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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 10,876
Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a major
artery. He's okay. He caught it in time, so no heart attack or heart

I asked specifically about this fake butter stuff. She said she'd
rather he didn't eat any of it, but if he felt had to then she
preferred he ate *real* butter and only in tiny amounts every now and
then. Thank goodness more and more restaurants are putting olive oil
on the table now.

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

On Aug 6, 11:23*pm, sf wrote:
> Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a major
> artery. *He's okay. *He caught it in time, so no heart attack or heart
> damage.

I had two of those installed to open up the arteries after a heart
attack and that was almost five years ago. As they said in the
Ottoman Empire, sofa so good.

> I asked specifically about this fake butter stuff. *She said she'd
> rather he didn't eat any of it, but if he felt had to then she
> preferred he ate *real* butter and only in tiny amounts every now and
> then. *Thank goodness more and more restaurants are putting olive oil
> on the table now.

Did they not say why they preferred he not eat any? Yeesh...usually,
it's because of trans fats. Butter contains a bit, but naturally
occuring, which is to be seriously distinguished from the vast amounts
passed off as lard for baking and being produced as a by-product of
hydrogenating vegetable oils. I use some butter in cooking (not all
the time) AND some margarine in sandwiches. Both my brother-in-law
and I have concluded that if our diets will consist only of tasteless
cardboard bread and rubbery fat-free cheese, life is not worth
living. I don't overdo it, balance most of my meals with salads, I
eat fruit and keep the meat down to a low roar (small portions two or
three times a week, which isn't hard...I don't actually ever crave
meat, unless it's pork) and although I have been slacking off on my
exercise because of a nasty viral throat infection, exercise normally
about three times a week for 15 minutes. It has gotten my stamina up
to the point where I can walk up four flights of stairs without being
winded and I am a heavy person. Once I'm retired, I'll exercise twice
as much to start then increase the time gradually in five minute
portions until I have it up to 30 minutes a day.

Not Butter...

In The Vicar of Dibley episode 'Animals', Alice expresses confusion
over the name: "You know that stuff they're selling now at the local
shop, 'I Can't Believe It's Not Butter'? Well, I can't believe it's
not butter. Then yesterday, I went to Crookenden and I bought this
other stuff, like a sort of home-brand, you know? And you know, I
can't believe it's not I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. Well, you know
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter? No no, I mean you know the stuff that
I can't believe is not butter is called I Can't Believe It's Not
Butter. Well I can't believe the stuff that is not I Can't Believe
It's Not Butter is not I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and I can't
believe that both I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and the stuff that I
can't believe is not I Can't Believe It's Not Butter are both, in
fact, not butter. And I believe they both might be butter, in a
cunning disguise. And in fact there's a lot more butter around than we
all thought there was."
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

On Thu, 7 Aug 2008 07:43:57 -0700 (PDT), "
> wrote:

>Did they not say why they preferred he not eat any?

No. I assumed it was because butter is fat. This was a hospital
conversation with the cardiologist as we were leaving. He signed up
for classes. I'm assuming they're at least partly about nutrition...
so he'll have guidance. I know they say "diet and exercise", but he
had gout the past four years that was a condition brought on by
medication so it was hard for him to exercise because of the almost
constant pain. The Dr. finally changed medications and he's been gout
free for a few months now, so he's looking forward to getting more
exercise now.

>it's because of trans fats. Butter contains a bit, but naturally
>occuring, which is to be seriously distinguished from the vast amounts
>passed off as lard for baking and being produced as a by-product of
>hydrogenating vegetable oils. I use some butter in cooking (not all
>the time) AND some margarine in sandwiches. Both my brother-in-law
>and I have concluded that if our diets will consist only of tasteless
>cardboard bread and rubbery fat-free cheese, life is not worth
>living. I don't overdo it, balance most of my meals with salads, I
>eat fruit and keep the meat down to a low roar (small portions two or
>three times a week, which isn't hard...I don't actually ever crave
>meat, unless it's pork)

I'm not sure how he's going to do meat-wise. He says he's fine with
eating more chicken and fish (he's wary of shellfish due to his brush
with gout), but I know he craves beef - if the past is any indication
of the future. In any case, I need to start paying attention to heart
friendly recipes now.

