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  #281 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Our mutual border

"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in news:wQuWl.18507$%54.3542

> Of course they are. They have dark skin and don't speak good English.

Neither do a lot of Californians...


Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes
  #282 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Fri, 5 Jun 2009 14:33:00 -0700, Bob Terwilliger wrote:

> blake wrote:
>>>>> I guess it's something to do with up bringing, can something be done
>>>>> for that flat palette of yours?
>>>> If an appreciation for canned gravy which is not much more than
>>>> artificially beef-flavored flour and fat, is what I am lacking, then I
>>>> don't think I'm missing much.
>>>> My upbringing *is* probably lacking. No one in my family ever served
>>>> corporate-concocted brown gravy. Everything we ate was lovingly home
>>>> made.
>>> I think you missed the spammer's point: He didn't say anything about your
>>> PALATE; he said you have a "flat palette." Palettes nowadays usually have
>>> little dips in them where the artist puts his base pigments, which then
>>> get mixed in the flat area of the palette. Spammer is saying that your
>>> entire palette is flat, which is the way palettes were in the
>>> Renaissance. So spammer is trying to get you to go down to the artists'
>>> supply store and buy a more modern palette, which presumably would help
>>> with the artwork that spammer imagines you're creating.

>> pish-tosh. everyone knows it's 'pallet.'

> Ahhhhh.... that makes sense. All the pallets I've seen have been flat.
> Bob


your pal,
  #283 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
> Of course, you have to remember some of them think everyone in the world
> wants to sneak across their border to live in a country with little of no
> gun controls, a seriously damaged economy and no universal health care,
> because people outside the US don't give a shit about health, safety or a
> living wage...yeah right.

We don't need universal health care. If you have no money you get free
health care, paid by those that carry insurance. We also have plenty of gun
control laws too. The economy does suck right now though.

  #284 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Ed Pawlowski said...

> We don't need universal health care. If you have no money you get free
> health care, paid by those that carry insurance. We also have plenty of
> gun control laws too. The economy does suck right now though.

That's WHY we have guns!

God forbid only the bad guys have them!

Vote Kalifornia senator Feinstein to hell and out of office! And her dog
Barbara Boxer, too! Maybe I'd come back.

Machine gun legal Pennsylvania! Where freedom reigns.
  #285 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Andy > wrote in :

>> We don't need universal health care. If you have no money you get free
>> health care, paid by those that carry insurance. We also have plenty of
>> gun control laws too. The economy does suck right now though.

> That's WHY we have guns!
> God forbid only the bad guys have them!

So, riddle me this. How in heavens' name will you be able to tell the good
guys from the bad guys if everyone packs heat? And while we're at it, how
are the other good guys going to figure out you're one of them and not a
bad guy trying to get away by lying about being a good guy? Are you
planning on wearing a white ten-gallon hat and strapping two guns to your
belt, like Roy Rogers, or is it more sophisticated?

In the end, one has to ask, are you planning to survive this encounter? I
suspect not.


Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes

  #286 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Ed Pawlowski said...

> We also have plenty of gun control laws too.

Gun control means HIT WHAT YOUR AIMING AT!

NRA Life
  #287 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Michel Boucher said...

> Andy > wrote in :
>>> We don't need universal health care. If you have no money you get
>>> free health care, paid by those that carry insurance. We also have
>>> plenty of gun control laws too. The economy does suck right now
>>> though.

>> That's WHY we have guns!
>> God forbid only the bad guys have them!

> So, riddle me this. How in heavens' name will you be able to tell the
> good guys from the bad guys if everyone packs heat? And while we're at
> it, how are the other good guys going to figure out you're one of them
> and not a bad guy trying to get away by lying about being a good guy?
> Are you planning on wearing a white ten-gallon hat and strapping two
> guns to your belt, like Roy Rogers, or is it more sophisticated?
> In the end, one has to ask, are you planning to survive this encounter?
> I suspect not.

Move to New Mexico. Open carry. Concealed carry is against the law.

Remember this...

An armed society is a polite society.


