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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

"James" > wrote in message
>I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

Never. What flavor motor oil was predominant?

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 16:19:57 -0800 (PST), James
> asked about eating roadkill:

Only once. A friend who invited a group of us for dinner back in the
mid-seventies hit a Pukeko (a large predatory bird, native to New
Zealand, that lives in swampy areas like mangroves, estuaries, etc and
has even less road sense than a hedgehog).

Not wanting to waste it, he took it home, cleaned & plucked it and,
knowing the Pukeko's reputation for being stringy and tough, cooked it
slowly for several hours and served it with a savoury sauce that
almost masked the bird's gamey flavour.

Unfortunately, the bird was still stringy and tough despite the hours
of cooking.

It was one of the most unpleasant meals I've ever had and the only
thing that kept the evening from being a total disaster was all the

Photo of Pukeko:

Photo of a Pukeko and an Peacock:


una cerveza mas por favor ...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Wax-up and drop-in of Surfing's Golden Years: <>
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

In article
James > wrote:

> I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

That's not legal in most states tho'.
Peace! Om

"Any ship can be a minesweeper. Once." -- Anonymous
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

Omelet wrote:
> In article
> >,
> James > wrote:
>> I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
>> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

> That's not legal in most states tho'.

Hey there, Om. How are you? You're the very same Om from LC?


  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 16:19:57 -0800 (PST), James >

:I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
:damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

Not to my knowledge.
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

"Omelet" > wrote in message
> In article
> >,
> James > wrote:
>> I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
>> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

> That's not legal in most states tho'.

I wonder why it would be illegal?

We are almost out of deer meat. We got two this season and I love it, I
never taste any "gamey" taste to it and cook it like any other meat.
Spaghetti and deerballs is my favorite ;o)

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 26, 8:40�pm, "MarieD" > wrote:

> I wonder why it would be illegal?

Going back to my prosecutor days of 30 years ago,
my state at the time (Washington) had a law which
basically said that if you killed a deer while driving,
the carcass belonged to the state, and the meat was supposed to be
used to feed prisoners or others in
state custody. Converting the carcass to your own
use was punishable by fines and jail. I had first
heard that from my grandfather, who was a state
game officer. I don't know whether that is still the

My memory of this is faint and I may be forgetting
some of the details. Nor can I speak for other
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

KevinS > wrote:

>Going back to my prosecutor days of 30 years ago,
>my state at the time (Washington) had a law which
>basically said that if you killed a deer while driving,
>the carcass belonged to the state, and the meat was supposed to be
>used to feed prisoners or others in
>state custody. Converting the carcass to your own
>use was punishable by fines and jail.

Sounds like a holdover from English law concerning poachers.
Obviously, the game belongs to the Crown, and if we made
an exception for accidental vehicle hits, the poacher types would
just drive around trying to run down deer.

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 26, 9:03�pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:

> Sounds like a holdover from English law concerning
> poachers.

Maybe so, although intentionally driving one's car into
good sized deers would have to be one of the dumber
pastimes. I did have occasion to prosecute the oc-
casional poacher. They tended not to be among the
brighter or more ambitious people I have ever come

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 4,555
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

KevinS wrote:
> On Jan 26, 8:40�pm, "MarieD" > wrote:
>> I wonder why it would be illegal?

> Going back to my prosecutor days of 30 years ago,
> my state at the time (Washington) had a law which
> basically said that if you killed a deer while driving,
> the carcass belonged to the state, and the meat was supposed to be
> used to feed prisoners or others in
> state custody. Converting the carcass to your own
> use was punishable by fines and jail. I had first
> heard that from my grandfather, who was a state
> game officer. I don't know whether that is still the
> law.
> My memory of this is faint and I may be forgetting
> some of the details. Nor can I speak for other
> states.

Is the state gonna pay for the damage to my car? (actually, in some
states they used to)

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 47
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

"Omelet" > wrote in message
> In article
> >,
> James > wrote:
>> I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
>> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

> That's not legal in most states tho'.

It is in Tn, and yes, I've eaten roadkill deer.
The shoulder she took the bumper with was almost like hamburger. We tossed
that. The rest was fine.


  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

Cornholio wrote on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 07:36:06 -0500:

> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news
>> In article
>>>, James > wrote:
>>> I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over
>>> $1700 damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my
>>> freezer.

