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  #41 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

"Mr. Bill" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 24 Nov 2008 07:24:59 -0800, "TammyM" >
> wrote:
>>TammyM, Thanksgiving is going to suck this year!

> No it won't have more to be thankful for than you realize.

You are so right, Mr. Bill. As it turns out, I flexed my persuasive powers
and I **am** going to be cooking for the whole famdamily on T-Day! I am
very happy. But even were it not to turn out this way, I am indeed blessed
and I need to remember that quite a bit more often. Thank you for reminding
me :-)


  #42 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 24 Nov 2008 07:24:59 -0800, "TammyM" >
> wrote:
>>And I'm going to make a lemon cranberry pound cake.

> Mmmm. Sounds good! Got a recipe in your computer that you can easily
> post?

Not one I've tried before. Tomorrow is the day. I just googled one and
found it on


  #43 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Victor Sack" > wrote in message
. ..
> TammyM > wrote:
>> She also loved fruitcake, and I still
>> have a boatload of those nasty little fruit bits that go into fruitcake.
>> Maybe I'll give them to the food bank.

> Send 'em to Barbabietola; she'll use 'em for her "pirohy" filling.
> Spitzbubba

LOL! I think Spitzbubba is far more appropriate for YOU than just plain
Bubba. Although Az fits as well.


  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"itsjoannotjoann" > wrote in message
On Nov 24, 9:24 am, "TammyM" > wrote:

> I wish I lived near you, I'd take that candied fruit bits off > your >
> hands!!!

Joan, I'd be happy to send 'em to you. Send me your postal address and I'll
pack 'em up for you. Please think of my dear Gram when you use them! She
was a pip and a half.

TammyM, sunnyafternoon807 at live dot com

  #45 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 10:14:19 -0600, "Gregory Morrow"
> wrote:

>Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
>> I admit, I kind of miss making a big Thanksgiving dinner, but the idea
>> of putting on two major productions a month apart makes me want to
>> hide under my desk at the office!

>It can get to be a grind. We stopped doing the big blow - out T - day's a
>few years ago, it was so much work that we were grouchy and exhausted by the
>time the guests started arriving. Then there was the dealio of having to
>placate finicky vegetarians...
>Now it's just a few of us and we do a simpler and set menu...less stressful.
>That did not prevent me from shopping last night and loading up with 20 lbs.
>of sweet potatoes, five bags of cranberries, two 20 lb. turkeys, etc...this
>despite being single and not cooking the T- day meal this year, lol. Today
>I'm thinking what I'm gonna do with all this...
>I am doing Christmas but that will definitely *not* be turkey... just had to mention the vegetarians.

I don't like turkey and the good news is I'm off the hook for making
one. The bad news is I got roped into making stuffing to be delivered
to Louise at work. There's supposed to be about 30 people and they
are deep frying a 12-13 pound turkey. They're doing a ham too but
they're still not planning very well. Somehow my task went from
making stuffing to making a traditional pan, a cornbread pan, and a
veggie pan. I was also asked to make an oyster pan but the last time
I tried it I threw it out so unless I can come up with a good recipe
in the next few hours I'm dropping that idea. Not being a fan of
turkey I'm lacking in the experience to pull this off comfortably so I
was online last night trying to figure out how I was gonna do it. I
was feeling ok with the plan and have 12 loaves of bread dried and
cubed and made a pan of cornbread last night. I've got 3 quarts of
very rich turkey stock I made over the weekend.

So this morning we were leaving at the same time so I brought Louise
to work and she said: Are you making the gravy tonight or in the
morning? So now I'm making gravy and I have no turkey. Gurrrrr...
Luckily the stock is strong enough because I think I'm going to have
to dilute it a bit to make this.

And if that veggie creep doesn't like it she can learn how to eat real
food. The fuggin pig weighs 250 pounds so I'm sure she can find
something to eat.


  #46 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

Lou Decruss wrote:

> On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 10:14:19 -0600, "Gregory Morrow"
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
> >
> >> I admit, I kind of miss making a big Thanksgiving dinner, but the idea
> >> of putting on two major productions a month apart makes me want to
> >> hide under my desk at the office!

> >
> >
> >It can get to be a grind. We stopped doing the big blow - out T - day's

> >few years ago, it was so much work that we were grouchy and exhausted by

> >time the guests started arriving. Then there was the dealio of having to
> >placate finicky vegetarians...
> >
> >Now it's just a few of us and we do a simpler and set menu...less

> >
> >That did not prevent me from shopping last night and loading up with 20

> >of sweet potatoes, five bags of cranberries, two 20 lb. turkeys,

> >despite being single and not cooking the T- day meal this year, lol.

> >I'm thinking what I'm gonna do with all this...
> >
> >I am doing Christmas but that will definitely *not* be turkey...

