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  #41 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

Wayne Boatwright wrote:

> On Fri 18 Jul 2008 07:19:03a, Jean B. told us...
>> George Shirley wrote:
>>> Gloria P wrote:
>>>> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>>> If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the
>>>>> 21st, what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect
>>>>> and would you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?
>>>> Ah, to be turning 50 again....
>>>> gloria p
>>> If you could regress your age what would you like? For me it would be my
>>> thirties, heavily involved in family, kids turning into teens, going to
>>> college (me) for the first time, healthy, good eyesight, lots of friends
>>> and family in the neighborhood. It was a good time. Of course most of
>>> the times since have also been good but that era seems to stick in the
>>> mind for some reason.

>> I guess mid-30s. I'd say 16, and that might be nice from a
>> physical standpoint, but I prefer having more wisdom and being
>> more centered....

> Oh, Jean, don't tell me you were off-center. :-)

Most of the time, the left one and the right one aren't exactly the same

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  #42 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

Here in the Beaujolais where any birthday with a 0 in it is a special
event , we threw a weekend bash to celebrate our 50s that included a
meal at a local restaurant for 50 where we ate lamb legs cooked over an
open fire in the restaurant, a baked ham with Dauphinois potatoes in
the grape pickers accomodation in a local wine growers (where we had
sleeping accomodation for 20) and for a lucky few, a meal at Troisgros
in Roanne. Spreading the event over a weekend made the whole thing
special because it gave us time to talk to those people who had come
from UK+Germany.


Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the 21st,
> what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect and would
> you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?
> IF that were you, Squeaks, what'd be your pleasure (bearing in mind that
> your response will be recorded and possibly retained for ready access by
> small children, so leave out the kinky sex stuff)? Hmmmm?

  #43 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

Sheldon wrote:

> PeterLucas wrote:
> >
> > My 50th party lasted 17 days (IIRC!!), but the main party
> > was for about 25-30 of my closest friends.

> Wow... 25-30 *closest* friends,

[...snippage of Sheldon SAILING into PL's pre - conceived "notions", lol...]

> To have so many "closest" friends you must be a very shallow person
> and have an extremely low sense of self worth --- I wonder how well
> you even know yourself, probably not at all --- because it's not
> possible to have so many profoundly intimate relationships
> simultaneously, not even separately in a life time


Well, what Peterbreath Puke - ass lacks in self - knowledge he surely makes
up for it in the "braggadocio" dept....honestly, you'd think he was the Ari
Onassis of Australia or somethin'..and continuing in the guinea vein he
come off in fact sorta like an Antipodean Pinocchio.



  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 19:29:59 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:

>If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the 21st,
>what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect and would
>you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?
>IF that were you, Squeaks, what'd be your pleasure (bearing in mind that
>your response will be recorded and possibly retained for ready access by
>small children, so leave out the kinky sex stuff)? Hmmmm?

fifty is not so old that you should leave out the kinky sex stuff.
presumably the small children will learn about it in due time anyway.

your pal,
** Posted from **
  #45 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 21:44:18 -0400, "Zeppo_m" >

>"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
>> If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the 21st,
>> what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect and would
>> you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?
>> IF that were you, Squeaks, what'd be your pleasure (bearing in mind that
>> your response will be recorded and possibly retained for ready access by
>> small children, so leave out the kinky sex stuff)? Hmmmm?

>Well, young'un,
>I would expect is breakfast in bed, Dinner at a four-star restaurant and
>adulation of the masses. What I got was divorce papers (it was for the


your pal,

** Posted from **

  #46 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

On Fri, 18 Jul 2008 10:50:29 -0600, Gloria P >

>Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> My 50th birthday is only a month and a half away. I plan to *cook* on that
>> day. Here's my tentative menu; it'll just be for Lin and me:

>My 65th is in six weeks and I plan to be taken out to dinner.
>You can't imagine how old it makes you feel to get that Medicare
>card in the mail....
>gloria p

Be sure to check out the medical benefits, especially the free
physical if done in the first 6 months.
  #47 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

On Jul 18, 10:08*am, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> > None. *I'm indifferent to birthdays. *We usually manage to go out for
> > a
> > slightly fancier-than-usual restaurant meal, though.

