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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.ozdebate,
rmg rmg is offline
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Posts: 3
Default How Peter Lucas & Ruth Grealy first met.

Peter Lucas ran up to his partner, Ruth Grealy. Out of breath he
asked, 'Please, may I hide under your skirt. I'll explain later.'
Ruth agreed.
A moment later two Centrelink Inspectors ran up and asked, Lady, have
you seen a man running?'
Ruth replied, 'He went that way.'
After the Inspectors ran off, Peter crawled out from under her skirt
and said, 'I can't thank you enough Ruth.You see, I don't want to go
to work mowing those school lawns.'
Ruth said, 'I understand completely.'
Then Peter added, 'I hope I'm not rude, but you do have a great pair
of legs!'
Ruth just smiled and replied, 'If you had looked a little higher, you
would have seen a great pair of see, I don't want to mow
lawns either!.'


  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.ozdebate,
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Posts: 6
Default How Peter Lucas & Ruth Grealy first met.

rmg wrote:

> Peter Lucas ran up to his partner, Ruth Grealy. Out of breath he
> asked, 'Please, may I hide under your skirt. I'll explain later.'
> Ruth agreed.
> A moment later two Centrelink Inspectors ran up and asked, Lady, have
> you seen a man running?'
> Ruth replied, 'He went that way.'
> After the Inspectors ran off, Peter crawled out from under her skirt
> and said, 'I can't thank you enough Ruth.You see, I don't want to go
> to work mowing those school lawns.'
> Ruth said, 'I understand completely.'
> Then Peter added, 'I hope I'm not rude, but you do have a great pair
> of legs!'
> Ruth just smiled and replied, 'If you had looked a little higher, you
> would have seen a great pair of see, I don't want to mow
> lawns either!.'


Wonder if Ruth is wearing any knickers under her dress in the wet soggy heat
of Kuala Lumpur...

In any case we can't *wait* for all the "details" of that trip that Mucus
will post...


" I find Greg Morrow lowbrow, witless, and obnoxious. For him to claim that
we are some
kind of comedy team turns my stomach."
- "cybercat" to me on

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.ozdebate,
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Default How Peter Lucas & Ruth Grealy first met.

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message
> rmg wrote:
>> Peter Lucas ran up to his partner, Ruth Grealy. Out of breath he
>> asked, 'Please, may I hide under your skirt. I'll explain later.'
>> Ruth agreed.
>> A moment later two Centrelink Inspectors ran up and asked, Lady, have
>> you seen a man running?'
>> Ruth replied, 'He went that way.'
>> After the Inspectors ran off, Peter crawled out from under her skirt
>> and said, 'I can't thank you enough Ruth.You see, I don't want to go
>> to work mowing those school lawns.'
>> Ruth said, 'I understand completely.'
>> Then Peter added, 'I hope I'm not rude, but you do have a great pair
>> of legs!'
>> Ruth just smiled and replied, 'If you had looked a little higher, you
>> would have seen a great pair of see, I don't want to mow
>> lawns either!.'

> Lol...
> Wonder if Ruth is wearing any knickers under her dress in the wet soggy
> heat
> of Kuala Lumpur...
> In any case we can't *wait* for all the "details" of that trip that Mucus
> will post...

Damn, I hate making new enemies as I have enough old ones, but WTF does
everybody have against Peter Lucas?

Could you be jealous?

"What do you seek?"



  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.ozdebate,
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Posts: 121
Default How Peter Lucas & Ruth Grealy first met.

On Wed, 8 Oct 2008 00:51:32 -0400, TFM® >
>"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message
>> rmg wrote:


>Damn, I hate making new enemies as I have enough old ones, but WTF does
>everybody have against Peter Lucas?

Nobody in their right minds would want *anything* against Mucus!!

Ewww.... !!!!


News and views... for people like youse!!

Australian Opinion

Not as strange as it looks!
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Ping: TFM..... was, some stalkers little fantasy.

