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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Magrets de Canard aux Cerises (Duck Breasts with Cherries)

Okay, here it is!



2 magrets de canard (800 g au total)
600 g de cerises
2 cuillère à soupe de miel liquide
2 cuillère à soupe de porto
4 cuillère à soupe de vinaigre balsamique
sel fin
fleur de sel

Quadrillez le gras des magrets avec la pointed d’un
couteau, sans entamer la chair. Dans un bol, mélangez
le miel et la moitié du vinaigre, enduisez-en les
magrets et laissez mariner 30 minutes.

Pendant ce temps, équeutez les cerises et dénoyautez-les
en les coupant en deux (récupérez le jus qui s’écoule
dans un bol).

Faites chauffer une poêle à fond épais. Posez-y les
magrets égouttés côté gras dessous et saisissez-les
7 minutes à feu vif. Retournez-les sans les piquer,
et faites cuire 7 minutes sur l’autre face à feu doux.
Égouttez et laissez-les reposer au chaud, dans une
double feuille d-aluminium.

Jetez le gras de la poêle. Remettez-la sur le feu
avec le jus des cerises, le reste de vinaigre, le
porto , et 10 cl d’eau. Grattez le fond à la spatule
pour décoller les sucs, portez à ébullition. Ajoutez
les cerises. Laissez 5 minutes sur feu doux, salez,
poivrez, éteignez le feu.

Tranchez le magrets, disposez-les dans un plat,
parsemez de fleur de sel, entourez de cerises et
de sauce et servez aussitôt. Pour 6 personnes.


2 duck breasts (1 3/4 pounds total)
1 1/3 pounds cherries
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons Port wine
4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
table salt
fleur de sel

Score the skin side of the duck breasts with
the point of a knife, without piercing the flesh.
In a bowl, mix the honey and half of the vinegar.
Coat the duck breasts with the marinade and leave
to marinate 30 minutes.

During this time, stem and pit the cherries and
them in two (save any juice in a bowl).

Heat a thick-bottomed frying pan. Add the drained
duck breasts, skin side down and brown them for
7 minutes at high heat. Turn them without piercing
the meat and cook for 7 minutes on the other side
over low heat. Drain and leave to rest them in a
warm oven wrapped in a double layer of aluminum foil.

Remove fat from frying pan. Return pan to heat and
add cherry juice, remaining vinegar, Port, and
7 tablespoons of water. Scrape the bottom of the
pan with a spatula to loosen the browned bits and
bring sauce to a boil. Add the cherries. Leave
5 minutes on low heat. Add salt and pepper and
remove from heat.

Slice the duck breasts, arrange them on a serving
platter, sprinkle with fleur de sel, and surround
by cherries and sauce. Serve immediately. Serves
6 persons. (From Cuisines et Vins de France,
N°122, June-July-August 2008)

Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Magrets de Canard aux Cerises (Duck Breasts with Cherries)

Thanks for translating! Copied and saved.


On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 10:37:15 -0400, Kate Connally >

>Okay, here it is!

>2 duck breasts (1 3/4 pounds total)
>1 1/3 pounds cherries
>2 tablespoons honey
>2 tablespoons Port wine
>4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
>table salt
>fleur de sel
>Score the skin side of the duck breasts with
>the point of a knife, without piercing the flesh.
>In a bowl, mix the honey and half of the vinegar.
>Coat the duck breasts with the marinade and leave
>to marinate 30 minutes.
>During this time, stem and pit the cherries and
>them in two (save any juice in a bowl).
>Heat a thick-bottomed frying pan. Add the drained
>duck breasts, skin side down and brown them for
>7 minutes at high heat. Turn them without piercing
>the meat and cook for 7 minutes on the other side
>over low heat. Drain and leave to rest them in a
>warm oven wrapped in a double layer of aluminum foil.
>Remove fat from frying pan. Return pan to heat and
>add cherry juice, remaining vinegar, Port, and
>7 tablespoons of water. Scrape the bottom of the
>pan with a spatula to loosen the browned bits and
>bring sauce to a boil. Add the cherries. Leave
>5 minutes on low heat. Add salt and pepper and
>remove from heat.
>Slice the duck breasts, arrange them on a serving
>platter, sprinkle with fleur de sel, and surround
>by cherries and sauce. Serve immediately. Serves
>6 persons. (From Cuisines et Vins de France,
>N°122, June-July-August 2008)

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Magrets de Canard aux Cerises (Duck Breasts with Cherries)

We just made a variation of this recipe tonight and loved it! Thanks.
We didn't have time to marinate, so we just made the sauce. We didn't
use nearly so many cherries, and we changed the sauce to have a little
less honey. Duck breast is a treat around here as the local
supermarkets don't carry it. We drive into town for them. Luckily,
cherries are everywhere, however, and the rest of the ingredients we
keep around the house.


Kate Connally wrote:
> 2 duck breasts (1 3/4 pounds total)
> 1 1/3 pounds cherries
> 2 tablespoons honey
> 2 tablespoons Port wine
> 4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
> table salt
> fleur de sel
> pepper
> Score the skin side of the duck breasts with
> the point of a knife, without piercing the flesh.
> In a bowl, mix the honey and half of the vinegar.
> Coat the duck breasts with the marinade and leave
> to marinate 30 minutes.
> During this time, stem and pit the cherries and
> them in two (save any juice in a bowl).
> Heat a thick-bottomed frying pan. Add the drained
> duck breasts, skin side down and brown them for
> 7 minutes at high heat. Turn them without piercing
> the meat and cook for 7 minutes on the other side
> over low heat. Drain and leave to rest them in a
> warm oven wrapped in a double layer of aluminum foil.
> Remove fat from frying pan. Return pan to heat and
> add cherry juice, remaining vinegar, Port, and
> 7 tablespoons of water. Scrape the bottom of the
> pan with a spatula to loosen the browned bits and
> bring sauce to a boil. Add the cherries. Leave
> 5 minutes on low heat. Add salt and pepper and
> remove from heat.
> Slice the duck breasts, arrange them on a serving
> platter, sprinkle with fleur de sel, and surround
> by cherries and sauce. Serve immediately. Serves
> 6 persons. (From Cuisines et Vins de France,
> N°122, June-July-August 2008)

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 11,454
Default Magrets de Canard aux Cerises (Duck Breasts with Cherries)

"Kate Connally" > wrote in message
> Okay, here it is!
> Kate


This looks wonderful. How is your garden growing?