An armed man is free. A disarmed man is a slave.

I always plan on surviving. Your kind obviously don't.

  #288 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Michel Boucher said...

> How in heavens' name will you be able to tell the
> good guys from the bad guys if everyone packs heat?

Sorry, I forgot to address that question.

Ever had a gun pointed at your chest??

They're the bad guys!

A DEAD giveway.

  #289 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Andy > wrote in :

> Move to New Mexico. Open carry. Concealed carry is against the law.

Obviously, grammar is not a prerequisite for "gun owning".

> Remember this...
> An armed society is a polite society.

Sorry, I don;t believe that for a moment. An armed society is a dangerous
society, where every petulant child can pop a cap in your ass.

> An armed man is free. A disarmed man is a slave.

Ah, more NRA aphorisms. And equally untrue.

> I always plan on surviving. Your kind obviously don't.

I have made it to the venerable age of 62 without ever carrying a weapon of
having the need to fire one. As I live in Canada, that's not hard.

And although our pasty white gummint is trying hard as they may to convince
us crime is on the rise, statistics make a lie of that, and prove it is
nothing more than a ridiculous claim to expand their pinheaded agenda
through fear and manipulation of those with an IQ of 75 or less (their


Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes
  #290 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Andy > wrote in :

> Ever had a gun pointed at your chest??

No. Sixty-two years and I have yet to have a gun pointed at me. So
perhaps your paranoia is getting the best of you. Do you change the
aluminium foil lining of your hat often or just when you think the aliens
have penetrated it?


Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes

  #291 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Dave Smith wrote:
> Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>>> But it was a lie. The 9/11 terrorists did not sneak into the US from
>>> Canada. They had entered the US directly from overseas and had done
>>> so with passports and visas. The so called millenium bomber was
>>> caught because they US authorities were tipped of by the RCMP.

>> That's not what Michel said. Michel said
>>> As long as this lie persists that terrorists/freedom fighters came
>>> through Canada to enter the US (refuted and debied but still pops
>>> up its ugly little head), the border will remain tight.

>> Do you see "9/11" in there anywhere? Neither Michel nor I wrote
>> "9/11." Why are you inserting that qualifier, when neither of us
>> did? We're not talking about 9/11, we're talking about ALL

> Not in that specific post, but that was obviously what he was
> referring to.
>> It's NOT a lie to say that terrorists have tried to enter the USA
>> from Canada.

> Yes, one caught caught because the RCMP tipped off US authorities who
> would not have caught him on their own.

Dave, you've said that several times. Please provide a cite. Living in WA
state, I was quite aware of the arrest at the time. The mope was caught due
to suspicious behavior during a routine check, which led to a further
discovery of materials.

What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan

  #292 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> On Sat, 6 Jun 2009 00:21:47 -0400, "Ed Pawlowski" >
> wrote:
>> > wrote in message
>>> Where are you getting this?


> So does this mean that the American government is now considering
> Canada as a risk? Considering that the US allowed the people who
> destroyed the World Trade buildings into their own country months
> before the act of terrorism, perhaps we need to tighten up our border
> as well.

Do you mean Canada as a potential crossing point? Sure. The country itself,
no. And it would probably serve Canada well to tighten up its border. It
wouldn't hurt.

What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan

  #293 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Michel Boucher said...

> Andy > wrote in :
>> Ever had a gun pointed at your chest??

> No. Sixty-two years and I have yet to have a gun pointed at me. So
> perhaps your paranoia is getting the best of you. Do you change the
> aluminium foil lining of your hat often or just when you think the aliens
> have penetrated it?

No paranoia.

I've been held up at gunpoint, at night, in the rain, by a junkie in a
parking lot with a .38 revolver.

Try it sometime!!!

Keep your rose-colored eyeglasses on!

  #294 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"mom peagram" > wrote in

> They have been hiding and living as either
> Canadian or US citizens and already have passports either forged or
> real.

It has been nearly eight years since the 9th of November...oh wait, do it the other way, the 11th of September...and no major
events have occurred, beyond the arrests of a lot of innocent people, to
lead one to believe that anything more is planned.