>> That's not legal in most states tho'.

> It is in Tn, and yes, I've eaten roadkill deer.
> The shoulder she took the bumper with was almost like
> hamburger. We tossed that. The rest was fine.

Sounds like the Texas Aggie joke. How many Aggies does it take to eat an
armadillo? Three; one to do it and two to look each way on the road.


James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

Email, with obvious alterations:

  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 23
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

MarieD wrote:

> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news >
>> In article
>> >,
>> James > wrote:
>>> I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
>>> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

>> That's not legal in most states tho'.

> I wonder why it would be illegal?

Oddly, collecting road kill is illegal in most states.
  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 477
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

KevinS wrote:
> On Jan 26, 8:40�pm, "MarieD" > wrote:
>> I wonder why it would be illegal?

> Going back to my prosecutor days of 30 years ago,
> my state at the time (Washington) had a law which
> basically said that if you killed a deer while driving,
> the carcass belonged to the state, and the meat was supposed to be
> used to feed prisoners or others in
> state custody. Converting the carcass to your own
> use was punishable by fines and jail. I had first
> heard that from my grandfather, who was a state
> game officer. I don't know whether that is still the
> law.
> My memory of this is faint and I may be forgetting
> some of the details. Nor can I speak for other
> states.

I knew a police officer who used to take home fresh deer kills. He was
patrolling a 20 mile stretch of highway with a good deer population.
People usually call in a deer collision to get the police report for
insurance, but even if they didn't, he was patrolling up and down that
stretch of road often enough to know when he had a fresh one.

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 477
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

KevinS wrote:
> On Jan 26, 9:03�pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:
>> Sounds like a holdover from English law concerning
>> poachers.

> Maybe so, although intentionally driving one's car into
> good sized deers would have to be one of the dumber
> pastimes.

That is an expensive way to kill a deer. They can do a lot of damage to
a car.

I did have occasion to prosecute the oc-
> casional poacher. They tended not to be among the
> brighter or more ambitious people I have ever come
> across.

I had a sumer job in an alloy smelting plant while attending university.
There was a guy in there who didn't like the student summer workers, and
we never thought much of him because he was so vocal and incredibly
stupid. He got got poaching deer back in his home province. The natural
resouces people used to prop up dead deer in a field near a road, close
enough that the headlights would light up their eys. The poachers would
stop, get out and take a shot. This guy fell for it and got caught
...... twice.
  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 26, 6:19�pm, James > wrote:
> I have. �After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

Noty knowlingly, of course I am origionally from rural Indiana, and I
now live in Texas....

  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Tue, 27 Jan 2009 09:31:38 -0500, Dave Smith wrote:

> KevinS wrote:
>> On Jan 26, 9:03�pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:
>>> Sounds like a holdover from English law concerning
>>> poachers.

>> Maybe so, although intentionally driving one's car into
>> good sized deers would have to be one of the dumber
>> pastimes.

> That is an expensive way to kill a deer. They can do a lot of damage to
> a car.
> I did have occasion to prosecute the oc-
>> casional poacher. They tended not to be among the
>> brighter or more ambitious people I have ever come
>> across.

> I had a sumer job in an alloy smelting plant while attending university.
> There was a guy in there who didn't like the student summer workers, and
> we never thought much of him because he was so vocal and incredibly
> stupid. He got got poaching deer back in his home province. The natural
> resouces people used to prop up dead deer in a field near a road, close
> enough that the headlights would light up their eys. The poachers would
> stop, get out and take a shot. This guy fell for it and got caught
> ..... twice.


your pal,
  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

In article >, Marsha > wrote:

> Omelet wrote:
> > In article
> > >,
> > James > wrote:
> >
> >> I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> >> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

> >
> > That's not legal in most states tho'.

> Hey there, Om. How are you? You're the very same Om from LC?
> Marsha/Ohio


I'm doing well, thanks. :-)
I've not posted to the low carb list in ages, in case that's what you
meant, but how many "Omelets" are there posting on usenet? <g>
Peace! Om

"Any ship can be a minesweeper. Once." -- Anonymous
  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 24,847
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

In article >,
"MarieD" > wrote:

> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news
> > In article
> > >,
> > James > wrote:
> >
> >> I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> >> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

> >
> > That's not legal in most states tho'.

> I wonder why it would be illegal?