TFM® > wrote in

> Damn, I hate making new enemies as I have enough old ones, but WTF
> does everybody have against Peter Lucas?

They are scared, and jealous.

Do you notice that all of them, apart from that dumb piece of dog shit
3Dogs, is an anonymous/faceless poster?

'Big men' hiding behind their computer screens.

> Could you be jealous?

That is what they most definitely are. Just look at it........ just
about *every* post they make is about me........ every waking thought
thay have is about me..... and they spend a *lot* of time online. Why is

*They have no life*!!!!

All thay have is the internet, and the 'lives' they build for themselves
on it. And it's all fake. They are internet frauds...... and thay have
the time and the motive to try and bury someone in their bullshit....
just because that someone has proven them in the past to be the complete
fraud (or ****wit) that they are.

But then you have 3Dogs (it's not faceless). It's nothing more than a
self-absorbed, whiney, little drama queen who's nose is so far out of
joint because someone (me) *dares* to ignore it!!

(BTW, 3Dogs, I changed my phone number, so you can't call again..... but
*please* don't go on the ng asking people if they know what I'm doing,
or how I am because you're 'scared' you haven't heard from me/returned
your calls.)

And lets not even mention that moron, morrow!!

Does anyone ever wonder why it never posts a picture of itself??

> "What do you seek?"
> "Information"

That's exactly what they seek. And when they don't get anything, they
make something up. Their motto is.....Why let the truth get in the way
of a good bullshit story??

Do you notice they use my full name, and the full name of my partner??
Why is that?? It's because they think they have a 'weapon'.... something
to try and use against me.

Which is why they use her name in their sick little fantasies. Trying to
get a response. They are weak, gutless, little 'men'. Too afraid to come
out from behind their computer screens to let everyone see what they are
*really* like.

The one fraud posting as "George", and "rmg", and "pundelmurra" is an
alcoholic loner who used to masquerade as a Vietnam POW..... till I
outed it as a fraud and a liar.

Oh...... it also faked it's own death to try and get a fresh start with
a new identity on the 'net.

The other stalker, 'hey-zues', is an out and out fraud and liar.

Possibly even a convicted and jailed thief. I'm still checking into

It has been proven many times to be a con artist.

It makes threats to certain people to get a response, and then sits at
it's computer screen whacking it's little willy.

At one stage several years ago, it was big noting itself on the ng's by
saying that it was going to meet me and beat me to a pulp.

I turned up to the designated spot, at the designated time........ and
it was a no-show.

And the funny thing was....... it swore black and blue on the ng's that
it was there, and *I* didn't show!!

Unfortunately for it, I had witnesses :-)

So, in the end......... I have 3 sceaming queens (hey-zues, 3dogs and
the moron) and one alcoholic fraudulent liar all 'lusting' after me.

I suppose it gives their pathetic lives some sort of semblence.

Hey!! I'm doing 'community service'!!

Peter Lucas

If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,025
Default Ping: TFM..... was, some stalkers little fantasy.

PeterLucas > wrote in

> So, in the end......... I have 3 sceaming queens (hey-zues, 3dogs and
> the moron) and one alcoholic fraudulent liar all 'lusting' after me.

Opps...... forgot about that other pathetic little 'man'.... "welshmutt"

But then again, it's completely forgettable anyways!!

The whole lot of them (listed above..... with probably a couple more
inclusions) are nothing more than immature little school children.

Most people grew up when they left Primary School/Grade School. It seems
they never left.

Peter Lucas

If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,alt.ozdebate
external usenet poster
Posts: 193
Default Ping: TFM..... was, some stalkers little fantasy.

On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 15:54:37 +0000, PeterLucas wrote:

> PeterLucas > wrote in
> .25:
>> So, in the end......... I have 3 sceaming queens (hey-zues, 3dogs and
>> the moron) and one alcoholic fraudulent liar all 'lusting' after me.

> Opps...... forgot about that other pathetic little 'man'.... "welshmutt"
> But then again, it's completely forgettable anyways!!
> The whole lot of them (listed above..... with probably a couple more
> inclusions) are nothing more than immature little school children.