> just had to mention the vegetarians.
> I don't like turkey and the good news is I'm off the hook for making
> one. The bad news is I got roped into making stuffing to be delivered
> to Louise at work. There's supposed to be about 30 people and they
> are deep frying a 12-13 pound turkey. They're doing a ham too but
> they're still not planning very well. Somehow my task went from
> making stuffing to making a traditional pan, a cornbread pan, and a
> veggie pan. I was also asked to make an oyster pan but the last time
> I tried it I threw it out so unless I can come up with a good recipe
> in the next few hours I'm dropping that idea. Not being a fan of
> turkey I'm lacking in the experience to pull this off comfortably so I
> was online last night trying to figure out how I was gonna do it. I
> was feeling ok with the plan and have 12 loaves of bread dried and
> cubed and made a pan of cornbread last night. I've got 3 quarts of
> very rich turkey stock I made over the weekend.
> So this morning we were leaving at the same time so I brought Louise
> to work and she said: Are you making the gravy tonight or in the
> morning? So now I'm making gravy and I have no turkey. Gurrrrr...
> Luckily the stock is strong enough because I think I'm going to have
> to dilute it a bit to make this.

Well, you'll be all set for stuffing and fact that is a food
group IMSNHO...


> And if that veggie creep doesn't like it she can learn how to eat real
> food. The fuggin pig weighs 250 pounds so I'm sure she can find
> something to eat.

Fvckin' A, Lou, I hear ya...


The problem with the "vegetarians" we know is that they are also ghastly
shit - faced drunks. They are also of the "*******" variety so of course
there are always the requisite fights with the girlfriends and other
assorted dramas. The last time we hosted them about 7 years ago one was so
drunk that she did not even use a *plate*, she put her food right on the
*table* and ate it with her fingers...needless to say no one socializes with
them anymore. Another time they were part of a b-day group at Buca de Beppo
and The Plateless One got so roaring drunk that she went back to the kitchen
to tell the staff how to do their jobs, of course referring to them as
"fvckin' wetbacks...spics...". It took some fancy footwork on the parts of
several of the more diplomatic of us in the party to avoid us all getting
kicked out...GAWD...!!!

So I've kinda had it with that sort of "guest", especially of the "messy
dyke" variety, lol...

I mean I am SO glad that you are choosing the healthy vegan lifestyle in
spite of being a raging alkie and all...your liver thanks you I'm
practically sure!


I also like the idea of a "set menu", e.g. "We are having this and this and
this, we don't need anybody to bring anything". It can serve to "weed out"
the always - complaining pickier eaters which are a PITA in any case...who
needs 'em...???

The guys at the bar made a test - run T - day meal last night with that
infrared turkey and they will have a big spread on Thursday with both
infrared and deep - fried turkeys plus the sides that they and everyone else
will provide. A few of us will be dining around the corner at a friend's
place and we'll drop by there later...I think by then we will have had enuf
of Thanksgiving food...


  #47 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 10:14:19 -0600, "Gregory Morrow"
> fired up random neurons and synapses to opine:

>I am doing Christmas but that will definitely *not* be turkey...

Out traditioinal Christmas dinner is standing rib roast and Yorkshire
pudding. The DH has perfected Yorkshire pudding and, although I am
Kitchen Central for the entirety of the meal, save the YP, the DH is
convinced that the dinner revolves around the YP. After the puds are
served with a flourish, he practically goes into a Victorian faint
with the effort <g>

Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd


"If the soup had been as hot as the claret, if the claret had been as
old as the bird, and if the bird's breasts had been as full as the
waitress's, it would have been a very good dinner."

- Duncan Hines

To reply, replace "meatloaf" with "cox"

  #48 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 01:04:07 -0800, "Bob Terwilliger"
> wrote:

>sf wrote:
>> I've been thinking about Waldorf salad for days, so it's going to be
>> on the menu.

>Lin roasted a chicken the other day and we've still got some leftovers, and
>we've also got some apples left from our trip to Apple Hill a few weeks ago,
>so I intend to make a takeoff on Waldorf salad for lunch tomorrow: Chicken
>chunks, mayo mixed with mild blue cheese, diced apple, and celery.

Blue cheese sounds interesting.... I've never considered adding meat -
hmmm. I do have a chicken carcass on hand that I could pick some meat
from. The most pizzazz I've ever considered was dried cranberries
which is really good.

My Waldorf salad is as basic as it comes - apples, walnuts, grapes
(lemon juice and mayo) - celery optional. Yes, it's good!

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that
interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West
  #49 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 08:43:02 -0800, "TammyM" >

>"sf" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Mon, 24 Nov 2008 07:24:59 -0800, "TammyM" >
>> wrote:
>>>And I'm going to make a lemon cranberry pound cake.

>> Mmmm. Sounds good! Got a recipe in your computer that you can easily
>> post?

>Not one I've tried before. Tomorrow is the day. I just googled one and
>found it on

I like that site. If you like what how the recipe turns out, please
post the recipe - here with the proper attributions of course. It
sounds absolutely yummy!

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that
interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West
  #50 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

sf wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 01:04:07 -0800, "Bob Terwilliger"
> > wrote:
>> sf wrote:
>>> I've been thinking about Waldorf salad for days, so it's going to be
>>> on the menu.

>> Lin roasted a chicken the other day and we've still got some leftovers, and
>> we've also got some apples left from our trip to Apple Hill a few weeks ago,
>> so I intend to make a takeoff on Waldorf salad for lunch tomorrow: Chicken
>> chunks, mayo mixed with mild blue cheese, diced apple, and celery.

