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  #41 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

In article >,
Burt Morgan > wrote:

> With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear weapons, I
> think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's
> ready
> for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
> What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods
> have
> to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family of
> four
> for the duration.

Canned and dry goods are your best bet. Water is a very, very important
thing! Also jigsaw puzzles, board games, cards (and a tome on card
games) and books. Boredom can be one of your biggest enemies in a
situation like that.
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.
  #42 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

In article >,
sf > wrote:

> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:49:07 +0000, Burt Morgan
> > wrote:
> >With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear weapons,
> >I
> >think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's
> >ready
> >for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
> >
> >What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods
> >have
> >to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family of
> >four
> >for the duration.

> You're still fighting the cold war? Turn on the Tube, do some
> reading. North Korea and Pakistan are scarier.

So is Iran.
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.
  #43 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

In article >,
Burt Morgan > wrote:

> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 17:14:06 GMT, "brooklyn1" > wrote:
> >
> >"Burt Morgan" > wrote in message
> .. .
> >> With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear
> >> weapons, I
> >> think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's
> >> ready
> >> for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
> >>
> >> What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods
> >> have
> >> to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family
> >> of four
> >> for the duration.
> >>
> >>

> >Prunes
> >Crystal Palace (medcinal purposes of course)
> >Multi Vitamins
> >Beer
> >Chocolate
> >TP and Wet Ones

> Crystal Palace??


Personally, if I were going to stock alcohol, I'd stock in Crystal
Springs. That's grain alcohol so would go a bit further.
Needs serious diluting before drinking. <g>
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.
  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

(Steve Firth) writes:

> Burt Morgan > wrote:
>> What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these
>> goods have to have a real good shelf life and provide enough
>> nutrition for a family of four for the duration.

> Well you'll need lots of dog milk, it's the best emergency milk
> there is.

And the longest lasting sort of milk too.

Chris Eilbeck
  #45 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

Burt Morgan > wrote:
> With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear
> weapons, I think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so
> that it's ready for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it
> with new food.
> What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods
> have to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a
> family of four for the duration.

Canned food such as tuna etc. Tuna has a shelf life of at least four
years. Freeze dried food if you can afford it.
Barrels or jugs of water and a good water filter if possible such as a
Berkey or Katadyn.

For more answers to your question with everything about survival, stored
food, pics of bunkers, retreats etc. just go to the Best survivalist forum
around >

  #46 (permalink)   Report Post  
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DBM DBM is offline
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

Quote from a post allegedly made by 'Burt Morgan'...

"...What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these
goods have to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a
family of four
for the duration...."

Just off the top of my head...

-Purified bottled water (water sources *will* become contaminated, so stock
enough water to last the *entire* time you're likely to spend in the fallout
shelter. That's a *minimum* of 4 liters (4 quarts or 1 gallon) of water for
*each* person *every* day, just for drinking. The Israeli Army considers 10
liters per person, each day, a more realistic amount for drinking, cleaning,
cooking and 'personal hygiene', but that's for soldiers trained in desert

-Plain cooking salt, at least 1 kilogram (2 and 1/4 pounds) per person. Use
to make 'saline solution' for eye/mouth wash and general wound care, and
'Oral Rehydration Solution', apart from any use in cooking.

-White sugar, a few kilograms (at least 10 pounds) per person. Use to make
'sugar paste' wound dressings, and 'Oral Rehydration Solution', apart from
any use in cooking.

-Canned or bottled food that's ready to eat as is, *without* cooking. Salad
beans (drain the 'brine' before eating), baked beans, corn kernels, fish
(salmon, tuna, sardines), red meat (corned beef, SPAM), fruit (peaches,
pears, etc), berry jams (blackberry, raspberry, strawberry), condensed milk,
pickled vegetables (onions, etc)

-'Dietary supplement' pills. General 'multi vitamin and mineral' to start
with, as well as specific pills for vitamin 'B Group', vitamin C, vitamin E
(get gel caps - open capsule and use the gel as ointment), combined Garlic
and Horseradish, combined Calcium and Magnesium, Linseed/Flaxseed oil for
'Omega Fatty Acids' (3, 6, and 9)

-Olive oil, at least 4 liters (1 gallon) per person. Use as lamp fuel
(old-style 'wick' types) and medical uses apart from any use in cooking.

-Dried beans and peas. Sprout them for extra vitamins.

-White rice, see recommended levels in links below.

-Rolled oats, see recommended levels in links below.

-Powdered *skim* milk.

-Cheese (some wrapped in aluminium foil, others encased in wax)

-Condiments with medicinal properties (pepper, ginger, cinnamon, curry, etc)

-'Fresh' fruit and vege that keep several days to weeks without
refrigeration (although you may have to wash/skin/cook them), like garlic,
onions, carrots, radishes, potatoes (including 'sweet' potatoes), apples,
oranges, mandarins, lemons, limes, etc.

If you have pets, you'll have to consider their fate. Do you leave them to
fend for themselves, kill them, or take them with you into the shelter
(either as companions or food source)? Even if you don't have pets, you may
need to deal with insect vermin that pets can carry (fleas, lice), as well
as the usual cockroaches, silverfish, etc.

Below is a short list of links to help you in your endeavors (check my
earlier posts for links to other, related info on other stuff to stock like
toilet paper, menstrual hygiene products, soap, matches, clothing, bedding,

'Nuclear War survival Skills'
(free on-line version in HTML webpage format)

Same stuff as above, as well as other related material...

