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Posted to misc.consumers,,,chi.general,mn.politics
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Posts: 34
Default Hispanic KFC employee nasty to non-Hisp, gives free food to fellow Hispanics

On Wed, 2 Jul 2008 22:37:33 -0700 (PDT), peoplepc2000
> wrote:

> The following is a description of an incident that occurred at a
>Southern California KFC on June 6, 2008 (about three weeks ago.) A few
>minutes ago I sent basically the same message to KFC via the Net and
>told them I was going to post a similar recounting of the incident to
>the Internet newsgroups, too.
> I walked into the local KFC restaurant and was met -- not greeted in
>any manner, shape or form -- by a rather surly, glum, chunky Hispanic
>employee with a noticeable Spanish accent named XXXXXXXXX. (I could
>type her name as it's on the receipt I have in front of me as a type
> I gave my take-out order to the cold, unsmiling and noticeably
>unfriendly XXXXXXXXX and proceeded to wait for it to be prepared.
> After a few moments the previously glum, unsmiling, unfriendly (to
>me) XXXXXXXXX left the area behind the counter holding a KFC food item
>(a dessert, I believe) and made a beeline to a Spanish-speaking family
>(two adults, two small kids) seated at a table. It was obvious, from
>the adults' responses of surprise and appreciation, that the now-
>smiling, friendly and pleasant XXXXXXXXX was gifting them with an
>unexpected "freebie" dessert as I heard the adults say, "Ohhhhh! Eres
>tan bueno! Gracias, eh!!" etc. (Due to the nature of my profession I,
>a non-Hispanic Caucasian, am quite fluent in Spanish, undoubtedly
>unbeknownst to XXXXXXXXX.)
> A few minutes later a Black woman entered the restuarant and -- lo
>and behold -- XXXXXXXXX went into her cold, glum, unsmiling and
>unfriendly mode, which really struck me after seeing how I was treated
>and then how the Hispanic family was treated.
> Here's the proverbial "kicker":
> A few moments later my nearly-$27.95 order for my family arrived and
>I gave XXXXXXXXX $40 (probably two $20 bills.) Instead of giving me
>back $12.05 (as is even printed on the receipt I still have) XXXXXXXXX
>gave me back $22.05. Being an honest person who under normal
>conditions literally would not knowingly keep a nickel he shouldn't,
>my first impulse was to point out to KFC's discriminating employee
>XXXXXXXXX her error; however, as I was (I think understandably) a bit
>peeved by this time I did not. I plan to return the overpayment -- at
>a *different* KFC restaurant, to be sure -- in the future.
> This was one of the most obvious instances of racism by a member of
>"La Raza" ("The Race," one of whose most important ethnic cheerleader
>organizations has the official motto, "Por La Raza todo, fuera de La
>Raza nada" - "For The Race everything, for those outside The Race
>nothing.") that I have experienced and it is an outrage. I do believe
>the American people have had enough of this kind of thing and that it
>won't be long before many frustrated Americans get personally
>involved, in ways they never had before, in righting these kinds of
>wrongs being perpetrated against them in many cases by people who may
>not even be in the country legally in the first place.

Eating greasy food prepared by greasy food handlers is a health

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