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  #41 (permalink)   Report Post  
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sf wrote:

> I voted today and I voted shortly after the polls opened. I was
> *very* surprised by the number of people voting at that early hour.

I didn't go till a little after 11 a.m. There was NO LINE at my voting
precinct! Different from the county election stuff we did several months
ago that had a short line. I was fearing long lines as the press and
some posters here made it out to be a long wait. Good thing, because I
am not a very patient person where lines are concerned.

They said that they had been very busy too, but what I noticed on the
sign-in sheet was that several of those listed had done the mail in
ballot. The community we live in is loaded with retirement communities
so I could see why a mailed in ballot would be popular.

It took me longer to get out of the Community Center parking lot, as
it's right next to the elementary school and a common through-way for
parents picking up their kindergarten kids from morning class.

Bob went out at 3 p.m. and he didn't have to wait either.

Oh! Just realized the polls closed here!

  #42 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
sf > wrote:

> On Tue, 4 Nov 2008 08:12:28 -0800, "Dimitri" >
> wrote:
> >Today we participate in an unusual event.
> >
> >The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns, tanks or
> >civil war.
> >
> >Not every country can say that.
> >
> >Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.
> >

> I voted today and I voted shortly after the polls opened. I was
> *very* surprised by the number of people voting at that early hour.

My district in NJ is roughly 80% Democrat. The polls for my district are
in the building where I live. Voting couldn't be more convenient for me
and my neighbors. We had a record turnout of voters today!

McCain is on TV now announcing his concession to Obama! McCain is being
a very classy individual in how he's conceding. I know McCain worked
hard to win and so did his volunteers, but this just wasn't his year.
  #43 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Dimitri" > wrote in message
> Today we participate in an unusual event.
> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns, tanks
> or civil war.
> Not every country can say that.
> Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.

Being registered to vote, I would have, but neither of the candidates was
worth the time it would have taken.


  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 14:21:47 -0700, Christine Dabney
> wrote:

>On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 11:46:09 -0500, Stan Horwitz >
>>In article >,
>> "Dimitri" > wrote:
>>> Today we participate in an unusual event.
>>> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns, tanks or
>>> civil war.
>>> Not every country can say that.
>>> Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.

>>Well said. I agree.

>I voted last week...we have early voting.
>Christine, who also lives in a "swing" state.

Did you feel "courted", Chris? As a stage, of course. I felt ignored
- by both parties. SNIFFLE!

not really, it's <smile>

My man< Obama, is going to be the 44th perz of the United States!

I have to say McCain made a very gracious concession speech!

IMO, if Obama doesn't offer him a place in his administration - I'll
wonder why. McCain is a real patriot and deserves to be honored with
an important position (like ambassador).

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that
interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West
  #45 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
sf > wrote:

> On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 14:21:47 -0700, Christine Dabney
> > wrote:
> >On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 11:46:09 -0500, Stan Horwitz >
> >wrote:
> >
> >>In article >,
> >> "Dimitri" > wrote:
> >>
> >>> Today we participate in an unusual event.
> >>>
> >>> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns, tanks
> >>> or
> >>> civil war.
> >>>
> >>> Not every country can say that.
> >>>
> >>> Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.
> >>
> >>Well said. I agree.

> >
> >I voted last week...we have early voting.
> >
> >Christine, who also lives in a "swing" state.

> Did you feel "courted", Chris? As a stage, of course. I felt ignored
> - by both parties. SNIFFLE!
> not really, it's <smile>
> My man< Obama, is going to be the 44th perz of the United States!
> WhoooHoooo!
> I have to say McCain made a very gracious concession speech!
> IMO, if Obama doesn't offer him a place in his administration - I'll
> wonder why. McCain is a real patriot and deserves to be honored with
> an important position (like ambassador).

Perhaps, but McCain already has an important position: United States

  #46 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue 04 Nov 2008 10:23:12p, SteveB told us...

