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Default (2009-03-11) NS-RFC site: Setting the menu
Chatty Cathy
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Default (2009-03-11) NS-RFC site: Setting the menu

"ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> --
> Cheers
> Chatty Cathy

Darn....When I didn't see any replies I thought I was first....I was up
at 5:45 too, but checked my email first.....Sharon in Canada

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"ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> --
> Cheers
> Chatty Cathy


I live alone but sometimes I can't even reach a consensus with myself
I'll wake up and think such-and-such sounds good for dinner. I'll take
whatever it is out of the freezer to thaw. Sometimes by mid-afternoon I've
decided I'd really rather have this-and-that. So then I have to either
commit to doing something with what I've already thawed or do a quick-thaw
of something else (in cold water in the sink). And I still have to use
whatever I thawed in the morning within a day or two. LOL


  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mar 11, 6:02*am, ChattyCathy > wrote:

I feel better now. I thought we were the last folks to decide on the
fly what's to eat.

What's on sale. What's in the pantry. What's in the fridge/freezer.
What's on it's last legs and needs to be used up soon.

maxine in ri
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"maxine" > wrote in message
On Mar 11, 6:02 am, ChattyCathy > wrote:

I feel better now. I thought we were the last folks to decide on the
fly what's to eat.

What's on sale. What's in the pantry. What's in the fridge/freezer.
What's on it's last legs and needs to be used up soon.

maxine in ri



  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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maxine wrote:
> On Mar 11, 6:02 am, ChattyCathy > wrote:

> I feel better now. I thought we were the last folks to decide on the
> fly what's to eat.
> What's on sale. What's in the pantry. What's in the fridge/freezer.
> What's on it's last legs and needs to be used up soon.
> maxine in ri

I'll take it a step further and say that depending on what we finally
decide to eat also determines who cooks. DH does certain things and I do

I am surprised no one here plans their meals in advance.
I had a friend in high schools whose mom planned every aspect of dinner.
She even planned out the chores to go with each meal, like who would
shred the cheese on Monday and who would set the table on Wednesday to
who would wipe off the dinner table on Friday.

It seemed so incredibly anal to me at the time, but I came from a
completely different world where mom did everything. We were not spoiled
either....she just made dinner and we ate. I am sure we all helped clean
up and do dishes, but nothing was assigned.

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ChattyCathy wrote:


Given that I get very little feedback when I ask, pre-shopping, "What
sounds good? What do you guys want?", they don't get much of a vote
when I plan supper.

I try to take known preferences into account but otherwise it boils down
to "You get what you get and you don't fuss about it" - the same thing I
told my daughter, aged 3, when I was pregnant and she insisted on
referring to the bun in the oven as, "My brudder, Julian, who is
floatin' upside down and is glad he has a big sister". Turned out she
was rather creepily right, but still....

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maxine wrote:

> I thought we were the last folks to decide on the fly what's to eat.
> What's on sale. What's in the pantry. What's in the fridge/freezer.
> What's on it's last legs and needs to be used up soon.

Tonight I felt like making a midnight snack, using leftover rice and
leftover steak. The rice had a suspicious discoloring which may or may not
have been from our Chinese meal a week ago. I threw it away and instead had
a panino on a ciabatta roll with the leftover steak, jalapeno jack cheese,
and sliced tomato. Does that count?


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maxine wrote:

> On Mar 11, 6:02Â*am, ChattyCathy > wrote:

> I feel better now. I thought we were the last folks to decide on the
> fly what's to eat.

You are not alone... <g>

> What's on sale. What's in the pantry. What's in the fridge/freezer.
> What's on it's last legs and needs to be used up soon.

I do my food shopping weekly - so it's normally a case of choosing
something from the freezer. But it can take anything up to an hour (on
average) to arrive at a 'consensus' nonetheless.