> I like that! *Indifferent to birthdays. *I'll have to remember that one.

After all, every day I'm a year older than I was on the same day last
Time's a continuum, even though we try to chop it up into bite-sized

Cindy Hamilton
  #48 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

On Jul 18, 2:20�pm, "Gregory Morrow" >
> Sheldon wrote:
> > PeterLucas wrote:

> > > My 50th party lasted 17 days (IIRC!!), but the main party
> > > was for about 25-30 of my closest friends.

> > Wow... 25-30 *closest* friends,

> [...snippage of Sheldon SAILING into PL's pre - conceived "notions", lol....]
> > To have so many "closest" friends you must be a very shallow person
> > and have an extremely low sense of self worth --- I wonder how well
> > you even know yourself, probably not at all --- �because it's not
> > possible to have so many profoundly intimate relationships
> > simultaneously, not even separately in a life time

> .
> Well, what Peterbreath Puke - ass lacks in self - knowledge he surely makes
> up for it in the "braggadocio" dept....honestly, you'd think he was the Ari
> Onassis of Australia or somethin'..and continuing in the guinea vein �he
> come off in fact sorta like an Antipodean Pinocchio.
> <chuckle>
> --
> Best
> Greg

Gee, I didn't mean what I wrote in such a directly personal way, I
don't even know Peter Lucas... my post was directed towards *anyone*
who speaks of everyone they ever met, however how briefly, as their
*friend*.. just because someone ain't an enemy doesn't automatically
elevate them to friend, let alone closest friend... my closest friends
all know each other equally intimately as I know them and they know
me, otherwise they can't fit the description of my closest friends...
can't possibly be all that close when who you associate with and to
what degree is a secret... closEST friends have no secrets, none...
because the obverse is lying to each other by sin of omission and
closest friends never lie to each other or they are no kind of friends
at all.

  #49 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

Gloria P wrote:
> I have another question: How old do you feel in your mind? Much of the
> time I think I have never gotten beyond 18-21 and it's a shock when I
> look in the mirror or feel the creaky-ness when I get up from a chair.

Same age for me. I'm always surprised when I realize I'm not that young.


  #50 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

Julia Altshuler wrote:
> Gloria P wrote:
>> I have another question: How old do you feel in your mind? Much of
>> the time I think I have never gotten beyond 18-21 and it's a shock
>> when I look in the mirror or feel the creaky-ness when I get up from a
>> chair.

> Same age for me. I'm always surprised when I realize I'm not that young.
> --Lia

Heh. I AM 16. Plus 42. How did THAT ever happen?

Jean B.

  #51 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

Sheldon wrote:

On Jul 18, 2:20?pm, "Gregory Morrow" >
> Sheldon wrote:
> > PeterLucas wrote:

> > > My 50th party lasted 17 days (IIRC!!), but the main party
> > > was for about 25-30 of my closest friends.

> > Wow... 25-30 *closest* friends,

> [...snippage of Sheldon SAILING into PL's pre - conceived "notions",

> > To have so many "closest" friends you must be a very shallow person
> > and have an extremely low sense of self worth --- I wonder how well
> > you even know yourself, probably not at all --- ?because it's not
> > possible to have so many profoundly intimate relationships
> > simultaneously, not even separately in a life time

> .
> Well, what Peterbreath Puke - ass lacks in self - knowledge he surely

> up for it in the "braggadocio" dept....honestly, you'd think he was the

> Onassis of Australia or somethin'..and continuing in the guinea vein ?he
> come off in fact sorta like an Antipodean Pinocchio.
> <chuckle>
> --
> Best
> Greg