I know it's senseless, but it is in Texas. :-( Did not used to be if you
tagged it during hunting season but I'm told that that's changed.

Very wasteful.

Besides, it's a very expensive way to hunt deer. <g>

> We are almost out of deer meat. We got two this season and I love it, I
> never taste any "gamey" taste to it and cook it like any other meat.
> Spaghetti and deerballs is my favorite ;o)
> Marie

I still have a hindquarter that was gifted to me. I intend to make
sausage out of it.
Peace! Om

"Any ship can be a minesweeper. Once." -- Anonymous

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

"KevinS" > wrote in message
On Jan 26, 8:40?pm, "MarieD" > wrote:

> I wonder why it would be illegal?

Going back to my prosecutor days of 30 years ago,
my state at the time (Washington) had a law which
basically said that if you killed a deer while driving,
the carcass belonged to the state, and the meat was supposed to be
used to feed prisoners or others in
state custody. Converting the carcass to your own
use was punishable by fines and jail. I had first
heard that from my grandfather, who was a state
game officer. I don't know whether that is still the

My memory of this is faint and I may be forgetting
some of the details. Nor can I speak for other

Here in PA I believe you have to contact the authorities when you hit a deer
and kill it. An officer or county game officer comes out, verifies that you
hit it with a car and weren't poaching and you can claim it for food. I
have hit two deer, both damn near totalled the vehicle and both times the
buck walked away,

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 27, 10:27�am, "Virginia Tadrzynski"
> wrote:

> �I have hit two deer, both damn near totalled
> the vehicle and both times the buck walked away,

It's a special treat when the deer comes through the

  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:

> Here in PA I believe you have to contact the authorities when you hit a deer
> and kill it. An officer or county game officer comes out, verifies that you
> hit it with a car and weren't poaching and you can claim it for food. I
> have hit two deer, both damn near totalled the vehicle and both times the
> buck walked away,

I know a few people who totalled their cars hitting deer, one of twice.
Another hit on one and its head came right through the windshield
cracking his jaw and breaking a few of his teeth.

They aren't quite as bad as moose. If you hit a moose it could be fatal.
They are tall enough that the front end of the car hits them in the legs
and the body comes through the windshield. Not a pretty sight.
  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 26, 7:19*pm, James > wrote:
> I have. *After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.


ABC’s primetime series “Wife Swap” is currently casting its fifth
season and looking for unique families with plenty of personality to
take part in the show. Specifically, we’re looking for moms and dads
who balance mother/fatherhood and picking up road kill! If your kids,
husband or wife are constantly trying to keep the roads clean of dead
animals, we want to hear from you! Families who participate in this
documentary-style program are given a unique opportunity to share
their beliefs and lifestyles with another family. It is truly a once
in a lifetime experience that can be life changing for everyone.

Each week on Wife Swap, the mothers from two families with different
values and belief systems will exchange lives. It’s an amazing family
experience and opportunity to learn how others really lead their
lives. Half of the week, mom lives the life of the family she is
staying with. After making her observations, she introduces several
"rule changes," where she implements rules and activities that are
important to her family. It's a positive experience for people to not
only learn but teach about other families and other ways of life. Wife
Swap airs on Disney owned ABC television on Fridays at 8 pm- the
family hour!

If you are a two-parent family with at least one child over the age of
6 living at home, and you think your family would make terrific TV,
contact us to be a part of this groundbreaking show!

To apply or get information about the show
Please contact:

Katie Lintner| Casting Producer | Wife Swap
100 6th Ave.| 3rd Floor | New York| NY 10013

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 13
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 26, 10:02*pm, Omelet > wrote:
> In article
> >,
> *James > wrote:
> > I have. *After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> > damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

> That's not legal in most states tho'.
> --
> Peace! Om
> "Any ship can be a minesweeper. Once." -- Anonymous


ABC’s primetime series “Wife Swap” is currently casting its fifth
season and looking for unique families with plenty of personality to
take part in the show. Specifically, we’re looking for moms and dads
who balance mother/fatherhood and picking up road kill! If your kids,
husband or wife are constantly trying to keep the roads clean of dead
animals, we want to hear from you! Families who participate in this
documentary-style program are given a unique opportunity to share
their beliefs and lifestyles with another family. It is truly a once
in a lifetime experience that can be life changing for everyone.