Take this morning for instance. We'd decided on chicken so I took some
out the freezer - but then the question of "So what we gonna do with
the chicken?" came up. I looked thru' my recipe software, and didn't
see anything I fancied, flipped through a few of my recipe books but
didn't find anything in them that I felt like either... So I ask DH for
suggestions. He starts googling for recipes - and we eventually settled
on chicken schnitzel. This recipe to be exact:

Gonna make some mashed spuds and some roasted butternut to go with it,
Chatty Cathy
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Tracy wrote:

> I am surprised no one here plans their meals in advance.

I plan all my special-occasion meals. If I'm making a fairly elaborate meal
between those occasions, I'll plan that too.

When we start getting weekly boxes of produce from our CSA in late May, I do
intend to plan meals based on what the boxes contain. In the past, I'd
forget about some items and they'd spoil before I got around to doing
anything with them.


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maxine wrote:
> On Mar 11, 6:02 am, ChattyCathy > wrote:

> I feel better now. I thought we were the last folks to decide on the
> fly what's to eat.
> What's on sale. What's in the pantry. What's in the fridge/freezer.
> What's on it's last legs and needs to be used up soon.

I'm with you! That's the perfect description of menu planning
here. And occasionally it's What do I have a craving for and
will run out for the ingredients.

Of course, I don't have to worry about feeding children, so it's
very casual around here. Last night was forage for yourself
night, there are so many leftovers in the refrigerator, just pick
one and heat it up for yourself. I had meatloaf because it's
been there 3 days, use it or lose it.

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jay posted:

> Maybe you have AAADD.. Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder
> This is how it goes: I decide to wash the car; I start toward the garage

Plagiarism is lame, especially of a joke which has been circulating around
Usenet since 2002 or earlier.


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jay wrote:

> When I try to figure out how come nothing got done today, I'm baffled
> because I KNOW I WAS BUSY ALL DAY LONG!!! I realize this is a serious
> condition and I WILL get help, but FIRST I think I'll check my
> e-mail...

It's funny because it's true. Sad, but true.


  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Easter Dinner?

Speaking of menu-planning, has anybody else started planning dinner for
Easter? My menu is still tentative because it's uncertain what local fruits
will be ripe by that time. Kiwis, strawberries, cherries, and apricots are
all possible, but none are certain.

Other than dessert, my Easter menu is pretty much planned, so in Mr. Bill
style, here's the menu, including my tentatively planned dessert:


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Tracy wrote:

> I'll take it a step further and say that depending on what we finally
> decide to eat also determines who cooks. DH does certain things and I
> do others.

Yes - there is that aspect to it, too.
> I am surprised no one here plans their meals in advance.
> I had a friend in high schools whose mom planned every aspect of
> dinner. She even planned out the chores to go with each meal, like who
> would shred the cheese on Monday and who would set the table on
> Wednesday to who would wipe off the dinner table on Friday.

I think it also depends on the size of the family. If there's 6 kids +
spouse/SO to cook for every day, I guess meal planning makes a lot of
> It seemed so incredibly anal to me at the time, but I came from a
> completely different world where mom did everything. We were not
> spoiled either....she just made dinner and we ate. I am sure we all
> helped clean up and do dishes, but nothing was assigned.

Know what you mean. My Mom was the same - but she was a good cook (still
is) and she always made tasty meals for us. Except for the 'tripe
episode' <lol> I don't think I ever had cause to complain about what
she put on the table at dinner time. And her apple pie was 'to die
for'. ;-)
Chatty Cathy

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"ChattyCathy" wrote:

Why would anyone think that those who live alone don't plan their meals?!?!?

  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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jmcquown wrote:
> "ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> ...
>> --
>> Cheers
>> Chatty Cathy


> I live alone but sometimes I can't even reach a consensus with myself

I can understand that. One of us goes out shopping, usually on Friday.
and picks up something fresh to have that night, and something for
Saturday and Sunday nights. The rest goes into the freezer. Most
weekdays one of us will suggest getting "something" out of the freezer,
and there may or may not be a few seconds discussion about what to get
out. When it comes time to cook, one of us will assume responsibility
for cooking dinner and there may or may not be a short discussion about
what to have.

