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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 275
Default Thanksgiving Disasters

Got any?

About ten years ago I had stuffed my bird and was ready to light the
oven....with match in hand, I opened the oven and to my horror, saw

I slammed the door shut, shaking with surprise and terror. In the brief
half second I looked, what I saw was the HUGE fat rump and tail of what
appeared to me to be the World's Largest Possum.

...and guests coming in just a few hours.....

I called Animal Control and naturally, since it was a Holiday, got a
...but the recording said that IF I had an emergency to call___ ____.

Well, I dont know about you...but to me, yes, a LIVE possum taking a
nap in my oven did constitute a bit of an emergency.

An hour later a tiny little 20 year old gal showed up...and my heart
fell. HOW could this small female DEAL with the huge, evil, probably
RABID possum???

She had with her a kind of pole thingy, with a flexible noose attached.
Gingerly, she eased the oven door open....

and in two seconds had retreived the huge evil probably RABID possum,

the poor little thing was maybe three months old, small and
terrified...only looking for a warm dark place to hide.

I was mortified. I couldnt believe my eyes had SO failed me. This poor
tiny little guy was nothing LIKE what I THOUGHT I had seen. I would
have sworn in a court of law he MUST have weighed upwards of thirty
pounds....yet here, dangling (but unharmed!) from the noose was a little
gray fuzzy baby weighing maybe three pounds, if that.

She put him into a cage in her truck and I asked what would happen to
the little guy. She said she would drop it off at the park.


On inspection, I found a little pile of dry cat food in one corner of
the oven....evidently he had been staying in there for a while....must
have crept out at night and helped himself to a little cat food,
carrying some back to the oven forr a little snack, later.


  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

"Lass Chance_2" > wrote in message
> Got any?
> About ten years ago I had stuffed my bird and was ready to light the
> oven....with match in hand, I opened the oven and to my horror, saw

Well, I was going to tell about the time I got the BIGGEST TURKEY I COULD
GET (because bigger just had to be better) and had all my fiancee's family
over then could not get the turkey out of the pan or the pan out of the

But you win.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

On Oct 29, 1:26*pm, (Lass Chance_2) wrote:
> Got any?
> About ten years ago I had stuffed my bird and was ready to light the
> oven....with match in hand, I opened the oven and to my horror, saw

Oh, that is too funny!! I'd probably had a heart attack, but I think
you win the prize.

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

In article
itsjoannotjoann > wrote:

> On Oct 29, 1:26*pm, (Lass Chance 2) wrote:
> > Got any?
> >
> > About ten years ago I had stuffed my bird and was ready to light the
> > oven....with match in hand, I opened the oven and to my horror, saw
> >
> >

> Oh, that is too funny!! I'd probably had a heart attack, but I think
> you win the prize.

Possums are rather nasty little creatures.
I've let the BC help me hand-catch them. They are stupid too. You can
grab them by the tail and toss them in a cage for relocation.
Peace! Om

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

cybercat wrote:

> "Lass Chance_2" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Got any?
> >
> > About ten years ago I had stuffed my bird and was ready to light the
> > oven....with match in hand, I opened the oven and to my horror, saw
> >
> >

> Well, I was going to tell about the time I got the BIGGEST TURD I COULD
> GET (because bigger just had to be better) and had all my fiancee's family
> over then could not get the turd out of the pan or the pan out of the
> oven.

See, we ALL knew yer "cooking" was "for shite", anyways,



" I find Greg Morrow lowbrow, witless, and obnoxious. For him to claim that
we are some
kind of comedy team turns my stomach."
- "cybercat" to me on

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 42
Default Thanksgiving Disasters

> GUEST wrote:
> Got any?
> About ten years ago I had stuffed my bird and was ready to light

> oven....with match in hand, I opened the oven and to my horror, saw
> I slammed the door shut, shaking with surprise and terror. In the

> half second I looked, what I saw was the HUGE fat rump and tail of

> appeared to me to be the World's Largest Possum.
> ...and guests coming in just a few hours.....
> I called Animal Control and naturally, since it was a Holiday, got

> recording!
> ...but the recording said that IF I had an emergency to call___

> Well, I dont know about you...but to me, yes, a LIVE possum taking

> nap in my oven did constitute a bit of an emergency.
> An hour later a tiny little 20 year old gal showed up...and my

> fell. HOW could this small female DEAL with the huge, evil,

> RABID possum???
> She had with her a kind of pole thingy, with a flexible noose