Each week on Wife Swap, the mothers from two families with different
values and belief systems will exchange lives. It’s an amazing family
experience and opportunity to learn how others really lead their
lives. Half of the week, mom lives the life of the family she is
staying with. After making her observations, she introduces several
"rule changes," where she implements rules and activities that are
important to her family. It's a positive experience for people to not
only learn but teach about other families and other ways of life. Wife
Swap airs on Disney owned ABC television on Fridays at 8 pm- the
family hour!

If you are a two-parent family with at least one child over the age of
6 living at home, and you think your family would make terrific TV,
contact us to be a part of this groundbreaking show!

To apply or get information about the show
Please contact:

Katie Lintner| Casting Producer | Wife Swap
100 6th Ave.| 3rd Floor | New York| NY 10013


  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 13
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 26, 10:30*pm, Dan Musicant ) wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 16:19:57 -0800 (PST), James >
> wrote:
> :I have. *After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> :damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.
> Not to my knowledge.

  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 13
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 26, 11:40*pm, "MarieD" > wrote:
> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news >
> > In article
> > >,
> > James > wrote:

> >> I have. *After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> >> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

> > That's not legal in most states tho'.

> I wonder why it would be illegal?
> We are almost out of deer meat. We got two this season and I love it, I
> never taste any "gamey" taste to it and cook it like any other meat.
> Spaghetti and deerballs is my favorite ;o)
> Marie


ABC’s primetime series “Wife Swap” is currently casting its fifth
season and looking for unique families with plenty of personality to
take part in the show. Specifically, we’re looking for moms and dads
who balance mother/fatherhood and picking up road kill! If your kids,
husband or wife are constantly trying to keep the roads clean of dead
animals, we want to hear from you! Families who participate in this
documentary-style program are given a unique opportunity to share
their beliefs and lifestyles with another family. It is truly a once
in a lifetime experience that can be life changing for everyone.

Each week on Wife Swap, the mothers from two families with different
values and belief systems will exchange lives. It’s an amazing family
experience and opportunity to learn how others really lead their
lives. Half of the week, mom lives the life of the family she is
staying with. After making her observations, she introduces several
"rule changes," where she implements rules and activities that are
important to her family. It's a positive experience for people to not
only learn but teach about other families and other ways of life. Wife
Swap airs on Disney owned ABC television on Fridays at 8 pm- the
family hour!

If you are a two-parent family with at least one child over the age of
6 living at home, and you think your family would make terrific TV,
contact us to be a part of this groundbreaking show!

To apply or get information about the show
Please contact:

Katie Lintner| Casting Producer | Wife Swap
100 6th Ave.| 3rd Floor | New York| NY 10013

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
external usenet poster
Posts: 13
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 27, 12:00*am, KevinS > wrote:
> On Jan 26, 8:40 pm, "MarieD" > wrote:
> > I wonder why it would be illegal?

> Going back to my prosecutor days of 30 years ago,
> my state at the time (Washington) had a law which
> basically said that if you killed a deer while driving,
> the carcass belonged to the state, and the meat was supposed to be
> used to feed prisoners or others in
> state custody. Converting the carcass to your own
> use was punishable by fines and jail. I had first
> heard that from my grandfather, who was a state
> game officer. I don't know whether that is still the
> law.
> My memory of this is faint and I may be forgetting
> some of the details. Nor can I speak for other
> states.


ABC’s primetime series “Wife Swap” is currently casting its fifth
season and looking for unique families with plenty of personality to
take part in the show. Specifically, we’re looking for moms and dads
who balance mother/fatherhood and picking up road kill! If your kids,
husband or wife are constantly trying to keep the roads clean of dead
animals, we want to hear from you! Families who participate in this
documentary-style program are given a unique opportunity to share
their beliefs and lifestyles with another family. It is truly a once
in a lifetime experience that can be life changing for everyone.

Each week on Wife Swap, the mothers from two families with different
values and belief systems will exchange lives. It’s an amazing family
experience and opportunity to learn how others really lead their
lives. Half of the week, mom lives the life of the family she is
staying with. After making her observations, she introduces several
"rule changes," where she implements rules and activities that are
important to her family. It's a positive experience for people to not
only learn but teach about other families and other ways of life. Wife
Swap airs on Disney owned ABC television on Fridays at 8 pm- the
family hour!