In fact, the fear of a possible terrorist attack is as effective, if not
more so, than the actual attack itself.

1. It doesn't cost any more lives on either side. A win-win situation.

2. The target cannot use the event to create "heroes" and motivate the
people. In fact, the original event has come to a standstill in terms
of motivation. The military ventures are failing (Canada will pull its
troops out of combat in Afghanistan in 2011, other countries are
leaving), hell...the National September 11 Memorial & Museum which was
supposed to be built years ago is still a hole in the ground. This is a
picture taken seven years after the event.

3. It only requires an occasional release of a taped pronouncement to a
news agency.

4. The Bush government was most helpful in this endeavour by ratcheting
up the alerts without cause and yammering on about non-existent WMDs.
He was Osama's BFF.

The US reaction, far out of proportion with the event which sparked this
has been instrumental is creating fervour among young Muslims to reject
the US way of life. But, truth be told, there is a similar movement
within the US which rejects that also: fundamentalism.

You got your fundamentalists, they got their fundamentalists.
Surprise!!!! But as you will be quick to point out, not all USAians are
fundamentalists, and neither are Muslims.

I say this now, Fascism and Fundamentalism are the two movements that
historians will say characterize the Twentieth century.


Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes
  #295 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sat, 6 Jun 2009 10:40:58 -0400, "Ed Pawlowski" >

>"Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
>> Of course, you have to remember some of them think everyone in the world
>> wants to sneak across their border to live in a country with little of no
>> gun controls, a seriously damaged economy and no universal health care,
>> because people outside the US don't give a shit about health, safety or a
>> living wage...yeah right.

>We don't need universal health care. If you have no money you get free
>health care, paid by those that carry insurance. We also have plenty of gun
>control laws too. The economy does suck right now though.

but we don't have gun shows where I can buy a handgun which I can

  #296 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sat, 06 Jun 2009 10:17:12 -0500, Michel Boucher
> wrote:

>Andy > wrote in :
>>> We don't need universal health care. If you have no money you get free
>>> health care, paid by those that carry insurance. We also have plenty of
>>> gun control laws too. The economy does suck right now though.

>> That's WHY we have guns!
>> God forbid only the bad guys have them!

>So, riddle me this. How in heavens' name will you be able to tell the good
>guys from the bad guys if everyone packs heat? And while we're at it, how
>are the other good guys going to figure out you're one of them and not a
>bad guy trying to get away by lying about being a good guy? Are you
>planning on wearing a white ten-gallon hat and strapping two guns to your
>belt, like Roy Rogers, or is it more sophisticated?

one of them hats with a red cross ??

>In the end, one has to ask, are you planning to survive this encounter? I
>suspect not.

  #297 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sat, 06 Jun 2009 10:31:04 -0500, Michel Boucher
> wrote:

>Andy > wrote in :
>> Move to New Mexico. Open carry. Concealed carry is against the law.

>Obviously, grammar is not a prerequisite for "gun owning".
>> Remember this...
>> An armed society is a polite society.

>Sorry, I don;t believe that for a moment. An armed society is a dangerous
>society, where every petulant child can pop a cap in your ass.
>> An armed man is free. A disarmed man is a slave.

>Ah, more NRA aphorisms. And equally untrue.
>> I always plan on surviving. Your kind obviously don't.

>I have made it to the venerable age of 62 without ever carrying a weapon of
>having the need to fire one. As I live in Canada, that's not hard.
>And although our pasty white gummint is trying hard as they may to convince
>us crime is on the rise, statistics make a lie of that, and prove it is
>nothing more than a ridiculous claim to expand their pinheaded agenda
>through fear and manipulation of those with an IQ of 75 or less (their

  #298 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Dave Bugg" > wrote in

> Dave, you've said that several times. Please provide a cite. Living in
> WA state, I was quite aware of the arrest at the time. The mope was
> caught due to suspicious behavior during a routine check, which led to
> a further discovery of materials.