> "Dimitri" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Today we participate in an unusual event.
>> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns, tanks
>> or civil war.
>> Not every country can say that.
>> Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.
>> Dimitri

> Thank you, Dimitri.
> Enjoy 'em while you got 'em, folks.
> Things like:
> guns
> freedom of speech
> talk radio
> They may not be around for long.
> STeve


Wayne Boatwright
(correct the spelling of "geemail" to reply)

Date: Tuesday, 11(XI)/04(IV)/08(MMVIII)
Today is: U.S. Election Day
Countdown till Veteran's Day
6dys 1hrs 50mins
I don't think I can face another year
  #47 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue, 4 Nov 2008 21:23:12 -0800, "SteveB" <toquerville@zionvistas>

>"Dimitri" > wrote in message
.. .
>> Today we participate in an unusual event.
>> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns, tanks
>> or civil war.
>> Not every country can say that.
>> Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.
>> Dimitri

>Thank you, Dimitri.
>Enjoy 'em while you got 'em, folks.
>Things like:
>freedom of speech
>talk radio
>They may not be around for long.

Jeeze Ess get off your effing high horse. For starters, Barak has
openly supported the second amendment from the conservative Republican
POV (IMO).... well, a Centrentrist POV at least. I don't support that
view. A good gun is a melted gun - or a rusty antique.

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that
interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West
  #48 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Dimitri" > wrote in message
> Today we participate in an unusual event.
> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns, tanks
> or civil war.
> Not every country can say that.
> Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.
> Dimitri

Thank you, Dimitri.

Enjoy 'em while you got 'em, folks.

Things like:


freedom of speech

talk radio

They may not be around for long.


  #49 (permalink)   Report Post  
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SteveB wrote:

> "Dimitri" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Today we participate in an unusual event.
> >
> > The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns,
> > tanks or civil war.
> >
> > Not every country can say that.
> >
> > Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.
> >
> > Dimitri

> Thank you, Dimitri.
> Enjoy 'em while you got 'em, folks.
> Things like:
> guns

My prediction: some seesaws. Stricter Federal rules on sale of guns,
but more state laws making it easier to be armed legally.

> freedom of speech

Considering the conservative record on freedom of speech (from John
Adams's administration on), I'd say there's now less to worry about.

But rest assured that if the Federal Government infringes on your
freedom of speech, the ACLU will be ready to help you. And if you
can't get help from them, try the National Lawyers Guild.

> talk radio

I doubt it. Rush Limbaugh and the other talkers who are good at their
jobs won't lose their jobs. The stations they're on might have to
broadcast some counter-programming.

> They may not be around for long.

Longer than if the people currently running the Republican Party had
stayed in power.

Dan Goodman
..sig under reconstruction
  #50 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 23:55:44 -0500, Stan Horwitz >

>Perhaps, but McCain already has an important position: United States

OK, I'll put you in the anti-bipartisan column.
Thanks for the input.

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that
interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West

  #51 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Stan Horwitz > wrote in


> My district in NJ is roughly 80% Democrat. The polls for my district
> are in the building where I live. Voting couldn't be more convenient
> for me and my neighbors. We had a record turnout of voters today!
> McCain is on TV now announcing his concession to Obama! McCain is
> being a very classy individual in how he's conceding. I know McCain
> worked hard to win and so did his volunteers, but this just wasn't his
> year.

It helps to have a grandmother die on cue.

Peter Lucas

If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?
  #52 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Nov 4, 8:12*am, "Dimitri" > wrote:
> Today we participate in an unusual event.
> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns, tanks or
> civil war.
> Not every country can say that.
> Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.
> Dimitri

You got that right! Believe me, for all the faults I see in my
country, I never fail to be grateful for this phenomenon.
But it bears saying again and again.

And tonight, I'm especially happy about it, as we got the results I
was hoping for.

  #53 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Janet Baraclough" > The message
> Other countries run elections "at local level" too , using trained
> volunteers, and the affluence level of the neighbourhood
> is's a nationwide uniform service.
> Janet

Other countries rub elections locally from a national level. In the US each
state runs that state's election, and so poorer states don't have or don't
choose the latest technology, or states that are thinly populated may have
polls far from some voters... etc.
There is an enormous difference between running an election for a population
of 59 million and a population of 300 million. A person could, if pressed,
drive from London to Inverness to fix a problem, but even a flight from New
York to Los Angeles would make the fix too late, and those are not the
farthest you might be. In the last place I lived I could walk a mile to the
polling place, pick up my paper ballot after proving to my friend from
church that it really was me, then check off my choices with a pencil, fold
it up and hand it to a fellow board member of the local crafts organization.
Old times.