If you are a two-parent family with at least one child over the age of
6 living at home, and you think your family would make terrific TV,
contact us to be a part of this groundbreaking show!

To apply or get information about the show
Please contact:

Katie Lintner| Casting Producer | Wife Swap
100 6th Ave.| 3rd Floor | New York| NY 10013

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
external usenet poster
Posts: 13
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 27, 12:03*am, (Steve Pope) wrote:
> KevinS > wrote:
> >Going back to my prosecutor days of 30 years ago,
> >my state at the time (Washington) had a law which
> >basically said that if you killed a deer while driving,
> >the carcass belonged to the state, and the meat was supposed to be
> >used to feed prisoners or others in
> >state custody. Converting the carcass to your own
> >use was punishable by fines and jail.

> Sounds like a holdover from English law concerning poachers.
> Obviously, the game belongs to the Crown, and if we made
> an exception for accidental vehicle hits, the poacher types would
> just drive around trying to run down deer.
> S.


ABC’s primetime series “Wife Swap” is currently casting its fifth
season and looking for unique families with plenty of personality to
take part in the show. Specifically, we’re looking for moms and dads
who balance mother/fatherhood and picking up road kill! If your kids,
husband or wife are constantly trying to keep the roads clean of dead
animals, we want to hear from you! Families who participate in this
documentary-style program are given a unique opportunity to share
their beliefs and lifestyles with another family. It is truly a once
in a lifetime experience that can be life changing for everyone.

Each week on Wife Swap, the mothers from two families with different
values and belief systems will exchange lives. It’s an amazing family
experience and opportunity to learn how others really lead their
lives. Half of the week, mom lives the life of the family she is
staying with. After making her observations, she introduces several
"rule changes," where she implements rules and activities that are
important to her family. It's a positive experience for people to not
only learn but teach about other families and other ways of life. Wife
Swap airs on Disney owned ABC television on Fridays at 8 pm- the
family hour!

If you are a two-parent family with at least one child over the age of
6 living at home, and you think your family would make terrific TV,
contact us to be a part of this groundbreaking show!

To apply or get information about the show
Please contact:

Katie Lintner| Casting Producer | Wife Swap
100 6th Ave.| 3rd Floor | New York| NY 10013

  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
external usenet poster
Posts: 13
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 27, 12:11*am, KevinS > wrote:
> On Jan 26, 9:03 pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:
> > Sounds like a holdover from English law concerning
> > poachers.

> Maybe so, although intentionally driving one's car into
> good sized deers would have to be one of the dumber
> pastimes. I did have occasion to prosecute the oc-
> casional poacher. They tended not to be among the
> brighter or more ambitious people I have ever come
> across.


ABC’s primetime series “Wife Swap” is currently casting its fifth
season and looking for unique families with plenty of personality to
take part in the show. Specifically, we’re looking for moms and dads
who balance mother/fatherhood and picking up road kill! If your kids,
husband or wife are constantly trying to keep the roads clean of dead
animals, we want to hear from you! Families who participate in this
documentary-style program are given a unique opportunity to share
their beliefs and lifestyles with another family. It is truly a once
in a lifetime experience that can be life changing for everyone.

Each week on Wife Swap, the mothers from two families with different
values and belief systems will exchange lives. It’s an amazing family
experience and opportunity to learn how others really lead their
lives. Half of the week, mom lives the life of the family she is
staying with. After making her observations, she introduces several
"rule changes," where she implements rules and activities that are
important to her family. It's a positive experience for people to not
only learn but teach about other families and other ways of life. Wife
Swap airs on Disney owned ABC television on Fridays at 8 pm- the
family hour!

If you are a two-parent family with at least one child over the age of
6 living at home, and you think your family would make terrific TV,
contact us to be a part of this groundbreaking show!

To apply or get information about the show
Please contact:

Katie Lintner| Casting Producer | Wife Swap
100 6th Ave.| 3rd Floor | New York| NY 10013


  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
external usenet poster
Posts: 13
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 27, 2:38*am, zxcvbob > wrote:
> KevinS wrote:
> > On Jan 26, 8:40 pm, "MarieD" > wrote:

> >> I wonder why it would be illegal?

> > Going back to my prosecutor days of 30 years ago,
> > my state at the time (Washington) had a law which
> > basically said that if you killed a deer while driving,
> > the carcass belonged to the state, and the meat was supposed to be
> > used to feed prisoners or others in
> > state custody. Converting the carcass to your own
> > use was punishable by fines and jail. I had first
> > heard that from my grandfather, who was a state
> > game officer. I don't know whether that is still the
> > law.