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Magrets de Canard aux Cerises (Duck Breasts with Cherries)

On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 19:34:01 -0400, Julia Altshuler
> wrote:

>We just made a variation of this recipe tonight and loved it! Thanks.
>We didn't have time to marinate, so we just made the sauce. We didn't
>use nearly so many cherries, and we changed the sauce to have a little
>less honey. Duck breast is a treat around here as the local
>supermarkets don't carry it. We drive into town for them. Luckily,
>cherries are everywhere, however, and the rest of the ingredients we
>keep around the house

Where did you find the duck breasts?

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Magrets de Canard aux Cerises (Duck Breasts with Cherries)

In article >, sf <.> wrote:

> On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 19:34:01 -0400, Julia Altshuler
> > wrote:
> >We just made a variation of this recipe tonight and loved it! Thanks.
> >We didn't have time to marinate, so we just made the sauce. We didn't
> >use nearly so many cherries, and we changed the sauce to have a little
> >less honey. Duck breast is a treat around here as the local
> >supermarkets don't carry it. We drive into town for them. Luckily,
> >cherries are everywhere, however, and the rest of the ingredients we
> >keep around the house

> Where did you find the duck breasts?

Some high end groceries will have duck breasts in the frozen meats area.
You might also try an Asian grocery. That's where we found the duck
legs (at Uwajimaya).


C.J. Fuller

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  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Magrets de Canard aux Cerises (Duck Breasts with Cherries)

On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 21:00:32 -0700, Cindy Fuller
> wrote:

>Some high end groceries will have duck breasts in the frozen meats area.
>You might also try an Asian grocery. That's where we found the duck
>legs (at Uwajimaya).

I'll try the Asian variety. They're around. Thanks!

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Magrets de Canard aux Cerises (Duck Breasts with Cherries)

sf wrote:
> Where did you find the duck breasts?

There's a specialty market 30 miles away attached to some agricultural
land. They carry locally grown produce, imported produce, high end
cheeses and meats, and a few fancy bottled items of the jam, dressing
and marinade variety. We don't drive all that way for groceries, but if
we're in that part of town for other reasons, we drop by on our way
home. The store is like a non-chain privately owned Whole Foods with
the emphasis on produce, maybe 3/4 of its floor space devoted to the
produce section, and the rest given to cheese, meats, bottled items, and
baked goods. I don't know where they get their duck breasts from. Even
they don't carry them all the time. We consider ourselves lucky when we
find them. In this case, we were even luckier to have them in the house
when the recipe aux cerises appeared when I happened to be reading this
usenet group.


  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Magrets de Canard aux Cerises (Duck Breasts with Cherries)

"Julia Altshuler" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> There's a specialty market 30 miles away attached to some agricultural
> land.

Even they don't carry them all the time. >
> --Lia

Ducks (and geese) grown naturally are somewhat seasonal. They don't have
the nesting instinct all the time. And even in a big incubator farm, there
are periods when they lay a lot and when they lay very little. Which
explains also egg prices.

I saw about 30 adorable little ducklings, goslings and swan babies last
Saturday in the market. I wanted them all, but I am too soft headed to rear
them and then kill them.

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Magrets de Canard aux Cerises (Duck Breasts with Cherries)

cybercat wrote:

> "Kate Connally" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Okay, here it is!

> [snps]
> This looks wonderful. How is your garden growing?

Hope you enjoy it. I think you have me confused with
someone else = I don't garden. Black thumb, ya know. ;-)


Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 1,550
Default Magrets de Canard aux Cerises (Duck Breasts with Cherries)

Cindy Fuller wrote:

> In article >, sf <.> wrote:
>>On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 19:34:01 -0400, Julia Altshuler
> wrote:
>>>We just made a variation of this recipe tonight and loved it! Thanks.
>>>We didn't have time to marinate, so we just made the sauce. We didn't
>>>use nearly so many cherries, and we changed the sauce to have a little
>>>less honey. Duck breast is a treat around here as the local
>>>supermarkets don't carry it. We drive into town for them. Luckily,
>>>cherries are everywhere, however, and the rest of the ingredients we
>>>keep around the house

>>Where did you find the duck breasts?

> Some high end groceries will have duck breasts in the frozen meats area.
> You might also try an Asian grocery. That's where we found the duck
> legs (at Uwajimaya).
> Cindy

Or you could buy a couple of whole ducks and
cut them up into parts and save the rest for
something else. I would just adapt the recipe
to use the whole duck. I'm sure I could find
duck breasts if I tried but I think they would
be relatively expensive compared to a whole


Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 11,454
Default Magrets de Canard aux Cerises (Duck Breasts with Cherries)

"Kate Connally" > wrote in message
> cybercat wrote:
>> "Kate Connally" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>>Okay, here it is!

>> [snps]
>> This looks wonderful. How is your garden growing?

> Hope you enjoy it. I think you have me confused with
> someone else = I don't garden. Black thumb, ya know. ;-)

Sorry, middle age brain.

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