'In the Wake, a Collective Manual-in-progress for Outliving Civilization'
(some more DIY 'low-tech' info)

The Food "Lifeboat", eating for better nutrition in the event of a disaster

Alan Hagan's 'Food Storage FAQ'
(available as a single PDF document, and multiple HTML webpages)

The Humanure Handbook - handling your own 'output'...
(buy the paper book, or download the PDF document)

Milton Method - handy tool for hygiene control
(uses Chlorine to sterilize baby bottles - the tablets have a 'shelf life'
of several years, and can disinfect water for drinking)

Polar Pure
(disinfect water with Iodine - be warned that not everyone can tolerate
iodine treated water, and some people should not use this method. If unsure
if you and yours can safely drink Iodine treated water, check with your

'Camp Life in the Woods and the Tricks of Trapping and Trap Making'
(how to control vermin, and/or obtain meat and skins)

'Aids to Survival' PDF document from the West Australian Police

Official, on-line versions of the 'Merck Manuals'

Homemade 'Oral Rehydration Solutions'

Final note - if you're in a 'fallout shelter', then the enemy may have
detonated high-altitude nukes for the 'E.M.P. Effect' - if so, the national
power grid is 'toast', along with phone networks, all types of local
Internet access, and any electronic device plugged into the 'mains'...

If you find any 'good info' in electronic format, you'd best get it printed
out while you can, as you may not be able to access electronic documents
when you need the info. Either 'laminate' the paper sheets, or else put the
paper sheets into those clear plastic 'sheet protectors' that go in ring
binders (your local stationery shop will know what I'm talking about).

....You'll have plenty of time in the shelter to read it...

Hope this helps...
Yours, DBM -
From Somewhere in Australia, the Land of Tree-hugging Funnelwebs...
Remove inhibitions to reply...

  #47 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

On Mar 21, 10:07*pm, Gunner Asch > wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:16:22 -0700 (PDT),
> wrote:
> >On Mar 21, 6:36*pm, Fat Moe > wrote:
> >> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> >> > "sf" > wrote in message
> >> >> They aren't going to kill the goose that lays the
> >> >> golden egg. *We keep buying their products and they won't bomb us..

> >> > Very true. *They may not kill it, but they can control it. What if the China
> >> > boss wakes up one day and says "stop all exports to the USA and get all the
> >> > money they owe us." * In very short time, *our retail stores would be 3/4
> >> > empty, much of our manufacturing that relies on imported parts will stop,
> >> > prices will skyrocket for the things that are left. * *We'd have economic
> >> > chaos.

> >> We have economic chaos now. *

> >No we don't. *If you think this is economic chaos, then you're going
> >to be terrified if you ever do see it.

> Indeed.
> Ive been fasinated by the numbers of business's that are still
> operational and seem hardly touched by the "crisis".
> Only 1 in 5 has been negatively harmed by the economy. *That means so
> far...everyone else is actually doing ok.
> Times may indeed get rough. Or not. Shrug. Im planning on them getting
> rough and am digging in a smidge deeper. *But then..I live in the
> country...and only work at this job in the city.
> Gunner

What I've noticed so far...

Walmart has been out of 5 gallon gas cans, oil lamps, and lamp oil for

There is no 380 ammo for sale in central Ohio. Much handgun ammo is
out of stock.
  #48 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

On Mar 22, 2:05*am, sf > wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 19:16:12 -0700, Gunner Asch
> > wrote:
> >On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 17:26:38 -0700, sf > wrote:

> >>On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 17:36:07 -0500, Fat Moe >
> >>wrote:

> >>>I'd suggest we need to check
> >>>out our value systems and think about what we think is important and
> >>>what is not.

> >>OK, let's take notes on our needs and who supplies them. *Let's start
> >>with shoes. *We *need* shoes. *Where's our shoe industry? *Gone to
> >>China.

> >Only for cheap low end shoes, and shoes of "art". One can still get US
> >made boots and shoes that will last a decade.

> But there is NO US Shoe Industry left. *Only a limited amount of high
> end specialty shoes are made here in the US. *End of story, you lose.

Lose??? We all lose. This is the only real survival oriented thread
on this group. Don't turn it into a ****ing match for message points
with "you lose" nonsense.

I used to think we needed to protect only our strategic industries...
aircraft, heavy equipment, lcd electronics, etc

> >> We need steel for building skyscrapers and cars, Where is
> >>that? *Gone to China.

> >Some does indeed. *However.....There are lots and lots of US made
> >steel readily available at junk yards, salvage yards and so forth.
> >Much of it never having been touched before.

> Again, you lose. *The real steel industry is gone for good.

We make specialty steel. They make bulk steel.

> >> Who mills American grown lumber grown on the
> >>West Coast and sold in the US? *China. *It's less expensive to ship
> >>our logs over there and ship the milled lumber back here to sell in
> >>the US.

> >True indeed.

> > can set up ones own mill in ones back yard or rented
> >property and turn out just as much as you wish.

> Once again, it's a specialty industry... mass production is gone, you
> lose.
> Three times, you're out. *

Lose the attitude.
  #49 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

In article >,
Burt Morgan > wrote:

> With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear weapons, I
> think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's
> ready
> for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
> What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods
> have
> to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family of
> four
> for the duration.

I suggest letting the bomb take your life, and mine. I honestly cannot
imagine living out the rest of my life in a bomb shelter. No thanks. The
alternative is much more appealing. At least this way, I might get to
find out of my theory about heaven being fictional is right or wrong.
  #50 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

robert bowman > wrote:

First lesson bloke, don't **** with follow-ups without mentioning it and
don't request follow-ups to poster.