It is a different story when I am home alone. I don't usually bother to
cook a big meal for myself. I find it hard to come up with a dinner idea
and stick to it.
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jay tried to weasel:

>>> Maybe you have AAADD.. Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder
>>> This is how it goes: I decide to wash the car; I start toward the garage

>> Plagiarism is lame, especially of a joke which has been circulating
>> around Usenet since 2002 or earlier.

> Eat shit.. I didn't claim to have written it and really don't know who
> did.
> Furthermore I didn't post it for a obnoxious fat ass like you to critique.

When you post without any kind of proper attributions, you ARE claiming to
be the originator, ****face. Why did you not even bother to say, "This is
something SOMEBODY ELSE WROTE that I thought was funny," the way an ETHICAL
person would have done? The obvious answer is that you are a slime-covered
weasel trying to take credit for the wit of others, because you don't have
any wit of your own. If you weren't so stupid, you could have been a lawyer
or a politician! (Sad, when you're too stupid even to be a politician like

Also, what I wrote wasn't a critique of the article itself. It was a
reflection on YOUR trying to pass the article off as your own. Now that
you've been caught, OF COURSE you claim that you weren't trying anything of
the sort. That's what weasels like you do.

I'd also bet that my percentage of body fat is at least five points lower
than yours, so you calling me a "fat ass" is fairly funny. How much money do
you want to put up so that we can settle that particular issue?


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brooklyn1 wrote:

> "ChattyCathy" wrote:

> Why would anyone think that those who live alone don't plan their
> meals?!?!?

I give up, why?
Chatty Cathy
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ChattyCathy wrote:
> Tracy wrote:
>> I'll take it a step further and say that depending on what we finally
>> decide to eat also determines who cooks. DH does certain things and I
>> do others.

> Yes - there is that aspect to it, too.
>> I am surprised no one here plans their meals in advance.
>> I had a friend in high schools whose mom planned every aspect of
>> dinner. She even planned out the chores to go with each meal, like who
>> would shred the cheese on Monday and who would set the table on
>> Wednesday to who would wipe off the dinner table on Friday.

> I think it also depends on the size of the family. If there's 6 kids +
> spouse/SO to cook for every day, I guess meal planning makes a lot of
> sense.
>> It seemed so incredibly anal to me at the time, but I came from a
>> completely different world where mom did everything. We were not
>> spoiled either....she just made dinner and we ate. I am sure we all
>> helped clean up and do dishes, but nothing was assigned.

> Know what you mean. My Mom was the same - but she was a good cook (still
> is) and she always made tasty meals for us. Except for the 'tripe
> episode' <lol> I don't think I ever had cause to complain about what
> she put on the table at dinner time. And her apple pie was 'to die
> for'. ;-)

I think in this case it was a single mom who really needed to keep a
hold of things. Her kids had,if I recall correctly, about a year between
each one. My friend was the oldest - so the kids were something like
17,16,15,14 and 13. (Irish Quintuplets!!) Maybe not exactly a year, but
they were very close in age.

A lot of teenagers. They fought over everything so order at dinner had
to be maintained.


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On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 09:16:28 -0600, jay wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 07:06:34 -0700, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> jay posted:
>>> Maybe you have AAADD.. Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder
>>> This is how it goes: I decide to wash the car; I start toward the garage

>> Plagiarism is lame, especially of a joke which has been circulating around
>> Usenet since 2002 or earlier.
>> Bob

> Eat shit.. I didn't claim to have written it and really don't know who did.
> Furthermore I didn't post it for a obnoxious fat ass like you to critique.
> jay

well, this skinny-ass person thought it was lame too.

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On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 16:38:56 +0200, ChattyCathy wrote:

> brooklyn1 wrote:
>> "ChattyCathy" wrote:

>> Why would anyone think that those who live alone don't plan their
>> meals?!?!?