> Blue cheese sounds interesting.... I've never considered adding meat -
> hmmm. I do have a chicken carcass on hand that I could pick some meat
> from. The most pizzazz I've ever considered was dried cranberries
> which is really good.
> My Waldorf salad is as basic as it comes - apples, walnuts, grapes
> (lemon juice and mayo) - celery optional. Yes, it's good!

My standard Waldorf Salad has evolved into apples, celery, pecans
(ideally) or walnuts, dried cranberries and diced dried apricots
(the tart ones, not the Turkish ones). Combine with mayo that has
been mixed with a bit of lemon juice. Not to thick, not too
thin--and just enough to coat things a bit. Not gloppy.

Jean B.

  #51 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

sf wrote:

> On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 01:04:07 -0800, "Bob Terwilliger"
> > wrote:
> >sf wrote:
> >
> >> I've been thinking about Waldorf salad for days, so it's going to be
> >> on the menu.

> >
> >Lin roasted a chicken the other day and we've still got some leftovers,

> >we've also got some apples left from our trip to Apple Hill a few weeks

> >so I intend to make a takeoff on Waldorf salad for lunch tomorrow:

> >chunks, mayo mixed with mild blue cheese, diced apple, and celery.
> >

> Blue cheese sounds interesting.... I've never considered adding meat -
> hmmm. I do have a chicken carcass on hand that I could pick some meat
> from. The most pizzazz I've ever considered was dried cranberries
> which is really good.
> My Waldorf salad is as basic as it comes - apples, walnuts, grapes
> (lemon juice and mayo) - celery optional. Yes, it's good!

Interestingly, I am also making this for tomorrow, in fact I am making two,
one for us, and one to drop off at the corner bar where they are having two
deep - fried turkeys with all the trimmings...

When I mentioned "Waldorf Salad" everyone said, "Hey, great, haven't had
that for years...". I am making the basic recipe and including some dried
cranberries into the mix. I have three kinds of apples, Fuji and Granny
Smith and some other, OH, and I'm throwing in a coupla nice pears.

It's one of those old - fashioned dishes that everyone likes but few have
encountered lately, I sense a WS "comeback"...!!!


> --
> I never worry about diets. The only carrots that
> interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.
> Mae West

  #52 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:32:01 -0600, "Gregory Morrow"
> wrote:

>Lou Decruss wrote:

>> So this morning we were leaving at the same time so I brought Louise
>> to work and she said: Are you making the gravy tonight or in the
>> morning? So now I'm making gravy and I have no turkey. Gurrrrr...
>> Luckily the stock is strong enough because I think I'm going to have
>> to dilute it a bit to make this.

>Well, you'll be all set for stuffing and fact that is a food
>group IMSNHO...

The goofy story got worse. I decided I was going to go get some more
drumsticks to make the gravy and just as I was leaving I got a call
that the guy who was deep frying the turkey had a stroke and was in
the hospital. The lunch party had to be canceled as he is the owner.
So now I've got 12 loaves of bread cubes in the freezer. I'm going to
make pot pies tomorrow night with whatever I couldn't freeze. I did
make a small pan of cornbread stuffing Wednesday night to see how it
would be and it sucked. I used a cornbread recipe posted by OM and it
sure seemed good but I just didn't like it for the stuffing.

>> And if that veggie creep doesn't like it she can learn how to eat real
>> food. The fuggin pig weighs 250 pounds so I'm sure she can find
>> something to eat.

>Fvckin' A, Lou, I hear ya...


>I mean I am SO glad that you are choosing the healthy vegan lifestyle in
>spite of being a raging alkie and all...your liver thanks you I'm
>practically sure!

Well you've got a different type circle of friends but the oddness is
still common. I've also seen several veggie people who abuse
prescription drugs just as much as alcohol. Pop a few vicodin, suck
down a few cocktails, snort a few lines to stay awake all night and
then have a nice healthy salad for breakfast.

Healthy living at it's best.

  #53 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Fri, 28 Nov 2008 10:47:56 -0600, Lou Decruss wrote:
> Well you've got a different type circle of friends but the oddness is
> still common. I've also seen several veggie people who abuse
> prescription drugs just as much as alcohol. Pop a few vicodin, suck
> down a few cocktails, snort a few lines to stay awake all night and
> then have a nice healthy salad for breakfast.
> Healthy living at it's best.
> Lou

i was once sitting at the bar with a couple few tattooed *******s who were
all smoking cigarettes and slamming down some cocktails. it turned out
they were vegetarians, and i said something like 'how odd.'

they were very defensive. 'what's odd about it?'

your pal,

  #54 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"blake murphy"
ou Decruss wrote:
>> Well you've got a different type circle of friends but the oddness is
>> still common. I've also seen several veggie people who abuse
>> prescription drugs just as much as alcohol. Pop a few vicodin, suck>>
>> down a few cocktails, snort a few lines to stay awake all night and>>
>> then have a nice healthy salad for breakfast.
>> Healthy living at it's best.
>> Lou

> i was once sitting at the bar with a couple few tattooed *******s who were
> all smoking cigarettes and slamming down some cocktails. it turned out
> they were vegetarians, and i said something like 'how odd.'
> they were very defensive. 'what's odd about it?'
> your pal,
> blake

They weren't encouraginf animals to smoke, were they?