>and although I have been slacking off on my
>exercise because of a nasty viral throat infection, exercise normally
>about three times a week for 15 minutes. It has gotten my stamina up
>to the point where I can walk up four flights of stairs without being
>winded and I am a heavy person. Once I'm retired, I'll exercise twice
>as much to start then increase the time gradually in five minute
>portions until I have it up to 30 minutes a day.

Good for you! Four flights of stairs *up* is an accomplishment for

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

sf wrote:
> Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a major
> artery. He's okay. He caught it in time, so no heart attack or heart
> damage.
> I asked specifically about this fake butter stuff. She said she'd
> rather he didn't eat any of it, but if he felt had to then she
> preferred he ate *real* butter and only in tiny amounts every now and
> then. Thank goodness more and more restaurants are putting olive oil
> on the table now.

How is he feeling? Hey, I am glad he can have real butter. That should
make him feel better.


  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

"sf" wrote in message ...
> Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a major
> artery. He's okay. He caught it in time, so no heart attack or heart
> damage.
> I asked specifically about this fake butter stuff. She said she'd
> rather he didn't eat any of it, but if he felt had to then she
> preferred he ate *real* butter and only in tiny amounts every now and
> then. Thank goodness more and more restaurants are putting olive oil
> on the table now.
> --
> I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the
> number of carats in a diamond.
> Mae West

To Hell with the butter! Thank goodness they found the blockage - A new
lease on Life!

Look out he may start feeling more energy.


What prompted the angiogram?



  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

On Thu, 07 Aug 2008 10:27:59 -0500, Becca >

>sf wrote:
>> Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a major
>> artery. He's okay. He caught it in time, so no heart attack or heart
>> damage.
>> I asked specifically about this fake butter stuff. She said she'd
>> rather he didn't eat any of it, but if he felt had to then she
>> preferred he ate *real* butter and only in tiny amounts every now and
>> then. Thank goodness more and more restaurants are putting olive oil
>> on the table now.

>How is he feeling?

He's doing great! You'd never know it happened. He's black & blue
where they pulled out the catheter, that's it.

I want to tell the kids. He doesn't want to worry them. That is our
current topic of discussion. I think he's really more concerned that
the news will leak back to his sisters who *will* worry half to death
and bother him constantly.

> Hey, I am glad he can have real butter. That should
>make him feel better.

Yes, it is... well, it's making me feel better at least! We've been
cooking with EVOO for years, so I don't think we're going to have a
problem in that department. However, cutting back on red meat will
present a bigger hurdle.

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

On Thu, 7 Aug 2008 08:40:24 -0700, "Dimitri" >

>What prompted the angiogram?

He went for a walk around the lake and had to stop after 6 minutes of
not very fast walking due to chest tightness and shortness of breath.
It still took him a day or two to call the Dr. about it. He had
experienced something similar, but much milder earlier in the year.
They were supposed to do a stress test with dye a few months ago, but
dropped the ball and he didn't follow up because he felt okay.

The cardiologist said these things can happen rather quickly, so they
may not have found anything to be concerned about if he did have that
stress test with dye back in Jan.

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

On Thu, 7 Aug 2008 12:22:22 -0400, "jmcquown" >

>Regarding not telling the kids: DO. Some years ago (10? 15?) my mother had
>surgery to clear a second arterial blockage in her leg. They didn't tell us
>until afterwards and it ticked me off. The "we didn't want to worry you"
>argument didn't fly. If she'd died on the table Dad would have had a hell
>of a time explaining what she was doing in a Charleston hospital nearly 100
>miles from home since they pretended everything was hunky dory. The best
>way not to worry the kids, IMHO, is to be up front about things. Treat them
>like the adults they are.

This is my attitude too. They aren't our friends, they are our
children and they have a right to know. I should have called them
immediately, but he was adamant. I'm going to let them chew him out.
Next time, they'll know immediately.

>As for his sisters, he should probably tell them mother-henning him will
>only tire him out and slow the recuperation process. And despite how he
>feels right now, there is definitely a recuperation process.

Mother-henning is the right term. You pegged it!


I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

On Wed 06 Aug 2008 08:23:18p, told us...

> Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a major
> artery. He's okay. He caught it in time, so no heart attack or heart
> damage.
> I asked specifically about this fake butter stuff. She said she'd
> rather he didn't eat any of it, but if he felt had to then she
> preferred he ate *real* butter and only in tiny amounts every now and
> then. Thank goodness more and more restaurants are putting olive oil
> on the table now.

