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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Coconut Recipes

Here you can fine some great coconut recipes
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Coconut Recipes That KILL !!!

> Here you can fine some great coconut recipes

Coconut is among the most unhealthful foods
you can eat. You'd be better off eating
butter and cheese and fatty meats.

This study blames the MUCH higher rate of
cardiovascular mortality in Singapore as compared
to Hong Kong on consumption of saturated fats
including coconut oil.

Eur J Epidemiol. 2001;17(5):469-77.
Differences in all-cause, cardiovascular and
cancer mortality between Hong Kong and Singapo
role of nutrition.
Zhang J, Kesteloot H.
Department of Epidemiology, School of Public
Health, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.

BACKGROUND: The majority of inhabitants in Hong Kong
and Singapore are ethnic Chinese, but all-cause and
cardiovascular mortality rates in these two regions
are markedly different. This study describes
differences in the magnitude and trends in mortality
and attempts to explain these differences.

METHODS: Data of mortality rates in 1963-1965 and
1993-1995 in the age class of 45-74 years, dietary
habits and other factors were compared between
Hong Kong and Singapore using Japan, Spain and the USA
as reference countries. Mortality and food consumption
data were obtained from WHO and FAO, respectively.

RESULTS: Large differences in all-cause and cardiovascular
mortality exist between Hong Kong and Singapore. The
difference in total cancer mortality was less consistent
and smaller. The most pronounced finding was that ischemic
heart disease mortality in 1993-1995 was 2.98 and 3.14 times
higher in Singapore than in Hong Kong in men and women,
respectively. Of the five countries considered, Singapore
has the highest all-cause mortality in both sexes in the
period of 1960-1995. The ratio of animal to vegetal fat
was higher in Singapore (2.24) than in Hong Kong (1.08).
Singapore had higher serum concentrations of total
cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
than Hong Kong, but the opposite result was observed
for high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

CONCLUSIONS: There are striking differences in all-cause
and cardiovascular mortality between Hong Kong and
Singapore. These differences can be most reasonably and
plausibly explained by their differences in dietary
habits, for example, a higher consumption of coconut and
palm oil, mainly containing saturated fat, in Singapore.

Coconut oil raises bad cholesterol more than
beef fat!

Am J Clin Nutr. 1985 Aug;42(2):190-7.
Plasma lipid and lipoprotein response of humans
to beef fat, coconut oil and safflower oil.
Reiser R, Probstfield JL, Silvers A, Scott LW,
Shorney ML, Wood RD, O'Brien BC, Gotto AM Jr,
Insull W Jr.

This study's purpose was to evaluate the fasting
human plasma lipid and lipoprotein responses to
dietary beef fat (BF) by comparison with coconut
oil (CO) and safflower oil (SO), fats customarily
classified as saturated and polyunsaturated.
Nineteen free-living normolipidemic men aged
25.6 +/- 3.5 yr consumed centrally-prepared
lunches and dinners of common foods having 35%
fat calories, 60% of which was the test fat.
The test fats were isocalorically substituted,
and each fed for five weeks in random sequences
with intervening five weeks of habitual diets.
Plasma total cholesterol (TC), high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentrations
among individuals follows the same relative rank
regardless of diet. Triglycerides (TG)
concentrations among individuals also maintain
their relative rank regardless of diet but in
a different order from that of the cholesterols.
Plasma TC, HDL-C, and LDL-C responses to BF were
significantly lower and TG higher than to CO.
As compared to SO, BF produced equivalent levels
of TG, HDL-C, and LDL-C and marginally higher TC.
Thus, the customary consideration of BF as
"saturated" and grouping it with CO appears

This study in a rat model for myocardial
infarction (induced with a synthetic hormone)
found omega-3 fatty acids to be protective
against lipid peroxidation and cardiovascular
death, while coconut oil raised indicators of
damage to the heart muscle.

J Nutr Biochem. 1999 Jun;10(6):338-44.
Effect of saturated, omega-3 and omega-6
polyunsaturated fatty acids on myocardial
Nageswari K, Banerjee R, Menon VP.
School of Biomedical Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology, Bombay, India.