  #54 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> "Janet Baraclough" > The message
>> Other countries run elections "at local level" too , using trained
>> volunteers, and the affluence level of the neighbourhood
>> is's a nationwide uniform service.

But the way our Constitution is written, elections are to be local level.
It has worked like that for 200+ years now.

  #55 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Virginia Tadrzynski said...

>> My polling station got it so wrong. This year, although they had 3
>> voting booths there was only one person checking voter registrations,
>> two others as election witness/observers and one other to point you to
>> a voting booth and activate it. They might as well just've had one
>> booth.
>> Andy


> Ah, good ole PA........I went to my poll at 9:00 a.m and was #486.
> When hubby went after work, he was #2060.

I forgot to ask for my voter number for the first time in a long time.

> ours
> was organized chaos, caused mostly by and ineffectual and definitely
> partisan judge of elections.......had a pile of pens to sign in, but
> told the people 'for Republican use only'.....she was really ****ed that
> there were watchers at the polls. Last major election, she had her own
> party's watcher in tears

Good grief!!!

> as those handing out literature
> were polite (hell, most of them know each other from years dohe
> same thing) and the crowd, although long, were having a general good
> time. Saw people I haven't seen since the last general election,
> compared kids' pictures, had a cup of coffee and rode off into the
> daylight. All in all, it took me 45 minutes.

Yes it was good to see some old faces! Everyone is always pleasant.

I hammed it up in line with the ballot posters on the wall. "Enie meanie
minie moe..."

The delay was about 30 voters ahead of me and 20 minutes wait. With the
electronic voting systems it only took me five seconds to vote.

The only problem was the building is a very low ceiliinged and narrow
halls. I walked into the building pretty cold but due to the combined body
heat and lack of circulation, by time I was halfway to the voting room I
was soaked in sweat!

> Looks like Obama took PA by the news reports.
> -ginny

Yep. I crossed party lines and voted for him like I promised (in another

He still has a difficult uphill road ahead of him.


  #56 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 11:46:09 -0500, Stan Horwitz >
> wrote:
>> In article >,
>> "Dimitri" > wrote:
>>> Today we participate in an unusual event.
>>> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns,
>>> tanks or civil war.
>>> Not every country can say that.
>>> Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.

>> Well said. I agree.

> I voted last week...we have early voting.
> Christine, who also lives in a "swing" state.

I did the absentee ballot thing. I'm not really sure which state I live in
anymore LOL


  #57 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
"jmcquown" > wrote:

> Christine Dabney wrote:
> > On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 11:46:09 -0500, Stan Horwitz >
> > wrote:
> >
> >> In article >,
> >> "Dimitri" > wrote:
> >>
> >>> Today we participate in an unusual event.
> >>>
> >>> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns,
> >>> tanks or civil war.
> >>>
> >>> Not every country can say that.
> >>>
> >>> Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.
> >>
> >> Well said. I agree.

> >
> > I voted last week...we have early voting.
> >
> > Christine, who also lives in a "swing" state.

> I did the absentee ballot thing. I'm not really sure which state I live in
> anymore LOL
> Jill

Whichever one your utility bill is mailed to. ;-)
Peace! Om

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama
  #58 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Michael "Dog3" wrote:

> Oh Gawd! Nothing like that happened. It was fun to see basic shut
> ins get to be part of history... They had a party like attitude and
> had a lot of fun. So did I. I enjoyed it and maybe made some new
> friends.

You make friends wherever you go, you're very charismatic
and you have a big heart.

  #59 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default OT Voting

In article >,
"SteveB" <toquerville@zionvistas> wrote:

> "Dimitri" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Today we participate in an unusual event.
> >
> > The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns, tanks
> > or civil war.
> >
> > Not every country can say that.
> >
> > Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.
> >
> > Dimitri

> Thank you, Dimitri.
> Enjoy 'em while you got 'em, folks.
> Things like:
> guns
> freedom of speech
> talk radio
> They may not be around for long.