Gee, I didn't mean what I wrote in such a directly personal way, I
don't even know Peter Lucas... my post was directed towards *anyone*
who speaks of everyone they ever met, however how briefly, as their
*friend*.. just because someone ain't an enemy doesn't automatically
elevate them to friend, let alone closest friend... my closest friends
all know each other equally intimately as I know them and they know
me, otherwise they can't fit the description of my closest friends...
can't possibly be all that close when who you associate with and to
what degree is a secret... closEST friends have no secrets, none...
because the obverse is lying to each other by sin of omission and
closest friends never lie to each other or they are no kind of friends
at all.

Yep, you've said it very well. Establishing trust from the very first is
*must*, then a relationship can continue forward. Many these days don't
even know the concept of "trust"...and "integrity" is another concept that
is foreign to many.


  #52 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

George Shirley wrote:
> Gloria P wrote:
>> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>> If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the
>>> 21st, what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect
>>> and would you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?

>> Ah, to be turning 50 again....
>> gloria p

> If you could regress your age what would you like? For me it would be my
> thirties, heavily involved in family, kids turning into teens, going to
> college (me) for the first time, healthy, good eyesight, lots of friends
> and family in the neighborhood. It was a good time. Of course most of
> the times since have also been good but that era seems to stick in the
> mind for some reason.

Somewhere in the 25-30 age range. Actually any time
before 38 - that's when the hot flashes started (and
haven't stopped yet!!!!!).


Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?

  #53 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

Gloria P wrote:

> George Shirley wrote:
>> If you could regress your age what would you like? For me it would be
>> my thirties, heavily involved in family, kids turning into teens,
>> going to college (me) for the first time, healthy, good eyesight, lots
>> of friends and family in the neighborhood. It was a good time. Of
>> course most of the times since have also been good but that era seems
>> to stick in the mind for some reason.

> Yes. thirties were pretty nice. Safe, social, secure.
> I have another question: How old do you feel in your mind? Much of the
> time I think I have never gotten beyond 18-21 and it's a shock when I
> look in the mirror or feel the creaky-ness when I get up from a chair.
> gloria p

Well, let's see . . .
I still see myself in my mind as being 18.
I act like I'm 12 a lot of the time. ;-)
I feel like I'm 90.
That averages out to 40.
I'm actually 61.
And since 60 is the new 40, well that is just
about right. ;-)


Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?

  #54 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

Blinky the Shark wrote:

> George Shirley wrote:
>>Gloria P wrote:
>>>Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>>If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the
>>>>21st, what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect
>>>>and would you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?
>>>Ah, to be turning 50 again....
>>>gloria p

>>If you could regress your age what would you like? For me it would be my
>>thirties, heavily involved in family, kids turning into teens, going to
>>college (me) for the first time, healthy, good eyesight, lots of friends
>>and family in the neighborhood.

> Thirty. Back in college full-time for another degree; friends all younger
> than me; substance abuse; parties; promiscuity; adultery......was a great
> time.

Hey, I could live with that. ;-) Can I come, too?


Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?

  #55 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

On 18 Jul 2008 16:55:34 GMT, "Default User" >

>Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>> If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the
>> 21st, what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect
>> and would you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?

>My brother came up with "Hawaii 5-0" theme for me.

I turned 50 in Santo Domingo. We'd rented a beach house on the north
coast of the island, but weren't able to drive there because of a
general strike. (Our host said it wasn't safe and he's Dominican) We
got the money refunded and spent it on a huge meal in an upscale
restaurant in the colonial quarter.

I call it the night we ate a beach house.

** Posted from **

  #56 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

Michael \"Dog3\" wrote:

> I'm not sure I would want to regress my age. I'm pretty content right now
> at 52. I wouldn't go back to the 40s for anything but the 30s... maybe.