So... you admit to a battle of wits with school children?
You are a BIG MAN!

> Most people grew up when they left Primary School/Grade School. It seems
> they never left.

And a few like you are insecure little boys in mens bodies.

> --
> Peter Lucas
> Brisbane
> Australia

> If we are not meant to eat dick,
> why are they made of meat?

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,alt.ozdebate
external usenet poster
Posts: 121
Default Ping: TFM..... was, some stalkers little fantasy.

On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 02:14:45 +0000 (UTC), Jeßus
> wrote:
>On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 15:54:37 +0000, PeterLucas wrote:
>> PeterLucas > wrote in
>> .25:

>>> So, in the end......... I have 3 sceaming queens (hey-zues, 3dogs and
>>> the moron) and one alcoholic fraudulent liar all 'lusting' after me.

>> Opps...... forgot about that other pathetic little 'man'.... "welshmutt"

>> But then again, it's completely forgettable anyways!!

>> The whole lot of them (listed above..... with probably a couple more
>> inclusions) are nothing more than immature little school children.

>So... you admit to a battle of wits with school children?
>You are a BIG MAN!

He enters the fray half-armed and half-arsed either way...


News and views... for people like youse!!

Australian Opinion

Not as strange as it looks!
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,alt.ozdebate
external usenet poster
Posts: 193
Default Ping: TFM..... was, some stalkers little fantasy.

<hmm, maybe I ought to hit send, since I wrote this yesterday...>

On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 15:44:21 +0000, PeterLucas wrote:

> TFM® > wrote in
> om:
>> Damn, I hate making new enemies as I have enough old ones, but
>> WTF does everybody have against Peter Lucas?

peter is making a concerted effort to make (and this time try to keep)
new online friends in this group (which is fine in itself of course).
It appears (although only speculation on my part) that he now has a
helping hand in exercising some restraint when dealing with his 'enemies'.

But he most certainly has a notable history both online and off-line with
his dealings particularly with women and the elderly - or anyone he feels
confident of bullying with impunity.
And that is being fairly generous in his favour.

Do a search for his posts in other newsgroups over the past several years
- that'll answer your question in spades...

His 'nym' has changed from time to time - but some a


Heres a random sample of posts:

"No..... if that lying sack of shit 'Bevan' ever wants to meet me face to
face,It *will* get a smack in the mouth. No questions, no answers. It
deserves a smack in the maouth.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
> You are nothing more than a school yard bully Peter.

You know better than that, 'Reynolds'.

> I cringe when I read your posts.

As I have done when you have posted for years, Reynolds. You're a mental
case, and you *really* need professional help......... *REALLY*!!!!!

> Linda Forster (nee Reynolds)

Well, *Linda Forster*, you're nothing but a skanky ****ing whore out to
grab any and every $$ that she can from *any* sucker willing to give it.
Which is why you're ****ed off at me, right?"

"Actually, he did have one. But he used her, then killed her and dumped
her body in Cannons Creek.

The police have just recovered her body and are about to go calling on
her pimply faced ex-boyfriend."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey Pits, you low life lying troll ****........
You lying pathetic piece of shit.

How ****ing low does your life have to go to be a dead set low life
**** like you?

You *are* lower than dog shit.

You are a troll, you're not even able to be classed as dog shit.

You are a sad, *sad* **** to make believe that an injured persons
family have spoken to you, and you alone, about their sons critical
condition. (When in actual fact the person involved, and his family,
hated your yellow guts!!)

If we ever meet face to face, you low life piece of shit, I *WILL* make
you pay the 'piper'."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Have you ever wondered why we have *NEVER* seen a photo of this ****,

Why the **** always has to remain anonymous??

You only have to look at the recently released photos of 'Phil the
Dill' aka Putz, aka talung warrior, to see why waachopee will never show
it's true self.

It's a ****ing troll, and should be killfiled with the rest of them. The
Internet has become a haven for gutless ****s like him and his like.