> I give up, why?

either sheldon doesn't understand what 'concensus' means or there is a
pitched battle between his multiple personalities each night.

your pal,
  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article
maxine > wrote:
> What's on sale. What's in the pantry. What's in the fridge/freezer.
> What's on it's last legs and needs to be used up soon.
> maxine in ri

<grin> I remember a phone conversation with a sister. It was
mid-morning and she asked what I was having for dinner. I said I had no
idea; I wouldn't even think about it until about 3:30 or so. She was
stunned. Lately I've been planning a little ahead of that and thawing
meat in a pan of cold water. Works a treat. If I look into the fridge
and see something on wobbly legs, I might just let it stay there another
two days when I can toss it with a clear conscience.

I was rummaging in the freezer yesterday and see that I have at least
one, if not two, whole chickens in there. I'm thinking about having
another run at a roast chicken for tonight ‹ gotta get my confidence
back after the debacle of a couple weeks ago when TWD came for dinner.

I made another loser pork roast last night. I'm thinking that its
cremains * I mean leftovers * will become the star of my famous
Minnesota Mooshy Chow Mein within the next couple days. (Eat your heart
our, Kimberly!). I didn't burn it; it was just overdone and dry.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
"What you say about someone else says more
about you than it does about the other person."
  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >, Tracy >

> I am surprised no one here plans their meals in advance.
> I had a friend in high schools whose mom planned every aspect of dinner.
> She even planned out the chores to go with each meal, like who would
> shred the cheese on Monday and who would set the table on Wednesday to
> who would wipe off the dinner table on Friday.

> -Tracy

She had the makings of a first rate Project Manager, Tracy. <g>
Lately I've been giving thought to laying out a week's worth of entrees,
if not the whole meal. It would save on angst.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
"What you say about someone else says more
about you than it does about the other person."
  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Easter Dinner?

In article >,
"Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:
> Other than dessert, my Easter menu is pretty much planned, so in Mr. Bill
> style, here's the menu, including my tentatively planned dessert:
> Bob

Shame on you!! ROFL!!

-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
"What you say about someone else says more
about you than it does about the other person."

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On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 12:02:26 +0200, ChattyCathy wrote:


maybe i shouldn't be, but i was surprised to see so many single-person

your pal,
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In article >,
"jmcquown" > wrote:
> I live alone but sometimes I can't even reach a consensus with myself
> I'll wake up and think such-and-such sounds good for dinner. I'll take
> whatever it is out of the freezer to thaw. Sometimes by mid-afternoon I've
> decided I'd really rather have this-and-that. So then I have to either
> commit to doing something with what I've already thawed or do a quick-thaw
> of something else (in cold water in the sink). And I still have to use
> whatever I thawed in the morning within a day or two. LOL
> Jill

I had that going with some pork ribs last week. They were in the fridge
for 2-3 days after I thawed them in a sinkful of water (I've learned to
love that method for thawing meat). I made kraut and ribs in the
electric roaster. Heavenly.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
"What you say about someone else says more
about you than it does about the other person."
  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Melba's Jammin'" wrote

> I made another loser pork roast last night. I'm thinking that its
> cremains * I mean leftovers * will become the star of my famous
> Minnesota Mooshy Chow Mein within the next couple days. (Eat your heart
> our, Kimberly!). I didn't burn it; it was just overdone and dry.
> Blech!

Naw, throw it in a crockpot with a bunch of dried beans and water. Magic!

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 09:30:58 -0400, Tracy > wrote:

>I am surprised no one here plans their meals in advance.

I do. I plan on Friday (we go shopping at the farmer's market on
Saturday) for the week ahead. But then there are four of us and it's
really convenient that way, but I'm sure that when the kids are gone
I'll go back to a mixture of planning a few meals at a time + going on
the spur of the moment.

Nathalie in Switzerland
  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Tracy wrote:

> I am surprised no one here plans their meals in advance.

While I don't plan particular meals for particular days, I do shop and
plan certain meals. I buy ingredients for meals but I just don't know
which day I'll be fixing them. I like the flexibility of letting my mood
as well as outside impositions determine which meal I'm making that day.