I remember from many years ago, our family doctor told us, "if it's solid
at room temperature, you shouldn't eat it." Referring to fats, of course.

Wayne Boatwright
Thursday, 08(VIII)/07(VII)/08(MMVIII)
This statement is false.

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

"sf" wrote in message ...
> On Thu, 7 Aug 2008 08:40:24 -0700, "Dimitri" >
> wrote:
>>What prompted the angiogram?

> He went for a walk around the lake and had to stop after 6 minutes of
> not very fast walking due to chest tightness and shortness of breath.
> It still took him a day or two to call the Dr. about it. He had
> experienced something similar, but much milder earlier in the year.
> They were supposed to do a stress test with dye a few months ago, but
> dropped the ball and he didn't follow up because he felt okay.
> The cardiologist said these things can happen rather quickly, so they
> may not have found anything to be concerned about if he did have that
> stress test with dye back in Jan.

You're very lucky lady and he's a very lucky man to still be around.


  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Wed 06 Aug 2008 08:23:18p, told us...
>> Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a major
>> artery. He's okay. He caught it in time, so no heart attack or heart
>> damage.
>> I asked specifically about this fake butter stuff. She said she'd
>> rather he didn't eat any of it, but if he felt had to then she
>> preferred he ate *real* butter and only in tiny amounts every now and
>> then. Thank goodness more and more restaurants are putting olive oil
>> on the table now.

> I remember from many years ago, our family doctor told us, "if it's solid
> at room temperature, you shouldn't eat it." Referring to fats, of course.
> --
> Wayne Boatwright
> -------------------------------------------

Probably the same genius who said no more butter - use margarine in 1970.


  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

On Thu 07 Aug 2008 01:18:09p, Dimitri told us...

> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> .247...
>> On Wed 06 Aug 2008 08:23:18p, told us...
>>> Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a major
>>> artery. He's okay. He caught it in time, so no heart attack or heart
>>> damage.
>>> I asked specifically about this fake butter stuff. She said she'd
>>> rather he didn't eat any of it, but if he felt had to then she
>>> preferred he ate *real* butter and only in tiny amounts every now and
>>> then. Thank goodness more and more restaurants are putting olive oil

>>> the table now.

>> I remember from many years ago, our family doctor told us, "if it's

>> at room temperature, you shouldn't eat it." Referring to fats, of

>> --
>> Wayne Boatwright
>> -------------------------------------------

> Probably the same genius who said no more butter - use margarine in 1970.
> Dimitri

Probably so.

Wayne Boatwright
Thursday, 08(VIII)/07(VII)/08(MMVIII)
Down with categorical imperative!

  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

On Aug 7, 8:49*am, sf wrote:
> On Thu, 07 Aug 2008 10:27:59 -0500, Becca >
> wrote:
> >sf wrote:
> >> Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a major
> >> artery. *He's okay. *He caught it in time, so no heart attack or heart
> >> damage.

> >> I asked specifically about this fake butter stuff. *She said she'd
> >> rather he didn't eat any of it, but if he felt had to then she
> >> preferred he ate *real* butter and only in tiny amounts every now and
> >> then. *Thank goodness more and more restaurants are putting olive oil
> >> on the table now.

> >How is he feeling?

> He's doing great! *You'd never know it happened. *He's black & blue
> where they pulled out the catheter, that's it. *
> I want to tell the kids. *He doesn't want to worry them. *That is our
> current topic of discussion. *I think he's really more concerned that
> the news will leak back to his sisters who *will* worry half to death
> and bother him constantly.
> > Hey, I am glad he can have real butter. *That should
> >make him feel better.

> Yes, it is... well, it's making me feel better at least! *We've been
> cooking with EVOO for years, so I don't think we're going to have a
> problem in that department. *However, cutting back on red meat will
> present a bigger hurdle.
> --
> I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.
> Mae West

Tell the kids! My family is going thru this right now with an elderly
aunt. That's what family is for-worrying!! Just kidding, but the
martyr thing is wrong to do, in my opinion.
  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

On Aug 7, 9:22*am, "jmcquown" > wrote:
> > On Thu, 07 Aug 2008 10:27:59 -0500, Becca >
> > wrote:

> > > sf wrote:
> > > > Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a
> > > > major artery. *He's okay. *He caught it in time, so no heart
> > > > attack or heart damage.