> Steve Firth wrote:
> > Well you'll need lots of dog milk, it's the best emergency milk there
> > is.

> Could you translate that into US English? I have this unpleasant image of
> trying to milk a cocker spaniel.

Sorry old boy, I only speak English, English.

But yes cocker spaniel would do, probably better to milk a Great Dane
though - you'll need fewer dogs.

  #51 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

Chris Eilbeck > wrote:

> (Steve Firth) writes:
> > Burt Morgan > wrote:
> >
> >> What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these
> >> goods have to have a real good shelf life and provide enough
> >> nutrition for a family of four for the duration.

> >
> > Well you'll need lots of dog milk, it's the best emergency milk
> > there is.

> And the longest lasting sort of milk too.

For one very good reason.
  #52 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 23:05:37 -0700, sf > wrote:

>On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 19:16:12 -0700, Gunner Asch
> wrote:
>>On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 17:26:38 -0700, sf > wrote:
>>>On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 17:36:07 -0500, Fat Moe >
>>>>I'd suggest we need to check
>>>>out our value systems and think about what we think is important and
>>>>what is not.
>>>OK, let's take notes on our needs and who supplies them. Let's start
>>>with shoes. We *need* shoes. Where's our shoe industry? Gone to

>>Only for cheap low end shoes, and shoes of "art". One can still get US
>>made boots and shoes that will last a decade.

>But there is NO US Shoe Industry left. Only a limited amount of high
>end specialty shoes are made here in the US. End of story, you lose.

"The U.S. industry, hard-pressed to compete with low-priced imports,
probably will shrink again this year, analysts are predicting. Last
year, domestic output fell by 9 percent to less than 100 million
pairs, the lowest level on record, according to the U.S. International
Trade Commission."

>>> We need steel for building skyscrapers and cars, Where is
>>>that? Gone to China.

>>Some does indeed. However.....There are lots and lots of US made
>>steel readily available at junk yards, salvage yards and so forth.
>>Much of it never having been touched before.

>Again, you lose. The real steel industry is gone for good.

Odd....seems you are again wrong.

Seems to be growing, rather than falling, or are you seeing something
that Im not?

" The Steel Industry in the United States

In 2006 about 59 companies in the United States with around 106 plants
were capable of producing approximately 112 million metric tons of raw
steel. Also, in 2006 eight companies produced pig iron at 18
integrated steel mills. About 1,100 ferrous foundries contributed to
2006 steel industry output valued at approximately $150 billion.
Primary steel-manufacturing states in 2006 included Indiana with 24
percent of production, Ohio (16 percent), and Pennsylvania and
Michigan, each with around 6 percent. Major users of U.S. steel were
the construction industry (16 percent), and transportation (mainly
automotive producers) with a 13 percent share. Warehouses and steel
service centers received 22 percent of steel shipments, much of it for
further processing by industries that manufacture products including
iron and steel pipes and tubes, bars, shapes, powder, and wire from
purchased steel.

The U.S. steel industry is seeing significant consolidation,
restructuring, and new capital investment in the 21st century. The
number of companies producing raw steel declined by 24 between 2003
and 2006 and the number of plant locations was cut in half. Integrated
steel mill locations with blast furnaces producing pig iron fell from
33 in 2003 to 18 in 2006. International Steel Group, U.S. Steel, and
Nucor are among companies that have expanded significantly by
acquisition. Technological developments have helped labor productivity
to more than triple since the early 1980s, with the average number of
man-hours per finished ton dropping from 10.1 to about three in 2004;
many plants are able to produce a ton of finished steel in less than
one man-hour. As a result, despite significant reduction in the number
of plants and modest attrition in the workforce, production capacity
rose from 103 to 112 million metric tons between 2003 and 2006.

Domestic raw steel production in 2007 totaled 56,437,000 tons through
mid-July, with average capacity utilization at 84.1 percent compared
to 90.2 percent for the same period in 2006. Imports of finished steel
mill products amounted to 14.4 million tons, up 14.3 percent on an
annualized basis from 2005, but 19.9 percent below record-high imports
of 17.8 million tons in the first half of 2006. Canada, followed by
China, South Korea, Mexico, and Brazil were the largest sources of
U.S. imports. While U.S. imports of steel mill products exceed
exports, the country is a net exporter of iron and steel scrap.
Weakness in the U.S. housing industry and constrained consumer
spending are negatively impacting domestic demand for steel. Global
Insight’s industrial production index for iron and steel products is
forecasted to dip from 116.9 in 2006 to 114.2 in 2007, but then
rebound to 118.6 in 2008 and continue to climb steadily to 126.9 in

International investment in the U.S. Steel industry is growing, with
Russia’s Evraz Group buying Oregon Steel, Brazilian steel producer
Gerdau in the process of acquiring Chaparral Steel, Swedish subsidiary
SSAB Canada purchasing IPSCO, German steel-producer ThyssenKrupp AG
beginning work on a U.S. plant, and Russia’s Severstal involved in a
joint venture in Mississippi. Industry analysts expect
intercontinental mergers and acquisitions to continue.

Tariffs are an important concern for both U.S. steel producers and
industries that utilize significant amounts of steel. Undertaking a
five-year review, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) voted
to leave antidumping orders on steel concrete reinforcing bars from
seven countries, including China and Ukraine, in place. Countervailing
and antidumping duties on hot-rolled carbon steel imports from 11
countries are currently being reviewed."
>>> Who mills American grown lumber grown on the
>>>West Coast and sold in the US? China. It's less expensive to ship
>>>our logs over there and ship the milled lumber back here to sell in
>>>the US.