Perhaps, but it was the RCMP matching fingerprints that allowed them to
identify him:

"Also in such circumstances - the arrest of a Canadian citizen - it's
standard procedure to call the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
Customs was still trying to establish his true identity, working from the
gut feeling that he was neither Benni nor Mario, but it also needed to
report Benni's apprehension.

"Customs gave RCMP a set of his fingerprints, and RCMP matched them to a
series of thefts in Canada committed by one Ahmed Ressam. Bingo!"

My guess is suspicious behaviour is not enough for arrest:

The telling point here is:

"The United States Customs and Border Protection naturally seized the
weapons, fingerprinted Despres, and questioned him for three hours during
which he claimed to be a marine snipper and an assassin with seven
hundred kills to his credit. Since however he was a naturalized U.S.
citizen in possession of a valid U.S. passport they let him into the
country, since being decidedly bizarre isn't as yet an offence in the
land of the free."

I repeat: since being decidedly bizarre isn't as yet an offence in the
land of the free.

Cause enough to let a double murderer loose. But let's arrest all the
swarthy guys...

I crossed the border at Windsor/Detroit once to go to Chicago. We were
on a bus and one of the passengers was Mexican, going from Canada to
Mexico through the US. They handcuffed him and took him off the bus (and
had us wait three hours). I complained about the treatment of our fellow
passenger. The border individual was not at all sympathetic. In the
end, they released us, but without him.

A vast difference from borders in Europe, even in 1973, where we were
simply waved through.


Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes
  #299 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Dave Bugg" > wrote in

> Do you mean Canada as a potential crossing point? Sure. The country
> itself, no. And it would probably serve Canada well to tighten up its
> border. It wouldn't hurt.

No, it wouldn't. We could keep all those gun-toting nuts out.


Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes
  #300 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
> Andy > wrote in :
>> Ever had a gun pointed at your chest??

> No. Sixty-two years and I have yet to have a gun pointed at me. So
> perhaps your paranoia is getting the best of you. Do you change the
> aluminium foil lining of your hat often or just when you think the aliens
> have penetrated it?

America is a democracy. If halfwits like Andy think that the loss of
>10,000 lives per annum to gun violence (and another 17,000 to accidents and

suicides involving guns) is an acceptable price to pay for their
constitutional right to own guns, who are we to criticize?
Of course, if one adds the >50,000 deliberate and >23,000 accidental but
non-fatal attempts, the cost is much higher.

  #301 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Jun 6, 11:34*am, Michel Boucher > wrote:
> Andy > wrote :
> > Ever had a gun pointed at your chest??

> No. *Sixty-two years and I have yet to have a gun pointed at me. *So
> perhaps your paranoia is getting the best of you. *Do you change the
> aluminium foil lining of your hat often or just when you think the aliens
> have penetrated it?

Depends on where you live. I've had a cousin held up by a gunman
hoping to highjack his truck in Atlanta, a cousin's husband find a
victim of attempted murder in the woods in north-central Michigan, a
family friend badly wounded in a party store hold up in Detroit and a
business accuantance have his throat cut ( not lethally) in San
Francisco, apparently just a random victim.

Some parts of the USA are a bit more violent than most of Canada
although I walked through the Rideau Centre to get a haircut about 15
minutes after a couple of Somali would-be gang members exchanges shots
near the Harry Rosen shop.

I know one person in Canada who's brother was murdered.

John Kane Kingston ON Canada

  #302 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Michel Boucher wrote:
> "Dave Bugg" > wrote in
> :
>> Dave, you've said that several times. Please provide a cite. Living
>> in WA state, I was quite aware of the arrest at the time. The mope
>> was caught due to suspicious behavior during a routine check, which
>> led to a further discovery of materials.

> Perhaps, but it was the RCMP matching fingerprints that allowed them
> to identify him:

Fingerprints, as well as a sample of the chemicals found in the vehicle,
were sent to the RCMP for analysis AFTER Ahmed Ressam was arrested on
supicion by US Customs. RCMPs role came after the fact, and was essential in
keeping the mope locked up. But I have never seen any information, other
than online gossip, that states that the RCMP, as Dave stated, tipped US
Customs or our intelligence people about Ressam PRIOR to US Customs nabbing

What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan

  #303 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Fri, 5 Jun 2009 18:09:04 -0700, Bob Terwilliger wrote:

> Michel wrote:
>>> I for one have known you long enough and well enough to know you are a
>>> Jew hater from way back, you hate all minorites.