> Gingerly, she eased the oven door open....
> and in two seconds had retreived the huge evil probably RABID

> only....
> the poor little thing was maybe three months old, small and
> terrified...only looking for a warm dark place to hide.
> I was mortified. I couldnt believe my eyes had SO failed me. This

> tiny little guy was nothing LIKE what I THOUGHT I had seen. I

> have sworn in a court of law he MUST have weighed upwards of thirty
> pounds....yet here, dangling (but unharmed!) from the noose was a

> gray fuzzy baby weighing maybe three pounds, if that.
> She put him into a cage in her truck and I asked what would happen

> the little guy. She said she would drop it off at the park.
> LOL!
> On inspection, I found a little pile of dry cat food in one corner

> the oven....evidently he had been staying in there for a

> have crept out at night and helped himself to a little cat food,
> carrying some back to the oven forr a little snack, later.
> LassChance

How did it get in there?
Well only obvious explanation is the door was open, but i know of
very few people that leave their oven doors open...very funny reading
indeed thugh!!!

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 15:07:34 -0600, "Gregory Morrow"
> fired up random neurons and synapses to opine:

>cybercat wrote:
>> "Lass Chance_2" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > Got any?
>> >
>> > About ten years ago I had stuffed my bird and was ready to light the
>> > oven....with match in hand, I opened the oven and to my horror, saw
>> >
>> >

>> Well, I was going to tell about the time I got the BIGGEST TURD I COULD
>> GET (because bigger just had to be better) and had all my fiancee's family
>> over then could not get the turd out of the pan or the pan out of the
>> oven.

>See, we ALL knew yer "cooking" was "for shite", anyways,

Oh, fer cryin' out loud, Greg. She's on topic for once, not flaying
someone alive for once, actually being pleasant for once. Give her a
few props for trying.

OB: As to the original topic, there was a Thanksgiving when, as a
newbie cook, I pulled the turkey out of the oven, staggered over an
errant toddler and watched the entire turkey hit the hardwood floor.
The force of the fall essentially "deconstructed" the turkey and
blasted stuffing all over a 4' radius. Scraping Thanksgiving dinner
off the floor and serving it anyway is not an option if one has
witnesses. (The oh-we-can-rinse-it-off school of guest etiquette was
overruled by the you're-not-going-to-serve-that-now-are-you school of
guest etiquette, which gave rise to my new rule of guest etiquette,
wherein the latter school of etiquette gets invited to someone else's

Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd


"If the soup had been as hot as the claret, if the claret had been as
old as the bird, and if the bird's breasts had been as full as the
waitress's, it would have been a very good dinner."

- Duncan Hines

To reply, replace "meatloaf" with "cox"

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

Om---how the possum got IN there remains a mystery. he got in to the
house via the doggy door...and I guess, ancient as that oven was, there
was likely a small opening somewheere at the back. Maybe he went in
thru the broiler me.

..and he was a tiny little guy, after all.


My OTHER possum tale....Last year all summer long, I slept with the
bedroom door-to-the-downstairs deck open. One night my dogs woke me up,
barking like cray, so I turned on the light to see WTH was up. They
were gatherted at the head of the bed, barking like crazy dogs. I
looked and saw a dead, full grown possum lying there...all stiff, his
mouth open, revealing rows of sharp, long teeth...his glazed eyes
staring at nothing.

Was I freaked?: YOU BETCHA!

So I looked around and saw a tee shirt, (not wanting to TOUCH the
grisley dead thing with my bare hands) and gingerly lifted it by the
tail and carried it up the stairs, the stiff corpse swinging back and
forth as I climbed.

I held it with one hand as I rumaged for a garbage bag...found one,
opened it, dropped the disgusting stiff corpse into it and tossed it
over the gate intending to dispose of it in the morning. morning...I found an empty garbage bag.

Im here to witness and proclaim that the possum's trick of PLAYING
"dead" IS a frickin outstanding feat of Nature!

That sucker was no more dead....than the dogs, who obviously
smelled/saw/sensed him when he walked IN!

When I think....what IF he had suddenly "come to life" as I carried him
by the tail, swung up and grabbed my hand with those teeth???? Man.....

The next time I see a "dead" possum, he better be squashed FLAT before
I'll believe he's really dead.