>>True indeed.
>> can set up ones own mill in ones back yard or rented
>>property and turn out just as much as you wish.

>Once again, it's a specialty industry... mass production is gone, you
>Three times, you're out.

You live where again? Obviously not in the same space and plane as
the rest of the planet. When you finally realize you are living on
Earth, Sol III, take a good look around and let us know if things have
changed any for your outlook.


"Human nature is bad. Good is a human product*
A warped piece of wood must be steamed and forced
before it is made straight; a metal blade must be put to the whetstone
before it becomes sharp. Since the nature of people is bad, to become corrected
they must be taught by teachers and to be orderly they must acquire ritual
and moral principles."
—Sun Tzu
  #53 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:49:07 +0000, Burt Morgan wrote:

> With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear weapons, I
> think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's ready
> for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
> What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods have
> to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family of four
> for the duration.

most of the people i see who fear armageddon are members of the 101st
chairborne, so i suggest cheetos and mountain dew.

your pal,
  #54 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 19:07:00 +0000 (UTC), G. Morgan wrote:

> Burt Morgan wrote:
>>Crystal Palace??

> I had to look it up too.
> Cheap shit.

well, after all, there's a nuclear holocaust going on. we all have to make
some sacrifices.

  #55 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 07:57:59 -0700 (PDT),

>On Mar 21, 10:07*pm, Gunner Asch > wrote:
>> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:16:22 -0700 (PDT),
>> wrote:
>> >On Mar 21, 6:36*pm, Fat Moe > wrote:
>> >> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> >> > "sf" > wrote in message
>> >> >> They aren't going to kill the goose that lays the
>> >> >> golden egg. *We keep buying their products and they won't bomb us.

>> >> > Very true. *They may not kill it, but they can control it. What if the China
>> >> > boss wakes up one day and says "stop all exports to the USA and get all the
>> >> > money they owe us." * In very short time, *our retail stores would be 3/4
>> >> > empty, much of our manufacturing that relies on imported parts will stop,
>> >> > prices will skyrocket for the things that are left. * *We'd have economic
>> >> > chaos.

>> >> We have economic chaos now. *

>> >No we don't. *If you think this is economic chaos, then you're going
>> >to be terrified if you ever do see it.

>> Indeed.
>> Ive been fasinated by the numbers of business's that are still
>> operational and seem hardly touched by the "crisis".
>> Only 1 in 5 has been negatively harmed by the economy. *That means so
>> far...everyone else is actually doing ok.
>> Times may indeed get rough. Or not. Shrug. Im planning on them getting
>> rough and am digging in a smidge deeper. *But then..I live in the
>> country...and only work at this job in the city.
>> Gunner

>What I've noticed so far...
>Walmart has been out of 5 gallon gas cans, oil lamps, and lamp oil for

Indeed. Now is this because of Walmarts sales, their agenda or an
outside intervention? Finding all of the above items on the net are
easily done.
>There is no 380 ammo for sale in central Ohio. Much handgun ammo is
>out of stock.

True indeed. However other calibers are readily found as are
components. I tend to stock up on components rather than fixed ammo,
so having "enough on hand" is still easily accomplished.

I do think however that the Left is determined in some fashion to
remove ammo and components from the People. Ive got enough to last me
for most of my life, but others...are not so fortunate, or foreward
thinking. Shrug


"Human nature is bad. Good is a human product*
A warped piece of wood must be steamed and forced
before it is made straight; a metal blade must be put to the whetstone
before it becomes sharp. Since the nature of people is bad, to become corrected
they must be taught by teachers and to be orderly they must acquire ritual
and moral principles."
—Sun Tzu

  #56 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 11:05:56 -0400, Stan Horwitz >

>In article >,
> Burt Morgan > wrote:
>> With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear weapons, I
>> think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's
>> ready
>> for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
>> What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods
>> have
>> to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family of
>> four
>> for the duration.

>I suggest letting the bomb take your life, and mine. I honestly cannot
>imagine living out the rest of my life in a bomb shelter. No thanks. The
>alternative is much more appealing. At least this way, I might get to
>find out of my theory about heaven being fictional is right or wrong.

Living in a bomb shelter would at worst, be about a month. After that,
you can move about and decide if you wish to cut your throat or simply
get on with living and loving.


"Human nature is bad. Good is a human product*
A warped piece of wood must be steamed and forced
before it is made straight; a metal blade must be put to the whetstone
before it becomes sharp. Since the nature of people is bad, to become corrected
they must be taught by teachers and to be orderly they must acquire ritual
and moral principles."
—Sun Tzu
  #57 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Stocking a bomb shelter

On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 17:09:46 -0500, Pete C. wrote:

> sf wrote:
>> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:49:07 +0000, Burt Morgan
>> > wrote:
>>>With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear weapons, I
>>>think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's ready
>>>for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
>>>What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods have
>>>to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family of four
>>>for the duration.

>> You're still fighting the cold war? Turn on the Tube, do some
>> reading. North Korea and Pakistan are scarier.

> Forget "cold war", North Korea or Pakistan. Think "collapse of global
> civilization" from whatever cause, be it war, disease, etc.

right now, i'd worry more about world-wide depression rather than a few
measly nukes.

your duck-and-cover pal,
  #58 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 01:47:52 -0600, Omelet wrote:

> In article >,
> sf > wrote:
>> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:49:07 +0000, Burt Morgan
>> > wrote:
>>>With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear weapons,
>>>think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's
>>>for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
>>>What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods
>>>to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family of
>>>for the duration.

>> You're still fighting the cold war? Turn on the Tube, do some
>> reading. North Korea and Pakistan are scarier.