  #60 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Andy > wrote in :

>> Looks like Obama took PA by the news reports.
>> -ginny

> Yep. I crossed party lines and voted for him like I promised (in
> another thread)!
> He still has a difficult uphill road ahead of him.
> Andy

A conservative newbie in the White House.

The next 12 months will be 'interesting'.

All it takes is for some wally to get up and yell "I have a dream".....
and people fall all over themselves to vote for him.

Peter Lucas

If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?

  #61 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
sf > wrote:

> On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 23:55:44 -0500, Stan Horwitz >
> wrote:
> >Perhaps, but McCain already has an important position: United States
> >Senator.

> OK, I'll put you in the anti-bipartisan column.
> Thanks for the input.

The major distinction between President Bush 43 and McCain is that when
Bush ran for office he was all about making the haves, have mores.
McCain wants to help everyone. McCain's fatal campaign mistake was not
realizing what Bush was all about when he adopted Bush's 2000 and 2004
campaign platforms for his 2008 platform. McCain chose to ride in on
Bush's coat tails, which was obviously a big mistake, considering how
tattered those coat tails are.
  #62 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> Christine Dabney wrote:
>>> On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 11:46:09 -0500, Stan Horwitz >
>>> wrote:
>>>> In article >,
>>>> "Dimitri" > wrote:
>>>>> Today we participate in an unusual event.
>>>>> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns,
>>>>> tanks or civil war.
>>>>> Not every country can say that.
>>>>> Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.
>>>> Well said. I agree.
>>> I voted last week...we have early voting.
>>> Christine, who also lives in a "swing" state.

>> I did the absentee ballot thing. I'm not really sure which state I
>> live in anymore LOL
>> Jill

> Whichever one your utility bill is mailed to. ;-)

Which utility bill? I voted in TN while being physically located in SC.
It's all so confusing! (laughing)


  #63 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"jmcquown" > wrote in

> I did the absentee ballot thing. I'm not really sure which state I
> live in anymore LOL

With him as your President, and with the PM we've got, and the PM the Poms
have....... the only two states to live in are shitfaced, and denial.

And de-nial isn't a river in Egypt.

Peter Lucas

If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?
  #64 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article
Leonard Blaisdell > wrote:

> In article
> >,
> Dan Abel > wrote:
> > I left the house (walking, it's just as fast as driving) at 9:58, got to
> > the polling place at 10:02, found a couple of lines (5 minutes earlier
> > and I would have been the only voter there) and was out by 10:12. At
> > 10:16 I was home again.

> I couldn't have recited my own voting experience more accurately,
> including the walking. Except I left the house at 10:20. Perhaps we're
> lucky. We certainly are with the four minute walk.

I live in a large apartment complex consisting of two high rise
buildings. My voting precinct is essentially this apartment complex. The
polls are in the lobby of the building where I love. The building's
owner volunteers the space in the lobby for the polls every election.
Voting couldn't be easier for me.

I went down to the lobby around 8:30am to vote. It was crowed, but no
waits. About 45 minutes prior to the polls closing, I started to do some
laundry in the laundry room down the hall from the polls. I chatted with
some of the poll workers while I waited for my laundry to finish. I was
there at 8:00pm when they shut down the voting booths.

In my precinct, there are 791 registered voters, 80% of which are
Democrat. We have early voting in NJ, so I have no idea of the total
votes cast in my precinct, but 72% of the registered voters voted
yesterday in my lobby. Only a handful of the voters went for McCain. All
the other Democrats running for office in my precinct won nearly 100% of
the vote. None of the third party candidates for president got any
votes. I was told this was also a record turn out and that there were
lines, before I got there at 8:30 to vote, but the lines obviously were
handled quickly.
  #65 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
"Paul M. Cook" > wrote:
> We have a huge mess here in this country and it is considered the highest of
> unpatriotic rumor mongering to even suggest there is something wrong with
> it. So that is why it gets worse every time.

