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  #81 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Your rfc New Year's Resolution...

koko wrote:
> On Sat, 03 Jan 2009 19:40:40 +0100, ravenlynne
> > wrote:
>> Dan Abel wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> ravenlynne > wrote:

> snippage
>>> Time for a new picture on the mugshots page! (But mostly I want to see
>>> the twins. My little baby turned 23.)

>> Here's a few shots...and yes, I need a new pic of me on the mugshots
>> page. the difference between 180 and 140 lbs is major for me.
>> Here's my baby girl Skye Alexandra:
>> Here's my baby boy Ian James:

> They are just beautiful, you did good.
> koko
> --
> There is no love more sincere than the love of food
> George Bernard Shaw
> updated 12/31

Thank you...although I guess I have to credit my husband also. ;-)
  #82 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Your rfc New Year's Resolution...

Becca wrote:
> ravenlynne wrote:
>> Here's a few shots...and yes, I need a new pic of me on the mugshots
>> page. the difference between 180 and 140 lbs is major for me.
>> Here's my baby girl Skye Alexandra:
>> Here's my baby boy Ian James:

> You have two, beautiful babies.
> Becca

Thank you :-)
  #83 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Your rfc New Year's Resolution...

Kathleen wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Fri 02 Jan 2009 06:27:47p, Becca told us...

>>> Desk calendars like that one are hard to find. My 2008 calender is
>>> exactly like this one, but I ordered it from the company, myself (I
>>> put pictures of beaches on it). It was $30. I was pleased to find
>>> the animal shelter calendar for $9, even though the calendar does not
>>> include cats. They do include two horses.
>>> Oh, on the month of February, there is a photo of a dog, and it says
>>> "Jeb, who is scheduled to be euthanized." Kinda takes the joy out of
>>> looking at the photos, if you know what I mean.
>>> Becca

>> Yes, Becca, I do know what you mean. For about a month or so there
>> has been a commercial on TV for the humane society with many live
>> pictures of dogs and cats and truly heart rending musical background.
>> I can barely stand to watch it. We really can't take on any more
>> animals outselves, with 5 cats, and we honestly can't afford to
>> contribute much. However, our wills leave everything to an
>> organization of no-kill shelters here in Phoenix.

> I went with my daughter to orientation - she begins vet tech training
> Monday. The DVM who heads the program had each of the new students
> introduce themselves and say a little about what brought them there and
> what they hoped to accomplish. There were a lot of, "I've always loved
> animals" (duh!) and warm and fuzzy goals, with only a few (including DD)
> who had a specific focus in mind, and a clear plan for getting there.
> The vet gave them a very frank assessment of Missouri laws (or rather
> the lack thereof) regarding animal abuse and neglect. We live in a
> puppy mill state. Warned them that they would be seeing things on a
> daily basis that would break their hearts, and that the burn-out rate
> was high.
> I worry for my soft-hearted daughter, but I also know that she is
> stronger and tougher than I ever would have given her credit for.
> Several weeks back she was out on her horse with Scully, her BC, and
> Yak, the stable dog, miles from anywhere, alone. Yak flushed a deer,
> ran it down. It crashed into my daughter's horse, fell and Yak was on
> it in a flash and mangled both of its hind legs.
> It was screaming, there was no help and no hope, so she walked up on it
> from behind, put her boot on its head to hold it still and put it down
> with the knife her dad gave her for her 18th birthday. She didn't cry
> until she got home.

Awww..that's so sad...:-(
  #84 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Your rfc New Year's Resolution...

Gloria P wrote:
> ravenlynne wrote:
>> Here's my baby girl Skye Alexandra:
>> Here's my baby boy Ian James:

> Awwwwwww, they're beautiful. Enjoy every minute
> because they'll be teenagers in the blink of an eye.
> gloria p

Thank you :-) My "baby" is 10 now...and racing towards teenhood.
  #85 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Your rfc New Year's Resolution...

ravenlynne wrote:
> Ophelia wrote:
>> ravenlynne wrote:
>>> Dan Abel wrote:
>>>> In article >,
>>>> ravenlynne > wrote:
>>>>> ChattyCathy wrote:
>>>>>> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>>>>>>> Do you have one...and if so, what is it...???
>>>>>> Same one I make every year: I'm going to go on a seafood diet.
>>>>>> If I see food, I eat it. ;-)
>>>>> me too, but I want to work on portion control. I lost 40 lbs
>>>>> during pregnancy/since having the twins and I want to keep it
>>>>> off. I'm down to pre-marriage weight.
>>>> Time for a new picture on the mugshots page! (But mostly I want to
>>>> see the twins. My little baby turned 23.)
>>> Here's a few shots...and yes, I need a new pic of me on the mugshots
>>> page. the difference between 180 and 140 lbs is major for me.
>>> Here's my baby girl Skye Alexandra:
>>> Here's my baby boy Ian James:

>> They are SO beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! You are very lucky, but I don't
>> envy all the hard work

> Thank you! They're not so tough!

Should I ask you again in around 18 months?))

  #86 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Your rfc New Year's Resolution...

Ophelia wrote:
>>> They are SO beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! You are very lucky, but I don't
>>> envy all the hard work

>> Thank you! They're not so tough!

> Should I ask you again in around 18 months?))

  #87 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Your rfc New Year's Resolution...

Leonard Blaisdell wrote:

> In article >,
> Becca > wrote:
>>Kathleen wrote:

>>>It was screaming, there was no help and no hope, so she walked up on it
>>>from behind, put her boot on its head to hold it still and put it down
>>>with the knife her dad gave her for her 18th birthday. She didn't cry
>>>until she got home.

>>Poor kid, I am sorry she had to go through that. Life is tough
>>sometimes, but she made it.

> It's good to be close to nature. I bet she'll get through this just
> fine. It appears that Kathleen has raised a realist.

Last semester she wound up taking Outdoor Education, informally known as
Hunting Class, to fulfill the P.E. requirement for early graduation.
She was the only female in a class of 18.

They studied what, when, where and how to hunt legally. They also
studied types of guns and gun safety (the bullet comes out this end,
don't point it at anybody) and did field trips to a local firing range
where they had target practice with the different weapons. There was a
cursory nod given to bow hunting but most of them couldn't manage the
draw on the only example available.

They learned how to field dress and process game, basic first aid for
humans and dogs, and how to humanely put down wounded game.

She enjoyed the class but never expected to have to put what she learned
to use so soon. After she'd settled down a little I told her she should
have brought it home and I'd have cooked it for supper. She said
adrenaline spoils the meat and you probably wouldn't want to eat
anything that had been chased, mauled and gnawed on before being put
down*, and anyways she'd been riding bareback to stay warm and unless
she wanted to hold it in her lap there'd have been no way to carry it
back anyhow.

*I suspect Yak and Scully would disagree.

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