> So is Iran.

only if you enjoy being scared. none of those countries are even close to
being able to attack the u.s. with nukes.

but you got a gun to protect yourself, so no worries!

your pal,
  #59 (permalink)   Report Post  
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blake murphy wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 17:09:46 -0500, Pete C. wrote:
> > sf wrote:
> >>
> >> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:49:07 +0000, Burt Morgan
> >> > wrote:
> >>
> >>>With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear weapons, I
> >>>think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's ready
> >>>for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
> >>>
> >>>What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods have
> >>>to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family of four
> >>>for the duration.
> >>
> >> You're still fighting the cold war? Turn on the Tube, do some
> >> reading. North Korea and Pakistan are scarier.

> >
> > Forget "cold war", North Korea or Pakistan. Think "collapse of global
> > civilization" from whatever cause, be it war, disease, etc.

> right now, i'd worry more about world-wide depression rather than a few
> measly nukes.

Yes, Zimbabwe certainly provides an example of how bad government and
resulting hyper inflation can lead to a total collapse of civilization,
doesn't it? It's certainly possible for the same to happen on a global
scale, particularly with the associates spread of disease as seen in Z.
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blake murphy wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 01:47:52 -0600, Omelet wrote:
> > In article >,
> > sf > wrote:
> >
> >> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:49:07 +0000, Burt Morgan
> >> > wrote:
> >>
> >>>With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear weapons,
> >>>I
> >>>think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's
> >>>ready
> >>>for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
> >>>
> >>>What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods
> >>>have
> >>>to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family of
> >>>four
> >>>for the duration.
> >>
> >> You're still fighting the cold war? Turn on the Tube, do some
> >> reading. North Korea and Pakistan are scarier.

> >
> > So is Iran.

> only if you enjoy being scared. none of those countries are even close to
> being able to attack the u.s. with nukes.

Yes, actually they are. N. Korea *may* have the capability to hit
California via a missile (might not be such a bad thing really),
Pakistan and Iran both have missiles that could easily hit US allies,
and all three could certainly deliver nukes to the US mainland via other

  #61 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mar 22, 12:05*pm, Gunner Asch > wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 07:57:59 -0700 (PDT),
> wrote:
> >On Mar 21, 10:07*pm, Gunner Asch > wrote:
> >> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:16:22 -0700 (PDT),

> >> wrote:
> >> >On Mar 21, 6:36*pm, Fat Moe > wrote:
> >> >> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> >> >> > "sf" > wrote in message
> >> >> >> They aren't going to kill the goose that lays the
> >> >> >> golden egg. *We keep buying their products and they won't bomb us.

> >> >> > Very true. *They may not kill it, but they can control it. What if the China
> >> >> > boss wakes up one day and says "stop all exports to the USA and get all the
> >> >> > money they owe us." * In very short time, *our retail stores would be 3/4
> >> >> > empty, much of our manufacturing that relies on imported parts will stop,
> >> >> > prices will skyrocket for the things that are left. * *We'd have economic
> >> >> > chaos.

> >> >> We have economic chaos now. *

> >> >No we don't. *If you think this is economic chaos, then you're going
> >> >to be terrified if you ever do see it.

> >> Indeed.

> >> Ive been fasinated by the numbers of business's that are still
> >> operational and seem hardly touched by the "crisis".

> >> Only 1 in 5 has been negatively harmed by the economy. *That means so
> >> far...everyone else is actually doing ok.

> >> Times may indeed get rough. Or not. Shrug. Im planning on them getting
> >> rough and am digging in a smidge deeper. *But then..I live in the
> >> country...and only work at this job in the city.

> >> Gunner

> >What I've noticed so far...

> >Walmart has been out of 5 gallon gas cans, oil lamps, and lamp oil for
> >months.

> Indeed. Now is this because of Walmarts sales, their agenda or an
> outside intervention? *Finding all of the above items on the net are
> easily done.

Hmmmm? I think it's because people around here have finally learned
something. We've had a number of lengthy power outages - over a week
long for some. I think people are stocking up. Government will call
it "hoarding."

I'm going to put back 20 gallons of fuel before it goes over $2.00/
gallon. I have an oil lamp for each room of the house, but only four
jugs of oil.

> >There is no 380 ammo for sale in central Ohio. *Much handgun ammo is
> >out of stock.

> True indeed. However other calibers are readily found as are
> components. I tend to stock up on components rather than fixed ammo,
> so having "enough on hand" is still *easily accomplished.

Many of the gun stores are very low on modern handgun ammo, but 32-20
and 44-40 cowboy loads abound.

> I do think however that the Left is determined in some fashion to
> remove ammo and components from the People. *Ive got enough to last me
> for most of my life, but others...are not so fortunate, or foreward
> thinking. *Shrug

I've bought a lee melting pot and several molds.

> Gunner

Something is up. We'll see.
  #62 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 09:44:35 -0700 (PDT),

>On Mar 22, 12:05*pm, Gunner Asch > wrote:
>> On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 07:57:59 -0700 (PDT),
>> wrote:
>> >On Mar 21, 10:07*pm, Gunner Asch > wrote:
>> >> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:16:22 -0700 (PDT),

>> >> wrote:
>> >> >On Mar 21, 6:36*pm, Fat Moe > wrote:
>> >> >> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> >> >> > "sf" > wrote in message
>> >> >> >> They aren't going to kill the goose that lays the
>> >> >> >> golden egg. *We keep buying their products and they won't bomb us.