I had this conversation with DD Wedenesday night in which I started to
number the circumstances under which I WILL smoke again.

  #55 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
blake murphy > wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Nov 2008 10:47:56 -0600, Lou Decruss wrote:
> >
> > Well you've got a different type circle of friends but the oddness is
> > still common. I've also seen several veggie people who abuse
> > prescription drugs just as much as alcohol. Pop a few vicodin, suck
> > down a few cocktails, snort a few lines to stay awake all night and
> > then have a nice healthy salad for breakfast.
> >
> > Healthy living at it's best.
> >
> > Lou

> i was once sitting at the bar with a couple few tattooed *******s who were
> all smoking cigarettes and slamming down some cocktails. it turned out
> they were vegetarians, and i said something like 'how odd.'
> they were very defensive. 'what's odd about it?'

Yeah, what about it, Bud! Tobacco is vegetarian, and so is alcohol!

Actually, I think it's funny, also, but I probably wouldn't have told
them that.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA

  #56 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

blake murphy wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Nov 2008 10:47:56 -0600, Lou Decruss wrote:
> >
> > Well you've got a different type circle of friends but the oddness is
> > still common. I've also seen several veggie people who abuse
> > prescription drugs just as much as alcohol. Pop a few vicodin, suck
> > down a few cocktails, snort a few lines to stay awake all night and
> > then have a nice healthy salad for breakfast.
> >
> > Healthy living at it's best.
> >
> > Lou

> i was once sitting at the bar with a couple few tattooed *******s who were
> all smoking cigarettes and slamming down some cocktails. it turned out
> they were vegetarians, and i said something like 'how odd.'
> they were very defensive. 'what's odd about it?'

aka: "This is a feminist ******* bookstore, we don't have a 'humor'

Yup, blake, *exactly*, I see that shite all the time...

Then there are the ones that are so vegan that they eschew leather in their
garments and shooze but they don't have a clue about the nasty stuff in
their cigs...or what's in their likker.

One strident lezboe vegan (who smoked like a fish and drank like a chimney)
liked her vodka with cranberry juice. So I said, "Hey do you know how they
*color* that stuff? When cranberries are processed for juice the juice
comes out all clear so they have to add coloring. That red color is derived
from the bodies of a small rare South American beetle...". So she gets all
sickly looking and swore off the cranberry juice for good...

===>>> was channeling Moosie's "chicken leg" story...


  #57 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

blake murphy wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Nov 2008 10:47:56 -0600, Lou Decruss wrote:
>>Well you've got a different type circle of friends but the oddness is
>>still common. I've also seen several veggie people who abuse
>>prescription drugs just as much as alcohol. Pop a few vicodin, suck
>>down a few cocktails, snort a few lines to stay awake all night and
>>then have a nice healthy salad for breakfast.
>>Healthy living at it's best.

> i was once sitting at the bar with a couple few tattooed *******s who were
> all smoking cigarettes and slamming down some cocktails. it turned out
> they were vegetarians, and i said something like 'how odd.'
> they were very defensive. 'what's odd about it?'
> your pal,
> blake

I convinced my sister i had become a vegetarian just so she would not
serve me her awful, home slaughtered meats.
I have no problem with home butchery if the resulting product is well
cooked, but my sister can burn water and otherwise is such a lousy cook
that even her non meat foods are not something one looks forward to
having inflicted on oneself.

The one thing she can do well is make bread, but she wont, preferring to
buy white, "balloon" bread rather than apply the skills our mum was
adamant she learn.
  #58 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sat, 29 Nov 2008 18:04:27 +0100, Giusi wrote:

> "blake murphy"
> ou Decruss wrote:
>>> Well you've got a different type circle of friends but the oddness is
>>> still common. I've also seen several veggie people who abuse
>>> prescription drugs just as much as alcohol. Pop a few vicodin, suck>>
>>> down a few cocktails, snort a few lines to stay awake all night and>>
>>> then have a nice healthy salad for breakfast.
>>> Healthy living at it's best.
>>> Lou

>> i was once sitting at the bar with a couple few tattooed *******s who were
>> all smoking cigarettes and slamming down some cocktails. it turned out
>> they were vegetarians, and i said something like 'how odd.'
>> they were very defensive. 'what's odd about it?'
>> your pal,
>> blake

> They weren't encouraginf animals to smoke, were they?
> I had this conversation with DD Wedenesday night in which I started to
> number the circumstances under which I WILL smoke again.

i guess my mental stereotype of 'a vegetarian' didn't match the rest of
their demeanor.

i did once see a young woman with a rally cool tattoo on her upper arm -
the circle-and-cross female symbol with a power fist in the circle. i was
too timid to ask her about it, lest she knock me down.

your pal,

  #59 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"blake murphy" > wrote
> i did once see a young woman with a rally cool tattoo on her upper arm -
> the circle-and-cross female symbol with a power fist in the circle. i was
> too timid to ask her about it, lest she knock me down.