I could handle the 30 or 40s again, but I wouldn't relive my 20s for
anything. The 50s have been the best. I took up horseback riding at 51,
retired at 53, and I have been having a great time for the last four years. I
started going to a gym regularly, whipped myself into shape and go cycling
almost every day. This is great :-)

  #57 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

On Fri 18 Jul 2008 09:45:12a, Jean B. told us...

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Fri 18 Jul 2008 08:40:26a, Jean B. told us...
>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>> On Fri 18 Jul 2008 07:19:03a, Jean B. told us...
>>>>> George Shirley wrote:
>>>>>> Gloria P wrote:
>>>>>>> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>>>>>> If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the
>>>>>>>> 21st, what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or
>>>>>>>> expect and would you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?
>>>>>>> Ah, to be turning 50 again....
>>>>>>> gloria p
>>>>>> If you could regress your age what would you like? For me it would

>>>>>> my thirties, heavily involved in family, kids turning into teens,
>>>>>> going to college (me) for the first time, healthy, good eyesight,
>>>>>> lots of friends and family in the neighborhood. It was a good time.
>>>>>> Of course most of the times since have also been good but that era
>>>>>> seems to stick in the mind for some reason.
>>>>> I guess mid-30s. I'd say 16, and that might be nice from a
>>>>> physical standpoint, but I prefer having more wisdom and being more
>>>>> centered....
>>>> Oh, Jean, don't tell me you were off-center. :-)
>>> Well, that too...

>> Join the crowd!

> Heh. Centered is so boring....

Yes, one tends to go in circles. :-)

Wayne Boatwright
Friday, 07(VII)/18(XVIII)/08(MMVIII)
I lost a button hole today.

  #58 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

Kate Connally wrote:
> Blinky the Shark wrote:
>> George Shirley wrote:

>>>If you could regress your age what would you like? For me it would be my
>>>thirties, heavily involved in family, kids turning into teens, going to
>>>college (me) for the first time, healthy, good eyesight, lots of friends
>>>and family in the neighborhood.

>> Thirty. Back in college full-time for another degree; friends all younger
>> than me; substance abuse; parties; promiscuity; adultery......was a great
>> time.

> Hey, I could live with that. ;-) Can I come, too?

With a bit of luck, at the same time.

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  #59 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

On Fri, 18 Jul 2008 10:50:29 -0600, Gloria P >

>Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> My 50th birthday is only a month and a half away. I plan to *cook* on that
>> day. Here's my tentative menu; it'll just be for Lin and me:

>My 65th is in six weeks and I plan to be taken out to dinner.
>You can't imagine how old it makes you feel to get that Medicare
>card in the mail....
>gloria p

Oh Gloria, you seem so much younger in spirit, for sure. I am 60 and
can't wait to see that SS$ fly into my bank account for free in 2
years. And then I hope I like seeing the Medicare card a few years
later because that will KEEP more money in the bank account too!

Been a good ride so far and looking forward to many more.

roast beans to kona to email
farmers of Pure Kona
  #60 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:

> We're taking our 14 year old granddaughter on a Road Trip from SoCal
> to Austin TX (family destination), a very, very meandering Road Trip.
> We have every map and tour book AAA publishes and are going to decide
> the night before where we're going the next day and what we're going
> to see, with the ultimate objective to see Uncle Bill and The Clan in
> Austin TX.

We are leaving on a road trip tomorrow, too. Going up to Santa Fe, Taos
and to ride on the narrow gage railroad in Chama. We'll be doing some
sightseeing in Texas on the way home. We're going with our friends in
their station-waggonie car (I can't possibly keep up with all the
car-type names. It looks like a tall station wagon)

They have XM radio in their car so we'll be listening to XM. The rule is
whomever is driving gets to pick the music. I will bring my MP3 in case
I don't like the choice. I've also packed my Nintendo DS Lite so I can
keep my brain active.

I'll have the laptop and Wifi, so I'll check in.
Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
Good Friends. Good Life

  #61 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

George Shirley wrote:
> Gloria P wrote:
>> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>> If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the
>>> 21st, what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect
>>> and would you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?