Thanksgiving Disasters

Group: Date: Wed, Oct 29, 2008, 1:41pm (EDT-2) From:
In article >,
(Lass Chance_2) wrote:
On inspection, I found a little pile of dry cat food in one corner of
the oven....evidently he had been staying in there for a while....must
have crept out at night and helped himself to a little cat food,
carrying some back to the oven forr a little snack, later.
How did he get in there? Do you keep the oven open?
Peace! Om
"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them
humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

Some things you need to know, Greg:

You dont know anything about my cooking and happily, you never will. My
dogs get ALL my leftovers.

Also, there is no "e" on the word, "shit".

Further, I am not the one who posted the "biggest turkey" post. Have
you been troubled by dyslexia long, Greg?

Lastly, it appears that there are few, if any folks in here who would
care to be included in your "we ALL".

Why is it, do you think, that nobody likes you, Greg?

That Ole Cybersewer
Lass FU Chance

Thanksgiving Disasters

Group: Date: Wed, Oct 29, 2008, 3:07pm (EDT-2) From:
cybercat wrote:
"Lass Chance_2" > wrote in message
Got any?
About ten years ago I had stuffed my bird and was ready to light the
oven....with match in hand, I opened the oven and to my horror, saw ...a

Well, I was going to tell about the time I got the BIGGEST TURD I COULD
GET (because bigger just had to be better) and had all my fiancee's
family over then could not get the turd out of the pan or the pan out of
the oven.
See, we ALL knew yer "cooking" was "for shite", anyways,
" I find Greg Morrow lowbrow, witless, and obnoxious. For him to claim
that we are some
**kind of comedy team turns my stomach."
**- "cybercat" to me on

  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"If memory serves they eventually got a plumber to come out that evening
and take care of it. Cost 'em a country fortune, I suspect.
Terry "

O dear lord! Getting a plumber to come at night..on a HOLIDAY??? I'd
guess 200 bucks!

Hopefully you ate in the dining room, not the stinky kitchen?

at least I didnt have to pay the animal control lady!


  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

Lass Chance_2 seems to have mistaken Greg's attack on cyber**** for an
attack on herself. So to set the record straight:

Lass Chance_2 wrote:

>>>> About ten years ago I had stuffed my bird and was ready to light the
>>>> oven....with match in hand, I opened the oven and to my horror, saw

Then cyber**** wrote:

>>> Well, I was going to tell about the time I got the BIGGEST TURKEY I
>>> COULD GET (because bigger just had to be better) and had all my
>>> fiancee's family over then could not get the turkey out of the pan or
>>> the pan out of the oven.

Then Greg deliberately misquoted and replied:

>> Well, I was going to tell about the time I got the BIGGEST TURD I COULD
>> GET (because bigger just had to be better) and had all my fiancee's
>> family over then could not get the turd out of the pan or the pan out of
>> the oven.
>> See, we ALL knew yer "cooking" was "for shite", anyways,
>> cybersewer...heehee... which Lass Chance_2 wrote:

> Some things you need to know, Greg:
> You dont know anything about my cooking and happily, you never will. My

dogs get ALL my leftovers.
> That Ole Cybersewer
> Lass FU Chance

Ms. Chance_2, Greg's post was a reply to the nasty bitch who *did* write the
BIGGEST TURKEY post. It was in no way an attack on you. The term
"cybersewer" is a generous adaptation of its pseudonym.

My own Thanksgiving disaster is nowhere NEAR as bad as those. I had a pie
pan which simply refused to hold up a crust. I tried pre-baking crust after
crust, and they all slid down the sides of the pan.


  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Lin Lin is offline
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

Omelet replied to Bob:

> Didn't you crimp the edges around the rim?

Yup. He was at my place for our first Thanksgiving together, cooking for
my family.

It was actually a one of those ceramic or stoneware covered pie plate
sets. No matter what we did, the crust slid. The other pies we made were
fine -- and there was a clafouti to die for as well. At first we thought
it was something about the way we were making our pie crust, but it did
the same with one of those Pillsbury refrigerated crusts. I suspect that
there was something about the way the pie plate was made, making it
radiate heat in an odd way (yes, it was oven safe and meant for baking).
I'd gotten it as a prize at a Bunko party and hadn't used it before. It
was awfully pretty with the top on though! I ended up giving it to one
of my daughters.

My biggest Thanksgiving disaster would have been the time that I had an
element go out on the electric oven on Thanksgiving Eve. Mad scramble
trying to find a store that carried one and wasn't closed already.
Dinner was considerably later on Thanksgiving because I lost so much
prep time the day before. It was one of those times that I would have
given anything for a second oven.