>> I am a member of a minority, you pustulent gasbag!

> So? Sheldon is Jewish, yet he hates Jews more than Himmler.
> Bob

being accused of bigotry by sheldon is pretty ****ing rich.

your pal,
  #304 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Our mutual border

Michel Boucher wrote:
> "Dave Bugg" > wrote in
> :
>> Do you mean Canada as a potential crossing point? Sure. The country
>> itself, no. And it would probably serve Canada well to tighten up its
>> border. It wouldn't hurt.

> No, it wouldn't. We could keep all those gun-toting nuts out.

No, it wouldn't. the law abiding and legal gun owners are not likely to
carry a gun into Canada. The criminal gun-toting nuts could care less about
the law and will manage to sneak in anyway.

What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan

  #305 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sat, 06 Jun 2009 07:08:05 -0500, Michel Boucher wrote:

> "Bob Terwilliger" > wrote in news:0070ff6c$0
> :
>> So? Sheldon is Jewish, yet he hates Jews more than Himmler.

> But I don't. He was talking about himself, because he has not observed
> that behaviour from me.

projection is sheldon's stock in trade. he's a liar; therefore everyone
else is a liar. he's a bigot; therefore, everyone else is a bigot. he's a
closet case; therefore, every other man is a cocksucker. it's quite

your pal,

  #306 (permalink)   Report Post  
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graham wrote:
> "Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Andy > wrote in :
>>> Ever had a gun pointed at your chest??

>> No. Sixty-two years and I have yet to have a gun pointed at me. So
>> perhaps your paranoia is getting the best of you. Do you change the
>> aluminium foil lining of your hat often or just when you think the
>> aliens have penetrated it?

> Michel:
> America is a democracy. If halfwits like Andy think that the loss of
>> 10,000 lives per annum to gun violence (and another 17,000 to
>> accidents and

> suicides involving guns) is an acceptable price to pay for their
> constitutional right to own guns, who are we to criticize?
> Of course, if one adds the >50,000 deliberate and >23,000 accidental
> but non-fatal attempts, the cost is much higher.

You probably want to break down those figures and determine what percentage
is caused by illegal possession, vs legal ownership of firearms. I guess,
though, if intentional and unintentional bad things mean that we should do
without, then there go cars, swimming pools, knives and other sundries. But
then we have the apprx. 1.25 to 2 million times per year that guns have
thwarted the bad guys, most thwarting the bad guys by the mere display of
the weapon (as happened to me, when three big mopes tried to corner me in a
parking lot).

What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan

  #308 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> On Sat, 06 Jun 2009 10:31:04 -0500, Michel Boucher
> > wrote:
>>Andy > wrote in :
>>> Move to New Mexico. Open carry. Concealed carry is against the law.

>>Obviously, grammar is not a prerequisite for "gun owning".
>>> Remember this...
>>> An armed society is a polite society.

>>Sorry, I don;t believe that for a moment. An armed society is a
>>dangerous society, where every petulant child can pop a cap in your ass.
>>> An armed man is free. A disarmed man is a slave.

>>Ah, more NRA aphorisms. And equally untrue.
>>> I always plan on surviving. Your kind obviously don't.

>>I have made it to the venerable age of 62 without ever carrying a weapon
>>of having the need to fire one. As I live in Canada, that's not hard.
>>And although our pasty white gummint is trying hard as they may to
>>convince us crime is on the rise, statistics make a lie of that, and
>>prove it is nothing more than a ridiculous claim to expand their
>>pinheaded agenda through fear and manipulation of those with an IQ of 75
>>or less (their constituents).

> Andy?

Not I.