Nah, strong women love intelligent, funny men who actually *like* women. She
probably would have wound up compromised. Com PRO MAHZZED.

  #60 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 30 Nov 2008 12:48:18 -0500, cybercat wrote:

> "blake murphy" > wrote
>> i did once see a young woman with a rally cool tattoo on her upper arm -
>> the circle-and-cross female symbol with a power fist in the circle. i was
>> too timid to ask her about it, lest she knock me down.

> Nah, strong women love intelligent, funny men who actually *like* women. She
> probably would have wound up compromised. Com PRO MAHZZED.

i think i was gun-shy after having asked several different *******s out.

one was pretty cool: ''i'm in a committed relationship, and she's the
jealous type.'

your pal,

  #61 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

"blake murphy" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 30 Nov 2008 12:48:18 -0500, cybercat wrote:
>> "blake murphy" > wrote
>>> i did once see a young woman with a rally cool tattoo on her upper arm -
>>> the circle-and-cross female symbol with a power fist in the circle. i
>>> was
>>> too timid to ask her about it, lest she knock me down.

>> Nah, strong women love intelligent, funny men who actually *like* women.
>> She
>> probably would have wound up compromised. Com PRO MAHZZED.

> i think i was gun-shy after having asked several different *******s out.

She might not have been a lez bean! Maybe just one of those grrrrl power

  #62 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 30 Nov 2008 16:39:19 GMT, blake murphy
> wrote:

>On Sat, 29 Nov 2008 18:04:27 +0100, Giusi wrote:
>> "blake murphy"
>> ou Decruss wrote:
>>>> Well you've got a different type circle of friends but the oddness is
>>>> still common. I've also seen several veggie people who abuse
>>>> prescription drugs just as much as alcohol. Pop a few vicodin, suck>>
>>>> down a few cocktails, snort a few lines to stay awake all night and>>
>>>> then have a nice healthy salad for breakfast.
>>>> Healthy living at it's best.
>>>> Lou
>>> i was once sitting at the bar with a couple few tattooed *******s who were
>>> all smoking cigarettes and slamming down some cocktails. it turned out
>>> they were vegetarians, and i said something like 'how odd.'
>>> they were very defensive. 'what's odd about it?'
>>> your pal,
>>> blake

>> They weren't encouraginf animals to smoke, were they?
>> I had this conversation with DD Wedenesday night in which I started to
>> number the circumstances under which I WILL smoke again.

>i guess my mental stereotype of 'a vegetarian' didn't match the rest of
>their demeanor.

My observation has been it depends on the reason people have made the
choice to become vegetarian. The ones I've seen who do it because
they "don't want to eat animals" take on an almost religious attitude
and babble on with dogma. They don't seem to give a rats ass about
health but they're very happy to say how bad it is to eat animals.
Our youngest turned veggie at 17 and was a total pain in the ass to
feed until we stopped catering to her. Not only did we find out she
was going out with friends for a bacon double cheeseburger after we
loaded the fridge up with veggies and boca burgers, but we also had a
problem keeping liquor and beer around.

She spent most of a summer down south doing animal rescue after
Katrina. As you might guess they had many vegetarian meals available
for the volunteers. There was also generic beer provided by a
national beer maker. The cans had their name and "not for resale" on
them. These were all minors. When she came home and cleaned her car
I saw empty cans in her trunk. She drove 1000 miles like that.

All these young and ****ed in the head vegetarians did was party their
brains out for a whole summer and save a few animals when they sobered
up enough. I have nothing against of drinking, smoking pot, or casual
sex, but I don't do it thinking that my diet will make everything


  #63 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 17:14:40 GMT, blake murphy
> wrote:

>On Sun, 30 Nov 2008 12:48:18 -0500, cybercat wrote:
>> "blake murphy" > wrote
>>> i did once see a young woman with a rally cool tattoo on her upper arm -
>>> the circle-and-cross female symbol with a power fist in the circle. i was
>>> too timid to ask her about it, lest she knock me down.

>> Nah, strong women love intelligent, funny men who actually *like* women. She
>> probably would have wound up compromised. Com PRO MAHZZED.

>i think i was gun-shy after having asked several different *******s out.

Pfffttt....don't be gun-shy. Some go both ways. Many years ago I
dated two chicks and found out they were doing each other. One met
another guy and decided she wasn't bi anymore and went off and had a
family. The other just kept packing her nose and is probably dead by
now. The short term scenario was loads of fun though.

  #64 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 352
Default Just a reminder....

Lou Decruss wrote:

> Pfffttt....don't be gun-shy. Some go both ways. Many years ago I
> dated two chicks and found out they were doing each other. One met
> another guy and decided she wasn't bi anymore and went off and had a
> family. The other just kept packing her nose and is probably dead by
> now. The short term scenario was loads of fun though.

Yes I see, the short term scenario could be fun. Dating two chicks at
the same time... doing each other. That's the key right there... Thanks!