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Goomba > wrote:

>Tracy wrote:

>> I am surprised no one here plans their meals in advance.

>While I don't plan particular meals for particular days, I do shop and
>plan certain meals. I buy ingredients for meals but I just don't know
>which day I'll be fixing them. I like the flexibility of letting my mood
>as well as outside impositions determine which meal I'm making that day.

I more or less plan on the level of "I'll use half this
tofu for a stir fry tonight, and the other half for
tofu sandwiches tomorrow". This level of thinking informs
me as to how much stuff I have to buy.

This may be related to my reluctance to freeze leftovers
or unused ingredients; I feel I should buy the correct
amounts to begin with.

  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Easter Dinner?

In article >,
"Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:

> Speaking of menu-planning, has anybody else started planning dinner for
> Easter? My menu is still tentative because it's uncertain what local fruits
> will be ripe by that time. Kiwis, strawberries, cherries, and apricots are
> all possible, but none are certain.
> Other than dessert, my Easter menu is pretty much planned, so in Mr. Bill
> style, here's the menu, including my tentatively planned dessert:
> Bob

Nice Menu!

I bought a duck at the Asian Market on Friday, and plan that roasted for
Easter dinner.

I've not planned the sides and stuff yet.
Peace! Om

I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. -- Dalai Lama
  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Nathalie Chiva wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 09:30:58 -0400, Tracy > wrote:
>>I am surprised no one here plans their meals in advance.

> I do. I plan on Friday (we go shopping at the farmer's market on
> Saturday) for the week ahead. But then there are four of us and it's
> really convenient that way, but I'm sure that when the kids are gone
> I'll go back to a mixture of planning a few meals at a time + going on
> the spur of the moment.
> Nathalie in Switzerland

Is it possible to do both? plan a weeks food and be spontaneous about
meals at the same time?

Once a week i make up a big pot of pasta or soup, usually a hearty stew
or bean soup with lots of fresh veggies, barely cooked or a similar pot
of pasta that i then freeze in single serving containers.

Throughout the week the person i cook for then has them available to her
any time she wants to pop one in the microwave. ALong with fresh fruit,
sandwich stuff, her favorite whole grains and those few bits of other
things that might be in a 'left over' condition.

I try to prepare at least one meal daily that we eat together, in the
evening. And for that i like to be spontaneous. What ever is available
in the market that day. Or what ever i have on hand. Got some lovely
pencil think asparagus for .79¢ per pound a couple of days ago. with
some smoked ham i had on hand i made a pasta alfredo with a side of

Though even that spontaneity is somewhat rehearsed, we usually discuss,
over breakfast coffee & toast, i ask, what she would like for dinner and
the ham was her suggestion. Though usually she prefers to leave it to
me to surprise her. And then its what's available and looks good that day.

I recently have started purchasing some sort of long thin steaks i think
are cut off an "English rib" but im not sure. At about $2.00 each they
are quickly butchered into cubes and braise up very nicely. And after
searing, and browning the surface of in a pan with butter & garlic the
resulting pan drippings make a superb beef gravy.

Ive almost talked myself into attempting Braciola with a bit of beef
shoulder i get. Several small Baracioli(?) in a tomato sauce. And its
Sicilian counterpart "Farsumagru" is very tempting.

I guess i think about food so much that its all planed to some degree.
Next weekend im going to makeup a big pot of chili, been kind of craving
a chili con carne recently. I will make an extra large amount with the
braised steak cubes and have it on hand for the rest of the month,
frozen, in individual serving sizes.

I will just have to make sure there's no red wine in the house when i
make the chili, i cant recall the exact number of pots of chili i have
messed up by unconsciously adding red wine to. I cook with beef and the
hands just automatically reach out for the red wine.