>> Ah, to be turning 50 again....
>> gloria p

> If you could regress your age what would you like? For me it would be my
> thirties, heavily involved in family, kids turning into teens, going to
> college (me) for the first time, healthy, good eyesight, lots of friends
> and family in the neighborhood. It was a good time. Of course most of
> the times since have also been good but that era seems to stick in the
> mind for some reason.

Having gone through some really difficult times, I think I'd like to be
exactly where I am right now - about to turn 62 and, for the time being,
in good health.

Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
Good Friends. Good Life
  #62 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 22:31:04 -0700, Terry Pulliam Burd
> wrote:

>On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 19:29:59 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> fired up random neurons and synapses to
>>If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the 21st,
>>what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect and would
>>you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?

>See below. Monday, the 21st has, by an act of God, been declared a
>birthday-free day. I am quite sure of this. Trust me.
>>IF that were you, Squeaks, what'd be your pleasure (bearing in mind that
>>your response will be recorded and possibly retained for ready access by
>>small children, so leave out the kinky sex stuff)? Hmmmm?

>Already did the kinky stuff. See below. Traveling with #1 grandchild
>unit. The kinky stuff is, sadly, being held in abeyance. Damn!
>And I wish that I was *just* turning 50. As it is, you need to ratchet
>the first digit up a notch, dammit. (Chuck turned 66 in April,
>Gretchen 69 in June and Linda 63 in May, IIRC, but they're still older
>than I am, hee hee.)
>We're headed out on a Road Trip tomorrow (first two week vacation
>I've had in 5 years, I might add - plan on keeping up with this ng,
>too, if all wifi is well).

snipped fun stuff

I love road trips. The trip I took to Christine's last year was the

Sounds like this trip will be a hoot. Travel safe and keep us posted.

There is no love more sincere than the love of food
George Bernard Shaw
updated 7/06
  #63 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

George Shirley > wrote in

> If you could regress your age what would you like? For me it
> would be my thirties, heavily involved in family, kids turning
> into teens, going to college (me) for the first time, healthy,
> good eyesight, lots of friends and family in the neighborhood.
> It was a good time. Of course most of the times since have
> also been good but that era seems to stick in the mind for
> some reason.

30's also.
  #64 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

Gloria P > wrote in

> George Shirley wrote:
>> If you could regress your age what would you like? For me it
>> would be my thirties, heavily involved in family, kids
>> turning into teens, going to college (me) for the first time,
>> healthy, good eyesight, lots of friends and family in the
>> neighborhood. It was a good time. Of course most of the times
>> since have also been good but that era seems to stick in the
>> mind for some reason.

> Yes. thirties were pretty nice. Safe, social, secure.
> I have another question: How old do you feel in your mind?
> Much of the time I think I have never gotten beyond 18-21 and
> it's a shock when I look in the mirror or feel the creaky-ness
> when I get up from a chair.
> gloria p

I'm glad you asked 'mind' not body! ;o)

I'm still a teenager at heart. 16! I can drive.
  #65 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

"George Shirley" > wrote in message
> If you could regress your age what would you like? For me it would be my
> thirties, heavily involved in family, kids turning into teens, going to
> college (me) for the first time, healthy, good eyesight, lots of friends
> and family in the neighborhood. It was a good time. Of course most of the
> times since have also been good but that era seems to stick in the mind
> for some reason.

I'm very happy at 62. I do wish I was physically more agile like I was in
my 20's or 30's, but otherwise I'm very happy with my present age. Raising
kids was a blast, but I don't want to do it again. Could not be happier
with my wife, my job, my house, my abilities, or anything else. Nothing
else I want to do again. I just want to keep doing different things.