Peter Lucas

Just a quickie sample from alt.ozdebate - I didnt bother finding some of
the more memorable posts, too time consuming. But there ought to give you
an idea, at least of why most people dislike the guy once they get to
know him...

> They are scared,

ROTFL! In the name of GOD - scared of WHAT?!?

> and jealous.


> Do you notice that all of them, apart from that dumb piece of dog shit
> 3Dogs, is an anonymous/faceless poster?

Okay. And your 'name' identifies you how, exactly? Considering you've
legally changed your name at least THREE times over the years (what's up
with that??), always using common christian and surnames - and you've
never, ever, volunteered your address and other personal details.
But apparently you are not "scared"... LOL.

> 'Big men' hiding behind their computer screens.


>> Could you be jealous?

> That is what they most definitely are. Just look at it........ just
> about *every* post they make is about me........

Oh dear...

> every waking thought thay have is about me.....
> and they spend a *lot* of time online. Why is
> that??

Cite some evidence of any of that? No... course not.

> *They have no life*!!!!

And yet - you can happily post pics of *empty* wine bottles (note: always
empty ~ NEVER unopened). Talk about having no life!

> All thay have is the internet, and the 'lives' they build for themselves
> on it. And it's all fake. They are internet frauds...... and thay have
> the time and the motive to try and bury someone in their bullshit....
> just because that someone has proven them in the past to be the
> complete fraud (or ****wit) that they are.

That could be easily something you copied and pasted about yourself peter.

> But then you have 3Dogs (it's not faceless). It's nothing more than a
> self-absorbed, whiney, little drama queen who's nose is so far out of
> joint because someone (me) *dares* to ignore it!!
> (BTW, 3Dogs, I changed my phone number, so you can't call again..... but
> *please* don't go on the ng asking people if they know what I'm doing,
> or how I am because you're 'scared' you haven't heard from me/returned
> your calls.)
> And lets not even mention that moron, morrow!!
> Does anyone ever wonder why it never posts a picture of itself??

And what percentage of people here post pics of themselves?
And what of yours photos?? Do you have *any* that your willing to post
that are not from the 1980's, hmm?

You seem to be embarrassed by the 'Russell Island pic', which is more

>> "What do you seek?"
>> "Information"

> That's exactly what they seek. And when they don't get anything, they
> make something up. Their motto is.....Why let the truth get in the way
> of a good bullshit story??
> Do you notice they use my full name, and the full name of my partner??

Do "they"? Who knows what "they" is in your mind (such as it is).

> Why is that?? It's because they think they have a 'weapon'....
> something to try and use against me.
> Which is why they use her name in their sick little fantasies. Trying
> to get a response. They are weak, gutless, little 'men'.
> Too afraid to come out from behind their computer screens to
> let everyone see what they are *really* like.

Can you explain, since the Internet relies fairly heavily on computer
screens, what anyone is supposed to do after they come out from their

> The one fraud posting as "George", and "rmg", and "pundelmurra" is an
> alcoholic loner who used to masquerade as a Vietnam POW..... till I
> outed it as a fraud and a liar.
> Oh...... it also faked it's own death to try and get a fresh
> start with a new identity on the 'net.

What utter rubbish.

> The other stalker, 'hey-zues', is an out and out fraud and liar.
> Possibly even a convicted and jailed thief. I'm still checking into
> that.

You do that

Of course, a mere few paragraphs ago you said: "That's exactly what they
seek. And when they don't get anything, they make something up. Their
motto is.....Why let the truth get in the way of a good bullshit story??"

Well? Oops??

> It has been proven many times to be a con artist.

So I'm good at 'grifting the rubes' out there, am I?
I think you need a dictionary...

> It makes threats to certain people to get a response, and then sits at
> it's computer screen whacking it's little willy.

You've seen my "willy"?

And again - h o l y s h i t . . . talk about hypocrisy!
Need I copy and paste several dozen posts from YOU doing *exactly* that?