> > > How is he feeling?

> > He's doing great! *You'd never know it happened. *He's black & blue
> > where they pulled out the catheter, that's it.

> > I want to tell the kids. *He doesn't want to worry them. *That is our
> > current topic of discussion. *I think he's really more concerned that
> > the news will leak back to his sisters who *will* worry half to death
> > and bother him constantly.

> Regarding not telling the kids: *DO. *Some years ago (10? 15?) my mother had
> surgery to clear a second arterial blockage in her leg. *They didn't tell us
> until afterwards and it ticked me off. *The "we didn't want to worry you"
> argument didn't fly. *If she'd died on the table Dad would have had a hell
> of a time explaining what she was doing in a Charleston hospital nearly 100
> miles from home since they pretended everything was hunky dory. *The best
> way not to worry the kids, IMHO, is to be up front about things. *Treat them
> like the adults they are.
> As for his sisters, he should probably tell them mother-henning him will
> only tire him out and slow the recuperation process. *And despite how he
> feels right now, there is definitely a recuperation process.
> Jill- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I totally agree- what if someone dies? Just because you disclose your
problem/illness doesn't make you a cry baby- that is what families do.
  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

On Wed, 06 Aug 2008 20:23:18 -0700, sf fired up random neurons and
synapses to opine:

>Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a major
>artery. He's okay. He caught it in time, so no heart attack or heart

Good wishes to your DH on a successful recovery. This gettin' old crap
is a pain in the *ss.

Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
"If the soup had been as hot as the claret, if the claret had been as
old as the bird, and if the bird's breasts had been as full as the
waitress's, it would have been a very good dinner."

-- Duncan Hines

To reply, replace "meatloaf" with "cox"

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

On Thu, 07 Aug 2008 18:17:42 -0700, Terry Pulliam Burd
> wrote:

>On Wed, 06 Aug 2008 20:23:18 -0700, sf fired up random neurons and
>synapses to opine:
>>Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a major
>>artery. He's okay. He caught it in time, so no heart attack or heart

>Good wishes to your DH on a successful recovery. This gettin' old crap
>is a pain in the *ss.

Thanks Terry. His recovery seems to be easy at this point, but time
will tell.

My grandfather (who didn't have heart problems) told me "It's all
downhill from 70". I didn't expect this stuff to happen so soon.

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West
  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

> He went for a walk around the lake and had to stop after 6 minutes of
> not very fast walking due to chest tightness and shortness of breath.
> It still took him a day or two to call the Dr. about it. He had
> experienced something similar, but much milder earlier in the year.
> They were supposed to do a stress test with dye a few months ago, but
> dropped the ball and he didn't follow up because he felt okay.
> The cardiologist said these things can happen rather quickly, so they
> may not have found anything to be concerned about if he did have that
> stress test with dye back in Jan.

It must have been terrifying for you both

I hope all is well and he is recovering well.

All my best wishes to you both

  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

In article >, Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>On Wed 06 Aug 2008 08:23:18p, told us...
>> Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a major
>> artery. He's okay. He caught it in time, so no heart attack or heart
>> damage.
>> I asked specifically about this fake butter stuff. She said she'd
>> rather he didn't eat any of it, but if he felt had to then she
>> preferred he ate *real* butter and only in tiny amounts every now and
>> then. Thank goodness more and more restaurants are putting olive oil
>> on the table now.

>I remember from many years ago, our family doctor told us, "if it's solid
>at room temperature, you shouldn't eat it." Referring to fats, of course.

You can pour butter here at RT most of the year, so we can rejoice!

Cheers, Phred.


  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

On Fri 08 Aug 2008 07:03:07a, Phred told us...

> In article >, Wayne
> Boatwright > wrote:
>>On Wed 06 Aug 2008 08:23:18p, told us...
>>> Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a major
>>> artery. He's okay. He caught it in time, so no heart attack or heart
>>> damage.
>>> I asked specifically about this fake butter stuff. She said she'd
>>> rather he didn't eat any of it, but if he felt had to then she
>>> preferred he ate *real* butter and only in tiny amounts every now and
>>> then. Thank goodness more and more restaurants are putting olive oil
>>> on the table now.