  #66 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the 21st,
> what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect and would
> you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?
> IF that were you, Squeaks, what'd be your pleasure (bearing in mind that
> your response will be recorded and possibly retained for ready access by
> small children, so leave out the kinky sex stuff)? Hmmmm?
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ

Saw that someone down the street had decorated their house with 'Over
the hill' banners and balloons. The guest of honour had turned 50 so
that was how they were being honoured

There definitely should be champagne or decent sparkling wine. In the
Netherlands, someone turning 50 used to get a yeast-based fruit bread,
roughly human-shaped, called an 'Abraham' or 'Sara'. Don't know if this
is still done.
  #67 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

"Gregory Morrow" wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" wrote:
> > Sheldon wrote:
> > > PeterLucas wrote:

> > > > My 50th party lasted 17 days (IIRC!!), but the main party
> > > > was for about 25-30 of my closest friends.

> > > Wow... 25-30 *closest* friends,

> > [...snippage of Sheldon SAILING into PL's pre - conceived "notions",

> lol...]
> > > To have so many "closest" friends you mu st be a very shallow person
> > > and have an extremely low sense of self worth --- I wonder how well
> > > you even know yourself, probably not at all --- ?because it's not
> > > possible to have so many profoundly intimate relationships
> > > simultaneously, not even separately in a life time

> > .

> > Well, what Peterbreath Puke - ass lacks in self - knowledge he surely

> makes
> > up for it in the "braggadocio" dept....honestly, you'd think he was the

> Ari
> > Onassis of Australia or somethin'..and continuing in the guinea vein ?he
> > come off in fact sorta like an Antipodean Pinocchio.

> > <chuckle>
> >

> Gee, I didn't mean what I wrote in such a directly personal way, I
> don't even know Peter Lucas... my post was directed towards *anyone*
> who speaks of everyone they ever met, however how briefly, as their
> *friend*.. just because someone ain't an enemy doesn't automatically
> elevate them to friend, let alone closest friend... my closest friends
> all know each other equally intimately as I know them and they know
> me, otherwise they can't fit the description of my closest friends...
> can't possibly be all that close when who you associate with and to
> what degree is a secret... closEST friends have no secrets, none...
> because the obverse is lying to each other by sin of omission and
> closest friends never lie to each other or they are no kind of friends
> at all.
> --------------
> Yep, you've said it very well. �Establishing trust from the very first
> is *must*, then a relationship can continue forward. �Many these
> days don't even know the concept of "trust"...and "integrity" is
> another concept that is foreign to many.

Today integrity is practically nonexistant, is why so many
relationships fail. Lack of integrity is a primary reason for the
sucess of the Internet, it allows people to morph into however many
identities... from my personal experience I guestimate that more than
half of usenetters are not who they claim, about equal to the divorce
rate. Integrity is inversely proportional to technology, the more
technological devices the less integrity there is... computers,
digital cameras, videocams, cell phones, etc. all make possible and
encourage aberrant behavior far more than it benefits humanity, that
there's any benefit at all is just a myth, a lame excuse. All these
devices came about because people are always looking for new ways to
cheat... necessity is the mother of invention. In any and all
relationships where each has their own cell phone you can take it to
the bank that both are cheating (carrying on some various and sundry
clandestine endeavers behind each others back), may not start out that
way but temptation and opportunity are very powerful motivators that
transcend promises.. if your SO suddenly decides they need a video cam
on their computer be very wary... there really is no legitimate reason
for anyone to see who they're talking with in real time except hanky

  #68 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

"Gloria P" > wrote in message
. ..
> Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> My 50th birthday is only a month and a half away. I plan to *cook* on
>> that
>> day. Here's my tentative menu; it'll just be for Lin and me:

> My 65th is in six weeks and I plan to be taken out to dinner.
> You can't imagine how old it makes you feel to get that Medicare
> card in the mail....
> ;-)
> gloria p

Yes I can.