> Lou

  #65 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 16:47:29 -1000, dsi1 > wrote:

>Lou Decruss wrote:
>> Pfffttt....don't be gun-shy. Some go both ways. Many years ago I
>> dated two chicks and found out they were doing each other. One met
>> another guy and decided she wasn't bi anymore and went off and had a
>> family. The other just kept packing her nose and is probably dead by
>> now. The short term scenario was loads of fun though.

>Yes I see, the short term scenario could be fun. Dating two chicks at
>the same time... doing each other. That's the key right there... Thanks!

<laugh> I dated one before I started with the other. Then I found
out they were friends and the other details started coming out. My
20's weren't exactly a time of looking for anything permanent. I was
lucky if I knew the name of the chick I woke up next to at times. I
think I thought it was fun at the time. <shrug>

But now I'm learning how to cook and all is good.


  #66 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

"dsi1" > wrote in message
news:UuCdna86MJcoPKnUnZ2dnUVZ_tjinZ2d@hawaiiantel. net...
> Lou Decruss wrote:
>> Pfffttt....don't be gun-shy. Some go both ways. Many years ago I
>> dated two chicks and found out they were doing each other. One met
>> another guy and decided she wasn't bi anymore and went off and had a
>> family. The other just kept packing her nose and is probably dead by
>> now. The short term scenario was loads of fun though.

> Yes I see, the short term scenario could be fun. Dating two chicks at the
> same time... doing each other. That's the key right there... Thanks!
>> Lou

Bless your hearts. Keep dreaming.

  #67 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

On Mon, 1 Dec 2008 13:19:20 -0500, cybercat wrote:

> "blake murphy" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Sun, 30 Nov 2008 12:48:18 -0500, cybercat wrote:
>>> "blake murphy" > wrote
>>>> i did once see a young woman with a rally cool tattoo on her upper arm -
>>>> the circle-and-cross female symbol with a power fist in the circle. i
>>>> was
>>>> too timid to ask her about it, lest she knock me down.
>>> Nah, strong women love intelligent, funny men who actually *like* women.
>>> She
>>> probably would have wound up compromised. Com PRO MAHZZED.

>> i think i was gun-shy after having asked several different *******s out.

> She might not have been a lez bean! Maybe just one of those grrrrl power
> people.

i should have at least said 'i like your tat.' she was pretty nice-lookin'
as i recall.

your pal,
  #68 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 20:07:18 -0600, Lou Decruss wrote:

> On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 17:14:40 GMT, blake murphy
> > wrote:
>>On Sun, 30 Nov 2008 12:48:18 -0500, cybercat wrote:
>>> "blake murphy" > wrote
>>>> i did once see a young woman with a rally cool tattoo on her upper arm -
>>>> the circle-and-cross female symbol with a power fist in the circle. i was
>>>> too timid to ask her about it, lest she knock me down.
>>> Nah, strong women love intelligent, funny men who actually *like* women. She
>>> probably would have wound up compromised. Com PRO MAHZZED.

>>i think i was gun-shy after having asked several different *******s out.

> Pfffttt....don't be gun-shy. Some go both ways. Many years ago I
> dated two chicks and found out they were doing each other. One met
> another guy and decided she wasn't bi anymore and went off and had a
> family. The other just kept packing her nose and is probably dead by
> now. The short term scenario was loads of fun though.
> Lou

exactly. you never know unless you ask.

this one gal was striking. she had tattoos covering most of her arms and
she dyed her hair fire-engine red. a real pistol, and funny, too.

your pal,
  #69 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 20:54:47 -0600, Lou Decruss wrote:

> On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 16:47:29 -1000, dsi1 > wrote:
>>Lou Decruss wrote:
>>> Pfffttt....don't be gun-shy. Some go both ways. Many years ago I
>>> dated two chicks and found out they were doing each other. One met
>>> another guy and decided she wasn't bi anymore and went off and had a
>>> family. The other just kept packing her nose and is probably dead by
>>> now. The short term scenario was loads of fun though.

>>Yes I see, the short term scenario could be fun. Dating two chicks at
>>the same time... doing each other. That's the key right there... Thanks!

> <laugh> I dated one before I started with the other. Then I found
> out they were friends and the other details started coming out. My
> 20's weren't exactly a time of looking for anything permanent. I was
> lucky if I knew the name of the chick I woke up next to at times. I
> think I thought it was fun at the time. <shrug>

i have heard that phrase a number of times: 'you only think you're having
fun.' well, yeah, if i didn't think it was fun, i wouldn't do it. should
i do something other people think is fun?

> But now I'm learning how to cook and all is good.
> Lou

fun is where you find it, lou. i'm having a perfectly good time right now.

your pal,
elwood p. dowd
  #70 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

"blake murphy" > wrote
>> She might not have been a lez bean! Maybe just one of those grrrrl power
>> people.

> i should have at least said 'i like your tat.' she was pretty
> nice-lookin'
> as i recall.

She might have been "convertible." You know how you love driving with the
top down.

