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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 14
Default To all atheist:The Existence of God, glorified & exalted is He

Though I haven’t seen the Creator, glorified & exalted is He, I
believe in Him .It's inescapable to believe in Him, because I see the
evidences of His existence in myself ,& in everywhere around me.
He has blessed every nation with sending an apostle from themselves,
informing them about the essence of the Almighty, His attributes, &
His purpose of creating them. { Messengers as bearers of good news as
well as of warning in order that mankind should have no plea against
Allh after the (coming of) Messengers. And Allh is Ever All-
Powerful, All-Wise.} (Nissa, 165)

We know how the gravity announces its existence,& we (human) have
discovered the laws which controls it. yet, the greatest scientists
can not know the quiddity of gravity. So, why do we believe in its
existence? Because we see the evidences of its existence everywhere.
Likewise, electricity, wireless wave, electron, & spirit. Therefore,
not seeing the object is not evidence that it doesn't exist.

Once, an atheist teacher addressed his students saying: "this chair
exists because we see it. But, we don't see God. So, He doesn't
exist" .One of the students said:" Are you sane, teacher?". "Yes" the
teacher replied. "Did you see your brain?" the student asked. "No" he
replied. Then the student said "How do you claim being sane?"
{ So the disbeliever was utterly defeated. And Allh guides not the
people, who are Zlimûn (wrong-doers).}(2. 258)
Every one of us knows his tall, width, weight, & qualities. However,
he knows nothing about his essence, his soul, & his spirit. It's a
secret. Yet, it's more real than any reality. If man doesn't know his
essence ,how does he claim the knowledge of God's essence, and a
fortiori, how to deny it?!

Let us listen to Albert Einstein when a group of theologians,
moralists, & materialists went to him in his office in the Seminary in
Princeton University. & they asked him:" What do you think about God?"
He replied:
" If I succeeded in inventing a machine that enables me to speak with
microbes,& I talked to a tiny microbe standing on a top of a single
human hair.I would ask him:"Where do you think you are?". He would
say: " I think I am standing on a tall tree" . Then I would say to
him:"This single hair you are standing on is only one of the hair of
human head.& the head is only one part of the human body."
Could this tiny microbe imagine the immensity of the human size & his
weight? No.
Compared to God, I am tinier than that microbe & infinitely smaller.
How could I come to know God who knows every thing?"

The stars can not be seen by our weak vision, while it is (the
ornament of the worldly sky) how to see the one who created them. & If
the human vision can't bear looking at the sun, How to bear looking at
the light of God, glorified & exalted is He.

Thus, when Moses said to God, glorified & exalted is He, {"O my Lord!
Show me (Yourself), that I may look upon You." Allh said: "You cannot
see Me, but look upon the mountain; if it stands still in its place
then you shall see Me."} God informed him that the mountain ,with its
strength & solidity ,doesn't still when God appears (manifestation).
What about a human who is weak?! { So when his Lord appeared to the
mountain , He made it collapse to dust, and Mûs (Moses) fell down
unconscious. Then when he recovered his senses he said: "Glory be to
You, I turn to You in repentance and I am the first of the
believers."} (al-a'araf. 143)

If God appeared to mankind in earth, they would be fascinated. & then,
this worldly existence wouldn't be a trial any more. Since the belief
would be mandatory (obligatory), & the test would be meaningless
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 1,205
Default To all atheist:The Existence of God, glorified & exalted is He

In article
hamada > wrote:

> Though I haven¹t seen the Creator, glorified & exalted is He,

I suggest you read a book called "Irreligion" by Dr. John Allen Paulos.
This book is readily available at most bookstores. I bought my copy at

Read this book and you'll see why some people are skeptical about
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 2,322
Default To all atheist:The Existence of God, glorified & exalted is He

Stan Horwitz > wrote in news:stan-8673FA.10074426052008

> some people are skeptical about
> religions.

Hell I know there ain't one...but there are legions of creator....example
T.A. Edison.


The house of the burning beet-Alan

A man in line at the bank kept falling over...when he got to a teller he
asked for his balance.

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  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 932
Default To all atheist:The Existence of God, glorified & exalted is He

Dear hamada,

Though I haven’t seen the Creator either, glorified & exalted is She,
I believe in Her .It's inescapable to believe in Her, because I see
the evidences of Her existence in myself ,& in everywhere around me.
She has blessed every nation with sending an apostle from themselves,
informing them about the essence of the Almighty, Her attributes, and
so on and so on.

Salamm aleikum/Shalom aleichum

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