Old Scoundrel

(AKA Dimitri)

  #69 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the 21st,
> what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect and would
> you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?
> IF that were you, Squeaks, what'd be your pleasure (bearing in mind that
> your response will be recorded and possibly retained for ready access by
> small children, so leave out the kinky sex stuff)? Hmmmm?
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> Preserved Fruit Administrator
> "Always in a jam. Never in a stew." - Evergene


I don't think there is a right answer especially from the female side.

I just don't have a good idea for or about Squeaks. Whatever happens she
will be gracious on the outside.

I pitched such a fit that I did NOT want any kind of party, or surprise
party on my 50th everyone honored my request.

So on my 55th they gave me a surprise party. Low and behold there were most
all of my friends - they also made a video presentation with messages from
all my girls & the boss. The video contained snapshots from all the
different times of my life. They even found an old photo of me as a towhead
at about 3 years old from one of my mothers old fashion magazines. ( yes
she published a magazine & used her kids occasionally as models.)

To this day I can not watch the video without welling up.

Old Scoundrel

(AKA Dimitri)

  #71 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Fri 18 Jul 2008 09:45:12a, Jean B. told us...
>> Heh. Centered is so boring....

> Yes, one tends to go in circles. :-)

LOL! Thanks for the not-so-early-morning chuckle!

Jean B.
  #72 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

In article >,
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:

> If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the 21st,
> what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect and would
> you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?
> IF that were you, Squeaks, what'd be your pleasure (bearing in mind that
> your response will be recorded and possibly retained for ready access by
> small children, so leave out the kinky sex stuff)? Hmmmm?

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most. Terry is 60
today. It looks good on her. :-) Can't wait to get the reports about
her and Bill's road trip with his 14-year-old granddaughter.

Happy Birthday, Girlie.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ , blahblahblog is back!
" Preserved Fruit Administrator
'Always in a jam. Never in a stew.'" - Evergene
  #73 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 4,446
Default Turning 50 Years Old

"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
>> If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the 21st,
>> what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect and would
>> you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?
>> IF that were you, Squeaks, what'd be your pleasure (bearing in mind that
>> your response will be recorded and possibly retained for ready access by
>> small children, so leave out the kinky sex stuff)? Hmmmm?

> Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most. Terry is 60
> today. It looks good on her. :-) Can't wait to get the reports about
> her and Bill's road trip with his 14-year-old granddaughter.
> Happy Birthday, Girlie.
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> , blahblahblog is back!
> " Preserved Fruit Administrator
> 'Always in a jam. Never in a stew.'" - Evergene

Ditto and yes it does look good on her.

Old Scoundrel

(AKA Dimitri)

  #74 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 12,124
Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

In article >,
George Shirley > wrote:

> Gloria P wrote:
> > Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> >> If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the
> >> 21st, what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect
> >> and would you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?
> >>

> >
> >
> > Ah, to be turning 50 again....
> >
> > gloria p

> If you could regress your age what would you like? For me it would be my
> thirties, heavily involved in family, kids turning into teens, going to
> college (me) for the first time, healthy, good eyesight, lots of friends
> and family in the neighborhood. It was a good time. Of course most of
> the times since have also been good but that era seems to stick in the
> mind for some reason.

The number that always comes to mind is 23. It was a long time ago,
though. :-)

OB Food: Yesterday's Mint Jelly would, on a scale of 1-10 for
appearance, probably get about 35 points. For taste, not so much!
Dang! The mint leaves that went into the infusion were great, too! If
you wish, check the blahblahblog below for details.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ , blahblahblog is back!
" Preserved Fruit Administrator
'Always in a jam. Never in a stew.'" - Evergene
  #75 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Turning 50 Years Old

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 19:13:43 GMT, "Michael \"Dog3\"" >

>"Dimitri" >
: in
>> and yes it does look good on her.

>Especially with that handbag and those shoes

Sheeit. The girl would look great in a burlap bag and combat boots.
Happy Birthday squeaks.

There is no love more sincere than the love of food
George Bernard Shaw
updated 7/06
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