> > My memory of this is faint and I may be forgetting
> > some of the details. Nor can I speak for other
> > states.

> Is the state gonna pay for the damage to my car? *(actually, in some
> states they used to)
> Bob


ABC’s primetime series “Wife Swap” is currently casting its fifth
season and looking for unique families with plenty of personality to
take part in the show. Specifically, we’re looking for moms and dads
who balance mother/fatherhood and picking up road kill! If your kids,
husband or wife are constantly trying to keep the roads clean of dead
animals, we want to hear from you! Families who participate in this
documentary-style program are given a unique opportunity to share
their beliefs and lifestyles with another family. It is truly a once
in a lifetime experience that can be life changing for everyone.

Each week on Wife Swap, the mothers from two families with different
values and belief systems will exchange lives. It’s an amazing family
experience and opportunity to learn how others really lead their
lives. Half of the week, mom lives the life of the family she is
staying with. After making her observations, she introduces several
"rule changes," where she implements rules and activities that are
important to her family. It's a positive experience for people to not
only learn but teach about other families and other ways of life. Wife
Swap airs on Disney owned ABC television on Fridays at 8 pm- the
family hour!

If you are a two-parent family with at least one child over the age of
6 living at home, and you think your family would make terrific TV,
contact us to be a part of this groundbreaking show!

To apply or get information about the show
Please contact:

Katie Lintner| Casting Producer | Wife Swap
100 6th Ave.| 3rd Floor | New York| NY 10013

  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
external usenet poster
Posts: 13
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 27, 7:36*am, "Cornholio" > wrote:
> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news >
> > In article
> > >,
> > James > wrote:

> >> I have. *After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> >> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

> > That's not legal in most states tho'.

> It is in Tn, and yes, I've eaten roadkill deer.
> The shoulder she took the bumper with was almost like hamburger. *We tossed
> that. *The rest was fine.
> TFM®


ABC’s primetime series “Wife Swap” is currently casting its fifth
season and looking for unique families with plenty of personality to
take part in the show. Specifically, we’re looking for moms and dads
who balance mother/fatherhood and picking up road kill! If your kids,
husband or wife are constantly trying to keep the roads clean of dead
animals, we want to hear from you! Families who participate in this
documentary-style program are given a unique opportunity to share
their beliefs and lifestyles with another family. It is truly a once
in a lifetime experience that can be life changing for everyone.

Each week on Wife Swap, the mothers from two families with different
values and belief systems will exchange lives. It’s an amazing family
experience and opportunity to learn how others really lead their
lives. Half of the week, mom lives the life of the family she is
staying with. After making her observations, she introduces several
"rule changes," where she implements rules and activities that are
important to her family. It's a positive experience for people to not
only learn but teach about other families and other ways of life. Wife
Swap airs on Disney owned ABC television on Fridays at 8 pm- the
family hour!

If you are a two-parent family with at least one child over the age of
6 living at home, and you think your family would make terrific TV,
contact us to be a part of this groundbreaking show!

To apply or get information about the show
Please contact:

Katie Lintner| Casting Producer | Wife Swap
100 6th Ave.| 3rd Floor | New York| NY 10013

  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
external usenet poster
Posts: 13
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 27, 9:12*am, clams_casino > wrote:
> MarieD wrote:
> > "Omelet" > wrote in message
> >news

> >> In article
> >> >,
> >> James > wrote:

> >>> I have. *After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> >>> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

> >> That's not legal in most states tho'.

> > I wonder why it would be illegal?

> Oddly, collecting road kill is illegal in most states.


ABC’s primetime series “Wife Swap” is currently casting its fifth
season and looking for unique families with plenty of personality to
take part in the show. Specifically, we’re looking for moms and dads
who balance mother/fatherhood and picking up road kill! If your kids,
husband or wife are constantly trying to keep the roads clean of dead
animals, we want to hear from you! Families who participate in this
documentary-style program are given a unique opportunity to share
their beliefs and lifestyles with another family. It is truly a once
in a lifetime experience that can be life changing for everyone.