I am not that pessimistic. I agree that the voting system for president
is a mess. Much to my surprise, there was hardly any shenanigans
reported yesterday at polling places. Although I would love to see a
standardized system for voting and I believe the Constitution allows for
it. What's lacking is the will to do it.

There was some craziness going on in the days leading up to the
election. In Philadelphia where I work and where my parents live, there
was a flyer sent around to many low income residents telling them they
would be arrested if they went to vote and they had any unpaid parking
tickets. In some other battleground states, many Democratic voters
received an automated call that wrongly told them that the voting period
was today due to anticipated heavy crowds. Thankfully, those tactics by
McCain supporters didn't gain him this election.

Still, things have improved. After the 2000 fiasco, we here in NJ (at
least in my precinct) got rid of our antiquated voting machines and
modernized them. The voting machines in my precinct has a paper audit
trail, but its very automated and the voting controls are all
electronic, not mechanical. Philadelphia also had very old voting
machines prior to 2000, but they too have all been replaced.

I have a friend who does volunteer poll watching in Philly for the
non-partisan Committee of 70. I haven't talked with her since the
election, but she said the previous in 2004 went pretty smoothly.

What I would like to see is more states offer early voting like they do
now in New Jersey where I live and in some other states such as Nevada.
This would avoid having long lines. In Nevada, for example, something
like 30% of the votes for yesterday's election were cast early. That
really cuts down on the lines at the polls and makes it easy to count
votes quickly, more accurately, and with better controls.

  #66 (permalink)   Report Post  
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jmcquown said...

> Omelet wrote:
>> In article >,
>> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>>> Christine Dabney wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 11:46:09 -0500, Stan Horwitz >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> In article >,
>>>>> "Dimitri" > wrote:
>>>>>> Today we participate in an unusual event.
>>>>>> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns,
>>>>>> tanks or civil war.
>>>>>> Not every country can say that.
>>>>>> Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.
>>>>> Well said. I agree.
>>>> I voted last week...we have early voting.
>>>> Christine, who also lives in a "swing" state.
>>> I did the absentee ballot thing. I'm not really sure which state I
>>> live in anymore LOL
>>> Jill

>> Whichever one your utility bill is mailed to. ;-)

> Which utility bill? I voted in TN while being physically located in SC.
> It's all so confusing! (laughing)
> Jill


You didn't mention, did your Mom also vote by absentee ballot?

  #67 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article > ,
PeterLucas > wrote:

> "jmcquown" > wrote in
> :
> >
> >
> > I did the absentee ballot thing. I'm not really sure which state I
> > live in anymore LOL
> >

> With him as your President, and with the PM we've got, and the PM the Poms
> have....... the only two states to live in are shitfaced, and denial.
> And de-nial isn't a river in Egypt.

I dunno Peter. While I don't entirely trust him, (I don't trust ANY
politician), I'm feeling a bit optimistic. Like Andy said, he's got a
helluva mess to clean up.
Peace! Om

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama
  #68 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Omelet > wrote in
> In article > ,
> PeterLucas > wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in
>> :
>> >
>> >
>> > I did the absentee ballot thing. I'm not really sure which state I
>> > live in anymore LOL
>> >

>> With him as your President, and with the PM we've got, and the PM the
>> Poms have....... the only two states to live in are shitfaced, and
>> denial.
>> And de-nial isn't a river in Egypt.

> I dunno Peter. While I don't entirely trust him, (I don't trust ANY
> politician), I'm feeling a bit optimistic. Like Andy said, he's got a
> helluva mess to clean up.

If he's anything like the twonk we got......... he went into office with
a surplus, and unemployment at it's lowest for ages.

Today, his office made an announcement that we can expect 5%
unemployment withing 6 months.

It happens *every* time Labor get in :-/

BTW....... the guy can speak Mandarin, and has a couple of university
degree's...... but he's as dumb as dog shit.

I have spent many hours face to face with him trying to explain a
predicament that some ex-servicemen are faced with....... and he just
*couldn't* get his head around it. Lots of intelligence..... and not an
ounce of commonsense.