>> >> >> > Very true. *They may not kill it, but they can control it. What if the China
>> >> >> > boss wakes up one day and says "stop all exports to the USA and get all the
>> >> >> > money they owe us." * In very short time, *our retail stores would be 3/4
>> >> >> > empty, much of our manufacturing that relies on imported parts will stop,
>> >> >> > prices will skyrocket for the things that are left. * *We'd have economic
>> >> >> > chaos.

>> >> >> We have economic chaos now. *

>> >> >No we don't. *If you think this is economic chaos, then you're going
>> >> >to be terrified if you ever do see it.

>> >> Indeed.

>> >> Ive been fasinated by the numbers of business's that are still
>> >> operational and seem hardly touched by the "crisis".

>> >> Only 1 in 5 has been negatively harmed by the economy. *That means so
>> >> far...everyone else is actually doing ok.

>> >> Times may indeed get rough. Or not. Shrug. Im planning on them getting
>> >> rough and am digging in a smidge deeper. *But then..I live in the
>> >> country...and only work at this job in the city.

>> >> Gunner

>> >What I've noticed so far...

>> >Walmart has been out of 5 gallon gas cans, oil lamps, and lamp oil for
>> >months.

>> Indeed. Now is this because of Walmarts sales, their agenda or an
>> outside intervention? *Finding all of the above items on the net are
>> easily done.

>Hmmmm? I think it's because people around here have finally learned
>something. We've had a number of lengthy power outages - over a week
>long for some. I think people are stocking up. Government will call
>it "hoarding."
>I'm going to put back 20 gallons of fuel before it goes over $2.00/
>gallon. I have an oil lamp for each room of the house, but only four
>jugs of oil.

An excellent idea. Ive got 50 gallons of Kero tucked away in 5 gallon
cans and enough lanterns and wicks to last me a decent number of
years, if things turn to shit. I didnt buy the kero at the Ace
Hardware store btw.......

>> >There is no 380 ammo for sale in central Ohio. *Much handgun ammo is
>> >out of stock.

>> True indeed. However other calibers are readily found as are
>> components. I tend to stock up on components rather than fixed ammo,
>> so having "enough on hand" is still *easily accomplished.

>Many of the gun stores are very low on modern handgun ammo, but 32-20
>and 44-40 cowboy loads abound.

Both are decent antipersonell and rifle rounds right out of the box.
>> I do think however that the Left is determined in some fashion to
>> remove ammo and components from the People. *Ive got enough to last me
>> for most of my life, but others...are not so fortunate, or foreward
>> thinking. *Shrug

>I've bought a lee melting pot and several molds.
>> Gunner

>Something is up. We'll see.

Indeed. <G>

Dont forget to stock up on lub, a sizer and some gaschecks.


"Human nature is bad. Good is a human product*
A warped piece of wood must be steamed and forced
before it is made straight; a metal blade must be put to the whetstone
before it becomes sharp. Since the nature of people is bad, to become corrected
they must be taught by teachers and to be orderly they must acquire ritual
and moral principles."
—Sun Tzu
  #63 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> wrote in message
On Mar 21, 10:07 pm, Gunner Asch > wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:16:22 -0700 (PDT),
> wrote:
> >On Mar 21, 6:36 pm, Fat Moe > wrote:
> >> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> >> > "sf" > wrote in message
>> >> >> They aren't going to kill the goose that lays the
>> >> >> golden egg. We keep buying their products and they won't bomb us.


>There is no 380 ammo for sale in central Ohio. Much handgun ammo is
>out of stock.

Well a MAC11 gets through 30 rounds of .380 in 2 seconds, so no wonder
there's a shortage.

You know what to do, roll your own.

Steve Terry

  #64 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Too_Many_Tools" > wrote in message
On Mar 21, 5:11 pm, Winston_Smith > wrote:
> sf > wrote:
> >On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 13:05:17 -0700 (PDT),
> wrote:

> >>On Mar 21, 3:55 pm, sf > wrote:
> >>> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 11:55:15 -0700 (PDT),

> >>> wrote:
> >>> >Sure, Russia and the Stans are still a threat, but we owe China a lot
> >>> >of money and if we don't pay it back...

> >>> I think our dept to China is part of our national defense.

> >>Actually, China is indebted to us for far more than a few cheap
> >>campaign contributions.

> >Whatever dood. They aren't going to kill the goose that lays the
> >golden egg. We keep buying their products and they won't bomb us. Is
> >that simple enough for you to understand?

> Their internal market is hugely bigger than the US market and they are
> making impressive inroads into Africa and South America as they
> develop. It may be the US is past egg producing age and the golden
> goose is ready for the stew pot.

You may be more right than any of us want to admit.

Business goes to where the money will be..not where it was.


Diesel wrote. China is very happy to stay in its borders and take care if
itself. Its also happy to make you whatever you want. China and its people
are of the opinion that the US should decide what the hell it wants. They
are not demanding that we do any business there at all. Or keep spending X
amount of cash there. Or even keep running deficits at our expense. They
believe whole heartedly that deficits are very bad. And they will shift
output to their domestic economy if we cut back on purchasing. They have
however made serious complaints about the US governments spending spree
bringing the value of the dollar down. And have been given serious
concessions to not cash in their dollar investments. Its The government,
Ours, and their spending uncontrollably and greedy business that are
acting fickle. and are killing the US dollar . And our manufacturing. And
creating our problems. Not China.

  #65 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"blake murphy" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:49:07 +0000, Burt Morgan wrote:
>> With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear
>> weapons, I
>> think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's
>> ready
>> for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
>> What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods
>> have
>> to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family
>> of four
>> for the duration.