Dietary fatty acids have cholesterol lowering,
antiatherogenic, and antiarrhythmic properties
that decrease the risk of myocardial infarction (MI).
This study was designed to study the effects of
various oils rich in either polyunsaturated
(omega-3 or omega-6) fatty acids (PUFA) or
saturated fatty acids (SFA) on the severity of
experimentally induced MI. Male albino Sprague-Dawley
rats (100-150 g; n = 20) were fed diets enriched with
fish oil (omega-3 PUFA), peanut oil (omega-6 PUFA),
or coconut oil (SFA) for 60 days. Experimental MI was
induced with isoproterenol. Mortality rates; serum
enzymes aspartate amino transferase; alanine amino
transferase; creatine phosphokinase (CPK); lipid
profiles in serum, myocardium, and aorta; peroxide
levels in heart and aorta; activities of catalase and
superoxide dismutase; and levels of glutathione were
measured. The results demonstrated that mortality rate,
CPK levels, myocardial lipid peroxides, and glutathione
levels were decreased in the omega-3 PUFA treated group.
Maximum increase in parameters indicative of myocardial
damage was seen in the coconut oil group. These findings
suggest that dietary omega-3 PUFA offers maximum
protection in experimentally induced MI in comparison
to omega-6 PUFA and SFA enriched diets. SFA was found
to have the least protective effect.
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Coconut Recipes That KILL !!!

On Mon 20 Oct 2008 05:46:21p, Mark Thorson told us...

> wrote:
>> Here you can fine some great coconut recipes
> Coconut is among the most unhealthful foods
> you can eat. You'd be better off eating
> butter and cheese and fatty meats.

Mark, as usual, you go overboard on almost every commentary you make.
There are many foods that people routinely include in their diet that are
not particularly healthy. To be deadly, one would have to overindulge on
a large scale. Some people do...they may die. Most people use and eat
foods (especially those known to have some type of risk factor) in far more
moderation. If I bake a fresh coconut cake once or twice a year, it's not
going to kill anyone. If I use coconut oil or other coconut products in an
occasional dish, that won't kill anyone either.

Try being realistic for a change.

Wayne Boatwright
(correct the spelling of "geemail" to reply)

Date: Monday, 10(X)/20(XX)/08(MMVIII)
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Great minds have purposes, little
minds have wishes - W. Irving
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Coconut Recipes That KILL !!!

Mark Thorson wrote:

Snipping to simplify the findings:
> The most pronounced finding was that ischemic
> heart disease mortality was higher in Singapore than in Hong Kong.

> The ratio of animal to vegetal fat
> was higher in Singapore (2.24) than in Hong Kong (1.08).

> CONCLUSIONS: There are striking differences in all-cause
> and cardiovascular mortality between Hong Kong and
> Singapore. These differences can be most reasonably and
> plausibly explained by their differences in dietary
> habits, for example, a higher consumption of coconut and
> palm oil, mainly containing saturated fat, in Singapore.
> Coconut oil raises bad cholesterol more than
> beef fat!

According to those findings, Singaporeans eat a higher ration of animal
fat to vegetable fat than Hong Kong residents, and have a higher
mortality due to ischemic heart disease.

Where is the link that indicates that coconut fat - surely you agree
it's a vegetable fat! - causes more heart disease? It rather looks the
opposite: Hong Kong diet is higher in vegetable fat, lower in animal
fat, and results in less heart disease.

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Coconut Recipes That KILL !!!

"Dave Bell" > wrote in message
> Mark Thorson wrote:
> Snipping to simplify the findings:
>> The most pronounced finding was that ischemic
>> heart disease mortality was higher in Singapore than in Hong Kong.

>> The ratio of animal to vegetal fat
>> was higher in Singapore (2.24) than in Hong Kong (1.08).