Peter Lucas

If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?
  #69 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Dimitri wrote:
> Today we participate in an unusual event.
> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns, tanks
> or civil war.
> Not every country can say that.
> Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.
> Dimitri

Fine sentiments, Dimitri, and thank you for reminding everyone!

Me, I'm recovering from a 16-hour stint volunteering at a local
precinct. It's an interesting and often fun experience. As Harriet
posted, there were a lot of young, first-time voters, all very excited
about being there and having their say.

  #70 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 20:31:35 -0800, sf wrote:

> On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 14:21:47 -0700, Christine Dabney
> > wrote:
>>On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 11:46:09 -0500, Stan Horwitz >
>>>In article >,
>>> "Dimitri" > wrote:
>>>> Today we participate in an unusual event.
>>>> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns, tanks or
>>>> civil war.
>>>> Not every country can say that.
>>>> Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.
>>>Well said. I agree.

>>I voted last week...we have early voting.
>>Christine, who also lives in a "swing" state.

> Did you feel "courted", Chris? As a stage, of course. I felt ignored
> - by both parties. SNIFFLE!
> not really, it's <smile>
> My man< Obama, is going to be the 44th perz of the United States!
> WhoooHoooo!
> I have to say McCain made a very gracious concession speech!
> IMO, if Obama doesn't offer him a place in his administration - I'll
> wonder why. McCain is a real patriot and deserves to be honored with
> an important position (like ambassador).

i don't think obama will kiss up to a man that vilified him, unlike mccain
did with george bush. mccain lacks the integrity for a position in an
obama administration.

your pal,

  #71 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 22:27:23 -0800, sf wrote:

> On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 23:55:44 -0500, Stan Horwitz >
> wrote:
>>Perhaps, but McCain already has an important position: United States

> OK, I'll put you in the anti-bipartisan column.
> Thanks for the input.

why is it that 'bipartisanism' always means democrats should reach out to
republicans? when did republicans *ever* seek consensus with democrats?
this is a bullshit argument.

your pal,
  #72 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
PeterLucas > wrote:

> I have spent many hours face to face with him trying to explain a
> predicament that some ex-servicemen are faced with....... and he just
> *couldn't* get his head around it. Lots of intelligence..... and not an
> ounce of commonsense.
> --
> Peter Lucas

You've spoken with Obama in person?

Peace! Om

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama
  #73 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 04 Nov 2008 16:53:28 GMT, Michael "Dog3" wrote:

> "Dimitri" >
> : in
>> Today we participate in an unusual event.
>> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns,
>> tanks or civil war.
>> Not every country can say that.
>> Please vote and be thankful for the privilege.

> Been there, done it and in an hour I'm on my way to my appointed office
> help people who can't get out of the house, find rides to the voting
> centers. I'll also be transporting folks.

most admirable, michael.

your pal,
  #74 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue, 4 Nov 2008 09:28:02 -0800 (PST), Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> As for voters being struck from lists... Yes, that's a problem. It
> can be used as
> a political weapon. Still, people move away or die, and often the
> local clerk doesn't
> find out about it. Some pruning of the list must take place from time
> to time, and
> there is a way to vote even if you have wrongly been removed from the
> list. Ignorance
> is a terrible problem; people are much more interested in the details
> of the hot new
> tv show rather than their rights and responsibilities as voters.
> There isn't much the
> government can do about that.
> Cindy Hamilton

it damn sure *is* a problem when most of the striking is done by
republicans looking to remove likely democratic voters from the rolls.
when people move away or die, they don't vote. not a problem.

your pal,
  #75 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Wed, 5 Nov 2008 13:48:58 +0000 (UTC), PeterLucas wrote:

> Andy > wrote in :
>>> Looks like Obama took PA by the news reports.
>>> -ginny

>> Yep. I crossed party lines and voted for him like I promised (in
>> another thread)!
>> He still has a difficult uphill road ahead of him.
>> Andy

> A conservative newbie in the White House.
> The next 12 months will be 'interesting'.
> All it takes is for some wally to get up and yell "I have a dream".....
> and people fall all over themselves to vote for him.

unlike the people who fall all over themselves to vote for someone who
stands up and yells 'i was a POW!'