You even threaten women of retirement age - threaten them for several
years - but of course (thankfully) don't keep your word.

You've threatened me, and by your own criteria have stalked me, trying to
determine my address etc.

Craig Welch? Bevan? Typ? McKay et al... whom you've all threatened BUT
NEVER FOLLOW THROUGH. Who knows how many in total you've done this to?

The above is all archived on google groups - there is no disputing this.

> At one stage several years ago, it was big noting itself on the ng's by
> saying that it was going to meet me and beat me to a pulp.

Nope - you said YOU wanted to meet ME, and "beat me to a pulp".
Again - all archived on GG.

> I turned up to the designated spot, at the designated time........ and
> it was a no-show.

You're lucky I bothered to agree at all. Jannali (sp) is approx. 140KM
from Kiama. The *only* reason I turned up was it is basically on the way
to my grandparents home in Sydney. YOU were NOT there - or went out of
your way to be inconspicuous.

I think based on all of your 100% failure rate to meet with all the
others you wanted to "beat to a pulp", that it is rather a stretch to
give you the benefit of the doubt on this, hmm?

> And the funny thing was....... it swore black and blue on the ng's that
> it was there, and *I* didn't show!!

Nah. I just said that I did show up. Thats all that needed to be said.

> Unfortunately for it, I had witnesses :-)

You had nothing. You had one of your Internet (and interstate)shit-
stirrers go along with anything you said.

> So, in the end......... I have 3 sceaming queens (hey-zues, 3dogs and
> the moron) and one alcoholic fraudulent liar all 'lusting' after me.
> I suppose it gives their pathetic lives some sort of semblence.

You do realise that you've just posted a dozen paragraphs just on me.
(lucas calls me "hey-zues" for some reason)
I know you still read my posts lucas, thanks for the further
confirmation. Its good to know that I can still press your buttons with
minimal effort

And I *will* continue to do so, peter.
Plenty of arseholes and nutters of every stripe out there on the Internet
- but most cannot match the bad wiring inside your head.
You're a very, very ugly man, deep inside.
A core group of people out there know this.

> Hey!! I'm doing 'community service'!!

You know, I really believe that. Seriously. You seem to disappear from
Usenet on a fairly regular schedule. I've often wondered if it was for
treatment or possibly for community service.

> --
> Peter Lucas
> Brisbane
> Australia

> If we are not meant to eat dick,
> why are they made of meat?

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,alt.ozdebate
external usenet poster
Posts: 193
Default Ping: TFM..... was, some stalkers little fantasy.

On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 14:16:15 +1100, Welsh Dog wrote:

> On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 02:14:45 +0000 (UTC), Jeßus
> > wrote:
>>On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 15:54:37 +0000, PeterLucas wrote:
>>> PeterLucas > wrote in
>>> .25:

>>>> So, in the end......... I have 3 sceaming queens (hey-zues, 3dogs and
>>>> the moron) and one alcoholic fraudulent liar all 'lusting' after me.

>>> Opps...... forgot about that other pathetic little 'man'....
>>> "welshmutt"

>>> But then again, it's completely forgettable anyways!!

>>> The whole lot of them (listed above..... with probably a couple more
>>> inclusions) are nothing more than immature little school children.

>>So... you admit to a battle of wits with school children? You are a BIG

> He enters the fray half-armed and half-arsed either way...

For an half-wit, entirely consistent I suppose.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,alt.ozdebate
external usenet poster
Posts: 11,454
Default Ping: TFM..... was, some stalkers little fantasy.

"Jeßus" > wrote in message
> <hmm, maybe I ought to hit send, since I wrote this yesterday...>
> On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 15:44:21 +0000, PeterLucas wrote:
>> TFM® > wrote in
>> om:
>>> Damn, I hate making new enemies as I have enough old ones, but
>>> WTF does everybody have against Peter Lucas?

