas

"Thirty seven years ago, a Quarter Master, nearly knocked me over as he
thrust an L1A1 SLR into my hands and bellowed, "Keep that Rifle in Tip
Top Order so you can Kill your Countries Enemies with it before they
Kill You. These days, I do not have to visit exotic overseas countries
as my Countries Enemies are seen wallowing around our seats of
government, they guzzle and cavort at the Public trough so deeply they
make Caligula and Nero look like Church choir boys."

Mr Ron Owen, 2000, in a letter to then Premier Olsen.

  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

In article >,
Nathaniel Calloway > wrote:

> I'm from the deep south in the US, and we make something like this
> called "Ro-tel chicken" only we use ro-tel spicy peppers and tomatoes
> (like extra chunky salsa...with only 2 ingredients) and we bake it as
> a cacerole over a bed of egg noodles. I imagine though with green
> salsa, it may look like baby puke.
> However, if you really wanted to make this southern style, you'd fry
> the chicken, make some black-eyed peas, and put the green salsa on top
> of the peas.

"If" being the operative word. "-)
Thanks, Nathaniel.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
4/23/2008 The rains fall on the just and the unjust alike; sometimes
our umbrellas are not wide enough to keep us dry.
  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Wed, 23 Apr 2008 15:12:18 -0700, "TammyM" >
>The English have a (to me) better and equally meaningless phrase: the dog's
>********. Kinda like our "the bee's knees".

'the dog's ********' must indeed be great, or they wouldn't be licking
them all the time.

your pal,
  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Salsa Verde

"hahabogus" > wrote in message
Ok so now we have bee's knees, cat's PJ and ducks guts....Do you boil
> sautee or braise and how much garlic? This is starting to sound good. Of
> course you strain it through the PJs; don't you? When do the snake's
> suspenders fit into the picture?

Did you just make up "the snake's suspenders" or is that one I've missed out
on all these years?

Either way, I LOVE IT!!

TammyM who thinks Alan is "the snake's suspenders" :-)

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In article <rGMPj.13946$pH4.13793@trnddc06>,
"James Silverton" > wrote:
> Away from the chicken, salsa verde + sour cream makes a pretty
> fair salad dressing!
> James Silverton

I'll try to remember that . Thank you.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
4/23/2008 The rains fall on the just and the unjust alike; sometimes
our umbrellas are not wide enough to keep us dry.
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