We got our first decent rain last night! It's cool, gray and wet today.
Perfect way to lead into Halloween! It was much too warm last year.


  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

In article >,
"Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:

> My own Thanksgiving disaster is nowhere NEAR as bad as those. I had a pie
> pan which simply refused to hold up a crust. I tried pre-baking crust after
> crust, and they all slid down the sides of the pan.
> Bob

Didn't you crimp the edges around the rim?
Peace! Om

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama
  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

On Fri 31 Oct 2008 08:03:35a, Omelet told us...

> In article >,
> "Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:
>> My own Thanksgiving disaster is nowhere NEAR as bad as those. I had a
>> pie pan which simply refused to hold up a crust. I tried pre-baking
>> crust after crust, and they all slid down the sides of the pan.
>> Bob

> Didn't you crimp the edges around the rim?

When pre-baking a crust, not only do I crimp a high edge around the rim,
but I put it in the freezer. When it’s frozen firm, I line it with
aluminum foil, pressing the sides tightly, then filling with pie weights.
The edges never slump.

Wayne Boatwright
(correct the spelling of "geemail" to reply)

Date: Friday, 10(X)/31(XXXI)/08(MMVIII)
Today is: Halloween
Countdown till Veteran's Day
1wks 3dys 15hrs 30mins
Let there be spaces in your togetherness.
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

On Oct 31, 8:32*am, Wayne Boatwright >
> On Fri 31 Oct 2008 08:03:35a, Omelet told us...
> > In article >,
> > *"Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:

> >> My own Thanksgiving disaster is nowhere NEAR as bad as those. I had a
> >> pie pan which simply refused to hold up a crust. I tried pre-baking
> >> crust after crust, and they all slid down the sides of the pan.

> >> Bob

> > Didn't you crimp the edges around the rim?

> When pre-baking a crust, not only do I crimp a high edge around the rim,
> but I put it in the freezer. *When it’s frozen firm, I line it with
> aluminum foil, pressing the sides tightly, then filling with pie weights. *
> The edges never slump.
> --
> * * * * * * *Wayne Boatwright * * * * * *
> (correct the spelling of "geemail" to reply)
> *******************************************
> Date: Friday, 10(X)/31(XXXI)/08(MMVIII)
> *******************************************
> * * * * * * Today is: Halloween * * * * * *
> * * * *Countdown till Veteran's Day * * *
> * * * * * 1wks 3dys 15hrs 30mins * * * * *
> *******************************************
> *Let there be spaces in your togetherness.

You are absolutely right on with your method....
  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

In article >,
Lin > wrote:

> Omelet replied to Bob:
> > Didn't you crimp the edges around the rim?

> Yup. He was at my place for our first Thanksgiving together, cooking for
> my family.
> It was actually a one of those ceramic or stoneware covered pie plate
> sets. No matter what we did, the crust slid. The other pies we made were
> fine -- and there was a clafouti to die for as well. At first we thought
> it was something about the way we were making our pie crust, but it did
> the same with one of those Pillsbury refrigerated crusts. I suspect that
> there was something about the way the pie plate was made, making it
> radiate heat in an odd way (yes, it was oven safe and meant for baking).
> I'd gotten it as a prize at a Bunko party and hadn't used it before. It
> was awfully pretty with the top on though! I ended up giving it to one
> of my daughters.

Well, so long as everything tasted good. ;-)

> My biggest Thanksgiving disaster would have been the time that I had an
> element go out on the electric oven on Thanksgiving Eve. Mad scramble
> trying to find a store that carried one and wasn't closed already.
> Dinner was considerably later on Thanksgiving because I lost so much
> prep time the day before. It was one of those times that I would have
> given anything for a second oven.

Electric roasters really do work. I've been without a stove now for
months so am cooking in the electric roaster, hot plates, electric grill
and the microwave. I'm getting along just fine. :-) I could put a new
stove on the credit card, I've just chosen not to as I'm currently into
debt reduction.

The best darned turkey I've EVER cooked was done in that electric
roaster! Seriously.

> We got our first decent rain last night! It's cool, gray and wet today.
> Perfect way to lead into Halloween! It was much too warm last year.
> --Lin

I love a good rainy day. :-) Makes me feel relaxed. But, I'm a night
person and dislike bright sunlight. Gives me a headache!