  #76 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 13:26:39 -0500, George wrote:

> Steve Pope wrote:
>> Dave Smith > wrote:
>>> I realize that some of your countrymen are under the impression that the
>>> US is the only country that has free elections, but I have to wonder why
>>> voting is such a hassle there. There have been some posts here and other
>>> groups about the hassles involved, like long waits, faulty equipment,
>>> people being struck off the lists etc. I have never had any problems
>>> voting, and never missed an election.

>> In my opinion the answer to your question is that Americans
>> tend to be a distrusting lot, and are constantly questioning whether
>> their local election officials (not to mention national political
>> parties) are acting fairly. The reaction to this is an
>> increase in process -- changes to election methods, legal
>> challenges, and whatnot -- all adding up to a continual chaos
>> surrounding voting. This chaos, in turn, breeds more opportunity
>> for errors and fraud.
>> As an example, one of the measures on our local ballot here
>> is only on the ballot this time because the last time it was
>> voted on, Diebold wiped out all the votes and they couldn't be
>> re-counted. And Diebold was only in there as a ill-conceived
>> response to the panic of the 2000 elections. Basically you have
>> an alternating chain reaction of errors followed by procedural
>> revisions followed by more errors, accompanied of course by growing
>> public distrust.
>> Steve

> Yes, they really blew it with the Fisher Price Microsoft OS voting
> machines. They have no paper trail, poor control of the software and
> none of the manufacturers will allow peer review of the software which
> is really, really wrong. Our county is on the second set of toy machines
> because the first won't even meet the weak specifications. The
> neighboring county is on their third set of toy machines because the
> first two they bought won't meet the weak specifications.
> I don't know why they didn't go with a paper ballot/optical scanner
> system. At least that way you have a recountable paper trail.

when i voted, the nice lady poll worker said maryland is going back to
paper ballots next time.

your pal,
  #77 (permalink)   Report Post  
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PeterLucas wrote:
> Stan Horwitz > wrote in
> :
>> My district in NJ is roughly 80% Democrat. The polls for my district
>> are in the building where I live. Voting couldn't be more convenient
>> for me and my neighbors. We had a record turnout of voters today!
>> McCain is on TV now announcing his concession to Obama! McCain is
>> being a very classy individual in how he's conceding. I know McCain
>> worked hard to win and so did his volunteers, but this just wasn't his
>> year.

> It helps to have a grandmother die on cue.

Your posts have never really bothered me--until now.
This one is over the top. The insensitivity and cynicism
puts you right in the "ignore" category.

gloria p
  #78 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Nov 5, 11:28*am, Omelet > wrote:
> In article >,
> *PeterLucas > wrote:
> > I have spent many hours face to face with him trying to explain a
> > predicament that some ex-servicemen are faced with....... and he just
> > *couldn't* get his head around it. Lots of intelligence..... and not an
> > ounce of commonsense.

> > --
> > Peter Lucas

> You've spoken with Obama in person?
> Seriously?

I believe Peter was referring to Kevin Rudd. Rudd speaks Mandarin.

John Kane Kingston ON Canada
  #79 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Nov 4, 11:12*am, "Dimitri" > wrote:
> Today we participate in an unusual event.
> The beginning of an orderly transition of government without guns, tanks or
> civil war.
> Not every country can say that.

True, only about 60 or so. I think Iran is hard to classify

John Kane Kingston ON Canada
  #80 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Wed, 5 Nov 2008 06:45:42 +0000 (UTC), PeterLucas wrote:

> Stan Horwitz > wrote in
>> My district in NJ is roughly 80% Democrat. The polls for my district
>> are in the building where I live. Voting couldn't be more convenient
>> for me and my neighbors. We had a record turnout of voters today!
>> McCain is on TV now announcing his concession to Obama! McCain is
>> being a very classy individual in how he's conceding. I know McCain
>> worked hard to win and so did his volunteers, but this just wasn't his
>> year.

> It helps to have a grandmother die on cue.

**** you. i suppose obama had one of his islamic slaves poison her?

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