  #71 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

blake murphy wrote:

> On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 20:07:18 -0600, Lou Decruss wrote:
> > On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 17:14:40 GMT, blake murphy
> > > wrote:
> >
> >>On Sun, 30 Nov 2008 12:48:18 -0500, cybercat wrote:
> >>
> >>> "blake murphy" > wrote
> >>>> i did once see a young woman with a rally cool tattoo on her upper

arm -
> >>>> the circle-and-cross female symbol with a power fist in the circle.

i was
> >>>> too timid to ask her about it, lest she knock me down.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> Nah, strong women love intelligent, funny men who actually *like*

women. She
> >>> probably would have wound up compromised. Com PRO MAHZZED.
> >>
> >>i think i was gun-shy after having asked several different *******s out.

> >
> > Pfffttt....don't be gun-shy. Some go both ways. Many years ago I
> > dated two chicks and found out they were doing each other. One met
> > another guy and decided she wasn't bi anymore and went off and had a
> > family. The other just kept packing her nose and is probably dead by
> > now. The short term scenario was loads of fun though.
> >
> > Lou

> exactly. you never know unless you ask.
> this one gal was striking. she had tattoos covering most of her arms and

She'll look like shit at 50...I know two lezboes in that age group who had
the whole - arm tattoo thang done 30 - odd years ago. Both had them removed
via IIRC an expensive laser process, that removed the tats but left some
very ugli scar tissue. They now have to wear long sleeves in public *all*
the time...

Aging bikers with those tats are also not a pretty sight to behold...

So kids if yer gonna get tattoos get those temporary paste - on ones, you
*won't* regret it later...


  #72 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 23
Default Just a reminder....

Lou Decruss wrote:

> On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 16:47:29 -1000, dsi1 > wrote:
> >Lou Decruss wrote:
> >
> >> Pfffttt....don't be gun-shy. Some go both ways. Many years ago I
> >> dated two chicks and found out they were doing each other. One met
> >> another guy and decided she wasn't bi anymore and went off and had a
> >> family. The other just kept packing her nose and is probably dead by
> >> now. The short term scenario was loads of fun though.

> >
> >Yes I see, the short term scenario could be fun. Dating two chicks at
> >the same time... doing each other. That's the key right there... Thanks!

> <laugh> I dated one before I started with the other. Then I found
> out they were friends and the other details started coming out. My
> 20's weren't exactly a time of looking for anything permanent. I was
> lucky if I knew the name of the chick I woke up next to at times. I
> think I thought it was fun at the time. <shrug>

Sounds like me in my 20's, aka "Country Boy comes out and moves to Big City
sexual candy store"...

It's the oldest soap opera in the book...



  #73 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 23
Default Just a reminder....

Lou Decruss wrote:

> On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 17:14:40 GMT, blake murphy
> > wrote:
> >On Sun, 30 Nov 2008 12:48:18 -0500, cybercat wrote:
> >
> >> "blake murphy" > wrote
> >>> i did once see a young woman with a rally cool tattoo on her upper

arm -
> >>> the circle-and-cross female symbol with a power fist in the circle. i

> >>> too timid to ask her about it, lest she knock me down.
> >>>
> >>
> >> Nah, strong women love intelligent, funny men who actually *like*

women. She
> >> probably would have wound up compromised. Com PRO MAHZZED.

> >
> >i think i was gun-shy after having asked several different *******s out.

> Pfffttt....don't be gun-shy. Some go both ways. Many years ago I
> dated two chicks and found out they were doing each other. One met
> another guy and decided she wasn't bi anymore and went off and had a
> family. The other just kept packing her nose and is probably dead by
> now. The short term scenario was loads of fun though.

Lou the Stud Muffin took the gals to Sybaris, too:

"For more than three decades, Sybaris Pool Suites have proven to be THE
anniversary and birthday getaway destination for couples. Being close to
home and with flexible times, Sybaris is the perfect place for busy couples
to enjoy a special getaway!

Sybaris is a romantic paradise to ignite feelings, rekindle romance and
enjoy quality time together. Our whirlpool and swimming pool suites are a
delight to the senses, providing every amenity possible. It is ultimate
romantic experience.

Let's begin this adventure together with a sneak preview of Sybaris Pool

[Sounds like after the fall of Russian communism Boris and Natasha moved to
suburban Chicago and embraced capitalism with a *vengeance* by opening



  #74 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

cybercat wrote:
> "dsi1" > wrote in message
> news:UuCdna86MJcoPKnUnZ2dnUVZ_tjinZ2d@hawaiiantel. net...
>> Lou Decruss wrote:
>>> Pfffttt....don't be gun-shy. Some go both ways. Many years ago I
>>> dated two chicks and found out they were doing each other. One met
>>> another guy and decided she wasn't bi anymore and went off and had a
>>> family. The other just kept packing her nose and is probably dead by
>>> now. The short term scenario was loads of fun though.

>> Yes I see, the short term scenario could be fun. Dating two chicks at the
>> same time... doing each other. That's the key right there... Thanks!
>>> Lou

> Bless your hearts. Keep dreaming.

While you're at it can you bless my liver too? :-)


  #75 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 11,454
Default Just a reminder....