I just take vitamin D supplements...
Peace! Om

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama
  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 24,847
Default Thanksgiving Disasters

In article 0>,
Wayne Boatwright > wrote:

> On Fri 31 Oct 2008 08:03:35a, Omelet told us...
> > In article >,
> > "Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:
> >
> >> My own Thanksgiving disaster is nowhere NEAR as bad as those. I had a
> >> pie pan which simply refused to hold up a crust. I tried pre-baking
> >> crust after crust, and they all slid down the sides of the pan.
> >>
> >> Bob

> >
> > Didn't you crimp the edges around the rim?

> When pre-baking a crust, not only do I crimp a high edge around the rim,
> but I put it in the freezer. When it’s frozen firm, I line it with
> aluminum foil, pressing the sides tightly, then filling with pie weights.
> The edges never slump.

Mom always crimped heavily, and pre-baked. She never had a slumped
Peace! Om

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

On Fri 31 Oct 2008 09:05:39a, merryb told us...

> On Oct 31, 8:32*am, Wayne Boatwright >
> wrote:

>> When pre-baking a crust, not only do I crimp a high edge around the rim,
>> but I put it in the freezer. *When it’s frozen firm, I line it with
>> aluminum foil, pressing the sides tightly, then filling with pie

> *
>> The edges never slump.

> You are absolutely right on with your method....

Thanks, Merry.

Wayne Boatwright
(correct the spelling of "geemail" to reply)

Date: Friday, 10(X)/31(XXXI)/08(MMVIII)
Today is: Halloween
Countdown till Veteran's Day
1wks 3dys 13hrs 50mins
Lead me not into temptation, I can
  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 46
Default Thanksgiving Disasters

Bob Terwilliger wrote:

> Lass Chance_2 seems to have mistaken Greg's attack on cyber**** for an
> attack on herself. So to set the record straight:
> Lass Chance_2 wrote:
> >>>> About ten years ago I had stuffed my bird and was ready to light the
> >>>> oven....with match in hand, I opened the oven and to my horror, saw

> Then cyber**** wrote:
> >>> Well, I was going to tell about the time I got the BIGGEST TURKEY I
> >>> COULD GET (because bigger just had to be better) and had all my
> >>> fiancee's family over then could not get the turkey out of the pan or
> >>> the pan out of the oven.

> Then Greg deliberately misquoted and replied:
> >> Well, I was going to tell about the time I got the BIGGEST TURD I COULD
> >> GET (because bigger just had to be better) and had all my fiancee's
> >> family over then could not get the turd out of the pan or the pan out

> >> the oven.
> >> See, we ALL knew yer "cooking" was "for shite", anyways,
> >> cybersewer...heehee...

> which Lass Chance_2 wrote:
> > Some things you need to know, Greg:
> >
> > You dont know anything about my cooking and happily, you never will. My

> dogs get ALL my leftovers.
> <snip>
> > That Ole Cybersewer
> > Lass FU Chance

> Ms. Chance_2, Greg's post was a reply to the nasty bitch who *did* write

> BIGGEST TURKEY post. It was in no way an attack on you. The term
> "cybersewer" is a generous adaptation of its pseudonym.

We'll give "Lass Chance" a break because she's a WebTeeVee'er, with their
"newsreader" it's virtually impossible to keep track of who is saying what
to whom...


In any case, my sincere apologies to Lass Chance...which name BTW strikes me
as a name Tennesse Williams would use for one of his characters.

Also, if cyberturkey could not get the bird OUT of the oven, then how did
she get it IN the oven...or was she thinking of some sorta sex act that she
practices. I don't believe her krapola story for one nanosecond anyways...

Lass's is funny, though, a possum in the oven, lol...the only thing funnier
would be to open the door and see the CYBERTWOT in yer oven...I'd quickly
lock it and close it and "roast" her on "high" for about 10
hours...afterwords you'd have to call the HAZMAT team to clean up, but it'd
be worth it, BWA...!!!


" I find Greg Morrow lowbrow, witless, and obnoxious. For him to claim that
we are some
kind of comedy team turns my stomach."
- "cybercat" to me on

  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Thanksgiving Disasters

Greg wrote:

> Lass's is funny, though, a possum in the oven, lol...the only thing
> funnier would be to open the door and see the CYBERTWOT in yer oven...I'd
> quickly lock it and close it and "roast" her on "high" for about 10
> hours...afterwords you'd have to call the HAZMAT team to clean up, but
> it'd be worth it, BWA...!!!

Now Greg, that's just vicious. I'd do the same thing for cyber**** as Lass
did for the opossum: Call Animal Control to remove the foul-smelling vermin
and return it to its natural home in the park.


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