> most of the people i see who fear armageddon are members of the 101st
> chairborne, so i suggest cheetos and mountain dew.
> your pal,
> blake

diesel wrote.
I dont buy were getting nuked. Not in my lifetime. The governments invested
everywhere else in the world but still is located here anyways. It has
plans for population control using more devious slow death methods.
unemployment and starvation perhaps, looks promising.

  #66 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Lou Ravi wrote:
> Burt Morgan wrote:
>> With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear
>> weapons, I think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb
>> shelter so that it's ready for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now
>> restocking it with new food.

Isn't the stuff you stocked in the 50s still good?
Granted that food tastes have changed, but the
old stuff should be as good today as it was then....
And just about as useful.

(If civilization DOES come to an end, do you really
want to be around to see it?)

gloria p
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Puester wrote:
> Lou Ravi wrote:
> > Burt Morgan wrote:
> >> With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear
> >> weapons, I think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb
> >> shelter so that it's ready for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now
> >> restocking it with new food.
> >>

> Isn't the stuff you stocked in the 50s still good?
> Granted that food tastes have changed, but the
> old stuff should be as good today as it was then....
> And just about as useful.

No. Figure a max of 10yrs shelf life for the most shelf stable items.

> (If civilization DOES come to an end, do you really
> want to be around to see it?)

Yes, absolutely.
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I missed the Staff Meeting but the Minutes record that Gunner Asch
> reported Elvis on Sat, 21 Mar 2009
19:09:27 -0700 in misc.survivalism:
>On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 15:42:57 -0700, pyotr filipivich
> wrote:
>>unthawed w/o damage.]
>> And figure on getting more than you think you will need. One
>>method is to take the Official Government Estimate, double it, and
>>move to the next unit of time. Umm, but be reasonable. I mean, if the
>>Gov says "plan for a year", laying in supplies for two decades might
>>be a bit much. Might.

>Or might not be enough.

Have you considered where you would store a 20 year supply of
toilet paper?
pyotr filipivich.
Just about the time you fnally see light at the end of the tunnel,
you learn it's a Government Project building more tunnel.
  #69 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 15:16:57 -0700, pyotr filipivich
> wrote:

>I missed the Staff Meeting but the Minutes record that Gunner Asch
> reported Elvis on Sat, 21 Mar 2009
>19:09:27 -0700 in misc.survivalism:
>>On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 15:42:57 -0700, pyotr filipivich
> wrote:
>>>unthawed w/o damage.]
>>> And figure on getting more than you think you will need. One
>>>method is to take the Official Government Estimate, double it, and
>>>move to the next unit of time. Umm, but be reasonable. I mean, if the
>>>Gov says "plan for a year", laying in supplies for two decades might
>>>be a bit much. Might.

>>Or might not be enough.

> Have you considered where you would store a 20 year supply of
>toilet paper?

Sure. Id not buy 20 yrs worth of butt wipe. Id buy 5 yrs.
And trading stock that I can use to buy butt wipe in 5. oo1 yrs


>pyotr filipivich.
>Just about the time you fnally see light at the end of the tunnel,
>you learn it's a Government Project building more tunnel.

"Human nature is bad. Good is a human product*
A warped piece of wood must be steamed and forced
before it is made straight; a metal blade must be put to the whetstone
before it becomes sharp. Since the nature of people is bad, to become corrected
they must be taught by teachers and to be orderly they must acquire ritual
and moral principles."
—Sun Tzu
  #70 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Gunner Asch wrote:

> True indeed. However other calibers are readily found as are
> components. I tend to stock up on components rather than fixed ammo,
> so having "enough on hand" is still Â*easily accomplished.

You would have a hard time finding primers in this burg, and you might need
to be open-minded about what powder you use.

  #71 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Now that I think about it, you should just read The Zombie Survival

Burt Morgan wrote:
> With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear weapons, I
> think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's ready
> for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
> What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods have
> to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family of four
> for the duration.

  #72 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Gunner Asch wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 15:16:57 -0700, pyotr filipivich
> > wrote:
>> I missed the Staff Meeting but the Minutes record that Gunner Asch
>> > reported Elvis on Sat, 21 Mar 2009
>> 19:09:27 -0700 in misc.survivalism:
>>> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 15:42:57 -0700, pyotr filipivich
>>> > wrote:
>>>> unthawed w/o damage.]
>>>> And figure on getting more than you think you will need. One
>>>> method is to take the Official Government Estimate, double it, and
>>>> move to the next unit of time. Umm, but be reasonable. I mean, if the
>>>> Gov says "plan for a year", laying in supplies for two decades might
>>>> be a bit much. Might.
>>> Or might not be enough.

>> Have you considered where you would store a 20 year supply of
>> toilet paper?

> Sure. Id not buy 20 yrs worth of butt wipe. Id buy 5 yrs.
> And trading stock that I can use to buy butt wipe in 5. oo1 yrs
> Gunner

Actually better to trade over to a toilet wash cloth and more
environmentally friendly. The Romans used a sea sponge on a stick. Now
you can imagine where getting 'the rough end of the stick' originated
from. I gather it wasn't the end with the sponge )

>> -
>> pyotr filipivich.
>> Just about the time you fnally see light at the end of the tunnel,
>> you learn it's a Government Project building more tunnel.

> "Human nature is bad. Good is a human product
> A warped piece of wood must be steamed and forced
> before it is made straight; a metal blade must be put to the whetstone
> before it becomes sharp. Since the nature of people is bad, to become corrected
> they must be taught by teachers and to be orderly they must acquire ritual
> and moral principles."
> —Sun Tzu

Ginny - In West Australia
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In article >,
Winston_Smith > wrote:

> pyotr filipivich > wrote:
> >
> >> pyotr filipivich wrote:

> >>> I mean, if the
> >>>Gov says "plan for a year", laying in supplies for two decades might
> >>>be a bit much. Might.
> >>
> >>
> >>Or might not be enough.