  #309 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sat, 6 Jun 2009 09:45:02 -0700, "Dave Bugg" >

>> On Sat, 6 Jun 2009 10:40:58 -0400, "Ed Pawlowski" >
>> wrote:
>>> "Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
>>>> Of course, you have to remember some of them think everyone in the
>>>> world wants to sneak across their border to live in a country with
>>>> little of no gun controls, a seriously damaged economy and no
>>>> universal health care, because people outside the US don't give a
>>>> shit about health, safety or a living wage...yeah right.
>>> We don't need universal health care. If you have no money you get
>>> free health care, paid by those that carry insurance. We also have
>>> plenty of gun control laws too. The economy does suck right now
>>> though.

>> but we don't have gun shows where I can buy a handgun which I can
>> carry

>Gun shows require the same type of paperwork that a brick and mortar
>requires. You may have gun shows confused with personal sales, which by law
>also require a federally licensed gun dealer to complete the transfer, but
>is sometimes not done according to law. Also keep in mind that anyone, with
>a modicum of metal working knowledge, can easily make a gun.

Well that's strange because three of us walked into one ( must of been
1000 people there) and Barry bought a 25cal and we left, no papers.
They just told him he could not conceal it.
  #310 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Dave Bugg" > wrote in

> But I have never seen any information, other
> than online gossip, that states that the RCMP, as Dave stated, tipped
> US Customs or our intelligence people about Ressam PRIOR to US Customs
> nabbing him.

And you wouldn't because it's classified and if you saw it, we'd have to
kill you.

Have a nice day :-)


Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes

  #311 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Dave Bugg" > wrote in

>> No, it wouldn't. We could keep all those gun-toting nuts out.

> No, it wouldn't. the law abiding and legal gun owners are not likely
> to carry a gun into Canada. The criminal gun-toting nuts could care
> less about the law and will manage to sneak in anyway.

How would you know? Do you routinely cross the border with a gun?


Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes
  #312 (permalink)   Report Post  
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blake murphy > wrote in

> every other man is a cocksucker

A fercocktah cocksucker! :-)


Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes
  #313 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> On Sat, 6 Jun 2009 09:45:02 -0700, "Dave Bugg" >
> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 6 Jun 2009 10:40:58 -0400, "Ed Pawlowski" >
>>> wrote:
>>>> "Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
>>>>> Of course, you have to remember some of them think everyone in the
>>>>> world wants to sneak across their border to live in a country with
>>>>> little of no gun controls, a seriously damaged economy and no
>>>>> universal health care, because people outside the US don't give a
>>>>> shit about health, safety or a living wage...yeah right.
>>>> We don't need universal health care. If you have no money you get
>>>> free health care, paid by those that carry insurance. We also have
>>>> plenty of gun control laws too. The economy does suck right now
>>>> though.
>>> but we don't have gun shows where I can buy a handgun which I can
>>> carry

>> Gun shows require the same type of paperwork that a brick and mortar
>> requires. You may have gun shows confused with personal sales, which
>> by law also require a federally licensed gun dealer to complete the
>> transfer, but is sometimes not done according to law. Also keep in
>> mind that anyone, with a modicum of metal working knowledge, can
>> easily make a gun.

> Well that's strange because three of us walked into one ( must of been
> 1000 people there) and Barry bought a 25cal and we left, no papers.
> They just told him he could not conceal it.

Then you participated in an illegal gun purchase. Only those with concealed
carry permits, having already gone through the background screening process,
are allowed to take immediate possession of a gun after purchase; unless the
dealer had the capability to do the instant background check.
What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan

  #314 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Our mutual border

Michel Boucher wrote:
> "Dave Bugg" > wrote in
> :
>>> No, it wouldn't. We could keep all those gun-toting nuts out.

>> No, it wouldn't. the law abiding and legal gun owners are not likely
>> to carry a gun into Canada. The criminal gun-toting nuts could care
>> less about the law and will manage to sneak in anyway.

> How would you know? Do you routinely cross the border with a gun?

No. Because it is against the law to do so, I never take a gun into Canada.
Are you suggesting that criminals 1. never cross into Canada, or that 2.
those who possess illegal guns have never taken them to Canada?