Each week on Wife Swap, the mothers from two families with different
values and belief systems will exchange lives. It’s an amazing family
experience and opportunity to learn how others really lead their
lives. Half of the week, mom lives the life of the family she is
staying with. After making her observations, she introduces several
"rule changes," where she implements rules and activities that are
important to her family. It's a positive experience for people to not
only learn but teach about other families and other ways of life. Wife
Swap airs on Disney owned ABC television on Fridays at 8 pm- the
family hour!

If you are a two-parent family with at least one child over the age of
6 living at home, and you think your family would make terrific TV,
contact us to be a part of this groundbreaking show!

To apply or get information about the show
Please contact:

Katie Lintner| Casting Producer | Wife Swap
100 6th Ave.| 3rd Floor | New York| NY 10013


  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
external usenet poster
Posts: 13
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 27, 9:27*am, Dave Smith
> wrote:
> KevinS wrote:
> > On Jan 26, 8:40 pm, "MarieD" > wrote:

> >> I wonder why it would be illegal?

> > Going back to my prosecutor days of 30 years ago,
> > my state at the time (Washington) had a law which
> > basically said that if you killed a deer while driving,
> > the carcass belonged to the state, and the meat was supposed to be
> > used to feed prisoners or others in
> > state custody. Converting the carcass to your own
> > use was punishable by fines and jail. I had first
> > heard that from my grandfather, who was a state
> > game officer. I don't know whether that is still the
> > law.

> > My memory of this is faint and I may be forgetting
> > some of the details. Nor can I speak for other
> > states.

> I knew a police officer who used to take home fresh deer kills. He was
> patrolling a 20 mile stretch of highway with a good deer population.
> People usually call in a deer collision to get the police report for
> insurance, but even if they didn't, he was patrolling up and down that
> stretch of road often enough to know when he had a fresh one.


ABC’s primetime series “Wife Swap” is currently casting its fifth
season and looking for unique families with plenty of personality to
take part in the show. Specifically, we’re looking for moms and dads
who balance mother/fatherhood and picking up road kill! If your kids,
husband or wife are constantly trying to keep the roads clean of dead
animals, we want to hear from you! Families who participate in this
documentary-style program are given a unique opportunity to share
their beliefs and lifestyles with another family. It is truly a once
in a lifetime experience that can be life changing for everyone.

Each week on Wife Swap, the mothers from two families with different
values and belief systems will exchange lives. It’s an amazing family
experience and opportunity to learn how others really lead their
lives. Half of the week, mom lives the life of the family she is
staying with. After making her observations, she introduces several
"rule changes," where she implements rules and activities that are
important to her family. It's a positive experience for people to not
only learn but teach about other families and other ways of life. Wife
Swap airs on Disney owned ABC television on Fridays at 8 pm- the
family hour!

If you are a two-parent family with at least one child over the age of
6 living at home, and you think your family would make terrific TV,
contact us to be a part of this groundbreaking show!

To apply or get information about the show
Please contact:

Katie Lintner| Casting Producer | Wife Swap
100 6th Ave.| 3rd Floor | New York| NY 10013


  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
external usenet poster
Posts: 13
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 27, 11:33*am, rosie > wrote:
> On Jan 26, 6:19 pm, James > wrote:
> > I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> > damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

> Noty knowlingly, of course I am origionally from rural Indiana, and I
> now live in Texas....
> Rosie


ABC’s primetime series “Wife Swap” is currently casting its fifth
season and looking for unique families with plenty of personality to
take part in the show. Specifically, we’re looking for moms and dads
who balance mother/fatherhood and picking up road kill! If your kids,
husband or wife are constantly trying to keep the roads clean of dead
animals, we want to hear from you! Families who participate in this
documentary-style program are given a unique opportunity to share
their beliefs and lifestyles with another family. It is truly a once
in a lifetime experience that can be life changing for everyone.

Each week on Wife Swap, the mothers from two families with different
values and belief systems will exchange lives. It’s an amazing family
experience and opportunity to learn how others really lead their
lives. Half of the week, mom lives the life of the family she is
staying with. After making her observations, she introduces several
"rule changes," where she implements rules and activities that are
important to her family. It's a positive experience for people to not
only learn but teach about other families and other ways of life. Wife
Swap airs on Disney owned ABC television on Fridays at 8 pm- the
family hour!

If you are a two-parent family with at least one child over the age of
6 living at home, and you think your family would make terrific TV,
contact us to be a part of this groundbreaking show!