> >
> > Have you considered where you would store a 20 year supply of
> >toilet paper?

> Which brings us to recycling.

Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.
  #74 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
Gunner Asch > wrote:

> > Have you considered where you would store a 20 year supply of
> >toilet paper?

> Sure. Id not buy 20 yrs worth of butt wipe. Id buy 5 yrs.
> And trading stock that I can use to buy butt wipe in 5. oo1 yrs
> Gunner

You'd probably be better off just storing a bunch of wash cloths and a
wash board.
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.
  #75 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mar 21, 11:49*am, Burt Morgan > wrote:
> With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear weapons, I
> think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's ready
> for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
> What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods have
> to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family of four
> for the duration.
> --
> Burt Morgan

Stock up on military surplus MREs.

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On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 11:22:01 -0500, Pete C. wrote:

> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 01:47:52 -0600, Omelet wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> sf > wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:49:07 +0000, Burt Morgan
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear weapons,
>>>>>think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's
>>>>>for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
>>>>>What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods
>>>>>to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family of
>>>>>for the duration.
>>>> You're still fighting the cold war? Turn on the Tube, do some
>>>> reading. North Korea and Pakistan are scarier.
>>> So is Iran.

>> only if you enjoy being scared. none of those countries are even close to
>> being able to attack the u.s. with nukes.

> Yes, actually they are. N. Korea *may* have the capability to hit
> California via a missile (might not be such a bad thing really),
> Pakistan and Iran both have missiles that could easily hit US allies,
> and all three could certainly deliver nukes to the US mainland via other
> means.

those countries are all near u.s. allies, so that's not saying much, and in
any case doesn't amount to 'attacking the u.s.' n. korea's missile and
bomb tests have been mostly duds, so far. and 'other means' usually means
some kind of suitcase bomb, which would be delivered to new york, some
other port city, or washington, not exactly places that have the real
estate required for a backyard bomb shelter.

but if you dig ****ing in your pants, knock yourself out.

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On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 16:26:02 -0700, Winston_Smith wrote:

> pyotr filipivich > wrote:
>>> pyotr filipivich wrote:

>>>> I mean, if the
>>>>Gov says "plan for a year", laying in supplies for two decades might
>>>>be a bit much. Might.
>>>Or might not be enough.

>> Have you considered where you would store a 20 year supply of
>>toilet paper?

> Which brings us to recycling.

you can make toilet paper out of shit now?

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Paulie Walnutts wrote:

> Stock up on military surplus MREs.

Back in the day, Robert DePugh recommended dry dogfood. Of course, that was
before dogfood production was outsourced to China and the stuff was safe to

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I missed the Staff Meeting but the Minutes record that Ginny
> reported Elvis on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 11:48:07
+0900 in misc.survivalism:
>Gunner Asch wrote:
>> On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 15:16:57 -0700, pyotr filipivich
>> > wrote:
>>> I missed the Staff Meeting but the Minutes record that Gunner Asch
>>> > reported Elvis on Sat, 21 Mar 2009
>>> 19:09:27 -0700 in misc.survivalism:
>>>> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 15:42:57 -0700, pyotr filipivich
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> unthawed w/o damage.]
>>>>> And figure on getting more than you think you will need. One
>>>>> method is to take the Official Government Estimate, double it, and
>>>>> move to the next unit of time. Umm, but be reasonable. I mean, if the
>>>>> Gov says "plan for a year", laying in supplies for two decades might
>>>>> be a bit much. Might.
>>>> Or might not be enough.
>>> Have you considered where you would store a 20 year supply of
>>> toilet paper?

>> Sure. Id not buy 20 yrs worth of butt wipe. Id buy 5 yrs.
>> And trading stock that I can use to buy butt wipe in 5. oo1 yrs

>Actually better to trade over to a toilet wash cloth and more
>environmentally friendly. The Romans used a sea sponge on a stick. Now
>you can imagine where getting 'the rough end of the stick' originated
>from. I gather it wasn't the end with the sponge )

"Rough as a cob" - from the use of corn cobs.

And the thought of twenty years of TP for some reason always
reminds me of the movie "Dark Star". One of John Carpenter's earliest

pyotr filipivich.
Just about the time you fnally see light at the end of the tunnel,
you learn it's a Government Project building more tunnel.
  #80 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.survival,misc.survivalism,,uk.misc
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
Default Stocking a bomb shelter

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Burt Morgan > wrote:
>> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 17:14:06 GMT, "brooklyn1" > wrote:
>>> "Burt Morgan" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear
>>>> weapons, I
>>>> think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's
>>>> ready
>>>> for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
>>>> What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods
>>>> have
>>>> to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family
>>>> of four
>>>> for the duration.
>>> SPAM
>>> Prunes
>>> Crystal Palace (medcinal purposes of course)
>>> Multi Vitamins
>>> Beer
>>> Chocolate
>>> TP and Wet Ones

>> Crystal Palace??

> Vodka.
> Personally, if I were going to stock alcohol, I'd stock in Crystal
> Springs. That's grain alcohol so would go a bit further.
> Needs serious diluting before drinking. <g>

Grain alcohol is expensive and hard to get in some places.

Vodka is a good choice as it can be used to prepare plant medications
as well as a general solvent and intoxicant.

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