In article
Christopher Helms > wrote:
> On May 13, 5:11*pm, Mark Thorson > wrote:
> > Is there such a thing as a yeast pasta,
> > noodles, or ravioli, which undergoes a
> > rising? *I've never heard of such a thing.
> >
> > The closest thing I can think of is
> > breadsticks, but I have difficulty imagining
> > eating a bowl of boiled breadsticks in tomato
> > sauce or pesto.
> >
> > It would make for a thicker ravioli, but
> > lighter. *Not dense, like it would be
> > if you merely increased the thickness
> > of the pasta.
> >
> > There's probably some good reason why
> > this wouldn't work at all, for example
> > maybe it would disintegrate in boiling
> > water.
> It would just float off and fall apart in the water. Bread isn't made
> to be boiled.
Tell that to the bagel cooks!
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA