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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 23
Default buying old meat from supermarket

As we know some people have a greater density of taste buds built into their
tongues. I have less, but my wife and son have more than i do and they can
detect subtle food flavours that I cannot.

Tescos in North London U.K. sometime do meat in their 'reduced price'
section. The other day I got some really good beef and lamb which was
slightly 'darker' coloured from this section at about 1/4 of the normal
price. I fried it up and enjoyed it and put the rest in the freezer.

Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view is that
although if you smell it closely, it is different; but that it is basically
just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the taste. Years ago
they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.

Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that a big
store like Tesco would continue to sell this very slightly off coloured
meat, if it represented any health risk.
Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

"john d hamilton" > wrote in message
> As we know some people have a greater density of taste buds built into
> their tongues. I have less, but my wife and son have more than i do and
> they can detect subtle food flavours that I cannot.
> Tescos in North London U.K. sometime do meat in their 'reduced price'
> section. The other day I got some really good beef and lamb which was
> slightly 'darker' coloured from this section at about 1/4 of the normal
> price. I fried it up and enjoyed it and put the rest in the freezer.
> Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view is that
> although if you smell it closely, it is different; but that it is
> basically just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the taste.
> Years ago they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.
> Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that a
> big store like Tesco would continue to sell this very slightly off
> coloured meat, if it represented any health risk.
> Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?

"Reduced for quick sale" is my favorite cut of meat. I've eaten it for

If it stinks when you open it, let it breathe a while. If it still stinks
after a few minutes, you be the judge. I've had a lot of 'fresh' cryovaced
meat stink like hell right out of the package but then smell fresh as a
daisy minutes later.

I just finished eating some questionable ground lamb. First time I've ever
had it. I'll update tomorrow if I become ill.

Also, I've had fresh smelling meat emit a stench from Hell once I started
cooking it. It's only happened a couple of times, but it went into the
trash immediately.


  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 8
Default buying old meat from supermarket

On Sep 2, 11:05*am, TFM® > wrote:
> "john d hamilton" > wrote in ...
> > As we know some people have a greater density of taste buds built into
> > their tongues. *I have less, but my wife and son have more than i do and
> > they can detect subtle food flavours that I cannot.

> > Tescos in North London U.K. sometime do meat in their 'reduced price'
> > section. *The other day I got some really good beef and lamb which was
> > slightly 'darker' coloured from this section at about 1/4 of the normal
> > price. *I fried it up and enjoyed it and put the rest in the freezer.

> > Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. *My view is that
> > although if you smell it closely, it is different; *but that it is
> > basically just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the taste.
> > Years ago they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.

> > Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that a
> > big store like Tesco would continue to sell this very slightly off
> > coloured meat, if it represented any health risk.
> > Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?

> "Reduced for quick sale" is my favorite cut of meat. *I've eaten it for
> decades.

I do the same thing, never had any problems with it or ever had
anything that smelled close to bad.

I've occasionally noticed a bit of discoloration, but no more aso than
if i bought it fresh and it sat in the fridge for a day or two.


> If it stinks when you open it, let it breathe a while. *If it still stinks
> after a few minutes, you be the judge. *I've had a lot of 'fresh' cryovaced
> meat stink like hell right out of the package but then smell fresh as a
> daisy minutes later.
> I just finished eating some questionable ground lamb. *First time I've ever
> had it. *I'll update tomorrow if I become ill.
> Also, I've had fresh smelling meat emit a stench from Hell once I started
> cooking it. *It's only happened a couple of times, but it went into the
> trash immediately.
> TFM®- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 377
Default buying old meat from supermarket

john d hamilton > wrote:

> As we know some people have a greater density of taste buds built
> into their tongues. I have less, but my wife and son have more than
> i do and they can detect subtle food flavours that I cannot.

There is a lot more involved in just the density of taste buds.

> Tescos in North London U.K. sometime do meat in their 'reduced price'
> section. The other day I got some really good beef and lamb which was
> slightly 'darker' coloured from this section at about 1/4 of the normal price. I fried it up and enjoyed it and put
> the rest in the freezer.

> Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view is that although if you smell it closely, it is
> different; but that it is basically just a bit of *oxizidation*

Its most likely actually from older animals.

> and it does not effect the taste. Years ago they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.

Meat is still aged today.

> Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that a big store like Tesco would continue to sell
> this very slightly off coloured meat, if it represented any health risk.

Yes, its not a health risk. There is a significant taste difference tho.

> Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?

Corse its safe, if it wasnt they wouldnt be selling it. There is a significant taste difference
tho. And there may well be a significant difference in how tender the meat is too.

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

In article >,
"john d hamilton" > wrote:

> Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view is that
> although if you smell it closely, it is different; but that it is basically
> just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the taste. Years ago
> they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.
> Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that a big
> store like Tesco would continue to sell this very slightly off coloured
> meat, if it represented any health risk.
> Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?

I envy your ability to find "used meat." '-)
I located a source last week and am very happy.
I wouldn't hesitate to eat it soon (a day or two) or freeze it for
future enjoyment.

-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ, and here's the link to my appearance
on "A Prairie Home Companion," <

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

"john d hamilton" > wrote in message
> As we know some people have a greater density of taste buds built into
> their tongues. I have less, but my wife and son have more than i do and
> they can detect subtle food flavours that I cannot.
> Tescos in North London U.K. sometime do meat in their 'reduced price'
> section. The other day I got some really good beef and lamb which was
> slightly 'darker' coloured from this section at about 1/4 of the normal
> price. I fried it up and enjoyed it and put the rest in the freezer.

> Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view is that
> although if you smell it closely, it is different; but that it is
> basically just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the taste.
> Years ago they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.

Then again people used to die at 30 from natural causes Including parasites.

> Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that a
> big store like Tesco would continue to sell this very slightly off
> coloured meat, if it represented any health risk.
> Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?

I use the "SHORT CODE" ( at the sell by date) marked down meat all the time
& have for years.


  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

> Corse its safe, if it wasnt they wouldnt be selling it. There is a significant taste difference
> tho. *And there may well be a significant difference in how tender the meat is too.

I think you give the sellers more credit than they deserve.
Everybody's tolerance is different; I cannot eat beef older than a
couple days; it makes me sick as a dog.

I never buy old meat, regardless of the purveyor. OTOH, I don't buy
much red meat anymore, anyway.

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

Dimitri wrote:
>> Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view is
>> that although if you smell it closely, it is different; but that it
>> is basically just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the
>> taste. Years ago they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.

> Then again people used to die at 30 from natural causes Including
> parasites.

Then again, a lot of people used to live very long lives. My mothers
ashes were interred in the cemetery of one of the older local churches
and visiting her grave I usually end up walking around looking at the
old grave markers. There are lots of infants and young people buried
there, but there are a surprising number of people who lived well into
their 80s and 90s. My sister in law is quite convinced that people of
previous generations lived longer and that the average live expectancy
is is skewed by infant mortality, childhood diseases, mothers dying
during childbirth, farm or industrial accidents, but that once someone
got past childhood and reproductive years they were likely to live a
long life.
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

Old meat is pretty much the only meat I buy..I check the local grocery store
almost every day.

On Tue, 2 Sep 2008 18:53:46 +0100, in misc.consumers.frugal-living "john d
hamilton" > wrote:

>As we know some people have a greater density of taste buds built into their
>tongues. I have less, but my wife and son have more than i do and they can
>detect subtle food flavours that I cannot.
>Tescos in North London U.K. sometime do meat in their 'reduced price'
>section. The other day I got some really good beef and lamb which was
>slightly 'darker' coloured from this section at about 1/4 of the normal
>price. I fried it up and enjoyed it and put the rest in the freezer.
>Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view is that
>although if you smell it closely, it is different; but that it is basically
>just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the taste. Years ago
>they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.
>Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that a big
>store like Tesco would continue to sell this very slightly off coloured
>meat, if it represented any health risk.
>Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

Dave Smith wrote:
> Dimitri wrote:
>>> Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view is
>>> that although if you smell it closely, it is different; but that it
>>> is basically just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the
>>> taste. Years ago they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.

>> Then again people used to die at 30 from natural causes Including
>> parasites.

> Then again, a lot of people used to live very long lives. My mothers
> ashes were interred in the cemetery of one of the older local churches
> and visiting her grave I usually end up walking around looking at the
> old grave markers. There are lots of infants and young people buried
> there, but there are a surprising number of people who lived well into
> their 80s and 90s. My sister in law is quite convinced that people of
> previous generations lived longer and that the average live expectancy
> is is skewed by infant mortality, childhood diseases, mothers dying
> during childbirth, farm or industrial accidents, but that once someone
> got past childhood and reproductive years they were likely to live a
> long life.

I suspect rural rather than city churches. Plenty of "five a day" and
plenty of muck to build up a pretty good immune system in childhood.

Which is really the answer to the OP's question. If you have had a
childhood eating stuff full of bacteria and toxins, a few more of the
same aren't even going to be noticed. Even if you do get ill, it is
going to be less ill and for less time, usually.

After a couple of years of living and working in Madagascar, I can
probably cope eating anything that isn't trying to get off the table,
all by itself - as long as it is cooked at high temperature for long
enough. Salads, overseas, OTOH...


  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

Nancy2 > wrote:

>>> Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?

>> Corse its safe, if it wasnt they wouldnt be selling it. There
>> is a significant taste difference tho. And there may well be
>> a significant difference in how tender the meat is too.

> I think you give the sellers more credit than they deserve.

More fool you.

> Everybody's tolerance is different; I cannot eat beef
> older than a couple days; it makes me sick as a dog.

Your problem. That wont be a safety issue, its purely psychological.

> I never buy old meat, regardless of the purveyor.
> OTOH, I don't buy much red meat anymore, anyway.

Your problem.

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

Dave Smith > wrote:
> Dimitri wrote:
>>> Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view
>>> is that although if you smell it closely, it is different; but
>>> that it is basically just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not
>>> effect the taste. Years ago they used to hang up 'game' outside for
>>> weeks.

>> Then again people used to die at 30 from natural causes Including
>> parasites.

> Then again, a lot of people used to live very long lives. My mothers
> ashes were interred in the cemetery of one of the older local churches
> and visiting her grave I usually end up walking around looking at the
> old grave markers. There are lots of infants and young people buried
> there, but there are a surprising number of people who lived well into
> their 80s and 90s. My sister in law is quite convinced that people of
> previous generations lived longer

More fool her. Its trivial to prove that they didnt.

> and that the average live expectancy is is skewed by infant mortality, childhood diseases, mothers dying during
> childbirth, farm or industrial accidents, but that once someone got past childhood and reproductive years they were
> likely to live a long life.

Its completely trivial to prove that they didnt and the
insurance industry has been proving that for centurys now.

  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

Palindrome > wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
>> Dimitri wrote:
>>>> Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view
>>>> is that although if you smell it closely, it is different; but
>>>> that it is basically just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not
>>>> effect the taste. Years ago they used to hang up 'game' outside
>>>> for weeks.
>>> Then again people used to die at 30 from natural causes Including
>>> parasites.

>> Then again, a lot of people used to live very long lives. My mothers
>> ashes were interred in the cemetery of one of the older local
>> churches and visiting her grave I usually end up walking around
>> looking at the old grave markers. There are lots of infants and
>> young people buried there, but there are a surprising number of
>> people who lived well into their 80s and 90s. My sister in law is
>> quite convinced that people of previous generations lived longer and
>> that the average live expectancy is is skewed by infant mortality,
>> childhood diseases, mothers dying during childbirth, farm or
>> industrial accidents, but that once someone got past childhood and
>> reproductive years they were likely to live a long life.

> I suspect rural rather than city churches. Plenty of "five a day" and
> plenty of muck to build up a pretty good immune system in childhood.

Doesnt help with the infectious diseases the killed them.

> Which is really the answer to the OP's question.


> If you have had a childhood eating stuff full of bacteria and toxins,

Pure fantasy. No one in the first world did anything like that,
even in the worst of the urban slums, let alone rural areas.

> a few more of the same aren't even going to be noticed. Even if you do get ill, it is going to be less ill and for
> less time, usually.

Have fun explaining how the infectious diseases killed so many and
now doesnt anymore once we invented and started to use vaccination.

> After a couple of years of living and working in Madagascar, I can probably cope eating anything that isn't trying to
> get off the table, all by itself - as long as it is cooked at high temperature for long enough.

Pity about what killed the colonialists in huge numbers compared with what we see today.

> Salads, overseas, OTOH...

  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

"Nancy2" > wrote in message

> Corse its safe, if it wasnt they wouldnt be selling it. There is a
> significant taste difference
> tho. And there may well be a significant difference in how tender the meat
> is too.

I think you give the sellers more credit than they deserve.
Everybody's tolerance is different; I cannot eat beef older than a
couple days; it makes me sick as a dog.

I never buy old meat, regardless of the purveyor. OTOH, I don't buy
much red meat anymore, anyway.


Now the question is " How well do you tolerate an aged steak?"


  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

On Sep 2, 10:53*am, "john d hamilton" > wrote:
> As we know some people have a greater density of taste buds built into their
> tongues. *I have less, but my wife and son have more than i do and they can
> detect subtle food flavours that I cannot.
> Tescos in North London U.K. sometime do meat in their 'reduced price'
> section. *The other day I got some really good beef and lamb which was
> slightly 'darker' coloured from this section at about 1/4 of the normal
> price. *I fried it up and enjoyed it and put the rest in the freezer.
> Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. *My view is that
> although if you smell it closely, it is different; *but that it is basically
> just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the taste. *Years ago
> they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.
> Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that a big
> store like Tesco would continue to sell this very slightly off coloured
> meat, if it represented any health risk.
> Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?

Did you tell the "others" about what a good deal you got on this
meat? I suspect that psychology had a lot more to do with how it
tasted than how it actually tasted. Personally I love it when I can
find those marked down for quick sale meats, my freezer is on and
waiting for those.

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

"Nancy2" > wrote in message

> Corse its safe, if it wasnt they wouldnt be selling it. There is a

significant taste difference
> tho. And there may well be a significant difference in how tender the meat

is too.

>I think you give the sellers more credit than they deserve.
>Everybody's tolerance is different; I cannot eat beef older than a
>couple days; it makes me sick as a dog.

I take it you live on a ranch and slaughter your own beef? Otherwise, it's
probably months old before it gets to the supermarket, where it sits for a
week or longer before it is packaged. -Dave

  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

It has been rumored that supermarkets use chickens past the pull-date
for their rotiss chickens. The price alone steers me away from 'em.

  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

"john d hamilton" > wrote in message
> As we know some people have a greater density of taste buds built into

> tongues. I have less, but my wife and son have more than i do and they

> detect subtle food flavours that I cannot.
> Tescos in North London U.K. sometime do meat in their 'reduced price'
> section. The other day I got some really good beef and lamb which was
> slightly 'darker' coloured from this section at about 1/4 of the normal
> price. I fried it up and enjoyed it and put the rest in the freezer.
> Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view is that
> although if you smell it closely, it is different; but that it is

> just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the taste. Years ago
> they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.
> Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that a

> store like Tesco would continue to sell this very slightly off coloured
> meat, if it represented any health risk.
> Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?

Well, the supermarket my wife used to go to a lot, they would often have old
meat tossed into a large bin, kind of like the cheapie dvd bins at wal-mart.
Just random cuts of meat, mostly beef and mostly steaks of various quality.
This bin was marked 4/$20, which was pretty good as some of the packages
were steaks that sold for $10 or more per package. So if you picked meat
out of the bin, you'd save 50% or better. All of the meat in this bin was
within a day or two of the sell by date. (almost expired)

My wife would often take advantage of this sale once or twice a month. We
got some really good meat this way. There is no risk to your health, if the
meat is cooked properly. But that's true, no matter how "old" the meat
s. -Dave

  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

"val189" > wrote in message
> It has been rumored that supermarkets use chickens past the pull-date
> for their rotiss chickens. The price alone steers me away from 'em.

The other TRICK was pre-marinating so the meat didn't smell.


  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

On Sep 2, 4:03*pm, val189 > wrote:
> It has been rumored that supermarkets use chickens past the pull-date
> for their rotiss chickens. *The price alone steers me away from 'em.

They sell way too many of those chickens (in general, mind you) to be
"old" chickens. I tended to buy mine at Costco, and they go almost as
fast as they're put into the warming trays.

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

"john d hamilton" > wrote in message
> As we know some people have a greater density of taste buds built into

> tongues. I have less, but my wife and son have more than i do and they

> detect subtle food flavours that I cannot.
> Tescos in North London U.K. sometime do meat in their 'reduced price'
> section. The other day I got some really good beef and lamb which was
> slightly 'darker' coloured from this section at about 1/4 of the normal
> price. I fried it up and enjoyed it and put the rest in the freezer.
> Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view is that
> although if you smell it closely, it is different; but that it is

> just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the taste. Years ago
> they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.
> Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that a

> store like Tesco would continue to sell this very slightly off coloured
> meat, if it represented any health risk.
> Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?

Empirically, since you ate it and suffered no apparent ill effects, the meat
was safe to consume. Taste, on the other hand, is a highly individual
matter. If your family is put off by the mere idea of eating meat that's
been in the cold case for a few days, I think they need to reconsider their
oh-so-delicate sensibilities - the idea of eating dead animals isn't from
some ethereal plane after all.

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

Seerialmom wrote:
> On Sep 2, 4:03 pm, val189 > wrote:
>> It has been rumored that supermarkets use chickens past the pull-date
>> for their rotiss chickens. The price alone steers me away from 'em.

> They sell way too many of those chickens (in general, mind you) to be
> "old" chickens. I tended to buy mine at Costco, and they go almost as
> fast as they're put into the warming trays.

The ones Costco uses are quite different from the 2-pack of whole fryers
they sell. The rotisserie chickens are larger (3lb *after* cooking) and
are brined in a sugar/salt/seasoning solution.
  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

Speaking of old chickens...........

I had a friend years ago who grew up in Kansas. Her father had a meat
market, and he would take her behing the counter every morning to "smell
the chicken butts." That was how she made her spending money. I don't
know if her sense of smell was better, or if he didn't want to bend over
that far; but she always laughed about 'When I used to smell chicken
butts as a little girl!"


  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

TFM® > fnord
. com:

> Also, I've had fresh smelling meat emit a stench from Hell once I
> started cooking it. It's only happened a couple of times, but it went
> into the trash immediately.

That happened to me once with some chicken. I was ****ed off.


"Welcome to Usenet, Biatch! Adapt or haul ass!"
- some hillbilly from FL
  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

john d hamilton wrote:

> Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that a big
> store like Tesco would continue to sell this very slightly off coloured
> meat, if it represented any health risk.
> Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?

I always check the "used meat" section at our local supermarket
for good meat at a good price.

I try to buy any of this meat within a day of expiration date
and never buy it if it smells "off" or if it's a cut I never have
used previously.

My family has never noticed any difference and no one has ever gotten
ill from eating slightly older meat. I HAVE thrown away meat from my
own refrigerator if it smelled bad. "Discretion is the better part of

gloria p

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

"Saerah Gray" > wrote in message
. 102...
> TFM® > fnord
> . com:
>> Also, I've had fresh smelling meat emit a stench from Hell once I
>> started cooking it. It's only happened a couple of times, but it went
>> into the trash immediately.

> That happened to me once with some chicken. I was ****ed off.

It was chicken my first time as well. I was teaching a friend how to fry
chicken in a covered cast iron skillet.

He asked me how I knew when it was ready to turn. I told him you have to
listen to it. When I heard it was ready for flipping I gave him the honors.

He had a really weak stomach. When he lifted the lid and caught a whiff, he
was out the door like a flash doing projectile vomiting.

It was bad enough that I had to lid it and set it outside.
I left it there until I saw him again the next day. I said, "Look how clean
that skillet came!"

The dumbass fell for it and had his head right there when I lifted the lid.
Projectile vomiting ensued again.

Heh, we still laugh about that one.


  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

"Dimitri" > wrote in message
> Now the question is " How well do you tolerate an aged steak?"

Ah...but '21-day matured' is more psychologically comforting! ;-)

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

In article >,
"Dimitri" > wrote:

> I use the "SHORT CODE" ( at the sell by date) marked down meat all the time
> & have for years.
> Dimitri

If I purchase marked down meat (reduced for "quick sale"), I'll never
freeze it. I will cook it the same day so only purchase enough for
quick use.

Seems to work out ok...
Peace! Om

"If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed." --Mark Twain
  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

I check out the 'managers specials' on Sundays when I do most of my grocery
shopping. Since I eat poultry and seafood - seldom see any items on sale -
except ground turkey and/or ground turkey patties. I have found when I use
them that day or the next - have no digestive problems. YMMV

As for not eating beef/pork/etc - suggested to me many years ago I try
eliminating them to help ease the many aches and pains I was having (I am
disabled and have problems in that area). Tried it - and got some relief.
Thought it was all psychological - but a few years ago came across a
reference of a study done in Britain that found less joint pain among those
who didn't eat beef or mutton. But they couldn't figure out why. Neither
can I but I continue with the poultry and seafood only as it seems to help
me - but I don't know why either.


Learn something new every day
As long as you are learning, you are living
When you stop learning, you start dying

  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

"Omelet" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "Dimitri" > wrote:
>> I use the "SHORT CODE" ( at the sell by date) marked down meat all the
>> time
>> & have for years.
>> Dimitri

> If I purchase marked down meat (reduced for "quick sale"), I'll never
> freeze it. I will cook it the same day so only purchase enough for
> quick use.
> Seems to work out ok...
> --
> Peace! Om
> "If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed; if you do read the
> newspaper you are misinformed." --Mark Twain

I freeze it all the time - no problems.

A friend has a business that is based upon purchasing and re-selling short
code foods. - Their freezer is the size of my house.


  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 37
Default buying old meat from supermarket

"TFM®" > wrote in message
. com...
> "john d hamilton" > wrote in message
> ...
>> As we know some people have a greater density of taste buds built into
>> their tongues. I have less, but my wife and son have more than i do and
>> they can detect subtle food flavours that I cannot.
>> Tescos in North London U.K. sometime do meat in their 'reduced price'
>> section. The other day I got some really good beef and lamb which was
>> slightly 'darker' coloured from this section at about 1/4 of the normal
>> price. I fried it up and enjoyed it and put the rest in the freezer.
>> Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view is
>> that although if you smell it closely, it is different; but that it is
>> basically just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the taste.
>> Years ago they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.
>> Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that a
>> big store like Tesco would continue to sell this very slightly off
>> coloured meat, if it represented any health risk.
>> Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?

> "Reduced for quick sale" is my favorite cut of meat. I've eaten it for
> decades.
> If it stinks when you open it, let it breathe a while. If it still stinks
> after a few minutes, you be the judge. I've had a lot of 'fresh'
> cryovaced meat stink like hell right out of the package but then smell
> fresh as a daisy minutes later.
> I just finished eating some questionable ground lamb. First time I've
> ever had it. I'll update tomorrow if I become ill.
> Also, I've had fresh smelling meat emit a stench from Hell once I started
> cooking it. It's only happened a couple of times, but it went into the
> trash immediately.
> TFM®

I've had the 'fresh' be rank too. I've never had a problem with the reduced
for quick sale... unless it was fish. Eww.

The last time I bought a "fresh" duck with many days to go before the 'best
before', it seemed ok. I scored the skin, rubbed in some salt and paprika.
No problem, into the oven it goes. 20 minutes later my place smelled like
rotten duck, apparently rotting from the inside out.

I still had the receipt, so I called the grocery store and asked if I had to
bring them my partly cooked rotting duck that I had bought hours before,
they insisted. 5 layers of grocery bags to hold down the smell, and into
the trunk for a return.

  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

On Sep 2, 5:23*pm, "Dimitri" > wrote:
> "Nancy2" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Corse its safe, if it wasnt they wouldnt be selling it. There is a
> > significant taste difference
> > tho. And there may well be a significant difference in how tender the meat
> > is too.

> I think you give the sellers more credit than they deserve.
> Everybody's tolerance is different; I cannot eat beef older than a
> couple days; it makes me sick as a dog.
> I never buy old meat, regardless of the purveyor. *OTOH, I don't buy
> much red meat anymore, anyway.
> N.
> Now the question is " How well do you tolerate an aged steak?"
> Dimitri

I don't eat much red meat anymore, like I said.

  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

On Sep 2, 4:47*pm, "Rod Speed" > wrote:
> Nancy2 > wrote:
> >>> Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?
> >> Corse its safe, if it wasnt they wouldnt be selling it. There
> >> is a significant taste difference tho. And there may well be
> >> a significant difference in how tender the meat is too.

> > I think you give the sellers more credit than they deserve.

> More fool you.
> > Everybody's tolerance is different; I cannot eat beef
> > older than a couple days; it makes me sick as a dog.

> Your problem. That wont be a safety issue, its purely psychological.
> > I never buy old meat, regardless of the purveyor.
> > OTOH, I don't buy much red meat anymore, anyway.

> Your problem.

I didn't say it was anyone else's problem, did I? My comments were
not made personally to YOU. I can't tolerate things that other people
can - it doesn't bother me, I was merely contributing to the thread.

As to trusting a purveyor because "they wouldn't sell it if it weren't
still o.k. to eat," that's an ignorant attitude - mistakes are made
every day.

I don't want to be on the receiving end of an error that can easily be
prevented, thank you. You are welcome to eat whatever you like. You
may even have my share of "used meat."

  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

On Sep 2, 6:02*pm, "Dave" > wrote:
> "Nancy2" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Corse its safe, if it wasnt they wouldnt be selling it. There is a

> significant taste difference> tho. And there may well be a significant difference in how tender the meat
> is too.
> >I think you give the sellers more credit than they deserve.
> >Everybody's tolerance is different; I cannot eat beef older than a
> >couple days; it makes me sick as a dog.

> I take it you live on a ranch and slaughter your own beef? *Otherwise, it's
> probably months old before it gets to the supermarket, where it sits for a
> week or longer before it is packaged. *-Dave

Sorry, you would be wrong, because I'm here in beef/hog/chicken
country, and I can get truly fresh meat and poultry every day. I'm
sorry if you can't.

  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 24,847
Default buying old meat from supermarket

In article >,
"Dimitri" > wrote:

> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news
> > In article >,
> > "Dimitri" > wrote:
> >
> >> I use the "SHORT CODE" ( at the sell by date) marked down meat all the
> >> time
> >> & have for years.
> >>
> >> Dimitri

> >
> > If I purchase marked down meat (reduced for "quick sale"), I'll never
> > freeze it. I will cook it the same day so only purchase enough for
> > quick use.
> >
> > Seems to work out ok...

> I freeze it all the time - no problems.

Wasn't dissing it, it's just a personal choice.

> A friend has a business that is based upon purchasing and re-selling short
> code foods. - Their freezer is the size of my house.
> Dimitri

<lol> Do they go thru it all before it freezer burns?

I have to clean out my deep freeze about every three years and make dog
food. Fortunately, I'm in the habit of writing date on all frozen meats.

Too much stocking up for two people is a waste of money. May as well buy
fresh per meal.
Peace! Om

"If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed." --Mark Twain

  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
external usenet poster
Posts: 24,847
Default buying old meat from supermarket

In article >,
"Peter" > wrote:

> "TFM®" > wrote in message
> . com...
> >
> >
> > "john d hamilton" > wrote in message
> > ...
> >> As we know some people have a greater density of taste buds built into
> >> their tongues. I have less, but my wife and son have more than i do and
> >> they can detect subtle food flavours that I cannot.
> >>
> >> Tescos in North London U.K. sometime do meat in their 'reduced price'
> >> section. The other day I got some really good beef and lamb which was
> >> slightly 'darker' coloured from this section at about 1/4 of the normal
> >> price. I fried it up and enjoyed it and put the rest in the freezer.
> >>
> >> Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view is
> >> that although if you smell it closely, it is different; but that it is
> >> basically just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the taste.
> >> Years ago they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.
> >>
> >> Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that a
> >> big store like Tesco would continue to sell this very slightly off
> >> coloured meat, if it represented any health risk.
> >> Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?
> >>
> >>

> >
> >
> > "Reduced for quick sale" is my favorite cut of meat. I've eaten it for
> > decades.
> >
> > If it stinks when you open it, let it breathe a while. If it still stinks
> > after a few minutes, you be the judge. I've had a lot of 'fresh'
> > cryovaced meat stink like hell right out of the package but then smell
> > fresh as a daisy minutes later.
> >
> > I just finished eating some questionable ground lamb. First time I've
> > ever had it. I'll update tomorrow if I become ill.
> >
> > Also, I've had fresh smelling meat emit a stench from Hell once I started
> > cooking it. It's only happened a couple of times, but it went into the
> > trash immediately.
> >
> >
> > TFM®

> I've had the 'fresh' be rank too. I've never had a problem with the reduced
> for quick sale... unless it was fish. Eww.
> The last time I bought a "fresh" duck with many days to go before the 'best
> before', it seemed ok. I scored the skin, rubbed in some salt and paprika.
> No problem, into the oven it goes. 20 minutes later my place smelled like
> rotten duck, apparently rotting from the inside out.
> I still had the receipt, so I called the grocery store and asked if I had to
> bring them my partly cooked rotting duck that I had bought hours before,
> they insisted. 5 layers of grocery bags to hold down the smell, and into
> the trunk for a return.

Heh! Hope they were impressed...
Peace! Om

"If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed." --Mark Twain
  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
external usenet poster
Posts: 37
Default buying old meat from supermarket

"Omelet" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "Peter" > wrote:
>> "TFM®" > wrote in message
>> . com...
>> >
>> >
>> > "john d hamilton" > wrote in message
>> > ...
>> >> As we know some people have a greater density of taste buds built into
>> >> their tongues. I have less, but my wife and son have more than i do
>> >> and
>> >> they can detect subtle food flavours that I cannot.
>> >>
>> >> Tescos in North London U.K. sometime do meat in their 'reduced price'
>> >> section. The other day I got some really good beef and lamb which was
>> >> slightly 'darker' coloured from this section at about 1/4 of the
>> >> normal
>> >> price. I fried it up and enjoyed it and put the rest in the freezer.
>> >>
>> >> Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view is
>> >> that although if you smell it closely, it is different; but that it
>> >> is
>> >> basically just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the
>> >> taste.
>> >> Years ago they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.
>> >>
>> >> Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that
>> >> a
>> >> big store like Tesco would continue to sell this very slightly off
>> >> coloured meat, if it represented any health risk.
>> >> Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such
>> >> meat?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> > "Reduced for quick sale" is my favorite cut of meat. I've eaten it for
>> > decades.
>> >
>> > If it stinks when you open it, let it breathe a while. If it still
>> > stinks
>> > after a few minutes, you be the judge. I've had a lot of 'fresh'
>> > cryovaced meat stink like hell right out of the package but then smell
>> > fresh as a daisy minutes later.
>> >
>> > I just finished eating some questionable ground lamb. First time I've
>> > ever had it. I'll update tomorrow if I become ill.
>> >
>> > Also, I've had fresh smelling meat emit a stench from Hell once I
>> > started
>> > cooking it. It's only happened a couple of times, but it went into the
>> > trash immediately.
>> >
>> >
>> > TFM®

>> I've had the 'fresh' be rank too. I've never had a problem with the
>> reduced
>> for quick sale... unless it was fish. Eww.
>> The last time I bought a "fresh" duck with many days to go before the
>> 'best
>> before', it seemed ok. I scored the skin, rubbed in some salt and
>> paprika.
>> No problem, into the oven it goes. 20 minutes later my place smelled
>> like
>> rotten duck, apparently rotting from the inside out.
>> I still had the receipt, so I called the grocery store and asked if I had
>> to
>> bring them my partly cooked rotting duck that I had bought hours before,
>> they insisted. 5 layers of grocery bags to hold down the smell, and into
>> the trunk for a return.

> Heh! Hope they were impressed...

I warned them when I got there that it was pretty rank and they may not want
to open it where customers walk by. They seemed to trust that I was not
trying to rip them off, didn't open the 5 bags, and gave me my refund.

  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

In article >,
"Peter" > wrote:

> > Heh! Hope they were impressed...

> I warned them when I got there that it was pretty rank and they may not want
> to open it where customers walk by. They seemed to trust that I was not
> trying to rip them off, didn't open the 5 bags, and gave me my refund.

Smart thinking.

Reminds me of the time I shipped some hatching eggs vis USPS priority

and it took 3 weeks for them to arrive rather than the promised 3 days.

2 trashbags were not enough according to the recipient. <g>

First time I ever got an uncontested refund from the post office...
Peace! Om

"If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed." --Mark Twain
  #39 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

Omelet wrote:

> In article >,
> "Dimitri" > wrote:
>> I use the "SHORT CODE" ( at the sell by date) marked down meat all the time
>> & have for years.
>> Dimitri

> If I purchase marked down meat (reduced for "quick sale"), I'll never
> freeze it. I will cook it the same day so only purchase enough for
> quick use.

I'll eat some that day or the next, having frozen the rest. I'm still
here. That my not be true tomorrow, of course.

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  #40 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default buying old meat from supermarket

Nancy2 > wrote
> Rod Speed > wrote
>> Nancy2 > wrote

>>>>> Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?

>>>> Corse its safe, if it wasnt they wouldnt be selling it. There
>>>> is a significant taste difference tho. And there may well be
>>>> a significant difference in how tender the meat is too.

>>> I think you give the sellers more credit than they deserve.

>> More fool you.

>>> Everybody's tolerance is different; I cannot eat beef
>>> older than a couple days; it makes me sick as a dog.

>> Your problem. That wont be a safety issue, its purely psychological.

>>> I never buy old meat, regardless of the purveyor.
>>> OTOH, I don't buy much red meat anymore, anyway.

>> Your problem.

> I didn't say it was anyone else's problem, did I?

I didn't say you did, did I ?

> My comments were not made personally to YOU.

I didn't say you did, did I ?

> I can't tolerate things that other people can

Your neurotic problems are your problem.

> - it doesn't bother me, I was merely contributing to the thread.

Nope, dropping a steaming turd in it, actually.

> As to trusting a purveyor because "they wouldn't sell it
> if it weren't still o.k. to eat," that's an ignorant attitude


> - mistakes are made every day.

Using that mindlessly silly line, you'd never ever buy anything.

> I don't want to be on the receiving end of an error that can easily be prevented, thank you.

Using that mindlessly silly line, you'd never ever buy anything.

> You are welcome to eat whatever you like.

I am indeed.

> You may even have my share of "used meat."

There is no share, stupid.

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