What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan

  #315 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Dave Bugg" > wrote in

>> How would you know? Do you routinely cross the border with a gun?

> No. Because it is against the law to do so, I never take a gun into
> Canada.

Has this "not happened" often?

> Are you suggesting that criminals 1. never cross into Canada,
> or that 2. those who possess illegal guns have never taken them to
> Canada?

I'm not suggesting anything, you are. But the immediate assumption that if
one is a criminal one must therefore carry a gun is simplistic at best. If
one is a crminal and one does not want to be fingered at the border for
packing heat, one would leave said heat behind. Now, that does not mean
that the criminal in question will not be identified anyway, arrested, and
returned to his coreligionaries.

And from what some people say on this NG, there is nothing in Canada
criminals would want (except maybe universal health care because we know US
citizens cross the border into Canada to get our health care), so why would
they want to cross the border into Canada? For the maple syrup? The
poutine? The joie de vivre? You can't have it both ways :-)


Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes

  #316 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Michel Boucher wrote:
> Andy > wrote in :
>> Ever had a gun pointed at your chest??

> No. Sixty-two years and I have yet to have a gun pointed at me. So
> perhaps your paranoia is getting the best of you. Do you change the
> aluminium foil lining of your hat often or just when you think the aliens
> have penetrated it?

Maybe you're lucky. You have only four years on me, and I have been shot.
  #317 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sat, 6 Jun 2009 10:31:11 -0700, "Dave Bugg" >

>> On Sat, 6 Jun 2009 09:45:02 -0700, "Dave Bugg" >
>> wrote:
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 6 Jun 2009 10:40:58 -0400, "Ed Pawlowski" >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> "Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
>>>>>> Of course, you have to remember some of them think everyone in the
>>>>>> world wants to sneak across their border to live in a country with
>>>>>> little of no gun controls, a seriously damaged economy and no
>>>>>> universal health care, because people outside the US don't give a
>>>>>> shit about health, safety or a living wage...yeah right.
>>>>> We don't need universal health care. If you have no money you get
>>>>> free health care, paid by those that carry insurance. We also have
>>>>> plenty of gun control laws too. The economy does suck right now
>>>>> though.
>>>> but we don't have gun shows where I can buy a handgun which I can
>>>> carry
>>> Gun shows require the same type of paperwork that a brick and mortar
>>> requires. You may have gun shows confused with personal sales, which
>>> by law also require a federally licensed gun dealer to complete the
>>> transfer, but is sometimes not done according to law. Also keep in
>>> mind that anyone, with a modicum of metal working knowledge, can
>>> easily make a gun.

>> Well that's strange because three of us walked into one ( must of been
>> 1000 people there) and Barry bought a 25cal and we left, no papers.
>> They just told him he could not conceal it.

>Then you participated in an illegal gun purchase. Only those with concealed
>carry permits, having already gone through the background screening process,
>are allowed to take immediate possession of a gun after purchase; unless the
>dealer had the capability to do the instant background check.

Didn't seem illegal at all, at one end of the building there was a
bank signing up new accounts and giving away single shot shtguns as a
signup bonus.
  #318 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Dave Smith > wrote in

> Michel Boucher wrote:
>> Andy > wrote in :
>> Sixty-two years and I have yet to have a gun pointed at me. So
>> perhaps your paranoia is getting the best of you. Do you change the
>> aluminium foil lining of your hat often or just when you think the
>> aliens have penetrated it?

> Maybe you're lucky. You have only four years on me, and I have been
> shot.

Usually, one does not expect violence on university campuses (in Canada
anyway) nor while working for the House of Commons. I don't think of it as
lucky, just making sane choices.


Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes
  #320 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Michel Boucher wrote:

> "brooklyn1" > wrote in news:hDiWl.888$u86.153
> > I for one have known you long enough and well
> > enough to know you are a Jew hater from way back, you hate all

> I am a member of a minority, you pustulent gasbag!

"Communist" is a "minority" now, Michel...???



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