"dsi1" > wrote in message
news:5d6dnQLpTa5HAKjUnZ2dnUVZ_o_inZ2d@hawaiiantel. net...
> cybercat wrote:
>> "dsi1" > wrote in message
>> news:UuCdna86MJcoPKnUnZ2dnUVZ_tjinZ2d@hawaiiantel. net...
>>> Lou Decruss wrote:
>>>> Pfffttt....don't be gun-shy. Some go both ways. Many years ago I
>>>> dated two chicks and found out they were doing each other. One met
>>>> another guy and decided she wasn't bi anymore and went off and had a
>>>> family. The other just kept packing her nose and is probably dead by
>>>> now. The short term scenario was loads of fun though.
>>> Yes I see, the short term scenario could be fun. Dating two chicks at
>>> the same time... doing each other. That's the key right there... Thanks!
>>>> Lou

>> Bless your hearts. Keep dreaming.

> While you're at it can you bless my liver too? :-)

Okay, but that's as low as I go.

  #76 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

On Tue, 2 Dec 2008 14:19:58 -0600, "Gregory Morrow" >

>So kids if yer gonna get tattoos get those temporary paste - on ones, you
>*won't* regret it later...

All you need to do is look at aging/aged WWII, Korean, Viet Nam war
Vets. I've always hated tattoos - there's nothing uglier than a
wrinkled tattoo on an old person. BLECH.

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that
interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West
  #77 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

On Tue, 02 Dec 2008 17:05:33 GMT, blake murphy
> wrote:

>On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 20:54:47 -0600, Lou Decruss wrote:
>> On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 16:47:29 -1000, dsi1 > wrote:
>>>Lou Decruss wrote:
>>>> Pfffttt....don't be gun-shy. Some go both ways. Many years ago I
>>>> dated two chicks and found out they were doing each other. One met
>>>> another guy and decided she wasn't bi anymore and went off and had a
>>>> family. The other just kept packing her nose and is probably dead by
>>>> now. The short term scenario was loads of fun though.
>>>Yes I see, the short term scenario could be fun. Dating two chicks at
>>>the same time... doing each other. That's the key right there... Thanks!

>> <laugh> I dated one before I started with the other. Then I found
>> out they were friends and the other details started coming out. My
>> 20's weren't exactly a time of looking for anything permanent. I was
>> lucky if I knew the name of the chick I woke up next to at times. I
>> think I thought it was fun at the time. <shrug>

>i have heard that phrase a number of times: 'you only think you're having
>fun.' well, yeah, if i didn't think it was fun, i wouldn't do it. should
>i do something other people think is fun?
>> But now I'm learning how to cook and all is good.
>> Lou

>fun is where you find it, lou. i'm having a perfectly good time right now.

I'm having fun too. My body couldn't handle all the fun I had 30
years ago though. Sunday I spent the day cooking and we had friends
over and just hung around and chatted. Years ago that would have
bored me big time.

  #78 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

On Tue, 2 Dec 2008 14:24:52 -0600, "Gregory Morrow" >

>Lou Decruss wrote:
>> On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 16:47:29 -1000, dsi1 > wrote:
>> >Lou Decruss wrote:
>> >
>> >> Pfffttt....don't be gun-shy. Some go both ways. Many years ago I
>> >> dated two chicks and found out they were doing each other. One met
>> >> another guy and decided she wasn't bi anymore and went off and had a
>> >> family. The other just kept packing her nose and is probably dead by
>> >> now. The short term scenario was loads of fun though.
>> >
>> >Yes I see, the short term scenario could be fun. Dating two chicks at
>> >the same time... doing each other. That's the key right there... Thanks!

>> <laugh> I dated one before I started with the other. Then I found
>> out they were friends and the other details started coming out. My
>> 20's weren't exactly a time of looking for anything permanent. I was
>> lucky if I knew the name of the chick I woke up next to at times. I
>> think I thought it was fun at the time. <shrug>

>Sounds like me in my 20's, aka "Country Boy comes out and moves to Big City
>sexual candy store"...

We used to hang on Mannheim road in the Stone Park sleezeball area.
Or the area by O'hare that the Snuggery was in. Was a riot it was.

  #79 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Just a reminder....

On Tue, 2 Dec 2008 14:19:58 -0600, "Gregory Morrow" >

>blake murphy wrote:

>> this one gal was striking. she had tattoos covering most of her arms and

>She'll look like shit at 50...I know two lezboes in that age group who had
>the whole - arm tattoo thang done 30 - odd years ago. Both had them removed
>via IIRC an expensive laser process, that removed the tats but left some
>very ugli scar tissue. They now have to wear long sleeves in public *all*
>the time...
>Aging bikers with those tats are also not a pretty sight to behold...
>So kids if yer gonna get tattoos get those temporary paste - on ones, you
>*won't* regret it later...

Louise has a tiny sun tattooed on her bikini line. It's very small
and there's no way in hell she could get away with a bikini so I'm the
only one who sees it. After 35 years it looks pretty grim. Piercing
make me gag also.

  #80 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue, 2 Dec 2008 14:29:43 -0600, "Gregory Morrow" >

>Lou the Stud Muffin took the gals to Sybaris, too:

I've been there. I've also been to some the similar places in Pocono
Pa. Pretty much a waste of money though. Sex is just as good in
other environments. The backyard, the boat, back of a van when I had
one, etc.

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