  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article
> >,
> maxine > wrote:
> > What's on sale. What's in the pantry. What's in the fridge/freezer.
> > What's on it's last legs and needs to be used up soon.
> >
> > maxine in ri

> <grin> I remember a phone conversation with a sister. It was
> mid-morning and she asked what I was having for dinner. I said I had no
> idea; I wouldn't even think about it until about 3:30 or so. She was
> stunned. Lately I've been planning a little ahead of that and thawing
> meat in a pan of cold water. Works a treat. If I look into the fridge
> and see something on wobbly legs, I might just let it stay there another
> two days when I can toss it with a clear conscience.


When visiting my grandmother, she would inevitably ask me what I wanted
for lunch (her main meal of the day) during breakfast. Never been the
sort to consider the next meal while eating another meal, but she was
old-school, bless her
  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-03-11) NS-RFC site: Setting the menu

In article >,
"cshenk" > wrote:

> "Melba's Jammin'" wrote

> > our, Kimberly!). I didn't burn it; it was just overdone and dry.
> > Blech!

> Naw, throw it in a crockpot with a bunch of dried beans and water. Magic!

Never happen. :-/ My crockpot has two uses: keeping cider hot and
making caramelized onions for onion soup.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
"What you say about someone else says more
about you than it does about the other person."

  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-03-11) NS-RFC site: Setting the menu

In the past, I always decided what I would cook. I divorced and
remarried, and now he wants to make that decision with me. OMG, who
knew??? LOL

First, I (oops, I mean *we*) consider the vegetables we have, fresh and
frozen, then we think about the meat. We come to a decision in about 5


  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Quick Thaw in Cold Water (WAS: (2009-03-11) NS-RFC site: Setting the menu)

"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> or do a quick-thaw
>> of something else (in cold water in the sink). And I still have to use
>> whatever I thawed in the morning within a day or two. LOL
>> Jill

> I had that going with some pork ribs last week. They were in the fridge
> for 2-3 days after I thawed them in a sinkful of water (I've learned to
> love that method for thawing meat). I made kraut and ribs in the
> electric roaster. Heavenly.
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> "What you say about someone else says more
> about you than it does about the other person."

I love the quick thaw in cold water method. I can't recall when I first
learned about it... maybe 25-27 years ago. Maybe my mother told me about
it. It works a treat. Don't use HOT water. You want the food to thaw, not
to partially cook.


  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-03-11) NS-RFC site: Setting the menu

jmcquown wrote:
> "ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> ...
>> --
>> Cheers
>> Chatty Cathy


> I live alone but sometimes I can't even reach a consensus with myself
> I'll wake up and think such-and-such sounds good for dinner. I'll take
> whatever it is out of the freezer to thaw. Sometimes by mid-afternoon
> I've decided I'd really rather have this-and-that. So then I have to
> either commit to doing something with what I've already thawed or do a
> quick-thaw of something else (in cold water in the sink). And I still
> have to use whatever I thawed in the morning within a day or two. LOL
> Jill

How sad.

  #39 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-03-11) NS-RFC site: Setting the menu

"ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> --
> Cheers
> Chatty Cathy

Sometimes I ask " Any preferences?"
Then I get " What are my choices?"
So I go through the variations on what I have defrosted -


I just make what I want & tell them before it's ready.

Tonight - Tri Tip steaks

Tomorrow - there's a Boston Butt I defrosted - It will be:

Roast pork
Pulled Pork
Green Chili Stew ( New Mexican Style)
Carne Adovada,
Cubed pork 'N Sauerkraut
Braised pork with Apple & Cabbage
Red sauce BBQ Pork

It just depends on what I feel like.

Hmmmm I just replenished a bottle of triple sec I wonder????


  #40 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-03-11) NS-RFC site: Setting the menu

On Mar 11, 9:30*am, blake murphy > wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 16:38:56 +0200, ChattyCathy wrote:
> > brooklyn1 wrote:

> >> "ChattyCathy" wrote:

> >>>

> >> Why would anyone think that those who live alone don't plan their
> >> meals?!?!?

> > I give up, why?

> either sheldon doesn't understand what 'concensus' *means or there is a
> pitched battle between his multiple personalities each night.
> your pal,
> blake

consensus from to "consent" not concensus as in "concentrate"
Lynn in Fargo
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