> peter is making a concerted effort to make (and this time try to keep)
> new online friends in this group (which is fine in itself of course).
> It appears (although only speculation on my part) that he now has a
> helping hand in exercising some restraint when dealing with his 'enemies'.
> But he most certainly has a notable history both online and off-line with
> his dealings particularly with women and the elderly - or anyone he feels
> confident of bullying with impunity.
> And that is being fairly generous in his favour.
> Do a search for his posts in other newsgroups over the past several years
> - that'll answer your question in spades...
> His 'nym' has changed from time to time - but some a
> PeterLucas
> Skyscum
> PeterL
> Lucas,Peter

See, here is where you look like the stalker, and where you look just a wee
bit too interested in all of this for your own good, or for, let's say, a
balanced view of things.

Trust people. They are sometimes smarter than you think.

I kfed Lucas within a very short time when he first appeared--to me--he may
have been posting before me.

He's an asshole, but not really all that dangerous.

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,alt.ozdebate
external usenet poster
Posts: 193
Default Ping: TFM..... was, some stalkers little fantasy.

On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 17:21:05 -0400, cybercat wrote:

> "Jeßus" > wrote in message
> ...
>> <hmm, maybe I ought to hit send, since I wrote this yesterday...>
>> On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 15:44:21 +0000, PeterLucas wrote:
>>> TFM® > wrote in
>>> om:
>>>> Damn, I hate making new enemies as I have enough old ones, but WTF
>>>> does everybody have against Peter Lucas?

>> peter is making a concerted effort to make (and this time try to keep)
>> new online friends in this group (which is fine in itself of course).
>> It appears (although only speculation on my part) that he now has a
>> helping hand in exercising some restraint when dealing with his
>> 'enemies'.
>> But he most certainly has a notable history both online and off-line
>> with his dealings particularly with women and the elderly - or anyone
>> he feels confident of bullying with impunity.
>> And that is being fairly generous in his favour.
>> Do a search for his posts in other newsgroups over the past several
>> years - that'll answer your question in spades...
>> His 'nym' has changed from time to time - but some a
>> PeterLucas
>> Skyscum
>> PeterL
>> Lucas,Peter

> See, here is where you look like the stalker, and where you look just >

a wee bit too interested in all of this for your own good, or for,
> let's say, a balanced view of things.

Let me (hopefully) clarify this for you.
I am definitely baiting lucas, no question about that at all. I do not
like him as a person, which is something I can't say about anyone else to
be found on Usenet - that I can think of.

OTOH, 99% of other objectionable Usenet personalities (in whatever form
that may be) are to me not an issue at all. I may or may not respond to
them... I might even stir them up sometimes.

But lucas is one messed up dude in a very malevolent way - and he bites
SO well - even when he's pretending to ignore certain people's posts...
His other replies always betray him on that score

There are plenty of unpleasant characters to be found on Usenet - most
are harmless or out for a bit of fun (in their own way).
Some are fruitloops (but basically innocuous) and some have some very
ugly personality traits. With lucas, he's one of the few individuals I
really do not like as a person - he is both a bully AND a coward - and
any of my posts relating to him sends him into a rage (he still reads my
posts). Yes, I enjoy baiting the arsehole.

"Stalking" is inaccurate, because I am not following him around - at
least that is my definition of stalking.
I've been to this group previously, albeit quite some time ago, if thats
what you mean. GG may have me archived there.
I know some of his previous nicks and other info simply because I've
known of him and his posts for several years (at least) in other groups,
and everything was sourced from his own posts.

> Trust people. They are sometimes smarter than you think.

Some are, some are very naive too.
But I do know what your saying.
TFM® asked the question - I hopefully provided some answers for them.

> I kfed Lucas within a very short time when he first appeared--to me--he
> may have been posting before me.
> He's an asshole, but not really all that dangerous.

I personally think that for most people, that is true.

For anyone weaker/older/vulnerable - I honestly think he'd be capable of
anything, given the opportunity.

In closing, I guess we either agree to disagree, or if it's a big enough
problem for you - then filter my posts. I have no problem with that and
nothing personal as far as I'm concerned if you do.

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