>> CONCLUSIONS: There are striking differences in all-cause
>> and cardiovascular mortality between Hong Kong and
>> Singapore. These differences can be most reasonably and
>> plausibly explained by their differences in dietary
>> habits, for example, a higher consumption of coconut and
>> palm oil, mainly containing saturated fat, in Singapore.
>> Coconut oil raises bad cholesterol more than
>> beef fat!

> Huh?
> According to those findings, Singaporeans eat a higher ration of animal
> fat to vegetable fat than Hong Kong residents, and have a higher mortality
> due to ischemic heart disease.
> Where is the link that indicates that coconut fat - surely you agree it's
> a vegetable fat! - causes more heart disease? It rather looks the
> opposite: Hong Kong diet is higher in vegetable fat, lower in animal fat,
> and results in less heart disease.

No, because coconut oil is the only non-animal fat that is higher in
saturated fat than beef.

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Coconut Recipes That KILL !!!

In article >,
Dave Bell > wrote:

> Mark Thorson wrote:
> Snipping to simplify the findings:
> > The most pronounced finding was that ischemic
> > heart disease mortality was higher in Singapore than in Hong Kong.

> > The ratio of animal to vegetal fat
> > was higher in Singapore (2.24) than in Hong Kong (1.08).

> > CONCLUSIONS: There are striking differences in all-cause
> > and cardiovascular mortality between Hong Kong and
> > Singapore. These differences can be most reasonably and
> > plausibly explained by their differences in dietary
> > habits, for example, a higher consumption of coconut and
> > palm oil, mainly containing saturated fat, in Singapore.
> >
> >
> > Coconut oil raises bad cholesterol more than
> > beef fat!

> Huh?

Huh is right. I couldn't make any sense out of the originally quoted

> According to those findings, Singaporeans eat a higher ration of animal
> fat to vegetable fat than Hong Kong residents, and have a higher
> mortality due to ischemic heart disease.

I *think* that's what it said. And their conclusion was that the
differences were due to a "higher consumption of coconut and palm oil"
in Singapore?

> Where is the link that indicates that coconut fat - surely you agree
> it's a vegetable fat! - causes more heart disease? It rather looks the
> opposite: Hong Kong diet is higher in vegetable fat, lower in animal
> fat, and results in less heart disease.

The link that I am familiar with, but couldn't find documented in the
originally quoted report (although it's mentioned under "CONCLUSIONS"
above), is that many people consider saturated fat to be a contributor
to high cholesterol, which many people consider to be a contributor to
cardiovascular problems (like heart attack and stroke).

From this cite:

I find that coconut oil is 86% saturated fat, and lard is 40%. In
comparison, canola oil is 7%.

Thus, if you wish to reduce your saturated fat consumption, you should
avoid coconut oil (and palm oil, at 49% saturated fat) like the plague.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Coconut Recipes That KILL !!!

Mark Thorson wrote:

> Coconut is among the most unhealthful foods
> you can eat. You'd be better off eating
> butter and cheese and fatty meats.

So who eats nothing but coconut?
You need to relax some of your fears of food, Mark.
It can't be easy to worry so much.
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Coconut Recipes That KILL !!!

On Oct 20, 8:46*pm, Mark Thorson > wrote:
> wrote:
> > Here you can fine some great coconut recipes

> Coconut is among the most unhealthful foods
> you can eat. *You'd be better off eating
> butter and cheese and fatty meats.

Prime rib leftovers, re-heated in a little butter. On a white-bread
with cheese. And bacon.


Cindy Hamilton
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Coconut Recipes That KILL !!!

"Cindy Hamilton" > wrote in message
On Oct 20, 8:46 pm, Mark Thorson > wrote:
> wrote:
> > Here you can fine some great coconut
> > recipes

> Coconut is among the most unhealthful foods
> you can eat. You'd be better off eating
> butter and cheese and fatty meats.

Prime rib leftovers, re-heated in a little butter. On a white-bread
with cheese. And bacon.


Cindy Hamilton

And coconut cake for dessert, thank you.


  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Coconut Recipes That KILL !!!