To apply or get information about the show
Please contact:

Katie Lintner| Casting Producer | Wife Swap
100 6th Ave.| 3rd Floor | New York| NY 10013


  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
external usenet poster
Posts: 13
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 27, 12:24*pm, blake murphy > wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Jan 2009 09:31:38 -0500, Dave Smith wrote:
> > KevinS wrote:
> >> On Jan 26, 9:03 pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:

> >>> Sounds like a holdover from English law concerning
> >>> poachers.

> >> Maybe so, although intentionally driving one's car into
> >> good sized deers would have to be one of the dumber
> >> pastimes.

> > That is an expensive way to kill a deer. They can do a lot of damage to
> > a car.

> > * I did have occasion to prosecute the oc-
> >> casional poacher. They tended not to be among the
> >> brighter or more ambitious people I have ever come
> >> across.

> > I had a sumer job in an alloy smelting plant while attending university..
> > There was a guy in there who didn't like the student summer workers, and
> > we never thought much of him because he was so vocal and incredibly
> > stupid. He got got poaching deer back in his home province. The natural
> > resouces people used to prop up dead deer in a field near a road, close
> > enough that the headlights would light up their eys. *The poachers would
> > stop, get out and take a shot. *This guy fell for it and got caught
> > ..... twice.

> * * * * <snort>
> your pal,
> bambi


ABC’s primetime series “Wife Swap” is currently casting its fifth
season and looking for unique families with plenty of personality to
take part in the show. Specifically, we’re looking for moms and dads
who balance mother/fatherhood and picking up road kill! If your kids,
husband or wife are constantly trying to keep the roads clean of dead
animals, we want to hear from you! Families who participate in this
documentary-style program are given a unique opportunity to share
their beliefs and lifestyles with another family. It is truly a once
in a lifetime experience that can be life changing for everyone.

Each week on Wife Swap, the mothers from two families with different
values and belief systems will exchange lives. It’s an amazing family
experience and opportunity to learn how others really lead their
lives. Half of the week, mom lives the life of the family she is
staying with. After making her observations, she introduces several
"rule changes," where she implements rules and activities that are
important to her family. It's a positive experience for people to not
only learn but teach about other families and other ways of life. Wife
Swap airs on Disney owned ABC television on Fridays at 8 pm- the
family hour!

If you are a two-parent family with at least one child over the age of
6 living at home, and you think your family would make terrific TV,
contact us to be a part of this groundbreaking show!

To apply or get information about the show
Please contact:

Katie Lintner| Casting Producer | Wife Swap
100 6th Ave.| 3rd Floor | New York| NY 10013


  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

KevinS wrote:

> On Jan 26, 9:03�pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:
>> Sounds like a holdover from English law concerning
>> poachers.

> Maybe so, although intentionally driving one's car into
> good sized deers would have to be one of the dumber
> pastimes.

What if you mounted a sort of spear in front?

Cheers, Bev
================================================== ===========
"On the other hand, I live in California so I'd be willing to
squeeze schoolchildren to death if I thought some oil would
come out." -- Scott Adams
  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
external usenet poster
Posts: 932
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

On Jan 26, 6:19*pm, James > wrote:
> I have. *After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

Boy that buck was sure stupid. Betcha he'll never do THAT again!

Sheeeesh! Where do these guys come from?
Lynn in Fargo
  #39 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 1
Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

"Lynn from Fargo" > wrote in message
On Jan 26, 6:19 pm, James > wrote:
> I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.

Boy that buck was sure stupid. Betcha he'll never do THAT again!

Sheeeesh! Where do these guys come from?
Lynn in Fargo


From the woods. That's why they're underinformed about things like roads and
how expensive car repairs are.


  #40 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
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Default Have you ever ate roadkill?

Lynn wrote on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 10:43:53 -0800 (PST):

> On Jan 26, 6:19 pm, James > wrote:
>> I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did
>> over $1700 damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my
>> freezer.

> ==============================================
> Boy that buck was sure stupid. Betcha he'll never do THAT
> again!

> Sheeeesh! Where do these guys come from?
> Lynn in Fargo

Deer do seem to be hungry around here this winter. It is the first time
that I ever noticed them eat English ivy or Pachysandra. Nothing seems
to be poisonous to a deer.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

Email, with obvious alterations:

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