>>I remember from many years ago, our family doctor told us, "if it's
>>solid at room temperature, you shouldn't eat it." Referring to fats, of

> You can pour butter here at RT most of the year, so we can rejoice!
> Cheers, Phred.

LOL! Actually, when our doctor said that, I think he was referring mostly
to lard and solid vegetable shortenings like Crisco.

Date: Friday, August(VIII) 8th(VIII),2008(MMVIII)

Countdown till Labor Day
3wks 2dys 12hrs 21mins 6secs
!@#$%&* The most widely used computer
language in the world.
  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

sf wrote:
> Hubby went into the hospital on Monday and a stent was put in a major
> artery. He's okay. He caught it in time, so no heart attack or heart
> damage.
> I asked specifically about this fake butter stuff. She said she'd
> rather he didn't eat any of it, but if he felt had to then she
> preferred he ate *real* butter and only in tiny amounts every now and
> then. Thank goodness more and more restaurants are putting olive oil
> on the table now.
> --

Glad to hear he is going to be OK.

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

On Sat, 09 Aug 2008 20:03:16 -0600, Arri London >

>Glad to hear he is going to be OK.

Thanks. He's so OK we're arguing now about how to landscape the front
yard. LOL!

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West
  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

In article 0>,
Wayne Boatwright > wrote:

> On Fri 08 Aug 2008 07:03:07a, Phred told us...
> > In article >, Wayne
> > Boatwright > wrote:

> >>I remember from many years ago, our family doctor told us, "if it's
> >>solid at room temperature, you shouldn't eat it." Referring to fats, of
> >>course.

> >
> > You can pour butter here at RT most of the year, so we can rejoice!

> LOL! Actually, when our doctor said that, I think he was referring mostly
> to lard and solid vegetable shortenings like Crisco.

I don't think so. Meat fats (not just lard), margarine and butter are
all high in saturated fats. Lard has an undeserved bad reputation.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA

  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

"Dan Abel" > wrote in message
> In article 0>,
> Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>> On Fri 08 Aug 2008 07:03:07a, Phred told us...
>> > In article >, Wayne
>> > Boatwright > wrote:

>> >>I remember from many years ago, our family doctor told us, "if it's
>> >>solid at room temperature, you shouldn't eat it." Referring to fats,
>> >>of
>> >>course.
>> >
>> > You can pour butter here at RT most of the year, so we can rejoice!

>> LOL! Actually, when our doctor said that, I think he was referring
>> mostly
>> to lard and solid vegetable shortenings like Crisco.

> I don't think so. Meat fats (not just lard), margarine and butter are
> all high in saturated fats. Lard has an undeserved bad reputation.

The lard available at the grocery store is crap. I use real lard from
freshly killed hogs. Nothing in it but pork fat. It is ultimately more
healthy than shortening.

....and it pours at room temp here in Floriduh. <G>


  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default I can't believe it's not butter.... conclusion

On Sat 16 Aug 2008 01:58:54p, Dan Abel told us...

> In article 0>,
> Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>> On Fri 08 Aug 2008 07:03:07a, Phred told us...
>> > In article >, Wayne
>> > Boatwright > wrote:

>> >>I remember from many years ago, our family doctor told us, "if it's
>> >>solid at room temperature, you shouldn't eat it." Referring to fats,
>> >>of course.
>> >
>> > You can pour butter here at RT most of the year, so we can rejoice!

>> LOL! Actually, when our doctor said that, I think he was referring
>> mostly to lard and solid vegetable shortenings like Crisco.

> I don't think so. Meat fats (not just lard), margarine and butter are
> all high in saturated fats. Lard has an undeserved bad reputation.

Hard to say which fats he was referring to. This was back in the late

Date: Sunday, 08(VIII)/17(XVII)/08(MMVIII)

Countdown till Labor Day
2wks 23hrs 46mins
I'm not tense -- just terribly alert.
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conclusion; your All pathetic Peter Lucas[_18_] General Cooking 5 18-12-2010 11:00 PM
A new conclusion Dimitri Sourdough 12 02-06-2009 02:15 PM
A new conclusion Dimitri General Cooking 3 30-05-2009 10:16 PM
My conclusion on the chili question Wayne Lundberg Mexican Cooking 24 28-03-2007 10:53 PM
Smoked Rabbit - Conclusion London Barbecue 5 08-11-2004 01:02 PM

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