In article >,
Goomba > wrote:

> Mark Thorson wrote:
> > Coconut is among the most unhealthful foods
> > you can eat. You'd be better off eating
> > butter and cheese and fatty meats.

> So who eats nothing but coconut?
> You need to relax some of your fears of food, Mark.
> It can't be easy to worry so much.

Mark does seem to enjoy his role here as a fear monger. Still, he has
some useful information.

My sister is a bit of a health nut. She was a vegetarian for 13 years.
She occasionally shops at those stores that sell nothing but vitamins
and supplements, usually for a pretty penny (but their advice is free,
unlike that from doctors).

Last time I was there, she whipped out a bottle of coconut oil, and
started to tell me how healthful it was. It was a little bottle, maybe
4 ounces, and obviously came from One of Those Stores. Since it was
food, it had a nutrition label. I got out my high-powered reading
glasses, and pointed out to her that it was well over 80% saturated fat,
which most experts consider the most unhealthy type of fat. Now, she
only uses a tablespoon or so at a time, and maybe a couple of times a
month. It has a lot of flavor and adds a lot to certain dishes. In
that quantity, I can't imagine that it is much of a health hazard, but
it still doesn't qualify as "healthy food" in my book.

In some cuisines, and in some countries, there is a lot of coconut, and
it is a major part of the diet.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Coconut Recipes That KILL !!!

thanks for the website! i love coconut! can't wait to try out a

as for the comments about coconut being deadly, even foods that are
the healthiest can be consumed in moderation as part of a healthy
diet. but i found something on (stands for world's
healthiest foods) that suggests that coconut may actually have health

"Recent studies are showing the health benefits of coconut oil, which
had been looked upon as a source of saturated fats and therefore to be
avoided for those individuals with concerns over their cholesterol

While it is true that coconut contains saturated fats, what is now
being brought to light is that there are actually different types of
saturated fats, just like there are different types of fats in
general, and some types of saturated fats are good for you.

A very traditional food, coconut oil is making a comeback these days
as a popular cooking oil. Much of the saturated fat in coconuts is not
long chain, but medium-chain fatty acids; in fact, coconut oil
contains between approximately 55-65% 62% medium-chain fatty acids
(MCFAs), including the healthy fats, lauric acid, caprylic acid, and
capric acid. (Lauric acid is the most plentiful of the MCFAs in
coconut oil, and sometimes accounts for as much as 75% of this oil's
total MCFAs). MCFAs have been used for many years as dietary
supplements in situations where absorption of nutrients needs
improvement, including situations involving premature infants and
adults with compromised bowel function. In some areas of the world
where coconut oil is a regular component of the diet, the milk of
nursing mothers is rich in MCFAs, and may be related to desirable
health trends in later life.

While the research points in this direction, there doesn't seem to be
enough clinical research to conclusively state this at this point. I
have also noticed that coconut oil is a very well promoted subject on
the web, with many claims for its health benefits, notably for its
antiviral activity. But from the research I have seen, many of these
conclusions seem very preliminary given that there has not been that
much research published on this subject and that which has been
conducted has often been done on individual components of coconut oil.
Yet, the research published to date suggests coconut oil is

science says something new everyday...if you eat a variety of foods
and exercise, you are probably pretty healthy. i'm not scared of
coconut. i think i'm going to go make some oatmeal coconut
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Coconut Recipes That KILL !!!

" wrote:
> as for the comments about coconut being deadly, even foods that are
> the healthiest can be consumed in moderation as part of a healthy
> diet. but i found something on whfoods org (stands for world's
> healthiest foods) that suggests that coconut may actually have health
> benefits:
> "Recent studies are showing the health benefits of coconut oil, which
> had been looked upon as a source of saturated fats and therefore to be
> avoided for those individuals with concerns over their cholesterol
> levels.

But what studies are we talking about? I cited the
studies which are powerful evidence against the
safety of coconut oil. If you actually have studies
which contradict that, cite them! A reference to
unknown studies by an anonymous gmail poster is not
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